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Four List Exercise – National Offices

Purpose: During the recent Field Realignment Workshop after Global

Council, we engaged in healthy discussion and gathered feedback to
improve how we are working together with each function. Now we want to
continue that momentum at a local level. Each regional and National Office
Cross-Functional Leadership Team will conduct an exercise to increase
unity and strengthen working relationships by sharing feedback and
identifying next steps to address what is right, wrong, missing and confused
in how you partner together to serve the mission.
This exercise is not intended to change the structure, but rather help
strengthen how we support each other.
Facilitator: Sr. Manager of Business Support
Participants: Cross Functional Leadership Team (NLT, HRBP, Audit
Supervisor, IT Manager, Sr. Manager of Accounting, Manager of Media
Suggestion: Consider inviting an admin to help document the learnings and
capture feedback and input from remote participants.
Timing: Please complete this exercise (including identifying themes and
next steps) by January 18.
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
 4 Flipchart papers posted to the wall or on a stand
(Alternative option: Use a large whiteboard and divide it into 4
 Sticky notes
 Markers
Instructions for Facilitator:
Prior to the meeting:
 Schedule the activity during your next Cross-Functional Leadership
Team meeting, but with enough time meet the January 18, 2019
 Set up a video conference call (e.g. zoom, skype) for remote
participants to join.
 Share the Participant Instructions, Additional Context, Ground Rules
and the Example 4-Lists with attendees at least a week in advance to
prepare them for the exercise.
 Request remote participants to document and send their feedback for
each category prior to the meeting. Write their feedback out on the
sticky notes and post to the appropriate list.
Day of meeting:
 Set up the room with the 4 flipchart papers (posted to the wall or on a
 On the first paper, write “RIGHT” at the top. On the second paper,
write “WRONG” at the top. On the third paper, write “CONFUSED” at
the top. On the fourth paper, write “MISSING.”
 Distribute sticky notes and markers on the tables.
 Print off several copies of the Participant Instructions, Additional
Context, Ground Rules and the attached Example 4-Lists for
attendees to reference. Once the meeting begins, read through and
explain these prior to beginning the exercise. Feel free to ask
members of your team to read a section/paragraph aloud.
 Spend 15 minutes on each section gathering feedback.
 After each section, spend 10 minutes discussing the feedback shared
for that section. Ask each team member to highlight one or two of
their suggestions. Make sure you push for clarity if something does
not seem clear, including identifying the “why” or root cause behind
the issue raised. Use probing questions to learn more, like:
o Why do you think this is?
o Can you give me an example of why this is an issue?
o What problem is this creating?
o What are ways we can address this together?
 Focus the discussion on the most important items to address within
each section.
 After the team has provided feedback on each section, spend about
20 minutes leading a discussion to debrief and finalize the feedback.
First, determine if everyone is in agreement with the themes and
ideas that have been identified. Then decide together on “next steps”
to commit to doing together. Some actions could be accomplished by
this team, but there may be others that need to be raised to the
Regional leadership team.
 After the meeting, work with your Admin to gather all flipchart papers
and type them into notes. For “Next Steps,” see the list below.

Next Steps:
1. Work with an Admin to gather all flipchart papers and type them into
2. Review the data, in combination with the debrief discussion, and
identify common themes and next steps from the data collected.
3. If there are some “easy fixes” that the CFLT can do at the National
level (without Regional direction or support), document them as
action items and commit to them as a team.
4. Send the high-level common themes and next steps to the Regional
Director of Business Support (CC to the Regional Communication
Specialist) and your local CFLT.
5. The Director of Business Support (DBS) will use the learnings from
each National CFLT to identify the common themes across the
region and identify any region-wide next steps. The DBS will share
these findings with their regional CFLT, who should in turn share it
with their global leaders.
4-Lists Exercise for Cross-Functional Leadership Teams

