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Page | 0 7/2015
The Caruso Corporate Concierge...........................................................................................................2
We Succeed with Teamwork..................................................................................................................2
Training Agenda....................................................................................................................................3
Our Service Basics.................................................................................................................................3
Concierge Standards.............................................................................................................................4
8500 Burton Way..................................................................................................................................5
Scavenger Hunt:....................................................................................................................................6
Tools Of The Trade.................................................................................................................................7
Log Ins..................................................................................................................................................7
Sequence of a s Request......................................................................................................................11
Follow up..................................................................................................................................................................................11
Concierge Tasks...................................................................................................................................12
Opening Procedures.................................................................................................................................................................13
Closing Procedures...................................................................................................................................................................13
Grocery Shopping.....................................................................................................................................................................14
Dry Cleaning.............................................................................................................................................................................14
In Office Dinning.......................................................................................................................................................................15
Daily Side Work.........................................................................................................................................................................16
Event Planning..........................................................................................................................................................................16
Restaurant Reservations...........................................................................................................................................................16
Miscellaneous Requests...........................................................................................................................................................16
Uniform & Grooming................................................................................................................................................................17
Formal vs. Familiar....................................................................................................................................................................17
“Next Level” Service............................................................................................................................19
Residential Profiles...................................................................................................................................................................19
RJC Service................................................................................................................................................................................19
Complaints & Opportunities.....................................................................................................................................................20
Emergency Procedures........................................................................................................................21
Posting Positions.................................................................................................................................22
Sequence of Service – Departure.........................................................................................................23
Scripting Scenarios..............................................................................................................................23
Scripting Scenarios..............................................................................................................................24
Top 25 Quiz...................................................................................................................................................26

Page | 1 7/2015

The Concierge are here to enhance the experience and give back time to the corporate office employees
of The Masonic Temple. The Concierge is accountable for creating an unparalleled experience for all. By
familiarizing s with the property, services & amenities in a proactive manner, you will truly have the
opportunity to integrate our employees into a full Caruso experience. You are the main point of contact -
always stand tall, give a sincere welcome with a warm smile, and offer prompt assistance.

Welcome to the Family!


 The Concierge Desk and all of the areas surrounding it should always be clean and in proper
working condition. It is your responsibility to inform you Manager if something is broken.
 You are required to keep all corporate information completely confidential at all times as well as
maintain proper control of their car keys.
 Every job at Caruso Affiliated is an integral part to our success; we are expected to do our part.
 Take any opportunity to make your job more enjoyable. It is obvious to our coworkers when you
are not having fun at work.
 You are never to say that’s not my job or it isn’t my responsibility.

Page | 2 7/2015
Day Area to be covered
Day 1 Uniform Fitting, General Overview,
Meet the Team, Tour of Property
Day 2 Concierge Standards
Go Concierge Training.
Day 3 Office Etiquette
Taking a Concierge Request
Day 4 Scavenger Hunt pg#15 / What is located Where?
Begin Shadowing other departments
Day 5 Shadow other departments (Masonic & AAB)

Day 6 Shadow other departments (Masonic & AAB)

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10 Next Level Service

Creating that “Wow” moment or experience
Day 11 Shadow P&P’s
Operating Systems (Outlook, Go Con)
Day 12 Shadow P&P’s
Operating Systems
Day 13 Shadow P&P’s
Operating Systems
Day 14 Working with supervision

Day 15 Working with supervision

The Success of this Training depends on you. You are encouraged to listen actively and take
notes. Please also feel free to ask questions and share your experiences. Don’t forget to be
punctual and always apply what you lean on the job.

You can also expect constructive feedback, remember to receive it positively as it is truly meant
to help you succeed in your new role.

Thank you for being a part of something Great!

