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The Wave by Todd Strasser Ben: Damn!

Ben: Damn! (As he tries to catch the film he Ben: Alright, Mister Collins, let me... Mister
Adapted by Paul Stebbings and Phil Smith drops the spool and it escapes him across the Robert Billings! That’s a D for you, Robert, I’m
stage, Ben chasing after it.) Ah!! Machines, afraid. I don’t know what to say that I haven’t
Final rehearsal draft, September 2014 machines! I hate them! They know in their little said before.
Cast: metal hearts that I’m scared of them! (He picks David: His social life is getting in the way of his
up the spool and tries to wind the film on, but, work, Mister Ross. (Laurie and Eric laugh.
Ben Ross Teacher, his wife Christie, students
Robert, Laurie, David, Eric, Deutsch juggling his bag as well, it escapes him again Robert doesn’t react.)
and rolls across the ground.) Darn it!
A middle class, comfortable suburban Ben: OK, OK. (Robert sees the projector.)
community. The characters are well dressed and (David enters, carrying his helmet, school books,
and now in school clothes. He traps the spool Ben: That’s enough. (Exchanges a guilty glance
affluent white middle class. with David.) Generally speaking, your papers
with his foot.)
SET – made up of units that look and can be were good, but sloppy. Nice ideas, but a mess. A
David: Hey, Mister Ross, are you having trouble good essay has to be planned... some of these are
used as school desks, or pushed together to form
a dinner table or placed one on top of another to with that projector again? Here. Let me do it. just plain messy! Who doodles on a homework
(David puts his things down on his desk and paper and then submits it?
make football lockers in a football).
threads the film into the projector.)
Opening vamp An American High School. The David: Who did that? (Looking round.)
Ben: Thanks, David. Ridiculous, I know.
characters all have or have access to “fake” Ben: None of your business, Mister Collins. Is it,
transistor radios – they sing or click for recorded Machines drive me crazy. They’ve put in a self-
service pump at the gas station – I can’t work it! Eric? (Eric is a little crestfallen, and shocked at
sound as if it comes from those radios. Play being exposed.) Now, come on, guys, I’m going
football and then all race off except Laurie and I’m gonna have to walk to school!
to have to start lowering grades for sloppy
Eric). David: Don’t worry, Mister Ross, I love this papers – if you have corrections, then write it out
Laurie: Isn’t it football practice? stuff. What are we watching? again. Anybody listening? (Laurie and Eric nod,
Ben: Germany, World War Two. but David is staring out Robert. Ben claps his
Eric: Like it matters? (Checking he is out of
view of any teachers, he takes out a cigarette.) David: O. OK. Sounds heavy. But you know hands.) Right – new subject, Laurie, can you get
how to make the dull stuff interesting, the lights, please?
Eric: How much training do I need to sit on a
Bench? Coach Schiller never plays me... Ben: Like when we did the Monkey Trial... Laurie: Yes, Mister Ross. (David mouths “Yes,
Mister Ross” to Laurie as she stands and goes to
Laurie: But you’re part of the team. Ben: The Scopes Trial, yes.... the light switch, joshing Laurie for her
Eric: Am I, Laurie, am I? We lose every match David: Yeh, the Monkey Trial! How you got us enthusiasm.)
and it’s the same bull... no one cares... to be the jury and the prosecutor and everyone – Ben: Thank you, Laurie. OK. Our new subject:
Laurie: David cares. that was a great class, Mister Ross. There. That’s World War Two, Germany. To get us started
fixed – you just need to turn it on. You don’t we’re going to have a look at a short film. (He
Eric: Sure. David’s a good guy. Cut to the chase, need me to...? nods to Laurie. Laurie turns off the lights. Eric
Laurie, I can see from that pen that you’re not
Ben: No. No! (laughing) I think I can handle it and David ironically cheer as if it were the lights
here to talk football...
from here, David. Thank you. You may take going down in a cinema.
Laurie: Eric, you promised me... you said the your seat. (applause from class) Thank you, Eric : “where’s the popcorn?
review would be done for this week. appreciate that.
(Ben turns on the projector and a flickering
Eric: O, yeah... er... I know, I said. Hey, what David: I won’t tell. blueish light is projected above the heads of the
about fashion? Didn’t Amy come through, she
Ben: (Laughs.) Good man. (Ben fusses with his audience. Laurie, David and Eric watch the
was gonna write you something?
bag, retrieving some assignment papers. Eric imaginary screen above the audience’s head, but
Laurie: I’m chasing Amy like I’m chasing you – and Laurie enter and take their seats. David turns Robert is already distracted eventually laying his
weren’t you going to review that ... ‘Midnight...? to see Laurie and they exchange warm looks. head on his desk and falling asleep. There are no
Eric: Cowboy’. Yeh. There were no cowboys in Eric raises his eyes. Ben registers the new images visible from the projector.)
it! Sorry, Laurie. I better go... (Picking up his arrival.) Q2 Projector & film music
football helmet) can you review a film Ben: Ah. Good afternoon, class. Good to see you Ben: What you are about to watch took place in
that’s such a drag? The review would be as dull all again. We’re a little late (he checks his Germany between 1934 and 1945. It was the
as the movie... right? watch) so let’s get right down to business. work of a man named Adolf Hitler. Originally
Laurie: Something, Eric, please! Though, before we do, I have a few homework this man – Hitler - was a menial labourer, a
papers to return – Laurie, that’s an A – good corporal in the army - a small time ordinary guy
Eric: (He takes the pen from Laurie’s mouth.)
work. (Passes her the paper.) David – (he who got turned on to politics after fighting in
Sure. Quit worrying, Laurie – you’re getting like
changes the mark) - you scraped a B, not bad, World War One. He was on the losing side and
your mother. (He puts the pen back in her
some real effort, you’re asking questions, keep it he was angry about that. After the defeat
mouth.) Next week. I promise. (He throws down
up. Eric, a C? I ought to give you an F for lack Germany was a mess: its people were
his cigarette, stamps on it and – after looking
of effort, but I think you’d like that... there’s no demoralised and disappointed, its leaders were
around – he runs off. Laurie shakes her head.
shame in success, Eric; if you ever completed discredited, there was terrible inflation – people
He’s gone.)
one of these assignments properly, you’d beat were going to the mall – well, to the shops, - and
Laurie: (Shouting, but knowing that she is not everybody. they had to take their banknotes in
heard.) I am NOT like my mother! (She dances wheelbarrows, that’s how bad the inflation was –
Eric: It’s been a busy week, Mister Ross...
off.) they printed a banknote in the morning and in
movies and football...
Q1 Air Guitar the afternoon they had to add a few zeros to it!
Ben: Read my notes, would you? (Hands Eric
(Laurie exits as the sheet covering the units is Thousands of ordinary people were made
who looks at the remarks, and shakes his head.)
pulled away and the picket fence removed to Homework is not optional, you guys! You can’t homeless, some starved, plenty of folk lost their
reveal what appears to be a set of desks, slightly jobs. But to Adolf Hitler, that suffering was an
put your social life first! Get your work done
higgledy-piggledy, facing the audience and at and then enjoy yourselves... if you committed to opportunity – he formed a political party, the
the back in the middle a raised podium on which Nazi party. He preached a theory that the Jews
your homework you’d enjoy it – am I right?
sits a movie projector. Ben Ross, a teacher, (David looks unsure, but Eric nods.) You see, were to blame for Germany’s problems, that the
dressed in neat slacks and white open-collared Jews were destroyers of civilisation and that the
but you never grab the chance! OK, one left...
shirt, enters carrying a leather bag and a spool of Robert? (Robert is slumped at desk ignoring Germans were a superior race. Now, today, of
film which is spilling film.) course, everybody knows that Hitler was a
class & teacher)
psychopath, literally a madman. But, by 1934 he
David: That boy is a waste of...
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and the Nazi party were in power. Ah. Yes. What Ben: (Shrugs.) All I can tell you are the facts; the Ben: Robert? Is this about your big brother?
you are going to see... (pauses for the picture to Nazis were organised and feared. The behaviour Nobody expects you to be the baseball star who
change, Laurie gasps) ... now... are some of the of the rest of the population is... well, it’s a gets straight A’s! Students like your brother
consequences of that control. mystery to most people. Frankly, I’m not going come along once in a generation. No one is
(Eric shakes his head and looks away and then to pretend to you that I know. Why didn’t they expecting you to be another Jeff Billings, but at
looks back through his fingers. David stares try to stop all this? (He shrugs.) How could they least try to be a decent version of Robert
blankly at the screen. Robert is asleep.) say or even think that they didn’t know? (He Billings? Eh? Please? For you own sake?
shrugs again.) We just don’t have proper answers Robert: Can I go now?
Eric: Good God... to these questions...
David: Wow… Ben: Get out of here. (Robert exiting.)
Eric: (Putting his hand up. Ben nods for him to
Laurie: Are those.... are those... people? speak.) I would never ... you know, bottom line, Ben: (shouting after Robert) I don’t care about
I would never let anything like that happen to your brother! (Pauses. Then, throws his hands up
Ben: Yes. Yes, they are, Laurie. Hard to believe? in frustration at himself. Ironically:) That went
People reduced to walking skeletons – and people... you can’t let a minority of maniacs rule
the majority. well.
there... there... they are being forced to pile up
the corpses of their fellow prisoners ... these here David: Yeh. You gotta stop those kinda people. I Auntie Skinner’s Chicken Dinner Creation of
are gas chambers used to kill many of them, wouldn’t let a couple of Nazis scare me into Canteen (The units are arranged into two
others died from overwork and starvation. (Ben pretending I didn’t see something I did. (Laurie canteen tables. David enters carrying a tray piled
shakes his head.) Then they were burned in and Eric raise their hands. The bell rings loudly with food. He begins to tuck in. A few moments
industrial ovens. Just be glad you only have to for end of class.) Bell – remotely triggered later Laurie enters with her tray)
see, you don’t have to smell the film... Laurie: (Disappointed.) O! (But Eric and David Laurie: You didn’t need to rush off like that.
