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Professional School of Mining Engineering

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. .......two
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................. .3
GAPS ................................................. ......................................... .4
CLASSIFICATION OF GAPS TO RELATED Mineralization ... ... ... 4

1) DIVIDES magmatic - Hydrothermal ....................................... 0.5

2) BRECHAS hydromagmatic ................................................ ... ...... 6
3) BRECHAS magmatic ................................................ ............ ....... 7
4) BRECIntrusive HAS ................................................ ... .. ...... .......... 7
5) DIVIDES TECTONIC ................................................ .......... .... ...... 8
6) OTHER GAPS .............................................. .......................... .. ... 8
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. .9
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Professional School of Mining Engineering


Cooling the surface of the lava, coupled to the differential displacement of the hottest
areas results in brecciation processes on said surface.

The presence of bodies of gaps, with a variety of characteristics, it is common

accompanying a broad spectrum of hydrothermal deposits and often gaps they constitute
a favorable environment for boiling fluids laden with precious metals, moving to sub
levels surface during or immediately after brecciation resulting ore bodies.

Consequently, it is important to understand the processes that generate mineralization

associated with breccias, which are the characteristics that distinguish different types of
them and describe the role of the gaps in the formation of mineral deposits.

Professional School of Mining Engineering


Expand our knowledge about the formation of gaps, their classification, their
alterations and recognition.

Professional School of Mining Engineering

A gap is formed by a rock lithics that remain linked by a matrix whose cement in the case
of mineralization may be associated with hydrothermal minerals including ore minerals
(eg. Tourmaline, quartz, chalcopyrite, etc.). In general, the hydrothermal minerals wholly
or partly the voids formed in the fragmented rock and much of the gaps mineralization
has been introduced by hydrothermal fluid filled and therefore is in the main mass of the
gap. The latter is a general term, not genetic, including cement matrix and the gap.
Hydrothermal processes sometimes produce replacement or gaps metasomatismo in this
replacement compositionally corresponds to cement,
Breaches classification Related to Mineralization
Sillitoe (1985) published a detailed description and classification of gaps related to
mineralization. This classification includes 5 main types of gaps, with some sub-types,
1) GAPS magmatic - hydrothermal vents gaps
Porphyry (breccia bodies associated with porphyry systems)
2) hydromagmatic GAPS
Deposits Deposits epithermal porphyry Kuroko (massive sulphide)
maar systems - diatreme
epithermal and porphyry type deposits
3) GAPS magmatic
(Volcanic) volcanic diatremes
Porphyry and other deposits
Matrix intrusively
brittle fracturing failures
Corbett and Leach (1998) also presented descriptions and rated gaps related to
mineralization, which is broadly similar to Sillitoe (1985).
This includes:
 magmatic-hydrothermal gaps
Profound related to porphyry
Fireplaces gap
 phreatomagmatic breccias
Diatremes (high level)
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 phreatic breccias
 magmatic breccias injection
hydraulic breccias
 Hydrothermal collapse breccias
retrogressive processes in porphyry
 Expansion gaps
Structures open spaces (sectors voltage faults)
 Gaps solution
In limestone and dolomite (by kárstica solution)


These bodies are presented gap associated intrusive or intrusive Batholiths sterile stocks
(unaltered, unmineralized). Although there is a gradation towards the gaps associated
with porphyry Sillitoe (1985) specifically in this group it includes those bodies that are
not associated gap to porphyric systems, while Corbett and Leach (1998) not make this

It is estimated that the gap chimneys are located at depths of 1 to 3.6 km, which is mainly
interpreted by its location in apical portion epizonal intrusive. They are single or in groups
( "clusters") bodies are presented to 200. They are generally vertical and no more than ±
15 ° from vertical deviate. It is cylindrical bodies of circular or ovoid in plan and a section
several times greater than the horizontal dimension vertical extent; although most become
narrow in depth in inverted cone shape; bifid forms occasionally occur in depth or
branching upwards.


 initial magma composition

 Depth of intrusive site
 Initial percentage of water in the magma
 Percentage cast in the initial magma
 Tensile Strength Rock Box
 fractures vertical dimension (depth and along fractures)
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2) hydromagmatic GAPS

(Deposits porphyry and epithermal precious metals)

Gaps in this section are mainly associated with epithermal and porphyry deposits and
appear to be appreciably less widely distributed than other varieties of gaps described
these two types of deposits.

the term diatreme chimney to fill gap or gap through this type is preferred because it is
believed that they meet the original definition of Daubree (1891) a diatreme is a conduit
emission produced by a volcanic explosion.

