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How can Wongnai

increasing the number

of reviewer
by sharing instagram
and invited
new friends
Digital Platform and Gamification for Social Innovation
UX/UI and Engagement Strategy for Wongnai

17th December 2018

DBT416 Planet and Society

Instructors: Massimo Ingegno

Boonyavee Puengchanchaikul

Kasamol Sae-bae
Nopanun Nuntamanop
Nutchanun Mekdusadeerom

Pimchanok Kaewsawangsup
Piyapol Rungphetvipavadee
Radtarsith Pathsiriyos

Sahaphan Wongpittayanukul
Suprawee Tangworasittichai
Tissarat Laohaphol

Varakarn Jiratinun
Warunya Trakarnvijit
Executive Summary

To sum up of this report is to study the factor that impact with the user and company to solve the problem why the application have a lot
of user download but less suggest any comment on post of Wongnai application so we want to know how to increase the user comment

and post their routine food.

We solve by using the application of Instagram to connect with the Wongnai application that is when the user take a picture for post their
own food the inside the application will provide the link of instagram on that to make the user click on it and it will shared on your feed of

both Wongnai and Instagram application. We create this feature to improve and solve with this problem.
Our challenge is how to make the user using our application that make them comment and post their routine life also user royalty with us.

Wongnai is the big start up company that have a million of user using this application for finding their food also in today’s the company

not only provide the information of restaurant but crate the others information for example about the beauty, travel, accommodation and
etc. to get more user to using their application and want the user shared comment and post the real picture of their own. When the user

comment or post it they will get the coin to cumulative and then they get the reward from Wongnai.
Table of contents
Design Problem/opportunity…………………………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………….……………………1
SDGs addressed…………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………….…1
Primary and secondary research….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….…….2
Platform Design….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………………………………………….…3
Value Propositions….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….……………………..3
Platform Architecture….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………..4
Data-informed Design….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….6
Openness and rules….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….……………………6
Partners and stakeholders….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………………………..7
Monetisation strategy….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………..8
UX/UI analysis….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….…………………………..9
UX/UI and Engagement Strategy….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………….…10
UX Research….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………………..…12
UI Design….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….……………19
Gamification/engagement strategy….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….……………………..20

Design Problem/opportunity
SDGs addressed
2 goals that involve with our client.

1. Goal 3 – Good health and well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

When the restaurant has more customer so it makes both owner restaurant and farmer got more income
and customers got good quality food.

2. Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Our client can support this goal because

Wongnai is the application that users will write a review about a restaurant that they already eat and share
with others so it can make other users want to go to that restaurant, therefore it will make economic growth

and more employment.

Primary and secondary research

- Problem analysis
At first, we got many problems such as Application hard to use, Exaggerated reviews, but hardest challenge that we found is how

to increase new users and more reviews and then our group spend a long time to think about how to get more review because we think
that just only ranking is not interesting enough to write reviews. After discussion to find the solution so we choose another social media to

increase more user by using upload picture from Instagram story and it can link to a Wongnai application to see how many places that
this person already write the review.
- Case studies
In Sri Lanka, the joint programme is addressing food insecurity by closely aligning with national policies and using national surveys

for more efficient and effective investments in food security and nutrition by highlighting the gaps, opportunities and impact of current

initiatives. For example, the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) includes a detailed assessment of nutrition for children under 5 and
a manual on health and nutrition for preschool is being developed to improve nutrition in schools.

- Summary of experts and user interviews

Pain points - Pain point of our client is most of the user always interest in previous reviews but doesn’t write a review so our group

has to find a solution to solve this problem.

Personas – We got two personas.

Persona one is Prae she uses Wongnai to find a good restaurant, but she doesn’t interest about ranking or badge.
Persona two is Krit, he needs a good and delicious restaurant to eat with his family and like to try new restaurants.

