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09 • 10

Column by Kevin Abdulrahman

The Man Inspiring Millions, as he is known around He is the Author of a series of books which are used by
the globe, Kevin Abdulrahman is a sought after Moti- leading Direct Selling Teams as part of their fundamental
vational and Inspirational Speaker who will be writing Development, Learning and Mind Training to create a form
regularly for OBTAINER WORLDWIDE from now on. of Leadership that is much needed especially in Today’s
Kevin Abdulrahman is regularly invited by the most Testing Times: “Leadership from within.” The OBTAINER
varied companies to speak to, train and conduct work- Editorial Team is very pleased to be able to welcome Kevin
shops with Direct Selling Teams across five continents. Abdulrahman to our circle of columnists.



within your reach
I’ve created countless training programs for a multitude of industries, but I always say that there

is no industry that gets me as excited as the Network Marketing Game does. So much so, that

I created an entire DVD packed with social proof and reasons why everyone (both people in the

game half-heartedly and those just looking) ought to know about this booming industry.

In the program, I talked about a certain Leverage is Power. Leverage is an Edge. results. You have heard that successful
power that is within everyone’s reach. Leverage is actually more than that; it people make the most of the knowledge
There is a power that this industry holds is a True and Absolute Advantage. The that is available around them. Instead of
which I found is often missed by many great thing is that this industry makes them having to know everything, they
and only ever understood by a few. it an equal playing field for every single surround themselves with winning team
person to utilize this advantage – if you members, whom they can call upon and
I believe that the lack of this crucial fact get it that is. use as support for one another.
is the reason why most people never get
to really understand the level of success Leverage, to describe it simply, is the This industry fundamentally relies on
they can actually attain from having a ability to increase your output ratio in the leverage of knowledge that is avail-
successful profitable and long-term Net- relation to your input. It is like a lever able, and more importantly the experi-
working Marketing Business. that allows you to exert a small amount ences that team members, sponsors and
of pressure on one end, allowing you to uplines can share. Yes, you don’t have to
It is no wonder why the few that truly lift a much heavier object on the other experience hitting the wall on your own
get this power, are the ones who develop end. every time. You can use the benefit of
the thick skin to get through the tough others who have been there before you.
times, the many challenges we all face, Note to Editor: – Any generic You can also gain leverage of knowledge
not just in business but also in life, to ul- photo of a lever would be good through home study programs, books,
timately enjoy the real rewards of being here audio programs, attending seminars,
successful in this industry. workshops and trainings. All this gives
you an invaluable amount of experience
What power am I talking about? Successful people from all walks of life that will shave years of having to make
understand leverage. There is leverage all the mistakes yourself, thus allowing
I am talking about the power that is un- in the form of knowledge, which comes you to grow faster, smarter, sharper and
derstood and truly utilized by those who from attending seminars, learning about smoother.
are successful: Those living the lives of how others have done it before you. It
their dreams. I am talking about a pow- comes from having team members, who The second form of leverage takes the
er that is a core to those who are rich. I have their own set of skills, which when form of money. The simplest and best
am talking about the Power of Leverage. combined, could bring about winning example of this is being able to control


In the real world, when you work for an h

I was paid for that week alright, but it than this. Think of it this way. Imagine
made me realize two things. we are both at the starting line of a race.
I’m standing there by the start line, and
1. I made a fraction of what the busi- you are there too. Only you are sitting in
ness owner made. a sports car that has a 500 horsepower
2. I was trading my hours for dol- engine.
lars on a one to one basis. And this
model was always going to be lim- When the whistle is blown, if you were
ited to the numbers of hours I could to take a wild guess, who do you think
work in any given week. would be first to cross the finish line?
a piece of property for the fraction of the
investment using your deposit and the This helped me gain clarity of the reality Exactly! You.
balance being what is referred to in suc- of this brutal world.
cessful circles as OPM (other people’s Why? You had the leverage of not just
money – usually being the banks). But I If you trade your time for money, you one person, but the power of 500 horses
want to quickly move on to the third and will remain poor, because the vehicle when the pedal hit the metal. There was
most exciting of all leverages. you are using is akin to that of a don- no way I stood a chance.
key. And if you are riding a donkey as
The leverage that is in the form of hu- your vehicle, it will take you a lifetime to And I can hear you say, oh, that’s unfair.
man capital, more specifically time- hu- get to your destination -that is if you’re Yes, it is an unfair advantage, but it’s
man hours- productivity, effectiveness, lucky enough to get there at all, which all too common in life that some people
or, in this instance, we will refer to it as most people are not. The bottom line is seem to have an unfair advantage. Then
output. this: You can work a donkey as hard as again, as I stated earlier, the beauty
This is where the magic happens. This is you like, but it will only ever move at a about this industry is that it’s not really
where those who understand the lever- certain pace. an unfair advantage for the lucky few,
age of productivity and output, witness it’s an absolute advantage that anyone
the long-term and real rewards of this In my situation, the owner of McDon- can have if they see it and get it.
game. alds might have worked a forty hour
In the real world, when you work for an week, but because he had 40 employees All you have to do is make a choice and
hour, you only get the output of an hour. working in his store, he was benefiting utilize the power of leverage.
Let’s call it one human hour. When you from the total number of human hours
work 60 hours, you get the output of 60 coming from each one of his employees In this business if you are able to speak
human hours. That’s your productivity - and I was one of them. to say two people, three people, or four
ratio. A ratio of 1:1 people and they too want to do the busi-
I put in 87 hours and got 87 human ness with you, you are able to enhance
If you want to make more money, you hours worth of value. The owner had put your rate of productivity by adding hu-
can do what I did when I was younger 40 hours in that week, but he achieved a man hours to your business. For the
working at a supermarket for trading my total of 1500 human hours and generat- sake of example, we will say that every-
hourly rate for $5.05 and then upgrad- ed massive income from his restaurant. one is only doing this business on a part-
ing to an hourly rate of $8.49 an hour Sure, the owner was paying his employ- time basis and is putting in 10 hours a
at McDonalds. I even reached a week ees, but for the sake of this example, I week.
where I worked 87 hours, and literally want you to focus on the difference be- If you, being only one person, put in
could not fit any more into the week. tween human hours output, and how 10 hours, your output is going to be 10
Not only was I exhausted, but I had also the owner understood and was using hours. Let’s be conservative and say that
worked the stores’ maximum hours of the power of leverage. Leveraging your you bring in one person to join you in
operation. They couldn’t give me any time is the ability to work for an hour, business and every person from there
more hours to work. and get an output that is far greater on does the same, just one person joins


