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Mundane Weapon Creation

 Masterwork Weapons – Highest quality possible – Add +1 to damage rolls
 Crysteel – Magical Crystals grow by the elves. Harder than steel and sharp as obsidian. All Crysteel weapons are
equal to +1 (min) magical weapons. Smoky (gray) looking crystals. Primarily made into arrow heads and small
blades. Also grow in spirals to fashion Elven Chain
 Mithral – Silver-Steel - Exclusive metal of the dwarves– All Mithral weapons are equal to +1 (min) magical weapons

Magical Weapons
The quantity of magical weapons in the game is counter intuitive. With the rare exception of a court wizard working
directly for a King, there is very little chance that any non-simple magical weapons would exist. I mean, why would a mage
ever create a magic Great Axe? So from where exactly, do all the magical weapons come? My theory; from being used over
and over until experience, coupled with exposure to ambient magical energies “awaken” the item. So how does this work?
Any Fighting Class (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian) has their weapons awaken at 7th level (+1 Weapon or Add a Damage
modifier below), and it is further enhanced at 14th and 20th levels (another +1 per level or Damage Mod or something Special
based on the character).

Additional Damage Modifiers for Weapons

o Searing – + 1d6 Acid Damage for Two rounds
o Impact - +1d6 Force Damage & Str Save to not be knocked back 5’ DC = (10 + Extra Dmg from Impact)
o Chilling - +1d6 Cold Damage & Con Save or Suffer -2 to AC due to freezing DC = (10 + Extra Dmg from Cold)
o Burning - +1d6 Fire Damage & Opponent Catches Fire for another 1d6 per round unless the fire is put out
o Shocking - +1d6 Electric Damage + 1d6 Damage to Adjacent Second Target
o Wounding - +1d6 Necrotic Damage + Hit Point Max reduced by same bonus (until Long Rest is taken)
o Toxic - +1d6 Poison & Con Save or be Incapacitated DC = (10 + Extra Dmg from Toxic)
o Holy / Unholy - +1d6 Radiant Damage (+3d6 vs Evil / Good)
o Booming - +1d6 Thunder Damage & Dex Save to not be knocked prone DC = (10 + Extra Dmg from Impact)

Potions of Healing
Ok kids, buckle up because this is going to get bumpy. So, where do potions of healing come from? Since they are
listed in the mundane equipment list (albeit at a hefty 50gp), that would imply that they are a commodity, and will be readily
available. The problem is the magical crafting rules do not support this fact.
There one general rule for making any potions. And additional one specific rule that applies to the making a Potion of
The first method is to look up the rarity of the potion then turn to pages 128 to 129 in the 5e Dungeon Master Guide.
There you will find a minimum level needed by a spell caster to craft the potions along with the creation cost. The time to make
the item will be the creation cost divided by 25. For the potion of healing, it is a common magic items requiring that a 3rd level
spell caster craft it, costing 100 gold to make, and taking 4 caster days to make. Multiple character can cooperate in the making
of an item or potion. Thus if you have four 3rd level casters, you can make one Potion of Healing in one day.
The other method is found in the PHB. In the Adventuring Gear price list a Potion of Healing cost 50 gold to buy. On
page 154 under the Herbalism Kit it is stated that proficiency in the Herbalism Kit is required if one wants to craft a Potion of
Healing (or an antitoxin). To find the crafting rules we turn to page 187 where under Downtime Activities we have rules for
crafting. We find that a person proficient in the needed tools can craft items at a rate of 5 gold per day. A healing potions for a
person proficient in the herbalist kit will take 10 day to make. You also have to pay a cost equal half the value of the item. In
this case 25 gold. Add in an expense of 2 gold per day for a skilled hireling, and you have a total cost of 45 gold per potion.
Like magic items multiple characters can participate to reduce the crafting time.
So you have two ways of making a Potion of Healing and one way of making every other potion.
This is all fine and good, but still does not make for a stable and available supply of Potions of Healing. Magical
potions would never sell for 50 gold, when it took 100 gold worth of supplies and skilled labor for four days, and
Non-magical potions take far too long to create to be readily available when a party comes limping into town for
magical healing. So what is the answer? Simply, I reworked it to break down like this:
Potion of Healing (Magical) – Assembled and brewed by a spell caster with access to magical healing
powers. They need to be proficient with the herbalism kit, and will need 25 gold worth of supplies (alchemy or
brewers). After 1 day of work, they have assembled a liquid that will contain (until consumed) the healing magic of
their spell (which retains any bonuses) which they will cast into the liquid as the final step. Make a DC 13 medicine
check for success. Proficiency with Brewing or Alchemy will give you a bonus of +1.
Potion of Healing (Natural) – Can be assembled and brewed by anyone with proficiency with the herbalism
kit. They will need 25 gold worth of supplies (alchemy or brewers) and will take 3 full days to craft a non-magical
version of the potion. It takes longer, because of all the additional steps (repeatedly boiling to add subsequent
ingredients, regimented stirring, cooling and reheating, etc.) required to create a “magical” potion without the aid of
magic to complete it. Make a DC 13 medicine check for success. Proficiency with Brewing or Alchemy will give you
a bonus of +1.

