The New Mexico Jewish Link

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to the Tree
of Life
Volume 48, Number 4 • Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Pages 6-8 The Pittsburgh Shooting, Our Community Unites in Response

Not Just
Pages 14-16

Israel Fest
Story and photo by Diane Joy Schmidt ed, “All Jews must die.” Armed with a Colt widely circulated statement from Rabbi Har-
AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle and ry Rosenfeld of Congregation Albert includ-
At 9:50 a.m. on Saturday morning, October three Glock semi-automatic pistols, he killed ed the words, “I want you to know that we
27, 2018, the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in eleven people and wounded seven, including live in an amazing community. A few minutes
US history occurred at the Tree of Life syn- four police officers who engaged him in a after 10:00 am this morning, an Albuquerque
agogue in the historic Jewish neighborhood shoot-out. He was wounded and taken to Al- police sergeant arrived at the synagogue to
Page 19 of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh. A 46-year-old legheny General Hospital, where Jewish staff make sure we knew what had happened and
white male shooter entered the synagogue attended him.
during a baby-naming ceremony. He shout- In Albuquerque, that Saturday afternoon a SHABBAT continued on page 2

Journey of a Torah Scroll Weaves History and Geography

Story and photos by Diane Joy Schmidt

Immigrant Jews came to Roswell more than a hundred and fifty
years ago, including the prominent Praeger and Jaffa families who
established a Jaffa, Prager & Co. Flour and Grain store there in the
1880s. Roswell, in southeastern New Mexico, 200 miles from Al-
buquerque, is today the fifth largest city in New Mexico.
In the 1940s, the Roswell Jewish community sponsored fami-
lies from Displaced Persons camps in Europe. Once they estab-
lished themselves in business, three of the men who arrived from
the camps pooled their resources and bought a former Nazarene
church. It became Congregation B’nai Israel, and was dedicated in
1949. The head of the congregation was David Lehman, who had
escaped Kristallnacht.
The congregation did not have a Torah. In another act of generos-
ity and thankfulness, survivor Isadore Karnowsky donated a Torah
scroll to B’nai Israel in Roswell in the 1950s. It was later examined
by a Torah scholar who determined it was one of those Torahs that
had been brought out of Europe surviving the Holocaust. Karnows-
ky dedicated the Torah to his father Samuel and uncles Jacob and
Abraham. His niece, Kathryn Karnowsky, and great-nephew Na-
than K. Lyons are members of Nahalat Shalom in Albuquerque.
Over the last many years, Rabbi Min Kantrowitz, Rabbi Jack fell on the roof of the building, upkeep was no longer tenable and
Shlachter, Rabbi Ron Wittenstein and Dr. Sara Koplik, community the building was sold.
outreach director for the Jewish Federation, among others occa- Emet Ma’ayan, president of Nahalat Shalom, continues the story
sionally traveled to Roswell to lead services. Last year, after a tree TORAH SCROLL continued on page 2

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2 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

SHABBAT continued from page 1 spiritual strength and sense of be- tion is both a tradition of saintliness daylight. Visit a neighbor. Remind
ing uplifted to a more loving and and a tradition of spiritual warrior. our Jewish brothers and sisters
to assure us he would be at our front away behind a barricade. As re- forgiving frame of mind had come If you’re only a saint, people can that they do not stand alone. Care
door until he could get a patrol car ported by Reuters: “Over 2,000 to everyone at this Shabbat service. kick you around. If you’re only a for someone (his voice cracked at
on the property. He assured me that people, including many from the Statements by Clergy and warrior, you’ll kick other people this point) Love. Stand for what is
APD would also be present tomor- local Jewish community, protested Religious Leaders around. So you have to do both to right and what is good, then pray,
row during religious school and if against Trump’s presence, chanting Archbishop John Wester of the serve humanity. Each person has then act. So, on this day, which on
necessary, beyond. When I thanked “Words have meaning,” and carry- Diocese of Santa Fe: “We of the the opportunity to awaken to the the Christian calendar is the Feast
the sergeant, he replied: ‘No need. ing signs with such slogans as “We Archdiocese want to assure you we perfection within, and is waiting to of All Souls, I remember specifical-
It’s what my mother would want build bridges not walls.” The fol- walk through that desert with you be awakened. We are at a time in ly 11 souls, and may their memory
me to do.’ I was moved speechless lowing night at a rally in Florida, (when) hatred rears its ugly head. the history of this universe when an be a blessing to all of us. Shabbat
as we shook hands.” Trump would claim the protests, Genesis reminds all of us that we awakening is happening. Shalom.”
A call went out on social media which were well-documented, were are created in God’s image, so we, “Part of that awakening is bring- Norm Levine, retired director of
that there would be a community “staged” and “fake news.” as Rabbi said a moment ago, must ing out a lot of sad reality that has U.S. operations for the Hebrew Im-
gathering at sundown that evening And finally, an organized request be wholly ourselves and allow our been an affliction for a long time; migrant Aid Society, now known as
at Nahalat Shalom, the Jewish Re- went out across the country from love to conquer the hatred and the but you can’t heal it if you can’t HIAS. “As the son of immigrants,
newal congregation. A gathering, the American Jewish Committee, to insanity that snuffed out the eleven see it. We sing a prayer whenever the proudest two decades of my ca-
led by the cantor and president, #ShowUpforShabbat on Friday at a precious lives at the Tree of Life we gather, in part, ‘When things reer were at HIAS. We welcomed
took place outdoors in a semi-circle congregation, as a show of strength Synagogue. We commit ourselves are down and dark, that’s when we Jews from the former Soviet Union,
in the courtyard as the leaves fell in and love against hate. to stay that path of love. Shabbat must stand tallest. Until the last star Jews fleeing persecution in Iran,
the late evening light. One gathering was held at Con- Shalom.” falls, may our faith enable us, that Baha’is fleeing persecution in Iran,
On Sunday afternoon, there were gregation Albert in Albuquerque Mohammed Abdul Haqq, pres- we may not give an inch at all.’ Liberians, Hmong tribesman from
organized gatherings throughout on Friday evening, November 2nd, ident of Dar al-Salam Mosque: Shabbat Shalom.” the hills of Laos, Argentinians flee-
New Mexico at synagogues, at the led by Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld. It “Look around you. See who’s here. Rev. Erica Lea-Simka, Menno- ing persecution. Whether they were
Holocaust and Intolerance Museum was standing room only, and one Our community is united, and I nite Albuquerque Church: “I’m not Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Ba-
in downtown Albuquerque, and in of the largest gatherings seen in the think that’s what’s important. As a Jew. I wasn’t that lucky. But I did ha’i, we served them because we as
smaller communities. In Placitas, a synagogue’s history. “About 1,100 Muslims, we believe that all life is the next best thing -- I married a Jews were required to because we
village between Albuquerque and people, Christians, Jews, Muslims, sacred and all life is precious and Jew. In my Mennonite community, were strangers in a strange land. We
Santa Fe, an evening gathering for Sikhs, and others, came together in that the taking of a single life car- the words peace and justice are used will not forget, and we will not stop
the Jewish community and friends solidarity Friday night at Congre- ries the same weight as the killing as frequently as prayer and potluck. resettling people. Let this be the
at the Placitas Library packed their gation Albert or watched on our of all of mankind. Conversely, we Mennonites believe that faithfully beginning of our recommitment to
small activity room. About fifty live stream,” said Rabbi Rosenfeld. believe that saving a single life car- following the teachings of Jesus re- serving refugees, asylees, and the
people attended. Led by commu- (The final attendance numbers were ries the same weight as saving all quire more than faithfully doing no oppressed from about the world.
nity members, eleven candles were based on the number of chairs that of mankind.” harm, but actively building peace Shabbat Shalom.”
lit, and then people stood up spon- were set out.) The link to watch the Abdul Haqq quoted from a had- and restorative justice as an expres- At the end of the service, Rabbi
taneously and spoke. service in its entirety is on the rab- ith, a saying of the Prophet Mu- sion of love. Where there is Nefesh, Harry Rosenfeld spoke: “It is so
Among those was Navajo lin- bi’s Facebook page and will also be hammad: “‘to gladden the heart of there is the Divine, where there is powerful and comforting to see my
guist and educator Frank Morgan, found on the Congregation Albert a human being, to feed the hungry, Ruach, there is the Divine. clergy brothers and sisters as well
whose presence and words seemed website and on YouTube. to comfort the afflicted, to light- “I repent from and actively reject as people from other congregations
to strike a special chord, as a num- Mayor Tim Keller, former may- en the sorrow of the sorrowful, to the ways Christians have histori- here. And our young people, that’s
ber of people came up to thank or Richard J. Berry, and many heal the wrongs of the injured, that cally weaponized the Bible to de- so powerful to me. Growing up, my
him afterwards. He spoke briefly other government officials, polit- person is the most beloved of God, mean and diminish too long a list father told me I had to be Jewish
about the Navajo origin story of the ical candidates, and community who does the most good to God’s of minority groups, but especially “so that it didn’t give Hitler a post-
Twins who vanquished the evils in leaders were there. Local TV sta- creation.’ Let’s remember this as Jewish communities, by perpetu- humous victory.” That weighed on
the world. Later he said, “It was my tions KOAT and KRQE came and we move forward, not as Jews or ating anti-Semitic teachings. What me. Later in life, I heard a lecture
way of consoling the Jewish people broadcast news reports later that Christians or Muslims, or any faith a disgrace to our Abrahamic fami- by Leibel Fein (founding editor of
that things will change and that we evening. Representatives of ev- you belong to, but as a single com- ly and to Jesus himself. From my Moment Magazine) that there were
will have compassion and kind- ery local Jewish congregation and munity, we remain united against queer, Jewish, Mennonite, fickle, two ways to look at Jewish histo-
ness. Hate is a danger that we all organization attended. Clergy of hate and work towards that. Shab- funky family to yours, you have an ry: as a tapestry, and as a shroud.
face. Hate will be resolved spiritu- many faith groups came. Those bat Shalom.” ally, advocate, and you have an ac- I vowed that I would look at our
ally and Americans will experience who were invited to speak includ- Rev. Susan Quass, New Mexi- complice, when need be, in me, my history as a tapestry. Yes, there’s
the opposite of the evils of hate.” ed representatives of the Catholic, co Conference of Churches: “Peo- family and in Albuquerque Menno- some tears, some holes, some burn
Following the shooting in Pitts- Muslim, Christian Conference of ple of good will everywhere know nite Church. Shabbat Shalom.” marks, and you fix them, you find a
burgh, the U.S. president tweeted Churches, Sikh, Mennonite, Epis- that good must triumph, that love is Reverend Daniel Webster, way to make it whole again.
that day that it was an anti-Semitic copalian, and a former director of stronger than hate, and that God is St. John’s Cathedral (Episcopal): “For almost 4,000 years Jews
attack of pure evil. However, in a the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, One, God is Love, and there’s noth- “Pray for those who have died, for had to repair the tapestry on their
follow-up he later tweeted, “If there now known as HIAS. Their state- ing in this world that can overcome their families and their loved ones, own. It was just us. But for the last
was an armed guard inside the tem- ments were profound and excerpts that power. God created each one of those who are wounded, pray for 70 years, we no longer have to re-
ple, they would have been able to edited for space, are included here. your faces in God’s own image, and our brothers and sisters in the Jew- pair the tapestry on our own. With
stop him.” Despite calls from the If tikkun olam, the Jewish ethical it is only when we forget that, when ish community, pray for the Tree us tonight, we’re not alone, we’re
governor and the mayor of Pitts- and religious mitzvot to repair the we don’t see who we are looking of Life Synagogue, pray for the not alone. And with that comes a
burgh not to come, he made a visit world, has an angelic representa- at, the beauty, the uniqueness, that City of Pittsburgh, pray for Amer- responsibility, we need to stand up
to one of the funerals on Tuesday tive, she certainly was hovering hate has a chance to spring forth. ica, pray for us all. And then, go and be there for you as well. Go out
with his wife, daughter and son-in- over the Friday evening service. Shabbat Shalom.” out and do something! Go out and and take this spirit with you. Intro-
law. To look around, one could see fac- Krishna Khalsa, Sikh commu- do something that helps to end the duce yourselves to each other, and
Residents were kept a block es gleaming. It seemed that a great nity of Espanola: “The Sikh tradi- long night and helps to bring in the wish each other a Shabbat Shalom.”

TORAH SCROLL continued from page 1 Min Kantrowitz who …contacted scroll with Nahalat Shalom. 
some of the remaining members The Roswell Torah was put to
on the website, of the synagogue - and they have use immediately at High Holiday
“One day, Glorya Hale told her agreed to loan, indefinitely, their services, and on Simchat Torah,
friend, Kathryn Karnowsky, about Torah to Nahalat Shalom.” on Monday, October 1, Rabbi Min
the problems with our (frail Holo- As Carolyn and Rick Sidd ar- Kantrowitz dedicated it, sharing
caust) Torah.  Kathryn, one of our rived at Nahalat Shalom on August the story with the congregation at a
members, then told her about the 30 from Roswell, a tallis was held joyous celebration. She explained
Torah that belonged to the Roswell aloft by members of the Karnows- that the journey of this Torah scroll
synagogue and had been donated ky family and Nahalat Shalom to “weaves history and geography.”
to them by her uncle.  The Jewish welcome the Torah. Carolyn gave
community in Roswell had dwin- an emotional tribute, as she told Carolyn Sidd entering Nahalat
dled.  They had sold the building the bittersweet story of the histo- Shalom with B’nai Israel’s Torah
that housed their synagogue.  The ry of the Roswell congregation scroll. Husband Richard Sidd
Torah was to be carefully stored in and the journey of this Torah, the follows her, while members of the
a bank vault. loss of the building in Roswell, Karnowsky family hold the tallit
“Glorya got in touch with Rabbi and their decision to now share the aloft as a chuppah.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 3

An Interview with Middle East Expert Bob Baer

By Diane Joy Schmidt the way they are, we’re sliding to- the Manchurian Candidate. They They’ve (the Russians) have been are under attack.
wards chaos and a regional war. I left their fingerprints all over this - brilliant about it. Look at the dam- Let me put it to you this way.
Bob Baer, former CIA spy and can’t give you timing on that, but this troll factory in St. Petersburg age done to the FBI, this poisonous Women are going to get us out of
current Middle East expert for obviously the Saudis, with taking was easily identified. political environment the Russians this mess in this election and 2020,
CNN and Time will be speaking that risk with Khashoggi, they’re I don’t know if they’ve got black- have managed to create, which has or they’re not. I don’t see that white
in Santa Fe at the James A. Little worried about the stability; they’re mail on Trump. The point is, they’re so divided Americans, they’re more males, other than try to hold on to
Theater on January 21 at 7:30 pm. worried about the Muslim Brother- undermined our institutions. More divided than the Civil War. power, are doing much. I know
George Clooney played Baer in hood. They’re worried about Iran than half of Americans believe Link: What’s next for our na- Trump thinks that American institu-
the film Syriana, based on Baer’s being more radicalized, as a force that Trump’s being blackmailed by tion? tions are the enemy: Russia is our
memoir See No Evil. Baer spoke of disruption. the KGB. It never happened in our Baer: A society that believes in friend, American institutions are the
with us from Washington D.C. the Friends of mine have just been country before. It’s an act of politi- conspiracy theories is easily ma- enemy, including the press.
morning of October 10th, just eight thrown into these dungeons, they’re cal sabotage like we’ve never seen, nipulated into violence … I see the For more information about tick-
days after the killing of Jamal Kha- never heard from again. It’s a reflec- since the war of 1812. They’ve un- makings of a violent political con- ets and VIP packages to Bob Baer’s
shoggi, journalist and critic of the tion of a paranoia, instability, that dermined our institutions more than frontation simply because our insti- presentation on January 21st in San-
Saudi government, in the Saudi I’ve never seen in the Gulf States. anybody ever has, ever. tutions are under attack, our norms ta Fe, visit www.jewishnewmexico.
embassy in Turkey. Baer said that So, I just see increasing instability
if Khashoggi was killed, his body in the Middle East, and increasing
would likely have been dissolved in instability in the Middle East usual-
a vat of lye. The body has yet to be ly leads to a larger conflict.
found. Link: Is there any way to
The Crown Prince of Saudi Ara- avoid it?
bia, Mohammed bin Salman Al Baer: I don’t think so. I just don’t
Saud (known by his initials MBS), think so. And I look at the long-term
is widely considered to have or- problems:
dered the killing. Baer explained, The Arabian aquifer is dried out.
“MBS thinks he’s got the support The Saudis just pumped it dry, for
of Donald Trump and Jared Kush- agriculture. And I look at the Indus
ner so he probably thinks at the end Valley aquifer, pumped dry. You’ve
of the day that ultimately he’ll get got population problems.
a pass.” Just a general irrationality run-
Link: The American and Israe- ning through humanity, from Wash-
li governments have been pursu- ington DC to Nazis coming back.
ing alignment with Saudi Arabia All those things disturb me.
and the Sunni Arab states against The fact that the far right in
Iran. Austria is back, full on, and led a
Baer: Who created this problem raid on their domestic intelligence
for Israel? It was George W. Bush service on February 28th. We’ve
invading Iraq in 2003. That was sin- never seen that, ever, in Europe
gularly one of the most stupid things Post-World War II.... And the immi-
in the world. But, if you wanted to gration thing has led to the ascen-
empower Iran, it was to invade Iraq. dance of the European Right. I see
Netanyahu, he’s saying privately, it in France. They are psychopaths,
‘those idiots, idiots!’ America in- and they are completely anti-Semit-
vades Iraq, letting the Iranians in, ic. Who would have ever thought
overthrowing a dictator, setting this that Nazis would come back in
example for the Syrians. Austria?
We are much worse off for Bush For your readers, what you have
and Cheney, and in all fairness, we to understand, is that French Jews
have put Israel in more danger than are going to get caught up in this
we have in our entire history. The bigotry. It’s nothing they’ve done.
Iranians are truly miscreants. So, But if this trend continues, people
if you look at Lebanon, Syria and who are slightly different are (going
Iraq, all Shia, it today is a threat to to be) getting caught up, and that in-
Israel and you’ve got to say, ‘Oh, cludes people going to synagogues.
who made this happen?’ And who That’s my prophetic view, you can’t
made this happen—it’s American prove it, but you see it all over.
bumbling, which has endangered Link: Do you see Trump as a
Israel. logical outcome of our ignoring
Link: Can Saudi Arabia be Russian influence in our elec-
trusted? tions?
Baer: No, they can’t be trusted. Baer: All they wanted in 2016,
This kid, 33 years old, MBS, he’s they were out to destroy Hillary
not a kid, he doesn’t know what to Clinton. They thought we were re-
do about Iran and for that matter sponsible for overthrowing Yanu-
neither do we. We don’t know any- kovych, Ukraine’s former president,
thing about the country. in 2014. It got too close for the Rus-
We don’t have anybody there. sians, because they have a policy Renowned author and former CIA case officer, Bob Baer is Time’s intelligence columnist,
There are 73 million Iranians. That of protecting the near abroad—and
we can change the regime or not is a that means Russians who are living and is a frequent commentator and author about issues related to international
complete guess. And I do think it is a in these satellite countries like the relations, espionage and U.S. foreign policy. Currently he is a reality television host
strategic threat, an existential threat Ukraine, they feel they have an ob- on the History Channel’s program “Hunting Hitler” and is an Intelligence and Security
to Israel. Because, if they simply fill ligation to protect them and that this
up Syria and Lebanon with rock- liberal government that came in was
Analyst for CNN.
ets, once they bring the S300 and if going to oppress the Russians in the Tickets
Ticket andnow
sale! $25 for general
info admission
available soonwithatVIP packages starting at $100.
they eventually bring the S400 into Eastern Ukraine. For more detail, go to
Syria, the balance changes. And no- It’s action-reaction with the Rus-
body in this country has a clue what sians: you do something bad to us,
to do next. There is no plan. we’re going to do something bad
Link: What’s in your crystal to you. We’re going to disrupt your
ball at this point? elections in 2016. They had no clue
Baer: I think if they continue Trump was going to win—he’s not
4 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Israel Experience Fund Helps Dancer Soar

