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12 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

M O N DAY, J U LY 0 9 , 2 0 1 8

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24


is unravelling Behave responsibly on social media

India needs to consider a Citizens should not react to anything they rumours and murders didn’t stop here. Just
the names of the victims, the locations and
the nature of rumours kept changing. This is
see, hear or read before verifying the facts the scourge of social media.
more strategic trade policy Looking at the grim situation, the

he government can’t make peo- him, he closed his account and disappeared. Supreme Court was compelled to make

ple love me, but it can keep them The man has since been arrested. But the strong remarks against state governments.
he trade war that would never happen officially from lynching me.’ While vaca- question is, do these irresponsible individu- The ministry of home affairs also tightened
began last week. The US imposed a 25% tariff on $ tioning in Europe’s verdant val- als realise the extent of disservice they are the screws on the states. Law and justice min-
leys, one of my friends was doing to the country’s image? ister Ravi Shankar Prasad turned the heat on
34 billion worth of Chinese imports. Beijing retali- reminded of these words by Mar- It isn’t that the targets of these miscreants social media corporations as well. The man-
ated in a similar manner. Going by the language tin Luther King Junior. The reason? Time are limited to politicians in the Opposition. agers at Twitter said they would adopt a zero-
and again, he was asked in a veiled manner External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj tolerance policy against trolling, abuse, fake
of US President Donald Trump and his Chinese whether Indians were a nation of rapists and was also in their cross-hairs. In the case relat- news and spam on the social media platform.
counterpart Xi Jinping, blood-thirsty people. In response, he nar- ing to Lucknow’s Tanvi and Anas, while To begin with, one crore such accounts have

a few more escalatory rounds seem ourtake rated glorious stories right from our ancient
civilization to modern-day economic
progress, to no avail. The reason behind this
replying to a tweet, the kind of humiliation
that trolls heaped on her is something even
her enemies won’t agree with. Swaraj has
been shut down as on May, 2018. This is an
increase of 214% over last year. The company
spokesperson claims 30 significant changes
more likely than not. Neither side is
humiliation was the report by Thomson Reu- always acted with dignity in her political have been carried out. As a result, close to
wholly in the right. The US rightly argues that China has taken ters Foundation in which India was ranked journey. Such vicious attacks on her can 50,000 fake accounts are being detected every
as the most dangerous country in the world evoke feelings of dismay and shock. The day. The findings are shocking, but they also
the international trading system for a ride through hidden subsi- for women. Needless to say, he returned unfettered flow of such impure thoughts is n S Bhosale mourns the death of her family in tell us how we are becoming victims of the
dies, currency manipulation and, more recently, technology home to India with a heavy heart. like a rainwater drain that cannot discern the a mob attack, Dhule, July 2 SATISH BATE/HT peddlers of deceptive ideas. The time has
Now consider the news developments last difference between good and bad. come for citizens who use social media not to
theft. India’s own experiences with the Great Wall of Chinese week. A man who flaunts his devotion to The consequences of such actions can be showing them their addresses. But the mob react to anything they see, hear or read
non-tariff trade barriers bear testimony to this fact. China, how- Lord Rama on his Twitter bio, threatened a enormously destructive. One example of this kept assaulting the two till they died. One of before verifying the facts. Your common
lady spokesperson of the Congress and is the violence that is being unleashed in dif- the victims to meet an untimely death was an sense can save someone’s life, prevent a
ever, is right to say that the US trade deficit is fundamentally a tweeted: “I want to rape your daughter. Send ferent corners of the country. Twenty two engineer with great promise. Incidentally, woman’s dignity and play a role in protecting
consequence of the chronic savings-investment gap of the Amer- your daughter to me.” I was shocked when I people have lost their lives owing to rumours hundreds of kilometres away, a similar a nation’s reputation.
read this. How can somebody who calls him- in the last two months. Consider this fright- dance of death was being enacted in Auran- So, don’t delay this any longer. There is no
ican economy. Mr Trump has chosen to wage a trade war with- self a devotee of Ram, write or even harbour ening example. Two nature lovers were gabad, Maharashtra. At both the places, the point in keeping quiet and leaving this battle
such shameful thoughts? Ram is a symbol of roaming in the forests of Assam trying to reason for the bloodshed was the same: to the government. You and I will have to take
out fully understanding the nature of global trade. By choosing
dignity in Indian culture. Anybody who car- record the birdsongs. Suddenly a mob encir- rumours of child-lifting. In the name of the the initiative, since the victims of these per-
to fire his tariff cannons against almost every other major econ- ries out such a threat on Twitter hasn’t just cled them and began assaulting the two. The safety and well-being of one’s own children, petrators are people like us.
betrayed Ram but is also a coward. As soon as group of people kept addressing them as how can one kill the childrenofothersorturn Shashi Shekhar is editor­in­chief, Hindustan
omy including India, he has ensured China’s many trading mis- the Mumbai police registered a case against child-lifters. They clarified and pleaded their loved ones into orphans? The cycle of n
deeds will be obscured by the fog of economic war.
At one level, India should welcome China’s being called out
for its predatory trade and investment policies. At another, it has
reason to be worried at the economic fallout if the US-China
trade war escalates. Already this is causing a flight to safety by
Beyond the borders:
capital, reducing investment flows into India. A trade war would
slowdown global growth overall, worsening India’s already dis-
separated by history,
mal export numbers. It could also result in other countries rais-
ing protectionist barriers. India, with its weak network of trade joined by horoscopes
arrangements, would suffer more than most.
India is hardly in a position to give lectures to either the United
The triumph and tragedies of the families of several
States or China. A World Trade Organisation report this month Indian and Pakistani politicians are strangely similar
declared India had imposed more trade restrictive actions than say award winner.
any other G-20 country in recent months. New Delhi needs to VINOD Imran now appears within striking
SHARMA range of the PM’s office; Sharif, his arch
consider a more strategic trade policy in the backdrop of the slow rival, felled by his profligate family and
the collective wrath of the civil-military
unravelling of the WTO-based trading regime. This means being
establishment. The deposed prime minis-
more aggressive on free trade agreements to guarantee future ter’s detractors are aided in full measure
by an overzealous head of the judiciary
market access. n Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at Raj who brooks no constitutionally-drawn