Platform Design
Value Propositions:

• Business owner (Wongnai)

- More users: Make old user suggest to their friends.
- More reviewers : Have notification for reminding users to log in and review again.
: Persuaded by giving a reward (coins) to reviewers.
- Make Wongnai more well known.
• Wongnai user
- Easier to access and use application.
- More channel to share their review post in Wongnai application to Instagram story.

Platform Architecture:

Log In or Sign up with

Log In with
Log In or Sign Up facebook, line, google,
Instagram account

Suggestion how to use Click to see Instagram Share review’s photo to See the result on
application function Instagram story Instagram

Data-informed Design:

Data inform WHY?

- To check behavior of user to use instagram story function for

- Instagram user behavior
design UX/UI to match user needs to use our platform.

- To check behavior of user to use share post to another

- Wongnai user behavior application function for design good and easy using this function to
use in our platform.

Openness and rules:

Wongnai Instagram
Users Users

Sign Up
Sign Up

Line FaceBook Google

Stakeholder: User who have both account
of Wongnai and Instagram application.

Partners and stakeholders:
Alipay and Truemoney

Alipay is a third-party mobile This two partnerships are the Truemoney is a leader
and online payment platform main to magnetize every drive electronic payment in
which is popular in China. business. South East Asia.

It took Wongnai to
achieve a quantum leap It took Wongnai to achieve
growth. a quantum leap growth.

Blognone and Brandinside

Wongnai and the two companies have same

vision and opportunity to improve and increase
new various creativity media in the future.

Wongnai bought stock of Blognone and

Brandinside in proportion 100% by the Wongnai has thought that this 2
original staff still working and they have all company will support them in
the same freedom and working. media development.

Line Thailand

There have customers There have customers

CEO Line Thailand ordered foods via ordered foods via It made lineman step
stated that in one LINEMAN more than LINEMAN more than in number one of the
year ago 400,000 people per 400,000 people per leader delivery
month month

Monetisation strategy:
Therefore the shared post to Instagram story, many people can see that the wongnai application is one of feature for making

people know about the application. Wongnai will be more interesting in and gain more money from sponsors and advertisement.

UX/UI analysis:


UX/UI and Engagement Strategy

Business metrics

1. More user

Make old user suggest to their friends

2. More reviewers

Have notification for remind users to log in and review again

Persuaded by give a reward (coins) to reviewers

Tier1 (purely business)

Increase number of review

Tier2 (social objective)

To improve a social impact

To make wongnai more well known

UX Research:
User personas/player types

Player types 1

Name: Jidapa (Prae) <Low engagement user>

Age: 23

Need: The good restaurant that can take a beautiful

picture and share.

Behaviours: Find some interesting restaurant to go

with friends or family at the weekend.

Player types 2 

Name: Krit <Heavy user - elite>

Age: 42

Need: Good and delicious restaurant

Behaviours: Find the restaurant to eat with his

family and like to try new restaurant, work-hard

User pain points

Most of user use Wongnai for read review but not write a review, their feels it complicated and take too much times



1. First page of Wongnai 2. Login via Facebook, 3. On instagram face 4. See sharing location of

Line or Google other user in instagram story

6. Back to own instagram 7. Take a picture of food 8. Share it on instagram story

5. Visit the location in
The Desired Actions for Users

Discovery Scaffolding
To install the application check the feed / news
To click on wongnai application write a review
build the habit to write at least one per week
explore other people you might want to follow
On boarding
become a influencer
sign up
Think to wongnai first when go to the restaurant to buit a habit
reading the tutorial
to write at least
writing the first review
Explore other people you might want to follow
post a review of restaurant
share the review to other media
End game
; instagram, facebook
be on the weekly leader board
visit the top user and follow
be on the monthly leader board

be on the all time leader board

keep the status

UI Design:

Discovery Onboarding


User flow

Gamification/engagement strategy


 - Beginners Luck
- Narrative

(6/10) -Boosters

- Badges - Poison Picker Choice Perception


- Friending

- Status point
- Thank you economy
- Exchangeable point


- Easter Egg
- Magnetic Caps


Project Implementation Road Map/Other Findings
From this project we have been through so much on research and got many ideas came up. From the beginning, we have
research about what is the problem of wongnai and what need to improve. We have looked into each process of using application also
read the boarding that user comment about wongnai such as wongnai team member reply message so slow, exaggerate reviews, the
application is hard to use what is QR code in wongnai use for, how to get on leaderboard. Therefore we use those comment to get the
pain point.