Jewish Federation of shifted. Whenever I am
New Mexico’s Israel Ex- creating now and begin
perience Fund provided to feel lost inside myself,
Rebeccah Peshlakai with a I take inspiration from
grant to help offset the costs my experiences in Isra-
of her Kibbutz Contempo- el,” reflected Rebeccah.
rary Dance Company 2018 Israel Experience

Life & Legacy

summer intensive dance Scholarships are admin-
program. The program is istered by the Jewish

Donor Spotlight
hosted by Kibbutz Ga’aton, Community Foundation
east of Nahariya. An ac- of NM. For information
complished dancer, Rebec- on eligibility require-
Both of their Jewish lives cah is a recent graduate of ments and applications
began relatively late in life: for NM School for the Arts in visit
Terry Lee, when she moved to Santa Fe. “Having this op- grants or contact Erika
New Mexico 28 years ago, and portunity, the way I look at Rimson, (505) 348-4472
for Andrew, more recently still. my culture and connect it to or
Their path was cultivated and my dancing has completely Rebeccah Peshlakai in Haifa, Israel
supported by the wonderful
people they came to know here.
Terry Lee and Andrew believe 2019 Scholarship
it’s important to ensure that a Save the Date: Program
wealth of Jewish service, tradi- Support for Jewish
Sunday, March 31, 2019 Young People
tion and inspiration be forever L’Chaim New Mexico:
provided for those who need or in New Mexico:
To Our Jewish Future
want it, just as it was for them. u $1,000 scholarship for a visit to Israel – Israel Experience Fund
“We were excited to sign Life & Legacy Year One 4 application deadlines: March 1, June 1, Sept. 1, Dec. 1; awards made
our letters of intent and help Celebration, Albuquerque 30 days later
kick off the new Life & Leg- Museum, Ventana Salon
acy New Mexico program. Terry Lee Heller & Andrew A festive celebration to u Up to $500 scholarship for Jewish sleep away camp – Irving and
It’s quite simple to support the recognize those who have Hertha Auerbach Fund for Jewish Identity and Galit Mares Memo-
Edwards Support the Future
Jewish community with an af- made a commitment to leave rial Fund
of Jewish New Mexico,
ter-lifetime gift in your retire- an endowment gift to help Apply between February 1 – April 1, award made by April 15
You Can, Too!
ment plan, will, trust or life support Jewish New Mexico Support for young people, Jewish or non-Jewish,
insurance policy,” said Terry lifetimes, so all giving is in one for generations to come. in the Albuquerque area:
Lee. The Jewish Community central place.  Learn more about Life & u $1,000 scholarship for college tuition – Neil Isbin Scholarship Fund
Foundation of New Mexico If you’d like to learn more Legacy and download a Let- Apply by May 1, award made June 1
also gives them the ability to about Life and Legacy in New ter of Intent. Visit For information on eligibility requirements and applications visit www.
support non-Jewish charita- Mexico, contact Erika Rimson, or contact Erika Rimson, 505.348.4472 or erika@jcf-
ble organizations from their 505.348.4472 or erika@jcfnm.
endowment funds after their org.

Echoes and Reflections: Teacher Attends Holocaust

Education Seminars in Israel
By Rebecca Wallace navigate our feelings of loss and timony where they interview sur- Our need to expose prejudice
grief while guiding us safely out of vivors. The final product is a pro- and discrimination
This summer I had the oppor- Rena’s testimony. jected “hologram” one can interact After attending the two confer-
tunity for a once-in-a-life teacher The voice of rescuers with and ask questions. Dr. Stephen ences, I hope to further Holocaust
training and trip. I was chosen as To bring my students safely out Smith, the producer, said students education in Albuquerque. My im-
one of 29 participants to attend two of our Holocaust unit, they research ask different questions of the “ho- mediate plans include incorporat-
conferences in Israel at the Yad a rescuer and present their findings logram” than they would in a class- ing more of the knowledge I have
Vashem: Echoes and Reflections to the class. One thing I ask my stu- room setting. While this technology gained, sharing that knowledge
Advanced Learning Seminar and dents to include is why the rescuer is revolutionary, Dr. Smith remind- with colleagues, and inviting a Ho-
the 10th International Conference gave them hope, so they are able to ed us that we need to embrace the locaust survivor to speak with my
on Holocaust Education. see light and goodness even in the survivors we still have! This com- students. For the next school year,
The voice of victims midst of evil. This summer I learned ment hit home and cemented for I would like to teach a Holocaust
The Holocaust is a difficult sub- about the village of Le Chambon- me that I want my students to hear studies class at Cibola High School.
ject to teach. A difficult lesson to sur-Lignon on a plateau in southern a survivor testimony. I am grateful for the opportunities
hear was Holocaust survivor Rena France. This village conspired to- Our commonalities afforded by attending these confer-
Quint’s story. Rena lost her par- gether to save almost 5,000 Jews, Pre-war Jewish life has been lost ences.
ents at a very young age while in most of whom were children. They from educational curriculum in the Humanity
Bergen Belsen. After her mother’s created a city of refuge. Some were US, so one of my goals is to reintro- The trees in the Garden of the
death many women became substi- motivated by their faith while oth- duce this element to the classroom. Righteous at the Yad Vashem are
tute and caring mother figures to ers were motivated to help their fel- It is important to know what was carob trees. The seeds in each pod
Rena while in the camp and after low humans; because these people lost. One of the projects I participat- weigh exactly the same, regardless
liberation, thus saving Rena’s life. were willing to stand up for people, ed in was exploring pre-war Jewish of how big the pod is. Each human
Our group was overcome and over- their story gives me hope. life. While learning more about the life is equal, important, and valu-
whelmed by her story, but thank- The voice of survivors individual person who was lost, we able.
fully our facilitator and program One problem facing the world Azrieli Foundation in Canada is realized that the victim had many Rebecca  Wallace, a teacher at
director Sheryl Ochayon used the is a world without survivors. This editing, fact checking, and publish- similarities to our own lives. This Cibola High School in Albuquer-
safely in, safely out protocol. (Our was addressed at the International ing testimonies of survivors who assignment to rehumanize the vic- que, received a small grant from
goal is not to traumatize students Conference on Holocaust Edu- immigrated to Canada. The USC tims of the Holocaust will aid my the Jewish Community Foundation
with the trauma of the Holocaust.) cation. Film makers are still re- Shoah Foundation is working on a students with identifying similari- to help cover the expenses of her
This teaching strategy helped us cording survivor testimonies. The project called Dimensions in Tes- ties with their own lives. trip to Israel.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 5

organization that serves the en-
From the President’s Desk
Director’s tire Jewish community, it has long By Ron Duncan Hart
Corner been apparent to me that no ar-
chetype exists for the Jewish New The Jewish Federation of ment, people guarantee
Mexican. We are, perhaps, more New Mexico is the umbrella Jewish programs our state
reflective of the Jewish people’s organization that promotes Jew- into the foreseeable fu-
By Zach Benjamin ish causes, culture and welfare ture.
diversity than any other Jewish
community in the United States. to meet the needs of Jews from Members of the board
The city of Jerusalem was awash New Mexico to Israel through of the Jewish Federation
in the peace of the waning moments That diversity is not only ethnic
and religious, but it is also ideo- philanthropy, education and so- have been leading the
of Shabbat when my cell phone cial action. We promote unity in way in making commit-
began to buzz. Twilight cast long
Zach Benjamin logical.
The Albuquerque conversation the Jewish community statewide, ments to the endowment,
shadows on the golden stone of the supporting a sense of belonging, including Mimi Efroym-
buildings and sidewalks, and the streets were on security at moments reflected the tinderbox ownership, and pride in being son, Sabra Minkus, Mar-
quiet but for the gleeful exclamations of chil- of emotion and political division that current- Jewish. The Federation is inclu- Ron Duncan Hart vin and Gail Gottlieb,
dren playing soccer and Israelis of all stripes ly defines our national discourse. While much sive of all Jews, and it serves the Linda Goff, Betty and
engaged in spirited conversation. The Jerusa- of the discussion was productive, and indeed broader community from a Jewish value Keith Harvie, David and Paula Blacher.
lem light rail service had not yet resumed for the ideas it yielded will be helpful in defining system, and it is unique in its statewide We would also like to thank Terry Lee
the week, and so women, men, children, and how our Jewish community approaches se- outreach to individual Jews and smaller Heller and Ron and Meryl Segel for their
their pets roamed freely up and down Jaffa curity and crisis response going forward, the Jewish communities throughout the state. recent commitments to help fund our en-
Street. I had taken the weekend in Jerusalem conversation was also troubling. Earlier this year, the Jewish Federation dowment as well. Join my wife Gloria
to unwind after a productive but frenetic week I saw Jews pointing their fingers and raising
their voices against their fellow Jews. It was a of New Mexico established an endow- Abella Ballen and me and the others from
at the Jewish Federations of North America’s ment that will support Jewish values in our community who are making a gift for
General Assembly in Tel Aviv and subsequent scene of barely civil disagreement that was, to New Mexico for generations to come, the endowment. Leave a legacy in your
meetings with Federation’s partner communi- a certain extent, quintessentially Jewish—and provide funding beyond what we can see name or fund a program of your special
ties in Israel. thus not unexpected—but also disheartening.
In the days following the Pittsburgh mas- today, and give a basis for Jewish life and interest and leave your mark on Jewish
As I sat down to dinner at one of the city’s values in the state. We invite you to join life in New Mexico.
many street-side cafés, I pulled my phone sacre, The Atlantic’s Franklin Foer tweeted, us in securing the future of Jewish life The endowment is being managed
from my pocket and realized immediately that “Any strategy for enhancing the security of and community service in our state. through the Jewish Community Founda-
Shabbat’s peace would end prematurely that American Jewry should involve shunning Donors to the Federation embody our tion, and we are participating with the
night. It took me a moment to absorb the grav- Trump’s Jewish enablers…Their money thousands of years old tradition of caring Life & Legacy program to direct funds
ity of what was unfolding 5,000 miles to my should be refused, their presence in syna- that sustains us in the building of Jewish into the endowment. Please consider in-
west, at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. gogues not welcome.” community, Jewish values of tikkun olam cluding the Jewish Federation in your
I allowed myself five minutes to compose my While it is natural to want to levy blame
when a crisis befalls our global Jewish com- (repairing the world), and Jewish peo- planned giving to provide a sustainable
thoughts, and then immediately began coor- plehood. We care and want to perfect an future for Jewish life and community ser-
dinating our federation’s response to what we munity, the finger should never, under any
circumstances, be pointed at our fellow Jews. imperfect world. Our passion of commit- vice in New Mexico.
would later learn was the deadliest act of an- ment, tzedakah, and a sense of social re- For further information call Zach Ben-
ti-Semitism in the history of the United States Our tendency to want to push our own out of sponsibility make a life changing impact jamin, executive director of the Jewish
of America. our already tiny tent is tragic in its own right.
for those who most need it. Federation or (505) 821-3214 or Erika
Thirty hours later, I was back in New Mex- The phenomenon is exacerbated by social me- The endowment of the Jewish Federa- Rimson, executive director of the Jewish
ico, where I was deeply grateful not only for dia and the ability of almost all of us to air tion of New Mexico offers the opportuni- Community Foundation (505) 348-4472.
how our community coalesced in a time of emotional, hastily conceived reactions to that ty to create a legacy to ensure the future Thank you for your support of Jewish
unprecedented need, but also for the solidarity which occurs in our world. of Jewish life in our land of enchantment. life in New Mexico.
demonstrated by New Mexicans of all faiths Indeed, it was important for those who at-
tended the community conversation on secu- By making a contribution to the endow- Photo by Diane Joy Schmidt
and political persuasions against anti-Semi-
tism and hate in all forms. rity to see that a variety of viewpoints does
While congregations across New Mexico, exist, and perhaps to realize that while dis-
along with the Holocaust and Intolerance agreement is healthy, every Jew belongs un-
Give Bigotry No Sanction, Persecution No Assistance
Museum, provided spiritual and communal der our tent in challenging times. By Ron Duncan Hart the day of the attack in Pittsburgh, an
healing, Federation exercised its role as a con- Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz of Los Angeles’s President, Jewish Federation Albuquerque Police Department car
vener to begin the difficult community con- Adat Shalom synagogue, in his sermon deliv- of New Mexico was parked at the door with the offi-
versation on securing our Jewish population ered at last week’s Solidarity Shabbat, offered cer standing in clear view. The next
and institutions. Within hours of the attack, an eloquent alternative to Foer’s irrespon- The deadly attack on Jews at prayer day at the memorial organized by the
Federation was in touch with clergy, Jewish sible, destructive rhetoric. “To stand against at the Etz Hayim (Tree of Life) syna- Jewish University, the Santa Fe Police
agency leadership, and law enforcement to anti-Semitism,” Lebovitz notes, “means that gogue in Pittsburgh struck all of us Department did the same with a SFPD
begin organizing public forums in Albuquer- each of us needs to look inside and not choose through the heart. In the time of tran- car parked in front and an officer at the
que and Santa Fe to educate the community partisanship over peoplehood, but rather use quility, peace and spiritual contem- door.
on the security infrastructure and protocols al- our partisanship to protect our joint bond of plation of life that is Shabbat and the The Jewish Federation of New Mex-
ready in place, as well as to begin discussing peoplehood. Kol Yisrael Aravim Ze La’Zeh— morning prayers, nothing prepares us ico is in regular contact with the FBI
how those protocols might need to evolve. All Jews are responsible for one another. That for terror and mayhem. But, in this time office in New Mexico, and the Secure
Days later, the first such forum took place is the spirit of our people.” of tragedy, let us not forget the words Community Network and the Jewish
in Albuquerque, where a panel was assembled Critical thinking, questioning, and disagree- of our first President, George Washing- Federations of North America work
consisting of leadership from the city’s three ment are part of our Jewish DNA. These ten- ton, when he promised to the Jews of at the national level with the FBI and
largest congregations, the JCC, Federation, as dencies have contributed to our success and America in 1790, “...the Government of Department of Homeland Security to
well as the Albuquerque Police Department, longevity as a people, but they also occasion- the United to bigotry no ensure the security of Jews across the
FBI, and U.S. Attorney’s Office. ally threaten to tear us asunder at times when sanction, to persecution no assistance... United States.
It was important that the community gather we are instead most in need of convergence. May the children of the Stock of Abra- In collaboration with the JCC and
for this purpose. Perhaps most critically, those Historically, low-grade conflict among us ham, who dwell in this land, continue the various congregations in Albu-
in attendance learned about the close commu- has served as one of the engines that ulti- to merit and enjoy the good will of the querque and Santa Fe, the federation
nication and collaboration that exists between mately drives us forward. We live in constant other Inhabitants; while every one shall has organized meetings for community
Jewish institutions. Every several months, the balance between peace and conflict, reflected sit in safety under his own vine and fig conversations about securing our Jew-
presidents, clergy, and executive management poetically by the quiescence of Shabbat in tree, and there shall be none to make ish institutions and based on the needs
of Jewish organizations across New Mexico Jerusalem, which existed in stark contrast to him afraid.” identified, steps are being initiated to
meet to share information, identify areas of the horrors occurring simultaneously in Pitts- Among the dozens of social and edu- strengthen and upgrade security mea-
potential collaboration, and learn about each burgh. cational programs that the Jewish Fed- sures.
other’s activities and needs. This includes Let us never allow the diversity that eration of New Mexico supports state- We ask that every Jewish institution
security and crisis response protocols, which strengthens us, nor the tension upon which we wide, we also have a less advertised be a part of these discussion and plan-
were the subject of the November meeting, so often thrive, to become excuses for aban- on-going working relationship with the ning sessions on security as we make
held the afternoon following Albuquerque’s doning each other or our responsibilities to the FBI, state, and local law enforcement New Mexico safe for Jews today and
community conversation on security. welfare of Jewish peoplehood. for the security of Jews and Jewish in- into the future. Every Jew, like every
Participants in the forum also faced diffi- stitutions in our land of enchantment. citizen of our land, has the right to live
cult realities regarding our community and As I arrived for the Shabbat morn- in safety.
discourse. As a professional representing an ing service at Congregation Albert on Am Israel Chai.
6 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Responding to the Tree of Life Shooting

