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Cambridge English: Preliminary

Lesson Plan: Writing

This lesson plan accompanies Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Parts 1, 2 and 3.

This lesson is suitable for students at the early stages of their Cambridge English: Preliminary course
and beyond. However learners will need to already be familiar with the different text types that
come up in the exam such as a note, an email, a letter and a story.

This lesson is also suitable for any pre- intermediate course in order to practice students’ writing

Lesson Goals
1. To build on students’ prior knowledge of the task types of the PET writing examination
2. To develop an understanding of key language points relative to task achievement
3. To enable students to analyse the communicative effect of their writing

Activity (see brackets for resources required) Time Interaction

Warmer (copies of Resource 1 cut up for each pair) 5-10 mins

• Group students to discuss how long they will need in order to 2 mins Ss-Ss
complete the writing part of this paper. Round-up by eliciting a then S-T
few ideas and give them a recommendation (about 45mins).
• Pair students and give them Resource 1 (cut up for matching). 6 mins S-S
They will need to match the Part number with the activity or
task type, instructions, number of questions, example language
or function and word count required. Alternative parts of the
grid could also be blanked out for pairs of students to complete
in pairs as an information gap activity.
• Round up by discussing any differences or similarities between 2 mins T-S then
a postcard and a story, as well as an email, a note and an S-T
informal letter.

Main activities (Resource 2 displayed on board or as a handout to 30-35 mins

pairs/individuals, copies of Parts 1-3 for individuals, copies of page
152-153 of sample answers for each pair, copies of Resource 3)

• Hand out Resource 2 or write it up on the board. Ask students 2 mins Ss-Ss
to discuss their answers.
• Ask them to do Q1 to Q5 in Part 1 before giving them the 3 mins S then
answers. Briefly discuss any queries your students may have if T-S

Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Lesson Plan

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• Discuss the meaning of message clearly communicated as a 2 mins S-T
whole class.
• Focus students’ attention on Part 2 (Q6) and pair them to 2 mins S-S
discuss what should be included in this task. Elicit their then S-T
answers and ask for examples of the language that could be
used to apologise, explain and suggest.
• Refer your students to page 152/153 of the sample answers 5 mins S-T
and elicit the differences between the three examiner’s
comments by asking some questions (i.e. How does the writer
in sample A apologise? What does sample A suggest? Why can’t
sample B go? Why is sample B’s suggestion unclear? Why does
the examiner say point 1 is omitted in sample C?).
• Ask students to do the task, before pairing them to check if 10 mins S then
they have both answered all elements of the question and kept S-S
to the word limit. Monitor to check the language used in their
• Put your students into groups of four. Give each group either 6 mins Ss-Ss
Q7 or Q8 of Part 3 and Resource 3. Tell them to fold Resource 3
in half accordingly and discuss their question, taking notes if
they wish.
• Pair them so that those who talked about Q7 are paired with 3 mins S-S
those that talked about Q8 to retell their discussions.
• Round-up by eliciting their ideas for both Q7 and Q8 on the 2 mins S-T
board, making sure that you discuss the grammar and
vocabulary possibilities

Extension activity (copies of Resource 4 for individuals or pairs) 15 mins

• Pair students and give them Resource 4. Ask them to match the 2 mins S-S
band 5 descriptors to the correct subscale before eliciting their then S-T
• Ask students to write an answer to Part 3, either Q7 or Q8. 10 mins S
• Pair students to check their answers and decide on a band. 3 mins Ss-Ss

Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Lesson Plan

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Resource 1
This task needs to be cut up along the lines to create a matching activity to be done in pairs or small

Match the following definitions for the writing section of the Cambridge English: Preliminary

Part Number of Task Example Activity Example Language Number of

Number Questions Instructions or Text Type or Functions Words

Complete the quantifiers,

second comparatives,
No more than
sentence to Sentence prepositions,
One five three words per
mean the same transformation modal verbs,
as the first relative pronouns,
sentence a variety of tenses

You are told

apologise, ask,
who you should
write to and
note, postcard, recommend,
Two one what to write in 35 to 45 words
email request, remind,
a short
Reply to a narrative
letter, tenses, variety of
identifying the adjectives and
choose one
questions to be informal letter, vocabulary, about 100
Three from two
answered OR story including words
begin a piece of conjunctions and
writing with the descriptive
given sentence language

Alternatively the paired students could each be given a copy of the grid with alternative parts
blanked out so they can ask and answer questions in order to complete the grid.

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Resource 2
Choose one of the words from the alternatives given.

1. on a train for/since/to several months

2. tickets are/will/was bought in advance

3. was too/so/very crowded that it was difficult

4. What time do/are/may we arrive in York?

5. Jessica was/did/does not find it boring because she had a good book

Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Lesson Plan

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Resource 3
Q7. Use these questions for your discussion on Question 7 in the practice paper

 How many questions are in the part of the letter from a friend?

