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Be the best you can be

Dear Parents, Governors and Children,

Well Done to Kirsty Illman, who has achieved her Mini-Minnow Swimming Award.


As you will have noticed, Pete McGuigan and Val Wolsey are out on the playground each morning,
encouraging the children into school. This is so they don’t miss out on important learning, and also so
that the school doors can be closed promptly as part of our Health and Safety policy. School opens at
8.45 a.m. and the doors are closed at 8.55 a.m. Children should then enter school via the main door so it
can be ensured that they are included on the register and marked in for lunch. Please do your utmost to
arrive on time, so the children can line up with their classmates and have a calm start to their day. Many
thanks for your co-operation.


Our Community Constable, Jayne Barnes and her colleagues will be dropping in over the term, probably
either before / after school or at lunch times in order to speak to children and their parents and gain
some knowledge of the issues that concern the community. Watch out for them and voice your concerns.


Our next holiday is October half-term. We will close at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 22nd October and re-open
at 8.45 a.m. on Monday 1st November. There are NO training days attached to this holiday.


Football, Dance and Choir all begin next week.
Football for the children in Years 5 and 6 takes place outside on the school field with Kevin Houghton on
Monday evenings. The first session takes place on Monday 27th September from 3.30pm until 4.40pm.

Dance for the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 takes place in the school hall with Marie Hirst and Kim Smith
on Thursday evenings. The first session starts on Thursday 30th September from 3.30pm until 4.40 pm.

Choir The first session for the school choir took place this Wednesday (22nd
September). Beth Stephenson would like to say ‘Well done’ to all the children who
attended this week – they were absolutely amazing and she is really looking forward to
next week’s rehearsals and enjoying yet more fantastic singing.
Space permitting we will try to ‘Showcase’ something each week which a particular year
group have found exciting

Year 5 and the dreaded bush

tucker trial!

As part of our topic on rainforest and inspired by ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here’, the
children in Year 5 have been learning how to write for different purposes.

Mrs Cooke and Mrs Booler came dressed up as rainforest explorers for the morning and made
us a yucky survival meal.

Grabbling with grubs, insect and other delights to inspire us, armed with magnifying glasses and
tweezers from around our rainforest classroom, the teachers made us a delightful meal to
inspire us to write.

After lunch we were the excited explorers eager to try the

delightful me al. Mr McGuigan came along and tasted it too! . . . but
‘oh no’ there was horrible bug with mysterious legs crawling in the
food. Phew! what a relief, we couldn’t eat the tucker after all.

After Mrs Cooke’s and Mrs Booler’s imaginative meal we were asked to write our own set of
instructions using our list of supplies for surviving in the rainforest. This is what we thought

1. First get the crushed bugs and drop them into the coconut shell then mix them with the
2. Next add two red petals and one blue petal then sprinkle the nectar all around the top.
Add the bugs and the mud to the flowers and nectar then add it to the fire
3. Meanwhile use bamboo leaves and coconut milk on top of the fire and add dead
caterpillars. Take it off the fire and fold it into the coconut shell making sure you stir it
with the thick stick.
4. Now put it on the fire again for two minutes until it is golden brown. Then take it off the
You are now ready to eat your survival meal

By Ellie Wilson and Melissa Welch

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