the man on the other side of the

A Narrow Bridge screen: “I know how you feel. I

lost family too.”  The man, the
boy, and entire classroom were
in tears. 
By Robin Berman hate.” You may be grieving and a
As our newsletter says: “We bit fragile after the Pittsburg
Rebbe Nachman’s words: “All send a special thank you and shootings. If anger comes up
the world is a narrow bridge and blessing to all of our non-Jew- in any of its disguises, such as
the only thing is not to be afraid,” ish neighbors and friends, in- irritability, shutting down, rage,
were sung Saturday night, October dividuals, churches, schools etc., remember: the higher oc-
27 at Congregation Nahalat Sha- and organizations, who have tave of rage is outrage, which
lom.  More than 100 members of reached out to us with flow- can lead to turning anger into
our greater community and allies ers, plants, hugs, signs, cards constructive action.  In every
of Jewish people, stood together in - and offers to stand guard at situation we have two choic-
grief, strength, support, and soli- our doors when we pray. es: one is love and to be open,
darity, after the day of the Pittsburg One neighbor wrote: “I can the other is hate and to be
shooting. Congregation president sit and watch, and if people closed. We know which feels
Emet Ma’ayan reminded us: “We come by, they can see that better to our own hearts, spir-
have this Jewish lullaby for times the community is watching its, bodies, and in our everyday
like these.” Before the gathering, and protecting its people. Let lives. This is the Narrow Bridge
Nahalat Shalom’s administrator, me know if I can be of ser- we all walk every day.
Dena Palley, noticed a piece of vice.” All of your responses Gathering at Nahalat Shalom, October 27, 2018 (Photo by Marc Wunder) Robin Berman is a member
paper attached to the side of the give us the courage and hope of Congregation Nahalat Sha-
synagogue’s mailbox. “At first my to remember what the chil- lom and facilitator of a heal-
heart sank, and then I read the pa- dren in the Rising Phoenix Before Havdalah, one member immigrant, who had lost family ing meditation exploration group
per, which said: ‘We stand with School who share our space know: of the congregation told a story of members. On meeting a Holocaust which meets Mondays at 6:30 pm
our Jewish neighbors. No room for Love > Fear.”  her student, a 9-year-old Mexican survivor via the internet, he told at the congregation.

when a white supremacist entered the Tree of Kristallnacht is that the attacks and de-

ADL Stands Against Hate

By Scott L. Levin ing mission to not only fight an-
Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and killed 11
Jews on Shabbat.  This horrific event  shook
up Jewish communities across our country.
Here in the ADL mountain states region, an-
struction went unchallenged by the German
government, law enforcement, clergy and
neighbors. In the aftermath of the shoot-
ings at the Tree of Life Synagogue, we are
ti-Semitism, but also to secure ti-Semitic incidents have been on a disturb- thankful that thousands of people through-
Since the Pulse Nightclub massa- justice and fair treatment to all. ing rise and we have seen a dramatic increase out our region came together in synagogues
cre two and half years ago, I have As a result, I know how import- in white supremacist activity.  and town squares to stand up for one anoth-
been at far too may vigils and ral- ant it is to stand up for others. I November 9 - 10, 2018 marked the 80th er. They came together to provide support
lies decrying attacks against the just never thought that my com- anniversary of Kristallnacht. We are acutely to their Jewish neighbors. These elected of-
LGBTQ community, Muslims, munity would need others to aware that on this night in 1938, the flood- ficials, law enforcement, clergy  and neigh-
immigrants, refugees, women, vic- stand up for us. gates were opened for what became known bors made clear that the horror that began
tims of gun violence and others. As Any question about whether as the Holocaust, as Nazi thugs attacked Jews with Kristallnacht and the horror that oc-
the ADL regional director for New the ancient disease of anti-Sem- and destroyed Jewish businesses, homes and curred in Pittsburgh will not stand. 
Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming, I itism still exists was unequivo- hospitals. So many windows were broken Scott L. Levin is the regional director of the
am mindful of ADL’s long-stand- cally answered in the affirmative that night, that it became known as the Night ADL mountain states region, which is com-
of Broken Glass.  prised of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyo-
One of the defining  characteristics of ming.

Thoughts on the A White Jewish Anti-Racist Response

Pittsburgh Tragedy to the Tree of Life Shooting
By Amelia Mae Paradise turned for safety, we must look at ourselves
painstakingly.  We are mandated to use rig-
By Rabbi Ron Wittenstein as a people, have faced in the past. For Saturday morning October 27, I cast my orous self-reflection, and the Jewish value of
Rivkah and myself, this newest tragedy mid-term vote and enjoyed an unfamiliar learning, to understand why it is crucial we
Once Shabbos was over, and I had in Pittsburgh contains additional feelings sensation of civic hopefulness. The mo- reject the benefit of accepting whiteness and
found out the horrific extent of the trag- of sadness and melancholy. Rivkah and I ment was fleeting.  After attending a voting commit to divesting ourselves from racial-
edy in Pittsburgh, it took me much time have very close family connections to the rally, I turned on the news and learned of ized systems of oppression.
and contemplation to even begin to ex- Pittsburgh community; my mother-in-law the shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue.  I In his 2017 article, Eric Ward shares,
press my response. I believe that my in- grew up attending the Tree of Life syn- wasn’t shocked; mass shootings don’t sur- “Within social and economic justice move-
ability to formulate a rapid response re- agogue, and we spent last Thanksgiving prise me anymore. But, I didn’t know what ments committed to equality, we have not yet
flects a concept we glean from the Jewish in Pittsburgh with our extended family. to feel. And I certainly didn’t know how to collectively come to terms with the centrality
tradition of serving of eggs in a house of As with the attack in Har Nof that took understand this overt expression of antisem- of anti-Semitism to white nationalist ideolo-
mourning. From the round, smooth egg, place four years ago, this tragedy is very itism. gy, and until we do we will fail to understand
which has no ‘mouth,’ we learn that we personal. In these days following, digesting cov- this virulent form of racism rapidly growing
should have no expectation for mourners Let us focus on the feelings of sadness erage and conversations of the Tree of Life in the U.S. today.”  Simultaneously, until
to talk or respond. We must give them we are experiencing, and truly empathize Synagogue and the Louisville Kroger’s white Jews come to terms with the centrality
space so they can focus on their sadness with the community; with our thoughts shootings where an African-American cou- of systemic racism to Jew’s assimilation and
and loss, which will lead to healing when towards them, let us hope and pray that ple was murdered, more clarity has surfaced. survival in the United States, we will not be
they are ready. they are comforted. It is essential for people committed to undo- able to commit to a real antiracist solidari-
Throughout our 3,300 year history, we I would like to express my gratitude ing structural racism and systemic oppres- ty of what Chandra Talpade Mohanty calls
have faced anti-Semitism in many dif- and appreciation to those first responders sion to face anti-Semitism. “mutuality, accountability, and the recogni-
ferent guises, expressed in various ways. who put their lives on the line, and as the As American Jews today, we must engage tion of common interest as the basis for rela-
We may have difficulty relating to events Sephardic tradition wishes one another with the traditions we inherit thoughtfully, tionships among diverse communities.” 
that took place over a thousand years ago, at a Shiva house, I wish all of the Jewish heart-fully, and scrupulously. Be this the Amelia Mae Paradise is a native New
but when they strike close to home it is people, “Min ha-shamayim tenuchamu” tradition of assimilation that animates our Mexican currently pursuing a graduate cer-
an especially strong reminder of what we, – “May you be comforted from Heaven.” new-found and precarious whiteness, or tificate at UNM’s Institute for the Study of
the tradition of isolation to which we have “Race” and Social Justice.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 7

Responding to the Tree of Life Shooting

Thoughts on Pittsburgh in 2018 and Budapest in 1944
By Rick Hammer The elderly “Shul-goers” who 66-year-old physician, two years morialized, attached to the top of others sites, oblivious to me and the
make it a point to arrive at the start older than I, coming to daven, hear concrete steps that lead down to the meaning of that place to me. I left
I received a phone call two days of services, arranging transporta- an inspiring sermon, or learn some- water. This was where hundreds, if a stone on a shoe, a wingtip, that at
after the tragic events in Pittsburgh tion with a friend or public agen- thing new from the Torah. Yes, I not thousands, of Budapest’s Jews least looked like one my grandfa-
from a good friend who is not Jew- cy to make sure they got there on didn’t know them personally but I were shot and their bodies pushed ther could have worn.
ish. He called to wish me condo- time. The same story for the two feel I knew each of them for a life in the river by the Hungarian Nazis What happened in Pittsburgh
lences, knowing that I’m involved brothers with disabilities who lived time. late in 1944. in 2018 and Budapest in 1944 are
with my synagogue and that the together and probably also relied Three weeks earlier, I stood on My grandfather was among them. separated by time, distance, and,
tragedy would strike close to home. on third parties for their transporta- the banks of the Danube river in I said Kaddish to myself. I was yes, magnitude. I never knew my
He asked me if I knew any of the tion. All men and women like oth- Budapest, Hungary, at the “Shoe surrounded by dozens of tourists, grandfather, just like I didn’t know
victims and I answered, “No, but in ers I’ve known at the synagogues Memorial;” simple shoes, many many from Asia, taking pictures of the martyrs of Pittsburgh, yet I
a certain way, I knew them all.” I’ve belonged to over the years. A too modern for the events they me- the nearby Parliament building and know them all.

This Isn’t Our America! Oh yes, it IS

By Jeffrey Paul friends, family and community leaders send His constant belittling, harassing, threaten- dent to demand that he change his noxious
their thoughts and prayers. Enough already. ing, and intimidation of others, particularly rhetoric? Shouldn’t they be passing a formal
After the horrific slaying of 11 Shabbat Thoughts and prayers offer comfort, but they the media and politicians on the other side of censure of the president? Shouldn’t they be
worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in will never offer solutions. the aisle, sends a message to his followers. threatening him with articles of impeach-
Pittsburg this past weekend, I heard many While there are a multitude of ways to The message says it’s OK to be hostile, to ment?
people proclaiming, “This is not our Ameri- place blame. I prefer to start with what has threaten, to menace, to harm others, particu- But what do they do? They excuse his be-
ca.” I beg to differ. This is our America. This become the major focus in this country since larly those who disagree with you. havior, they ignore his threatening rhetoric,
is what America has become. It didn’t change the beginning of the last presidential cam- There is another source of blame that is and they refuse to confront or even denounce
overnight and certainly didn’t change in just paign; the rhetoric of hate, racism, bigotry even more hard to swallow than Trump him- him. Are they also to blame for what America
the one week of terror involving mass murder and violence coming from then candidate self. Members of Congress, both Democrats has become? Yes, they are.
and outrageous bomb attempts against politi- Donald Trump and now President Trump. and Republicans, have a duty to preserve and So, while thoughts and prayers comfort
cal figures and the media. Looking back at the loud, boisterous and protect the Constitution of the United States. others, America needs to work on becoming
So, how do we get our old America back? contemptuous campaign rallies and rhetoric That is not done by ignoring what has made what we used to be; a nation of inclusion,
One could start the conversation with talk of of Trump, one sees the hatred of the media, America what it is today. The Republican acceptance, kindness, togetherness, and one-
gun safety legislation. But, that’s too simple. the degradation of minorities, women and the Party is Trump’s party. He is the leader of the ness. With citizenship comes responsibility.
We have had mass shootings for years. Often disabled. Republican party. For members of the presi- Responsibility to work to change the things
precipitated by shooters with mental illness, His rallies frequently called for physical dent’s party to sit back and do nothing about around you that need changing for the bet-
domestic violence history or a grudge against violence against anyone attending that didn’t their president’s violent rhetoric is both ap- ter. Don’t just sit back and let the America
another person, business or organization. cheer for him and wear a red MAGA hat. Fol- palling and inexcusable. that we love become a memory. You want the
However, I look at the culture of violence lowing his election, we all looked forward to Rather than Republicans sending thoughts old America back? Become involved by de-
and its acceptance that has taken a drastic candidate Trump becoming President Trump. and prayers, shouldn’t they be telling their manding change from the top down. That’s
and deadly turn in recent years. All too of- While he became President Trump, he has president that enough is enough? Shouldn’t where it must start.
ten, I hear our political leaders, neighbors, failed miserably in becoming presidential. they be meeting en masse with the presi-

The Banality of Jew-Hatred

By Andrew Balis referred to our presence in this Jews at its epicenter. The obvia- of the Imperial Russian monarchy people look for a scapegoat, and
country as an “infestation.” The tion of previously familiar power before it was overthrown in that what better scapegoat than we
I can’t say I’m surprised. final straw for him was the activ- structures, economic systems, and country’s revolution. And it was are; an oppressed people, histor-
I don’t how many of my peers ities of HIAS, which he believed mores of religion and culture be- “the Jews” who were to blame for ically unmoored from the nation
share this sentiment, but my in- aided and facilitated the “cara- came products not of social forc- Germany’s defeat in World War I state and thus “global” in nature,
tuition tells me that this was a van” of migrants currently mak- es beyond the individual’s control and its humiliating acquiescence and (due to our historical experi-
long time coming. In fact, the ing their way from Central Amer- (changes in technology, new po- to the terms set at Versailles, rob- ences) sympathetic toward people
only thing that feels surprising ican to the southern U.S. border. litical systems, new scientific dis- bing it of its destiny as a world fleeing their native lands for ref-
was that it took this long for an Shortly before his decision to coveries, etc.) but of Jews acting power, and whose destruction uge in others. All that was a need-
atrocity of this magnitude to take slake his bloodlust on the inno- in conspiracy against the masses. would be required for Germany’s ed was a spark to set this brutal
place on American soil. There is, cents at the Tree of Life syna- Embattled monarchies and fail- true glory to be realized. conflagration ablaze, a final, in-
however, something that feels al- gogue, he remarked “I can’t sit by ing republics found in Europe’s It should come as no surprise, tolerable act of war, and he found
most like absolving oneself of a and watch my people get slaugh- Jews, who were gradually being then, that such forces have found it in a Jewish group’s efforts to
fantasy. Let there be no mistake tered. I’m going in.” In light of emancipated from the ghettos, a fertile ground in an America help asylum seekers.
about this: this was an act of ter- this, we can no longer dismiss useful scapegoat on to whom the gripped by malaise, unsure of its But I do not despair. I refuse
ror against our people. This was such terror as the products of a ire of the masses could be deflect- place in the world, inadequate- to let an angry man with a gun
an act of terror carried out by a deranged mind. There are cur- ed. Thus, for example, it was not ly prepared for the upheavals of rob me of my place in the fabric
man whose mind, rendered fertile rents in culture and politics at the encroachment of capitalism globalization and the digital age of this great nation. I will not af-
by resentment toward a changing play here, as there always have that pushed the peasants off their and grasping for some lost time of ford him that victory. And there is
America he thought belonged been. lord’s manor and into destitution, greatness. It is clear from Robert hope for America that I do not see
only to people like him, had been Since the Enlightenment, the it was “Jewish bankers” to whom Bower’s words that he was a firm elsewhere in the world: the out-
poisoned by fantasies that we main manifestation of Jew-hatred the feudal gentry were in thrall. believer in the white supremacist pouring of sympathy, not merely
were somehow to blame for those in the West has been conspira- It was “the Jews” who were to narrative of “white genocide,” from political elites, but from or-
changes. torial in nature. This version of blame for France’s defeat in its whereby the increasing propor- dinary people across the country
Robert Bowers, the suspect in anti-Semitism views modernity war with Prussia and the myriad tion of non-white people in the to whom this came as a genuine
this crime, had already made his as a vast diabolical plot, its vicis- failures of its governments. It was United States represents an exis- shock, even as it felt as banal and
enmity toward Jewish people situdes arrayed against its unwit- “the Jews” who were to blame for tential threat to white people. unsurprising as any other piece of
well known. On social media, he ting (non-Jewish) victims, with the decadence and incompetence Under such conditions of fear the news cycle.
8 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Ancient Hatreds and Remarks by Rabbi Neil Amswych of Temple Beth Shalom
On Sunday, October 28, during a because they supported HIAS – an now. As we mourn this tragedy, we

High-Tech Weaponry: memorial service for the Pittsburgh

shooting where 350 people attended,
Rabbi Neil Amswych gave the follow-
organization dedicated to protecting
the stranger and welcoming the refu-
gee… people who have wrongly been
also acknowledge those who work
for peace and particularly those who
work to make this country free from

Our Nation’s Failings ing remarks.

