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H E A R T of the T O W N
Plus Pull-Out Poster

LeBron // Anthony Davis // Trae Young

My dad is the reason I wear 11. I want to be
the reason no one else will.
2 6 . T R A E YO U N G
48. SHAI
52 . A L L O N Z O T R I E R
5 4 . W I L L I E C A U L E Y- S T E I N

M E N T, L L C A N D A N O T H E R P L A N E T E N T E R TA I N M E N T, L L C .
7 2 . B R YA N A N T O I N E A N D

R I G H T T O U S E I M A G E S O F F O X T H E AT E R I N O A K L A N D ,
C A L I F O R N I A B Y P E R M I S S I O N F R O M G A S S E N T E R TA I N -



SLAM (ISSN:1072-625X) January/February 2019, Vol. 26, No. 1 is published every two months by SLAM Media Inc., 21 West 46th Street, Suite 504, NY NY 10036. Copyright @ 2018 by SLAM Media
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#219 JAN/FEB 2019

Front Court
1 0 . T R A S H TA L K
13. HYPE

Back Court

Scottie Lewis and

Bryan Antoine

2019 VOL .26 NO.1

Dennis S. Page
David Schnur
Adam Figman
Michael Wilson
Susan Price Thomas
Ryne Nelson

The Sixth Man

Arvind Pitchai, Joseph L. Sherman
Franklyn Calle, Max Resetar, Alex Squadron
Ian Pierno
Marcel Mutoni
Rajah Allarey, Habeeba Husain

W e’ve pulled off some crazy shoots But it is cool to see someone, a very CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
Ryan Jones, Abe Schwadron, Tzvi Twersky
before, but this was definitely up there. real superstar, find a home somewhere BASKETBALL EVANGELIST
Stephen Curry. E-40. Andre Ward. Mistah that winds up being the perfect situation Rick Telander
F.A.B. Al Attles (!). One hundred and fifty and riding it out for double-digit years— Russ Bengtson, Rus Bradburd, Ben Collins, Holly MacKenzie,
Drew Ruiz, Donnell Suggs, DeMarco Williams
local kids. A big group of teachers, super- and building a true relationship with that
visors, community leaders. The middle of city in the process. What Stephen’s done in Sarah Toscano
a popular street in Oakland—at rush hour Oakland (and not only on the court, where ART
on a Thursday afternoon.  he’s won multiple championships, but off DESIGNER
Lester Padilla
It all came together to bring to life of it, where he’s consistently supported the JUNIOR DESIGNER
Andy Han
the cover of this magazine, a beautiful community with financial and emotional
three-panel image (pull out the back cover support) is nothing short of incredible. Atiba Jefferson, Ryan Young, Johnnie Izquierdo
if you missed it) that we think perfectly I’ve been to dozens of charity events that VIDEO
encapsulates Stephen Curry’s strong-as- matched up NBA players with young fans, James Corbett
hell relationship with the city but seeing the kids at our ASSOCIATE VIDEO DIRECTOR, HS
Bryan LaRussa
of Oakland and those who shoot damn near faint from
live there. It’s somehow been being so close to Stephen, Sean Edwards, Christian Quezada

10 years since a scrawny kid some yelling their faces off ADVERTISING
out of Davidson was drafted while others struggled to Jesse Goldstein
by the Golden State War- take photos through trem- ADVERTISING DIRECTOR
Michael Yaari
riors, and as the franchise bling hands, it was clear that JUNIOR CONTROLLER
prepares to move out of The Town and into something special had been happening Jake Vitaliano
nearby San Francisco for reasons I under- there. I have no doubt Stephen will do Spiro Maroulis
stand but don’t feel great about, this felt some amazing stuff in SF—he’s just kinda MARKETING PROMOTIONS SPECIALIST
Josh Frohlinger
like a proper time to honor Curry’s bond built like that—and remain deeply involved For all advertising inquiries,
with the city in which he evolved into an and invested in the city of Oakland, but the email

adult, an MVP, an icon and a champion. end of an era is still upon us, and I’m really SLAM MEDIA INC.
CHAIRMAN Joe Samberg
I’m happy we’re celebrating that bond, grateful we were allowed the opportunity VICE CHAIRMAN Peter Robert Casey
because the connection Stephen has to document this moment in time before CEO Dennis S. Page
COO David Schnur
with Oakland, or even *a city* in gener- it’s complete. HEAD OF SLAM STUDIOS Reid Wittman
al, is something you don’t see too often Which is to say: Thank you, Stephen,
Consumer Marketing, Enthusiast Media
in sports these days. Not that there’s and thank you, Oakland. Subscription Company Inc.
anything wrong with that—I couldn’t be VP, RETENTION & OPERATIONS FULFILLMENT
Donald T. Robinson III
any more in favor of the way athletes treat Peace, To carry SLAM in your store: 800.381.1288
modern free agency. It’s amazing and
everything basketball is about: the players For US: slam@emailcustomerservice.comm or 800.333.6411
having real power and exercising it. They International: 386.447.6383 or write to SLAM, P.O. Box
420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235. Please include name,
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Canada Post: Return undeliverable Canadian
so hell yeah they should be allowed to addresses to IMEX Global Solutions, P.O. Box 25542,
London, ON N6C 6B2.
dictate exactly where they want to play BACK ISSUES
and for how long.  Adam Figman To order back issues, visit
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current address and a note requesting to be excluded from these
New SLAM Executive Producer James Corbett is a filmmaker from NYC, neck promotions to SLAM Media Inc. at

deep in the world of social video content. A lover of all sports, James has left his Write to SLAM:
For general inquiries, email
glory days behind and moved on to exploring the world of basketball through a lens.
He’s been yelled at on three separate occasions for chewing popcorn too loudly in Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2018 by
movie theaters, his favorite city outside of NYC is Paris, his favorite pre-game song SLAM Media Inc.
is “Victory” by Puff, Biggie and Busta, and his dream 1v1 is Barack Obama. All rights reserved.

Trash Talk
Uncle Yella is still not free, yet my SLAM
Fam continues to hold me down. Happy
birthday to my son Isaiah up in Detroit.
He calls his #1 mag SLAM, the people’s
choice. They’ve provided a way for him
to see his father again. Behind bars,
God bless.
Shane Latson, Miami, FL
Stay up Shane!!!—Ed.

Superstar, huh? This is why media labels

don’t mean sh*t. Lead the league in
something. Win a Championship or two.
The pundits can’t award any player with
any of that stuff. It has to happen on the
CL Greer via Facebook
A superstar has to win a Championship?
Whose rules are these? FOH.—Ed.

