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302 October - November 2010

• Palestinian Embraces Israeli Soldiers – Days 3 & 4

• Iran: Nuclear Plant Almost Ready – Day 7
• Lives Transformed in Paraguay Prison – Day 11
• UK Students Interested in Religion – Day 27

Day of Prayer for

Unsaved Loved Ones Day 20
Day 1
Outreaches to non-Christians.
Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners,
“His lord said unto him: ‘Well done, thou good and
faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things,
I will make thee ruler over many things:
enter thou into the joy of thy lord.’”

(Matthew 25:21)

Victor Pearce: Called Home by His Master

It is with great sadness that we inform our readers that
Revival’s former Chief Executive, Preb. Dr. E.K. Victor Pearce,
died in his home in Stoke-On-Trent, at the grand age of 97.
His funeral was held on Thursday 19th August at St Thomas’
Church in Kidsgrove, Staffs. Victor was particularly loved and
appreciated for his numerous radio programmes and
publications on Science and the Bible in which he sought to
vigorously defend Biblical truth from attacks in the media.
After receiving his theological training at the London
College of Divinity, Victor became an honours graduate in
Anthropology of London University and specialised in
Prehistoric Archaeology at Oxford. He was ordained at
Liverpool Cathedral at the start of the Second World War
and became a curate there, also volunteering as an air
raid warden. Then a vicar in Dorset was called up to fight
and Victor had to cover for him.
It wasn't long before a fellow clergyman recommended Victor
for a parish of his own in South London. Then, in 1951, Victor
was invited to Bucknall and Bagnall Parish, serving a huge
catchment of 45,000. After 20 years at Bucknall, he was
appointed vicar of St James Church in Audley. He was made a
Prebendary of Lichfield Cathedral and later received a
doctorate from Florida University.
It was at this time that he met evangelist Eric Hutchings
and became very involved with the evangelistic outreach
of the Hour of Revival. He served as a Trustee for a
number of years, and became Chief Executive in 1982
after Dr. Hutchings sudden death.
An evangelist at heart, Victor was tireless in building up his
church work and in pursuing his God-given task of defending
the Faith. Yet he could speak at the level of the ordinary man
and led many to faith in Christ. Countless more were led to
Christ or affirmed in their walk through Victor’s broadcasts and
publications. He will be remembered not only as a scholar but
also as a very humble man of God, who would encourage
rather than find fault. He has entered into the joy of his Lord!

With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Page 3
Is China the Future of Christianity?
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 107:1-9 Day 1
Mathews George Chunakara, Director of the World Council of
Churches (WCC's) International Affairs and Public Witness, said there
had been a "unique and explosive growth" of Christianity among the
Chinese people. "I have been visiting China for the last 15 years. I am
astounded to see the tremendous growth there. It is not just the poor
you see in churches; even the rich and educated are embracing
Christianity,” he added. He said the situation had "much improved"
and that the government was now starting to "favour" religious people.
In the early 1970s, there were an estimated 3 million Christians in
China. Now, the number may be as high as 130 million.
Persecution of house church members has not ceased, but
conditions have improved. Now that China is the world’s fastest
growing economy, the Communist Government leaders know the
importance of a harmonious society. They cannot control the
growth of the house churches so they are trying to find ways of
accommodating them, even meeting with church leaders.
George Chunakara added, “Not only China, in many Asian countries
the church is expanding… In addition, the participation of young
people is absolutely remarkable in comparison with those in West. He
says God is using the foolish to shame the wise. "While Christianity is
dying in the West, God is bringing a spiritual awakening in third world
countries like India and China." Former Communist Party official
convert to Christianity Xiao Zhao adds, “There are only two types of
transformations, one is with the cross and the other is without it. If
China embraces the Christian faith, it will rise to be a blessing to the
Christian Today; Christian Post
PRAISE: God that He is raising up a new, faithful Church,
from the fire of persecution, to proclaim the Name of
Jesus in the 21st century.

Balloons Take Gospel to North Korea

BIBLE STUDY: Revelation 14:6-7 Day 2

North Korea tops the lists of countries that persecute Christians.

Current estimates suggest that some 200,000 North Koreans are in
prison, many of whom are believed to be Christians. Voice of the
Martyrs Canada notes that religious prisoners are often subjected to
harsher treatment to force them to renounce their faith. When they
refuse, they are often tortured to death. So, in a country where people
are executed merely for possessing a Bible, sharing the hope of Christ
requires creative solutions. The Voice of the Martyrs has been
involved in deploying balloons filled with Gospel tracts and believers'
testimonies to North Korea.
Mission Network News

