RE - Meeting With Putnam and Van Wert County PDF

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From: "Richard Osgood" <>

To: "Jeff Sprague" <>
Date: 9/10/2018 2:03:37 PM
Subject: RE: Meeting with Putnam and Van Wert County

Interesting. We have one down here. It’s half in Piqua and half in township. Not very sexy, unlike all those urban tracts that can
generate great press, but we’ll do our best to market it.
You sent me a calendar invite for Saturday, 9/22, @ 3AM to meet Putnam. I really, really want to accommodate, but unless I can
get my wife to take a weekend trip to lovely Ottawa, which I could likely convince her if it was the Canada Ottawa, I might need to
request a new day/time . . . 
From: Jeff Sprague
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 3:55 PM
To: Richard Osgood
Subject: Re: Meeting with Putnam and Van Wert County
The zones are in the City of Lima. We have a difficult time getting the city administration on board with economic
development projects. We recently had a $5M market rate condo project and it was never endorsed by the city. We were able
to get the Lima City Schools to approve a 10 year CRA, however, that took many meetings and it received several no votes.
Another example, our hospital is starting a medical residency program (100 residency docs) and they city told them they had
nothing that could help them improve the infrastructure around the hospital.
That was just a little history, as it relates to the Opportunity Zones, the city has not come back to us on what type of project(s)
they would support. Validates why we are having conversation with you, Van Wert and Putnam Counties.

From: Richard Osgood < >

Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 3:45:02 PM
To: Jeff Sprague
Subject: RE: Meeting with Putnam and Van Wert County
Perfect. Thank you. I see you have three Opportunity Zone tracts in Lima. Have you thought yet about how you want to facilitate
that program?
From: Spraguej < >
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 2:56 PM
To: Richard Osgood < >
Subject: Meeting with Putnam and Van Wert County
I have confirmed Sept 21st meetings with Putnam and Van Wert. 10:00 with Putnam and 1:00 with Van Wert. I’ll send a
Meeting invite for our calendars when I get back into the office.


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