Man I am sick and tired of this sudden

love and fascination y’all folks are having
for Tatum! If it was based on performanc-
es, Kuzma and the man Donovan Mitchell
would be having their faces on SLAM’s
cover and not overrated Tatum.
Adil Fahmi via Facebook
St. Louis, stand up. He did his thing in the
Sorry, but I’m not impressed on Tatum!
playoffs, a soon to be superstar and should’ve been He will be just another washed up regular
rookie who will be traded to different
Rookie of the Year to me if you don’t like it. teams after a few years! Mark my words!
Budd Mozee via Facebook Adrian De Villa via Facebook

I just got my mag, and I won’t be the My last preview of the world’s greatest SEND LETTERS TO:
first to say that your Top 50 list is sus- preview ended up in SLAM 213’s Trash TRASH TALK, C/O SLAM
pect. Kevin Love over Boogie. Come on Talk. I predicted one of the hottest rookie 21 W. 46TH STREET, SUITE 504,
SLAM. Dang lol. classes ever, and J. Tatum on the cover NEW YORK, NY 10036
Chris Tillman via email of SLAM 218 legitimizes last year’s ca$h
It’s a projection for the coming season. crop. Plus, Lonzo hit the gym this sum-
Boogie is our guy but it was looking like he mer, got his weight up and found a three. TRASHTALK@SLAMMEDIAINC.COM
was out until early 2019 when we voted The Lakers may have signed Rondo but (WE MAY EDIT LETTERS TO FIT.)
(and still does). Hence that ranking.—Ed. when the Show begins, it’s still Triple B.



JULY 10-14, 2019 JULY 17-21, 2019 JULY 24-28, 2019

The Main Event played during NCAA recruiting period for college coaches and scouts. All games played at Las Vegas
LIVE and Las Vegas Classic will be streamed live across the internet for viewing.



s it just me or does it seem that
centers—the tall, gangly, or just
plain gigantic guys who play
down low, clog the lane and make
little guys’ lives miserable—are
disappearing from the NBA the way
floppy Pete Maravich socks once
did? Oh, there are still plenty of tall
guys, but if they’re anything like Kevin

Durant, they’re actually elongated

2s and 3s rather than lumbering,
Godzilla-type 5s.
In another era Durant, Anthony
Davis, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Blake
Griffin and their type would have been
considered centers and likely forced
to play with their backs to the basket
on offense and stop anybody from

N O Y Z » A massive photo shoot requires a massive location, and without helpful folks at
that massive location the whole thing falls apart. All of which is to say we owe a HUGE thank
you to the folks at the Fox Theater in Oakland and the Oakland PD who helped us have a fun,
safe shoot in the middle of a popular street during rush hour on a Wednesday afternoon…

ever driving through the paint on defense dunks, but he also can launch the long make the game one of athleticism and
and probably be forced to grapple the shots, even making six three-pointers in ballet-like skill rather than Wilt Chamber-
whole game like sumo wrestlers. Now, an early two-game stretch against the lain and Shaquille O’Neal-style hugeness.
those quasi-centers are so athletic and Clippers and Raptors. Guards like Curry, Kemba Walker,
skilled that they play like glorified ballhan- Embiid’s up there with the league Damian Lillard, Russell Westbrook, James
dling guards, shooting three-pointers and leaders in scoring, but hardly any other Harden, Zach LaVine, and of course, what-
scoring from all over and guarding almost centers are. And it’s no wonder why. The ever-position-he-is-or-wants-to-be LeBron
anybody. trey rules all these days, and if you want James, now dominate the offensive stats.
True, there’s this budding superstar the face of the long three-point shot, look Rebounds? Yes, centers still get a lot. But
center, Joel Embiid, 7-feet, 250 pounds, no further than Stephen Curry’s glowing would anybody trade, say, John Wall for
who seems cut from the tough-guy Bill little mug. Curry doesn’t have to worry Willie Cauley-Stein? Curry for Hassan
Russell/Artis Gilmore mold, with the about Goliaths on the block when he’s the Whiteside? Don’t think so.
way he rebounds and blocks shots. But David launching shots from near half It’s not the centers’ fault the game has
Embiid is so graceful and quick and tal- court. Maybe it was Michael Jordan who changed. Just like it wasn’t the mast-
ented that he might develop into another started the wheels moving toward odons’ fault about that climate issue. It’s
Durant-style shooting threat from all over mid-sized athletes who can spread the called survival of the fittest or, simply,
the court. Yes, he can pull off all kinds of floor and whiz past slower centers and basketball evolution.

T H I S P A G E F R O M L E F T: T H E A R O N W . H E N D E R S O N / G E T T Y I M A G E S ; D I C K R A P H A E L / N B A E


has your family bought?

WCJ: [Laughs] I know my mom and dad
bought some. I know a couple of my aunties
and uncles bought some, and I know there’s
going to be a lot more.
SLAM: You showed some serious style around
the Draft. You consider yourself drippy?
WCJ: Oh, for sure. I’m definitely coming with
the heat every single time, pre-game on. I’m
trying to show off my swag at all times.
SLAM: People already say Shai [Gilgeous-
Alexander] is the best-dressed rookie.
WCJ: Yeah. This is a sneak attack. They’re not
gonna see me coming—I like it like that. TIA WOOTEN
SLAM: Is there anything on-court you’re trying (TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY)
to sharpen and take to the next level? A Memphis native, Tia Wooten
WCJ: I feel like I’m a good defender, but I can continues to put on for her home
always be better. In this League, everybody state. The redshirt junior’s game
has the capability to score but not every- isn’t meant to be put in a box, as she
body has the capability to stop someone, led the Tigers in points (21.2) and
STICKS TALK rebounds (8.9) per game last season.
stop another team from scoring. So, I feel
She was the second-leading scorer

like that’s where I can grow and my team
can grow. Offense is going to take care of in the Ohio Valley Conference where
itself—we’re going to get open shots and she also earned All-OVC First Team

GAMES WE make shots—but I feel like we can and will

get better and better on defense.
honors. Wooten posted double-digit
figures in 27 games (scoring 20 or