Ben: These are the walls of the camp, the guard are already up on their feet grabbing their school David: I said I liked the class.
towers... and these are some of allied troops who books and kit.) Laurie: Yes, but... o, anyway. (She puts down
liberated the camps... And... that’s it. Lights, David: Nice one, Mister Ross. Great lesson. (To her tray and looks at the food, loses interest.)
please, Laurie. Laurie.) Come on, baby. You know how quick David: What’s up with you?
(Laurie is lost in her thoughts.) that cafeteria queue grows!
Laurie: That film.
Ben: Laurie? Laurie: I’ll catch you in a minute...
David: Uhuh.
Laurie: Uh, what... David: It’s your funeral. Cold post roast... yew!
(He exits. He hits the sleeping Robert Billings Laurie: Doesn’t it bother you?
Ben: Lights, please.
on the top of the head as he exits. Robert stirs.) David. Yeh. Sure. It bothers me. As something
Laurie: O, sure, Mister Ross. (Laurie turns on horrible that happened once. It bothers me like
Robert: Uh.
the lights.) that. But it’s not something that’s going to stop
Ben: I am sorry if that has upset one or two of Laurie: Gee, Mister Ross, I can’t believe that me getting lunch. It was a long time ago,
even the ones that were Nazis could have been
you. That’s nothing to be ashamed about. But I Laurie. History. We can’t change that anymore.
didn’t show you the film to upset you. I want to that cruel! No one can be, can they? Not decent
people? You don’t have to forget it quite so quickly!
see if it can make you think. Are there any (Laurie tries to bite into her food, but gives up
questions that you should be asking about this Ben: Well, after the war many tried to excuse and puts it down.)
place and time in history? (Laurie raises her themselves, they said that they were having to
hand immediately.) follow orders. That they were scared of ending David: Well, you can’t go around bummed out
up in those death camps. about it for the rest of your life. (Robert
Ben: Laurie? enters.with tray. David and Laurie watch him.)
Laurie: Were they all Nazis? The Germans, I Laurie: That’s just excuses. Why couldn’t they
have run away if they didn’t agree with things? David: Here comes the Great Billings; Gordon
mean. High’s own private Untouchable. (Robert sits
Could they think for themselves? No one just
Ben: (Shaking his head.) No, no, not at all. I ‘follows’ an order - you have to be able to down at the different table and takes out his
doubt if one in ten of the population were understand it to obey it, don’t you? Spider-Man comic).
members of the Nazi party. The vast majority Laurie: Do you think there’s something really
Ben: Yes. Yes. Good point, Laurie. That’s... you
were not Nazis. wrong with him?
see, Laurie... er... look; I’m sorry, I don’t have
Eric: So how come no one stopped them? any easy answers. I’m telling you what people David: It’s pretty weird that he’s related to his
Ben: Well. I’m not sure I can exactly answer did. I don’t know why they did it... brother.
that... I guess many people were scared. The Laurie: A bunch of sickos. Totally sickos. (Ben Laurie: My mom knows his mom...
Nazis were violent killers after all. The majority nods and grimaces. Picking up her school
of the population had just been through a terrible David: Yeh? She ever talk about him?
things.) Sorry, Mister Ross... it makes me mad.
economic depression, they probably weren’t (Laurie exits. Robert meanwhile is trying to Laurie: My mom? No. Except she said that they
ready for another fight – maybe some of them sneak out unnoticed.) tested him once – and he got a really normal
hoped that the Nazis would look after them. mark for his IQ.
After World War Two, most Germans said they Ben: (With his back to Robert, without turning.)
Robert. (Robert freezes.) Wait a minute, would David: They should have tested him for
had no idea that the atrocities you saw were weirdness – he’d get a straight A for that. Are
going on. you? (Robert waits, looks at the floor.)
you not eating that? (David helps himself to
Ben: Are you getting enough sleep? (Robert
Eric: That’s crazy. Totally. How could you Laurie’s food.)
slaughter... how many... nods without looking up.)
Laurie: No. (Sarcastically.) Help yourself. O.
Ben: (Sighs.) If you don’t start participating
Ben: Approximately ten million... You already did. (David ignores Laurie’s barbed
you’re going to make me fail you, Robert. At
Eric: Ten million!!! And nobody noticed? Get comment. Eric enters with tray and joins David
this rate you’ll never graduate. You don’t want
out of here! and Laurie.)
that? Don’t you have anything to say?
David: Yeh. That can’t be true. (Laurie puts up Eric: Hi, guys. (David shakes his head and
Robert: (Shrugs.) I don’t care. Is that what you
her hand.) Laurie looks down at her tray. Eric/David
want to hear?
exchange looks). Wow, did another Kennedy
Ben: Yes, Laurie? Ben: No, it is not. What do you mean – “don’t die?
Laurie: Eric’s right. The Germans just sat back care”? Of course you care... (Robert tries to inch
Laurie: Don’t...
and let the Nazis slaughter ten million people! towards the door.)
How could they do that? To other human beings! David: She’s upset.

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Eric: About that movie? Laurie: Boys! (She slams her hands on the Christy: Well, as a matter of fact it is, but - (She
Laurie: (looking around) Why don’t you get the canteen table.) Aaagh! removes his hands.) No Nazis for dinner, OK?
Principal to announce it over the tannoy? Q3, Laurie’s Theme What class are you teaching them, anyway?
Advanced dictatorship?
Eric: I know someone who isn’t upset? (He (The units are moved around to make a kitchen
looks round at Robert, David and Laurie turn table, with books scattered across it. Ben enters Ben: You wouldn’t be kidding if you saw the
and look.) Did you see him sleep the whole way – he is holding a book, skimming through the film we watched this afternoon.
through Ben Ross’s film? index.) Christy: (She sees his seriousness.) No. Maybe
Laurie: That is sick. Almost as sick as Mr Ben: “Hierarchy.” “Ideology.” “Parades.” not. You OK, mister?
Football Captain here... (to Eric) weren’t you... “Party.” “Terror.” Come on, where are you? Ben: One of my students asked me a question I
affected? “Uniform.” “War.” (Puts it down.) There’s go couldn’t answer?
Eric: Sure. Like, I knew about that stuff... but it’s to be something on.... what will be under? Christy: “What are you doing here?” (He doesn’t
different when you see it, yeh? “Personal Responsibility”? (He looks again. respond.) “Why bother?” (Nothing.) OK, OK....
Reads.) “Parades. Party. Patriotism. Penalties. you’ve convinced me, you’ve convinced me,
David: Hey, you two, I didn’t say I wasn’t Prisons ...” – nothing. (Picks up another book
bothered. I just said I was hungry. Look, all I Ben; I give in! You’re not going to be joked out
and flicks through the index.) Not a one of them. of this... we’re stuck with it, yeh? So why don’t
said was: it’s finished. It happened once and the (Has an idea.) “Obedience”! (Flicks through
world moved on. It won’t happen again. you tell me right now what this is really all
index.) “O, O... yes... Oath. Odessa. about?
Laurie: I hope not. Come on, Eric. (Eric rising Orchestra...”... it’s hopeless... (Picks up another,
from his seat.) flicks through.) No. (Addresses the books.) Ben: That’s the problem, Christy, I can’t tell you
Can’t just one of you tell me something about – because the answer to the question isn’t
David: Where you going? written down anywhere. I think maybe it’s
why they didn’t speak out? Guys? Please, do
Laurie: To work on the newsletter. With Eric. your jobs... What’s the mystery? Why did they something you would only know if you
obey? Did you have to be there? experienced it.
David: O, don’t let me hold you two intellectuals
back. Not much coverage of the football team in (Christy Ross has entered. She stops and sees Christy: O. Great. How are you going to
The Grapevine recently. her husband quizzing the books.) experience... (she picks up a book from the
Laurie: Try winning. Just once. That would be a table) ... the Third Reich?
Christy: Is history behaving badly again,
story. darling? Ben: That’s what I’m trying to work out...
David: (Pointing at her.) You take things too Ben: In a way... Christy: OK. (She starts to exits, then stops.)
seriously. Well try not to wake me when... if you come to
Christy: Give it a detention. bed. I can see it’s going to be one of those
Laurie: (Pointing back.) Yeh, and you don’t take
Ben: I can’t. I need it in the classroom. Christy... nights. Just you remember you’ve got classes in
them seriously enough. (David rises and exits,
hitting Robert on the back as he exits so that why did the Germans go along with the Nazi’s? the morning...
Robert spills his coke on his Spider-man comic. Christy: Don’t ask me. (Taps her chest.) Music. Ben: Yeh, yeh... (Christy exits. Ben turns back
He does not react.) Second graders don’t get to do much Wagner. to the books, opens one and begins to pace up
(She wipes some crumbs from the top of a and down. To himself.) Orders, obedience,
Eric: Wow. You two were having a fight. I never
saw that before. book.) Hey – you didn’t even try the new meat- obligation, motivation...
loaf! Q6 Classroom 1, drums
Laurie: He’s such a jock sometimes.
Q4, Radio Beethoven David: Keep it up, Robert – pride in the school,
Eric: Yeh, but he’s a smart jock. Did you ever
(Opens one of the books.) O my. Wanna hear man, pride in the school. (Robert looks puzzled.
see the computer he built from a kit?
about some other kind of history? Eric takes a glimpse at Robert’s back and almost
Laurie: (Sarcastically.) No, I completely missed collapses in hysterical laughter.)
Ben: (Not listening, he has picked up another
that. It was only about the same size as a
Cadillac! book. Mouthing: “Obedience.) Uh... other... Robert: What is it? (He turns to Eric revealing to
Christy: I made some history today, Ben... the audience that David has stuck a sign on his
Eric: Sorry, girl. David’s a nice guy. He’s better back that reads “TOUCH MY ASS”. David who
than regular. He doesn’t even look at other girls. Ben: (To himself.) Obedience... can now see the sign is equally stricken with
Laurie: He better not. Christy: I beat Betty Lewis.... how many times hysterics. Laurie enters.)
