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* Ultimately. a new methods of sulying the inner ear came aboat, a cambinaton of pace theory and frequency tery was adopted >5Kie Plice theary <400 Me Freeney theory 4m) S02: Volley theory oe Sound sinus protec s wave-like winaton of basiar membrane stating fam basal far towards apf coches. 4 Wincreases i amplide asi moves unt Ht reaches a masimum & ees ofl Sound frequency is determined by point of maximums amplide High fequerey sounds cane wave with masimum ampliude neartobasal tum ifeuchle, Law regency sound waveshave their msxinum smpitide rear cochlea apex Georg vonBekexy won Nobel prize for bis waveling wave they in 1961 Shull vibration from sound simulus lea to vibration ef bony lbyrint & inner ear ids 4 soundstmlasleads to stall vibration bul ear ostices lag behind duet nti © Out flue moverneat of sldll ear oiler lads to mevereat of stapes fontplae causing vibration of iner ea ids Sound stimulus bal ibrabon tut mandible condyle lps bebind due to inert & Outof phase niottanent of aull & suandie > vibalien of air in enema auditory canal virion ‘oftympanie membrane sound simulus > skull vibration > rotaienal vitratian ef ear ossicles > movement of stapes Footplate THEORIES OF NASAL POLYPOSIS + Mos Accepted theory 1s. Eiflsensation and Teete eodenna > Epithelial upuae -D pmlipse of Lamica propia > Adjacent epibelium ties coverup the defect forming lining of pelypoidl tissue If nat covered tap fat asin popeia cosine to grow leading to polyp formation, + oner cries neue: 1 Adenoma theary of Bilzeth 2. ibzoms theory of Hopman 2. Necrsing Edhmoits theny of Woaker 4. Taylors Glundlas Cystic Theary 5. GlaniuiarByprplaia Theory (Krajina) 6. Mucosal Exidate Theory of Hayek 7. Blckade theory of Jerking 8 Resgtlebtis and pel ymplurgis theory (Exgston and Wolk) 9. Proets shor (for ancoanal polyp) 10, Bernoulli's phenoctenen 11, Mucopalyssccharle changes 12. Milfs theory 13, Ewire’s theory 1 Infections 15, Vasommotrimbdancetheony | Intespeted nasal polyp to be adenomus that began growing under the masa mucosa pushing the pith and nasal lee outwards However Hopman disigrecd wit ths hypotesis saying that te garda sue found in te tse saps of wae polyp tude Satan arly macous linda nennully found in the natal incon ‘and concluded that nis poly cal be sot Honors and used Ue term from Lory to expan this: “These twothsories am not cumenlly accepted st present * * . “This theory suggests at elma causes yeristis and oxthis of ethoid bone causing bone “The oi ye in tates cosa eatin leading on to tmteosl oedeina and ply onto. ‘This theory has been flawed ftom the very beviaing as no evidence of bane necrosis could be found isthe polypeidhl tive tied so far oe © Biideatly thi tory ia based on te presence of epic polypoid tissue © The probable came for the formetionof there glandular cyt could be cede of eubmuvene causing glare and rcons fled eyes i the taal ‘onstructon tothe drainage of mucoid glands present in the masa mcs, ‘© These raucous cyte expund ourwards puting the nad rsucea casing the polyp to ace @ "Taylor ia ia meticnlous andy has proved that mucous glandular ats wally coear afer te polyp ‘ns formed and hence he believed that andar cysts could be caused by nasal polyposis and nt ‘4 HyeL believed that ral polyp formed dve to accurulation of exude lnalned dee in the rncoes, nis accumulation of exucate causes he mucosa to bulge Leading o yp Tormstion, © Nacil micoal gland and tubalalveolir glace an also displaced utwanis, These gladiPare hence faurlinihe distal par of the poy, 4 This teary is based om the premise dat developraent of masa polyp is aos Ways preceded by certain dees of al nso inflarnaation 4 The inflammation could be the result of eter infection / allergy. Hisobogically polyp ine is accumulation €intracelvian Mid dammed ypin a eclied iss 4 Mitisblockage persia palyp develop, ide Mockage coveraa lage seth sulle polyp forme ‘This theory doest explain why nasal polyp prefers cena eas of nasal cai. 4 This theory is based on the premise tha recutet infections of nasal mucosa blocksintercelllar uid teanspostsechasias in the secs ‘This is alvays associated wih oedema of lamina ropa, ee ‘This theory is bated on the deocstratign Shebrotic vascular changes inthe adel macoas in response to iallammation © Hiatologeally these changes spose io be rather diffureand hence camot be wed explain the pathogenesis of masa plypi which can alvays be Inealisd o certain areas of nasal cavity & Aceonlingto Krojiza cron inammation of nasal mucoss cause leal hyperplasia of mast mucosa Bande 4 Thee hyperplastic latls will case bulging of nasal mucosa, In addon wo glantulae By pexplaia ‘changes thal ocr in the Hlnd vescels wll ease edema in the repion of the mide reas. 4 This trum increases mst macomil oederu, Studs have shown tha the numberof nial cna {lard are the same in polypidal as nthe mal issue Procts sigoesed that thie disease could he ce to faulty development of the maxillary sins ‘itm, since it was abaya been fou to be large in these pies, 4% Hypenrophic mucosa of maxillary antrum srouss out through this eslarged maa sinus ostium 10 ‘gt fe the nasal avi

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