PLAY SLAM: There’s a lot of chatter about the

League being position-less, but I think a
more points 16 times). She had two
career-highs—33 points against
When Bulls rookie WENDELL player is a player and there’s still a spot in Memphis last November and 16
CARTER JR isn’t working on his the NBA for people with your skills. boards in a matchup with Morehead
WCJ: Facts. I’m just going to bring whatever I State earlier this year. 
do-everything big man game,
can to the table and help my team.
he’s dominating his teammates SLAM: A lot of people don’t expect a lot from
(and random people online) in the Bulls this year. What do you expect?
Call of Duty and NBA 2K. WCJ: We’re a good, young team and if we
come and do what we need to do, we’re
SLAM: The guys at Call of Duty tell me you’re going to prove a lot of people wrong.
a gamer. That true? SLAM: What are your personal goals?
WCJ: Yeah. I play whenever I can. WCJ: I want to win Rookie of the Year, of
SLAM: Since entering the NBA I assume you course. I feel like that’s every rookie’s dream.
have a little less time to game? But really, I just want to look at myself at the
WCJ: Yeah, I do. Whenever I’m not doing any- end and say I put my best foot forward and
thing, though, I hop online and play there. did everything in my power to help my team
SLAM: Do you let people know you’re Wendell win. That’s all I want to do for 82 games,
Carter on there or you just kill ’em quietly? including the playoffs.
WCJ: I don’t initiate it, but if someone asks me, SLAM: Good goals. So you don’t have much JORDAN MURPHY
I’ll admit it. I especially do that if it’s a little downtime, but are you following Duke? (MINNESOTA)
kid, ’cause I know it might make his day. I WCJ: Yeah. I look forward to their opener. Jordan Murphy looks to add more
feel like that’s an effortless nice thing to do. SLAM: I feel like every Duke class is labeled accolades to his résumé during his
SLAM: You seem quiet on the court—how “their best class ever.” How do you think senior campaign. The Gophers
about in the game? your class stacks up against these kids? forward set a new single-season
WCJ: When I’m playing 2K with someone I WCJ: If they’re not the best, they’re definitely school record and led the nation with
might talk smack, but nothing too crazy. up there. I mean, they’re stacked. Look at 24 double- doubles. He tallied 361
SLAM: Who’s the Bulls’ best smack talker? the Celtics and great teams—they play with rebounds, another school record, led
WCJ: Kris Dunn [laughs]. He’s not even mean, four or five guards at once—and I feel like the Big Ten in boards and ranked top-5
he’s just funny in the way he says things. Duke will be able to play like that and ex- in the nation. Murphy had a team- high
He’s definitely the best. pose a lot of teams. Other teams might have 16.8 ppg, too, and posted a career-high
SLAM: How’s the transition to NBA life? great bigs, but they won’t be able to guard 35 points and 15 rebounds against
WCJ: It’s been pretty good. My teammates all of those guards. USC Upstate last season. A candidate
have helped a lot. It’s been every bit of what SLAM: How would they stack up vs. the Bulls? for the Karl Malone Power Forward of
I expected. I’m in the position I’ve always WCJ: [Laughs] Oh, yeah, we would smack the Year Award, Murphy plans to help
wanted to be my entire life, so… them. I can give them a little bit of credit, but Minnesota make a deep tournament
SLAM: That said, how many of your jerseys not too much. Not yet [laughs].—Tzvi Twersky run come March. —Drew Ruiz

S L A M O N L I N E . C O M 17
N O Y Z » We always knew Lance Stephenson was a legend, but our photo/video shoot with him
this month proved it 1000 times over...LAMELO BACK...One more shout to Stadium Goods for be-
ing awesome partners re. all things JORDANS Vol. 4...Cleveland is getting the 2022 All-Star Game?
No shots at Ohio, but why are we overthinking this? 1) New Orleans. 2) Miami. 3) L.A. Then repeat...

celebrated the store’s
third anniversary and the
release of our new Jordan I
issue with an amazing
event in downtown NYC.

e honestly wouldn’t be
here without the Air Jordan
I. One of the aspects of
SLAM’s foundation is our
love for sneakers and the
insane world that’s been built around NBA
feetwork. The passion, the obsession, the
desire to collect every pair of kicks that
comes out can be traced back to the AJI.
So we did an entire special issue dedicated
to the I (on newsstands now!), and to
celebrate the release of that mag, the Air
Jordan I’s legacy and the third anniversary
of NYC’s dopest consignment store, Stadi-
um Goods, we hosted an event devoted to
all things AJI.
Stadium Goods opened their doors for
the SLAM Fam and JAJA Tequila provided
that good liquid courage for the evening.
Elliot Tebele, aka FuckJerry on IG, put his
crazy-rare collection of OG Is on display.
Seriously, who knew he had gems like the
“Metallic Green,” “White/Natural Grey” and
the most adorable baby Is?
The night capped off with a panel to
discuss the AJI, hosted by former SLAM
and KICKs E-i-C Russ Bengtson. The rest
of the group was rounded out by Yu-
Ming Wu (founder of Sneaker News and
CMO of Stadium Goods), Fresco Wilson
(Yu-Ming’s colleague at Stadium Goods),
Nick DePaula (reporter at ESPN and Nice
Kicks), and SLAM’s very own Joseph
Sherman. They talked about their favorite
memories of the I, how it’s transcended

the basketball court, its place in women’s

fashion and what they see for the future of
the silhouette.
(We’re fully in on Shermy’s idea to put
some rocket boosters on it, btw.)
Peep the flicks to see how the night
went down, grab your copy of SLAM
Presents JORDANS Vol. 4 now and keep
chasing those rare pairs.—Max Resetar

N O Y Z » Honestly surprised Christian hasn’t demanded a relocation to Durham yet...Putting
all of our effort into one was cool, but we’re definitely going back to multiple covers next issue.
Get ready...As we went to print, renowned IG pages @SLAMkicks and @LeagueFits were just
hitting the Twitter streets. Go follow those accounts ASAP...Shouts to Kelly Tripucka, just ’cause...

PJ’s cheetah wave is ASTRONAUT JAMES IN
@LEAGUEFITS new, but it’s a wave THE CUT. Heron Preston x
worth riding all year long. NASA collab goes craaazy.

The currency of drip.

Less is sometimes more. Russ
kept it simple, but still bold,
with the red overalls and one-
of-a-kind kicks.

W I D N E R ; Z A C H B E E K E R ; N AT H A N I E L S . B U T L E R /A L L N B A E V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S
C L O C K W I S E F R O M T O P R I G H T: G A R Y D I N E E N ; A N D R E W D . B E R N S T E I N ; R O C K Y

Buddy’s gotten INGR AM
very #CaliCool The Kinston Kid
since joining is head-to-toe in
Sacramento. luxury before every
game. The Balen-
ciaga feets are
always a staple.
NBA Regular Season, out-of-market games only. Blackout restrictions apply.
Message and data rates may apply.  Subscriptions may automatically renew each season at the then-current subscription rate. Visit for blackout restrictions and other applicable terms and conditions.
NBA, the NBA logo and team identifications are trademarks of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective member teams. © 2018 NBA Properties, Inc.  Photo by Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.
N O Y Z » Our cover shoot doesn’t happen without our guy Kris Stone. Big shouts to Stoney...Very
here for political statements being made when players walk into the arena, like LeBron rocking
the Beto hat. Keep it up!...The next SLAM cover tees are FIRE...Our passport game is on point…BAG
TALK is so fun. Hit our YouTube page to peep the vids...Dave Anderson...Wally Triplett...Tex Winter...