Page | 3 7/2015
All ambassadors, regardless of position, are to follow our Service Basics:
 Acknowledge each employee with a smile, eye contact, and proper greeting.
 Communicate with professional language avoiding slang or pretention.
 Lateral Service, everyone does everything (which includes keeping the property clean and safe).
 Escorting employees, always walk them to their destination whenever possible – directing with
an open hand.
 Anticipation opportunities should be sought out on every interaction.
 Never Say “No” or “I don’t know”, we can always find the answer.
 Sincere Thank you while offering a fond farewell.
 Name Usage, find out our employees and clients names and use them.
 Area and Product Knowledge; be well versed about your property and surrounding area.
 Give it your All! The reward is much greater when you do this every day.

1. Concierge will offer a sincere greeting including Good (morning, afternoon, evening) as well as
offering other ways to be of service with a parting gesture.
2. Concierge will always remain calm and organized, giving the resident an unhurried impression
while always being attentive, such as: standing to assist, coming around the desk, handing over
items with two hands.
3. Employees waiting will be acknowledged when in view.
4. Concierge will listen carefully to all requests asking questions and taking notes if needed in order
to determine the full and complete needs.
5. Concierge will demonstrate knowledge that makes their recommendations feel insightful
anticipating transportation requirements or other needs.
6. Concierge Ambassador is to be well versed in all aspects of the property including: surrounding
areas, features, technical aspects, history, and basics of other positions.
7. Concierge can readily produce brochures, maps, menus, as well as giving printed confirmations of
any bookings or reservations.
8. Phone service will be efficient, including; answered within three rings; no hold longer than 1
minute; or, in the case of longer holds, a call-back should be offered.
9. If a follow-up call or task is required, then an accurate estimate of completion time will be given,
and met.
10. Concierge will speak to employees in an attentive, natural and courteous manner, avoiding

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 Employees always should feel that Ambassadors are happy to see them.
 When interacting with an employee, appropriate and professional communication skills will be
used. All Ambassadors will be aware of their body language, tone of voice and the language used
when communicating with another employee. Ambassadors will be extremely well-spoken, using
no slang.
 Ambassadors will make an effort to remember all of the corporate employee’s names and then
use the name in a natural and discreet manner.
 Ambassadors will always ensure that conversations with employees remain comfortable,
professional and appropriate and therefore Ambassadors will not converse with employees about
their social lifestyles
 Ambassadors will interrupt all current activities in a public area as a employee approaches and
acknowledge the employee appropriately
 Conversations with colleagues will cease to continue while the employee is in earshot
 Ambassadors will ensure a clean and organized work area in employee view and will move all
things out of the way that might affect the employee experience (i.e. equipment, tools etc.)
 Ambassadors will maintain an alert posture and approachable body language (i.e. no hands in
pockets, folded arms, or leaning on furniture)

 When placing a call on the radio, hold the button for
1 second before speaking and do not let go until finished.
 Talk across the receiver and not directly into it.
(holding it at the side of your mouth and not in front)
 Be brief as radios are for short conversations,
anything longer should be on the phone or in person.
 Always repeat the message back so you fully understand.
 When answering a call on the radio, wait until the person is finished to talk back.

For example if the person says: “Lucy can bring more Blue Label for Mr. Caruso”
We should say: “Hello this is Lucy, yes I will bring more Blue Label.”
Never just say: “OK or Sure”

Danger Zones:
Never have your radio on speaker mode– this disturbs those who are nearby.
Never report sensitive information over the radios – pick up a phone for this.

Page | 5 7/2015
 Ambassadors will hold the door open and allow all employees to exit then invite all residents to
enter the elevator prior to entering him/herself
 “Mr. Smith, after you please”.
 Ambassadors will touch the employees key on the
elevator proximity pad and push the floor button for all
employees inside the elevator
 Initiating conversation is a key element in hospitality and
is required when escorting employees in the elevator,
unless employees are engaged in their own conversation
 Employees will always arrive at their destination prior to
Ambassadors in the same elevator
 Ambassadors who enter an elevator occupied with employees
and are travelling to a different floor, will allow employees
to arrive at their destination first, before proceeding to push
the button for his/her destination floor


 When entering an office, Ambassadors will:
o Check with the Administrative Assistant first.
o If Admin is not available:
 Scan the scene to ensure you are not interrupting (on a call, in a meeting)
 Make eye contact, knock, and ask if it is a good time.
 “Good (time of day), Mr. Smith, Is it a good time to go over the details of your
vacation arrangements?
 When entering an office, Ambassadors will:
o Check with the Administrative Assistant first.
o If Admin is not available:
 Scan the scene to ensure you are not interrupting (on a call, in a meeting)
 Make eye contact, knock, and ask if it is a good time.
 “Good (time of day), Mr. Smith, Is it a good time to go over the details of your
vacation arrangements?


