SampleTank Ipad 2.0 User Manual

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We are proud to introduce you to the next generation of our pro-quality sound and groove
workstation: SampleTank For iOS 2.0.

We revisited the interface and introduced new features to give you the perfect tool for realizing
your ideas in the fastest way possible starting from scratch, moving through the arrangement
stage and then ultimately performing them live.

SampleTank has now 8 “parts.” Each Part holds an Instrument and a Pattern assignment and

An “Instrument” is a multi-sampled recreation of a real Instrument such as a piano, drum kit or


A “Pattern” is a pre-recorded MIDI groove that plays the selected Instrument in the part.
What's New
What’s New

With SampleTank for iOS 2.0, we introduce:

New, intuitive and easy-to-use interface

4 additional Parts for a total of 8 Parts for more creativity
Astonishing new sound possibilities with the PRO Instruments (sold separately) and
Custom Shop libraries
Two new environments: the “Song Mode” and the “Live Mode”
New sound engine directly from the desktop version of SampleTank 3.
MIDI Learn function for external MIDI controllers


Song mode is the main and default environment of the app. A “Song*” uses a linear timeline
where events are added to the timeline as they are recorded. You can record MIDI data for each
individual Part using the onscreen keyboards or pads or by using an external MIDI controller.
* Note that the object called “Recording” in version 1 of the app is now called a “Song,.” Previous
“Recordings” will be converted to “Songs” during the update process.

The “Song” object contains:

The Instrument assigned to each part along with its parameter values
Pattern assigned for each part
Pattern settings for each part
Loop settings for each part
Last part selected
Part status (quantize, mute, solo, selected view and its settings)
Transport status (metronome, loop, bpm, time counter status)
Instrument parameters associations to MIDI CC

In Song mode, the MIDI channel of the selected Part is always set to OMNI. This makes
connecting an external MIDI controller even more simple as the selected Part will be always the
one played.


Live mode focuses on the live performance needs and lets you easily layer parts, switch Multis or
Instruments, edit sounds and launch Patterns or loops on the fly.

Live mode abandons the concept of a Song timeline where events were happening as they were
recorded along the time.In Live mode, the performer plays notes or launches a Pattern or Loops
in real-time.
The master play button controls the start/stop all of the Patterns and loops.

In Live mode, the object that stores the current snapshot of Instrument and Pattern association
and all the settings related is now called a “Multi” ( instead of “Preset” in the previous version)

A Multi is totally unrelated to Song mode.

In Live mode, the MIDI channel of each Part can be set individually. This lets you use
SampleTank as a multi-timbral sound module.

SampleTank now provides eight “Parts” in version 2.

In Song mode, the Parts are displayed as buttons along with their Instrument icons, easily visible
between the songs selection and the transport.
Switch between Parts by tapping the Part button. The selected Part is underlined with a red
highlight to indicate that it is both selected and enabled. To empty a Part, press and hold it on the
iPad version or swipe-left on the list of Parts on the iPhone version

THE SOUND BROWSER: Selecting Instrument and Patterns

The Sound Browser section is the landing view where you navigate sound libraries and
categories and to choose the Instrument and Pattern for the selected Part.


The Libraries are displayed on the first left-scrollable column. The list scrolls vertically. Select a
library by tapping the Library icon.
To expand the view of the available Libraries, drag from left to right in the main Sound Browser
page. Scrolling vertically lets you browse through the libraries. Swiping from right to left closes
the expanded Browser.
Tapping the icon of a Library that you have not yet purchased expands the Library Browser to
show all the Libraries available in the catalog, There is a focus on the selected Library on the left,
where you can listen to the audio demo and purchase the entire Library or one of its Sounds


Each Library comes with a collection of Instrument Categories. The icons for each Category are
displayed to the right of the Library column (Piano, Guitar, Drums, etc.).

Select an Instrument Category by tapping the Category icon. After selecting the Cateogry, the two
lists on the right let you load and audition the Instruments and the Patterns in the selected


You can audition ALL Instruments and Patterns, even those not purchased.
Purchased instruments will display the name in white while the instruments that has not yet been
purchased in grey.
Tap the Instrument name in the 5irst column to load it. The name of the selected Instrument will
light up in red if it is included in your purchased sound packs or appear in dark red if it has not yet
been purchased.and tap twice in the Patterns column to hear the Pat- tern play the Instrument.