PRAY: That the literature will get into the hands of many
North Koreans, planting seeds of God's Truth.
Page 4
Palestinian Embraces Israeli Soldiers
BIBLE STUDY: Ephesians 2:13-18 Days 3 & 4
Pastor Ari Sorko-Ram who heads up the Tiferet Yeshua Messianic
congregation in Tel Aviv and the website istandwithisrael.com, invited
Palestinian Saed Awwad to share his testimony at Tiferet Yeshua.
Awwad recounted how he grew up in an Arab Christian home but
hated the Jews of Israel every bit as much as his Muslim neighbours.
He told how he actively took part in the First Intifada, hurling stones
and anything else he could get his hands on at Israeli soldiers on a
daily basis. He was the victim of regular mistreatment by anxious and
angry Israeli soldiers. The pressure of the situation began to get to
Awwad, and he decided to use the American passport he had thanks
to his mother's American citizenship and spend some time in the USA.
While living in the US, Awwad was invited to attend an Arab
church, where he was astonished to hear the pastor preach that,
though the Jews may be their enemies, the Arabs must practice
forgiveness and love toward them, as Jesus had taught. Awwad
was even more determined to stay away from Evangelical
Christianity, convinced that it was nothing but a Zionist ploy. But
God had other plans, and touched Awwad's heart, forcing him to
make a decision between the things he had grown up believing
were right, and the truth he could find only in Jesus.
"I gave my life to Jesus then and there," said Awwad. "For three days I
could not eat or drink. I just read the Bible, and in everything I saw
Jesus Christ." But he still didn't like Israel very much, so when six
months following his transformation the Lord asked Awwad to forgive
the Jews, he considered turning his back on God. "If you’ll ask me this
even one more time I will never speak to you again!" Awwad said,
recalling his reaction to the Lord. "From my perspective [the Jews]
had come from many nations and taken the land that I believed
belonged to the Arabs. I was angry." Eventually his heart was
softened, and Awwad knew he had to surrender to God's nature of
unconditional love and forgiveness.
To demonstrate the fullness of his transformation, Awwad invited
every active and reserve soldier in the Tiferet Yeshua
congregation to join him on stage, where he embraced and
professed his love for them, the very people he had fought
hardest to defeat. "I am a Palestinian - you are Jewish. The world
calls us enemies - but we are brothers - brothers and sisters in
Yeshua! Nothing can separate us. The world will not separate us,
politics will not separate us, walls will not separate us. We have a
place in Heaven. You and I will bow our knees and worship the
Messiah Yeshua, our King together!”
Awwad concluded by asking the Israeli soldiers to also forgive him,
and was greeted by a great outpouring of love.
Israel Today
Day 3 – PRAISE: God for this example of the love that can ONLY
be found in Christ Jesus.
Day 4 – PRAY: That Awwad’s example will show many that the
only hope of peace is in Christ Jesus.
Page 5
Message of Life All Over Greece
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 17:23-34 Day 5
At the beginning of August, the area of Sparta in Greece was the
epicentre of a missionary outreach that has reached and touched
thousands of homes through a team of 180 Christians from various
countries. In all 60,000 households received a copy of the New
Testament in contemporary Greek as part of a project called Operation
Joshua. One participant described it as a "Tsunami of blessing" as
energetic teams using some 50 cars, criss-crossed the sparse and
mountainous region.
They have gone to over 800 villages in some of the remotest
areas of Greece bringing the message of life. How does this
project compare with other evangelistic efforts? In a word,
“historic" - in a country where less than 20,000 people are
recognised as evangelical believers this was truly a significant
event. This is a country that has never had a reformation or a
Despite the fact that the New Testament was originally written in
Greek, few modern day Greeks can understand the 2,000 year old
language. Likewise very few Greeks actually own a Bible because
there is no point having a book they can't understand. If they do own
one it is regarded as an ornament or a good luck charm. So in the
context of Greece's history, to spread 60,000 copies of God's Word in
one week can only be described as momentous and even seismic.
Assist News Service
PRAISE: God that so many Greek households have
received the Scriptures. Pray for a rich harvest.
Indonesian Village Shines God’s Light
BIBLE STUDY: Joshua 1:7-8 Day 6
A unique village called Blimbing Sari in Indonesia's tropical paradise of
Bali boast a 100 percent Christian population, despite being in a
majority Muslim nation. Back in 1939, their persecuted ancestors were
given the land as a safe haven by the Dutch government. Rev. Ketut
Suyaga Ayub, head pastor of the Protestant Christian Church in Bali
explains: "Every family gets two hectares of land from the government
where they farm and raise cows.”
And because the love of God is felt in the community, new settlers
who are non-believers are attracted to the Christian faith. Giman,
a former Muslim, says, "I was ill and a villager helped me get a
surgery. These Christian people are nice to me and help me a lot. I
learned Christianity. I believe in Jesus Christ as my own Saviour.”
The Christian village has won awards for cleanliness, educational
excellence, and economic development; the community is free of
drugs, AIDS, and crime. Government and private organizations have
flocked to Blimbing Sari to learn from the example there. But most
have yet to tap into the key to the village's success - a saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ.
CBN News; www.prayertransformation.com
PRAISE: God that these brothers are letting their light so
shine that others are glorifying God.
Page 6
Iran: Nuclear Plant Almost Ready
BIBLE STUDY: 2 Chronicles 20:20-30 Day 7
Despite international concerns, the Iranian nuclear power plant
located in Bushehr was to be inaugurated as we went to press. Iran
has already received 87 tons of low-enriched uranium from Russia for
the plant, sufficient to run it for about three years. Israel and the West,
which suspect Iran of seeking to produce its own nuclear bomb, have
been critical of Russia's involvement in Bushehr, although Russia and
Iran claim the plant is purely civilian and cannot be used for any
weapons programme.
However, according to Paul Leventhal, of the Nuclear Control
Institute, there is enough uranium for at least 30 atomic bombs a
year. This is particularly worrying for Israel as it sees the Iranian
government rapidly arming Syria, Lebanon and the Hamas Gaza
leadership, whilst increasing its ties with an ever more Islamist
With Russia’s President Medvedev claiming that “a nuclear Iran is no
violation of International Charters,” further unrest on the Israeli-
Lebanon border, and increased infighting among the Gaza strip
factions, tensions in the area are building. The one positive develop-
ment is that the Saudi and Jordanian monarchs were persuaded by
Barack Obama to shelve their respective nuclear programmes for
now, causing the consternation of French president Nicolas Sarkozy
who will lose lucrative nuclear contracts with both nations.
Worthy News; Revival Media
PRAY: That somehow the present volatility will be defused. An
unexpected breakthrough for Iran and Turkey needs to take place
in the heavenlies.

Dominican Republic: 70,000 Saved!