 When entering an office, Ambassadors will:
o Check with the Administrative Assistant first.
o If Admin is not available:
 Scan the scene to ensure you are not interrupting (on a call, in a meeting)
 Make eye contact, knock, and ask if it is a good time.
 “Good (time of day), Mr. Smith, Is it a good time to go over the details of your
vacation arrangements?

Page | 6 7/2015

No Problem Certainly, My Pleasure, You’re Welcome

Hold on, Hold Please Would you mind waiting for a moment while I find out

It’s not my job Allow me to find out for you.

You guys, Dudes Use the Residents Name.

Yup Yes, Certainly, Absolutely

OK My Pleasure, Allow me.

Hi Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening.

Will do, You bet Allow me to take care of that for you.

See ya Goodbye, I hope to see you again soon.

Wait a sec May I ask you to hold one moment.

Just a minute It will just be a minute, do you mind waiting.

I will transfer you (resident on phone) One moment please while I connect you.

List five phrases or words that you use that can be considered slang or just very casual?
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
On the second line fill in some more luxurious alternatives.

Ask your trainer for their phrases or words that they are personally trying to improve on.

Page | 7 7/2015

1. Find where the dry cleaning is picked up / how many racks are there?

2. Find the concierge refrigerator?


3. Find the employee break room, what are some of the amenities?

4. How many emergency exits are there?


5. Where is the parking office located, what is the managers name and number?

6. Where is the housekeeping office located, what is the managers name and number?

7. Where is the security office located, what is the managers name and number?

8. What items do we have in the “Oh Dear” box?


9. How long does it take to get to Target and back?


10. Where can an guest get their shoes repaired?


11. Find the Parking Office, bring back a list of tenants who validate.

Page | 8 7/2015


System User Name Password

Go Concierge
I phone
I pad
Main Computer Login
Wireless Network
Wireless Network AAB
Voice Mail

Page | 9 7/2015
You will be using GoConcierge on a daily basis, several times throughout the day. GoConcierge or “GO” as we call it
is an all in one tracking/logging/information source/resident history/communications tool. Everything that we do
gets logged in GO for future reference.

This application is best learned with a “hands on” approach. By the completion of your entire training you should
feel comfortable doing the following tasks in GO.

 Creating a New Task

 Knowledge of color codes: Open / Closed / Pending / Notes / CXL’ed
 Editing an Existing Task
 Adding a Reminder
 Using the Quick Keys
 Sending Confirmations
 Search for a Residents Profile
 Search for a Vendor
 Lookup and input Resident CreditCard information
 Run Task Reports
 Create New Profiles
 Set up a Re-Occurring Task

Page | 10 7/2015
MICROSOFT OUTLOOK Is it ok to use your work email for
Email Etiquette personal use?
 Response time – Same day. ______________________________
 Salutation – Address emails by name (ex. Mr. Smith)
 Sign Off – Include your full name, not just your initials Do you have to follow the same
 Include Contact Information at end of Email protocol when sending an email to a
 Tone – Professional, courteous, respectful coworker?
 Include “Thank You” if an inquiry

Read all closing notes from the previous night / as well as your
days off.

Read through the “Sent” box.

Follow up on any email that has not been responded to.


Telephone Etiquette

Page | 11 7/2015
 Answer within 3 rings and with a “smile”
 Ask if you may place the employee on hold; await a reply before doing so
 Always inform the employee that you will be transferring or placing the caller on hold
 Be warm and polite; do not sound rushed or annoyed
 Always say “thank you” for calling
 Return all messages in Voice Mail within (2) Business Days

What would you do if multiple calls come in while you are on the line with a Vice President?