Eric: No, I mean he doesn’t even look. Hey, has that happened? Laurie: What’s happening? (Sees the sign on
when was the last time the Grapevine did Ben: (Utterly absorbed in a book.) O, I, er... Robert’s back.) O, you guys! You’ll go too far!
anything on true love romance? You could write (She goes to take the sign of Robert’s back, but
Christy: I said: I beat Betty Lewis...
it. decides against it and backs off when Robert
Ben: (Looks up at Christy.) What? Sorry. turns towards her. She sees the banner. Stops.)
Laurie: Yeh, I suppose .. do you s... hey! Stop
changing the subject. Christy: O, you’re impossible when you’re like Laurie: Hey! (The others turn and look.)
this! Is this going to be like your enthusiasm for
Eric: What subject? David: What’s that supposed to mean? (Ben
Red Indians? Please, tell me you’re not going to
bring any Nazis home to dinner? Like you did commands the class, as though he is just
Laurie: Your movie review. Where is it?
entering the classroom.)
Eric: Yeh, um... I gotta run, Coach Schiller says with those guys from the reservation?
Ben: They were fine. Ben: Ah, you’ve seen our new class banner?
he’s gonna throw anyone off the team who
doesn’t make practice. (Looks around the David: What’s it about, Mister Ross?
Christy: They were fine, yes. It was you that was
canteen.) He ain’t gonna have a team for the embarrassment. Wearing moccasins? (She Ben: I’ll tell you just as soon as you’re seated.
Saturday! This place is a dump... why don’t you shudders.) Thank god it never got to war paint. (They scramble to their desks. Eric pushes a
write about that. dawdling Robert.)
Ben: I was studying their culture.
(Laurie shakes her head, looking hard at Eric. Eric: (to Robert) Come on, man, don’t you
Eric is walking off backwards as he speaks to Christy: No you weren’t, Ben. You were taking
over their culture and diving head first into it. wanna know? (They sit. Pause.)
Laurie, as he turns Robert is crossing his path
You can never just study something, can you? Ben: Thank you. Good morning. (They mumble
and Eric dodges neatly around him. He doesn’t
touch or push him, but scowls.) You have to get right into it. You don’t have “good morning” in response.) Today I am going
normal barriers. (Ben, takes her by the waist.) to teach you about discipline. (A collective groan
Eric: Hey, man! (Eric exits, Robert exits.) of disappointment.)
Ben: That’s why you love me.

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Ben: Hold it, hold it, hold it... you guys all find David: (surprised) I was. (He doubles his effort, by the side of your desk. And three: when asking
discipline exciting. You do! You just don’t call it Eric copies. Robert straightens fully now.) Hey! or answering a question, your first words are
discipline! Is this history, or did I come to gym by mistake! “Mr Ross”. Understood? (The kids all nod.)
Eric: Exciting? Ben: Concentrate. We know you can be a wise Ben: (quickly) David, who was the British Prime
Ben: Sure. We’re talking about power here. (He guy, can you do this? (Ben walks up and down Minister before Winston Churchill?
makes a fist.) (Eric makes a black power salute, between the desks, manipulating Eric and David: Er, it was... er... yeh, I know this..
head down, like the black Olympic sprinters. He Laurie’s posture slightly.) Good. Good. Straiten
up a little more... that’s it. Eyes forward, eyes Ben: Wrong! Wrong. You already forgot the
laughs.) Yes. See. I’m talking about people who rules, David. (He looks round the class, and sees
use discipline to get success. To make a mark, to forward - Good. Robert, excellent!
Robert, eager. Throughout this lesson the kids
make a difference. You know anyone who (The other turn in surprise to look at Robert who are not cold, expressionless robots performing
doesn’t want to make a difference? is sitting fully straight and staring ahead, not these actions and giving the answers; they are
Eric: Er, Robert? making eye contact. Robert smiles briefly and nice middle class kids who have discovered a
then returns to a his blank face, but his posture way for the lessons to be fun. So, not behaving
Ben: OK, OK, smart guy. Even Robert. David, remains straight.)
come on, you play football... immediately like the Gestapo, but like boy
Ben: (claps his hands) All right. Relax. Now, on scouts and girl guides, with plenty of smiles.)
Eric: You call it that... (David points a mock my command, I want you all to get up and walk Robert? Can you show David the correct
warning finger at Eric, but there is some threat around the room. Then, when I say so, you will procedure? (Robert gets smartly to his feet,
there.) return to your seats as quickly as is safely stands by his desk at attention.)
Ben: You need discipline to win, right? possible and resume the correct sitting posture. Robert: Mr Ross!
Everyone... go!
Laurie: Which is probably why they haven’t ... Ben: Thank you, Robert. Absolutely correct.
for.. (Loud scraping of chairs. Eric, Laurie and
Robert immediately jump up and begin walking David: Aw, com’ on, we have to do that every
David: Hey, we know how long we haven’t won time?
for. How long since the last Grapevine? around. David pauses for a moment, but then
joins in. Once four of them are up they bump Eric: Just because you messed up...
Ben: You still taking ballet classes, Laurie? into each other, laugh). Ben: David? Who was the British Prime
Laurie: Sure, Mister Ross. Ben: Take your seats!! (They return to their Minister before Winston Churchill? (David
Ben: Doesn’t it take ballet dancers long hours of seats. Scraping of chairs. David forgets his stands by his desk.)
hard work to learn their art? posture.) David: Mr Ross. It was... uh...
Laurie: Sure thing! Ben: David? Ben: Too slow. Everyone, make your answers
Ben: Same with every art. Painting, writing, David: O. (He looks around and sits straight.) short and sweet. Spit them out. David, try again.
music – years of hard work, discipline, control. Ben: That was the most disorganized mess I’ve David: Mr Ross. Chamberlain.
Eric: Where’s this going? I mean... (shrugs).. so ever had the misfortune to witness. This isn’t Ben: You see. Everyone? That’s the way to
what? We’re kids, we’re not geniuses... Laurie’s ‘duck, duck, goose’ in kindergarten! This is an answer a question. (David is pleased.)
great but she isn’t going to work at the Bolshoi, experiment in movement and posture! Now stay Disciplined. And it helped you get it right,
David’s never going to play in the Super Bowl... right where you are. Now I want you to TRY to David. Confidence, ladies and gentlemen, is the
be as chaotic as you can be. Think of the
David: Hey! first step to knowledge. Be seated, thank you.
hippiest, crazy, Haight-Ashbury, most drop-out (David sits – slouches then corrects himself, Ben
Ben: “So what?” Listen to yourself. “Not” this, flower power kid kid you could be, yeh. And
“not” that... what about something positive? sees and smiles at David who smiles back.)
then you follow me. We’re gonna shift gear: boy Laurie, what country did Hitler invade in the
What about you serving in Congress, Eric? scouts, cheer leaders West Point cadets,
Suppose I could show you how to create power September of 1939?
marching bands... Are ready? I said class, Are
and success from discipline? Not tell you. Show you ready? Laurie: (stands) Mr Ross. I don’t know. (She
you. Right here in this classroom. I could give – sits.)
Calss: Yes Sir:
you – power. What would you say to that? Ben: That’s still a good response! Eric?
Ben: Freak out!!... Snap to it... (They mess
Eric: Wow. (He’s interested.) I mean “if” (Ben Eric: (Standing) Mr Ross. Poland.
around, stumbling into each, laughing, making
looks round the class waiting for a wisecrack,
peace signs and so on.) And freeze! Right and on Ben: Excellent. Robert, what was the name of
but it doesn’t come. Even Robert is now
my command, again and this time look out for Hitler’s political party?
each other and respect yourself, stay controlled
Ben: OK! Laurie. Come up here a minute. Robert: (standing) Mr Ross, the Nazis.
and keep your backs straight. And... again!!!
David: Teacher’s pet. (This time there is more control.) Keep going, Ben: Excellent, Robert. Quick and accurate.
this is much better! Much better! Freak-out – Anyone give me the official name of the party?
Ben: Power begins with posture. (He draws one Give Peace a Chance – “Hi-Ho” – Battle Hymn (Laurie jumps up.)
of the units into the middle of the stage.. Eric of the Republic sequence. (Movement sequence:
waves his hand to David to be quiet. David Laurie: (Brightly, pleased with herself.) The
“Freak-out”, individual with noises, to “Give National Socialist..
taken aback by this.) Peace a Chance” & claps, then clapping &
Ben: Sit. (Laurie sits on the unit.) Now place follow the leader “Hi-Ho”, to bass drum, to Ben: No!!!! (Bangs his ruler down on Laurie’s
your hands flat across the small of your back and Battle Hymn, to drumming. Ben stops, others desk. Speaks very quietly, but not unkindly.)
force your spine straight up. There! Now, can’t stop one by one, until only David is left. All Now. Do it again. (Laurie sits slowly, confused.)
you breathe more easily? seated.) David: (whispers to Laurie) “Mr Ross”...
Laurie: (slightly surprised.) Yes! That’s... yes, Ben: That is outstanding, class. Give yourself a Laurie: (nods, thanking David, stands.) Mr Ross.
that’s OK.... whole crate of cheers for that one! And, a special The National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Ben: Now, look straight ahead, and focus on the round now for the student who sat back smartly Ben: Correct. Excellent. (She sits.) David, who
middle distance – breath in, 2, 3 4, – and out, 2, in his place, first. Who was disciplined, first. proposed the Lend-Lease act?
3, 4. (breathing noises) (Eric copies the action Robert Billings. (The kids stand in their seats
and clap and cheer.) David: Mr Ross, Roosevelt.
and David, trying not to be noticed does too.
Robert straightens a little.) Ben: There are three more rules. You obey these Ben: Eric, who died in the death camps?
Ben: Come on, David, give it a try! rules. One: everyone must have pencils and Eric: Mr Ross. The Jews.
notepaper for making notes. Two: when asking Ben: Anyone else, Laurie?
or answering a question, you must stand straight

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Laurie: Mr Ross, gypsies, homosexuals and and then stands straight, sits and then stands All: Strength Through Discipline, Strength
insane people. straight). Through Community! Strength Through
Ben: Good, Laurie, good. (She sits.) And why Q 6, Laurie’s theme to shower – Units Discipline, Strength Through Community!
were they murdered, Robert? switched to the Ross bathroom. Ben in shower, Strength Through Discipline, Strength Through
Christy at sink doing her face). Community!
