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Chapter 37: Applying Sequential Compression Devices

Check (9) Yes or No


1. Cleanses patient’s legs and feet, if necessary.
2. Applies elastic stockings if they are ordered in conjunction
with the SCD.
3. Measures extremity following manufacturer’s instructions;
obtains proper size sleeve.
4. Places patient supine.
5. Places SCD pump in a safe location and plugs it in.
6.Applies compression sleeve correctly:
a. For “Flowtron” brand sleeves (knee-length only):
1) Opens the Velcro fasteners on the sleeve.
2) Places the sleeve under the lower leg below the knee,
with the “air bladder” side down on the bed.
3) Brings the ends of the sleeve up and wraps around the
lower leg, leaving 1–2 fingerbreadths of space between
the leg and the sleeve.
b. For SCDS/PAS brand sleeves:
1) Opens Velcro fasteners on the sleeve and places the
sleeve under the leg, ensuring that the fastener will close
on the anterior surface.
2) For thigh-high sleeves: Places the opened sleeve under
the leg, ensuring that the knee opening is at the level of
the knee joint.
3) Brings the ends of the sleeve up and wraps around the
lower leg, leaving 1–2 fingerbreadths of space between
the leg and the sleeve. Wraps upper leg similarly.
7. Connects sleeve to compression pump.
8. Turns pump on.
9. Sets compression pressure, if applicable, to manufacturer’s
recommended setting.

Recommendation: Pass ______ Needs more practice ______

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Instructor: Date:

Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

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