What is the proper/standard greeting we use at the Concierge Desk?


Where can you find a list of extensions for the company?


Where do we send the calls when we are gone for the night?

Page | 12 7/2015


You will be fielding and handling requests from our

Residents every day. The requests can range from
something as simple as looking up the local weather
to as crazy as shipping a family pet overseas (yes this
actually happened).

Some tasks may seem daunting at times and may also

come in all at once. No matter how big, how many,
how crazy the task may be - we are always true to our
service basic of “Never Saying No” and remembering
that anything is possible.

To make it simple any request or task that comes in CONFIRMATION

can be broken down into the following 5 steps.


Page | 13 7/2015
List 10 possible needs that an employee would call us for:
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________ Try to avoid back and forth calls
4. __________________________________ regarding the request. Get as much
5. __________________________________ information you can on the first call.
6. __________________________________ The next call should be the
7. __________________________________ confirmation.
8. __________________________________
9. __________________________________
10. __________________________________
All of these request can be solved by applying our steps of service.

When to use and open ended question, give an example.

When to use a closed ended question, give an example.


 Give a minimum of 3 options to choose from.
 What two
 Consistently do research on shopping, restaurants, local venues, events. Make yourself the expert
on these subjects.
 What two items must be included in a confirmation?
 What are the 3 methods we use to confirm a reservation to a resident?
 Be careful not to send numerous emails.
 When should you? Send a letter vs. sending an email vs. calling them on the phone?

What two items must be included in a confirmation?
What are the 3 methods we use to confirm a reservation to a resident?

Page | 14 7/2015
In this section we will explore some common request that come in from our corporate employees.

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Set up your day for success (and your co-workers day as well)
 Pass on from previous shift
 Make the Lobby Coffee
 Closing communications from previous concierge
 Set up / Open /LogIn all computer systems for the day
o Outlook / GoConcierge / Website Favorites
 Organize deliveries / dry cleaning / in office dinning forms / grocery forms
 Check Calendar & cross reference it with GoConcierge
 Scan GoConcierge for
o Special bookings and requests
o Cross check the previous day
 Read Daily Discussion
 Charge the i-pads
 Charge Radios
 Print Vendor Check In and Out List (a new one every day).
 Check in will all departments / Valet, Engineering, Housekeeping,
 Do a loop of the office.
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________

 Create Closing Communication
 Pass along all pertinent information to Grove Concierge
 Organize and tidy up your area
 Ensure that all tasks in GoConcierge are Closed.
 Lock up i
 Check for any early morning Housecar reservations and ensure we have a Driver scheduled.
 Check in will all departments / Valet, Engineering, Housekeeping, Leasing for any additional pass-
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________

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 Here are a few of the vendors that we use for Pantry Stocking:
o Target
o F&B Vendors

What do you say if an employee tells you an item is missing?


What if you get a request for groceries but only have 1hour to fulfil the order?

How to
 Enter number of outgoing number of pieces / name / unit number /special requests
 Enter incoming pieces / Employee name

Can our Dry Cleaning vendor do rush orders? How quick?


What do you do if an employee says that her very expensive suit has been damaged?

What do you do if the resident says there shirt missing?


Can we pick up and drop off items is employees cars?

Vendor 1 ___________________________ Contact Information_________________________________

Vendor 2 ___________________________ Contact Information_________________________________

Page | 17 7/2015
The Onsite Vendors:
 Katsuya
 The CheeseCake Factory
 Bar Verde
 DeLucas
 Amici
 Granville

An employee wants a dish from a specific restaurant that does not deliver, what would you do?

What do you do if a restaurant requires a physical credit card to pay for the order?

What if you have multiple orders coming in at one time?


What are some checks that we do to make sure the order and total are correct?