We are horrified at the attack on

described as invading and infesting
this country. They were murdered not
just because of their faith, but because
the scourge of anti-Semitism in all its
As rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom, I
By Sara Koplik, editor ancient hatreds are the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pitts- that faith compels us to reach out to want to thank the mayor and the Santa
combined with the burgh. These were Jews in prayer, the less fortunate than ourselves. They Fe Police Department for their sup-
Every editorial I have most lethal, high celebrating the birth of a new child were murdered for being the best port during this time, as well as the
written in the past two tech weaponry in the community, who were brutally among us. members of the Interfaith Leadership
years is about gun vi- readily available in cut down. The Jewish community has This is a terrifying time. Thin- Alliance who have contacted our com-
olence or xenophobia. our stores and on long been aware of the dramatic rise ly-veiled conspiracy theories regular- munity to offer condolences. The Jew-
The combination of our streets. We are in anti-Semitism in America in recent ly point to the Jews. The Proud Boys ish community in America is much
hatred and easy access Sara Koplik dying from hatred times, and now the rest of the country run amok like the Brown Shirts of old. smaller than people realize, which is
to weapons – most par- and malice and is coming to learn about it too, albeit No-one in power seems to understand why as we come to learn the names of
ticularly assault weapons xenophobia, but also from a too late. We were meant to be safe in the danger of their inflammatory rhet- the dead, we learn of friends and loved
– is irreparably harming our lack of political will to ban this country. Saturday was unques- oric, or maybe they do and don’t care. ones we have lost.
nation. These two factors assault weapons and fully tionably the worst day so far in the Early next month, we will com- The name of the congregation in
lead inevitably to death. Yet regulate firearms. It is a most history of American Jewry. memorate the eightieth anniversary of Pittsburgh comes from the Book of
again, our nation’s vulnera- virulent combination. What makes this attack so partic- Kristallnacht, that terrible night when Proverbs, talking of wisdom as a “tree
ble have been harmed. These massacres contin- ularly egregious is that it has been Jewish communities across Germany of life to those who hold fast to her.”
This time, it is our Jew- ue without pause. Only 12 stoked with language from the very and Austria were attacked. Clearly, May we all hold fast to the wisdom of
ish people– Kehila Kedosha days after the shooting in highest office in the land. The mem- humanity has not yet learned the les- loving our neighbor, of protecting the
Etz Chaim/Or L’Simcha. Pittsburgh, there was another bers of Tree of Life were targeted sons of that terrible time. It needs to, stranger, and of seeking peace.
This time it is the heart of a mass shooting in Thousand
synagogue – the elderly, the Oaks, California, this time
disabled, readers of Torah in a quintessentially Ameri-
and Haftarah, leaders of the can place – a country music
chevrah kaddisha, pillars of bar where 12 more precious
A Meditation after the Pittsburgh Shooting
the community whose light souls lost their lives. By Nathan Fox that political divisiveness is danger- reviled we are seen as one: Jews.
and joy were extinguished Deranged individuals, ous. We know this intellectually but Let us all take the opportunity this
in a few minutes. This time, overwhelmingly white The Shema, familiar to all of us, is we still often fall into the rhetoric of recent tragedy provides us and take
it has torn at the fabric of men, will continue to tar- the Jewish people’s gift to humanity. blame. a step toward one another. Whatever
the Jewish community of get minority groups – Afri- For over three thousand years we have Take a moment right now and re- that means to you: tzedakah, Shabbat
the United States, those of can-Americans, the LGBT been proclaiming that everything is flect on what Oneness means to you. dinners, going to synagogue, starting a
us who have benefited from community, Latinos, Sikhs, inextricably connected. Transcending Now take a moment and feel, from book club. See, feel and recognize that
centuries of tolerance and Muslims, Jews. They are even the idea of monotheism, the She- the center of your heart, the Oneness it is time to listen to our own age-old
perhaps the warmest, full- also joined by state-spon- ma tells us that All is One. of the Jewish people. Reach your con- call to attention.
est welcome ever afforded sored violence against immi- Oneness is our gift to ourselves as sciousness around the world and feel We re ONE: all Jews, all humans,
our diaspora. We are heart- grants and people of color, well. It has become increasingly clear all of us connected. From outside of all that is. Let us not become further
broken. We are bereft. Our particularly Central Amer- to many of us in the past two decades our community, whether revered or divided by fear.
people were martyred for ican immigrants, and the
the very first time on these African-American commu-
shores. nity. And then, we face the
As Jews, we must also violence of every-day life “My heart within me is
place ourselves firmly in the in America – people going
context of this place and this to country music concerts,
time in history. The shoot- the grocery store, children
broken…” Jeremiah 23:9
er chose Tree of Life Syna- attending school, routine ac-
gogue because of its inten- tivities which turn deadly be- To Our Jewish Friends—in Pittsburg, in New Mexico,
tion to hold a HIAS Shabbat, cause we don’t have enough The Link is a community newspaper, published since 1971 as a service in the US, Israel, and around the world—
to welcome the stranger, political courage to do what by the Jewish Federation of New Mexico. It focuses on Jewish life in New
Muslim refugees from Syr- every other nation on this Mexico, and is committed to seeing Jewish life thrive. Our hearts are broken and heavy.  Words fail.  We
ia and Yemen and other na- earth not engaged in a civil mourn the cruel, senseless loss of life and  pray with you
Publisher: with return address and phone number and
tions. The Torah commands war has done. Zach Benjamin, executive director signed by the author. E-mail submissions are
for the victims and their dear families.  It was a murderous
us 36 times to welcome We have shown the full Jewish Federation of New Mexico (JFNM), preferred. The editor reserves the right to edit or act of anti-Semitism perpetrated by a vile individual who
the stranger, because “you inability to stop these high- 821-3214 deny publication to submissions. Materials sent dared to touch “the apple of G-d’s eye.” 
know the heart of a strang- tech killing machines, AR- Editor: Sara Koplik, Ph.D. to The Link will not be saved or returned unless Several Christian organizations with whom we
er.” We have been strangers 15s and the like, from falling Editorial Board: Marvin Gottlieb, Ph.D., accompanied by self-addressed, stamped collaborate have launched fund-raising efforts to aid the
throughout our history, and into the hands of ordinary Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D., envelope. All letters, readers forums and opinion victims and to restore the synagogue. In the aftershock of
we have learned all too well citizens. It is a great moral Sabra Minkus, Sarah Newman pieces solely reflect the opinions of the authors such a horrific attack you may be tempted to feel alone
that words laced with hatred and political failing. My gen-
Contributors: and not the opinions of The New Mexico Jewish and fearful.   
lead to terrible actions: mob eration and the generations
Diane Joy Schmidt, Ron Duncan Hart, Robin Link, nor of its publisher, the Jewish Federation Please know you are not alone. Bible-believing
Berman, Scott Levin, Rabbi Ron Wittenstein, of New Mexico. These serve as a forum for the Christians all over the world are with you and reaching
violence, pogroms, crusades, before me failed to end the Amelia Mae Paradise, Rebecca Wallace, Rick New Mexico Jewish community and The Link
and ultimately genocide. We carnage and suffering. I gave out with their hearts. Your collective well-being is
Hammer, Jeffrey Paul, Andrew Balis, Nathan strongly urges submissions. Send submissions frequently the subject of our prayers as we plead for your
know that hate speech mat- up. I didn’t think anything Fox, Rabbi Neil Amswych, Susie Sandager, via e-mail to or via
ters. would change this nation’s protection and strength. Yours is a high call: to be “a light
Kirsten Szykitka, Linda Goff, Sabra Minkus, post to
Blood libels are not going obstinance. Susan Bapty, Raye Cohen, Karen Kerschen, The New Mexico Jewish Link, unto the nations,” and we Christians are awakening to
away, they are simply chang- But then this spring, the Neal Friedman, Phyllis Wolf, Maya Siler, Miranda 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE, our own responsibility to stand with you.  You have our
ing form. When the president young people of Parkland Jacobson, Rabbi Paul Citrin, Sybil Kaplan, Rabbi Albuquerque, NM 87109. admiration, our respect, and our love.  Oh, how we long
of the United States labels started to stand up and speak Jordi Gendra, Rabbi Shefa Gold, Rabbi Min for you to be comforted at this sad time.
Kantrowitz, K.E. Enzweiler, Helen Horwitz. The New Mexico Jewish Link Your Christian friends want you to know we pray
George Soros a globalist, he up and tell their truths. They is published quarterly.
is invoking a very old, viru- were joined by thousands Production: for your protection and we view anti-Semitism not just
Postmaster: Send address changes to
lently anti-Semitic conspira- of other young people who
Christine Carter, Envision Graphics a Jewish problem, but a depravity we must all help to
JFNM, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE
cy theory that Jews dominate brought gun control to the
Wire service:
Albuquerque, NM 87109. defeat.
Jewish Telegraphic Agency John and Susie Sandager 
the world financially. These top of the national agenda. Address: All letters, readers’ forums, opinion pieces
ideas were widely dissem- Their courage and wisdom and your YAD B’YAD friends
The New Mexico Jewish Link and advertisements solely reflect the
inated by the Okrana – the are pushing us forward. And 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Abq, NM 87109 opinions of the authors and not the opinions
Czarist secret police – in the “Be strong and courageous.
Submissions: of the New Mexico Jewish Link.
infamous Protocols. But now, HATRED continued on page 12 Letters to the editor, articles, or other information
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
to be considered for publication must be sent because the L-rd, your G-d goes with you;
He will never leave or forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 9

Creativity for Peace: Building Trust and Friendship

By Kirsten Szykitka, Director of the support of art therapists and dialogue fa-
Operations, Creativity for Peace cilitators, young women learn skills that help
them discover their voice and speak authen-
How did a deep and meaningful friendship tically while at the same time listening with
develop between Eleanor, a young woman compassion and an open heart to those whom
from Kadima, Israel, and Adan, from the they view as “the other,” or even an enemy.
Arab village of Baqa El Gharbea in Israel? Dialogue focuses on personal stories, rather
Despite their proximity, their daily lives sel- than political discussion, based on the idea,
dom intersect; they attend separate Jewish as expressed by Quaker activist Gene Knud-
and Arab schools, they grew up in segregat- sen Hoffman, “An enemy is someone whose
ed villages, and their native languages differ. story you haven’t heard.” The transformation
Their families, friends, governments, and re- is life-changing.
ligious leaders have taught them to fear, and Upon returning home, participants like
even hate, one another. Adan and Eleanor are met with animosity.
Yet their bond is strong and deep. Eleanor Many are not able to publicly speak about
and Adan share a common vision of build- their experiences or their intentions to be-
ing a future based on compassion and peace. come peacemakers since this is increasingly
This spring, they travelled to Seattle and seen as traitorous. Creativity for Peace staff
expressed that vision to youth and adults in in the Middle East support their difficult tran-
high schools, faith communities, and public sitions with family, friends, and community
venues, conveying their belief in and work in a two-year intensive leadership training
toward a future based on equality and mutual with cohorts from the summer.
respect. Over the past 16 years, Creativity for
Adan and Eleanor became friends through Peace has equipped nearly 300 young wom- and results demonstrate, that imparting tools is the beginning of peacemaking.
Creativity for Peace. Their first encounter en to be powerful and effective leaders. They such as authentic speaking, compassionate
“Tolerance means being able to listen and
with the other side, their so-called enemies, are demonstrating that women, often side- listening, and project visioning and man-
accept others’ opinions even if you strongly
was during an intensive summer camp in lined in the peacemaking arena, if given the agement, combined with real-world practice
disagree. This word is important for the de-
New Mexico. Every year since 2003, in a right tools and opportunities, can find fresh and personalized mentoring, yields women
mocracy of Israel, which is why we learned
quiet and secluded canyon near Santa Fe, 16 perspectives and ways of addressing conflict. who are humane, resilient, and empowered.
it in citizenship class. I believe there could
young women—half Israeli and half Palestin- They are influencing their circles of peers and Although grassroots work may be slow, no
have been peace a long time ago if everyone
ian—live together for three weeks in a large families by demonstrating how listening with lasting change can be achieved unless the
truly understood and lived by this word, ‘tol-
house. While there, they share not only meals an open heart and mind, building trust, and two sides understand and care for one anoth-
erance.’ -- Eleanor, Jewish Israeli
and chores, but also their stories of growing partnering for peace can be a way forward. er, realize that their dreams for the future co-
up in a region of almost constant conflict, Over sixty young leaders – participants incide, and experience partnering to achieve “It was through Creativity for Peace that
including their experience of losing family who have made a long-term commitment those dreams. I’ve come to understand that all the answers
members and friends to that conflict. With to this work – are spreading the word and Witness Adan and Eleanor, who spent their I was looking for have always been inside
the guidance of professional staff, layers of acting as role models in local, regional, and week in Seattle sharing feelings, stories, and of me. I just needed to go deeper inside… I
intense emotion are peeled away to uncover global settings, including the United Nations, life experiences, talking into the wee hours, needed to listen carefully to everything in-
common humanity at the core. World Economic Forum, Global Youth Sum- listening to each other speak publicly about cluding myself. As I learned in the camp, the
Within the safe and structured environment mit, Rothko Chapel, and University of Texas. their politics, army service, and religious be- first step towards peace starts on the inside.”
developed by Creativity for Peace, and with Ultimately Creativity for Peace believes, liefs. Their friendship begets trust. And trust – Adan, Palestinian living in Israel

Experts Illuminate Jewish University Santa Fe’s Lecture Series

times and many studies have been tian Europe. His talk was under- Dr. Gottlieb is professor emer- 1933 in classical music, as well
written on his innovative and per- written by Nurit and Yehuda Patt. ita at the University of Illinois as cabaret and film.
sonal view of biblical stories and The second lecturer during and research associate at Brown After the Nazis rose to power
heroes. Jews in modern times the fall was Dr. Alma Gottlieb, University. She is past president and Jewish musicians were fired
have been fascinated by Rem- who spoke on “Africa across the of the Society for Humanistic An- from their jobs and banned from
brandt’s thoughtful interpretation Seder Table,” discussing the his- thropology and a leading Ameri- public performances, musicians
of the dramatic events in the early tory of Cape Verdean Jews. The can anthropologist. Gottlieb has and actors formed the Kultur-
history of Judaism, such as the original Jewish settlers of those received awards from the Gug- bund Deutsche Juden (the Cul-
By Ron Duncan Hart binding of Isaac. islands were fleeing anti-Sem- genheim Foundation, Social Sci- tural Federation of German Jews)
A central question that remains itism in Spain and Portugal in ence Research Council, National to provide performances for the
The Jewish University San- a puzzle to this day is how the art- the fifteenth century, and after Endowment for the Humanities, Jewish populations of Berlin
ta Fe offers a unique series of ist’s religious art was influenced the Inquisition was established, Wenner-Gren Foundation, and and other cities. The Kulturbund
scholarly talks on Jewish life and by his contacts with the vibrant they had to go into hiding. Then, other agencies for her research. movement that resisted Nazi op-
history and its diversity, includ- Jewish community of Amster- other Jews fleeing persecution in Her talk was underwritten by pression became a cultural form
ing Ashkenazi, Sephardic and dam. It was a unique community Morocco arrived, adding anoth- Gloria Abella Ballen. of resistance, keeping creativity
Mizrahi traditions. Speakers in- made up of Portuguese conver- er layer of Jewish influence to alive in face of the oppression
clude national and international sos who returned to Judaism in this island outpost. Mr. Steven Ovitsky that was beginning. Ovitsky ex-
scholars who are leaders in their Holland and Ashkenazim, who Dr. Gottlieb explored the 500 On Oc- plored this unique experiment
areas of expertise. The JUSF is were driven from other countries years of Jewish influence in Cape tober 28th, with rare historic recordings and
sponsored by the Jewish Feder- by persecution. His paintings of Verde, looking especially at pres- Mr. Steven film of performances and other
ation of New Mexico, and it in- Jewish subjects during the height ent day Cape Verdean-Americans Ovitsky events during that period by the
cludes speakers on a wide range of his career in the heart of Am- of Jewish ancestry and how they spoke on Kulturbund.
of subjects of Jewish interest. The sterdam’s Jewish quarter is con- understand their religious her- “The German Mr. Ovitsky has been is the ex-
JUSF 2018-2019 program is half sidered among his best. itage. Like New Mexicans, the Jewish Kul- ecutive director of the Santa Fe
way through year with excellent His sophisticated use of He- ancestors of these people were turbund.” In Chamber Music Festival for the
speakers planned for the spring brew phrases in some of his forced to conceal or abandon 1933, the German government last 14 years, and before that he
cycle of talks. famous biblical paintings also their religion during the centuries under the Nazis prohibited Jew- was executive director of the Mil-
Dr. Shalom Sabar of Hebrew indicates a degree of in-depth of persecution by the Inquisition. ish involvement in music with waukee Symphony Orchestra and
University started the lecture se- knowledge of Jewish life and cul- She posed the question about what German Aryans. Jewish musi- vice president and general man-
ries in September talking about ture. Dr. Sabar is an art historian parallels and/or difference link the cians had major roles in the mu- ager of the Minnesota Orchestra.
“Rembrandt and the Jews”. Some at Hebrew University, and he is a Cape Verde experience with the sical life of the Weimar Republic He is an expert on Jewish music
art historians consider Rembrandt widely known lecturer on Jews better-known crypto-Jewish expe- years as composers, directors
the greatest Bible artist of all and their host societies in Chris- rience of New Mexico? and performers from 1919 to Continued on page 10
10 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Continued from page 9