 What problem does your friend in the letter have?

 What are the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of buying something from a shop?

 What are the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of buying something on the internet?

 Which grammar do you think you will use in the letter?


Q8. Use these questions for your discussion on Question 8 in the practice paper

 What other words are similar in meaning to amazing?

 Have you ever been amazed by something? Why?

 What kind of things do you keep in your bag?

 What could you find in your bag that would be amazing?

 Which grammar do you think you will use in the story?

Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Lesson Plan

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Resource 4
1. Match these band 5 descriptors to the correct subscale on the next page.

A) A wide range of simple vocabulary and less common words are used. Almost all sentences are

B) Appropriate format for letter writing is used to hold the reader’s attention and communicate
ideas effectively.

C) Text is well organised with use of paragraphing. The text uses a variety of linking words and more
complex cohesive devices.

D) All elements of the task are covered. The reader is fully informed.

2. Use the band descriptors on the next page to assess your partner’s Part 3 writing

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Resource 4 Continued
Subscale Mark Comments
Content 5

4 All the content is relevant, but there is limited expansion.

The target reader can follow the storyline.
3 Not all the content is relevant and there is no expansion. The
reader may have some difficulty in following the story.
2 The content has limited relevance and word choice may cause
strain for the reader.
1 The text is too short or a lot of effort is required by the reader to
make sense of the response.
Communicative 5
4 The target reader’s attention is mostly held but can be distracted.
Ideas are generally communicated appropriately.
3 The ideas are connected using the correct format and register. The
target reader’s attention is distracted.
2 The register is appropriate but the letter format has not been used.
The message can be difficult to follow.
1 A negative effect on the target reader and the message is not
Organisation 5

4 Although there is no paragraphing, the text uses a variety of linking

words and a range of cohesive devices.
3 There are many sentences with limited basic linking and a limited
number of cohesive devices. Paragraphing is not always effective.
2 The text mainly consists of short sentences. Any attempt at
paragraphing is unhelpful.
1 No organisation is evident and the text is extremely difficult to read
and understand.
Language 5

4 A variety of simple vocabulary and also some less common words.

A good degree of control of grammar.
3 Simple vocabulary is generally appropriate. Simple grammar is used
with reasonable control.
2 Vocabulary is used appropriately, but spelling errors are common.
Repeated problems with choice of tense.
1 Use of language is poorly controlled and there is no evidence of a
range of structures or vocabulary.

Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Writing Test 4 Lesson Plan

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2016

W riting

Part 1
Questions 1–5
Here are some sentences about a train journey.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.
Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
You may use this page for any rough work.

0 The train journey from London to York takes about two hours.
It takes about two hours   travel from London to York by train.

Answer:  0 to

1 It was several months since Jessica last went on a train.

Jessica hadn’t been on a train several months.

2 Jessica bought her ticket in advance online.

Jessica’s ticket   bought in advance online.

3 It wasn’t easy to find a seat because the train was crowded.

The train was   crowded that it was difficult to find a seat.

4 Jessica asked what time they would arrive in York.

Jessica asked ‘What time   we arrive in York?’

5 The journey wasn’t boring for Jessica because she had a good book.
Jessica   find the journey boring because she had
a good book.


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Test 4

Part 2
Question 6
You and your friend, Jerry, have tickets for a football match at the weekend, but now you
cannot go.

Write a note to Jerry. In your note, you should

• apologise to Jerry
• explain why you cannot go
• suggest what Jerry could do with your ticket.

Write 35–45 words on your answer sheet.


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Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions (7 or 8) in this part.
Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Tick the box (Question 7 or Question 8) on your answer sheet to show which question you have

Question 7
• This is part of a letter you receive from a friend.

I can’t decide whether to buy a new bicycle from a

shop or on the Internet. Where do you think I
should buy it? Is it better to buy some things from
shops? Do you buy things on the Internet?

• Now write a letter answering your friend’s questions.

• Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

Question 8
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
I was amazed when I opened the bag.
• Write your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet.


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Test 4

Test 4


Part 1
1 C  2 C  3 A 4 B  5 B
Part 2
6 G  7 E  8 F  9 D  10 B
Part 3
11 B  12 A  13 B  14 A  15 A   16 B  17 A  18 A   19 B  20 A
Part 4
21 C  22 C  23 B  24 D  25 D
Part 5
26  C  27  D  28  C  29  A  30  D  31  B  32  C  33  A  34  B  35  C

Part 1
1 for   2 was   3 so / that   4 will / should / do   5 did not / didn’t

Part 2 & 3
The following sample answers can be used as a guide when marking.