How to
 Enter all deliveries in GoCon, sending a confirmation after an item is placed in a car.
 Find out where someone is parked, getting and returning their keys.
 What items are ok to place in a car, where to place them in a car. (dry cleaning, groceries, a

What if an employee is claiming that an item was not placed in their car?
What do you do if an employees car keys went missing?

What do you do if an employee left without notifying you they needed their groceries delivered?
Page | 18 7/2015
 Walk building and tenant areas to see if anyone is in need of assistance. Be sensitive not to
interrupt or be too intrusive. This should feel natural.
 Make sure GoCon is up to date.
 Enter any needed work orders.
 Clear offices of old food order containers.
 Check in with other departments – give and gather information.
 Continue to add items to the Pass-On.
 Educate yourself on happening things to do in the city, special sales, and so on…

We have planned and facilitated numerous events such as:
 Vacation Planning (including hotel, airfare, car rental…)
 Birthdays and special visits to the properties.
 Bachelorette and Bachelor parties.
 Local area Venue options
 Congratulatory gift baskets.


Your trainer will pretend they are calling down to inquire about throwing a birthday
party. You will need to ask proper follow up questions to begin the planning process.

 Concierge will inquire with the resident his/her preferences to further assist with more
personalized and customized recommendations available for residents
o “What type of cuisine do you prefer?”
o “What type of food are you in the mood for?”
o “What is your preferred time and are you flexible should the exact time be unavailable?
o “What type of ambience/atmosphere are you looking for?”
o “Were you celebrating any special occasion?”
 Concierge will recommend a minimum of three (3) restaurants and describe cuisine, atmosphere, dress
code and anticipate transportation needs
o Cuisine – French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Mexican, etc.
o Atmosphere – Romantic, Quiet, Hip, Children Friendly, Business, Formal
o Dress code – Casual, Business, Semi-formal, Formal
 Information that will be required prior to making reservation:
o Date
o Time Preferred
 Determine if resident are flexible should time requested is unavailable
o Number of People

Page | 19 7/2015
Name five of the most requested restaurants by employees?

If a particular restaurant is booked what would you do?


How do you build that “Concierge” relationship with the restaurants?


 ?
 Request that feel like you are doing someone else’s work.
 Fulfilling the “out of the ordinary” request.

Page | 20 7/2015
 All uniforms shall be stored and cared for with respect, professionally cleaned and pressed or
ironed regularly. Each ambassador is responsible for the condition of their uniform and shall take
pride in wearing it.
 Each ambassador is to wear their property-issued name badge and Caruso “C”.

 Each member is a Caruso Ambassador when in uniform: uphold the Credo and Basics at all times.
Eating, smoking, swearing, chewing gum, cell phone usage, hands-free device usage, or applying
make-up in uniform in public is prohibited.

 Hair shall be trimmed, kept a natural color & styled
 No facial hair
 No visible tattoos
 Well-trimmed nails; no polish
 Jewelry shall be kept to a minimum
 A non-obtrusive watch…one ring per hand…no earrings,
necklaces, or bracelets
 Hair shall be styled away from the face with a smooth,
clean look
 Natural colored hair only.
 Well-trimmed nails: clear or French manicure nail polish
 No visible tattoos
 Jewelry shall be kept to a minimum:
 A non-obtrusive watch…one ring per hand…small
earrings only (1/2” maximum) limited to one per
necklaces, no bracelets


 Ambassadors will ensure that conversations with employees remain comfortable professional and
 Ambassadors will always remain professional even when another is not.
Ambassadors will not initiate conversations about their personal life.
Ambassadors will not offer opinions unless asked to do so.
Ambassadors will steer clear of subjects such as religion or politics.

Page | 21 7/2015
For a small business owner, finding a good vendor is like finding a good mechanic or a good dentist —
you stick with them for as long as possible. Your vendors and suppliers are a necessity of you being able
to do your job. Maintaining a good relationship with them is key. Take time to get to know them and
always communicate in a professional manner.

Insert vendor list.