and a sought after lecturer on the subject. His talk
was underwritten by an anonymous donor. New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
Dr. Eugene Garver
On December 2, Dr.
Eugene Garver will speak
Collects Families’ Oral Histories
on “Spinoza and the Cun-
By Dr. Linda Goff, President, NMJHS a central place in running these enterprises. Marian, Joanna
ning of Imagination.” Spi-
Uhlfelder’s granddaughter, married Abe Silver from New Or-
noza was the most import-
With generous support from the Jewish Federation of New leans and they operated the Guarantee, which took over the
ant Jewish philosopher of
Mexico, the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society (NMJHS) White House, until they sold it in 1986.
the Enlightenment, and
resumed collecting Jewish family oral histories for several
for more than 300 years,
important reasons. While there are various documents held Kathryn Rubin (z’l), Raton and Colorado Springs
his life and writings have
by various families, often in shoeboxes or unorganized files A conversation with
fascinated people. He has
written materials simply don’t tell the whole story. It is the Kathryn Rubin yields a
been praised and blamed for being both an athe-
oral interview that often brings to light the history that written wealth of information and
ist and the ultimate monotheist “drunk with God.”
documents don’t tell. The memories, recollections, anecdotes, insight into the story of
Some have claimed he had the politics of a cyni-
and insights make the history real. They also bring out the New Mexico Jewry. Kath-
cal Machiavellian, where might makes right, while
nuances of the lives and careers of the family members. ryn was the daughter of
others see him as an apostle of freedom, the first
There is an urgency to this on-going project because sev- Louis (Ludwig) and Mina
person to declare that democracy was the most nat-
eral of the family members are unfortunately aging, and if (Kahn) Heyman. She was
ural form of government.
the interviews/stories aren’t collected in the very near future, born and raised in Albu-
His ideas were so radical that his book Ethics
they will be lost to us. The initial three families were selected querque in 1923 and knew
was only published after his death and the Theolog-
among several to ensure that we capture their stories literally many of the early Jewish
ical Political Treatise was printed under the name
before it is too late. With the additional grant support from families not only in the
of a non-existent publisher. He was expelled from
the New Mexico Humanities Council, four additional families city, but also in Gallup
the Jewish community in Amsterdam, perhaps be-
were interviewed. All interviews may be found on our web- and Santa Fe, notably the
cause his ideas were so radical. Prof. Garver says,
site, in the Oral Family History home page. large Kahn clan. She mar-
“I believe that the idea of freedom runs through his
NMJHS plans to continue with the interviews with additional ried Leon Rubin and set-
life and writings, and accounts for the conflicting
Federation support as part of the 2018 -19 allocation award. tled in Raton with him as his family owned a mercantile busi-
responses people continue to have over his work.”
The Jewish Federation also provided critical funding to al- ness in Raton. Barney later took over the store, and over the
Dr. Eugene Garver is a professor emeritus at
low us to interview three additional New Mexico Jewish fam- years the Rubins established several important commercial
Saint John’s University, and he had written six
ilies whose contributions to state, community, and civic com- enterprises in Raton. They were the town’s leading merchants.
books on philosophy, mostly Aristotle, before fo-
munities were of great importance. Kathryn Rubin (z’l), the The Rubins were also members of Temple Aaron in Trinidad,
cusing on Spinoza with his new book, Spinoza and
Jewish matriarch of Raton and Temple Aaron, Trinidad, CO CO., to which they were devoted. They played a vital role in
the Cunning of Imagination. He has also taught at
was interviewed along with Marian Silver, whose maternal leading the congregation and preserving the impressive build-
Cal State, San Bernardino, the University of Wash-
grandmother, Johanna Ulfelder, established the White House ing. Kathryn passed away in May 2018.
ington, and Yale University. His talk was under-
Mercantile store on Santa Fe’s Plaza. Lillian ‘Sis’ Druxman,
written by the Jewish Federation of New Mexico.
her son Michael and grandson, Lee were also interviewed. Lillian ‘Sis’ Druxman and Michael Druxman, the
Lillian’s father, Sam Klein, was mayor of Las Cruces and Family of Sam Klein, Las Cruces
Dr. Misha Klein
owner of the Las Cruces Furniture Store, one the largest busi- The Druxman interview,
In the spring of 2019 this
ness establishments in the area. with the daughter and grand-
series will include Dr. Misha
Each of these projects allowed us to increase our outreach son of Sam Klein, provides
Klein, associate professor of
and more widely disseminate the rich history of Jewish New an important introduction
anthropology from the Uni-
Mexico to the public at large who have a love and interest in to the history of the Las
versity of Oklahoma, who
history. Cruces Jewish community.
will be lecturing on Jew-
Sam Klein was born in New
ish life in present day Bra-
Marian Silver, Santa Fe York, but was attracted to
zil. She is a leading expert
The interview with the Southwest, first living in
on the subject and an important writer on Latin
Marian Silver encap- Douglas, Arizona and then
American Jews. Her book, Kosher Feijoada and
sulates the story of settling permanently in Las
Other Paradoxes of Jewish Life in Sao Paulo,
three generations of Cruces.
draws from years of living and doing research in
New Mexico Jews who Sam laid the foundation
the Jewish communities of Brazil. Dr. Klein will
played a significant role for its business community
talk about the role of Jews in the current political
in the economic, social, by planting his popular fur-
climate of Brazil. She looks at Brazilian identity
civic, and religious life niture store on Main Street. He was later joined by his cousin,
through the lens of Jewish identity, and how Jews
in Santa Fe. Members Joe Rosenfeld, who built the Boston Store, a department store,
figure importantly in the current presidential cam-
of the family revitalized and then his son-in-law, Jay Druxman who had a men’s cloth-
paign and the changing concepts of race in Brazil. 
commercial life on the ing store in the area. For some thirty years Sam Klein served
Plaza with the establish- in various political offices: county commissioner, member of
Dr. Alan Levenson
ment of two stores, the Las Cruces City Council, and mayor of Las Cruces. Sam and
The closing lecture of the
White House by the first his wife Frances were also among the founders and leaders of
year in May will be given by
generation (Uhlfelder-Blatt) and the Guarantee by the second Congregation Beth El, a Reform synagogue.
Dr. Alan Levenson, director
(Petchesky). It is particularly striking that women occupied
of the Schusterman Center
for Judaic and Israel Studies
at the University of Oklaho-
ma where he also holds the
Schusterman/Josey Chair in
Judaic History. He will talk about the subject of his
Federation Help Gets Seniors to
2013 book, Between Philosemitism and Antisemi-
tism: Defenses of Jews and Judaism in Germany,
1871-1932, which was nominated for a National
Services at Beit Tikva
Jewish Book Award. Congregation Beit Tikva in Santa Fe had and dropped off at home by a friend. Beit Tikva and remain fully engaged mem-
Dr. Levenson has written extensively on the a concern. We hold service Friday eve- The Jewish Federation of New Mexico bers of our congregation. Both the riders
Jewish experience for both scholarly and popu- nings, Torah study Saturday mornings, fre- helped provide an answer by giving us a and the rest of our congregation consider
lar audiences. His book Modern Jewish Thinkers quent weekend events, and adult education grant to support rides for seniors. Beit Tik- this a wonderful mitzvah.
(2nd edition) is widely used in classes on Jewish on weekday evenings. Yet some of our val- va made arrangements with a small local With a separate grant, the Federation
thought, and he has also written The Making of ued members were finding it hard to get to company that provides rides for people in also helped us provide a class on Judaism
the Modern Jewish Bible (2011) and Joseph: Por- those opportunities, due to aging or disabil- the community who cannot drive to med- 101 open to the community, led by our
traits Through the Ages (2016). He is the editor of ity they could no longer drive at night or at ical appointments and other things. The Rabbi Martin Levy. Those classes, last fall
The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Juda- all. Though Santa Fe is smaller than Albu- Federation grant has, over the past year, and spring, brought several members clos-
ism (2012). He has lectured widely across the Unit- querque, it still covers a large area, and it help make it possible for us to ensure that er to their Jewish roots and closer to our
ed States, Israel and Germany. was often hard to arrange being picked up our elder or disabled members can get to Jewish community at large.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 11

Through the Eyes of a Community Mohel and a Poet/

Singer: The New Challenges of the Bnei Menashe in Israel
By Sabra Minkus

On my recent trip to Israel to

work on the oral history proj-
ect of the Bnei Menashe com-
munity, I was privileged to meet
many accomplished individuals.
Chungthong Joseph Kapp was
an early Sabbather and a talented
composer who comes from Na-
galand, a state in far northeastern
India that borders Myanmar. His
song, “Kathange, Kathange, Ben
Menashe” (“Honor me, honor me,
son of Menashe”) became the un-
official Bnei Menashe anthem.
Joseph also became a mohel. He Meeting with the Indian Deputy Chief of Mission
performed over 3,000 circumci- Elders in Afula discuss the challenges of aliyah. Tsering W. Sherpa (far left) in Herzliya.
sions starting in his village. After
he “came to Judaism,” he learned was very devoted to his parents they don’t have cars and the buses transportation. The problem is
that there were no circumcisers in and when they became ill, he gave are difficult for them to navigate. that the Bnei Menashe have large
all of Manipur and Mizoram (two up everything and moved the fam- We also met with a new social families and all want to live clos-
Miriam Nemboi (left) and Sabra
states to the south of Nagaland ily to their village to care for them. worker and three young adults in er to each other especially when
on the Indian-Myanmar border). Nemboi said that her moth- Afula. They shared their difficul- celebrating Shabbat and holidays.
Most families went to a doctor. er wouldn’t eat any fish without ties in finding work, language is- Unfortunately, the government has
But Joseph felt it important to do scales or meat of any four-legged sues, child care for young working scattered them throughout Israel. everything for them from arrival
it religiously because “the Bible animal, even if cooked in her families or single parents, the lack At Tandoori Indian restaurant in to moving into apartments, shop-
commanded it.” After praying for house. She ate only vegetables. of funds for education, and the Herzliya, we met with the deputy ping, life cycle events, mediating
guidance, he decided that his des- Nemboi loves to make up songs need for some type of meetings ambassador and a counselor from problems, and planning communi-
tiny was to become a mohel for his and sing them for people. The first that would allow them to share and the Indian Embassy in Israel. They ty events.
people. song she said she ever made up help each other. The only space both are well acquainted with the Isaac is conducting the inter-
He said, “I read in Isaiah that the was as a child while she was sitting available was in a bomb shelter. Bnei Menashe community and are views in our project and translating
uncircumcised did not merit entry on the back of a buffalo. In Tel Aviv, I met with Liami working hard to help them. them from their native dialects into
to the Holy Land and that if I was “In the shade of the tree of life, Lawrence, a transplant from Los A very special couple have taken Hebrew. Then our dear friend Hil-
going to follow God’s word and the angels flying in heaven above, Angeles, who guides B’nei Me- on the task of providing fresh fruit lel Halkin translates the Hebrew
observe the Sabbath, it was only Oh, how I long to rest on holy nashe and other olim. He is the and vegetables to the small Bnei into English and has begun writing
natural to circumcise too. My faith Mount Israel” CEO of Keep Olim. Some people Menashe community in Nazareth. a book from the interviews. Hillel
made my work easier. I ultimately find the struggle to adapt to Israeli The community is quite poor and has also been a lifeline to Isaac and
circumcised over 3,000 males, and Prior to her making Aliyah, she life is too much for them...” Many has trouble getting enough food. Jessica and their daughter Ilana as
didn’t have a single complication.” wrote: of the young turn to drugs and The couple has arranged with var- they have adjusted to their new life
He then recounted his life story as “Oh, Israel government how slug- some even commit suicide. Liami ious food distributors to donate in Israel.
“the circumciser” for both Mes- gish you are! is working to help guide the Bnei some produce. If they don’t receive There are five distinct groups
sianic and Jewish communities Come soar like an eagle in the sky Menashe in their transition. At enough donations, they buy more of Indian Jews living in Israel. In
as well as Christians. He is high- And bring the children of Me- present, the Israeli government is produce. The wife brings food to India, they were embraced and
ly regarded in the Bnei Menashe nasseh home” not helping people as much as they the community every Wednesday allowed full freedom to worship.
community and is very proud of Since my last visit to Israel, the could. Liami had his own prob- afternoon. In addition, she helps When Prime Minister Narendra
helping his people. Bnei Menashe population has had lems with Aliya, worked through when medical care is needed, or Modi met with Prime Minister
Miriam Nemboi, who likes to be a slow and fairly steady growth. them, and decided to start Keep when there are problems at school, Binyamim Netanyahu last year,
called Nemboi, is a beautiful wom- They are spread out over Israel. Olim to help others who are strug- or with family or friends. Her he declared there was a need for
an who grew up in a small hut near The largest group is located in Afu- gling. dream is to have a marching band a cultural and heritage center for
the rice paddies, not in a village. la. There we met with a group of el- Another meeting was with Ben- made up of the Bnei Menashe in the Jews of India. A group quick-
Her mother lost three infants pri- derly men, including Chungthong ny Benyamin, a commissioner Nazereth because of their love of ly formed and has a large plot of
or to her birth due to the difficult Joseph Kapp. As seniors, they in the town of Ramla. Benny is music. land in Nevatim near Be’er She-
living conditions. Nemboi’s father have no one to take them to doc- working hard to bring more Bnei My friends Jessica and Isaac va. Eventually this will become a
eventually became a very good tors or to hospital. There is no one Menashe to Ramla because the Thangom spend all of their extra major tourist destination, but even
businessman who she described to help them with language barri- schools there are very good. It time helping their fellow Bnei Me- more importantly it is unifying the
as having “hands of gold.” He also ers. Transportation is a problem as also is a central location with good nashe. Jessica coordinates almost five groups!

From Tesfa to Tikva: From Hope to Hope

Since 1991, Irene Fertik has been work- their faith and the hardship of their jour- higher education studies, 100 Ethiopian
ing on a photo book project, documenting ney. However, the move from isolated small businesses, and 24 rabbis have been
Ethiopian Jews in their new/ancient home agrarian mountain villages in Ethiopia to ordained. Both in photos and text, Fertik
of Israel. The title of the book, From Tesfa a modern technological culture in Israel chronicles the story of 25 years of change
to Tikva, means from hope to hope – the meant an incredible sacrifice for the older and transition. In this stunning book, the
first in Amharic, the other in Hebrew. The immigrants, and enormous challenges and visual contrasts are extraordinary, show-
story of the Ethiopian Jews spans millen- adjustments for their children.  casing an ancient African people in a
nia. Holding fast to a dream of returning to Today Israel’s nearly 135,000 Ethio- mostly white modern society. These grace-
Jerusalem, this ancient biblical communi- pians are still in a transition period. The ful, reserved people are enduring from tes-
ty began immigrating to Israel in the late successes within the community have fa to tikva.
1970s. been tempered by many failures. Most Copies of the book may be purchased
This community prayed for generations families live below the poverty line, and from the publisher at http://africaworld-
to return to Jerusalem, and were met at juvenile delinquency is a serious issue; yet or by contacting Ms. Fer-
first with open arms by the people of Is- rael, who had heard of their devotion to there are over 2,400 Ethiopian students in tik directly at
12 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Behind the Lens: Student Portrayals of a Troubled World