The Pattern name will light up red while playing, and then its background will go back to dark red
when it is not playing but still selected. Note that Patterns playing purchased Instruments will
loop until you tap the Pattern name again, but Patterns playing non-purchased Instru- ment will
play only once and not loop.

Another way to browse and choose the Instrument for the selected part is from the central area of
the second bar, the Part Inspector, which shows the selected Part number and the name of the
Instrument or Pattern loaded into the Part: tapping the icon on the left of the display lets you
toggle between showing the Instrument or the Pattern.
An Instrument icon (the note) indicates that you are viewing the Instrument currently assigned to
the selected part. The Pattern icon (blocks) indicates that you are viewing the Pattern currently
assigned to the selected part.

This feature is available also in the KEYS and PADS view.

The up/down arrows on the right of the display let you browse other Instruments and Patterns
within the category.
Swiping from right to left will show you additional information about the selected Instrument.
Patterns are pre-programmed MIDI sequences assigned to each Instrument Category. There are
two kinds of Patterns: Instrument and Drum


An Instrument Pattern is a single MIDI sequence that transposes relative to the key you press.
Each category has a specific set of Patterns, and only those Patterns are available to the
Instruments of that category (example: you cannot use brass Patterns with a piano Instrument)
The Pattern automatically follows the tempo which is set in the transport bar.

You can trigger the Instrument Patterns right from the list by tapping on the Pattern name or the
keyboard in the sound browser and the KEYS view.


A Drum Pattern is a collection of MIDI sequences that play a GM-mapped drum kit from MIDI note
23 (B0) to 59 (B2).

Unlike Instrument Patterns, Drum Patterns do not transpose.

A Drum Pattern plays notes within a 2-octave range to create drum grooves and fills and contains
4 to 6 sequences (4 – 6 notes from C0 – F0). So a single Drum Pattern actually contains several
patterns within it, a different one on each key.

The notes starting from C0 trigger the individual sequences of the drum Pattern.
Each Drum Pattern is a construction kit where the first note (C0) might be an intro groove, the
next note (C#0) might be a verse groove, the next note (D0) might be a chorus groove, with some
additional notes playing 1-bar fills, etc.

The notes within a Drum Pattern are monophonic with “last note priority” (for example: if you play
C0 then D0, only D0 will sound).
However, since the drum Pattern starts at C0, below range the General MIDI kit mapping, you
can play the individual drum samples along with the drum Pattern to add more drum hits to
Pattern in real-time.

Like Instrument Patterns, the Drum Pattern automatically follows the tempo set in the transport

You can trigger the Drum Patterns right from the list by tapping the Pattern name or the keyboard
in the sound browser and the KEYS view by playing one or more notes between C0 to A#0. Note
that Drum Patterns never go above A#0 because B0 is reserved for “Bass Drum 2” in the GM
drum key mapping.


To enable the Pattern for a Part, tap the Pattern icon at the top of the app just to the left of the
Instrument / Pattern Inspector or by turning on Patterns in the Pattern menu.

The in-app keyboard in the Sound Browser and KEYS views shows the keys used in the Pattern
highlighted in light red when the Pattern is enabled for the current Part.
In the PAD view, Patterns are individually displayed as keys in a vertical piano roll. Sliding
vertically switch octaves.
Patterns are normally set to play when you press a key or MIDI note and stop playing when you
release the note.

Alternatively, you can turn on LATCH.

When LATCH is enabled, pressing a key or MIDI note (MIDI note on message) will start the
Pattern playing, and it will continue to play until you press that key again (or send a second MIDI
note on message).
This lets you continuously play Patterns while leaving your hands free to play other parts along
with the Pattern.

Enable LATCH by tapping the Pattern icon to open the Pattern menu and enabling LATCH.

Patterns that were triggered when LATCH was enabled will stop when LATCH is disabled.

Some instruments of a purchased library (hence not the factory library) can play not only the
patterns the comes with the library but also the factory ones: to do so, tap on “All Patterns” on the
patterns pop over on live mode or in the part inspector.


A Loop Instrument is made up of several audio loops. Different from a standard Instrument, a
Loop Instrument by its nature does not use a Pattern, and so naturally the Pattern list is not
The many audio loops within each Loop Instrument are mapped across the keyboard, and you
can play multiple notes at once.
A Loop Instrument follows the tempo set in the transport bar just like the Patterns.