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 11:18-21 Day 8
After months of preparation, Christians across the Dominican
Republic and Puerto Rico opened their homes for evangelistic My
Hope TV meetings and witnessed nearly 70,000 people make
commitments to Jesus Christ. The programmes culminated in a
combined total of more than 59,000 home events in March and April,
which included a TV programme featuring a sermon from Billy or
Franklin Graham and a personal testimony from each home host.
In the Dominican Republic, 55,391 people made commitments to
Christ, with 13,797 doing so in Puerto Rico. Altogether more than
5,500 churches from across the evangelical spectrum were
involved in the projects.
During the remainder of this year similar projects will take place in
Malawi and four countries in Asia. For 2011 outreaches are being
planned in Portugal, Spain, Haiti and several other African countries.

Joel News International

PRAISE: God that the Billy Graham Association has discovered a

means of home evangelism that is proving very successful.
Page 7
God’s Love Shed Abroad in Haiti
BIBLE STUDY: Romans 5:1-11 Days 9 & 10
Six months have passed since the earthquake that killed many
thousands of people in Haiti. Yet, despite all that was lost, there are
wonderful examples of dedicated Christian lives that are passing on
Christ’s hope to the next generation.
The emotional toll of the quake prompted Haitian pastor Jephthe
Lucien to invite a first response trauma team from America to
help church leaders cope with post traumatic stress disorder and
learn how to counsel others. "We are dealing with an
overwhelming amount of post traumatic stress problems," said
Dr. Benjamin Keyes of Regent University. "The refugees from
Port au Prince have all seen horrendous things: bodies being
piled up, buildings collapsing, their friends dying."
The counselling came months after the quake, but Lucien began his
personal work with survivors minutes after the ground stopped
shaking. "People were crying without knowing what happened to their
loved ones," Lucien said. "So one of our greatest endeavours was just
to go and help them locate their family." Lucien made the trip from his
town of Pignon (85 miles away) to Port-au-Prince more than 40 times
following the earthquake, helping people find loved ones and food. In
one of the journeys, his own family took in two brothers, Jesse and
Dulis, whose parents were killed when the quake struck.
"I am reminded of what the Lord told Abraham," Lucien said.
"You don't know you are blessed unless the Lord has used you
to be a blessing." Lucien has adopted abandoned children,
helped the small church his father pastored grow into 42
churches in the most remote areas of greater Pignon, and
opened 20 schools. "I think the Lord has really helped me to
connect with my dear Haitian people," he said. "The Lord has
called me to reach out."
In Pignon, pastor Jephte’s brother Caleb is also working to change
lives. He founded Grace College in 1993. His school has grown from
65 students to more than 1,400. There is no free education in Haiti;
however, 500 of the students attend the school on scholarship after
losing their families to the earthquake in Port au Prince.
Caleb's brightest lights are his students – Haiti’s future. He's now
working to turn his old home into an orphanage for the growing
number of children left without families. "One village at a time,
we can change our country," Caleb said. "One person at a time,
we can change our schools. One family at a time we can change
our community. And I think that is the opportunity that we have in
front of us. That is the drive for us to stay here and continue the
Lord's work here."

CBN News
Day 9 - PRAISE: God that Christians are pouring out God’s love
and making a difference amid devastation.
Day 10 - PRAY: That the huge Christian mobilization after the
earthquake will lead to the defeat of the forces of witchcraft that
have so dominated Haiti.
Page 8
Lives Transformed in Paraguay Prison
BIBLE STUDY: Genesis 39:19-23 Day 11
Over 20 years ago a convicted criminal was touched by the Lord and
surrendered his life to Jesus. Then he was visited in prison by a
Christian representing the SEAN Bible training course in Paraguay.
The prisoner began to study God’s Word, and the impact of his
changed life brought many more to the Lord and opened the door for
further ministry in the prison.
To cut a long story short, now the Mennonite Church has been
granted the full administration of a quarter of the prison complex.
They care for over 500 prisoners with the aid of only two official
prison guards!
SEAN leader Terry Barratt says, “I visited the compound for a whole
morning. The main part of the prison is like the worst that you have
ever seen in film - a place of human dejection, filth, and despair... The
Christian section has been renewed with the help of offerings from
Christians and the labour of the prisoners themselves. But the main
impact is that of changed lives – men radiant in Christ whose
testimonies moved me to tears.” The impact has been so dramatic,
that the Prison Authorities are asking the church to repeat the
experience in the other prisons of Paraguay.

Share – SEAN International

PRAISE: God for this spectacular evidence to the power of
the Gospel to change “the vilest offender.”

Australian Politician Defends Family

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 6:1-3 Day 12
Wendy Francis, who’s First Family Party polled 3.5 % of the
Queensland Senate vote in the August elections, was vilified as
“homophobic” for statements she made on Twitter about gay marriage
and adoption, suggesting gay parenting was detrimental to the health
of youngsters. Apologising “unreservedly” that the words used may
have caused hurt and anguish; she nevertheless stood by her
principles, saying,
"The way people choose to conduct their lives is up to them...
(But) I do not believe that upholding marriage or preventing
children being raised in homosexual families is discrimination.
We can’t govern Australia by legislation based on pleasing each
group who wants things their way... Few Australians would – if
given the choice – choose to forgo being raised with a mother
and a father. If we would choose this for ourselves, how much
more important is it that we make the same choices on behalf of
children who cannot speak for themselves at birth?”
Wendy Francis says she will continue to work towards measures to
strengthen marriage relationships and promote stable families.