By Susan Bapty & Raye Cohen Through a grant funded by the Jewish the museum to educate as many students as schooler’s own story of losing his father as a
Federation of New Mexico, HIMNM be- possible, those in religious schools and in young child.
Just do the math. The last concentration gan working with Congregation Albert Re- public, charter, and private schools about Sexual identity and coming out was a topic
camps were liberated in 1945 with the Al- ligious School two years ago. The program how and why the Holocaust happened. The explored by one group who then had to battle
lied defeat of Nazi Germany. Seventy years that began in January 2018 focused on cap- more knowledge young people have, the bet- prejudices within their own friendship circle.
later, there is an urgency to hear and docu- turing the stories of Albuquerque Holocaust ter their ability to fight hate and intolerance Addiction, homelessness, hunger, and bully-
ment the stories of these survivors as Mil- survivors with the intention of presenting at all levels. Working in multi-grade groups ing the mentally challenged were other topics
lennials and Gen Y are perhaps the last gen- these films for Yom HaShoah. Working in of four, students researched their survivor’s explored. In each case, what started out as an
erations to have the opportunity to connect small groups, students in grades seven to history, wrote open-ended questions, found assigned research project turned into a per-
personally with a survivor. The Holocaust nine, first met their survivor and spent time primary sources, and edited an hour-long in- sonal reckoning and students were forced to
and Intolerance Museum of New Mexico getting to know each other. Then, students terview. It was not easy for the survivors -- confront their own prejudices, biases, and in
(HIMNM), with the help of Regina Turner researched and develop questions to ask Mim, Paul, Shoshana and Raya to speak -- but many cases their own narratives. The process
at the New Mexico Human Rights Projects, based on each survivor’s story. The students it was absolutely necessary for the students to of creating a documentary was both cathartic
facilitated these connections through the Be- filmed the interviews with the help of Rein- hear their powerful messages. The experience and empowering for these students.
hind the Lens: Student Portrayals of a Trou- hard Lorenz, resident filmmaker, Meredith made a lasting impression on the students and It is also a very labor-intensive program for
bled World, an education outreach program Chapman, art educator, and Susan Bapty, all who have seen the films. our small staff, so to extend our reach within
of the museum. Congregation Albert educator. While the students at Congregation Albert Albuquerque and New Mexico, we will be-
The intent of this project is to commu- One of the most profound legacies of the documented the narratives of Holocaust sur- gin to train teachers in film editing and make
nicate to middle and high school students Holocaust is not to stand in silence while in- vivors, students at three other Albuquerque sequential lesson plans available through our
the experience of peer children who have justices occur. Facing History and Ourselves schools chose a current social justice issue to website. Some classrooms cannot commit to
been affected by the Holocaust, genocide, uses the term bystander to denote those who research, film, and edit. One student from a the overwhelming time constraints of creat-
war, natural disasters, and abuse, and their see yet do nothing. Elie Wiesel sees by- South Valley charter school reflected on her ing a documentary, so we plan to work with
struggle to overcome the obstacles they standers as “helping the oppressors, never personal experiences aging out of foster care teachers to create alternative artistic and edu-
faced. The project engages adolescents in the oppressed.” Currently, museum educa- and never knowing a permanent family. An- cational mediums in which students can fulfill
a learning experience that uses Holocaust tors and filmmaker work with students all other explored teen pregnancy and dropping the goals of this project.
education as the foundation to understand over Albuquerque to select a topic, research, out of school. A seventh grader interviewed Behind the Lens films can be viewed on-
and develop compassion for human rights chronicle, film, and edit a documentary on a Jamal, a graduate student who escaped op- line at You Tube, by searching for Behind the
and social justice issues. It includes a hands- social justice issue that speaks to them and pression in Iran, which brought up the middle Lens – Portrayals of a Troubled World.
on art making project in which students re- needs to be brought to light. Students are
search, write, and create short films about a taught how to become an upstander in their HATRED continued from page 8
sorrow. May we turn our swords into plow-
particular story that engages them. A film- own lives and in their communities. so today, I am putting my hope in our youth. shares and then keep going, in the words of
maker and museum educators collaborate The impact this project has on students is May we all live to see a time where the Yehuda Amichai, and beat them into musical
with middle and high school teachers to de- profound. At Congregation Albert, students future of our nation is not clouded by angry instruments so that “whoever wants to make
velop and implement this program entering were provided a brief overview of the Ho- souls with access to overwhelming arsenals. war again will have to turn them into plow-
its fourth year, which, at its conclusion each locaust before they interviewed a survivor. May our days be marked with less fear and shares first.”
spring, produces a small film festival show- Most students today have little knowledge
casing the four- to six-minute films students of what occurred during the Holocaust.
make. HIMNM feels that it is incumbent upon
Comedy Night at the JCC This
Protecting our Freedom to Worship
By Karen Kerschen and nounced and greatly appreciated. During
February with Keith Barany 
Neal Friedman, Taos Jewish Center the Yom Kippur service, Rabbi Judith The comedy one reason
HaLevy opened the ark and invited con- of Keith Ba- why it’s im-
In these times of social challenge, gregants to stand before it, individually, rany is often portant, more
we’re grateful for there being a Jew- in our own private space, to meditate or described as than one type
ish Federation of New Mexico, a con- pray before the sacred scrolls. original, gentle of primary
federation of Jewish organizations in We have three — a modern scroll and brilliant. reason. Let
our state. The Anti-Defamation League crafted in the 1950s, a small traveling The New York me speak for
reported a 67 percent increase nation- Torah reminiscent of our history as a Post called myself first:
wide of anti-Semitic incidents in 2017. wandering people who only two gener- him “The wit- the reason
In New Mexico this included cases of ations ago regained a homeland, and a tiest comedian comedy is
harassment, assaults, bomb threats and Holocaust scroll, a fragile Torah dating working.” It’s important for
vandalism. Our remote mountain town back to 1780 and rescued from a Nazi his lightning me is that it’s
of Taos is a peaceful community, yet its cache of Torahs that were confiscated fast “ad-libs” getting harder
population of Native American, Hispan- from synagogues throughout Eastern Eu- that most amaze audiences. Born and and harder to get certain types of people
ic and Anglo residents is mindful of how rope during World War II. A modern vel- raised in the New York City area to a Jew- to hear the truth. Comedy works under the
violence can tear peace asunder. vet embroidered cloak now protects its ish family, and currently based in Utah, radar,” he said.
As we prepared for the High Holidays, antique parchment, which was stabbed Barany has been doing stand-up for over “Comedy has been since the absolute
the board of the Taos Jewish Center de- by bayonet or knife when it was taken. 30 years (even though he looks about 40). beginning – from the court jester days,
cided it was in the best interests of our The Holocaust Torah survives as silent He’s worked with everyone from Jerry from the Shakespearean fool days – it’s
community to hire local security for our witness to defamation. Seinfeld to Joan Rivers and has written always been ‘here’s the one dude that
High Holy Day services. This was a first, We come together as Jews to experi- for television shows like the Jimmy Kim- we’re gonna let say whatever he wants.’”
and some of the impetus came from our ence the intimacy of community wor- mel Show. Beyond that, Barany said, people are
president and a board member, Bruce ship and to share like values. We are not Barany, who books his own shows, looking for release. “Folks come out for
Ross, listening in to a Jewish Communi- unique in this sense, for throughout the said that despite working with big names the catharsis and they come out for the
ty Leadership Meeting conference call. state there are congregations that observe in the industry, “I’m really not interested community,” he said. “That’s been a real-
This confirmed that our concern was not the same traditions that bind an ethical in the part of comedy where you’re so ly recent lesson for me after 30-plus years
unique and helped to address our needs. way of life. The Jewish Federation of insulated from your audience you can’t of being a stand-up, is that a big part of
The gentlemen who kept guard were low New Mexico provides an overarching stand at the exit afterwards and chat with why people laugh is because they want to
key — wearing suits and yarmulkes, but structure for us as a broader community. people about the common experience you feel less alone.”
prepared to defend against aggression. May it never come to pass, but we can just had.” And the common experience So, if you need a few laughs, and want
Most of those who attended Rosh Ha- trust that our federation can mobilize and that will be had on Saturday night, Febru- to feel connected to community, be sure
shanah services didn’t even know we’d unite against crisis. ary 9 at 7:30 pm at the JCC, is for every- to get your tickets to see Keith. They cost
taken that precaution. Karen Kerschen is the editor of Taos one, he said. $20 for JCC members, students and se-
However, before Yom Kippur we Jewish Center’s quarterly newsletter, In the current social climate, comedy niors, and $25 for general admission. Vis-
received a report of a possible threat HaKol and Neal Friedman is president – and comedians – are important, Barany it or or call
and the security arrangements were an- of the center. said. “I think there’s probably more than (505) 348-4518.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 13

Happenings at the J CC
Albuquerque’s Only Jewish Food Festival Returns in January to New Venue
By Phyllis Wolf et-holders will be streamlined, and those pur- Kritzer, Sweet Noshings. pecially appreciative of the support shown by
chasing tickets at the door ($7) will be pro- There will be the eagerly anticipated Ku- the Albuquerque metro restaurant communi-
For lovers of all things food and fun, the cessed quickly. Early VIP noshers may enter gel Cook-Off competition with emcee Mari- ty. “We are pleased that local favorite food
second annual ABQ NoshFest is sure to de- at 11:00 am to get a jump on the day with sa Maez, KOAT morning news anchor, and establishments have again stepped up to the
light the senses on January 13, 2019 from pre-purchased $10 tickets. celebrity judges: Donnie Chase, 100.3 The plate to prepare and serve popular Jewish
noon to 4:00 pm. ABQ NoshFest will show- Many familiar food purveyors will be on Peak radio personality, Amy Kritzer, chef, foods not easily found in our city. To help
case the best in Jewish cuisine from tradi- hand, including: Savoy, M’Tucci’s Market author and blogger Nosh Talk guest speaker, make ABQ NoshFest a unique experience,
tional to new twists on old favorites. The fest and Pizzeria, Zinc, California Pastrami, Ein- and Melissa-Lou Ellis, the 2018 America’s many of our participating chefs are creating
celebrates Jewish culture and community, stein Bros. Bagels, Chello Grill, Il Vicino, La National Miss New Mexico, the first Jewish dishes that are not typically offered on their
while raising funds for the Jewish Commu- Fonda del Bosque, Europa Bakery, Gourmet woman to hold the Miss New Mexico title. menu.
nity Center of Greater Albuquerque. Due to to Go, Vintage 423, Congregations Albert, There will be a premier raffle with the Event sponsors are Jewish Federation of
the success and popularity of the inaugural B’nai Israel, Nahalat Shalom, and more. grand prize of a three-day noshing trip to New Mexico, Griffin & Associates, Elias
event last year, this year NoshFest will be Event highlights include mouth-watering New York City by Rio Grande Travel; second Law, Local Flavor, New Mexico Kids! Mag-
held at the much larger Sandia Resort to ac- Jewish foods and delectable noshes includ- place prize of a Baillio’s big screen TV plus azine, SunPower by Positive Energy, TAS
commodate the expected crowd and offers ing savory brisket, pastrami and corned beef, other prizes. This year Baillio’s will provide Security, Rio Grande Travel, Photobooth
plenty of parking. Advance tickets start at $5 matzoh ball soup, lox and bagels, latkes, a Football Play Off Zone for fans to watch Rentals of NM and others.
at and children under age and knishes. Nosh Talk with be held with the Sunday football games, and a supervised Funds raised will benefit the programs and
9 are free. The check-in process for tick- the best-selling author, chef, blogger Amy Kids Zone will offer lots of fun games and services of the JCC that assist families and
crafts for kids under 9. Retail shopping will children; provide summer camp, swim les-
include Judaica and cuisine-related items sons and early childhood education scholar-
with vendors including, ships for those in need.
Congregation B’nai Israel and Albert gift For more information please call: 348-
shops. 4518. Tickets are available at abqnoshfest.
Shelly Prant, JCC executive director, is es- com beginning December 1, 2018.

Wednesdays at the J – Live, Laugh, Learn

ABQ’s Only Jewish Food Festival!

2nd Annual ABQ NoshFest

A Feast of Everything Jewish and More!
Sunday, January 13th, 2019 2pm - 4pm
From left to right, Crystal Conn-Sainz, Sheila Pugach, Maya Siler, Judith Suss-
Sandia Resort and Casino man, Linda Arnold, and Elaine Klass show off their ready-to-be-baked honey cakes.

What's Your Favorite Nosh? Savory brisket? Corned beef By Maya Siler
sandwiches? Matzoh ball soup? Falafel or Lox & Bagels?
The new adult and senior program, Wednesdays at the J is set to wrap it’s fall ses-
Whatever you nosh, you'll nosh it at the second annual sion. Occurring each Wednesday, the program featured guest speakers, holiday-themed
ABQ NoshFest - a celebration of Jewish food and more. Thanks to our 2019 Sponsors! activities, lively entertainment, and thoughtful discussions between guests and partici-
Join us as we gather Albuquerque's finest & most popular pants. Group favorites included visits from Rabbi Min Kantrowitz, Rabbi Paul Citrin,
eateries whose chefs will prepare and serve their favorite Rick Buchanan of ElderGigs, and Osher lecturer Roberta Boggess. Attendees also en-
Jewish and Israeli foods. Some will serve a signature item joyed coffee, cookies, and conversation before each program, and delicious lunches
from their restaurant menu, and some will offer a new item from Rhubarb and Elliott after, which often fostered further discussion about the pro-
exclusively for ABQ NoshFest. Either way, we promise gram of the day.
that you'll nosh it like never before. December features three more programs before the start of the new year. On Decem-
ber 5, adults and seniors are welcome to celebrate Chanukah with live music, dreidel
games, gelt, gifts, and a latke lunch.
Need some new dinner ideas? Come on December 12 to take a field trip to Monte-
Don't miss Nosh Talk with a celebrated author bello Senior Living where Chef Charlie will present a demo entitled “Cooking in the
and Jewish culinary chef Amy Kritzer Winter for One to Two.”
The last program of the year on December 19 welcomes Mary Mortenson Diecker,
an author and lecturer with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, who will present “Only
in New Mexico,” a lively lecture that delves into the history of our state and culture
The ABQ NoshFest is a fundraiser for the Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque.
with stories that have a decidedly New Mexican twist.
Proceeds benefit the JCC's programs that assist those in need. Wednesdays at the J will return on January 9 with a new semester of programming.
For more information or for sponsorship / food vendor opportunities please contact: If you would like to receive the Winter/Spring calendar or be on the weekly call list,
Jill Patruznick, Coordinator, JCC ABQ NoshFest at 702-339-8114. Thank you for your support. please contact Maya Siler at (505) 348-4518 or
14 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Let the Light In: Chanukah

Remaining Inspired in Trying Times
By Miranda Jacobson of the menorah and … wrote a few lines in German
on the back of the photo. ‘Chanukah, 5692. ‘Judea
There are two memories that came to my mind re- dies’, thus says the banner. ‘Judea will live forever’,
garding a Chanukah past, one personal and one of thus respond the lights.’”
historical sadness and prevailing despite the odds. Yehudah Mansbuch, the grandson of the family
The personal remembrance was the Chanukah af- who took the photo, remembers:
ter my mother passed away. My mother had passed “My grandfather, the rabbi of the Kiel community,
away when I was a teenager in late September and was making many speeches, both to Jews and Ger-
only my father and I were left in the apartment to car- mans. To the Germans he warned that the road they
ry on, as my older and only sister was away at gradu- were embarking on was not good for Jews or Ger-
ate school. It was Chanukah, quiet at home, what to mans, and to the Jews he warned that something ter-
do? Traditions of lighting candles or baking certain rible was brewing, and they would do well to leave
foods can bring strength even in what may be the Germany. My grandfather fled Germany in 1933, and
loneliest or saddest times of a person’s life. There moved to Israel. His community came to the train
was no one to make latkes, no music, only silence. station to see him off, and before departing, he urged
I decided to light the Chanukah candles. The his people to flee Germany while there was still
silver family menorah was in a glass case and I re- time.” (from
moved it. It hadn’t been lit for a few years and this fies-nazi-flag.)
was the only time I lit them alone. Our family was The famous author Elie Wiesel when facing emer-
secular and didn’t recite the bruchas over candles or gency heart surgery and his own mortality poses this
food. But for some reason it was important for me to reflection in his book Open Heart: “Even in darkness
light the candles. it is possible to create light and encourage compas-
I lit them and sat in darkness with just the candles sion. That it is possible to feel free inside a prison.
lit. Watching the candle light, being mesmerized by That even in exile, friendship exists and can become
the light, and all of the sudden a smell of smoke! My an anchor. That one instant before dying, man is still
bangs were on fire!! I had gotten so inspired to con- immortal.”
centrate of the flames and light that they emitted that There are two human reactions that occur when
I didn’t realize I had gotten too close to the flames. life’s trials come across our paths, either a person
Luckily, I got the flames from my hair out quickly lets their inspirations go and dwindle or they cling to
and tried to hide the smoke smell in the living room traditions/create new ones, that help them keep their
so my father didn’t think I set the whole place on fire! inspiration alive and grow.
Since that time I have not missed lighting Cha- When you are bringing your family and close
nukah candles. The flames of the candles inspired friends to the Chanukah table, whether it is in your
something in my soul that was both welcoming, home, your place of worship or even on social media,
calming and enlivening to this day. remember what lighting one candle can create. A
The second memory is one of a poignant picture candle, an idea, a source of hope. One candle dispels
taken by the wife of a Rabbi Posner, Rachel Posner. the deepest of the dark.
It stands in my memory as an emblem of heroic de- All you need to do is provide the small spark to
fiance despite the prevailing ‘winds’ of their times. light the wick and the darkness begins to dissipate
Their home stood directly opposite the Nazi head- until it becomes friendship, inspiration, compassion
quarters in Kiel. and light.
“Rabbi Posner’s wife, Rachel, snapped a photo

The Hope Offered by Chanukah

By Rabbi Paul J. Citrin not what yields hope for our surviv- now to cherish each other and our It lies in the very root of the word served us. It was the learning and
al as a flourishing, vibrant Jewish entire people, beyond any religious Chanukah itself. We translate the Torah transmission by our Sages.
“Memory is the secret to redemp- community. or political disagreements. Surely word Chanukah as “dedication.” It was also the case, and still is, that
tion,” so taught the Baal Shem Tov Those who know something the tragedy our people underwent This reminds us of the Maccabean anyone could join the ranks of the
in the eighteenth century. As we about the historical details of the in Pittsburgh underscores how pre- restoration and re-dedication of the chachamim, the learned, by becom-
approach the Festival of Lights, we Maccabean wars are aware that cious we all must be to one another. desecrated Temple, the heart of our ing a chanich, a student.
do well to ask: What should we re- for thirty years after Judah defeat- This memory is only the beginning people’s religious and national life. Jewish study, learning, encoun-
member about Chanukah? ed the Hellenistic Greeks, Jews point of our redemption, of our Today both synagogues and other tering sacred texts, engaging with
We claim that at Chanukah we fought each other over how they committed and creative communal Jewish institutions are the heart of fellow students is the essential
remember our war for religious and envisioned the shaping of Jewish existence. our life in the diaspora. Our reac- foundation for a flourishing Jew-
cultural freedom from Hellenistic life. Remembering that ancient civil The core and essence of our re- tion to the slaughter at Congregation ish community. So, here comes the
rulers. Yet, recalling that conflict is conflict remains as a warning to us demption is more than memory. Eytz Chayim in Pittsburgh is to re- commercial. Our synagogues in Al-
dedicate ourselves to strengthening buquerque and around New Mexico
our synagogues and institutions. We offer many worthy opportunities for
will do so because they are the well- adult learning. The JCC is also a sol-
spring for our age-old dedication id venue for gaining Jewish knowl-
to life, human dignity, justice and edge. By enrolling in a course, you
peace. will enhance your life as a Jew, and
The root of the word Chanukah be intellectually and spiritually en-
MOUNTAIN STATES is comprised of the letters chet, nun riched.
and chaf. These letters also can spell This Chanukah season is a per-
“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” chinuch which means “education.” fect time to dedicate yourself anew
- Anne Frank The verb, l’chaneich” means to ed- to chinuch, to Jewish education in
ucate. A “chanich” is a student, an community. It is the deepest, most
At this Season of Light, we thank you for your support apprentice. I would add to the Baal authentic way to respond to the mur-
and for joining us not only in our fight against anti-Semitism, Shem Tov’s claim that memory is derous anti-Semitism at Pittsburgh.
but also in our efforts to secure justice and fair treatment to all. the secret to redemption by saying Sign up for a lecture or a course
Best wishes for a wonderful Hanukkah and a happy and peaceful New Year that education includes and enhanc- this winter/spring. As you remem-
from your ADL Mountain States Region, es memory itself. Thus, following ber and as you study, your light will
serving New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming the Maccabean conflict, it was not burn brightly at this season of Cha-
the power of the sword which pre- nukah and beyond.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 15