LaMarcus Aldridge heaves up a 17-footer, like everybody else,” said Passos. “They’re
now commonly known as “the worst shot just constantly moving.”
in basketball,” you’d think it’s gotta feel Passos is a writer at the legendary
the same way for Pop. Here the Spurs are, Spurs blog “Pounding the Rock,” and he
THE OUTLET still catching serial killers after all these figured out that this team runs on offense
years, while getting none of the credit. more per game than any other team. They

And there’s a secret code to what just don’t do it on the fast break.
they’re doing, too. Spurs players were running 10.42

The NBA now loathes the midrange miles per game on offense at press
jumper. Taking a jump shot between the time, which is .12 miles more than the
free-throw line and three-point line is second-place Pistons and almost two full
While everyone’s eyes are now a felony in the state of California, miles more than the last-place Pacers.
focused on the Warriors since well-meaning nerds have realized This exhausts and confuses the
and Raptors, the SAN they’re not conducive to winning a lot of defense as guards and wings run through
ANTONIO SPURS are over basketball games. screens, looking for open layups and
here doing things their That would traditionally be a problem threes. If nothing opens up, the defense
for the Spurs, who employ Aldridge (owns naturally sags off of DeRozan, Aldridge
own way. And it’s working.
Monopoly-style property three feet behind and even old man Pau Gasol, who are
A LWAY S B Y the free-throw line) and DeMar DeRozan freed up for the midrange shots only they
BEN COLLINS (contracts weird diseases from the paint love.

used to draw the three-point line). Basically, they’re secretly running like
here’s this website created And according to the well-mean- hell, doing a crypto-Warriors impression.
by a guy who is really into ing nerds, the Spurs also hate (Sorry, again, to the guy who runs that
cryptography, which is fast breaks, also known as “joy” website.)
basically a fancy word for or “fun.” They are, at press time, Passos cracked Pop’s code, even if the
decoding a bunch of trian- 25th in the league in pace. league hasn’t figured it out yet.
gles and emojis so you can catch They also happen to be “It’s fun. It’s very anti-2018. It’s always
serial killers. The website is winning like crazy—way more a fun thing watching Pop go against
called CryptoIsNotCryptocurren- than the nerds and even I everyone and finding something new,” said, and that sentence is the projected. And they’re fun Passos.
only thing the website says. as hell. Sites like 538 (who I implore you to
Basically, the word “crypto” This was a Zodiac Killer trust for election stuff because people
got stolen from guys who used style puzzle for most NBA need to stop berating pollsters, as they’re
to catch actual spies by some fans. And if this is the usually right) had the Spurs winning 37
22-year-olds who wanted to buy pretty good movie about games. That seems awfully low now.
horse tranquilizers on the internet the Zodiac killer that Every other team in the NBA is doing a bad


five years ago and accidentally came out a decade ago, Warriors impression. As teams fearlessly
became Bitcoin billionaires. The Bruno Passos is the Jake stumble into the AT&T Center, then get hit
murderer-catchers are under- Gyllenhaal who figured the square in the face with a knuckleball, the
standably a little salty about it. whole thing out. Spurs keep racking up Ws.

G O S S A G E ; R I G H T: B A R R Y G O S S A G E /A L L N B A E V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S
As you watch Gregg Popovich “You don’t get this sense “No one was really expecting this team
order Bryn Forbes to run around in the moment, but it turns out to be this well-oiled offensive machine,
three different screens before they are spacing the floor just but here they are,” said Passos.
I’m a little jealous of Bruno here, I tell
him. This is a little transgressive, a little
punk rock, in a David Bowie’s last album
kind of way. The whole NBA has settled
into one style of play. That style of play,
before 2016, was commonly referred to
as “NBA Jam: Tournament Edition.” It is
undoubtedly the best and most euphoric
kind of basketball.
But isn’t it kind of courageous to be
something else?
“Thank you for saying that. I’ve been
beating that drum all year,” said Passos.
“It’s become a little one-dimensional,
talking about what ‘good’ basketball is.
This is good, too. And it’s even better see-
ing them being a little counter-cultural.” S

Following a confusing end to

his time in San Antonio, Kawhi
Leonard is back—and dominat-
ing opponents once again. As
for what happened the entirety
of last season... let’s just say we
still have some questions.
J O N AT H A N B A C H M A N / G E T T Y I M A G E S
here are many
things about
Anthony Davis that
are terrifying. There are,
of course, his dunks—you
could ask Jarrett Allen
about that—that start far
above the rim and finish
with all of the authority.
They come in all possible
forms, from alley-oops
above the square to
post-ups to devastating
finishes in transition.
Can he face up? What
do you think?
What else is terrifying
is that he hasn’t even
peaked yet. Drafted first
overall in 2012, he’s a
five-time All-Star who’s
been First Team All-NBA
three times and is still
just 25 years old.
Somehow that doesn’t
seem possible. And with
every year that goes by he
gets bigger, stronger,
faster. Back in 2016, he
had one of the best games
in NBA history—59 points
and 20 rebounds, on 70
percent shooting. That’s
what he did then. The
most terrifying thing
about Anthony Davis is
this: What is he going to
do next? —Russ Bengtson



Hawks rookie TRAE YOUNG,

the most polarizing pick in

the 2018 NBA Draft, will

have his ups and downs this

WORDS DeMarco Williams season. But if he’s proven

P. 27
anything, it’s that the ride will

wind up being well worth the wait.

It’s the Atlanta Hawks’ home opener and
radio stations and marching bands are
blasting music outside. Inside, things are
even crazier with fans and media ogling
over a facility that’s unveiling a $200
million makeover, the second-biggest
renovation in NBA history.
This rehab called for a full gutting—
we’re talking new concourse layouts, new
TopGolf suites, a new jumbotron roughly
the size of Cobb County, new everything.
There are so many changes to the former
Philips Arena that, when an usher hands
out souvenir programs, everyone excited-
ly grabs one for the map inside.
The team brought in a bright new
face, too, and it belongs to Trae Young.
In this rebuilding season—literally and
figuratively—the super-gifted kid out of
Norman, OK, is going to be responsible
for some fun times around the gym. But The whole organization knows what cover of tonight’s program. “He’s a little
P R E V I O U S S P R E A D : J O E M U R P H Y/ N B A E V I A

he’s 20 and hasn’t met a 30-footer he Trae means. Follow the aroma of grilled phenom. You never know what to expect
doesn’t like, so there are destined to be chicken and freshly baked brownies down in any sport when you draft. You never
a few frustrating moments as well. The to the sleek, floor-level Chef’s Club and know what you’re going to get, but I’m
Hawks know this. They only hope that the you’ll run into Joe Schafer, the executive excited.”
energy the fans show in the stands after chef for the venue’s entire culinary pro- Everyone’s pumped. Until they aren’t.

a dope crossover doesn’t completely gram. This man leads a staff of hundreds
dissipate after a dumb turnover. for every State Farm Arena event, but t this point Young’s backstory
“I’m excited,” Young says of his rookie even he knows that there’s another per- is old news. Introduced to the
season during the Hawks’ media day son in the building with much more on his masses last year at Oklahoma

