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The African Queen Stage 4

Before Reading Before reAdIng ChApTer 5

Encourage students to guess, but do not tell them

activities answers
the answers. They will find out as they read that the
before reading activities (page 77) relevant answers are 1 and 3.
ChApTers 5 And 6 whIlE READING
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 1+8 Although Rose and Charlie had become lovers,
ACTIVITY 2 BEFORE READING they both knew they would still continue with
Encourage students to speculate and to make the plan.
guesses, but do not tell them the answers. They will 2+10 The shaft and the propeller were very badly
find out as they read that the answers are 1b, 2b, damaged, but Rose was confident that Charlie
3a. could mend them.
3+6 When Rose and Charlie set off again down
river, they both said a secret goodbye to each
While Reading 4+9 In the delta the water was thick with weeds and
roots, which meant they had to pull the boat
ChApTers 1 And 2 whIlE READING
along by hand.
Rose was the unmarried sister of a missionary.
5+7 At last they came to the end of the mangrove
She admired her brother and always followed his
swamp and knew that they had succeeded in
advice. When he died, at first she felt afraid, but
reaching the lake.
her self-confidence soon returned and she began to
feel angry with the Germans. She was a woman of Before reAdIng ChApTers 7 And 8
strong character and was a quick learner, and soon Encourage students to guess, but do not tell them
realized that she could probably persuade Allnutt to the answers. They will find out as they read that
do what she wanted. what happens is 1a, 2c, and 3c.
Allnutt was a mechanic from London. He lived a
rough kind of life and was not well educated, but he
was very good with machinery and engines, and had
After Reading
a lot of experience of African rivers. He had a weak ACTIVITY 1  AFTER READING
character and did not like arguing, so he thought it 1 The British commander at Port Albert (page 69).
was best to agree with Rose’s plan for a while. A young officer has just told him that the Königin
Before reAdIng ChApTer 3 Luise is steaming towards the port with a white flag
Encourage students to guess, but do not tell them flying.
the answers. They will find out as they read that the 2 Rose (page 22). She has just emptied all the gin
answers are Rose’s plan, two days, and Rose. bottles over the side of the boat, to punish Charlie
for getting drunk and for refusing to agree to her
ChApTers 3 And 4 whIlE READING
1 Why . . .? Because it was more trouble to argue with 3 The German officer at Shona (page 26). He and
her than to obey her. his men have just failed to stop the African Queen,
2 What . . .? About taking the boat past Shona and which is now steaming away from Shona down the
down the rapids. river.
3 Who . . .? Rose 4 Samuel (page 4). He has just said prayers with
4 What . . .? She emptied all the gin bottles over the Rose but is seriously ill with fever, and knows he is
side of the boat. probably going to die.
© Oxford University Press

5 Who . . .? Allnutt 5 The captain of the Königin Luise (page 71). Shots
6 Why . . .? Because he could not live with Rose’s from the British motorboats have just hit his engine-
silence, and he wasn’t intelligent enough to win the room, and he knows he cannot save his ship.
battle against her. 6 Charlie (page 49). He has just climbed back onto the
7 What . . .? He thought Rose and Allnutt were boat, after clearing weeds from the propeller, and
coming to surrender. discovered that he is covered in leeches.
8 Why . . .? Because they had got past Shona, escaped
the Germans, and survived the first rapids.

oxford bookworms library stage 4  the african Queen

Students can complete this conversation how they Acceptable answers to this cloze passage are any
like. Some suggestions: words that have an appropriate meaning and fit
RepoRteR: So, Miss Sayer, you and Mr Allnutt left the the grammar of the sentences. Students might like
village and set off down the Ulanga. Go on with to check each other’s work and discuss alternative
your story. answers. Some alternatives are given below.
activities answers

Rose: Well, we went down river towards Shona, but Recently Rose Sayer, a British missionary’s sister,
just before we got there, we stopped for a couple of and her friend Charlie Allnutt, a mechanic, brought
days. We had – well, we had a bit of an argument, the African Queen, an old steamboat, down the
you see. Ulanga into Lake Wittelsbach, where they planned to
RepoRteR: An argument? What was that about, then? destroy the German gunboat, Königin Luise. It was
Rose: I wanted to go on past Shona to the lake, and then a very dangerous (difficult, frightening, risky) journey.
use the explosives we had to make some torpedoes, Spengler had done it before, but (although) he was in
so that we could attack the German gunboat. But a canoe, which is (was) easier to take through rapids.
Charlie thought it was too dangerous. The Germans However, these two brave people survived. Their
would shoot at us as we went past Shona, and even if propeller broke and they had to stop to mend (repair)
we got past, we would never get through the rapids. it, and in the delta they had to battle through reeds
But in the end Charlie agreed to-try. and a mangrove swamp. When they finally reached
RepoRteR: So you went on and got past Shona. Then the lake, they fixed their torpedoes onto the boat and
you were in the rapids. Weren’t you frightened, Miss after dark set off to attack (hit, ram, sink) the Königin
Sayer? Luise. Sadly, they did not succeed. That night there
Rose: Not really. I found it terribly exciting. There was a terrible (violent, sudden) storm, and the African
wasn’t time to think about anything except steering Queen sank before it reached the gunboat.
through the rocks. But it was frightening when we The attack failed, but the story has a happy ending.
hit a rock and damaged the propeller. On their journey Rose and Charlie fell in love, and last
RepoRteR: The propeller? But how did you manage to week they got (were) married here in Matadi. We all
fix it in the middle of the forest? wish them a long and happy life together (ahead).
Rose: Oh, Charlie is wonderful at mending things. He
took off the shaft and the propeller under water.
Open answers. Ask students to explain why they
Then he straightened the shaft, and mended the
think some headlines are better than others.
propeller with a piece of old boiler.
RepoRteR: Well, Mr Allnutt certainly sounds a very ACTIVITY 5 AFTER READING
clever mechanic. And what happened when you got Open answers. Encourage discussion.
to the delta?
Rose: That was very hard work. We had to pull the
Open answers. Encourage discussion and group
boat by hand through very narrow channels in
the reeds, then through a lake of water-lilies, and
Students might like to know the ending of the famous
finally through a mangrove swamp.
1951 Hepburn/Bogart film. The African Queen
RepoRteR: But why couldn’t you use the engine?
overturned in the storm but remained floating upside
Rose: Because the water was full of weeds and roots,
down, with the torpedoes still in place. The next
and we were afraid of damaging the propeller again.
morning the Königin Luise is shown steaming straight
RepoRteR: What a terrible journey! And then in the lake
towards the half-submerged Queen, while on board the
you made your torpedoes and planned your attack.
Germans are about to hang Rose and Charlie as spies.
Rose: Yes, but the attack failed. There was a storm on
As the nooses are prepared, Charlie asks the captain to
the lake and the boat sank. The Germans found us
marry him and Rose. The captain does so, with a few
on the islands and took us prisoner, and then took
terse sentences, and then the ropes are put round Rose’s
us to Port Albert and gave us to the British. And
and Charlie’s necks. As the order to hang them is given,
they sent us down to Matadi.
the Luise hits the torpedoes. Amid the explosions and
RepoRteR: Well, at least you’re not German prisoners
© Oxford University Press

fires, Rose and Charlie jump off the ship. Then the
of war. What are your plans now?
Luise explodes, and the last scene of the film is of a
Rose: Charlie and I are getting married tomorrow.
laughing and jubilant Mr and Mrs Allnutt swimming
RepoRteR: Tomorrow? Oh, that’s wonderful! May I
towards the shore of the Belgian Congo.
come to the wedding and take some photographs?

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stage 44  the african Queen

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