Alteration and mineralization

The diatremes associated epithermal precious metal deposits were emplaced before
mineralization began (pre-mineral), as in Montana Tunnels and possibly Acupan, or while
this was happening (intra-mineral). In contrast the accompanying diatremes deposits ce
porphyry Cu-Mo or Cu-Au are generally very late or post-minerals.

phreatic GAPS (± epithermal deposits precious metals metals basis)

Such gaps develops shallow levels always <1000 m depth e associated with volcanic
structures (volcanic domes, maar-diatreme systems, boiler). They are in wide range of
bodies gap epithermal systems ranging from small to large veins and veinlets chimneys,
tabular and irregular masses branched bodies often expand or open up.

3) GAPS MAGMATIC (Porphyry and epithermal).

Sillitoe (1985) introduced this group to divide bodies formed almost exclusively by
juvenile magmatic fragmentary materials, less involvement of accidental fragments of
other rocks. More recently they have been referred to as volcanic diatremes are the
product of a volcanic eruption felsic magma. An example of such gap is the volcanic
complex Pliocene Cup in reservoir Rio Blanco (Serrano et al., 1996), the complex

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includes a chimney or volcanic neck brecciated dacite and an upper tank tuff of the same

The existing brechoso body in Rio Blanco is post-mineral, but this type of breccia bodies
can be pre- or post-mineral.

The origin is attributed to the release of energy during crystallization and / or

decompression of hydrous magma bodies emplaced near the surface. The brechización of
shells and rocks stocks box has been assigned to magmatic-hydrothermal processes
exsolution retrograde fluid boiling followed by decompression. However, if the release
of energy by these processes is large enough to produce brittle fracture to the surface, this
causes catastrophic failure of the entire column of overlying rock and trigger a volcanic
eruption. Volcanic diatremes represent the emission duct fragmented magma during


Magma injection into existing rocks can produce mechanical fragmentation of rocks and
incorporating rock box in an intrusive magma. Magma to mechanical effects is a fluid if
injected pressurized hydraulic fracturing occurs, producing gaps with igneous matrix.
This gap partly by a step-intrusive massive rock (with or without xenoliths of rocks
packers) and secondly to cash non-fractured rocks. Such gaps are common as irregular
patches near the ceiling and roof of subvolcanic stocks, and porphyry deposits.


Fracturing during movement of faults of various kinds of gaps causes generation

(cataclasites). Many mineral deposits are located in failures (veins) and gaps failure are
commonly associated with mineralization. In many places lenticular bodies are
mineralized fault gap, especially in sectors tensional faults.


Thes sedimentary gaps, gaps karst solution in carbonate rocks and especially gaps
volcanic origin (eg. levels brecciated lava, volcanic gaps or tuffs lapilli) can also be

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mineralized, because they provide permeability to fluid flow and they have primary
porosity for deposition of hydrothermal minerals, but here emphasize gaps that are
genetically associated with hydrothermal processes generating porosity and permeability
rock massive breakdown of allowing the deposition of hydrothermal minerals within the
same blocks.


It was possible to Obtain more knowledge Asked as to the gaps and Know That
sedimentary gaps or volcanogenic is common training Involves transport and
aggregation of clastic or pyroclastic materials, but genetically gaps Associated With
hydrothermal Processes More Often gaps are disaggregating FORMED by in situ or
limited transport of pre-existing rock fragments.
May Occur some gaps in alignments and even fragments stratification.

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