After that we came with the first idea. It is about how to make wongnai give exaggerate review. And the result was it would not
work due to there can not check it but wongnai have the feature filter that can check if once restaurant was not much comment but one
day it popular or much comment they will have to check and is that true/ someone is a cloak, if it not true the comment will disappear/
less showing. This function is nearly mean there already got result.

We came with another idea. Our second was we will QR code useful such as make it in every restaurant in wongnai and when
customer come they can scan/ near the area of that restaurant then the restaurant profile will pop up, thus customer can read the
comment and write review easier. But, we did not use this idea due to it has a problem with the location of restaurant; if there are too
much restaurant in that area, it would notify customer too much, they would get annoying.

Then we also think about what’s next pain point. Once we have meeting with Khun Chusek, we provide some questions to ask
him. The answer is very satisfy us by reason of we found the next pain point.

This pain point is lots of people in a week have been download wongnai but not many people write a review: the number of
download user and reviewer is not balanced. Therefore we think that if some of them have download and did not use?/ why user did not
write a review. We need to find a solution about more reviewer and more user. As a result, we came up with we need wongnai to be
promote and well known as well and the only social media that wongnai never have access in promoting was instagram. Then we use
strategy as spotify like sharing on instagram story. The process is not hard just start with using wongnai application then there would be a
button to click on which social media user would share. On the other user view, when they are see friend’s instagram story that share
from wongnai they can click and it would be exit from instagram and open wongnai application.

We chose instagram story as our final design due to we based on the comment of user on leaderboard and also Chusek
interviewed. We had ask him about this project. This project can be possible and do not have to spend much cost on it. We peek out that
social media is fast and every single person can access in it. In addition it solve the problem on point.

Advice beyond the scope of engagement

For the future after we have improve promote on instagram, we would notify user to make them comeback and joy the activity that
we have for example events that low engagement user can join to make them feel special and satisfy when they use wongnai. Also the
pop up text with the word “long time no see/ welcome back! “seem like this when they are took gone for long time, another pop up is
about the points; how many points that they have, how many points they have to get for next stage, how the points work. The pop up with
the text will make them to feel wongnai have take care them.

Those feature above is a part of our future plan. The main our future plan is we would like to improve on qr code to make it more
useful & usable. We would add more function about scan at the restaurant and it will pop up the profile. Also the user would have
wongnai wallet, therefore they could scan and pay. Another feature is when they’re having coin some special coin can use instead of the
money. All of the feature would be link together. This new feature would make user more interested and turn to use application more and
more. Also the new user would get the special coins, when they used to get coins they would love to have more and more, therefore they
would get addict to wongnai application.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (or Global Goals for Sustainable Development, the 17 Global Goals, the
Global Goals or simply the Goals") are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in
2015. The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly: "Transforming our World: the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development." That has been shortened to "2030 Agenda." The goals are broad and
interdependent, yet each has a separate list of targets to achieve. Achieving all 169 targets would signal accomplishing all
17 goals.
The Octalysis Framework is a human-centric gamification design framework that lays out the eight core drives for
humans motivation developed by Yu-Kai Chou. The framework is based on the premise that systems are “function-
focused”, designed to complete a task as quickly as possible, similar to a factory process assuming workers will complete
their tasks in a timely manner because they are required to do so. However, human-focused design acknowledges that
people, unlike machines in a system have feelings, insecurities, and reasons why they want or do not want to do certain
things, and therefore, optimizes for their feelings, motivations, and engagement.

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