Facebook forum with fans. “There’s a plate these days. during a freshman campaign
little bit of anxiousness, nervousness, a “[Trae’s] amazing,” says Schafer, of in which he showed the moves
little bit of everything. I’m just ready to the franchise-building point guard whose of Steph and the range of
play. At this time, you’ve been through so face is already plastered on billboards Sprint, Young literally did things previ-
much. You’re just ready to play.” across the city and, of course, on the ously unseen in college—like being the

first player to lead the NCAA in points t brings us back to the Hawks’ home me to stay the course. When the fourth
and assists in the same season. He had opener. Of course, it’s vs. the Maver- quarter came, I knew I had to show up
offensive outburts of 43 and 39 before icks. Trae Young vs. Luka Doncic. The and play for my teammates.”
New Year’s Eve, but as defenders wised scheduling gods would not have had It’s no coincidence that new Hawks
up, those numbers came down. Kinda it any other way. Doris Burke and the forward Vince Carter has a locker next
hard to do your thing when you’re dou- ESPN crew are here. The Zac Brown to the celebrated rookie. From in-game
ble- and triple-teamed every possession, Band is doing the national anthem. Future inconsistencies to the post-game media
right? is performing at the half and postgame. smothering, the 21-year vet has seen it
But even with the stats tapering off to- Feels almost playoff-ish. all before, so he’s taken it upon himself to
ward the end of the Sooners’ season, the Trae started a little off. He’s handsy help Young navigate through the clutter.
Hawks never wavered in their feelings and anxious. Three fouls before the 10:00 “We sit beside each other in timeouts
for Young. According to many reports, mark in the second. He sat down with 5 or whatever,” said Carter about Young,
Trae was the guy that Atlanta wanted points. At one point in the first half, the who sandwiched that night’s perfor-
from jump—so, when the Draft came, the Hawks were down by 26. Doncic, on the mance between a rousing 35-point
franchise had no problem with trading other hand, was poised beyond his years. showing against Cleveland and a rough
its No. 3 pick to the Dallas Mavericks in You can already see where this is going. 3-12 effort versus Chicago. “I make sure
exchange for the No. 5 selection and a The Hawks’ first-year head coach, Lloyd we communicate. It’s something I want
future first-rounder. The Mavs took Luka Pierce, must have given a Rudy-esque half- to do. He asks me questions and I enjoy
Doncic with the third choice. time speech because his squad came out that. That lets me know that he wants
“Two of our goals in the next few fired up in the second half. Taurean Prince to get better. He doesn’t want the stage
years is to accumulate as many assets and Kent Bazemore held things down in to get too big. He’s definitely humbled
as we can and to get as much talent as the third quarter while Young played with a himself by saying, Hey, teach me the
we can,” Hawks GM Travis Schlenk told sense of urgency in the fourth, showing off ropes. He’s going to put it together and
the Atlanta-Journal Constitution before some zip with his passes mold into one great player.”
the season started. “Luka is a heck of a and his underrated But even with the highs and lows that
player; we were happy with him. Trae is knack for drawing fouls will define Young’s rookie season, the
a heck of a player; we are excited to have in the paint. There was 20-year-old has been exactly what the
him. When the opportunity came to pick even a rewind-worthy Hawks organization has asked for thus
up a first-round pick from the Mavericks, moment when Dennis far. He’s scoring, passing and generally
it just kind of made sense to accomplish
both goals with one move.” 
Most of your favorite hoops bloggers
said the Hawks royally effed up with the
transaction. Doncic, a EuroLeague
sensation, was deemed a once-in-a- gen-
eration talent. He was 18 giving THAT CHIP ON MY SHOULDER,
28-year-old vets 20 and 8 every night.


How could Atlanta not stick with him?
When the NBA Summer League
started, those rumbles only grew loud-
er—even though Doncic sat out for the
action. Young, on the other hand, was out Smith Jr got all discombobulated during getting folks around Atlanta energized
there getting his every move dissected by one of Young’s silly dribbling exhibitions. about basketball again. “This was a big
analysts. He averaged 12.7 points on just Doncic finished with 21 points. Young game for me,” Young said. “I wanted to
23 percent shooting in Utah. The haters ended with 17 points and 5 assists and his win for myself, my team and this city.”
couldn’t get to Twitter quick enough. Hawks got the comeback victory. “It’s a long season,” Carter added.
When he got to Vegas, however, “People are going to look and say that “You’re going to have bad nights. You’re
Young’s game took off. He averaged 17 [Doncic] scored 4 more points than me going to hear people say, Maybe you’re
and nearly 7 assists in four games. The and that makes him better,” Young said not this type of player. Just stay the
shooting percentage jumped tremen- after the game. “Well, I’m glad my team course. Just like that, that meter turns
dously, too. Things got quiet on the won. I’m glad our team came out on top. the other way and you become the great
timeline. That’s the main thing for me.” Trae Young that everybody wants to see.”
By then, though, Young and his We won’t overly simplify things too Young will have a few more uneven
many supporters—one of the loudest in much by calling the meeting a metaphor games, fueling the “Doncic was the better
the camp was Denver Nuggets rookie for Trae’s young career—a hype-filled pick” narrative further. But if we’ve learned
Michael Porter Jr., whose friendship with start, shaky moments, strong comeback, anything from watching this kid over the
Trae goes back to their AAU days—were eventual triumph—but you can’t help but past year or so, it’s that if Trae keeps being
fed up with the jokes and negative jabs. recognize the resilience. Trae, he’ll have the final say.
Porter Jr told us followers to “keep that “Those first three quarters, when “I always play with that chip on my
same energy” when Young inevitably took you’re in foul trouble, your rhythm isn’t shoulder, that lil’ nastiness,” he said. “I
off; Trae rocked a hoodie that said “Keep going,” said Young, surrounded by local just play and compete.”
that same energy” not long thereafter. reporters. “It’s tough. Luckily, I have great While always keeping that
Everyone’s quiet. Until they aren’t. teammates and veterans who just told same energy. S

STEPHEN CURRY has spent the past decade transforming

Oakland’s Golden State Warriors from an afterthought NBA

WORDS Alex Squadron
franchise to a full-blown dynasty. Now, with the team approaching
PHOTOS Atiba Jefferson
its 2019 move to San Francisco, the three-time champ is showing

P. 30 serious love to a city that has given him so much.

Street and you’ll hit Benny Adem, Curry’s

S t e PhEN
barber’s local shop. It’s adjacent to the
Oakland City Center and only a couple
blocks from where the 2018 champion-

C u R rY
ship parade began. The floats cruised on
Broadway all the way to 20th, then hung
a right toward Lake Merritt, eventually
winding up on Lakeside Drive. Curry’s
first apartment was around here, a high-
rise building with a beautiful view of the
surrounding landscape.
The parade ended back on 13th Street
by the Oakland Museum of California.
stands on the court at Oracle Arena with Close to a million people lined the
a ring on his right finger and a micro- U-shaped route, several arriving as early
phone in his left hand. as 6 a.m. to get a good spot. A sea of blue
“Y’all ready?” he asks the riled-up and yellow painted the city as players
crowd. hopped from their double-decker buses
Then he starts the countdown. to celebrate with the local citizens.
5, It’s here in Oakland that the Warriors
4, have been for the last 47 years. This is
3, where the story of Stephen Curry has
2, unfolded. Where a kid from North Caroli-
1… na first arrived, anxious and bewildered,
All eyes gaze up as another banner almost a decade ago. Where that kid
rolls down from the ceiling. For several started his family and is in the process
seconds, Stephen remains fixated on it. of raising three kids. Where he became a
He takes a few deep breaths and smiles two-time MVP and three-time champion.
softly, reminding himself to appreciate “This is our new home,” Curry says. “I
what it means. really don’t feel like we’re ever going to
“That moment, man, it’s so short, but leave this area, and that’s something that
there’s so many thoughts that go through 20 years ago...I never would’ve thought
your head,” he says. “That drop just this would be where I’d end up.”