Abc.net.au; LifeSiteNews.com
PRAISE: God for politicians willing to stand up for the
family and children. Pray for more with like mind.
Page 9
Children Purchased From Slavery
BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 7:7-9 Day 13
Children as young as 4 and 5 years old are being forced to work
16-hour days making bricks, cigarettes, rope and textiles, in some
Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries. “It’s a pretty harsh and
brutal environment,” says evangelist Bruce Ladebu, founder of the
Children’s Rescue Initiative (CRI), which has been purchasing the
freedom of these victims.
Many have been enslaved because of debts accrued by their
parents. Ladebu and the CRI team go into these slave areas to
purchase children and sometimes entire families for anywhere
between 200 and 1,000 US dollars per child. “We freed a family of
seven recently,” Ladebu says. “The debt originally was $500 and
three generations of people had to work to pay it off.” CRI bought
the entire family from the slave owners for $1,000.
After the team rescues these children and families, they provide them
with shelter, food and an education. The organisation has funded three
orphanages and seven Christian schools. They are raising money to
buy farmland, cows and chickens to feed the victims. Ladebu says his
main objective is to show the love of Christ to as many as possible.
Children’s Rescue Initiative; Charisma News
PRAISE: God for this vital work. Pray for financial support,
for governments to end this illicit trade, and that many
children will come to Christ.
Punished for Taking Bible to School
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 56:3-5 Day 14
Challenged by his church’s campaign to carry his Bible visibly “every-
where you go”, Detroit teenager Nathan De La Garza did just that. He
says, "I was sitting in class one day, and we had finished our assign-
ments. The teacher said we were free to talk until the end of class, so I
pulled out my Bible and started reading quietly." Pretty soon one of my
classmates noticed and started asking me about it. I started answering
his questions, just trying to share the Gospel."
Apparently that wasn't the kind of talking the teacher had antici-
pated. Before he knew it, De La Garza was sitting in the principal's
office. He was told his Bible reading was disrupting class. De La
Garza says, "I was respectful, but I know my rights. If other kids
can talk about their crazy partying, why can't I talk about God's
De La Garza's encounter with the principal ended without punishment.
But somehow news got to the press and TV, and the attention opened
up doors for him. "Kids are coming up to me now." he said. “It gives me
a chance to tell them about my faith." The church’s Student Outreach
Director told the youth, "We want to make sure that you take Jesus
back to school with you this year.” “One of the best things you can do to
let people know that you're a Christian is to carry your Bible."
AG News
PRAISE: God for Nathan’s witness. Pray it may spark real
interest in the school and spur other Christians.
Page 10
Biblical Pattern of Revival:
Revival in the time of Samuel
Reading: 1 Samuel 7:1-13
The early history of Israel, after the time of Moses and Joshua,
saw long periods when the people departed from God. Often they
turned to worship of other gods. On many occasions, they mixed
idolatrous religion with the worship of Jehovah.

1. Revival is Preceded by the Nation Reaching Rock Bottom

The Israelites were in a very severe bondage to the invading

Philistines for many years; this was a result of their spiritual
decline: they were serving the Canaanite gods at the same time
as paying lip service to Jehovah (v.3). But now they had reached
the time when they began to “lament after the Lord.” (v2). Also,
behind the scenes, God was at work to glorify His name and bring
punishment on the Philistines (see 6:19-21).

2. Revival Begins When the People Put away Idols

Samuel calls upon the nation to return to God and put away the
foreign idols (v.3). He promises that they would find relief from
their enemies if they did so. The Israelites heeded Samuel’s call
and “served the Lord only” (v.4).

3. The People Come in Solemn Assembly Before the Lord

They re-establish the faith of their fathers at a great public

meeting held at Mizpeh in Judah. The drawing water, and pouring
it out before the Lord, seems to have been a symbolical act by
which, in the people's name, Samuel testified their sense of
national corruption, their need of moral purification, and their
sincere desire to pour out their hearts in repentance before God
(v 5-6).

4. The Outcome of Revival Under Samuel’s Leadership

The Philistines took the opportunity of the national gathering of

Israelites to attack them; but God intervened, just as Samuel was
offering the sacrifice (v.10). The Israelites defeated and subdued
their enemy. During the whole lifetime of Samuel the Israelites
enjoyed freedom from Philistine oppression (v.13).

Revival can only begin in repentant hearts – hearts that

acknowledge the holiness of God, and are therefore prepared for
repentance and putting away all idols that take His place.

Page 11
Examples from History:

In the capital city of Bogotá, Colombia, a simple Bible-based

strategy has transformed a church and triggered massive growth.
The International Charismatic Mission was founded, back in
1983, by César and Claudia Castellanos. Today they head up a
denomination of 120,000 members in Bogotá alone and a further
50,000 nationwide.

The Roots of the Revival in this South American Capital

They began with a small Bible study cell of 8 people in their own
home. Simple cells like this one soon multiplied throughout
Bogotá, until they became the foundation stone for massive
growth, personalised teaching, and care of the new believers.
Colombia was in deep despair, drugs cartels ruled, and street
killings had reached epidemic proportions. César and Claudia
had a vision from God to evangelise their nation, beginning in
Bogotá – their objective: to see all of Colombia converted to
Christ! Their vision was based on the promise that God made to
Abraham in the Bible: "I will make you into a great nation and I
will bless you..." (Genesis 12:2-3). César understood that this was
still valid for today and began imparting faith to those around him
so that they would believe for their nation.

Not Just a Revival – Consolidating the Gains!

