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Bukhari’s basket of shells.

6 July 2018. Written by T Liz

Asalamo Alaikom and Kia Ora Bukhari. Over the last few weeks I have heard you starting to use your words
more to tell me what you want. This morning I noticed you carrying a basket of shells around the room. You
came to me upset. When I asked you what was wrong you pointed to another child and then back to your basket.
I asked you to tell me what had happened so I could help you. You pointed to the basket and then to the other
child, so I asked if the other child had taken a shell out of your basket. You nodded then followed me as we
went over to the other child. You looked like you listened as I explained that if she wanted a shell from your
basket she needed “to ask you if she could have one.” She gave the shell back when I asked her, which made you
smile. I asked the other child to ask you of you wanted to have a shell from your basket. You offered the other
child another shell from your basket and she shook her head. You offered her the shell she had been carrying.
She smiled and said “yes” but you said ‘No”. I suggested the other child could ask you “if she could have a turn
with the basket after you”. She repeated the words and you nodded yes. I watched as a few moments later you
happily gave the basket to the other child.

What Learning Occurred

Bukhari’s learning pathway this term is gaining confidence to verbally express his ideas. His listening skills are
growing as he hears preschool phrases modelled to himself and other children. Bukhari is showing us his
increasing competence to express his ideas non-verbally. He has a definite plan for his play and is using his
trusting relationship with a teacher to achieve his goal. Bukhari’s confidence to express his needs with words
is still growing. Kei te kaha koe (you are capable) Bukhari!

How can we extend this learning?

We can support Bukhari’s increasing confidence to talk by encouraging his to use his words as we model
preschool phrases to him and ask him to repeat them.

You replied as you shook your

You replied as you shook your

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