Alchemical Keys Book Review

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Book Review W. Bro.

Rob Lund

The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual by Timothy Hogan

This is the first book which establishes a direct link and he is author of Novo Clavis Esoterika. He
between the rituals of Freemasonry and the prac- has also written for several periodicals over the
tice of both chemical and spiritual alchemy. last decade, including L'Initiation, Ariadne's
Web, Living Stones Maga-
Albert Pike understood that zine, the New Equinox
the symbolic degrees of Journal, The Scottish Rite
Freemasonry contained al- Journal, and Heredom.
chemical secrets, but he
never put the whole pattern Alchemy is or was a sci-
together nor showed how. ence that took a substance
This book shows these con- of lesser value and, by a
nections for the first time. physical process, trans-
This book is a must for any muted it into something of a
Freemason who wants to greater value.
understand the secret mean-
ings behind Symbolic Craft Timothy Hogan describes
Lodge ritual. the basic processes in al-
chemy and provides its ter-
Timothy Hogan is an author minology. Many of these
and lecturer within the West- terms are reflected in the
ern Mystery school tradition. symbols of Masonic ritual,
He is a Past Master within to a surprisingly large de-
several different spiritual and gree and, even more so in
initiatic traditions, including Scottish rite Masonry,
many bodies in Freemasonry
( A F&AM ) and of Rosicru- He states that freemasonry
cian lineages. He is the cur- incorporates symbolism
rent Grand Master for the from sacred Geometry and
Ordre Souverain du Temple ancient teachings, such as
Initiatique ( a Knight Templar lineage ) , and he the Kaballah. Alchemy drew on this same sym-
runs CIRCES International. Timothy Hogan has bolism.
lectured all over the world in both public and pri-
I was sceptical before reading this book, but the
vate venues, and has appeared on numerous tele-
number of connections was enough to make me
vision programs world wide. He is also author of:
give this book a lot more attention.
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon; Revelation of
the Holy Grail ( written under the pen name of While this is a very short book, at fifty pages, it
Chevalier Emerys ) ; Entering the Chain of Union, will prove very interesting to all Masons.

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