Robert: Mr Ross, they weren’t part of the
superior race. Christy: They thought it was sport! Kids don’t Ben: What we need now is a symbol of our new
take anything seriously at that age! They were community. Thirty seconds in your notebooks.
Ben: Correct. David, who ran the death camps? First idea you get, draw! (They all hunch over
competing with each other not to be the dumb-
David: Mr Ross, the SS! looking one... their notebooks. David can’t think of anything.)
Ben: Excellent! Excellent, excellent, all round! Ben: No, no... (Christy reacts) Well, I’m sure Ben: 15 seconds left. (Pause.) Five, four, three,
Now, see how things can be in a classroom! Eh? that was part of it, but they took to it like they’d two, one! OK, hold them up! (They hold up the
been waiting for something like this for the images, Laurie is a simple single wave in a
Bell – remotely cued (The bell rings. No one
moves. Ben looks at the kids and sees they have whole of their lives! It was weird. circle.)
not moved. He turns his back on the class and Christy: You’re being weird. It happens all the Ben: Laurie! Wonderful! Here’s our symbol! A
smiles to himself. Then gathers himself and time. To them, it’s a game. wave – a symbol of change. A symbol that has
turns to them. ) movement, direction and impact. A wave can
Ben: Even in a game you can choose to play or smash into a cliff or caress a small boat. From
Ben: Tonight, you will complete your reading of not. They chose to play. Big time they chose. now on... well done, Laurie... from now on our
chapters seven and eight of ‘Hitler’s Youth’. And the longer we went on and the harder I got
Class... (Holds the moment.) ...dismissed! (Ben movement will be called The Wave. (The kids
with them, the more they chose. They desired to all stand by their desks and shout.)
picks up his case and almost marches out of the be disciplined! When the bell rang... listen to
room. The kids slowly rise from their seats.) this - they didn’t move. (Christy stops short.) All: The Wave! The Wave!
David: Wow, that was weird, man! What a rush! Ben: Yes. More than a game, Christy, more – Ben: OK. What about a salute?
Eric: (Going to David) Man, I’ve never felt than – a – game. David: Mr Ross. (He makes a fist.)
anything like that before! Christy: Hey, you’re messing me up for my Ben: Eric? (He holds up two hands.)
Laurie: I guess beats taking notes. class. I’m late as it is. Do you think you’ll go on David: That looks... (He stands.) Mr Ross. That
with it today? looks like surrender... (Eric and David sit.
Eric: Yeh! (Laughs.)
David: Don’t knock this, Laurie. Don’t knock it, Ben: I’m not sure... we’ve got to get onto Japan. Robert stands.)
Hand me the towel honey. Robert: Mr Ross. (Robert makes a rather
babe. That was really, really different. That was
like – when we all acted together? We were Christy: I’ll be back about nine. No kiss? Did graceful salute – cupping his right hand in the
more than just a class of kids for once. We were you mean they... they stayed after the bell had shape of a wave, tapping it on his left shoulder
a single unit. Remember what the man said rung? and then holding it upright.)
about power? Didn’t you feel it? Ben: Hmm... yeh, yeh, after the bell. Ben: Class! Give the salute! (All rise and give
Laurie: It was a little bit spooky... Christy: Ben, my sweet. (He turns to her.) the salute – almost getting right. Robert is
You’ve created a monster! (She laughs & exits.) beaming with pride.)
Eric: Come on, you two! You’re taking it too
seriously... Ben: (shaving, nicks himself) Ouch! Ben: Again! And again! And again! (Now they
all get it right.) All right. Sit down, please. That
Laurie: I’m not. I’m just saying... SCHOOL ROOM is our salute and ours only. Whenever you see a
David: Let’s take it seriously if we want to... O? Q7 Classroom 2, congas Military rhythmic Wave member you will salute. (He salutes.)
We just felt something in here that I can’t setting up of the boxes. Robert, please; salute and give our mottos.
Ben: What’s going on here? Robert? Robert: Mr Ross. Strength Through Discipline,
Eric: What’s to explain? We stood by our desks. Strength Through Community!
We did what we were told. Robert: Mr Ross. Discipline.
Ben: Very good. Eric, David, Laurie! Join
David: I don’t know, Eric, friend... I think it was Ben: I see. OK... I was... er.. going move on to
Japan, this morning... (He takes out his Japan Robert. (The three stand and salute and all four
bigger than that. Suppose if the football team shout the mottos.)
had that feeling? Yeh? Suppose Ben Ross notes, he senses a frisson of disappointment as
coached us like that instead of Coach Schiller? the kids sit down) ... but, er... is it really just All: Strength Through Discipline, Strength
discipline? Is that all? (Before they can answer.) Through Community!
(Mimics a dumb accent.) “You godda take em’
down, you godda take ‘em down...” (He turns to I was thinking about this last night. (He mimes Ben: And again! All together!! (The chanting
exit.) writing on blackboard, in big letters: reverts to percussive sound as locker room
COMMUNITY. Turns to the class.) created.)
Eric: Where you going?
Community is the bond between people who Q8 Locker Room, stadium sounds of American
David: The john. (Exiting.) work and struggle together for a common goal. football commentary, so the kids “play” at
Eric: David. (David stops and turns.) When It’s like building a barn with your neighbours. football with underlying realism)
you’re in there. Remember. Sit up straight. It’s the feeling you get when you’re part of
(Laurie and Eric laugh. David doesn’t respond to something more important than you. You’re a SCENE TITLE: LOCKER ROOM 1
the joke. Turns and exits. Eric and Laurie movement, a team, a cause! You’re committed... (Eric and David are changing into their football
exchange a look.) (he waits for the joke, but it doesn’t come) ... to kit.)
something good. But just like discipline, Eric: It’s a game in a history class, man – that
Eric: Come on, it’s chemistry.
community has to be experienced; you have to Ben Ross is some clever guy, but in the end it’s
Laurie: Uh. (They turn to exit, bumping into participate in it to ‘get it’. From now on our two just a teacher’s trick to keep us interested...
David, re-entering, at the door.) mottos will be: Strength Through Discipline,
David: Forgot my kit. I’ll catch you up. (Eric Strength Through Community. Everyone, repeat David: That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for
the mottos. the team? No! It’s gotta be more than a trick...
and Laurie exit, David picks up his kit, then
notices Robert who all this time has been (All the kids stand and recite the mottos. First Eric: You gotta convince Coach Schiller then!
standing by his desk staring ahead. David Eric and Robert straight to their feet, David, a I’m not telling him!
watches as Robert – unaware he is being little uncertain but joins after a moment, feeling David: What are you scared of? You think
watched - straightens his hair. Then snaps to he needs to be part of the team spirit. Laurie is Mister Ross is going to punish me if I tell a
attention. He sits and then stands straight, sits worried. She is the last to join in, but finally couple of the guys?
stands and shouts the mottos.)
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Eric: No, man, it’s the guys who’ll punish you! David: Now listen up – all of you losers in the Laurie: Dad! It’s nothing...
They’ll laugh at you! (Deutsch enters in full locker room: The Wave… (They make the Wave Mrs S: Can I remind you, special daughter, that
football gear with helmet, played by the Robert salute) your old Pop is a junior Manager at a plant with
actor. He’s already been training. There is mud America The Beautiful a workforce of 4,786 men – And women! If I
on his kit. He limps in.) don’t know the difference between something
David: Hey, Deutsch! You heard about The and nothing, nobody does!
Wave yet? (The Saunders’s dining room. Mr Saunders
enters carrying and waving a golf putter.) Laurie: OK, OK... there is something!
Deutsch: That crazy thing you’ve got going in Mr S: I knew it. Tell me while I’m eating. Go
Ross’s class? Sure. Mr S: Honey, honey! What a triumph! This beats
everything! Honey! Honey? Honey, I’m home!! on. Pop’s all ears!
Eric: David thinks we should spread it to the Honey? (Laurie enters.) Q9 Saunders’ Home, stadium sounds The Wave
team. What do you think, Deutsch? (Deutsch salute in rhythm, without words. (Mr S sits down
groans, and stretches his shoulder as if might be Mr S: Hi, Laurie, where’s your Mom?
around the table. Lighting change. Laurie is
injured.) Laurie: O Dad, she’s out at another of her talking, but we do not hear her words. Instead
Deutsch: Well, if you think it can stop that two League of Women Voters things – she told you we hear the sound of high school kids chanting
hundred twenty pound line-backer we’re lined this morning. the Wave mottos. We see Laurie demonstrate the
up against next Saturday then I’ll join your Mr S: Did she? I wasn’t listening. Did she say Wave salute. Her Dad is eating, but all the time
Wave, I’ll eat my Wheaties, I’ll do my prep, anything about dinner? he is watching Laurie carefully).
anything to stop that beast, man! Mr S: I don’t think I like it, Laurie. It sounds too
Laurie: It’s there for you in the kitchen – it’s
Eric: I hear what you’re saying, man; you’re meat loaf. militaristic to me. I don’t think your Mom would
afraid of that team. I’ll take your place, man, like it much either.
Mr S: Again?
you just say the word. Laurie: O, Dad, you’ve taken it the wrong way!
Laurie: Dad!
Deutsch: The day they let you in the game we’ve That’s why I didn’t want to tell you! You never
got no chance. I know you smoke, you Mr S: (Holding his hands up in surrender.) I’m listen properly. There’s a lot of positive energy
degenerate. The drop out who drops the ball. kidding! around The Wave. Even the bad kids are into it.
Eric: The only reason you’re quarterback ahead Laurie: Yes, but Mom doesn’t always know that. You know Robert Billings, the class creep? Even
of me is that you’re... he’s part of the group. And he doesn’t get pushed
Mr S: O Laurie, if only you could have been
around now. Because we’ve got community. Tell
Deutsch: What? Say it. there today, my sweet child! Hold that. (Hands
me that isn’t positive?
