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I am learning to take turns in my play

Zahra, on this day, you attempted an obstacle course. It was an activity

you did few months ago. At that time, you needed to hold a teacher's
hand to help you cross the balancing plank. This time, there were quite a
number of children standing on the big box, waiting for their turn to
cross the plank. It was a long wait. You stood on the box quietly and
waited for your turn. When it was your turn, you balanced yourself and
walked very slowly and carefully across the plank. When you reached the
other big box, you were quite relaxed and smiled as you climbed down
from the box.

Zahra, the waitng seemed very long but you were so patient. When you
were standing on the big box, you were aware of children around you, and
you were careful not to push your way through. You were developing a
sense of reponsibility and respect for the needs and well-being of others.

The teachers will continue to provide opportunities for you to participate

in meaningful ways in group activities.

October 2018 T Catherine

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