Purpose: Increase unity and strengthen working relationships for cross-

functional teams by sharing feedback and identifying next steps to address
what is right, wrong, missing and confused in how you partner together to
serve the mission.
This exercise is not intended to change the structure, but rather help
strengthen how we support each other.
Instructions for Participants:
 We will complete an exercise together called the “Four Helpful Lists.”
The purpose of this exercise is to enable ongoing dialogue, feedback
and learning for our team so we can improve how we partner together
into the future.
 The Sr. Manager of Business Support will facilitate this meeting.
 As a cross-functional leadership team, we want your feedback to
identify what is right, wrong, missing and confused in how we partner
 For this exercise to work well, you must provide open, honest and
candid feedback.
 You’ll find sticky notes and markers so that you can write down your
ideas and post them to the corresponding flip chart papers.
 We will begin with “What’s Right” and take about 15 minutes to write
down what we think is “right” in how we work together as a team. Put
one idea per post-it. Then stick your post-it notes to the paper. Try to
be as specific as possible. Afterwards, the facilitator will lead a brief
10-minute discussion on the feedback. If you think any of your
comments may need additional explanation, please provide more
 Complete the same steps with the other three sections (What’s
Wrong?, What’s Missing?, What’s Confused?).
 After the team has provided feedback on each section, the facilitator
will lead a discussion to debrief and finalize the lists. During this time,
the team will determine if everyone is in agreement with the themes
and ideas that have been identified in these four lists. You will also
decide together on any “next steps” to commit to doing together.
Some actions could be accomplished by this team, but there may be
others that need to be raised to the Regional leadership team.
 Your Sr. Manager of Business Support will gather the themes and
next steps and share them with your Cross-Functional Leadership
Team and the Director of Business Support for your region. These
results will help identify common themes and opportunities across the
region, and inform any necessary next steps.

Additional Context:
To give you a little more context into each “list,”
 What is right? We don’t want to skip listing out “what is right.” As a
team, we need to affirm our strengths and encourage what is
working. If it’s right, let’s keep doing it. Without calling out what is
working, we can accidentally let the best things get away from us
because we take them for granted. Let’s figure out what we’re doing
right and make sure we continue doing those things moving forward.
 What is wrong? Every team has misunderstandings and
weaknesses. What do we need to change as a team and office? How
do we fix and mitigate risks surrounding these weaknesses?
Sometimes these are “easy fixes” and sometimes they take more
time. Listing these out allows us to develop plans to address them.
What are some specific and objective things that are currently not
 What is missing? In other words, what opportunities are we not
capitalizing on right now? How can we leverage our strengths to
address these opportunities? This list allows us to add ideas and
seek improvement. Are there things related to systems, processes,
tools, resources that are missing?
 What is confused? Clarity is key. Whether it’s clarification with roles,
domains, processes, etc., let’s include them on this list. Try to be as
specific as you can. We don’t want to be operating in the dark and
this list will allow leaders to clarify anything confusing.
Ground Rules:
As we complete this exercise together, let’s keep in mind the following
“Ground Rules” that align with our Cultural Behaviors:
 Here for a Reason – The Mission
o We all want to achieve the mission! Keeping this at the forefront
of our mind will allow us to focus on what matters most for the
good of the whole and not allow personal agendas to drive our
 Serious about Personal Growth – Ours and Others
o This exercise is a great way for us to grow as a team. We’ll be
seeking feedback and identifying areas in which we can
improve. Let’s extend grace (because we are a work in
progress) as we work through things that are wrong.
 100% for One Another
o We’ll be engaging in healthy discussions, disagreements and
conflict – and that’s okay! Let’s commit to transparency while
we seek the best in others’ comments and not be critical in
 Careful with Our Words
o We know our words have power. Let’s be gracious and
constructive with them. Let’s use this opportunity to have open
dialogue with each other and commit to not having a “meeting
after the meeting.”
 Invite Others In
o As a team, we’re not made up of one function – but multiple
functions together supporting our ministry in this country. This
time together should be a safe space for all of us. We each play
our part in functioning as a “body” (Romans 12). Our hope is to
grow closer and stronger together through this discussion.

4-Lists Example:

GC Four Helpful Lists

Example Aug. 2018.pdf

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