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“I Live in New Zealand”.

9 July 2018. Written by T Liz

Asalamo Alaikom and Kia Ora Fayrouz. Over the last few weeks you have joined in lots of Ramadan themed
activities as we journeyed through the month of Ramadan at preschool. You looked like you had lots of fun learning
about the phases of the moon with T Naema. You excitedly told us “Look teacher this is where I live” when the
moon light shone on New Zealand.
Today we were looking at the world map on the wall. “Look Teacher this is where we live” when you found New
Zealand. “It is where we live Fayrouz” I replied and pointed to the place in New Zealand where we live. “ We live in
a part of New Zealand called Christchurch” I explained. You laughed and said “No it’s not. We live in New Zealand.
Teacher look” and pointed to Egypt on the map. “We are going to Egypt. When I was a baby we lived in our house in
Egypt. I had some juice and it was yucky”!” you told me. “Oh, yucky juice” I replied which made you laugh again then
you walked away from the map.

What Learning Occurred

Fayrouz’s learning pathway this term is developing ways she can express her ideas. She is sharing her knowledge
about the world around her by telling me where she lives. Fayrouz is showing us her understanding that the map is
a type of picture that can be interpreted using words. Her understanding of using language and symbols (such as
the map) to inform others of her ideas is growing as she practices the art of conversation. Fayrouz is expressing
her ideas about previous experiences by using her large English vocabulary. Kei te kaha koe (you are capable)

How can we extend this learning?

We can support Fayrouz as she expresses her ideas by asking her questions to encou6rage her to share more ideas
when we talk.

You replied as you shook your

You replied as you shook your

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