The in-app keyboard in the Sounds Browser and in the KEYS views shows the keys where loops
are mapped highlighted in light red similar as the way Patterns are displayed but with a loop icon
instead of a play button icon.
By default, a Loop Instrument plays when you press the key and stops when you release it (Latch

The same Pattern popover that lets you enable or disable a Pattern on a part is also used to set
the Loop Instruments options:

Enable Latch to start the loops with the first note press and stop them with the second note press.

ONE SHOT (available only in Live mode)

Enable One Shot to have the Part play the sample once from the start to the end when you press
a note.
Sound Editing

In the Sound Browser, the strip above the mini keyboard lets you mute or solo the selected Part
and shows editable parameters for the Part and its loaded Instrument including the 4 Macros,
Volume, Pan, Transpose and, sliding to the left, the Effects. When you adjust the knobs, a small
pop-up will display the name of the adjusted parameter and its value.


SampleTank can have up to four insert effects per Instrument which are pre-programmed into the
Instrument at the factory.

The insert effect types cannot be changed, but you can edit one parameter of each insert effect
and five parameters of the EQ/Comp insert effect (when available).

Here is the list of parameters that are displayed for each effect:

AM Modulation Depth, shown as "AM Mod"

Ambience Level, shown as "Ambience"
Amp+Cab Gain, shown as "Gain"
Auto Pan Rate, shown as "Auto Pan"
Chorus: Depth, shown as "Chorus"
Compressor: Comp, shown as "Comp"
Crusher: Drive, shown as "Crush"
Delay Level, shown as "Delay"
Distortion, shown as "Distortion"
Envelope Flanger Feedback, Shown as "Flange"
Envelope Filter, shown as “Env”
EQ-Comp, five parameters shown as “Low,” Mid Freq,” “Mid,” “High” and “Comp”
FM Mod Depth, shown as "FM Mod"
Filter Cutoff, shown as "Cutoff FX"
Flanger Feedback, shown as "Flange"
Lo-Fi: bandwidth, shown as "Lo-Fi"
Multi Chorus: depth, shown as "Chorus"
Overdrive: drive, shown as "Drive"
Phaser: depth, shown as "Phasing"
Phonograph Crackle, shown as "Vinyl"
Rotary: uses a 3-position switch (top to bottom): “Fast”, ”Slow” and “Stop”
Slicer: Pattern, shown as "Slicer"
Spring Reverb
Tremolo: rate, shown as "Tremolo"
Wah-Wah: wah, shown as "Wah-Wah"

The parameter bar slides horizontally to display all available editable parameters for an

To edit the master effect parameters for each Instrument, scroll further to the right.
You can choose 3 reverb types, adjust the Instrument’s send to the reverb effect and the reverb
decay time.

Note that there is only one shared reverb effect for all the Parts. So changes to the reverb type
and decay time settings apply to all Parts in the Multi. If you change the reverb time for one
Instrument, you are changing it for the Instruments on the other seven parts as well.


You can use an external MIDI controller to edit the values in the strip of each SampleTank Part
with pre-assigned MIDI Continuous Controller messages.
Make sure that you have turned on MIDI Continuous Controllers on the SETUP page, and then
set your external MIDI controller to send its data using these MIDI Continuous Controller

007 Volume
010 Pan
071 Macro 1
072 Macro 2
073 Macro 3
074 Macro 4

075-087 CC # 75 – 87 control the first 12 knobs of the effects in the Part.

091 Reverb Send Level


In addition to the pre-assigned controls, you can customize assignments by tapping the MIDI
Learn icon on the right side of the sound edit strip. When you tap the icon, a message is
displayed telling you how to assign an external controller number (MIDI CC) to the SampleTank

Select the desired parameter in SampleTank, then move the control on the external controller to
assign it to that parameter.



The keyboard scrolls horizontally to show any range of notes.

Tap the keyboard lock icon at the upper left of the strip to lock the keyboard and prevent it from
sliding horizontally while you are playing. Automatic scrolling is disabled when the keyboard is
Tap the lock icon again to unlock the keyboard to access different ranges.
Keys View

The KEYS view displays a pair of traditional keyboards or a pair of “scale keyboards” that play
only the notes of specific sales. Choose your desired interface by tapping the double keyboard
icon at the upper left of the bar above the keyboards.