Castellanos believed that, just as the Father had 12 men for
Jesus through whom He multiplied Himself, so God has 12
persons for every leader. The calling is for leaders to pour their
lives into 12 people and teach them to do the same. Pastor
Castellanos and his team follow a basic four-stage track: Win,
Consolidate, Disciple, Send.
A key weapon in the strategy is what they call 'consolidation'.
They were aware that after big crusades only a very low
percentage of new converts actually stayed rooted in Christ. So
they developed, through prayer, a method of training the new
believers. Each one is assigned to a cell and is trained by the cell
leader. Through a training module called 'The School of Leaders',
the new convert can become a cell leader himself within a year
after his conversion. The new leader will keep meeting with his
mentor while he leads a new cell, ready to repeat the process
with his new disciples. In this way they have been able to keep
over 80 per cent of their new converts and the church has grown
from 8 to 170,000 members.

Page 12
Not Just on Sundays – This is a Different Kind of Church!

In the city of Bogotá around 15 thousand cells meet regularly, with

6 thousand more in other parts of Colombia. The whole church
meets in cells throughout the week and they all come together at
weekends for a celebration meeting. They manage to fill a
26,000-seat stadium twice every Saturday night and regularly 500
young people come forward to receive Christ in each of the
meetings! But the emphasis is not on what happens at weekends
but what happens in the cells.
The training and discipling includes deliverance from demons;
breaking curses and generational bondages; inner healing and
baptism of the Holy Spirit. They are taught how to evangelise;
pray and fast; enter into spiritual warfare; how to live a life of
brokenness and holiness before God and man.
Holiness as a Lifestyle is their Objective

The people are taught holiness as a lifestyle. One young cell

leader put it like this: "We can't achieve success if we are jealous
of another pastor who is popular or if we think we know better. We
won't get anywhere if we don't submit to leaders and honour them
by serving them. The devil will laugh at us if we pursue this vision
and then treat our wives or husbands badly. We can't enter into
spiritual warfare for our cities if we have open windows for the
enemy - we need to sanctify our lives in order to have the
authority to enter into battle for our cities."
Children are also a fundamental part of this congregation. It is not
unusual to see meetings of 850 children. But they do not only
hold special events to see children have an encounter with God;
recently more than 10,000 women and 7,000 men gathered for
special meetings of consecration.
A Great Vision for Future Worldwide Revival

The International Charismatic Mission (ICM) has a big vision for

world evangelisation, believing that there must be a wineskin to
cope with the coming great harvest of souls. And they see this as
not just a Latin American phenomenon, but something for the
whole world. In recent years ICM has expanded with cells in
many parts of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Spain and the
United States.

The Significance of the Bogotá “Revival”

Can this be called “revival”? True revival not only affects the
Church – it also affects society at large: crime and other social ills
go down, corruption in politics and business is curtailed, and the
poor and vulnerable are cared for. Some of these signs are being
seen in Colombia. Pray that it may continue!

Revival Media; Global Revival News

Page 13
Prayer & Thoughts Concerning Revival

Daniel’s Prayer for Revival (abridged)

“And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and
supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:

And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession,

and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the
covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep
his commandments; We have sinned, and have committed
iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by
departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments.

O LORD, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us

confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, because of their trespass that they have
trespassed against thee. To the Lord our God belong mercies and
forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him.

Neither have we obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk
in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that
they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon
us, and the oath that is written in the Law of Moses the servant of
God, because we have sinned against him.

As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us:
yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we
might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Therefore
hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us.

O LORD, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let

thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem,
thy holy mountain. Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of
thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine
upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake.

O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and
behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name:
for we do not present our supplications before thee for our
righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies. O Lord, hear; O Lord,
forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O
my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.”

(Daniel 9:3-19)

Page 14
Vietnam: Marking Gospel’s 100 Years
BIBLE STUDY: Revelation 15:3-5 Day 15
In what is a clear sign of the easing of restrictions on churches by the
authorities, Luis Palau will lead a major new mission in Vietnam next
year, as part of the churches’ celebrations marking 100 years of
evangelical Christianity in that nation. The outreach – the first foreign
mission to the country since the fall of Saigon in 1975 – will take place
in April and June 2011. It will begin with large outdoor events in Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City on the weekends of April 8 to 9 and 15 to16
respectively, led by Vietnam’s rapidly growing churches.
The official 100th anniversary celebration will be held on June 14
to 16 at Da Nang, probably in an indoor arena since June is the
rainy season in Vietnam. Earlier this year Palau was in Vietnam,
addressing more than 500 church leaders, as well as U.S.
diplomats and the government officials whose permission will be
required before the Festival can go ahead.
After years of hostility to the church, the Government has just started
to allow Christian events to take place – some of which are proving
very popular. For example, last December they gave permission for an
outreach in a large field outside Ho Chi Minh City just 48 hours before
it was set to begin. Despite the short notice, 50,000 people attended
and around 8,000 of them received Christ as Saviour.
Christian Today
PRAISE: God that so many formerly closed nations are
opening to the Gospel with abundant fruit.

Mediterranean to Hear Gospel Again

BIBLE STUDY: Romans 15:15-17 Day 16
Half a billion people live around the Mediterranean Sea, yet most do
not know the story of Jesus or who He is. Addressing this issue,
Operation Mobilisation (OM) has organised Transform 2010, a
massive outreach to bring the Gospel to numerous nations in the
region. No less than 400 Christians from around the world are
currently involved. All of them are aware that they are bringing news of
God’s love to an area that was once home to some of the very first
churches. Transform 2010 began with a training and preparation
conference in Rome, Italy from July 19 – 24. Over this five day period,
the participants received orientation from OM workers already active in
proclaiming Christ around the Mediterranean. Transform 2010
outreaches lasting from one week to five months are now underway in
21 different countries, covering destinations in southern Europe, the
Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa. The variety of activities the
teams are involved in is considerable, including the distribution of
evangelistic DVDs, building relationships with communities through art
projects and assisting small churches to reach disillusioned youth with
the Good News.