Page | 22 7/2015
Likes & dislikes
Using the Go Concierge Profile to your advantage


Super VIP
Ask your trainer the level of service we provide RJC.
Never say No

Other Concierge
Restaurant Managers
Keep relationships fresh
S.W.A.G. / Socialize With A Goal

All employees including any celebrities or high profile visitors are to be given the anonymity that they
expect. Employees are to refrain from making any reference, calling attention to celebrities, or disclosing
any information. Additionally, employees are prohibited from soliciting employment, requesting
autographs or forwarding resumes/headshots to residents.

An employee is asking about information regarding vacation arrangements that you are planning for
another, “I hear you are planning Vince B’s vacation, when is he leaving, how much is it?”

How do you respond? ________________________________________________________________

Lew Horne had you organize a VIP party on his boat, Bill Gates/Mark Wahlberg/Snooki/and many
more are in attendance.

Snooki ask you to join her for a drink - How do you respond?

Bill Gates asks you for RJC’s cellphone number - How do you respond?

A person passing by ask you to introduce them to Mark Wahlberg - How do you respond?

Page | 23 7/2015
 Ambassadors will provide extreme care when handling employee complaints.
 All ambassadors will take care of opportunities and issues and not simply pass them off or sweep
them under the rug.
 We must inform a manager no matter how small the issue / our goal is to fix it and learn from it.
 When a resident complains about service, Ambassadors will L.E.A.P. to fix the situation.

You Should:
1. Remain calm and not take the situation personally.
2. Listen
 Show proper eye contact and body language (show empathy in your face, nod
your head), take mental notes or written notes.
 Active and careful listening to what the resident is saying
 Do not assume you know how to solve a problem without even listening to the
3. Empathize
 Show genuine sensitivity and concern with solving the problem. Verbally recap
some of what they said. Let the resident know that you will try to help them to
the best of your ability. Apologize.
4. Ask the resident questions about the incident to get the details of what happened.
 Every employee has different reasons for why they have a complaint. We cannot
assume that we know exactly how he/she would like the problem rectified
therefore asking questions without interrogating the resident will lead us in the
right direction for each situation.
5. Produce
 Offer the appropriate solutions to the problem with alternatives. This may require
another Ambassador or Manager to help solve the problem. Thank the resident
for the feedback. If you are unsure of how to fix the problem let them know that
you will inform a Manager. Then do it.

 Inform a manager of every complaint

 Look how we can improve the process so the issue doesn’t happen again
 Log the issue in the employees GoCon profile so we can be sensitive to the issue in the future.
A SVP is screaming over the phone regarding a reservation that was made for the wrong day – what
is your response?

An employees is complaining about a food order that is cold, what do you say?

You feel that an employee is abusing our services and is being unprofessional, what do you do?
Page | 24 7/2015

Page | 25 7/2015

An emergency is defined as an unforeseen combination of circumstances that calls for an immediate

response. While emergencies cannot P predictedP
beOSTING with accuracy, proper emergency procedures and
training will minimize damage and reduce the impact of potentially dangerous situations.

A biohazard is any incident involving blood or other potentially infectious materials. Blood means
human blood, blood products, or blood components. When responding to incidents or accidents in
which there is a potential for SERVICE
exposure, crisis team–members
DEPARTURE must utilize protective
equipment such as rubber gloves and CPR micro shields. Whenever possible crisis response team
members must avoid physical contact with biohazard material
EARTHQUAKES Greet & Welcome Closethe
Door- -
Greet & Welcome Close
Earthquakes generally last a relatively short period of time and do little or no damage;
Exiting however, the
effect of the earthquake on people at The Grove may be significant. Even in the most minor quakes,
employees should be prepared to offer assistance to guests who may be emotionally shaken.
Fire can quickly result in the loss of life and/or property and must be responded to quickly. In the
event of a fire, Receive
be Request
prepared to give as much information as possible about Offer Parting
type of fire, the
Request Offer
location and cause. At no time will Public Safety respond to a fire, regardlessRemarks
Remarks without the
of size,
Dispatch simultaneously calling the Fire Department. The potential for the fire to quickly become
uncontrollable or flare up is tremendous, as is the risk to personal safety. Local fire authorities may
grant an exception to this requirement for notification for small-contained fires.
To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym P.A.S.S.
P – Pull the theCar
pinthe Car OfferAssistance
“Pull” Offer
A – Aim the Nozzle
S – Squeeze the handle
S – Sweep at the fire (A sweeping motion at the base of the fire will be most effective)
The Property Manager in conjunction withOpen Open
the Vehicle
Caruso Door office will most often make the
Vehicle Door
decision to evacuate. Circumstances may exist which require another staff member to make the
decision in conjunction with local authorities or the corporate office. Evacuations will be conducted in
an orderly fashion via the main pedestrian routes or the rear exits if they are determined to be the
safest option. The major tenants may implement their corporate policy.
 During an evacuation it is important that all personnel remain calm and professional when
assisting the guests. It goes without saying ... Any hint of panic will have an adverse impact on
the public.
 Meet at either the corner of ???????????????????????????????????????????