Tap the keyboard icon at the top left of the upper bar next to the time ruler to open the keyboard
view dialog.
Here you can choose to view two standard keyboards or two “scale keyboards.” You can also
choose to view in Min (24 keys) or Max (17 keys) sizes.


SampleTank can quantize pitches to play only the notes within specific scales. Tap the keyboard
icon to open the keyboard selector, and choose a scale from the list.

The keyboard selector allows you to select both the scale and key.

Note that the number of steps between octaves can vary between scales.

The key you choose will highlight its octave notes on the scale keyboard.

The available scales are:

Off (returns to standard keyboard)

Major – C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
Major Pentatonic – C, D, E, G, A, C
Major Blues – C, D, Eb, E, G, A, C
Minor – C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C
Minor Pentatonic – C, Eb, F, G, Bb, C
Minor Blues – C, Eb, F, Gb, G, Bb, C
Harmonic Minor – C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, B, C
Mixolydian – C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C
Dorian – C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb, C
Klezmer – C, C#, E, F#, G, G#, A#, C
Hungarian Gypsy – C, D, D#, F#, G, G#, A#, C
Spanish Gypsy – C, C#, E, F, G#, B, C
Japanese – C, C#, F, G, G#, C
South-East Asian – C, C#, D#, G, G#, C


Tap the keyboard lock icon at the top left of the upper bar next to the time ruler to lock the
keyboard and prevent it from sliding horizontally while you are playing. Tap the lock icon again to
unlock the keyboard to access different ranges.
Pads View

The PADS view offers a drum pads interface as a traditional drum machine-style layout. Hits and
plays MIDI notes on each pad that correspond to the standard General MIDI drum mapping. The
pads highlight red when tapped, selected for editing or when the patternPatterns or the recorder
is playing their note back.


PADS view also has its own set of Pattern keys on the left where you can trigger Patterns
separate from the drum pads themselves. This allows you to play Patterns with the Pattern keys
and then play along with them live using the drum pads.


To change the drum (or note) assigned to a pad, tap the ASSIGN PAD button on the right side.
All the pads will blink while they wait for a pad to be selected.
Select a pad, then the blinking will stop and the selected pad turn red.
A pop-up will appear on the keyboard to the left, displaying "Scroll and tap to assign the note.”
When you scroll the keyboard, the alert disappears, and when you select a note, the selected
note turns red.


To delete notes recorded on individual pads, tap the Erase button and select the pad that you
want to clear.


You can also assign the pads to non-drum Instruments by selecting a different category for the
current Part. The pads then show just the notes assigned to them. To shift the octave of non-drum
Instruments, tap the OCTAVE up/down buttons on the right side.


Sliding from the bottom to the top of the area, the selected pad will play with the displayed
velocity value. The sticks light up when dragging the slider, and the velocity value is displayed at
the top of the slider. A glowing circle follows your finger as you drag.
To Latch the control, tap the velocity icon at the top of the slider.

By default, the slider shows the current default value of 100 at the top of the slider. The velocity
selection also applies to the data you record.


If you tap a pad while holding one of the repeat values, the note assigned to the pad will play
repeatedly according to the selected repeat value. The control is continuous while dragging.
To Latch the control, tap the repeat icon at the top of the values.

Repeat also affects the data you record.

MIDI Recorder
SampleTank has an 8-track MIDI Recorder that records one track per Part. The MIDI Recorder
records note, controller and parameter modifications to an Instrument sent from the internal
keyboard and wheels or from an attached MIDI device.

The MIDI Recorder only plays the internal sounds of SampleTank. It does not send information
out of the MIDI Out port of a connected hardware device such as iRig MIDI 2.

The Recorder only supports the 4/4 time signature.


The transport controls – Play, Record and Tempo – are at the upper right of the main bar on all
pages. There are additional controls in the second bar including Quantize settings per part,
Metronome, Erase notes in the current Part and Loop.

The counter always appears in the top bar. It shows bars:beats by default.
Tap the counter to change the counter to show minutes:seconds.

The Timeline also appears on the upper bar in the KEYS and PADS view.

The Metronome toggles a click track on and off. It plays while recording and also during play-

When you enable the metronome, a 2-bar count-off click will cue you before recording begins.

