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Learning from Singapore

of economic reforms. margin should be a medium-term goal to
If there is an advance notice of a reduce the multiplicity of rates and move > CHINESE WHISPERS
duty change, industry actually bene- towards a two-rate GST regime.
fits by planning its production and sales One of the achievements of the Indian
Not the city state’s single-rate GST structure, but its system of advance in keeping with the new duty regime.
There are no nasty or sudden surprises
GST regime is that the new system has
not been inflationary. All efforts, there- Planting an idea
announcement of rates deserves emulation that industry has to live with. An fore, should be made to ensure that items
advance announcement permits rea- consumed largely by the poorer sections
Why this announcement should January 2021. In other words, the high- sonable debate and discussion and if of society do not get taxed at rates that are
interest the Narendra Modi govern- er GST rate will be enforced only after the some changes to the proposed rates are significantly higher than what used to
ment and also the newly created GST elections and a new government is in considered necessary, they can be prevail in the earlier system. Even this
Council is not because of the proposed place. In India, duty cuts before the elec- introduced as well. transition to a two-rate structure should
rate increase, but for another reason — tions are possible, but duty increases to There is another advantage of an ear- be implemented in phases and over a
the proposed date for enforcing the be announced before the elections are ly announcement of duty changes under period of time so that consumers can
increase. Singapore Finance Minister often a sure recipe for an electoral rout the GST regime. The rate changes are absorb the impact and inflation remains
RAISINA HILL Heng Swee Keat said in Parliament that
the increase would take place between
for the government that presides over
that decision.
decided by the GST Council, where the
Centre as well as the states are repre-
under control.
And this phased plan to realign the
A K BHATTACHARYA 2021 and 2025. And yet, this is one element of sented. Political anger against a duty rates should be discussed and The women’s wing of the Delhi unit of
This is likely to stun every member of Singapore’s GST structure that India increase, if any, cannot be directed announced much before their actual the Congress party, the Delhi Pradesh
the GST Council in India, which is head- should embrace. There are clear against any single government, since it is implementation. Similarly, the timeline Mahila Congress, has hit upon a novel
n February 19, 2018, the ed by the Union Finance Minister and advantages of outlining the new rates a collective decision of the Council. To for including petrol, diesel, crude oil, idea to protest the proposed large-scale

O Singapore government
announced that it would raise the
rate of the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
has all state finance ministers as its
members. A duty hike to be effected
over a period of four years? And its
in advance before they are enforced,
unlike the current practice where
there is virtually no gap between the
that extent, the governments at the
Centre and in the states will be immune
to political attacks that may arise from
jet fuel and natural gas under the GST
and the rates to be levied on them
should be announced in advance, so
felling of trees in the national capital. Its
chief, Sharmistha Mukherjee, has started
distributing saplings to Delhi’s residents
from 7 per cent to 9 per cent. This will be announcement is made three years in day of the duty increase announce- such duty revisions. that industry has time to prepare for with an appeal that they should do
the fourth increase after the GST was advance? Just imagine if such a move is ment and its enforcement. Keeping no Of course, Singapore’s single-rate GST these major changes. “everything within their influence to
introduced there in 1994 at 3 per cent made in India how industry lobbying gap between the announcement of structure is not what India can accept Singapore’s single-rate GST struc- protect the trees that are facing
and the last increase was in 2007, when it will intensify and Opposition political indirect tax rates and their enforce- and implement at present. It is not going ture cannot be India’s model. But its imminent danger of axing”. The
went up from 5 to 7 per cent. The reason parties will use the opportunity to ment is almost a fetish and an offshoot to be easy to unify the many current GST practice of early announcement of rates Congress, which is struggling to make a
cited for the latest proposal for an launch a new agitation against the pro- of the old mindset that prevailed dur- rates into one rate. Eliminating the top much before their implementation comeback in Delhi, has blamed the
increase was to help the government posed increase in duty. ing the licence-permit-controls rate of 28 per cent, bringing down the 18 should be emulated by India. The GST “collusion” of Bharatiya Janata Party-led
raise resources and enhance outlays for Also remember that Singapore will regime. There is no reason to continue per cent rate by a few percentage points Council can take a lead in this direction union government and the Aam Aadmi
health care, infrastructure and security. have its next general elections before the same practice even after decades and raising the lowest rate by a similar at its next meeting on July 21. Party-led Delhi government for the
decision to cut down 14,000 trees for
redevelopment of colonies.