hour, you only get the output of an hour.

them to also do business with them. ness and, in turn, help benefit yours si- and Poor People. The difference between
When your business grows to two peo- multaneously. those who are successful and those who
ple, you are still putting in 10 hours but are not. The difference between those
your output is now 20 hours. You have Your 10 Hours Input = 40, 960 that get it and hang in there through the
doubled your productivity already.. Hours Output challenges in this business for the real re-
When two becomes four, which is each wards, and those who quit because they
person bringing a new associate, dis- If I was to simply put the 40,960 into never saw the power within their reach.
tributor or partner into the business, context. This is the equivalent of 1024 This is the reason why the rich get richer,
now for every ten hours you are doing people working for you full-time in your the poor get poorer, and the middle class
a week; you are now getting 40 hours business doing 40 hours a week. Can you are rapidly disappearing.
productivity. imagine having a traditional business
Suddenly, what you are doing in 10 where by you had over 1000 employ- In the direct selling and network market-
hours, equates to the productivity in ees all over the world doing that many ing game, the cherry on top of the power
terms of human hours of an average full hours? of leverage is that YOU have all the up-
time worker in your average job for a side of benefiting from the human hours
week. WOW… that’s just crazy crazy crazy pro- without the downside of having to “baby-
ductivity. Talk about achieving more and sit” employees.
Here is what it will look like, using you stressing less.
as the focal point bringing in a person In this industry, the people you work
to join you in business. Another context is that if you were to with are in business. They are all busi-
work out the average of 40 hours a week ness owners, looking to build something
1 > 2 by a person working in the western for themselves and it so happens to bene-
world, the productivity you can have by fit you too. In essence, you have business
2 > 4
putting in 10 hours a week is equivalent partners who share the same vision, and
4 > 8
to over 19.5 years worth of their work - want to achieve their goals and dreams
8 > 16
And I haven’t even taken into account the using a common vehicle.
16 > 32
holiday weeks and sick leaves.
32 > 64 If you make use of the amazing POWER
64 > 128 I will say it again because it’s actually of leverage, then your life will never be
256 > 512 frightening, but in a great way. the same again.
512 > 1024
1024 > 2048 Your ten hours per week input, suddenly How can it ever be, now that you know
2048 > 4096 becomes equivalent to 19.5 years of out- what you know?
put of an average person working a 40
So let’s continue and double this from hour trading their hours one at a time for This absolute advantage will see you rise
four people in business to eight, and so dollars. exponentially to new heights.
on (as you can see in the chart). I will
stop at 4096 before the math gets too Have a hard think about what I have just The Power is Within Your Reach.
complicated. shared with you. If you need to, re-read Have a Winning Month.
the entire section again. I assure you that
Remember you are still only doing ten for years, I have gone over this, and every Receive Kevin Abdulrahman’s free book
hours a week, but at this point now, for time I do, the excitement continues to “What Ever You’re Into” by going to
every ten hours that you are doing, you drive me off the wall.
are getting 40, 960 human hours. That’s
multiplying the people in your network My friend, what we are talking about is Enter code “vision” to receive your full
(4096) by 10 hours of work that they not just a little jump. It’s a LEAP. It is free e-copy courtesy of Kevin Abdurlah-
would each do to build their own busi- the DIFFERENCE between Rich People man and Obtainer Magazine.


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