Tap the Record icon (red circle at the upper right) to begin recording.

When recording begins, the tempo value on the main bar will be replaced with a “start over”
button, which deletes the take and starts the recording over from the beginning.

Recording is always overdubbing. New recorded MIDI data is merged with the existing MIDI

For Patterns, the MIDI recorder will record the individual notes of the playing Pattern and ignore
the notes, which were used for launching the Patterns. The actual notes of the Pattern are
recorded and not the trigger notes.


To delete the recorded data of a Part, tap the Delete (x) icon.

A prompt will ask you to confirm before deleting:

“Delete events recorded on this Part?” [Yes / No]


Tap the Play icon on the main bar to play the MIDI recording.


Expand the main bar, and tap the Loop button to open the Loop menu, turn Loop on, and set the
number of bars you would like to loop. Loop can also be set by dragging the red selection on the
timeline which is always visible in the KEYS, PADS and TRACKS views.
You can “Loop Record” as well. SampleTank will keep playing the track over and over until you
stop it, and you can add additional notes each time the loop plays.


Quantization is non-destructive process that let you move the the performed MIDI data to play
exactly on the beat or on the specified subdivision of the beat.
You can quantize your MIDI recordings with resolutions from a whole note down to a 64th note
triplet, applying quantization settings to each part.
You can also select “Swing Quantize” which changes the placement of the “up beats” to create a
swing or shuffle feel as commonly used in jazz and hip-hop.

Quantization applies to the recorded performance based on the value selected in the Quantize
The Quantize dialog box appears when to you tap the “Q” button on the expanded bar.
Recorded data as explained in the previous section is saved as a Song.

A Song also stores all the current Part settings in addition to the recorded MIDI data for the eight

After the update from version 1 to version 2, previous user “Recordings” are converted to “Songs.“

Songs are stored in the file sharing folder for SampleTank documents.

Only one song can be loaded at a time.


Access all the songs by tapping the Song name field on the left edge of the first bar when using
an iPad

or the icon at the top left if you are using an iPhone.

The currently loaded Song will appear highlighted in red, tap on another song to load it.

To Load a Song, select the Song (it will highlight red), and then tap the Load button.


To create a new Song, tap the + button. A dialog with the keyboard will open called “New Song”
with a field where you can type the name of the Song and then confirm or exit using the Cancel
and Create buttons.

This saves the MIDI data and all loaded Instrument settings in the user folder.
SampleTank saves the Song automatically whenever a change is made, so no manual saving is


Select a Song, and then tap the Export button in the navigation bar.
You can Export your Song as a MIDI file or a bounced audio file. A digalog will ask you to select
the bounce type, and then you choose E-mail or File Sharing as your export method.

You may also save the Song as a Multi.

To perform additional file management operations (Rename, Duplicate, Delete, etc.) on your
Songs, tap the Edit buttonTap Done to exit.


To rename a Song, tap the name of the Song in the list, and a dialog with the keyboard will open
showing a field with the current Song name. Here you can type in the new name of the Song and
confirm by tapping the Create button or exit by tapping the Cancel button.


Tap the delete icon (trash icon) to delete the selected Songs.
To delete individual Song without tapping the Select button, swipe horizontally on the row, and
then tap the Delete button on the right edge of the row to confirm.


Select a Song row, and then tap the Duplicate button copy the song. You will be asked to enter a
new Song name for the duplicated file. You can only Duplicate one Song at a time.
When multiple Songs are selected, the duplicate button is disabled.
Live mode
To enable LIVE mode, tap the “8 frames” icon at the top left next to the “?” (help) icon. The
environment will show 8 red frames (the 8 parts) loading a default Demo Multi (Multi 0)

Each frame contains:

Part number
Name of the Instrument or Pattern currently assigned to the selected Part
Instrument / Pattern switch toggles the display between Instrument and Pattern browsing
MIDI channel
Pattern pop-over button

To play Parts via MIDI from an external controller, tap the frame of the desired Part.

Note that SampleTank’s built-in keyboards will always play only the selected Part. This is to
more efficiently allow you to make adjustments to each Part.

To select more than one Part for layering or multi-timbral operation (including splits), put each
part on the same MIDI channel by tapping the MIDI Channel field, and enable them by tapping
the frames using multi-touch.