The Eighth Night: A Short Story

Story and Photo by “What do you see?” Joy asked. tion to bet on which candle would
Diane Joy Schmidt Miriam fell silent, embarrassed. last the longest. Months later it
Then she said, “Oh… I don’t really would finally dawn on Joy what her
In December, Joy flew again see anything…” mother meant, that Miriam’s broth-
from Albuquerque to Chicago to “What exactly do you see? Tell er Milton, now 96 and the oldest of
be with her mother. It was the first me.” six, would outlive her.
night of Chanukah and Joy and her “Oh. It’s just my own little idea, That evening there was an enor-
two sisters lit the candles each night that the spirit of Chanukah comes mous white rabbit sitting in the
then regularly at Miriam’s hospital to those who celebrate all eight driveway at the house, the largest
bedside and cheerfully sang the nights.” she had ever seen. The rabbit was
songs, tuneless and off-key, some- Joy said, “That would make a comforting. That night she dreamed
thing they hadn’t done together lovely children’s story. May I share that her friend from Shiprock was
since they were children. On Sun- that with others?” showing her around a Navajo ho-
day, the eighth night of Chanukah, Miriam said yes. Joy thought she gan, but it wasn’t just the tradition-
Joy’s sisters went off to a play. sounded pleased. al octagonal house, it was a whole
Miriam said, “That’s okay, I’m Joy added, “What you see is town peopled with activities at each
getting a little sick of Chanukah.” probably the Shekinah, the Jewish of its eight sides. In the morning,
Joy felt abashed; she laughed. spirit. Hold to that, what you are Joy called him and he said, “That
In late afternoon, as the winter seeing, it is protecting you. Picture is the house from which you came. Joy couldn’t make out if she had steeped in Jewish tradition, called
sun began to set, Joy lit the thin col- it when you need it.” The home, the spiritual home of the said it the same way, but she be- from Brooklyn. Yaffa told her that
ored candles in the family menorah Then Miriam said, haltingly, Great Spirit, where you come from lieved that she had. the last day of a holiday is espe-
while her mother slept, and quietly “You mean the white bird, and not and go back to.” That night Miriam fell into a cially powerful; that it holds all
hummed the songs to herself. Mir- the circling black ravens that come Then she saw, framed by the deep coma. The next day when Joy the strengths and qualities of that
iam woke up in the darkened room after?” Stunned, Joy murmured af- small square window in the front arrived at the hospital her sisters holiday. Joy then spoke to the rabbi
and saw the candles burning. Her firmatively. door, a huge black crow sitting on went to lunch and then the aide who said that in the Jewish tradi-
eyes grew bright and her face lit up Miriam turned to look again at the garage roof pecking at some- Alicja also took off on an errand. tion it is written that angels come
against the pillow. the Chanukah candles, now melt- thing inside the rain gutter. It She was left alone in the room to comfort you and to reduce your
She said, “I see the spirit of Cha- ed down into little colored pools frightened her. It was the last day of with her mother. The daily phone fears when you are dying. And he
nukah. Do you see it?” of blue and green and gold. One Chanukah, and the winter solstice. call came from her mother’s broth- said the Shekinah is the feminine
Joy saw tall white wings on ei- had not yet gone out and it was Later that day Joy said to her er Milton, who lived in a nursing aspect of God, the part of God that
ther side of Miriam. She said, the very first one that had been lit. mother, “Do you know that I love home in Ohio. Joy held the receiver comes closest to us.
“Yes, I see white wings. She shook her finger now at it and you more than anyone in the whole up to Miriam’s ear so he could say Some months later if someone
Miriam reached up with both smiled wryly, and in a secretive world?” goodbye. It seemed her eyebrow were to ask how she was doing Joy
hands in front of her and lovingly way said, “I wouldn’t have bet on Miriam’s eyebrows flickered up lifted. A few minutes after Joy hung would say: I am at peace, but still
patted something in the air before that one.” in surprise and she said, “I love you up the phone Miriam passed away. I grieve. The animals are all quiet
her. “Yes, it’s right here.” It was our personal family tradi- ……too.” That evening Joy’s cousin Yaffa, now.

From My Kosher Jerusalem Kitchen: Not Just Potato Latkes

By Sybil Kaplan Polish Jews made placki, pancakes, 1 t. dry parsley ley and salt and mix. compiler/editor of 9 kosher cook-
from potato flour and fried them in ½ t. salt 3. Heat oil in a frying pan. books and food writer for North
An old folk proverb does say: oil. But what happens when you get oil Make latkes by hand, add to American Jewish publications, who
“Chanukah latkes teach us that one tired of potato latkes? Here are some 1. Grate parsnips and carrots into a oil, and fry until brown on both lives in Jerusalem where she leads
cannot live by miracles alone.” variations for Chanukah. mixing bowl. Toss with flour. sides. Drain on paper towels. weekly walks of the Jewish food mar-
Joan Nathan, Jewish food writer and 2. Add eggs, chives or onion, pars- Sybil Kaplan is a journalist, author, ket, Machaneh Yehudah, in English.
cookbook author, contends the word Old Jerusalem Zucchini Pancakes
latke is not Yiddish as everyone pre- 6 zucchini
sumes but stems from “a Russian salt
word, latka, and a pastry, from ob- salt and pepper to taste
solete Russian oladka or flat cake of 1 diced onion
leavened wheat dough.” This, in turn, 2 T. chopped parsley
probably came from a Middle Greek 2 T. chopped dill
word, eladion, or oil cake, stemming 2 large eggs
from elaion, meaning olive oil. ½ cup matzoh meal
Potato pancakes do seem to have 1 T. vegetable oil
originated among poor Eastern Eu- oil for frying
ropean Jews, but potatoes did not 1. Grate unpeeled zucchini into a
become a staple until mid-19th cen- strainer. Sprinkle with salt and drain
tury. John Cooper, in Eat and Be for 30 minutes.
Satisfied--A Social History of Jew- Squeeze to remove remaining liq-
ish Food, comments that Jews from uid.
Lithuania ate pancakes made from 2. In a mixing bowl, combine zuc-
potato flour for Chanukah and had chini, salt, pepper, onion, parsley,
borrowed the idea from the Ukrai- dill, eggs, matzoh meal
nians who made a potato pancake and 1 T. oil.
dish with goose fat called kartoflani 3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Form
platske, which they ate for Christ- zucchini mixture into patties. Fry for
mas.  Since Chanukah fell about a few a minutes on each side. Drain
the same time, and there were plen- on paper towels. Makes 20 patties.
ty of geese to provide goose fat or (Adapted from The Delights of Je-
schmaltz, we could conclude that rusalem by Rena Valero, Steimatzky,
schmaltz became a substitute for oil. 1985)
Jews living in the Pale of Settle- Carrot-Parsnip Latkes
ment in the 17th century probably 16 patties
adapted it for Chanukah as a way 5 grated parsnips
to dress potatoes differently for the 2 grated carrots
holiday. Cooper also states that many ¼ cup flour
Eastern European Jews ate buck- 2 eggs
wheat latkes for Chanukah, while 1 t. dry chives or onion
16 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

Sending Light Outward: A Chanukiyah in the Window

By Rabbi Jordan Gendra, Ph.D. ly modern, and I am constantly human tradition associated with little flame will burn at least for a and shine, but it can be done inside
Director of Casa Sefarad reminded of that each time I unlimited hope. Indeed, the rea- while. Like the burning bush that the house, discreetly, but always
participate in interfaith events or son given by the halachah for the burns without being consumed, with joy and meaning. If the flame
One of my first memories as a roundtables. Explaining this Jewish lighting of candles is pirsum ha- the fire of life, the passion of being cannot enlighten the outside, then
child is my mother trying to explain wisdom is one way of changing ness, publicity of the miracle. Yes, Jewish, of infinite hope burns in us at least it will be passed to the next
why some people harassed us due our image. I  find that the mere we have a message for the world. and for us, without being burned generation. In all cases, we must
to being Jewish. This is always a fact of being a rabbi and gay is Our chanukiyah is placed on the without ever extinguished. feed the flame and keep the happi-
difficult moment for a mother, es- useful to dissolve the equation so window facing out, it expresses our According to Halacha, the cha- ness and pride in what we are. 
pecially in Spain during the dicta- often made between “religious” dignity as Jews, and our freedom, nukiyah must be visible from the This is the Jewish struggle, a
torship. and “reactionary,” “obtuse,” our right to have a mezuzah on the outside, but our rabbis added, if it daily struggle. This is the concept
But, how do we interact with “extremist” or “out of fashion.” door and a chanukiyah in window. is dangerous, it can be lit inside the of tseva shalom, armed peace. The
those who dislike or actually hate Another way of defending our How is our dignity and our freedom house and not the window.  sequence of small acts of everyday
us? One of the ways that I was able identity as Jews, is simply living as expressed through this? Because When we are able, we should life is what builds the future. This
to impact public opinion in Spain Jews, knowing who we are, being we can publicize the message of the express our Judaism. This helps to is our battle. The lighting of Cha-
was when I made a conscious glad to belong to this tradition of miracle; the  perpetuation of hope familiarize our environment, to ed- nukah candles, spending time with
choice to be active in the media. warmth, love, conscience and re- even when it is irrational, as in the ucate, to develop for us and the oth- family and friends around color-
After a period of reluctance, the sponsibility; living it through sim- case of the small jar of oil. er Jews a sense of security facing ful candles, is what builds us as a
encouragement I received from ple and pleasing acts, like the Shab- If I can bright some light in this the outside world. It helps to defend people. And beyond that, wherever
non-Jewish friends enabled me to bat meal with family or the lighting world, then I must do it now. It is the freedom of all people, Jewish or possible, the reaffirmation of our
understand the impact this could of Hanukkah candles.  possible that the flame would die, not, to live their particular identity. message facing the outside world
have on how their relatives per- The candles of Hanukkah are just who knows? It is possible that there Even when it’s uncomfortable must to be added to the construc-
ceived Judaism. the expression of our pride and our were not be enough oil to fuel the or even dangerous, we still need to tion of our people, building our-
Our tradition is extraordinari- wisdom, attitude and measured our flame, but meanwhile I’m sure this find ways to express our Judaism selves.

stroyed, the place of our connection in the image of God. This is the

The Inner Practice of Chanukah to God moves inside. Prayer takes

the place of sacrifice and the altar
of sacrifice is hidden in the dark re-
spark that kindles our Festival of
Lights.  Each night of Chanukah,
we light another candle. Each night
By Rabbi Shefa Gold accumulated in our inner Temple, creation.  cesses of our own hearts.  the light grows brighter, shining its
  and then kindle the flame of our re- Spiritual practice is about mak- The story of Chanukah reminds radiance into our own hidden plac-
Chanukah celebrates the re-dedi- newed intention to stay connected ing our lives into a Mishkan, a us that even the holiest place with- es.  
cation of the ancient Holy Temple, to the mystery at the center of all dwelling place for Divine Pres- in us can become desecrated. We The “great miracle” of healing
the place where the infinite meets life. That connection to God is our ence. About one third of the Book must enter the darkness of our own is happening right here within us
the finite, where the spark of God lifeline. That remembrance of God of Exodus consists of the detailed wounded hearts, survey the dam- when we call light into our own
bursts into flame within us. Each gives us our freedom. When we instructions for building the Mish- age, clear away the rubble, and places of darkness, when we bring
year we recall the great miracle forget God, that expansive mystery kan, (the portable sanctuary that we then light a candle to rededicate the healing light of compassion into
that happened there.  And that same at our core, we risk becoming en- carry through our wilderness jour- ourselves to holiness, to our own hidden crevices of shame or fear.
miracle is happening inside as we slaved to the illusions of our most neys). The purpose of the Mishkan wholeness and connection to the  As we light the flames of Cha-
heal the desecrations we have suf- narrow perceptions. is to send us to the space within cosmos. It is truly miraculous that a nukah, may we kindle the flame
fered and re-dedicate our lives to God says to us, “Make for me a where we can receive the Mystery single spark of hope can ignite the within that will shine the light of
holiness. holy place so that I can dwell inside of Presence. Just as a great poem radiant fires of passion that illumi- awareness across the true expanse
 The Temple of our Soul is des- you. Yes, it is possible to stay con- points us towards a truth that is nate our way forward, even on the of soul.
ecrated when we endure a sense nected with me at all times in all beyond mere words, so the beauty darkest night. Rabbi Shefa Gold received her
of separation from God, and from places, even as you engage in the that shines from the Mishkan of our  As the days grow short and the ordination both from the Recon-
each other. The Temple of our Soul life of the world.” When we make a lives illuminates the beyond that is night darkness long, we are invit- structionist Rabbinical College and
is desecrated when we become place for God to dwell in our lives, within us. ed to enter into the darkness of our from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Sha-
cynical, when we feel unworthy then we will never be caught in the  As Judaism evolves, the func- own hearts. There, buried beneath lomi, and is the director of C-DEEP.
or afraid, when we stop trusting illusion of separateness. God will tion of the Mishkan (the place of the rubble of our disappointments, Shefa has produced ten albums, and
the essential goodness of life. On be available and accessible to us in connection with God) is repre- we find the miraculous spark of is the author of four books. You can
Chanukah, we have an opportuni- the innermost chamber of the heart sented by the Holy Temple in Je- our divinity, the awesome knowl- reach her at www.RabbiShefaGold.
ty to clear away the debris that has and in the inner dimension of all rusalem. When the Temple is de- edge that we are each created com.

Community Conversation on Security

On Wednesday evening, November 7th, the Jewish Federation of New Mexico hosted its first community conversation on securing Jewish institutions at the JCC. Over 50 attended
a discussion of how Jewish organizations are working to secure our community. The panel included leadership from three Albuquerque synagogues, officials from the Albuquerque
Police Department, an FBI delegation that included New Mexico Special Agent in Charge James Langenberg, and U.S. Attorney John Anderson. Photos courtesy of Tammy Peter.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 17

Growth is at the Edges: Nahalat Shalom Continues the Experiment

By Rabbi Min Kantrowitz Reform, Conservative and trans-de- chant from the Torah scroll) taught twenty years has been providing our own cemetery, located within
Rabbinic Advisor to the Nahalat nominational training programs.  by Cantor Beth Cohen, Ethical an inclusive, welcoming and safe La Puerta Natural Burial Ground,
Shalom Board of Directors Reflecting this diversity, our Will taught by Rabbi Paul Citrin, place to celebrate Sephardic heri- a 40-acre private, serene, conser-
Shabbat services offer a variety and Returning to the Original Ha- tage. Casa Sefarad hosts a monthly vation burial site at the base of the
It’s another experiment!  Since of experiences, including a fairly sidic Teachings of the Ba’al Shem Sephardic/Crypto-Jewish/Anusim Manzano Mountains. 
its birth in 1982, Congregation traditional but highly participatory Tov taught by Reb Moshe Aharon Shabbat Dinner in Ladino, Hebrew, Our membership is extraordi-
Nahalat Shalom has been experi- services led by Cantor JoAnn Rice, (Miles Krassen). Spanish and English and produces narily diverse, in age, race, family
menting.  As a welcoming, inclu- a Renewal service led by Rab- Serving children and families, the annual Festival Djudeo-Espan- constellation, gender identity, mar-
sive congregation with a mission to bi Chavah Carp, meditation and the congregation hired Rabbi Cha- yol, which celebrates the history ital status, religious affiliation and
inspire understanding of the joys, chanting services, Der Freylekher vah Carp as director of family edu- and culture of the Iberian Jewish training; now our spiritual leader-
practices, and ethics of Judaism and Shabbes service led by Cantor Beth cation to coordinate the children’s presence in New Mexico (and be- ship reflects this diversity.
to nurture spiritual growth, Congre- Cohen with klezmer music and religious education programs for yond) through workshops, Shabbat, People are drawn to Nahalat
gation Nahalat Shalom is constant- dance, and Casa Sefarad Shabbat pre-K-7 students and B’nai Mitz- socialization, and sharing food, Shalom because of the accepting,
ly reinventing itself.  Now using a dinner and celebration, led by Rab- vah preparation.   music, and art. Casa Sefard is led non-hierarchical and joy-filled at-
previously untried approach to spir- bi Jordi Gendra-Molina. (The web- While we celebrate Jewish holi- by a team including Rabbi Jordi mosphere that permeates what we
itual leadership, it is being served site specifies which type of service days with prayer, music, dance and Gendra-Molina, who has been sup- do. This innovative approach has
by nine (NINE!) different ordained is happening on which Friday eve- food, as do most congregations, we porting the group for a decade and challenges, of course.  Nahalat
Jewish clergy, each of whom are ning and Saturday morning—see are unique in having two in-house now serves as the director of Casa Shalom is a kind of umbrella that
offering their unique strength to the  This approach klezmer bands and a Jewish dance Sefarad. shelters a wide variety of religious
growing congregation of more than is designed to both reflect the wide troupe! Our community has always We recently enjoyed welcoming experiences.  Once in a while, the
150 members.  variety of interests and practices of attracted and supported the arts and a new Torah into our safekeeping umbrella might spring a little leak,
Congregation Nahalat Shalom is the congregation and to offer the artists of all kinds. Led by the con- from the shrinking congregation and some parts of the experiment
associated with the Jewish Renew- opportunity for people to expand gregation’s cantor of nearly twen- in Roswell, New Mexico. We also might need to be improved or even
al movement, an approach which is their spiritual experiences.  ty-five years, Cantor Beth Cohen, welcomed members of that congre- abandoned.  But that is what cre-
egalitarian, progressive, ecological, And it’s not only Shabbat re- Nahalat Shalom sponsors Klezmer- gation who are now automatically ative Judaism is about.  In religion,
feminist, joyful, musical, inclusive, ligious services that are diverse.  Querque, a three day internation- members of Nahalat Shalom as we as in biology, growth is at the edg-
spiritual and devoted to meaningful Regular spiritual opportunities in- ally recognized annual festival of honor this Torah with a new life in es. Nahalat Shalom is exploring the
Jewish learning and practice.  High clude a chanting circle with Rabbi klezmer music and dance. Nahalat a new home.  We marked another edges, and is growing. 
Holidays, led this year by Rabbi Shefa Gold, and two meditation Shalom also has an art gallery, milestone this year by consecrating
Shefa Gold, were innovative, excit- groups led by Robin Berman. Ed- which is currently featuring works
ing, deep and powerful. ucational opportunities for adults by members of the congregation in
The nine clergy who serve the include introductory/intermediate an exhibit “This is Who We Are.”
congregation were ordained by Hebrew, Beyond the Torah study Nahalat Shalom is the home of
Jewish Renewal, Reconstructionist, group (peer-led), trope (how to Casa Sefarad, which for more than

When they go low, we go CHAI!