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SAMPLE A (Test 4, Question 6: Note to a friend)

Hi Jerry

I’m so sorry I cannot go with you to the football match. My granny is

ill. So my mum asked me to look after her, while she is working.
I think you can give my ticket to your sister.

Speak soon


Examiner Comments

All three parts of the message are clearly communicated.

Mark: 5

SAMPLE B (Test 4, Question 6: Note to a friend)

Dear Jerry

I’m sorry but I can’t go for a football match with you this weekends
because I’m in the village. But we can visit another match when I will turn
back. You can go with your father or brother.

Best wishes


Examiner Comments

Points 1 and 2 are clearly communicated. Point 3 is attempted but the point is not clearly made.

Mark: 4


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Test 4

SAMPLE C (Test 4, Question 6: Note to a friend)

Hi Jerry!

I have problems at the weekend, and I will not go to the Football

match. Problems is go to the granny’s birthday. You can give my
ticket to our class mates or to anyone. See you soon.

You Friend Sasha

Examiner Comments

Point 1 is omitted. Points 2 and 3 are communicated.

Mark: 3


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SAMPLE D (Test 4, Question 7: Letter to a friend)

Hi Sam,

It’s a really good idea to buy a new bicycle! I remember yours is broken.
If I were you, I will go to the shop and try bicycles. If you find one you like, I
can memorize its name and try to find a lower price on the internet.
In my opinion, buying some things from shops can be more expensive.
The only good reasons to buy from shops it’s that you can have your
purses immediately and try or see them perfectly. I use to buy things on
the internet when the things I want are in better prices. Or also if I need
somethings I can’t buy from shops. I hope I help you!

Take Care!


Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

Content 5 All elements of the task are covered with appropriate expansion.
Communicative The conventions of letter writing (appropriate register and format) are used
Achievement to hold the reader’s attention and communicate ideas effectively.
The text is generally well organised with the use of paragraphing. The text
is coherent with both simple linking (and; Or; also) and a range of more
Organisation 5 complex cohesive devices used effectively (I remember yours is broken; If I
were you; If you find one you like; In my opinion; The only good reasons …
it’s that ...)
A good range of everyday vocabulary and also some less common words
(memorize; expensive; immediately; perfectly).
Simple grammatical forms are used with a good degree of control. More
Language 4 complex structures are also used (In my opinion, buying some things from
shops can be more expensive) There are a few distracting but generally
non-impeding errors (you can have your purses immediately; I use to buy;
in better prices).


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Test 4

SAMPLE E (Test 4, Question 7: Letter to a friend)

I don’t know that can I tell you, because I buy things from a shop as on
the internet. But I think if you want to buy a new bicycle is better but it
from a shop because you can see it better, and who knows, maybe you
can prove it. Also if the price is the same, probably you must pay more
for charges and service. On the other way you can go in your car to
the shop, and as you have a big car, you can take the bicycle and put
it into the car or over the car. In this case I think that the best option
is this, but it is a suggest. I buy a lot of things on the internet like a
mobile phones or some games, but I never buy something like a bicycle! I
hope that my suggest help you!

Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

All the elements of the task are covered with appropriate expansion. The
Content 5
target reader is fully informed.
The conventions of the communicative task are used in generally
Communicative appropriate ways to communicate straightforward ideas. The register is
Achievement appropriate but letter format has not been used. The target reader has to
work hard at times to follow the message.
Although there is no paragraphing, the text is connected and coherent,
using of a variety of basic linking words (because; But; and; Also) and a
Organisation 4 range of more complex cohesive devices (you can see it better; and who
knows, maybe you can prove it; probably; In this case; the best option is
Everyday vocabulary is generally used appropriately and there are some
less common words (charges and service; the best option).
Language 3 Simple grammatical forms are used with reasonable control.
Errors are noticeable but in general the meaning can be determined (on
the other way; put it into the car or over the car; it is a suggest).


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SAMPLE F (Test 4, Question 7: Letter to a friend)

Hi Misha!

To my mind you should not but a bicycle from an internet shop.

Firs cause is that you cannot touch and try it. Second when you’ll get
it can be not that size or colour that you need or want. Third it’ll cost
more expansive because you must pay for deliver.

I think such things as books or toys you can buy on the internet. But
such things as shoes, T-shirts, pants it is better buy in shop. Because
there you can try it on and see if it fits you or not.

I rarly buy things on the internet. So, my advice is to buy a new bicycle
at the shop and ride on it with pleasure.

Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

Content 5 All content is relevant to the task. The target reader is fully informed.
Uses the conventions of the communicative task (register and letter
Communicative format) in generally appropriate ways to communicate straightforward
Achievement ideas. The target reader’s attention is distracted at times (you should not
but a bicycle; it’ll cost more expansive).
The text is connected and coherent, using basic linking words (and;
because; But) and some cohesive devices (when you’ll get it; not that
Organisation 3 size or colour that you need; such things as; try it on and see if it fits you).
Paragraphs are used but not always effectively (see the final two short
Everyday vocabulary is generally used appropriately. There is a range of
simple and some more complex grammatical forms with a good degree of
Language 3
control but there are noticeable errors throughout which distract the reader
(firs cause; you must pay for deliver; it is better buy in shop; rarly).


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Test 4

SAMPLE G (Test 4, Question 8: Story)

I was amazed when I opened the bag. Inside there were differents
things: a pink pen, an empty bottle and a box. I asked to my
friend whu she gave me that bag. She answered: “ I know it’s
your birthday next week. I can’t be to your birthday party. So I give
you thoses presents”. She also said that the empty bottle was just
for fun, the pink pen was because I love pink (She’s a pretty good
friend!) and the box is a jewellery box. When we open the box, we
can hear a beautiful lullaby. I love this present. I also think of
her when I open the box.

Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

The story follows on logically from the prompt sentence.

Content 5
The target reader is full informed.
Ideas are communicated effectively following the conventions of
Communicative storytelling and the register and format are appropriate.
Achievement There is an effective use of direct speech. The target reader’s attention is
held throughout.
The text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of basic linking
words (So; because; and) and cohesive devices e.g. the effective
Organisation 4 use of parentheses (She’s a pretty good friend!). Although the lack of
paragraphing affects the overall organisation, the target reader would be
able to follow the story with no problems.
Uses a range of everyday vocabulary effectively and some less common
words (a beautiful lullaby).
Some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control (Inside
Language 4 there were; the empty bottle was just for fun)
There are a few errors (differents things; I asked to my friend; I can’t be to
your birthday party; thoses presents; When we open the box, we can hear)
but these do not impede understanding.


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SAMPLE H (Test 4, Question 8: Story)

I was amazed when I opened the bag. There was a fabulous present. I
was very surprised to see that. There was a beautiful fragrance. A flower
fragrance by a celebrate brand. I was very happy because I hasn’t got a
present. It was pink with a purple flowers on a packaging. I didn’t forget
this day because there was my first brithday party with my fisrt present. I
thanked my friend for this.

Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

All the content is relevant but there is limited expansion. The target reader
Content 4
can follow the storyline and is informed on the whole.
The target reader’s attention is mostly held but the reader is distracted by
Communicative A flower fragrance by a celebrate brand and purple flowers on a packaging.
Achievement Uses the conventions of the communicative task in generally appropriate
ways to communicate straightforward ideas.
There are many short sentences producing an overall staccato effect.
However, there is limited basic linking (because) and a limited number of
Organisation 3
cohesive devices (to see that; It was pink; this day; thanked my friend for
Uses everyday vocabulary appropriately and there is some less common
lexis (fragrance; brand; packaging).
Language 4 Mostly simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control.
Some noticeable errors (I hasn’t got a present; brithday party; fisrt present)
but these are non-impeding.


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Test 4

SAMPLE I (Test 4, Question 8: Story)

I was amazed when I opened the bag witch my dad brought from the work.
I’ve always wanted a smal kitten or a puppy. But my mum always told
me that they would but a kitten or a puppy for me only when we will
move to a house.

In two month we have moved but my parents didn’t bought me a pet.

After several monthes we have moved my dad came home with a big
bag and told me to open it I saw a small nice kitten.

I named it Angel becaus it had a white wool and blue eyes.

After school I play with it and at night Angel sleeps with me, I’m happy
that my parents have presented me such cute present!

Subscale Mark Examiner Comments

The story follows on from the prompt sentence and the target reader is
Content 5
fully informed.
The ideas are connected using an appropriate format and register.
Communicative However, the target reader is distracted at times by errors in verb tenses
Achievement (only when we will move; In two month we have moved) and the lack of
punctuation, for example in the fourth paragraph.
The story is connected and coherent using basic linking words (But; and;
becaus) and limited cohesive devices (a kitten or a puppy for me; told
Organisation 3 me to open it; I play with it and at night Angel sleeps with me; such cute
present). Paragraphs are used but not always effectively as they are mostly
short and the text appears fragmented.
In general everyday vocabulary is used appropriately. There are spelling
errors in common words ( smal monthes; becaus) but these do not
Language 2 Simple grammatical forms are used with reasonable control, although
there are repeated problems with tenses (After several monthes we have
moved; my parents didn’t bought me a pet) and a number of distracting
errors (the bag witch; they would but a kitten; such cute present).


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