The retail policy muddle Signature tune

R K Singh, minister of state for power
and new & renewable energy, is a man
of his word... and signature, it
India surely doesn't need a new retail FDI policy; it only needs to scrap all existing ones appears. At the biannual state power
ministers' conference in Shimla, Singh
urged states to meet their targets, as
as one more item on his agenda, espe- al, offshore investors in Flipkart rather part of the overall power reforms, by
cially since his cabinet colleagues who than to domestic investors) but also 2019. “Needless to say, the deadline is
should be looking at this seem to be bring their global supply-chain partners inching closer and we all have to work
oblivious of the urgent need to do so? (especially those engaged in handling together to meet it. The target can't be
There are several reasons to do so, and and processing of perishable goods) to missed as you are the ones who have
indeed, a modern retail sector could invest in India to support the domestic set it. You have decided on the target
actually provide a much-needed fillip to Indian retail operations. The govern- and signed on it too. And I have all
many of his own flagship programmes ment can surely provide a soft nudge to your signatures,” he said
and economic imperatives such as dou- the managements of these global retail- threateningly. Acknowledging that
bling of farmers’ incomes, creating mil- ers to substantially increase their sourc- there was an “acute coal shortage” in
lions of relatively high-quality jobs ing from India of goods made in India the country, Singh said he's given
across India, provide Make-in-India a thereby giving a boost to exports and states a free hand to import coal. “I
ARVIND SINGHAL real thrust beyond rhetoric, and boost also to tens of thousands of Indian small hope you all have received a letter with
the currently highly anemic overall FDI and medium enterprises who currently my signature on it saying that you can
performance. India’s current private work as/could work as vendors to now import coal,” he added.
ow well into its fifth year of merchandise consumption (and there- these retailers.

N being in power, the National

Democratic Alliance (NDA) gov-
ernment continues to ignore one of the
fore the size of India’s retail sector) is
nearly US$ 700 billion (over 25 per cent
of the entire GDP of the country). It pro-
enues this year, while Avenue
Supermarket (D’Mart) will cross ~200
However, one big limitation of
India’s’ homegrown (and largely domes-
Finally, in a world that is facing
unprecedented challenges to free trade,
it would help India if retailers such as Say cheers
most vital growth drivers of the Indian vides direct employment to over 30 mil- billion in revenues. Tata, Birla, and tically owned) retail businesses is their Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, Metro Cash You would rarely find a politician who
economy — its retail sector. lion Indians spread across the country, many other business groups have retail inability to directly provide a boost to & Carry and even the Chinese discusses his drinking habit in public.
Inexplicably, the government and its and has a crucial role to play in manag- businesses that now aggregate well over merchandise exports from the country. retail/technology ecosystem behemoths So it was interesting to see legislators
babus’ muddled thinking on this cru- ing consumer price inflation if the sec- ~100 billion in revenues. These Indian This is where India has missed, and con- such as Alibaba actively take up India’s in the Chhattisgarh Assembly openly
cial sector has persisted since NDA 1, tor is encouraged to organise, mod- players have already created millions of tinues to miss, the great opportunity cause in Washington, London, Paris, airing their views on beer brands.
and through United Progressive Alliance ernise and become more competitive. direct and indirect jobs (even as the that the likes of Ikea, H&M, Walmart, Berlin, and Beijing rather than having to During a discussion, minister Amar
(UPA) 1 and 2. Over the last 16 years or so, The biggest (and most misplaced) neighbourhood kiranas and others con- Tesco, and many other global retail use their significant influence in those Agrawal was asked by state Congress
successive governments and their top mind block, cutting across the entire tinue to thrive and grow in absolute giants can provide to India. Each of capitals to put more pressure on India to president Bhupesh Baghel if the
bureaucrats have attempted several political spectrum, is the vilification and numbers), helped in a successful imple- these giants annually source merchan- allow them to operate in India. government was encouraging the sale
times to come up with a pragmatic pol- demonitisation of foreign direct invest- mentation of a nationwide GST and dise amounting to tens of billions of US India’s politicians and bureaucrats of two particular beer brands at the
icy that addresses the needs of the var- ment in retail. Over the last two decades, assist the government in plugging rev- dollars every year. A red carpet (rather urgently need modernisation of their cost of others. As Agrawal began his
ious constituents of the retail sector myths have been propagated consis- enue leakages and help in creating thou- than never ending red tape, and politi- own ideological thinking on this sub- reply, one of the MLAs quipped that
ecosystem, but each time, the outcome tently that FDI in India’s retail will lead sands of new entrepreneurs as a part of cally/ideologically directed agitations ject and then just liberate the retail sec- one of those two brands wasn’t really
has been more ludicrous and more to massive destruction of jobs, and kill their supply chain development. They against them such as the ones some tor. India, indeed, needs no new FDI in good because the taste seemed to
impractical than the previous one. The domestic consumer goods manufactur- have also helped immensely in keeping domestic retailer organisations launch retail policy — it only needs to scrap all change from time to time. The
last instance of the addition to confu- ing because of dumping of imported consumer price inflation moderate in from time to time) to these retail behe- existing ones. Thereafter, India only minister shot back by naming another
sion was to supposedly offer some relax- merchandise by foreign retailers. The their respective consumer catchment moths to actually encourage them to needs to work closely with various retail member who never seemed to
ation in FDI regulations for retail of food fact that job losses haven’t happened areas. A similar benefit (to the nation) invest in India for domestic Indian sector stakeholders (that include large complain about the taste of the said
and grocery. Whosoever in the current despite several Indian retailers having has also been provided by etailers such operations can not only bring tens of physical and digital players — Indian brand. This MLA, also present in the
government thought that it would open crossed annual revenues of more than as Amazon and Flipkart (and dozens of billions of dollars in new foreign direct and international, and also the 18-plus house, clarified that since he was
the floodgates of investment while giv- ~100 billion each. Reliance would prob- others). Both physical online retailers investment (Walmart’s proposed invest- million independent retailers) to take from Bastar, he preferred to get his
ing impetus to the upstream agriculture ably cross retail segment revenues of have also provided a big boost to the ment of over US$ 18 billion in Flipkart is steps that can make this vital sector stock from Telangana, which shares its
and processed foods sector can easily ~750 billion (excluding fuel and telecom construction and real estate sectors a testimony of both the potential, as well more efficient and vibrant. border with southern Chhattisgarh,
check the actual outcome. recharge sales) in current financial year. because of their voracious appetite for as government's idiosyncratic policies evoking much laughter from other
Why should the PM himself take up The Future Group, across its various large footprint distribution centres and that have resulted in this mega invest- The author is chairman, Technopak Advisors members present.
modernisation of India’s retail sector formats, may cross ~300 billion in rev- physical retail space across the country. ment benefit also going to internation- Email:


Unicorns are China’s cavalry in trade war Review retirement age justice, chief secretaries in states, heads of banking sector from stressed assets.
Beijing is choking off a lucrative pipeline of US tech IPOs statutory bodies and public sector under- V S K Pillai Vishakam
takings including public sector banks —
SHULI REN carried interest. China could be initially for a tenure of three years Check facts
Renaissance can’t include the extendable on merits. Sector-specific talent
trade war can be item on its income statement pools can also be considered. While addressing a civic reception organ-

A fought on many
fronts. As China
breeds unicorns, they are
unless it returns the money
and closes its funds first.
This matters because under
M G Warrier Mumbai

Classify stressed assets

ised in his honour in Goa on July 7,
President Ramnath Kovind, while refer-
ring to the liberation movement of Goa,
being asked to stay at home IFRS, China Renaissance hailed the contribution of Dr T B Cunha
rather than gallop overseas would have barely broken This refers to the editorial “Not so who was an eminent freedom fighter.
to enrich US investors. even in 2017 and would Sashakt” (July 6). The classification of Kovind stated it was Dr Cunha who invit-
The US pipeline of have incurred a $65 million the stressed assets into three categories ed the famed socialist Dr Ram Manohar
Chinese IPOs has been light net loss in the first three seems a better system for a swift reso- Lohia to address the public meeting in
since President Donald months of this year. Under The plea — to raise the retirement age of lution of bad loans. Its efficacy and out- Goa on June 18, 1946, a day celebrated as
Trump started making noises GAAP, the numbers would judges — made by Attorney-General (AG) come will depend on the managerial Goa Revolution Day each year.
about tariffs in early March. have been a lot prettier. of India K K Venugopal (pictured) in his capability and the bank personnel as I regret to state that President Kovind
The only billion-dollar offer- That’s why China speech at a farewell function organised in well as the supporting avenues avail- erred in his statement because Lohia was
ing is the pending sale by e- gy and healthcare constitute ager that advises the nation’s Renaissance took pains in honor of retiring Supreme Court Justice able in the present legal and adminis- invited to Goa by Dr Juliao Menezes
commerce site Pinduoduo, less than 10 per cent of the hottest tech startups, is a its prospectus to show its Adarsh Kumar Goel on July 6, did not get trative set-up. While the National from Assolna. Lohia had come to
for which an American list- Hang Seng Composite Index, good indicator of which way “non-IFRS measures.” The much media attention. According to Company Law Tribunal and National Menezes’ Assolna residence on a vaca-
ing makes sense because it compared with 40 per cent the policy winds are blowing. firm’s investment-banking Venugopal, the present retirement age of Company Law Appellate Tribunal are tion and upon realising the tyranny of
competes directly with for the S&P 500. The firm is planning to list in business is low margin and 62 for High Court judges and 65 for the delivering good results, both will be the colonial Portuguese regime in Goa,
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd That’s a misconception, Hong Kong and is looking for slowing, while its crown apex court was a blow to several judges overloaded with cases pertaining to bad defied the prohibition on free speech by
and, which already though: US investors adore a $4 billion to $5 billion valu- jewel investment-manage- who did not get enough time on the bench assets for resolution. It is imperative to addressing a meeting in Margao. While
trade there. Chinese unicorns. The ation, according to Reuters. ment arm — which relies to implement their innovative thoughts. equip them with adequate capacity to this appears to be an inadvertent error, I
Hong Kong, by contrast, KraneShares CSI China That’s notable because on carried interest — is By default, the retirement age in India resolve cases in time. Speeding up the wish that the President’s speech-writer