Niwas, New Delhi PTI ve often believed the destinies of jurisdictional boundaries.
Indian and Pakistani politicians Imran doesn’t like being called a Kejri-

SC’s judgment on Delhi: are similarly written. You’d know wal clone as his anti-graft movement pre-

what I mean if you study the tri- dates the Aam Aadmi Party. Yet, their
umphs and tragedies of the families of whims, work styles and penchant for the-

Legalising gambling can Defer the grandstanding

Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
If that’s distant history, take a look at
fates that befell former Pakistan Prime
atrics show them as separated at birth!
However, there’s a distinction. The once
rebellious PTI chief looks a conformist, a
veritable child of the establishment, while

help generate revenue It is only when the court gets down to testing cases of
‘difference of opinion’ will we know the lay of the land
Minister Nawaz Sharif and former Bihar
chief minister Lalu Yadav. Convicted of
graft, the patriarchs who once ruled the
taking guard for polls slated in the second
half of July. For his part, Kejriwal
remains, in his disregard of hierarchy, the

Anymovetoderegulate,however,must universe they surveyed, have been elimi-

nated from electoral politics; flames that
anarchist that he always was.
ZAB and Indira’s great grandsons too
constitutional scheme for the NCTD, involv- gutted their careers leaping closer to their have experiences to share. Benazir’s son
protectthevulnerablesectionsofsociety MADHAVI ing two executives, the Court held that the political heirs and successors. Bilawal is struggling to revive the Paki-
GORADIA DIVAN LG must act in accordance with the aid and Almost everyone in Sharif’s immediate stan People’s Party (PPP) in the face of an