Laurie his putter.) Don’t drop it. Your father was
Eric: the Coach’s tramp daughter... Mr S: OK, I can’t tell you that it’s bad
the talk of the clubhouse! (He gets his dinner. He
Deutsch: Why, you dirty ... (he lunges at Eric) shouts to Laurie from offstage. Laurie shakes her specifically...
David: Hey! (David gets up between the two to head, but she’s amused rather than angry.) It was Laurie: What wrong with belonging to a group?
stop them fighting.) the finest game ever played on that course ...
Mr S: Nothing. Not in itself. This country was
wait there, wait there!!!! I’ll show you, I’ll show
Eric: Guys like me don’t ever get to quarterback you! Help me out, here, Laurie! Let’s make this built by groups. We could do with a bit more
no matter how strong their arms are! (Shaking group thinking down at the plant... But the
the 18th green and I’ll show you... (He throws the
his fist in Deutsch’s face). tablecloth over the dining table units and Laurie individuals in the group still have to think for
themselves, Laurie.
David: Hey, hey, hey!! This is just what I’m helps him to straighten it. He takes the apple
talking about! You guys should be supporting from Laurie and carefully places it on the table Laurie: We are thinking for ourselves. Nobody’s
each other, but you think this is just about cloth and climbs on a chair so he can strike the forcing us.
yourselves!! How are we going to win if we’re apple with his putter.) Now, everyone said what Mr S: OK. Well, just as long, eh? Some of those
not a team? a terrible lie I had... right on the edge of the teachers can be very persuasive. The Pilgrims
Deutsch: What are you talking about, man? green, bunkers on two sides, the hole at the top Fathers came to this country because they
(Tugs at his shirt.) We wear the shirt... of a slope with that darned water at the bottom. weren’t afraid to think for themselves. But that
Everything and anything can go wrong – how didn’t stop other people trying to shut them up...
David: I’m not talking about a shirt, I’m talking was Bernie Saunders going to get out of this
about what should be in the shirt – unity, one, eh? Hold the fruit bowl ready, dear. (Laurie Laurie: Dad! I know! We’re still doing our
discipline. And a heart that says “the team, the picks up the fruit bowl and absent-mindedly history; we haven’t had our brains emptied! Mr
team, nothing but the team”, and that means if holds it at one end of the table, at the far end Ross has just found a way of getting everybody
Eric has to be left out, or if Deutsch has to be from her father, as if it were the hole in the to understand rather than just the top kids.
left out, it doesn’t matter as long as the team is green.) I addressed the ball. I checked the green Mr S: We raised you to be an individual, Laurie.
better for it. Your job – the two of you – is not to again. It’s the final hole. This for the match. What suits everybody else isn’t necessarily
steal each other’s position! Your job is to do Vicious slope. Deep breath. Settle the putter in what’s right - you understand that, right?
whatever – whatever! – it takes to help this team the palms. Gentle, but firm. By now the entire
win! Laurie: Dad! Either you’re being stubborn or
clubhouse has emptied and is standing around you are just not listening! (Exits)
Eric: I could help this team win if I got to play... the green. I can hear the ice in their bourbons
rattling. They settle. I visualise the ball’s Mr S: (Shouts after her.) It was you raised it!
David: You don’t get it, Eric! We’ve got 25 one-
man teams out there! You wanna be first string trajectory in my head; the whole thing is nothing Laurie: (Off.) O, you twister!
more than an engineering problem... Laurie,
quarterback in a team that never wins? Either of Mr S: Hey? Where’s David tonight? Isn’t he
you? Or do you want to be part of a winning ready with the bowl! Laurie? Laurie! coming over?
team? Laurie: What? O. Sorry. (Laurie has become Laurie: (Putting her head back in the room) You
Deutch: We’re tired of losin’... (Murmurs of preoccupied with her own thoughts.) and my David! You just want him here so you
agreement.) Mr S: (Dropping his play acting.) Laurie? can bore him with the engineering magazines!
David: Well then, Deutsch? Laurie: Dad? Folks will think David is dating you, not me!
Deutsch: Ok. You’re so clever. What’s your Mr S: (getting down from the chair) Hey, what’s Mr S: (Not thrown by this.) Well, where is he?
plan? (David looks around him.) up, special daughter? Laurie: He’s home studying – it’s a history
Eric: Tell ‘em about The Wave. (They make the Laurie: O nothing, sorry, Dad, I was just assignment for tomorrow.
Wave salute) thinking. Mr S: (His meal finished he picks up his dish
Mr S: O that’s more than thinking, I can see and clears the tablecloth.) David? Studying?
when something’s eating folk. Now you have got me worried!

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Laurie: O, Dad! (Laurie exits.) placard that reads ACTION.) You may know Laurie: Yes. Yes, I do. (David and Robert appear
Mr S: Hey, I haven’t finished my putting story!!! about discipline and community, but they are in the door. David has his hand on Robert’s
(He finally does the put, then exits, carrying his ultimately worthless without action. Discipline shoulder. Eric sees them.)
dinner things.) gives you the right to act, but only action will Eric: Guys. Laurie says she knows someone
realise your goals. You must act! Class, do you who’s... unsure about The Wave. (seriously)
GRAPEVINE SCENE believe in the Wave? (A moment of hesitation, Who, Laurie?
Q10 Classroom 3, congas – (Lights up on the not from doubt, but not quite understanding.
big Wave symbol. The units arranged into Then Eric, Robert and David stand.) Robert: Come on, gimmie the name, gimmie the
classroom formation. David and Laurie enter. name!
Eric, Robert, David: Mister Ross, yes! (Laurie is
Laurie is writing in a notebook.) just behind them.) Laurie: (Takes a deep breath.) Look. It’s me. I’m
David: (As if answering a question from Laurie.) not sure about all this...
Laurie: Mister Ross, yes!
Hit ‘em hard and hit ‘em low. Get to their Eric: (Blankly.) Tut tut, Laurie! (Eric takes out
quarterback before he gets to work the pocket. Ben: Then, take action! Never be afraid to act on his membership card.) You know what Ben Ross
Listen to the coach. Work as one machine. It’s as what you believe. Listen to your hearts. Always. said. (He turns the card and shows the red X. A
simple as that, Laurie... hey? What is this for? Look to the most important thing inside you. moment of shock and seriousness, and then Eric
Don’t deny it. Put that important thing to work laughs.) Got yah! (Robert and David laugh.)
Laurie: I’ve decided there’s going to be a new for The Wave. The Wave can only work if you
issue of The Grapevine. make that important thing part of our movement. David: He really got you, Laurie!!!
David: Good for you. Things are happening. But only if you work together and obey the Robert: Good one, Eric. (Laurie is upset.)
(Gestures to the Wave symbol.) This is just what rules; there are no prizes for being the best Wave David: Hey, babe! Eric is not going to report
our team needs. member – instead make The Wave best! you!
Laurie: And a quarterback who can pass... (Eric, Robert and David seem to be buying this, Robert: Only if you were really against The
but Laurie looks troubled, though she continues
David: Don’t you dare write that. The Grapevine Wave.
has gotta be part of the team. to stand straight by her desk.)
David: That’s right, babe! You’re not against The
Ben: Be seated. We are beginning a new phase.
Laurie: Sure... Wave!
You’re next action is to recruit. The Wave
David: I’m serious. requires more members. (David makes a thumbs Robert: How can anybody be? It’s just about us
Laurie: David... Mom says we’re being up sign to Eric.) So, what are you waiting for? all being a part of the same thing. Supporting
brainwashed... Class dismissed. each other.
David: See! Right there! You’ve gotta use the Robert: (quickly, standing) Mister Ross? David: Yeh. I’m glad I finally got to know you,
Grapevine to stop people saying things like that. man! That’s The Wave! (David pats him on the
Ben: (Turning back, everyone else sliding back back.)
(Ben Ross enters. He is dressed in a suit and his into their seats.) Yes, Robert?
usual white shirt is buttoned to the neck and he Robert: (to Eric; a hint of worry) Did he stick
Robert: (hesitantly) Mister Ross. For the first
wears a blue tie. Eric and Robert follow him in anything on my back?
time in my life, I feel like I’m part of something.
and go straight to their seats. Laurie and David Something actually worth fighting for... (All Eric: Man, you are paranoid! (Eric pats Robert
quickly get to their seats. Ben takes out some stare at him, he begins to slide back into his seat, on the back, reassuringly.) Now, did I stick
yellow cards and hands them out.) but Eric stands.) anything in your back? (The boys laugh.)
David: (To Laurie) It’s not the week for report Eric: Mister Ross. I reckon I feel the same. I David: Come on, Laurie!
cards? think the Wave gives you a sense of self worth. Q11 Laurie’s tune, into hallway
Laurie: (studying the card) It’s a membership Is that right? (He sits down. David leans over
(A brief pause and then Ben enters the classroom
card... and slaps him on the back.)
at speed. He immediately hides behind the door
Ben: No talking. You all have your own David: Mister R... O... (Stands.) Mister Ross. and then waits a moment and then jumps out in
membership cards now. In your own name. If I’m proud to be part of The Wave. (They all look the corridor, still in view to the audience.)
you turn them over you will see that some of at Laurie. She stands, uneasily.)
Q12 Tannoy: Mister Ross, please report to
you have a red X. That means you are a monitor. Laurie: Mister Ross. Yes.... Me too... (She sits Principal Owen’s office. Mister Ross. Please
Monitors will report to me the name of any quickly, unhappily.) report to Principle Owens’s office.
member of The Wave who does not obey the
Ben: Our salute! (All stand and salute.) Q13 Principal scene
(Robert turns his card over and smiles. Laurie, All: Strength through Discipline! Strength Principal: Come in! (gives a look, then:) Should
through Community! Strength through Action! I be worried, Ben?