PRAY: That the Mediterranean may once again resound to

the proclamation of Christ Jesus.

Page 15
New Zealand: Reaching Backpackers
BIBLE STUDY: Job 36:24-26 Day 17
Every year, thousands of young people, mainly between the ages of
18 and 29, flock to New Zealand to go on a "walk about" as they call it.
They see it as a chance to discover the world and in the process,
hopefully themselves. It can be a life-changing adventure and thanks
to some local ministries, many travellers are also discovering Jesus
along the way. In Wanaka, a beautiful resort town located in New
Zealand's South Island, the Wanaka's Lighthouse Church is dedicated
to reaching out to this very transient population.
But before heading in for the service, a local missionary hosts a
BBQ for the back-packers. The offer of free food and fellowship
was more than enough to draw a small crowd from the local inns.
Yukiko from Japan, a self-proclaimed Buddhist, said she was
open to hearing more about Jesus. Jesus said, "Go into all the
world and preach the Gospel." But what do you do when all the
world is coming to you? Christians in Wanaka, New Zealand say
it is a good problem to have.
Natalie Nelson, pastor of Wanaka's Lighthouse Church said.
"They're drawn to us. They're drawn to this beautiful town."
Local missionary Scott Brown says most of the young people he
meets are already searching for something deeper in their lives and
New Zealand's special beauty often opens their hearts to receive it.
"There's something about being immersed in the creation that is
causing this sense of worship to come up. And my joy is introducing
people to the Creator of the creation they're experiencing here," he
added. Scott's ministry also gives out special Bibles just for
back-packers. “For some, it's just a seed being planted. For others it's
the truth they've literally been searching the world to find,” he says.
CBN News
PRAISE: God for this ministry. Pray that many back-
packers will be led straight to the Wanaka Church.

US: Effort Launched to Curb Abortion

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 139:13-14 Day 18
The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 40
denominations, has embarked on an initiative exploring practical and
realistic approaches to curtail the number of abortions in the USA. "We
are grateful that the abortion rate has declined, but a million abortions
in the United States every year is unacceptable," says NAE President
Leith Anderson.
"The NAE actively, ardently and unwaveringly opposes abortion on
demand," their recent resolution states. NAE's Generation Forum will
create dialogue about how local churches can be involved in
effectively decreasing the abortion rate. "We urge church leaders… to
seek out strategies appropriate for their congregations and communi-
ties," the NAE resolution states.
Pentecostal Evangel; AG-News

PRAISE: God for initiatives to find a strategy through

which the churches can bring a change of heart to
America on abortion. Pray for successful strategies.
Page 16
New Strategy for Mission to Seafarers
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 8:1-9 Day 19
The next five years will see the Mission to Seafarers open up new
facilities in Ho Chi Minh City, Luanda, Maputo and Tanjung Pelepas,
among other cities. There is a change in focus from European ports to
the Asian and South American ports that currently have little or no
facilities for seafarers.
Secretary General of Mission to Seafarers, the Rev Tom Heffer,
said the move would enable the ministry to bring hope and
support to seafarers. “There is no ‘one solution fits all’ fix. In
some ports, a seafarers’ centre is the most effective way to
respond. In others, an unmanned Portakabin, or a ship-visiting
chaplain is the way forward. We remain committed to delivering
maritime ministry to this uniquely vulnerable community of
workers,” he said.
There are 1.2 million registered seafarers in the world. Mr. Heffer said
chaplains were there to offer a ’Good Samaritan Service’ “Seafarers
routinely spend up to a year away from their loved ones, and in some
countries cannot come ashore even when their ships dock because of
port security,” said Mr. Heffer. “That’s why our chaplains and staff visit
seafarers on board their ships, extending the hand of friendship and
support to the men and women who crew the enormous vessels…”
Christian Today; Mission to Seafarers
PRAISE: God for continuing ministry to these needy
workers. Pray that seeds of the Gospel will be sown and
bring forth fruit in many hungry hearts.

Prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones

BIBLE STUDY: 2 Peter 3:9 Day 20
Today (in October) we shall be meeting at the Eastbourne Prayer
Centre to bring before the Lord the loved ones whose names have
been sent in for prayer by our readers over the past weeks. Every
Christian has a son or daughter, a nephew, a brother, a parent or other
member of the family - or a friend or neighbour - who is living in sinful
disregard for God.
Here at Revival we have seen, on previous Days of Prayer, that
setting aside a special day to seek God in earnest for our loved
one’s salvation has always been fruitful. Only a few days ago we
received the following e-mail from Kenya: “Praise the Lord that
David was saved and got married last December 2009, and now
they are expecting a child. David now serves in one of the Local
churches in Kisumu as an Evangelist. He was a drunkard who got
saved when I send his name for prayers.”
Revival’s General Secretary, Ian Milmine, explains: “These Days of
Prayer have always been very special moments in which we carry the
burden for our loved ones before the Lord, and we have seen God
working in lives! There is no need to send in the full name, just the
Christian name and a short summary of their condition will suffice –
God knows the details!”
Revival Prayer
PRAISE: God for this opportunity and pray that the eyes of many
may be opened to faith in Jesus.