ince the enforcement agencies have been unable to curb advice of the Council of Ministers. family, including his sons Hassan and acute leadership deficit and the party’s
Having said that, the ‘aid and advice’ con- Hussain, are under a cloud. His daughter shrinking support base. In India, Rahul’s
the spread of illegal gambling in the country, the Law Com- templated in this scheme is different from the Mariam and her husband are co-convicts, task is cut out as much. He also has to
mission of India has recommended that the government ’aid and advice’ that binds the Governor of a in fact, in the case relating to certain prop- restore the Indian National Congress’s
state. This is because the LG is conferred erties in London for which they have been diminishing expanse.
should consider legalising gambling and betting as a regulated with the special power to refer matters to the sentenced to varying jail terms. The On either side of the border, detractors

activity. The commission’s report, submitted to the government he Supreme Court’s judgment in the President when he has a ‘difference of opin- matching example in Lalu’s larger family of these fourth-generation politicians are
Government of National Capital Ter- ion’ with the Council of Ministers. could be the money laundering cases using innuendoes and insinuations to dent
last week, suggests changes in law to regulate gambling and bet- ritory of Delhi (GNCTD) vs Union of In an urgent situation, the LG may take against Misa Bharti and her spouse. their charisma. They paint them as
India must beexamined inthelightof immediate action, pending the President’s The Yadav strongman’s popularity dynasts devoid of political acumen.
ting. One of the recommendations says that in keeping with the
the constitutional provisions under interpre- decision. The Court held that this power hasn’t waned despite convictions and In the free-for-all that drives sub-conti-
changing times, the State should re-examine the ban on gam- tation, shorn of the politics that surrounds should be used sparingly, narrowing it to incarcerations. It remains to be seen nental politics, there’s little or no empathy
the case. Governments come and go but the matters involving national interest. But the whether Sharif — who’s to the Pakistani for their traumatised childhoods, the tra-
bling . In the State of Bombay vs RMD Chamarbaugwalla case in Constitution and the capital city are here to recognition of this power in matters that Punjab what Lalu is to Bihar— will return gedies they suffered in their growing
1957, the Supreme Court had observed that even Kautilya, cele- stay. Any interpretation of the Constitution transcend the select subjects over which Par- home to face that test. years. Their rivals deride and deconstruct
must transcend the trials of time. liament has the exclusive legislative prerog- The upcoming polls in Pakistan on July them on a daily basis, knowing well that
brated for his strategical acumen, wasn’t averse to the State The Court was called upon to interpret ative, (public order, police, and land) neces- 25 might not be an honest indicator of his they’re the sheet-anchors without whom
earning revenue from gambling. For the record, gambling is ille- Article 239AA of the Constitution, which con- sarily means that the LG must independently mass base. The process, many believe, has their parties would splinter and sink.
fers a special status on the National Capital apply his mind to all decisions of the Council been rigged to marginalise his faction of The Bhutto name’s identification with
gal in India. But large-scale illegal betting continues regardless, Territory of Delhi (NCTD). The territory of of Ministers. the Pakistan Muslim League. the party ZAB founded is as undeniable as
in the process, depriving the State of revenue-earning opportuni- India is divided into States and Union Terri- Had he been required to act as a rubber Quite telling in that context was the that of the Congress with the Gandhis. A
tories (UTs), and UTs are, quite literally, ‘ter- stamp, in no case could there be a ‘difference tweet of a Lahore-based newsperson after testimony to that is the stock war cry of
ties. A good option could be to legalise, regulate and tax the ritories of the Union’. The Constitution of opinion’, as expressly contemplated under the court verdict: What’s the point of hold- PPP supporters locally referred to as
devotes a special chapter to UTs, and the 69th the Constitution. Doubtless, such differences ing elections now? Announce the PM and jiyalas: “Ye baazi khoon ki baazi hai, ye
resultant income. This might help curb illegal syndicates. Regu-
Amendment to the Constitution, which cannot be a routine affair and must be over get done with it. The allusion in the tweet baazi tum hi haro ge, har ghar se Bhutto