Eric and David turn their cards over – Laurie
and David grimace. Eric does not react. Laurie Ben: The game is over. (A moment of shock and Ben: What about, sir?
raises her hand.) disappointment, the kids look at each other.) The
Principal: Nice suit, Ross. I think you know
Ben: Yes, Laurie? struggle has begun. Get out there and recruit!
what I mean.
(Ben marches out of the classroom. Eric, Robert
Laurie: What’s the point of this, sir? We know and David burst into applause and follow him Ben: The Wave?
we’re members? out. Laurie is left alone. Silence. She stands, Principal: You have the school in a tizzy.
Ben: (Long pause.) Aren’t you forgetting distraught. Eric returns.)
Ben: A good tizzy, I hope, sir.
something? Eric: Laurie? You OK?
Principal: Well... from what I’ve been told... yes,
Laurie: O, shoot... (Stands.) Mister Ross. What’s Laurie: Sure, sure... I just feel a little weird, you it is. A very, very good tizzy. Have you heard
the point of the cards? know? differently?
Ben: And, Robert. Weren’t you forgetting Eric: Tell me about it. Ben: No, no, sir...
something? (Robert looks around, lost for a
Laurie: You feel it too? Principal: And you are sure that the students are
moment. Then it dawns on him and he stands,
snapping to attention.) Eric: Sure.It’s like there’s no in-crowd anymore. not falling behind with their... conventional
Man, those cliques! It feels like it’s a school, not work?
Robert: Mister Ross. Laurie did not use the
correct procedure. a popularity contest? We’re all equals; all part of Ben: They’re ahead with it.
the same thing?
Ben: Thank you. You may both sit down. (They Principal: And it doesn’t worry you that you’ve
sit.) I think that answers the question. (Laurie is Laurie: Does everyone think that, Eric? involved students from outside your class?
shocked.) Today’s word is ... (he holds up a Eric: Do you know anyone who doesn’t?

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Ben: In fact, my wife Christy was just saying Robert: I can do it. Nobody makes jokes about Mr S: Is he one of your Wave people?
that her music students are much more... me now. Laurie: We’re all Wave people.
focussed on their work. Ben: I’m sure they don’t... and... quite right... Mr S: Laurie... your Mom spoke to Elaine
Principal: And the banners? The salutes? Should but,.... (checks watch) ... OK, OK, but not here, Billings at the mall today. She says something
I be concerned about them? right now. OK? strange has happened to Robert. That he’s “a
Ben: No Sir; They’re all part of the game. And, Robert: Sure, Mister Ross. (Robert is delighted. completely new person”...
why, even Coach Schiller... Give a big smile, which he immediately Laurie: Was Mrs Billings worried?
Principal: Yes, yes. I have had Norm Schiller in suppresses, gives a huge Wave salute, which Ben
returns casually – a little too like Hitler’s casual Mr S: No. She was completely delighted. It was
my office all this morning – he seems to think your Mom that was worried.
that he’s finally got a football team and it’s all flicked salute. Exits) We’ve Never been defeated
thanks to you. in the U.S.A. Laurie: Mom’s always worried.
Ben: Wow. (The scene changes to the lawn outside the Mr S: Yes, I know, but there’s always a lot to be
Saunders’ house and the abutting sidewalk. Eric worried about. Your Mom knows what makes
Principal: But that’s not my priority, Mr Ross. and Laurie are walking back from school them tick. She says the Billings have had a lot of
My priority is the students. I don’t want a parade together; they carry their school books. Eric has problems with Robert... up until now...
of parents to my office telling me we have an a kit bag). Underneath this scene, the barbershop
indoctrination programme at this school, run by Laurie: So, isn’t that good?
harmonies slowly harden to something more like
you. the distant chants of a pep rally.) Mr S: It’s not the change, Laurie, it’s the speed
Ben: The Wave is just a project... of it... where’s this thing going?
Laurie: OK, come on, come Eric, what’s the
Principal: ‘Wave’? It sounds ... open-ended. news – there’s got to be something worth writing Laurie: O, not much further. It’ll fizzle out soon
Where’s it going, Ben? about? - like flower power! (She laughs.) I’m not as
crazy about it as I was a couple of days ago...
Ben: Good question Sir; please understand this. Eric: Well… A kid put his hand through a
(He’s fighting for his project.) This experiment window... Mr S: Yes, but you’re one of the sensible ones.
cannot go any further than I let it go. The Wave What about the rest? Mrs Billings told Mom that
Laurie: How come?
is the idea of a group willing to follow their they’re having a Wave rally! Rallies, Laurie?
leader. As long as I’m involved in this, it cannot Eric: See if he could do it without cutting Laurie: It’s the rally for the football game, Dad!
get out of hand. You have my assurance. himself. They always have one – they’re just calling it
Principal: OK. But, just remember who this Laurie: Could he? the Wave rally this time
movement of yours is made up of. Yes? Kids. Eric: Twelve stitches. Mr S: At which 200 new members just happen to
Young, impressionable minds. With a tendency Laurie: I’m not going to write about that! be initiated? And you’re not disturbed by that?
to go from apathy to frenzy in one gear change.
Eric: It’s funny! (She stares him out.) Then that Laurie: I’m just disturbed that everyone is taking
Have you got me? this so seriously! I mean I guess I understand
leaves The Wave. It’s the only story in town.
Ben: Got you, sir. David being into it, because of the team, but
Laurie: I don’t know how to write it! Without Eric... he’s so serious about it... he even gave up
Principal: Good. Keep it that way. OK Ben, being disloyal.
that’ll be all smoking...
Eric: To The Wave? Mr S: So you are worried?
Ben: Thank you, sir
Laurie: To The Grapevine. It ought to be Laurie: No! Why is worrying the only way we’re
Principal: ah, Mister Ross. objective. allowed to be! God, you’re as bad as Mom!
Ben: Yes Sir (Ben turns back to him.) Eric: Since when is The Grapevine objective Mr S: Okay. Well, just so long you’re not
Principal: Don’t turn my kids into a bunch about the football team? The Grapevine never involved in any rallies. And come on inside...
commies! says it wants Clarkstown or any of those other (Shivers.)
Ben: Sir – with the war in Vietnam, that’s the bums to beat Gordon High?
Laurie: I’ll be in right away.
last thing I’d want to do. Laurie: That’s a game.
Mr S: I think there’s a storm coming. Oh this
Principal: Caught you! O. (He looks up and Eric: So is The Wave. letter arrived for you. From your nice boyfriend
down the corridor. No one is there. Ben re- Laurie: Not what Mr Ross said. eh? David's a swell guy.
enters.) I could have sworn I was being ... calm
down, Ross, calm down. You’re the leader. Eric: O, he’s just saying that for effect. This is a Laurie: I think so too – gotta rush – I'll open this
good story for the Grapevine, Laurie – people later in case you wonder...
(Ben starts taking down the banners in haste. might actually read it. The kids want to know
Checks his watch. He mumbles to himself. (Mr S returns to the house. Sound of wind rising
what the Wave really is. They’re gonna read The as distant chanting grows. Laurie stands for a
Robert appears at the door, he steps quietly Grapevine if they think it will tell them. Just
inside the door and stands to attention.) moment in thought, then, almost unconsciously,
describe it. Objectively. as the chanting rises and the stage darkens, she
Ben: (To himself.) Come on. Come on. (As if Laurie: OK, but I just feel we have to be takes out a Bic pen and begins to chew on it.)
reporting to Principal Owens.) “There’s been a careful... (Mr Saunders appears as if from her
marked improvement in class work assignments, Q14 Storm Crash of thunder, rain – against the
house.) real storm, Wave chant + box percussion.
sir, even Coach Schiller says football practice
has never been so ... active...” No... er... “so Mr S: Eric! Hello! Edge of Stadium (stadium is not built yet) (note
committed... and for their classes they now Eric: O good lord... he’s going to challenge me in this scene Deutsch is played by Ben actor in
prepare correc...’’ ah!!! (Ben has caught sight of to golf again! Hi, Mr Saunders! (to Laurie) Got helmet etc as before – he is fighting Eric maybe
Robert unexpectedly and it has made him jump.) to go. (Starting to exit off up the street.) also in Helmet and gear so that this is a weird
Ben: What the...! Robert? What are you doing Laurie: What about your movie review? extension of a US football match – Robert
here? enjoying the violence but clearly backing Eric).
Eric: O, the movie was too good!
Robert: I have to be here, Mr Ross. I’m your Deutsch: You can take your Wave, and shove it
Laurie: Too good? where the sun don’t shine!
Eric: What the fun in reviewing something you Eric: What’d you say?
Ben: My what? can’t tear to pieces? Be seeing yah! (Exits.)
Robert: You’re the leader, Mr Ross. I can’t let Deutsch: Your Wave sucks! (Eric runs slow-mo
Mr S: (Joining Laurie.) Nice fellow – Eric. to fight Deutsch) “Oooooh – slap/oof!!
anything happen to you.
Laurie: Sure... Laurie: Stop it! David, stop them!
Ben: What could possibly happen?

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David: Just let me handle this, Laurie. Hey you Laurie: (shouts after him.) You are smart! Show Eric: A lot of important people noticed you were
guys, cut it out! yourself some respect (Sniffs.) This isn’t helping not at the rally. (Laurie gives him a hard stare.)
Eric: Strength through discipline, strength anyone... how did that happen? And why did you I’m just saying.
through community! Don’t you care about The write me a letter when you could talk to me?! Laurie: I don’t care, Eric. (Shakes her head.)
Wave? Where’s your letter, David? (Reads the front – it What’s the score?
is addressed to her. She opens the envelope,
Coach Schiller (through megaphone): Hey there! takes out a letter and begins to read, skimming Eric: 26 to 32 – they lead.
You boys – Eric, Deutsch! You stop that right the letter quickly, her lips moving, then she Laurie: Wow, but that’s close!
now, or I’ll pull BOTH y’all from the game begins to read a passage aloud)
tomorrow!! Eric: Yeh. We need another touchdown from this
Laurie: It's not from David – it's from … No drive... we still have a chance.