Page 17
We Must Take Care of Our Youth!
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 71:16-18 Day 21
Recent research by the Barna Group has shown that about
one-quarter of Americans (26%) say that they have changed their
childhood faith. Two trends should particularly concern church leaders:
First, the most common type of spiritual shift was from those who were
Christian in childhood to those who currently report being atheist,
agnostic or of some other faith.
Secondly, most of the people who have made these changes did
so as a teenager or young adult. One-third of those who experi-
enced a significant faith shift did so during their twenties and
another one-third did so before age 20. In total, two-thirds of
people who had a major faith change experienced that outcome
before the age of 30. In fact, among the over 40’s, only 5%
reported making a major shift in their religious affiliation after the
age of 40.
David Kinnaman, who directed the research, pointed out: “It is difficult
for many faith leaders to relate fully to the spiritual lives of people who
struggle with their faith, particularly those who are younger. Clergy are
typically older than those going through significant questions about
their faith and are less likely to have personally experienced a period
of major faith re-orientation themselves… Staying in tune with people’s
questions and doubts—at whatever age they occur—is an increasingly
important part of being an influential faith leader.”
The Barna Research Group

PRAY: That the Church may respond to the real needs of

our children and young people so that they may be
grounded in the Faith before it’s too late.

A Move of God in Southern France

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 15:12-18 Day 22
Marseille is fast becoming a very strategic city on the Mediterranean
coast, often referred to as the capital of “Euro-Med”. It’s a thriving
metropolis of many sub-cultures including people from each of the 22
French-speaking countries of Africa as well as others from all over the
Mediterranean basin.
The evangelical Christian presence in Marseille is proportionally
very small. Yet the churches are preparing two initiatives to reach
out to the region; Two Years in Provence will endeavour to
mobilize Christians in evangelism to bring vibrant life to each
corner of the region, while Hope for Provence will be a practical
demonstration of Christian love.
Leaders Dr. Briand and Helene Tatford said, “We expected a
maximum of 50 pastors at the preparation meeting and nearly 200
turned up!” Then, nearly 2000 people showed up at the launching
service – some 100 went forward indicating their desire to follow
Briand and Helene Tatford
PRAISE: God that the Church is strong in its witness to
Christ in this difficult region. Pray that the Gospel will
touch and change many.
Page 18
PC Brigade Can’t Stop Appointment
BIBLE STUDY: Daniel 6:16-23 Day 23
A distinguished professor is facing a backlash from students at St
Andrews University for his stance on homosexuality. Professor Roger
Scruton (famous for his debate against the motion of Richard
Dawkins, “Are We Better Off Without Religion?"), was recently
appointed quarter-time professorial fellow in moral philosophy at St
Andrews. But the university’s students association hit out at comments
Prof. Scruton made in 2007, where he defended the rights of children
in an article about same-sex adoption, and stated that homosexuality
was “not normal”. The group claimed Prof. Scruton’s appointment
could create an “uncomfortable” atmosphere for gay students.
But the university would not be swayed stating: “Universities,
particularly where philosophical argument is concerned, must be
the one place where differing and difficult views can be freely
held, expressed and challenged without fear of discrimination.”
Owen Wilton, the president of the students’ association, said officials
listened to their arguments but “defended every academic’s right to
freedom of speech.” The university statement defended the appoint-
ment but added: “Like all members of staff, Professor Scruton will be
expected to abide by our equal opportunities and anti-discrimination
The Christian Institute; Revival Media
PRAISE: God that the University have determined to
support free speech and not been swayed by the PC
agenda, choosing a man who upholds belief in God.