definitely encapsulates everything that
you’ve gone through.” ne hundred and fifty boys and
And with that drop, the door was girls, all from the Oakland area,
closed on an epic 2017-18 championship wait eagerly outside the Fox
run. Theater on Telegraph Avenue.
And the Warriors’ final season in Oak- They’ve been carefully positioned
land officially began. in rows for the massive photo

you see on the cover of this magazine.
t’s a quiet Thursday morning at The plan is for Stephen Curry to walk
Jack London Square in downtown out of the theater and directly into the
Oakland. An old-school Warriors pre-arranged shot. Other prominent
banner—yellow with hints of orange figures from the community that we’ve
and blue—flutters outside Scott’s gathered—rapper E-40, former world
Seafood restaurant. A few people sit champion boxer Andre Ward, Warriors
looking out at the estuary that bleeds into legend Al Attles and many more—will fill
the San Francisco Bay, as they sip from in just behind him. Couple snaps of the
coffee cups. Somewhere on the other camera, maybe some slight adjustments
side of the water is the newly constructed and we’re done. Quick and easy.
Chase Center, where the Warriors will But the instant Curry emerges from
be playing their home games come Octo- our makeshift green room, this plan
ber of 2019. crumbles.
A train rumbles by in front of Home No, his presence is not a surprise. The
of Chicken and Waffles—the small spot kids have been preparing for it for over
Stephen Curry used to routinely hit an hour. And yet, once it becomes reality,
for late night food following a Dubs vic- once the actual Stephen Curry is standing
tory. It’s the type of place you can smell merely five feet away from them, the ex-
before you see it. The cinnamon-coated citement cannot be bottled. It all comes
batter, the warm maple syrup, the deep- rushing out uncontrollably.
fried wings. Our nicely organized lines—smallest
Drive straight up Broadway to 14th in the front, tallest in the back—disinte-

grate into a giant mosh pit. Kids dig into
their pockets for their cell phones, others I THANK OAKLAND FOR EMBRACING ME
reach out toward Curry in desperation.
There’s pushing and shoving as each kid
tries to inch closer. The scene suddenly AS ONE OF THEIR OWN. FOR GIVING ME
resembles a rock concert more than a
photo shoot.
From thoroughly structured to utterly
chaotic. In a matter of seconds.
We have somehow managed to un- PRIDE AND SOMETHING TO PLAY FOR.”
derestimate the impact Curry has here.
And now, as our cover star is increasingly
swarmed by a crowd of animated chil-
dren, we start to question whether any of
this will actually happen.
It is Stephen himself who comes to the
rescue, quieting the shrieks with simple
waves of his arms.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he assures
the mass. “After we take the pictures, I’ll
make sure I say hi to everybody.”
It’s a promise that he keeps, lingering
on the block and dishing out daps that
are received with the same elation as
R I G H T T O U S E I M A G E S O F F O X T H E AT E R I N O A K L A N D , C A L I F O R N I A B Y P E R M I S S I O N F R O M G A S S E N T E R TA I N M E N T, L L C A N D

presents on Christmas.
“Go get your high-five,” one teenager
tells a younger boy, who promptly scur-
ries off in the direction of Curry.

teve Wilkinson is the president
of a wealth management firm in
Oakland and has been a passion-
ate Golden State Warriors fan overall passion in the people that seemed like, Wow, you’re there? Now it’s a sense
dating back to 1982. to permeate all aspects of life. As an un- of excitement that Curry and the Warriors
A N O T H E R P L A N E T E N T E R TA I N M E N T, L L C . ” R I G H T: N O A H G R A H A M / N B A E V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S

“There’s a long history of a dersized, overlooked rookie, it resonated have brought, that this is the place to be.”
little bit of excitement, but a culture of with Stephen. As the team has found more success,
defeatism,” he says. “The culture before Even as he battled injuries early on, it’s also made a point of emphasizing to
Steph came was just about having fun. and the team struggled to progress, fans the world who it represents. Oakland
The motto of the team was, It’s a Great still brought the energy to Oracle every can get lost behind the “Golden State”
Time Out. Like, they’re not supposed to single night. moniker, and so the players started
win, but you’ll enjoy yourself.” “There was crazy noise, crazy excite- wearing alternate black jerseys featuring
When Curry entered the NBA in ment, and it made playing in front of them “The Town”—a nickname popularized by
2009, the Warriors had not won a title that much more special,” he says. “Win or native hip-hop artists like Too $hort and
since 1975 and had missed the playoffs loss, they rolled with us.” MC Hammer—and the city symbol of an
14 of the previous 15 years. In almost The Warriors remained a source of oak tree.
three decades of worshipping the enthusiasm and a significant piece of The three rings. The two MVP trophies.
franchise, Wilkinson had never seen Oakland’s identity, through the good The record-breaking performances. Cur-
them advance further than the Western times and the bad. But few beyond the ry’s on-court production has undoubtedly
Conference Semis. borders could truly grasp that. shaped not only the external view of
He recalls seeing the draft pick from From the outside, the city of Oakland Oakland, but also the spirit within the
Davidson roam the streets around Lake is often misunderstood. The common city. That culture of defeatism has been
Merritt unnoticed and unbothered by pe- perception, that it’s unsafe and simply completely flipped on its head.
destrians. Curry was a foreigner then, still less appealing than many of the other “They say sports is a microcosm of
trying to get accustomed to an entirely regions in California, is misguided. Crime life,” says Yusef Wright, Curry’s barber,
different atmosphere. Having grown up does not define the area. What does is who was born and raised in East Oakland.
and gone to college in North Carolina, he a sense of pride and unity. A sense that “When Steph arrived and the team start-
didn’t know much about the West Coast. Stephen Curry’s ascendance has helped ed to take a turn for the better, there’s
“It was definitely a culture shock for to unearth. optimism, there’s hope, there’s love.
sure,” Curry says. “How fast things move, “Oakland used to be a scary place that That’s big. You can literally trace it back
how vibrant the city is and just how beau- people didn’t want to come to,” Wilkinson to his arrival.”
tiful the city is, too.” explains. “I’d mention that I was from Legendary Oakland rapper Mistah
Those strolls through Oakland Oakland when I was in other parts of the F.A.B. was brought to tears when Golden
exposed a go-getter mentality and an country, and people would look at me State won the title in 2015, breaking its

