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I am challenging myself continued

In the afternoon, when you were playing outside, Julia went “Errh, errh,”
and reaching out to teacher Liz. You turned to look at Julia, who was
trying to cross a wooden plank. T Liz encouraged Julia to use her words
by saying “Help, please.” After Julia came down from the box, you
climbed up to the top of the big box. You stood still and looked down at
the plank. You then put a foot on it and tried to walk across. You were
unsure about crossing over to the other box, so you took your foot off
the plank. You looked at T Liz and said, “Teacher Liz, can you help me
please?” You held on to teacher Liz's hand, and walked across the plank
slowly. You climbed down from the box and ran off to play.

Zahra, last month you challenged yourself to climb up the slide. You did
not want any help from me because you wanted to do it on your own. On
this day, you decided that you needed help from a teacher because you
were developing a realistic perception of what you know and of what you
can and cannot yet do. The teachers will continue to provide activities
that help you build on your current dkills and abilities and develop your
gross motor skills.

June 2018 T Catherine

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