has seen a stampede, includ- Internet Fund, an ETF that Hong Kong is a poor destina- exploding with the uni- in the government and public sectors has whole processes would be crucial here. would verify facts before including them
ing the $3.1 billion IPO by tracks US-listed Chinese tech- tion for such a company. corns. Plus, China been linked to employment opportuni- The creation of strong and inde- in the speech.
Xiaomi and a planned offer- nology firms, outperformed The reason is carried Renaissance is no stranger ties, career progression and in certain pendent asset management companies Vikas Kamat Goa
ing by Meituan Dianping, the the S&P 500 by an annualised interest, which is a private to the US IPO market, hav- cases, like in the case of the apex court, an with major private participation, the
world’s third- and fourth- 5.9 per centage points since equity manager’s share of ing taken startups such as ‘equal opportunity for all’ to reach the setup of alternative investment funds Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
most valuable unicorns. In its inception in August 2013. profits in excess of the iQiyi, YY and Momo pub- highest level. This convention has ended and a platform for trading the bad The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
the US, 17 Chinese start-ups Even this year, Chinese amount that’s contributed to lic. If anything, it’s less up in the unenviable situation described assets to accelerate resolution will be of
New Delhi 110 002
filed with the Securities and ADRs are doing relatively bet- the partnership. Under US familiar with the Hong by the AG, wherein individuals reaching great help in dealing with the moun- Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
Exchange Commission since ter than the Hong Kong mar- generally accepted account- Kong market. certain high positions do not get much tains of bad loans. Whatever be the All letters must have a postal address and telephone
March for a combined deal ket: The KraneShares ETF is ing principles, or GAAP, asset That all reinforces the time to do what they always wanted to do. means, the ultimate need is to save the number
size of $3 billion; in Hong broadly flat, versus a six per managers can choose impression that the asset The low retirement age has also been cre-
Kong, there were 27 candi- cent decline in the Hang Seng whether to include carried manager is only choosing ating a captive talent pool, trained and
dates seeking an aggregate Index. From Beijing’s per- interest in revenue — and Hong Kong to please prepared in the public sector for recruit- > HAMBONE BY MIKE FLANAGAN
$10.5 billion, data compiled spective, China’s middle class they all do. Sales at KKR & Co Beijing and demonstrate to ment by the private sector.
by Bloomberg show. is missing out. While the would have been $275 million its unicorn investments It is time for a review of the retirement
It might be argued that country’s consumers are con- lower in 2017, a shortfall of that the city is indeed a age and the retirement process in the gov-
unicorns — defined as start- tributing billions in sales to more than 5 per cent, if car- desirable place to list. ernment and the public sector. The first
ups with a value exceeding $1 unicorns, US investors are ried interest had been exclud- China’s government appointment itself could be delinked from
billion — can expect a better pocketing the capital gains ed. mouthpieces love to say age and made for tenures of 10, 20 or 30
reception in Hong Kong. The from their stocks. But Hong Kong follows there are no winners in a years, further extendable by five years at a
exchange doesn’t have China Renaissance international financial trade war. That’s true. time, based on the performance and need,
enough fast-growing tech Holdings Ltd, the invest- reporting standards, or IFRS, There are certainly losers, subject to fitness tests. Top level appoint-
firms: Information technolo- ment-bank-cum-asset-man- which have stricter rules on though. BLOOMBERG ments — for the High Court and the
Supreme Court and for the post of chief

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