initials of all 36 people who were killed in
the tragedy.
This past summer, Stephen and his
wife Ayesha helped unveil a new educa-
tion lab that offers laptops and technol-
ogy to many of the youth that did not
previously have access to them.
“It’s bigger than basketball for him,”
says Tim Hon, a member of a local
muralist group called the Illuminaries.
Hon, Steve Ha and Romali Licudan have
painted several Stephen Curry pieces
throughout Oakland, including one that’s
currently up on 4th Street. “It’s just good
for Oakland, everything that he rep-
“Stephen Curry has meant so much
to the city,” Andre Ward tells us. “He’s
not just a basketball player. He’s not just
a superstar. He rolls up his sleeves and
gets in the community.”
We ask Andre to deliver a message to
“If I could say anything to Steph as far
as what he’s done and what he’s brought
to the city of Oakland, it’s just thank you,”
he says. “The nation considers Oakland a
small market, but I feel like what you and
your teammates have done on the court,
and obviously the work that you put in off
the court, has really put a positive light on
a city that doesn’t always have a positive
Only a few minutes later, we ask
Stephen to deliver a message to Oakland,
and it’s filled with similar notions of love
and gratitude.
40-year drought. He likes to call himself resident and Warriors supporter. “And “Personally, I thank Oakland for em-
the Jack Nicholson of Dub Nation. Steph does a ton of outreach. He even bracing me as one of their own,” he says.
“The reason for my tears was my invested in our local playground and rec “For giving me a new home, for giving me
mother and I used to watch the Warriors center. Now it’s a place that’s safe and a sense of pride and something to play
all the time,” says F.A.B. “She would take people can go and enjoy it. The school for.”

me to games and she would spend her there was incredibly underserved and
last [dollars] for my friends and I to go. I think he saw that. He was able to see ack in the Fox Theater after
She was a huge Warriors fan. Big. Bigger the importance of inspiring the kids who the photo shoot, Stephen is
than me.” needed it the most. I think that’s unique to still wearing his black, Oak-
His mother, Desire A. Jeffrey, died of who he is as a person.” land-themed Under Armour
cancer in 2010. The Curry family partners every year jersey and his retro Warriors
“When they won, I could only think, with Feed the Children, an international shorts. There’s a big 10 on the
I know that she would’ve been there. I charity, to provide packages filled with uniform—representative of his 10th year
know that we would’ve been at the game food and household items to Oakland in The Town.
or watching the game together. And so it families in need. The crowd outside has dwindled, al-
was kind of like a bittersweet thing. I was When Stephen claimed his first MVP though a line is materializing for the Tom
like, Mom, we finally won. I looked up to in 2015, he donated the prize vehicle, a Misch concert in the evening. Those who
the sky. And I could hear her just saying, Kia Sorrento, to the East Oakland Youth happen to peak through the window as
Go, go Baby!” Development Center. they pass are stunned to see their favorite
What Curry has given Oakland through After the devastating 2016 fire at point guard seated casually inside. One
basketball alone would be enough. But the Ghost Ship warehouse in Oakland, girl types out a message using Snapchat
for what Oakland has given Curry, he Stephen raised more than $45,000 for on her phone and presses it against the
feels a greater obligation. the victims by auctioning off two custom glass. “YOU’RE A COOL DUDE,” it reads.
“I have a 5-year-old boy who is in the pairs of shoes designed by a hometown It’s with these people in mind that Cur-
Oakland public school district,” says artist. Each pair, worn during a mid-De- ry is finding extra motivation this season.
Alyssa Tomfohrde, a longtime Oakland cember game against the Knicks, had the He’s off to an incredible start, averaging


34.6 points and 6.8 assists as we went the city of Oakland before we leave and point, from the summer of 2009 to pres-
to print. He exploded for 51 points in 31 head over to San Francisco,” says Mistah ent day, you can detect a bit of nostalgia
minutes in a late-October game against F.A.B. in his tone.
the Wizards, sending Oracle Arena into “One more ring,” adds Ravell Sweet- There was that first apartment that
one of its typical frenzies. wyne, the bartender at Home of Chicken overlooked Lake Merritt. Those walks
“Going into a season with what we and Waffles. around the city as an enlivened 21-year-
have on our team, a championship is How important is it to go out on a high old. The late nights with his friends at
what you focus on. But this year, it makes note? the chicken and waffle joint. All the
it a little bit more focused and more “It’s important to us, and I think it’s crazy moments when you could feel the
special in terms of understanding what way more important to Steph,” Sweet- vibrations inside Oracle. The drives down
is at stake,” he says. “Trying to win three wyne continues. “He gave us everything Broadway holding the Larry O’Brien tro-
in a row and this is our last season in we wanted. Just one more.” phy with nearly a million people cheering
Oakland, playing in front of the fans there It’s something Curry himself has from the sidewalks.
at Oracle Arena.” envisioned. Another banner rolling down But hold on. Now is not the time to get
Of course, Stephen isn’t really going from the ceiling. The reflective.
anywhere. This is where he’s rooted. perfect ending to an “We’ll have a lot of fun reminiscing
Where he draws inspiration and feels incredible ride. The when it’s all over,” he says. “But we got
comfortable. Where he calls home. perfect send-off to the some more work to do.”
“Me knowing Steph, and knowing how next chapter. For now, he’s focused on one more
much the city means to him,” his barber As he ponders the run. For himself and his teammates, sure,
Yusef says, “there’s no doubt that not long journey to this but also for Oakland. For The Town. S
only the work that he’s done, but the
work that he’ll continue to do in The
Town, will be everlasting. STEPHEN HAS MEANT SO MUCH TO THE
“There’s a bit of a gloomy cloud with
the departure to San Francisco. But what
was started here, what was created here, CITY. HE’S NOT JUST A BASKETBALL
what was born here, is love.”
And there is no denying a special
yearning, both in Stephen and in the PLAYER. HE ROLLS UP HIS SLEEVES AND
Oakland community, to finish this thing
the right way.
“Hopefully we can get one more for