Court Favours Gospel Conversation

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 4:8-20 Day 24
In a victory for Christian freedom of speech in an increasingly hostile
climate in America, a California Appeal Court issued a sharp rebuke to
a local shopping mall for arresting a Christian youth pastor. Matthew
Snatchko was arrested back in 2007 for engaging in casual conversa-
tion about faith in Jesus Christ with two other shoppers. Even though
the shoppers had given him permission to speak to them, a store
employee objected and called security, who then arrested Mr.
Under Roseville Galleria Mall rules, shoppers are not allowed to
engage in conversation topics such as religion or politics. The
criminal charges were later dropped against Mr. Snatchko.
However, Pacific Justice Institute attorneys thought it prudent to
file suit to challenge the mall's restrictions on free speech. The
Sacramento 3rd District Court of Appeal struck down the mall's
rules and indicated Mr. Snatchko would be able to collect
damages and fees, and awarded him costs on appeal.
"We are very pleased with this landmark ruling... that vindicates the
right to engage in casual conversations about faith without fear of
being arrested," said PJI’s Brad Dacus.
Worthy News; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for this legal precedent. Pray that Christians
may never stop speaking about Christ.
Page 19
Massive Oil Find Off Israel’s Coast
BIBLE STUDY: Romans 11:25-36 Day 25
Last year an oil exploration company announced the discovery of a
massive oil field off the coast of Israel; the company now reveals that a
production test drilling near Rosh Ha’Ayin indicates the field holds 1.5
billion barrels worth of oil. Experts said it was too early to know the
amount of recoverable oil in the reserve. However, according to the
company’s report from May 2009, this is likely to be 10-20%.
Despite the lack of details, the media was full of headlines
announcing the exploration's possibilities. "This is a joyful and
heart-warming discovery," Amir Makov, the Chairman of Israel’s
Institute of Petroleum said.
This development comes alongside Israel's discovery of the Tamar
natural gas field in the Mediterranean, which is now valued at US $8
billion and will enable a vast gas-fired power plant to begin operations
in 2013. Other sites are being tested, but there appears to be the
potential for extraction of large volumes of both oil and gas off the
coast of Israel. These finds could have deep felt effects in the whole
Middle East, and some commentators are already likening Israel to
Revival Media; Worthy News
PRAISE: God that Israel may be less dependent on erratic
oil prices and supplies. Pray for peace.
Believers Among “Miracle” Miners
BIBLE STUDY: Jonah 2:1-10 Day 26
“God is great,” wrote 63-year-old Mario Gomez, the eldest of the
trapped Chilean miners, in a letter to his wife attached to the drill along
with the message which Chilean President Piñera read on national
television. According to Chilean Christian radio network Radio
Armonia, 3 - and possibly more - of the miners trapped in the San
Jose mine near the northern city of Copiapo have been identified as
evangelical Christians. For 17 days the 33 miners were believed
dead after the collapse of a mine shaft. But their discovery in a
relief chamber on Sunday 22 August brought great relief to
family, friends and the nation. That all 33 miners should be alive
and in good health was hailed as a “miracle” by the main Chilean
newspaper El Mercurio. Although efforts to get them out will take
up to 120 days while a new shaft is drilled, there is a feeling of
elation that these men were protected by God 700 metres into the
bowels of the earth.
From Saturday 14th August onwards groups of up to 80 Christians had
held regular prayer vigils at the mine face, braving the heat of the
desert. Pentecostal pastor Rafael General commented, “We thank
God for His mercy in giving these men a second chance and for
working this miracle. We pray that this incident will bring all those
affected, all the other miners, and the people of Copiapo closer to
Armonia Noticias: Revival Media
PRAISE: God for answered prayer. Pray these men will be
safe while they wait to be rescued and that this incident
will bring many people closer to God.
Page 20
UK Students Interested in Religion
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 2:1-3 Day 27
This morning’s GCSE results have confirmed that the number of
students taking Religious Education has increased for the twelfth year
running. Religious Education has entered the top ten league table of
subjects in terms of the number of candidates - with more than 75,000
candidates - higher than subjects like Mathematics and History.
Nick McKemey, the Church of England’s Head of School
Improvement, comments: “The relentless growth of Religious
Education as a choice for GCSE students underlines the
importance of investing adequate resources and time in its
teaching. Young people are clamoring for a deeper understanding
of religious perspectives on issues of the day and how moral and
ethical questions are considered by the major faiths.”
McKemey added, “Twelve years of organic growth in student numbers
cannot be ignored. This is a phenomenon that indicates students’
appreciation that exploring faith and belief helps them to understand
the world and become better global citizens.” The Church of England
posted a selection of prayers on its website for those receiving exam
results this summer and considering their future options.
The Church of England website
PRAISE: God for this challenging development among
young people. Pray that Christian leaders may be able to
rise to the challenge and that more born-again Christians
may be prepared to teach R.E.
Is Cuba Ready for Times of Change?
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 18:9-10 Day 28
The impending demise of the heavy-handed rule of the Castro
brothers in Cuba could lead the island-nation to experience gradual
opening to the world economy and lessening of constraints on
religious activity. To some degree this has been happening already
and the Barnabas Fund reports that the Church in Cuba is growing
rapidly, despite the severe poverty and remaining harassment by the
Barnabas is supporting 40 Cuban evangelists who are working to
plant new churches. One evangelist has a ministry aimed at the
elderly: he is discipling a group of 26 older people who have
recently become Christians, and hopes to baptise a number of
them soon. He serves a church for the elderly, with 63 men and
104 women.
By contrast, another evangelist writes, “In these past three months I
have been working with a great number of youth in sports through the
Christian Evangelistic Football Cup ‘Emmanuel’” Through this ministry
the Lord has brought 40 young people to faith, and four cell-groups
have been planted. Barnabas covers family and ministry cost of these
Barnabas aid; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for news that young and old are being
reached for Christ in this Communist enclave. Pray that
the Church may be prepared for the future.
Page 21
Pray for Christians Among Sherpas
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 16:11-15 Day 29
Sherpas are better known than most Himalayan Mountain people
groups. Their stamina and mountain climbing expertise provide them
with valuable employment as mountain guides. Most Sherpas are
Buddhists; they worship Mount Everest as the ‘Mother of the World.’
In 1985, a Sherpa boy had a vision of Jesus. Gradually, his
extended family received Jesus as Saviour. The boy grew up,
studied in a Bible school, and returned to pastor a church in a
region near Mt. Everest.
Less than 1% of the 154,000 Sherpas in Nepal are Christians.
Global Prayer Digest; Joshua Project
PRAISE: God that He uses all means to raise up witnesses
to Jesus. Pray for more Bible resources in the Sherpa
language and for Bible teachers.
North Korean Church Seeks Revival
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 4:23-31 Day 30
In North Korea, it is illegal to be a Christian. A person found to be a
believer is sent to hard labour camps or sometimes even publicly
executed. In fact there are reports of the recent execution of 6 North
Korean pastors.
However, according to sources close to the North Korean Church, the
number one request of North Korean believers is for Christians
worldwide to pray for them and for a spiritual revival in their country.
In January, North Korea was named the world’s top persecutor of
Christians for the eighth straight year by Open Doors’ World Watch
List. As many as 60,000 Christians are currently in prison labour
camps because of their faith.
Christian Today
PRAISE: God for the faith of our beleaguered brothers and
sisters. Pray, indeed, for revival!

Is Yeshua More Accepted in Israel?

BIBLE STUDY: Zechariah 12:10-11 Day 31
A leading Hebrew newspaper in Israel has been carrying a series of
articles about the different streams of Judaism. On Monday, August
16th the article was about the Messianic Jews. According to Eddie
Santoro, a Messianic Jew living in Israel, the article was a significant
step forward in accepting and acknowledging Messianic Jews as a
legitimate part of the Israeli community. Santoro adds that the name
of Yeshua and the Messianic Jewish community is increasingly
becoming a part of Israeli life. He adds, “The daily struggle can still be
difficult, especially for those who are victims of attacks, who lose their
jobs... are denied housing, or are denied citizenship.”
Carmel Alert UK
PRAISE: God that the number of Jews who accept Jesus
as Messiah is growing. Pray that this article will open up
many opportunities for witness.

Page 22

Page 23
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