Mobile Policy Pupils

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Mobile phone usage by pupils 2011

Use of Mobile Phones in school

Use of mobile phones (particularly with the advent of increasingly sophisticated equipment and camera phones) presents a number of problems, including: 1. Mobile phones can be valuable items and might render a pupil vulnerable to theft; 2. Mobile phones (and their cost and level of sophistication - or otherwise) can make pupils objects of envy or disparagement and could have implications with regard to discipline and potential bullying; 3. Even when apparently silent, the use of mobiles phones for texting purposes could be potentially undermining of classroom discipline and distract the pupils learning. 4. Use of the newer phones with integrated cameras could lead to child protection and data protection issues with regard to inappropriate capture, use or distribution of images. The Governors accept that it is not regarded as realistic to have a policy which completely prohibits pupils from taking phones to school. Therefore our policy prohibits the unauthorised use by pupils of mobile phones while on school premises, grounds or off site activities e.g. school swimming, sports activities or school visits

Policy on the use and possession of mobile phones by pupils

1. Mobile phones should not be brought to school. School advises all parents to discourage, pupils from bringing mobile phones to schools on the grounds that they are valuable and may be lost or stolen. 2. In exceptional circumstances a mobile phone maybe brought to school this would be in an emergency and with the express approval of a member of school staff. The Head Teacher may, at their discretion, allow any member of staff to approve such requests or may nominate a specific person to consider such requests. The phone must then remain switched off during the school day and may not be used, for any purpose, on school premises, grounds or during off-site school activities (such as school swimming, sports activities or school visits). 3. It is then up to the individual pupil to keep the phone secure and out of sight. The school will accept no liability or responsibility what so ever for any mobile phones brought on to the school premises at anytime. 4. Where a pupil is found by a member of staff to be in unauthorised possession of a mobile phone, as stated above, the phone will be confiscated from the pupil and returned only to the parent, guardian or carer. This policy is incorporated into the schools behaviour policy and forms part of the school rules. The school will treat breaches as they would treat any other breach of school rules and discipline accordingly.

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