Soul Blues
By Diane Joy Schmidt the evil tongue, a person who
Celebrate life with your community.
We like you just the way you are!
spreads stories about someone. In
Sunday, December 2, 4:00 - 8:00 pm, Nahalat Shalom
After certain experiences in my the Jewish tradition it is a serious
life, I was never able to be at home sin. Whether the stories are true or Nahalat Shalom Hanukah Festival
in my own skin, I felt an undercur- not doesn’t matter, this is slander. Join us as we light candles and celebrate the first night
rent of unease, that I had no right It causes harm. For me, it had cast of Hanukah with music and dancing with Cantor Beth
to be here. I ran around looking a shadow that reached across my and the Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band,
for respect, validation, vindica- whole life. It was a pattern that latkes, food, silent auction, raffle, family fun, puppet
tion, love, or even, like, would do. would repeat.
Hell, I’d settle at least for accep- When I finally wrote about this
show and more. Support your community and have fun
tance. horrible experience, which I had in this FUN RAISER!-
I’d sometimes get recognition,
never clearly faced before, over
affection, love, but it didn’t ad- the next days a new sense of my- Thursdays 4:30-6:15 pm: Grades K-8 / Sundays: Pre-K
here, it didn’t stick, it was like self came to me. It was exactly Cheder – our inclusive Hebrew School
when the body cannot process like a part of me returned that I Rabbi Chavah Carp, Director of Family Education
nutrients, the good feelings would didn’t even realize had gone miss- ___________________________________________________________________________

fade quickly, I was soon starving ing. It was like meeting a long- SIX Different Shabbat Experiences
again. lost friend that I welcomed in my
• Der Freylekher Shabbes
It didn’t occur to me that what soul’s house. Perhaps it had been
I needed was self-acceptance, waiting out there somewhere, like and Potluck Dinner (1st Friday)
self-respect, self-love, self-vali- the experience, all those many • Sephardic / Crypto-Jewish Shabbat Dinner
dation. You’re supposed to learn years. I experienced a kind of re- and Celebration (2nd Friday)
those things when you’re a young demption, grace and self-forgive- • Renewal Shabbat (2rd Saturday)
adult. But for some of us, it takes ness. not like that. But new growth is • Queer Shabbat (4th Friday)
a lifetime. The New Moon of that month taking place in my soul and that • Chanting Kabbalat Shabbat (4th Friday)
Over many years, decades real- marked the beginning of the High undercurrent of anxiety, of emp- • Tent Minyan (last Saturday)
ly, I sought healing. Prayers were Holy Days of the Jewish tradition tiness and fear that, like a dull ___________________________________________________________________________
said for me. Over years, layers with Rosh Hashanah, the New hum in the background you forget SAVE the DATE: February 14-17, 2019
healed, and then there would be Year, and at sunset on September is there, has lessened. There has
more underneath, like an onion. I 18th began Yom Kippur, the Day
17th Annual KlezmerQuerque Festival 2019
been “post-traumatic growth,” a
also had to do the work. of Atonement. We reflect during phrase I’ve heard recently that I Four day of performances, dance parties, video
Quite recently, while writing this time on those things we wish like. I feel respect and acceptance presentations, hands-on workshops and more!!
poetry, it happened that I faced to ask forgiveness for, to atone for for myself. I am allowed to be
some deep humiliations I had ex- and, most importantly, we prac- here, to have faith in myself, I can Visit our website for details:
perienced fifty years ago. In junior tice self-forgiveness. Each year trust my judgments. I can breathe.
high school, certain girls who I have a deeper understanding of It has been a long journey. I think
were mean and jealous spread evil what that means, and especially that is a blessing and spiritual heal-
Nahalat Shalom
gossip about me, what today we this year. ing for which I am truly grateful. 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW
call social bullying. This is what I’d like to say, I’ll never be Read more at dianejoyschmidt. ABQ NM 87107 505-343-8227
in Hebrew is called Lashon Hara, lonely or self-doubting again. It’s com
18 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779

ADL Staff Makes Connections and Builds Relationships in New Mexico

ADL’s mountain states re- week long Holocaust Education program presented by the this fall regarding hate crimes and the anti-immigrant
gional office has begun to Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human movement, all as part of a relationship ADL has estab-
deliver education programs Rights and coordinated by veteran educators in the region. lished with the Mexican government.  
across the state of New Mex- Ms. Raju met 30 dedicated educators who spent a week ADL has also been working with Jewish teens and their
ico. Shannon Davis, a teach- of their summer vacation learning about new resources, allies in our state, empowering them to stand up to an-
er at Gadsden Middle School information and strategies to teach the Holocaust to their ti-Semitism now and when they get to college, through
in Anthony, connected with students. The conference provided a perfect opportunity its Words to Action program. Trainings were held at
ADL’s education work through for Ms. Raju to introduce educators to a wealth of ADL the University of New Mexico Hillel, Congregation Al-
a pamphlet sent to her school information and resources, including lessons plans, edu- bert, BBYO’s J-Serve Mitzvah Day, and at Camp Oran-
about the student essay contest Tara Raju cator blogs and other materials. Educators expressed ap- im. ADL Senior Associate Director Sue Parker Gerson
A Tribute to Moral Courage: preciation for being able to use ADL’s resources directly worked locally with senior educator Susan Bapty. Al-
Standing Up Against Injustice this spring. Her 7th and 8th in their classrooms. buquerque teacher Scott Melton participated in ADL’s
grade students researched, wrote and submitted essays to Ms. Raju met with leaders at Albuquerque Public national Train-the-Trainer program in order to facilitate
ADL’s 2018 contest. Ms. Davis found a valuable way to Schools, a school district with over 90,000 students, and additional programming next year.
connect her students to the history of the Holocaust and to began to lay the groundwork to launch ADL’s flagship Building relationships continues to be a critical part of
the idea of standing up against injustice just by participat- No Place for Hate initiative. At the Mexican Consulate, the ADL mountain states’ regional work in New Mexi-
ing in the ADL project. Ms. Raju trained consulate staff about issues of bullying co to ensure ADL is meeting the community’s needs.
Tara Raju, ADL regional director of education, met and cyberbullying in schools, and provided resources that Additionally, ADL will continue its focus on providing
Ms. Davis on a trip to Albuquerque when both attended the consulate can share with members of the community. resources to schools, law enforcement, community mem-
an Echoes & Reflections workshop presented as part a Plans are in place to provide two additional workshops bers and more.

Rosh Hashanah Meets

MitzVote: Hillel Batman with a Mustard Stain
Students Encourage By K.E. Enzweiler

Civic Participation There’s nothing like a good comedy of errors to get your first
official holiday as a newly converted Jew started off right. Ours
was the Sunday night services of Rosh Hashanah. That day, my
wife and I were vending at a healing arts fair. The fair went all
day, from 9 am to 5 pm. This meant that we had to be up and run-
ning by 6 am. Knowing that we would not have time to go home
and change in between the fair and services, we had our clothes
ready and packed.
About halfway through the fair, I started getting sick. I ended
up in the car trying to cool down while the sweat poured off of me.
I got the better end of the deal as my wife kept going until closing.
Luckily, at the end of the event, many people helped us pack up.
That, however, didn’t stop the heat, dust, and dirt from making its
home all over our clothes. As we got into the car, we heard a voice
screaming “Stop! I have something for you!” A friend handed us
a ziploc bag, it nestled between us as we drove away.
At that point, I was really worried about my wife. She is dia-
betic, and was not looking good. During her hours of vending,
On November 1, students from the Aaron David Bram she rarely stops to eat or drink, that is why I accompany her. It’s
Hillel House at the University of New Mexico held a my job to make sure that her blood sugar doesn’t get too low. But
voting party as a part of a nation-wide effort to increase because I was in the car and she was so busy with customers, she
voter turn-out among the youngest voters. UNM Hillel simply forgot to take care of herself.
partnered with Hillel International and Vote Together for As soon as we were buckled up, I quickly went to the first place
this non-partisan event which welcomed over 70 stu- that I could find to get her something to eat and drink. She was a
dents for a party complete with cake, games, photo booth little bit out of it, a lovely shade of green, and she was closing her
and general merriment. eyes and holding her head.
I got us both burgers and something to drink, then I parked for
a few minutes. It had been a really busy day and we were both
drained, she worse than I. After 10 minutes, I drove over to shul

Scams & Cons:

and we sat in the parking lot. That’s when the reality of our situ-
ation hit us.
How to Spot Them, Avoid Them The clothes for shul where at home sitting on the kitchen count-
er. My Batman t-shirt had a big mustard stain on it and my wife
and (Sometimes) Fix Them* was dressed for vending. She was in one of her dresses that shows
a fair amount of cleavage, and that had now become the home of
burger crumbs.
Presented by Michael McGuire, Staff Attorney I could not believe it. I got to thinking really quickly, if we
Senior Citizens’ Law Office could wear tallit, then we could pull it off. I texted a dear friend
to double check to see if we could wear tallit. Of course, the an-
swer was no, it was an evening service. As I put the phone down
FREE Seminar – February 7th my wife and I caught each other’s eyes and then we both looked
9:00 – 10:30 AM down at the ziploc bag between us. It was filled with blackened
BBQ pork ribs.
JCC, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE At that point I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or what.
This was our big kickoff, our first event as one of the Jewish Peo-
Join us for refreshments and practical ple. What just happened?
answers to an all too common dilemma. It was very obvious that my wife couldn’t come inside consid-
ering what she was wearing. I however took a very deep breath
and went inside. Me, Batman, and my newly formed mustard
*Tips to help Cover Your Assets so you can enjoy retirement stain. I thought I was really slick when the gentleman leading the
and donate to your favorite charitable endowments! services said hi and I blurted out “Batman is Jewish.”
I bet he didn’t even notice the mustard.
Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779 The New Mexico Jewish Link 19

By Helen Horwitz
The Christmas Tree selection had been picked over and proceeded to McClellan’s where my vision of hiding the tree’s woeful extra special that year. But perhaps
only a few scraggly, misshapen we again found bare counters and shape. most important, I never again even
I believed in Santa Claus until specimens remained. We settled on shelves in the Christmas decorations Back at home, Don and I started to thought of having a Christmas tree.
shortly after Christmas 1948. That’s the best of them, and as Don carried section. hang the ornaments on the tree and I Every year since Christmas 1949,
when one of my classmates at Lew it home I planned how glittering or- Our last option was Kress, which I felt tears of disappointment welling I enjoy the season – even if it isn’t
Wallace Elementary convinced me naments and carefully hung tinsel usually avoided; to my child’s nose, up in my eyes because my dream of my holiday. In fact, some of my
that her father – not Santa Claus – would camouflage its obvious short- the store always smelled musty and a perfect, story-book Christmas tree most treasured memories are of the
placed her presents under their tree comings. foul. Kress had a few ornaments was not to be. Then, for reasons my people and experiences on these past
on Christmas Eve. Her father didn’t Next, we walked a few blocks left, but instead of shiny glass balls young mind couldn’t define, I real- Christmases. Here in Albuquerque,
like peanut butter, so she had pur- downtown to shop for ornaments. of green, red, blue and silver, these ized that not only did I not want this the luminarias and holiday lights
posely left Santa a plate of peanut As always, big, bright Woolworth’s were muddy pink plastic orbs. tree, but I also didn’t want – or need give me joy, and until two years
butter cookies. Sure enough, the at Fourth and Central was my first Blue streaks that looked like veins – any tree. ago I’ve sensed more kindness and
cookies were still there on Christ- choice – but when we arrived, we coursed across their surfaces. The ornaments went back in the goodwill among people.
mas morning. discovered the store had completely We bought a box of the awful box, and Don threw the pitiful lit- But I will never forget my first
This other eight-year-old’s qua- sold out of bulbs and tinsel. Cross- pink bulbs and returned home. Kress tle fir in the trash. And just as my and only Christmas tree, an object
si-scientific experiment fed the ing to the south side of Central, we had sold all its tinsel; so much for parents had hinted, Chanukah was lesson in understanding who I am.
seeds of doubt I already had about
Santa Claus. After confronting my
mother – who revealed the painful
reality to me – I was devastated by
this coming-of-age truth.
Because we were Jewish, my
Israel Fest: Fun for the Whole Community
On Sunday, November 4, over
family never had a tree, but Decem- 200 people came together to
ber in my home was always a fes- celebrate Israel’s 70th birthday
tive time. Every Christmas morning, at North Domingo Baca Park
Santa had magically slipped down in Albuquerque. The event fea-
the chimney and left me presents on tured a performance by Congre-
our fireplace hearth. We also lit Cha- gation Albert’s religious school
nukah candles on all eight nights and students, games and activities
we dined on latkes. There were eight for the whole family, schmooz-
nights of presents, too, although un- ing, birthday cupcakes, and
til my post-Santa Claus years they even Bamba (an Israeli peanut
were more modest than what Santa and puffed corn snack)! Partici-
brought me. pants from many different back-
We had other traditions as well. grounds and ways of life joined
On Christmas Day, my mother got in the celebration of Israel and
Kristin Gurule (left) and Deborah Sara Koplik (left) and Zach Benjamin welcome Nicole
up early to prepare a huge turkey our Jewish community.
Albrycht prepare for Israel Fest. Walker and Kenneth Brown from the Navajo Nation.
dinner. After my grandfather came
to live with us in 1945, we cele-
brated his birthday on December
25th and this meal became his birth-
day celebration. Grandpa Markus
hadn’t known his birthdate in the
Old Country, and when he had to
declare one after he immigrated, he
chose December 25th. He reasoned
that if the date was good enough for
one Jewish boy, it was good enough
for him.
But in 1949, when December
came again, I was in anguish. Al-
though I knew very well we were
Jewish, and my parents had been
hinting that Chanukah would be
very special this year, I ached for
a Christmas tree – something ab-
solutely forbidden in our home. As
only a nine-year-old can do, I tor-
mented my parents, nagging and Even the dogs were in a Religious school students from Congregation Albert perform.
generally irritating them non-stop festive mood.
with my pleas for a tree.
Finally, a few days before Christ-
mas and to my complete astonish-
ment, they gave in.
My mother took out a ball of

ber a nd
Rememlan ahead .
twine, a yardstick and some scis-
sors. Next, she carefully measured
and cut a 24-inch length, which she
handed to my brother, Don.
“Take Helen to the tree lot and
help her pick out one,” she directed
him. “But it can be no taller than the
length of this piece of twine.”
I was overjoyed, because even a The Jewish Section at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground:
small tree could be magnificent! In For Jewish People and Their Families
my mind’s eye, I was visualizing Simple, low cost, environmentally sound, and respectful.
how stunningly beautiful it would
be after I had decorated it.
But when my brother and I ar- For more information go to
rived at the tree lot on Tijeras, the
20 The New Mexico Jewish Link Fall/Winter 2018 - Stav/Horef 5779


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JCC Book Fest: Six Visiting Authors in 16 Days

By Phyllis Wolf

The 10th annual JCC book fest and

visiting author series (October 15-No-
vember1) is in the books! 425 book
lovers attended six author presenta-
tions which inspired, entertained, ed-
ucated and engaged. Rachel Kadish
kicked off this year’s series with over
120 attending on a Monday night. Au-
dience members gave her high acco-
lades: “energetic, charismatic speaker;
wonderful discussion of what fiction
is and how important it is an art form. Rachel Kadish and the JCC’s Book Fest audience.
I especially liked how the author set book selection committee.
about writing her novel.” Rosenstein’s Rhubarb & Elliott also will appear at ABQ NoshFest on Sun-
Additional highlights of this year’s received rave reviews. The 16 days day, January 13 at 2 pm as this year’s
fest included Izzy Ezagui, a young US wrapped up with a rousing presen- “Nosh Talk” featured chef. Amy
Jewish American man who served in tation by Stephen Fried, author of will discuss her best-selling Sweet
the IDF at 19, losing his arm in battle, Benjamin Rush, who brought to life Noshings: New Twists on Tradition-
and still returned to the frontlines after the early years of the founding of our al Jewish Desserts. With stories of
healing. Audience members repeated- country. Several in attendance com- life as a Jew in Texas, and plenty of
ly remarked that Izzy is “personable, mented: “I appreciated Fried’s enthu- kitsch, Amy’s modern interpretations
engaging and inspiring with great siasm and explanation of his use of of classic recipes bring new light to
warmth.” primary sources and how he shared old favorites and creates a whole new
Joyce Maynard, author of 16 books several situations of yesteryear that unique cuisine. Amy will also demo a
both fiction and nonfiction, charmed were relevant to those of today.” recipe and provide samples! For more
the audience with her openness, intel- The last speaker of the 2018-19 information about ABQ NoshFest and
ligence, poignancy, generosity. The Book Fest is celebrated Jewish chef, Nosh Talk, visit or
bagel luncheon prepared by Ruth author and blogger, Amy Kritzer, who

Make Your Reservations

Early for the
Jewish Federation of
New Mexico’s
Jane and Stephen Hochberg
Annual Community Seder of
Northern New Mexico
Friday, April 19th at 6:00pm
Drury Plaza Hotel
228 East Palace Avenue, Santa Fe NM 87501

Catered kosher-style by


For reservations, call Kristen Gurule at (505) 821-3214 or email

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