附件2.2019MajorsforUndergraduateStudents 1

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英文授课专业 English medium majors

航空学院 School of Aeronautics Aeronautical Engineering

航天学院 School of Astronautics Astronautics Engineering

航海学院 School of Marine Science and Technology Ocean Engineering

材料学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering

机电学院 School of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering
School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture

电子信息学院 School of Electronics and Information Electronics & Information Engineering

自动化学院 School of Automation Electrical Engineering and Automation

计算机学院 School of Computer Science and Technology Computer Science & Technology

管理学院 School of Management Business Administration

生命学院 School of Life Sciences Biotechnology

中文授课专业 Chinese medium majors

飞行器设计与工程 Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering

School of Aeronautics
飞行器控制与信息工程 Aircraft Control and Information Engineering

飞行器设计与工程 Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering

探测制导与控制技术 Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques

School of Astronautics
飞行器动力工程 Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering

航空航天工程 Aerospace Engineering

船舶与海洋工程 Ship Building and Oceanography Engineering

航海学院 探测制导与控制技术 Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques

School of Marine Science
and Technology 信息工程 Information Engineering

水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering

材料学院 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering

School of Materials Science Additive Manufacturing(3D Printing)Minor for
增材制造(3D 打印)本科生辅修专业
and Engineering Undergraduate Students

飞行器制造工程 Flight Vehicle Manufacture Engineering

机械设计制造及其自动化 Machine Design Manufacture and Automation

工业设计 Industrial Design

机电学院 产品设计 Product Design

School of Mechanical
Engineering 工业工程 Industrial Engineering

机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering

微机电系统工程专业 Microcomputer electrical system engineering

Machine Design Manufacture and

Automation(International Class)

工程力学 Engineering Mechanics

The School of Mechanics,
土木工程 Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering and
交通工程 Transport Engineering
建筑学 Architecture

动力与能源学院 飞行器动力工程专业 Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering

School of Power and
Energy 能源与动力工程 Energy and Power Engineering

电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology

电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering

School of Electronics and 探测制导与控制技术 Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques
通信工程 Communication Engineering

电磁场与无线技术 Electromagnetic Field and Wireless technology

自动化 Automation

电气工程及其自动化 Electrical engineering and Automation

School of Automation
信息安全 Information Security

交通设备与控制工程 Traffic Equipment and Control Engineering

计算机学院 Computer Science and Technology
School of Computer 计算机科学与技术

数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

信息与计算科学 Information and Computing Science

统计学 Statistics

应用物理学 Applied Physics

School of Natural and 材料物理 Materials Physics
Applied Sciences
光电信息科学与工程 Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering

化学工程与工艺 Chemical Engineering and Technology

高分子材料与工程 Polymer Materials and Engineering

环境科学 Environmental Science

管理学院 管理科学与工程类 Management Science and Engineering Major

School of Management
工商管理类 Business Administration Major

人文与经法学院 国际经济与贸易 International Economics and Trade

School of Humanities,
Economics and Law 法学 Science of Law

软件与微电子学院 软件工程 Software Engineering

School of Software and
Microelectronics 微电子科学与工程 Microelectronics Science and Engineering

生物科学类 Biological Sciences
School of Life Sciences

外国语学院 英语 English Language

School of Foreign
Languages 德语 German Language

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