Page | 26 7/2015

Scenario Scripting
We have a selection of menus for you to choose from or if you'd like, we can have the concierge
How can I order food? recommend something for you.

Who delivers here We have a selection of menus for you to choose from or if you'd like for nearby places that deliver here.
How can I get my car
washed We have a preferred carwash available for you or there are some local options if you'd like
Let me see if I can assist you with that. Or It looks like this will need to be seen by an Apple Employee. The
Can you fix my I phone concierge can call the Apple Store at the Grove.
We have a selection of menus for you to choose from or if you'd like, we can have the concierge
How can I order food? recommend something for you.
Late pull up of car, resident Thank you for your patience. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will go check on that right away for you.
upset We'll work hard to make sure this does not happen in the future.
Upset about fees for I apologize. We can take your information and have management contact you about considering your
services request.
I am so sorry. May we assist you in trying to find the item? We can do a full investigation and file a claim if
Missing items from vehicles the item is not found.

Page | 27 7/2015
1. What Grove restaurants take a credit card over the phone?
2. How much is a car wash? How much for an SUV?
3. What is the additional charge for a grocery delivery?
4. Name 3 daily side duties that you can do?
5. Where is the nearest pharmacy?
6. Where is the nearest hospital?
7. Where is the nearest bank machine/ATM?
8. Can you have liquor/wine delivered?
9. When does fed ex pick up?
10.Who can reserve the boardroom?
11.Who can reserve the conference rooms?
12.Other than The Grove, what high-end restaurants would you recommend?
13.How quick is “rush service” for dry cleaning?
14.Do we have any “hook ups” in Las Vegas?
15.What are some options to arrange a birthday for at 5 year old boy?
16.What are the normal operating hours of the Corporate Office?
17.Who usually arrives to the office early?
18.Who is usually staying in the office late?
19.What would you do if an employee car was damaged while out on a gas run?
20.What is _____________ favorite basketball team?
21.What is ____________ favorite dish from Bourbon Steak?
22.How does David Josker take his coffee?
23.What is Lew Hornes favorite drink?
24.How do you recover after saying something (inappropriate, off color, meant to be a
25.What are our goals?
Page | 28 7/2015
Task Date Trainee Trainer
Service Standards
Caruso Service Basics
Concierge Standards
Corporate Office Etiquette
Tools of the Trade

Page | 29 7/2015
Go Concierge
Sequence of Service
Receive – Assess – Confirm – Follow up.
Concierge Tasks
Opening Procedures
Closing Procedures
In Office Dinning
Grocery Shopping
Delivery Requests (Office & Car)
Restaurant Reservations
Rest Room Amenities
Daily Side Work
Dry Cleaning
Event Planning
Misc. Requests. (auto wash, vacations, tailors)
Policy & Additional Facts
Formal vs. Familiar
Surrounding Community – S.W.A.G.
Next Level Service
Knowing the boundaries
Adding a “Wow” touch
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation Location
Emergency Preparedness

Page | 30 7/2015

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