Laurie: (to David) What’s happening to us? one. No one signed it: “They keep asking me Laurie: And still they don’t play you... you could
David: Yeh, that was bad why I don’t join and when I say I don’t feel like throw that touchdown.
Laurie: Why were they fighting? And why was it, they get mad. They say pretty soon people in
The Wave won’t be friends with people who Eric: It’s not about my place – it’s about
Eric shouting about The Wave? sacrificing for the team.
aren’t in The Wave... Today three of my friends
David: O he’s really into it, that’s all. All the joined. They told me that if I didn’t join soon it Laurie: Is that what they’re calling it now? Here.
team is. might be too late. Too late for what? I want to The new issue of Grapevine. You might find it...
Laurie: So why are you fighting each other. ask you to help me – but I’m too frightened to educational. (Eric takes the copy.)
tell you who I am” OK. The Grapevine has to
David: Aw, well, Deutsch doesn’t wanna join, Eric: Go on in. It’s probably the last play...
speak out.
does he? He’s driving the rest of the team crazy! (Laurie exits into the stadium. Eric opens the
If he was in The Wave he’d see that it would be Q15 Typewriter Music magazine, following Laurie, reading as he goes.)
best for the team to give up quarterback to the Laurie: Done! THE MATCH
better player. That guy’s pulling the team down.
Coach Schiller should throw him off the team. THE STADIUM . Battle Hymn of the Republic, Q16 The Ball Game Electric jazz rock
words changed to The Wave chant. sequence, plus sound collage of American
Laurie: Because he isn’t in The Wave? football match.
Eric: (offstage) Hey! You! Stop there! (Laurie
David: Yeah. Partly. Why not? If he really stops. Eric enters.) David: What happened there...
wanted the best for the team he’d join the rest of
us. He’s a one-man team, Laurie. You know who Laurie: Eric! Deutsch: (suddenly explodes.) What a crock
he’s dating? Gabi Schiller! The coach’s Eric: O, hi, Laurie – sorry, I didn’t see it was your Wave turned out to be! O, sure, you
daughter! Come on! That’s favouritism, that’s you. The floodlights out there blind you once get psyched everybody up, made ‘em think they
not community! Let’s go now, we don’t want to out of them. (Eric gives The Wave salute. Laurie could win. And sure – a couple of wide receivers
miss the rally. does not return it.) finally got themselves into positions!!! But
where was the Wave when the pressure was on?
Laurie: You go ahead. I’m... Laurie: Whatever. How come nobody executed the play?
David: What? Eric: Come on, Laurie. Just give me the salute Godammit! I’ve got Running Backs on their ass,
and you can go in. I’ve got Tackles tripping over each other... man!
Laurie: I’m going to give it a miss, OK?
Laurie: What are you talking about? If you’re gonna brainwash kids then next time
David: What! You can’t. Why? brainwash some plays into ‘em. Yeh? Your
Eric: Just give the salute. Mister Ross is a chump! (He exits.)
Laurie: I don’t want to. It’s not against the law,
is it? Laurie: Eh? You don’t really mean that I can’t go David: (Shouting after Deutsch) You dropped
and see the game unless I salute? the football! (Laurie enters.)
David: Look... Laurie... a lot of the kids... they
look up to you. What will they think if you’re Eric: (Looks down.) That’s what they decided. Laurie: I’m so sorry, David! I really hoped it
not there? Laurie: Who’s they? would work out for the team.
Laurie: Well, they’ll have to make up their own Eric: The Wave. David: What do you mean? It is working out. We
minds won’t they? lost but we almost won – when has that ever
Laurie: I thought we were The Wave?
David: I don’t understand you. happened before? I never said it would all
Eric: (shrugs) Please, Laurie. Don’t give me change straight away.
Laurie: The Wave is taking over everything! I hassle! Just give me the salute.
don’t like it! Laurie: Sure. These things take time. I’m just
Laurie: Everyone else in the stadium gave the sorry for you that we didn’t win.
David: But, it’s great! The Wave actually works: salute?
everyone on the same team. Everybody equal. David: (Shrugs.) It’s only a game.
Eric: This is the Wave stand; they did here.
Laurie: O great! – do we all get to play Laurie: Really?
quarterback? (David steps back looking at Laurie: Well, I want to go up into the Wave
stand and I don’t want to give the Wave salute. David: No. (Shakes his head. He laughs. Laurie
Laurie as if she were a strange animal. Points at laughs.)
her.) Eric: Well you can’t.
Laurie: Wanna take in a movie, later? Dad says
David: Y’know, you’re just against this thing Laurie: No one tells me when I can or can’t go its fine for me to go. It’s that new zombie
because you’re not special anymore. Now in an American football stadium. horror.
everyone’s equal, you’re not the best and most Eric: (Looks about, worried.) Just do the stupid
popular girl anymore... David: Yeh. Yeh, why not! I’m sorry about the
salute, can’t you! other day – it was the build up. To nothing as it
Laurie: What are you talking about? Laurie: This is ridiculous. Even you know it is. turns out. But I shouldn’t have bawled you out
David: Yeh. I’ve finally got your number, Laurie Eric: (Looking about.) OK, just go in. No one’s like that. There’s no excuse.
Saunders! Well, now you know how the rest of looking. Laurie: I forgive you. I’ll see you at eight,
us feel when we have to listen to you give all the outside the movie theatre? Take your mind off of
right answers. And you don’t like it either. Well, Laurie: Are you scared, Eric? You weren’t afraid
losing again. (She kisses him on the cheek.)
this is how it’s going to stay. So get used to of that tough Deutsch kid; how come you are so
feeling equal. jumpy here? David: Yeh. (He looks around.) But we’re
getting there. (Eric enters, carrying the copy of
Laurie: (losing it.) You are totally stupid!! Eric: I’m not scared of anyone and you better
shut your mouth, you understand, you don’t talk Grapevine.)
David: OK. Fine. Why not get yourself a smart to me like that... Eric : Laurie, what have you done? (Robert
Commie boyfriend? (David marches off.) enters, with another copy of the Grapevine.)
Laurie: Eric...
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Robert: These are all lies! (Pointing at Laurie.) Laurie: (in phone booth) Dad – has David David: Be quiet, you crazy bitch! (He hits her
She can’t be allowed to say these things! called?.. No. Oh - I think he’s dumped me. Yea – and she falls).
David: Hey! he was a great guy; until all this. Oh Dad, Q18 Crazy Bitch (inside the head smashing up
please.. what?..what? …Who was beaten up? No sound - David throws her down on the ground.
Eric: David, it says in here that kids have been Dad, that was Eric, he had a fight with the
badly beaten for not joining The Wave... She lies still. David recoils in horror, taking a
quarter back, that’s all. You mean a different kid step or two back, almost as if he is about to run
David: That’s not true. Laurie? I never heard – beaten up – what, because he was Jewish? away. But he runs forward instead, throwing
that. (drops the phone) himself to his knees beside Laurie.)
Robert: She’s made it up. Anybody reading this Mr S: Laurie, Laurie – are you there honey.. David: O, god, o god, what have I become! I’m
is going to get the wrong idea... look, there’s a Laurie: The whole point of this was to show us so sorry, I’m so sorry, Laurie. I love you so
letter about how we’ve been saying no one how Nazi Germany could happen. much, I love you, I love you.
inside The Wave will be friends with anyone
outside... but the letter’s anonymous... Mr S: Laurie, Laurie – for God’s sake pick the Q19 Reconcilliation (David cradles Laurie’s
phone up! body, she puts her arms around him. ) What’s
David: Laurie? Is that even legal? I’ve never happened to me, Laurie? How could I become
heard of any of this stuff. Laurie: Not to make us ALL into little Nazis!
Dad, No! don’t pick me up. I’m gonna walk! this thing? What’s happened to us? (He holds her
Laurie: You’ve got to stop. It’s become an (hangs up) (whispers continue, crescendo to cut so he can see her.) Are you OK?
obsession with you all. You’re not thinking for off. 30” approx) You stop following me, you Laurie: Yeh. (She nods. She feels her shoulder,
yourselves anymore! sicko! (runs away, into David) Oh, David! but she isn’t hurt badly.)
Eric: O come on, you’re just upset – you let your David: Laurie? David: We’ve all gone crazy. (He helps Laurie to
fight with David get to you! her feet.)
Laurie: David, is that you?
Laurie: What! You think this is that trivial? Laurie: Are you OK?
David: Sure, sure. (Emerging from the
David: Hey... shadows.) What are you shouting about shooting David: I don’t think I am. Not yet. I feel like
Laurie: You are hurting people. And they are for? I’ve been hypnotised and I’m just coming out of
going along with it. They’re like zombies!!! Laurie: O, I don’t know... you people have got it. I was just shouting at you back then not to
Robert: No. They’re just not like you anymore, me so frightened... destroy us, and ... look what I did... everything is
twisted... are you ever going to forgive me?
‘princess’. David: Me? (Laurie looks around nervously.) It’s
David: OK, just relax, everybody. There’s no OK, there’s no one else coming. Eric cleared off. Laurie: I don’t know yet. But will you do
(Laughs) something for me, even if I do never forgive
law says people have to believe in what we’re
trying to do. you?
Laurie: It’s not funny from where I’m standing.
Where are the rest of your troops? David: Yes, of course. Whatever you decide. It’s
Eric: David, she’s going to ruin it. People were
reading this in the stands; just now, after the the least I should do...
David: Laurie, will you listen to me for one
game. I heard a whole group of parents say they minute? Laurie: Do you trust me? (David nods. Laurie
were going straight down to Principal Owens’ puts her hand on David’s shoulder and they walk
office in the morning. Laurie: I think we’ve said everything we need to off, Laurie limping.)
say to each other, David. Just leave me alone.
David: Really? Q20 Ben’s Doom
David: (Irritated.) Just listen. For once! All
David: (to Laurie) Laurie? Is that what you right? You’ve gotta stop writing that stuff against Scene change to classroom.
want? To stop The Wave? (She nods.) The Wave. You’re causing all kinds of troubles! David: Gee, Laurie, Mr Ross looks down.