Reworked Spells:
True Strike - Wizard
1 bonus action - 30 feet - As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make an attack against one creature. You
extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target’s defenses. On
your attack, you gain advantage against the target.
Booming Strike - Wizard
1 action - 5 feet - As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one
creature within the spell’s range. The target suffers the attack’s normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy
until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves before then, it immediately takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the
spell ends - damage increase @ 5th, 11th & 17th
Green Flame Strike - Wizard
1 action - 5 feet - As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one
creature within the spell’s range. On a hit, the target suffers the attack’s normal effects, and green fire leaps from the target to
a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your
spellcasting modifier - damage increase @ 5th, 11th & 17th

New Feats:
Magic Adept – You can attune an additional 2 magical items. You must abide by the following limits:
One Head One Pair Eyes One Neck One Torso One Body
One Waist One Shoulders One Set Wrists One Pair Gloves One Set Feet
One Ring per Hand
You can take this feat multiple times, and the effects stack.

Custom Magic Items:

Bane Oil –
Potion – Uncommon
This greasy liquid smells putrid, and is beige with shiny flecks of black suspended in the liquid. Each Jar is one application of
Bane Oil, on contact make a Charisma save DC 13 or suffer -1d4 to all attack & saving throw rolls for 1d4 minutes. Effect
ends if you are Blessed, or remove curse is cast upon you.
Mix a gallon of blood from a magical creature with 5 lbs of fatty meat in a large cauldron. Render this down until you can
skim off one pint of oil.
Move this to another pot, bring to a boil and add
- a finger of crushed mandrake root (10 gp)
- a palm full of powdered obsidian (40 gp)
- a pinch of crushed nightshade harvested when there is no moon.
Pour this into a jar, seal, and cast Bane upon the vessel.
Totem of Focus
Amulet – Uncommon (requires attunement by a spell-caster)
This amulet has 2 charges. While wearing the amulet, and when you cast a spell that requires concentration, you can spend a
charge (as a bonus action) and have the amulet maintain concentration for 1d6 additional rounds, so you don’t have to. You
may cancel concentration any time. The totem replenishes at dawn every day

Dwarven Spring-Steel Bow

Weapon – Strength Longbow – Uncommon
Though the exact method of forging has been lost, these bows represent the pinnacle of dwarvish archer technology. Made of
three forged metal components (the belly of the bow and the two ends) joined together by a system of locking pins through
overlapping plates of curved spring steel. The draw on the bow and be adjusted to increase the power and range of the bow
by repositioning the pins on the spring steel. The tools for adjustment are stored at the two ends of the twisted wire bow
string that anchors that bow-string into the upper and lower ends of the bow. The bow allows the user to set the draw to his
maximum strength, allowing for a bonus to damage equal to their strength adjustment. Range is the same as a Longbow, and
this weapon fires any standard arrows.

Forever Stone
Stone – Minor Artifact (requires attunement)
The Forever Stone is a roughly spherical chunk of transparent opal with an astral diamond core. It feels lighter than it looks
and attracts metal to it like a weak magnet. Within its shiny surface, the holder can see reflected images of past trials and
The Forever Stone’s power of longevity allows its owner to survive for however long it takes to stamp out evil in the world.
Few of its previous owners had the fortitude to stick it out that long.
The stone grants longevity to its owner by halting the natural aging process. But if the stone is lost or given away, all those
lost years are quickly visited upon its previous owner, resulting in sudden rapid aging. The individual must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or die, with a +1 modifier to the DC for every 50 years aged.
In addition to its primary power, the artifact allows its owner to cast each of the following spells once per day: cure wounds
(as 4th), death ward, and divination.
Minor Power - Cast Create Food & Drink - Recharge 6
Minor Power - Cast Sanctuary (DC 17) - Recharge 6
Major Power - Regain 1d6 hit Points at the beginning of your turn if you have at least 1 hit point.

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