To use SampleTank as a multi-timbral sound module for splits or sequencing, set each Part to a
different MIDI channel and enable the parts you want to use with multi-touch.


Tap the Instrument name to open the pop-over which contain the Instrument browser.
Scroll the list to browse Instruments, and tap a row to load an Instrument into the Part.

Use the navigation buttons on the navigation bar to browse between Categories and Libraries.


Tap the Pattern name to open a pop-over to browse Patterns. Scroll the list to browse the
Patterns, and tap the desired row to preview and load a Pattern.

The Patterns displayed are always relative to the current category of the Instrument loaded in the
selected Part.

To enable the Pattern for a part, tap the Pattern icon at the left corner of each frame, or in the
Pattern menu, enable the Pattern and set its Latch mode.

While playing, tap on a Part to enable or disable it. Double-tap to solo the part. aPress and hold
to empty the part.
Above the frames, the Mix and Layer buttons let you adjust the mix of the Parts and display their
note ranges.


Tapping the Layer button, mini keyboard and wheels will leave space for an overview of the note
ranges for the Parts showing an 88-note keyboard on the bottom as reference and 8 blocks which
display the Part number and range limits at the edges.

The NOTE LO and NOTE HI on the strip above the mini keyboard sets note ranges for each part.
To adjust them, press the boundary of the range strip, and drag it to the desired note.


Tap the Mix button to display Volume and Pan knobs to let you easily adjust volume and pan for
each Part.
A Multi contains:

The Instruments assigned to each Part

The Patterns assigned to each Part
The MIDI Channel assigned to each Part
Pattern settings for each Part
Loop settings for each Part
Part status (enabled, disabled, selected, displaying Instrument or Pattern)
Pattern enabled for launch on each Part when Master Play is pressed.

There are two types of Multis: a Demo Multi and User Multi.


Demo Multis are factory combinations provided as demonstrations of the application features,
sounds, and as a launch pad for creating User Multi.
Demo Multis cannot be overwritten, but they can be saved as a User Multis.

A Demo Multi is loaded by default after the installation of the app.


A User Multi is a combination created by the user when starting from an empty Multi, an existing
User Multi or a Demo Multi.

Note that in Version 1, a “Multi” was called a “Preset.”

After the update from version 1 to version 2, all previous User Presets will be converted to User

Only one Multi can be loaded at a time.


The Instrument, Pattern, Pattern status and MIDI channel for each of the eight parts are stored as
a “Multi” in SampleTank. SampleTank comes with 24 Demo Multis and 128 User Multis.


Tap the Multi name to open the pop-over which contains the Multi Browser. Tap a row in the list
to load a Multi.
Inside the pop-over is a table view that presents the Multis as a list of 128 rows sorted
numerically from 001 to 128. At the bottom of the pop-over, there a tab bar to switch between
Factory and User multis.
Scrolling the list or on the index numbers at the right edge of the list lets you browse and jump
between Multis.

To manage the Multis, the navigation bar of the pop-over let you create, duplicate, rename, empty
and reorder them.


Tapp the + button at the left edge of the navigation bar to create a new Multi in the first available
empty row. A prompt will ask you to enter the name of the Multi.
Tapping the Save button, the Multi will be saved to the desired row and automatically loaded.
Tap the Cancel button to exit and not save the Multi.


Tap the Edit button to select Multis to duplicate and delete.

Tapping the number of the row lets you select individual or multiple rows. Tap Done to exit.


Select a Multi by tapping the Duplicate button. The Multi will be copied into to the first available
empty row.
You can only duplicate one Multi at a time. When more than one Multi is selected, the Duplicate
button is disabled.


When the Edit button is enabled, tap the name of the Multi to open a window where you can
rename it.

Tap the delete icon next to the selected Multi to empty it.
To empty individual Multis without tapping the Edit button, swipe horizontally on the row, and
then tap the Delete button at the right edge of the row to confirm.


Tap the Edit button to enable the reordering of your Multis. Drag the icon at the right edge of the


Each Multi is saved with its own tempo. This is the tempo at which the Patterns will play and that
any synchronized effects (such as a delay) and synthesizer parameters (such as an LFO) will

To change the tempo of the multi, tap the Tempo Display. The Tempo field lets you enter the
tempo value.


You can change SampleTank User Multis from an external MIDI controller such as a keyboard,
pad or pedalboard using MIDI Program Change messages.