lation of the sector also makes sense if one considers the extent introduced Article 239AA, places the NCTD matters worthy of the President’s interven- was to Imran Khan. His and Arvind Kejri- niklega, tum kitne Bhutto maroge.” (The
in the most special class among them. tion. wal’s early political scripts were photo- slogan is addressed to and taunts the Paki-
of illegal gambling in the country. In a 2013 report, the Federation The reasons are obvious: Delhi is the capi- A clue as to where executive power even- copied or plagiarised. One can’t say who stani deep state that ‘stage managed’
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry had said there tal city and the seat of the central govern- tually vests is a comparison between Article stole from whom. Like the Delhi chief min- ZAB’s hanging. It tells them that they will
ment. All Indians have a stake in the capital 356 and Article 239AB. When there is a break- ister, the cricketer-turned-politico’s Paki- lose the bloody battle they have
was an informal ~300,000 annual betting industry in India. and residents of the NCTD can claim no down of constitutional machinery in a state, stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) captured popu- unleashed: “There will be a Bhutto coming
Recommending linking the betting amount with the player’s monopoly over it. In fact, to equate Delhi with the President ‘assumes’ power, while in the lar imagination and political power in one out of every home. How many Bhuttos will
any other state in the country and confer on NCTD, the President merely suspends Arti- state, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa on the plank you kill?”)
PAN card and Aadhaar card, the law panel has also asked the it ‘statehood’ would diminish its status. The cle 239AA. He does not ‘assume’ power, of corruption-free, good governance. The inspiration, as already explained, is
government to modify the foreign direct investment policy to Supreme Court ruled out statehood for Delhi, because it vests in him. That isn’t all. They were celebrities ZAB’s hanging described as ‘judicial mur-
holding that it was “clear as noon day” that There is some haze over what sort of mat- before debuting in politics: one an der’ by his daughter, Benazir, who herself
allow FDI in the casino and online gaming industry. Even as the constitutional scheme did not contem- ters warrant a reference to the President. It acclaimed sportsman, the other a Magsay- fell to an assassin in 2007. Her brothers —
plate the status of a state for the NCTD. is only when the court gets down to the prac- Shahnawaz and Murtaza — also had died
India continues to follow an antiquated British-era statute, the
The power of the LG stems from a provi- tical task of testing individual cases of ‘differ- in mysterious circumstances in the south
UK itself has legalised gambling and betting decades ago. Apart sion applicable to all UTs. Article 239(1) pro- ence of opinion’ will we really know the lay of ALMOST EVERYONE IN of France and in Karachi respectively. The
from revenue, legalising and regulating the sector could also
vides that “every Union Territory shall be the land. NAWAZ SHARIF’S FAMILY, latter’s wife, Ghinwa, of Lebanese-Syrian
administered by the President acting… In practice, that might be more complex origin, is estranged from other members of
help generate valuable employment. through an administrator”. This provision is than anticipated because in a capital city INCLUDING HIS SONS, HASSAN the extended Bhutto family, as is the case
Still, despite the potential for revenue, any such move must
incorporated into Article 239AA, special to even matters that appear routine may AND HUSSAIN, ARE UNDER A with Sanjay Gandhi’s wife Maneka. Flash-
NCTD, where the ‘administrator’ is the LG. acquire a ‘national’ dimension only because back the Indian story and you’d remember
to be carried out while ensuring that the poor are protected. A It is obvious that in the capital city, the tilt the situs is the capital city.
CLOUD. THE MATCHING EXAMPLE that Indira and her elder son, Rajiv, were
towards the Centre can be only more, not The grandstanding over the outcome of IN LALU’S LARGER FAMILY COULD assassinated. That was after Sanjay, her
robust regulatory framework governing the sector will ensure less, than in other UTs.
The court concluded that the Lieutenant
the case ought to be deferred until that exer-
cise is concluded.
BE THE MONEY LAUNDERING original political heir, died in a mysterious
plane crash.
that people do not fall prey to the excesses of gambling.
Governor (LG) is not a titular head, but Madhavi Goradia Divan is an advocate and was part CASES AGAINST MISA BHARTI Fate obviously duplicates horoscopes.
rather, an ‘administrator’ as distinct from
the Governor of a State. But in the hybrid
of the team that represented the central government
The views expressed are personal
AND HER SPOUSE Or is it the other way round?

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