Robert: She’s a threat Laurie: The Wave is causing the troubles. You’re his favourite, I reckon you speak first.
Laurie: I’m going now. I’m finding you guys a I’m right behind you.
David: It is not and you know it. Please, we
little too spooky for my taste right at this want you with us, not against us, but... Laurie: No David, you were right behind the
moment. If you fancy some less mindless Wave so you have to be right in front of me.
company, David, I’ll see you at the living dead Laurie: But what?
David: OK. Doll, shucks it’s not gonna be easy.
movie tonight. (She exits.) (David is distraught.) David: See, there you go! You’re so prejudiced!
You don’t give anyone a chance. Don’t you see Laurie: Doing what’s right never is.
David: What’s the matter with everyone today?
(Robert comes over to him and pats him on the how good the Wave could be? It could be a new David: (pushed forward by Laurie who stands
back. The roles are reversed. David is shocked.) system. behind him) Mr Ross? (Ben looks up).
Robert: She’s got to be stopped. Laurie: I don’t want to be in any system. (Taking Ben: HI David? I’m busy can you see me later?
her by the arms; this mirrors the moment at the (David goes to his desk then stands up to
David: Hold on.... start of the play when he steals a kiss; but this is attention in Wave fashion)
Eric: (Intervening.) Don’t worry, Robert. David aggressive.) David: Mr Ross Sir no sir. I need to speak to you
and I can take care of Laurie, right? Come on, David: But we need you! Why are you trying to now.
David, get a shower and we’ll go and get Laurie destroy us!
to see sense. Laurie: (Misunderstanding) Oh David, no…
Laurie: Let go of me! Ben: Well make it quick I got see Principal
David: (looking back to Robert) I don’t like his
attitude. Do we have to wipe out anyone who David: You gotta stop! Owens and I’m not gonna like what he has to
resists us? (Robert looks back at David, cold as Laurie: Let go of my arm! (They are struggling say.
ice.) now.) David: Mr Ross Sir. The Wave.
Eric: Hey, calm down. You catch her after the David: Just shut up a minute! And stop writing Ben: Yes the Wave, they don’t understand. The
movie – just talk to her man. those articles! You’re ruining everything! principal doesn’t understand and neither do half
David: I guess. Laurie: I will write, I will write, & write, & the parents. The dull half. They got it wrong.
Eric: Hey pal, you just gotta put a little bit of write! Laurie: No Mr Ross. They got it right. I’m just a
pressure on. (They exeunt. Robert remains on David: I want you to stop! kid but they got it right.
stage briefly) “Grapevine, Grapevine, New Laurie: I hate you! I hate The Wave! (She is Ben: Laurie, I’ve seen the Grapevine. (Shakes
Issue” (with mouth music train/trucking) shouting not just at David, but at the whole his head). I hope David has ..I don’t know what I
Q17 Zombie to whispers town.) I hate you all! I hate you all! hope – maybe I hope I can keep my job.
Laurie: David!

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David: Mr Ross Sir. (Wave position). The Wave Ben: Silence! for your neighbours, betrayed your friends, even
has to stop. David: But, this isn’t... your sweethearts. (David looks down in shame.)
Ben: What? Fascism isn’t something that other people once
Ben: I said silence! You sit down, young man. did; it is a threat right here, right now, whenever
David: (Drops pose) We gotta stop it – its Don’t you interrupt me. and wherever people fail to learn from the past,
turning us into… Ben: Now listen carefully. Not just David, but wherever and whenever people blindly follow a
Laurie: A Jewish boy was beaten up. every last one of you. In a few moments the leader, whenever and wherever people forget to
great founder and leader of the National Wave protect and value the weakest, the different and
Ben: Oh my…my oh my.
will appear by cable channel on these screens to the just plain infuriating! Now you listen to me...
David: It got to me too – I took it out on Laurie announce the launch of the National Wave Youth look at me... because I am more at fault than any
as if she betrayed us. Movement, with six – million – members! one of you. Because I am supposed to be your
Laurie: Oh David (hugs him). teacher; and I meant The Wave to be a big lesson
David: No, no, no... this isn’t good....
for you guys, huh, but I... er... I ‘succeeded’ just
Q21 TANNOY: Mr Ross to Principal Owens’ Laurie: Can’t any of you think for yourselves? a little too well in my part, eh? I became more of
office immediately.
Ben: (smiling, he seems almost deranged, and a leader than I ever intended to be. I hope you
Ben: OK OK. You’re good kids. The best. And I yet in control) The time has come. For the great will believe me when I say that this has been as
got it, I got a way to …trust me. illumination. Robert. Eric. painful a lesson for me as it is now for you. (He
Laurie: What do you mean, Mr Ross? looks down, suddenly overcome. Hardly able to
Robert and Eric: (Robert just ahead): Mister
speak:) I hope... this is a lesson... we’ll share...
Ben: I am the leader of the Wave, yes? Ross, yes!
for the rest of our lives... I’m sorry...
David: Yes Sir. Ben: Come to the podium. You are selected. You
(David and Laurie cross the stage and hug Ben.
Ben: So I have to lead now. And I will. And I are true members of the Wave.
Then they each take one of his hands and raise
will not let you down. Robert and Eric: Mister Ross, yes! his arms to the audience. There are no chants,
Laurie: What shall we do, what shall we say? Laurie: Mister Ross! I am just a student, I know, but just applause.)
just a kid but this has to stop! Ben: Thank you, thank you...
Ben: When the time comes be yourselves, just
be yourselves. Trust me. OK? (They nod) Ben: Restrain her. (Eric and Robert runs over to Laurie: Now what, Mister Ross?
Laurie. David steps in front of Laurie.)
Q22 TANNOY: Mr Ross to Principal Owens Ben: (He looks at them, then:) Post-war Western
office. David: All right. All right. We won’t interrupt. Europe; reconstruction and reconciliation... ten
Ben: Now your leader has to go and crawl on a Ben: It is not true to say that you – you – you – minutes in my classroom?
carpet to save his job. Trust me. you – have no leader. That is a lie. You do have a David: Yes, Mister Ross.
leader – you have called that leader forth, you
THE BIG RALLY – scene change. Ben: (To Laurie.) Yes?
have summoned that leader! He will speak to us
Q23 The Wave Tannoy “This is a special now, he will appear! Laurie: Yes, Mister Ross.
announcement. This is a special announcement Ben: You’re good kids. You can hold up your
concerning The Wave. At twelve o clock today Eric: Who is it, Mister Ross?
heads. (Laurie and David walk off, holding
there will be a special rally in the auditorium – Robert: Is it John Wayne, Mister Ross?
hands. Ben sighs deeply and his head drops).
for Wave members only. Attendance is Ben: No! Your leader is not a film-star; your
compulsory for all Wave members. That is the Eric: What can I say, guys? I was a stupid punk!
leader is not a super-hero. Your leader is here.
end of the announcement.” What a freak out!
Here, here is your leader!
( The cast lead rhythmic clapping, control it to David: Well, it’s all over now, man. Let’s try and
Q25 Hitler (Ben yells “Projector!!!” and the
applause. Ben enters, exchanging salutes & forget it... well, not forget it.... but let’s
image of Hitler is projected onto a screen made
chant with the class. Quells the applause. He remember and forget it at the same time. (He
up of the white shirts of David, Laurie, Eric and
stands between the two TVs. He carries a looks at Laurie, unsure.)
microphone. For a moment he savours swelling Laurie: Yeh.
chants of the mottos). Eric: (horrified.) No, no, no!
Eric: Yeh. (The three move upstage arm in arm.
Q24 Applause Laurie: Turn it off, please!
Robert sill hasn’t changed his stance, but he is
Ben: Lock the doors. The Wave is not just a Ben: Why should I turn it off? Why could none weeping. Ben starts to pull himself together,
classroom experiment! Some of you, I suspect, of you turn it off? Why did not none of you goes over to him, pats him on back.)
have already guessed this. Well, let me tell you guess whose lead you were following these past
Ben: You know, Robert, young man, you look
now, my friends, that it is so much, much more days? None of you are stupid – you knew what
good when you’re tidy. I suggest you... consider
than any of you suspect! O, so much more. we were studying? Why didn’t you ask the
keeping the look.
Unknown to you followers, all across the United obvious question? Did you think you were above
history? Immune from it? You know how this Robert: Really? Thanks, Mister Ross.
States, for many days now, teachers, like me,
have been recruiting and training brigades of stuff ends!!! And yet still you carried on! Did Ben: You still reading those Spider-Man comics?
youth just like you; in readiness to show this you tell yourself how much better than everyone
Robert: No, I... I gave them up for The Wave...
country just how to achieve a better kind of else outside the Wave you were? You traded
society. Morale is low across these Dis-United your freedom for a false equality! You accepted Ben: I think it might be time to get back to Peter
the group’s will over your own beliefs! And you Parker... did you see the ‘Campus. In Crisis’
States of America – unemployment, crime,
inflation, disrespect for our leaders, riots, were starting to think that maybe hurting others issue, where he defuses that bomb?
protests, an unpopular war, decadent culture – because the group said so was just about fine Robert: Yeh... yeh, that was.. interesting.. but-
these diseases are rampant! Unless someone with you. O, some of you were just along for the
ride, and some of you had your misgivings. But Ben: No buts Robert. You're a fine kid.
does something to wipe them out, this country is
finished! you didn’t walk away, did you? Well, not many Q26 Final Freak
of you, anyway. (Robert, unseen by Ben, mimes a gun and “fires”
But together we can stop that rot. See what we
have achieved in this school in just a few days! (Ben walks over to Laurie and shakes her hand. the kids and Ben fall – fantasy or reality?)
And if we can change it here, we can change it Laurie embraces Ben in relief. Eric looks THE END
everywhere - in factories, in newspapers, in shattered. Robert has not moved, still at attention
by the side of the TV.) copyright Phil Smith & Paul Stebbings 2013
hospitals, in film studios, in universities – in all
institutions... Ben: The rest of you would have made good
David: Mister Ross! Nazis. You would have put on the uniform,
turned your head when the secret police came
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