Make sure your external MIDI controller is connected to your device using a hardware MIDI
interface such as iRig MIDI and that you have SampleTank set to receive Program Change
messages on the correct MIDI Channel on the SETUP page. Then when your external controller
sends a MIDI Program Change message, SampleTank will change its Multi to that Program
Change number.

Note that SampleTank only changes User Multis via MIDI Program Change. Also make sure you
have a User Multi written into the location you desire since SampleTank cannot load an empty

Note that you cannot load Demo Multis via MIDI Program Change.
Top Bar

The top bar of the app also contains icons for global functions. From left to right:

HELP (?). The Help icon lets you enable or disable the tooltips.

SONG/LIVE Mode. Switch between Song and Live mode.

BPM. Set the BPM for the current Song or Multi.

RECORDING COUNTER. Display the recording position.

GLOBAL MENU. Tap the GLOBAL MENU icon at the top right for global functions:

Account. This opens the registration section. Register your SampleTank app and also your
IK Multimedia Hardware serial numbers to get bonus Instruments.
Store. This opens the in-app shop where you can buy additional sounds for the app through
the in-app purchasing system.
Settings. The Settings page is where you set global parameters for the app.
Help. This opens the Online User Manual on the mobile web site.
News: Read the latest news from IK Multimedia for special promos and other info.
Info. This gives you legal information about the app.

“Level” sets the output volume of the app.

“ Metronome” adjusts the volume of the accented and normal clicks of the metronome.
“Velocity Curve” scales the response of SampleTank to incoming MIDI velocities. Lower values
change the curve to emphasize lower velocities, and similarly, higher values change the curve to
emphasize higher velocities. The scale goes from 0 to 100. 0 is the softest.

“Program Change Channel” determines the MIDI Channel on which SampleTank will respond to
incoming MIDI Program Change messages and change Multis. Set to OFF to prevent
SampleTank from changing Multis when MIDI Program Change messages received.

“MIDI Controllers” enables the parameters in the Edit Strip of each active Part to be controlled by
external MIDI using pre-set MIDI Continuous Controllers:

007 Volume
010 Pan
071 Filter Resonance
072 Envelope Release
073 Envelope 1 Attack
074 Filter Cutoff Frequency
075-087 CC # 75 – 87 control the first 12 knobs of the effects in the Part.
091 Reverb Send Level

Turn this setting to OFF to prevent external MIDI controllers from modifying these settings.

“Latency” determines the minimum delay between playing a note and hearing the sound. Ultra
Low provides the fastest response, but it demands more of your device’s processor. Low
demands less of the processor but has a greater delay. Latency is set to Low by default. The
Ultra Low setting is not available when Dock Compatibility Mode B is selected.

“Auto-Sleep” allows your device to go into sleep mode when not used for a period of time. This
saves battery life during long play sessions. Disable Auto-Sleep to prevent your device from
going into sleep mode or if you clicks and pops.

“Background Audio” allows SampleTank to continue making sound while it is running in the

“iRig PADS Full Integration” enable for an higher interaction between SampleTank and iRig
PADS (see “iRig Pads“ chapter for more information)
The in-app SHOP allows the user to purchase additional sounds that become available instantly
upon purchase.

Sound Packs expand each Instrument category. If you have previously made in-app purchases
on another device or your have reinstalled your SampleTank app, tap Restore Purchases to
regain access to all of your previous SampleTank Sound Packs. Go to MENU/Store.

Upgrading from SampleTank FREE to SampleTank will give you access to:

122 Instruments
4 additional Instruments unlocked when you register the app with IK Multimedia.

SampleTank 2.0 also add the new SampleTank PRO Instruments as in-app purchases; PRO
Instruments is a collection of professional Instruments, perfectly selected and crafted from
SampleTank Custom Shop, to embrace any inspiration your music will bring you.
Also upcoming libraries will come directly from SampleTank Custom Shop.


Get 48 additional unique bonus Instruments by registering your Hardware serial number in the
SampleTank app.


To buy a Library from the Sound Browser, drag to the left until you see the available libraries and
Sound Packs, browse and listen their demos, and then click on the library or the pack you wish to

After the purchase, the download will start automatically.

After the download, the library will install automatically. Once installation is complete, tap the
refresh icon to refresh the sound database. The library installation is then complete and ready for

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