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All Taxpayers
1 Are you married?
2 Have you ever been disallowed the EITC/AOTC/CTC? If so, when?
3 If you are a single parent, where's the other parent of your child(ren)?
4 What is the name of the other parent?
5 Why is the other parent of the child(ren) not claiming the child(ren)?
6 Explain why the dependent(s) have different last names than the taxpayer.
7 If you are separated or divorced, when did you last live in the same house?
8 Do you have joint custody of your child(ren)?
9 How long did the child(ren) live in your home during this tax year?
10 How long did your child(ren) live in the other parent's home during this tax year?
11 How much income did the other parent have during this tax year?
12 Do you have a signed Form 8332 in place?
13 Did anyone else live in the home that provides financial support for your child(ren) and/or dependent(s)?
14 Can anyone else claim your dependent(s) as a dependent on their tax return?
15 Is your dependent married?
16 If you live alone, who babysits while you work? For children 12 and younger.
17 Do you receive any other type of supplemental, non-taxable income such as child support, welfare benefits, social security, etc.?
Not Biological Child
18 If this is not your biological child, what is your relationship to the dependent?
19 Did the dependent live in your home for more than 6 months of the tax year?
20 Who are the biological parents?
21 Where do the biological parents live?
22 What were the circumstances leading to the dependent(s) being placed in your home?
23 Do you receive any financial aid for this child, such as WIC, Medicaid, SNAP, etc.?
24 Are you listed as the guardian for this dependent on school records, medical records, daycare records, or place of worship records?
College Credits
25 What college did the student attend?
26 Did the student attend at least half-time?
27 Was the student degree seeking?
28 Did the student receive a tuition statement from the school?
29 If you are claiming expenses for books and other required materials, if not provided, can you produce the receipt for the expenses?
30 How many years has the student claimed the AOTC, if claiming?

31 Has the student been convicted of any drug related felonies?

Disabled (Any Age)
32 If your dependent is over the age of 18 and disabled, what is their medical condition?
33 Has this dependent been declared disabled by a licensed physician? If so, can you provide documentation?
34 Does the dependent receive social security/disability benefits? If yes, how much do they receive?
35 As you listed as the Social Security Representative Payee for this dependent?
36 Is the dependent expected to recover in the next year?
37 If this is not your biological child, why is this child living with you and not their biological parents?
38 Where are the biological parents of this dependent?
39 Who cares for the dependent while you're at work?
Filing Status: Single
40 Are there others that lived in your home that are not reported on this tax return?
41 What is their relationship to you?
42 What is their income?
Filing Status: Head of Household
43 Do you pay for more than 1/2 the cost of keeping up the home?
44 Are there others that lived in your home that are not reported on this tax return?
45 What is their relationship to you?
46 What is their income?
47 Do you receive public assistance, such as welfare benefits, foodstamps, child support, etc.?
48 How much are your monthly utilities?
49 How much are your month grocery receipts?

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