H E P L AYA noon in
R O U GH T da y after
N G T H a M on s m
A L K I e community tephenson is
o n a ll
id S A n ge les
beachs ember, Lance e nearby Los earlier
ov am rs
early N living in the s just three yea nd while
ck in .A
He’s ba ity he resided f the Clippers return to
o m m u n e m bero r y in his
c was a m r scen e
h as be en
e ia r
when h d for the famil taples Cente ght him
te S ou
he’s op ourney back to de that has br set after
j ri d
L.A., his roller-coaster different min ion.
y ha at
a bump a La Land wit in the Associ
L rs
back to ous three yea
a tumu
the fifth team Stephenson had joined
in less than two seasons. The grand
return to Indiana, where he first earned
for the final year of his contract. his “Lance Makes Em Dance” and “Sir
This would lead to the toughest point Lance A Lot” monikers, brought back
In the summer of 2015, the Charlotte in his career: the 2016-17 campaign. He his old swag while giving the Pacers a
Hornets traded the 6-5 Brooklyn guard signed with the Pelicans that offseason much-needed energy and confidence
to the Clippers in exchange for Matt but after suffering a groin injury just two spark off the bench. Last season, he
Barnes and Spencer Hawes. His time in weeks into the regular season, which helped play a role in Indiana almost
Los Angeles would end up being a quick ruled him out for six to 10 weeks and re- defeating the Cavaliers in the first round
and frustrating one, as his playing time quired surgery, he was waived by the team of the playoffs, coming within 5 points of
dwindled from the start and he never just three days later. He waited around for a Game 7 victory.
truly found his rhythm and role within a call from another team for three months “It’s crazy because I went from getting
the rotation. Eventually, by the time the before the Minnesota Timberwolves, hurt, to the team cutting me, to then doing
trade deadline came around, Stephen- who had lost guard Zach LaVine for the 10-days with the Timberwolves and then
son’s stint in L.A. had come to an end—he remainder of the season to an ACL injury, signing a three-year contract with the
was subsequently traded to the Memphis called offering only a 10-day contract. Pacers,” he says. “It was like, unbelievable.
Grizzlies in exchange for Jeff Green. The Yet less than a week after signing with It was definitely amazing and I think that
short-lived tenure in Los Angeles, which the Wolves, Stephenson found himself was God answering all my prayers—and
surely left a bad taste in Stephenson’s battling another nagging injury—this time just all the hard work I went through to
mouth, led to a three-year expedition that a grade 2 ankle sprain. He’d nonetheless get the opportunity that I got. Just going
ultimately brought him back to the City of earned a second 10-day contract with the from not playing at all and doing 10 days
Angels—this time in the purple and gold team before being waived by the franchise to being on a team that actually uses you
as he looks for a little redemption. after only appearing in six games. as much as possible, and then helping the

“I had times when I felt like, Man, I team win—that was amazing.
fter he was moved to the Griz- don’t think I’m going to be in the League “I knew what I could do. I just needed
zlies, Stephenson’s time in the next year. But I always knew that if I the opportunity. I just knew that if I could
League got even rockier. Despite worked hard and believed in myself and get the minutes and the playing time
averaging a career-best 14.2 put God first, I’d have a chance,” Stephen- to show my talent, I knew what I could
points per game in his 26 games son says. “I was controlling what I could do in this League. And so [the Pacers]
with the team to finish off the control and that was being in the gym gave me an opportunity as soon as I came
regular season in Memphis, including and just working hard because I knew my back to the team. I mean, I worked so
a career-high 33-point performance chance would come again.” hard and everything was coming easy to
against the New Orleans Pelicans and Less than two weeks later, in a rather me. When you have a team that believes
then a 26-point outing in the playoffs surprising turn of events, the Indiana in you and pushes you to be great, your
against the San Antonio Spurs, the fran- Pacers signed the former Coney Island talent does the rest.”
chise declined to pick up his team option prodigy to a three-year deal, marking The Pacers declined their team option

for the final year of Lance’s contract last
June, which paved the way for him to
become a free agent. A week or so later,
an incoming call from Magic Johnson
secured Stephenson’s return to Los
Angeles, where he now looks to take care
of unfinished business and redeem the
short-lived tenure at Staples Center from
three years ago.
“Definitely going through all the
situations that I went through after I left
the Pacers—being on five different
teams—I just feel like it was a great
experience through the ups and downs. I
learned from all the ups and downs that I
went through. I think it made me stronger
and it made me the person I am now,” he
says. “I learned that you gotta stay
positive and you gotta stay hungry
throughout the tough times when I wasn’t
even playing or getting as much playing
time as I wanted. I stuck with it. I learned
that I could control only what I could
control, and that was getting in the gym
and working harder every day, pushing
myself to be better and just watching a
lot of film. Mostly it was keeping my body
in shape because when you’re not playing
that much you could get out of shape
easily. So my goal was to always be in
shape because you never know when
your opportunity comes.”
His return to Hollywood has helped
bring his flashy NYC-bred handles and
off-the-dribble moves back to the nation-

F R O M T O P : M I C H A E L G O N Z A L E S / N B A E V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S ; S E A N M . H A F F E Y/ G E T T Y I M A G E S
al stage, and only five weeks into
the season, he’s already become a
fan-favorite in Los Angeles. He’s shown







L O O K G O O D A N D P L AY G O O D . . .

2- PLY R EV ER SI B LE $ 9 0 • 1 - PLY G AM E $7 5 ($ 1 5 0 F O R H O M E & AWAY S ET S )

flashes of the kind of impact and spark and that toughness, that defense, and cles of the past four years have set the
he can bring to a team. In only the second also a clutch performance in some stage for his return to L.A., where he now
week of the season he dropped 23 points, games—I feel like I’m built for tough, looks to prove why the Born Ready nick-
8 rebounds and 8 assists against the close games. I knew I could help this unit. name rings true today more than ever.
Phoenix Suns off the bench, shooting 10- I’ve now played for Michael Jordan, Larry “When you’re a rookie, you gotta un-
14 from the floor. Bird and now Magic Johnson. Talking to derstand that everyone is good. You might
“I was at home chilling and I got that those great players helped my game out, not get your opportunity when you first
call from Magic,” he says. “I was like, No just learning how they think.” come in. I remember my first two years
way! They want me on the Lakers? And A highly touted prospect since his I was sitting in a suit behind the bench,”
with LeBron and the young fellas we early days at famed Lincoln High School Lance says. “What I took from it was I
have, I was like, I can’t turn this down. I’m where he led the school to four consecu- learned as much as I could from the older
just happy for this opportunity and I feel tive city championships and was ranked guys and what they brought to the table
like as I continue to work, many [more] among the top-10 players in the Class that kept them on the court and kept
blessings are going to come. of 2009, the past eight years since his them in the rotation. It’s not about talent.
“I was like, You think LeBron wants me arrival to the NBA have given the former You gotta know the game. You gotta know
on this team?!” he continues. “I definitely Cincinnati Bearcat a different perspective the plays, every position, to get on that
knew that playing alongside him I could on the game and his role. The humbling floor. Eventually you learn you can’t just
help him and help bring in that energy experiences and particularly the obsta- go. You gotta do it with a team.” S





While the Lakers have been getting

most of the hometown hype,

Clippers rookie PG SHAI GILGEOUS-

ALEXANDER is steadily proving it’s

just a matter of time until he becomes

a star for L.A.’s other pro team.

WORDS Holly MacKenzie

P. 49
A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO, in a quiet gym
after a long day of training, NBA rookies were at with Simplis in preparation for the draft.
the free-throw line engaging in a shooting contest. The duo continued to train throughout the
It was a low-stakes game, $20 going to whichever summer leading into his first NBA season.
“He’s a quick learner,” Simplis says.
young millionaire swished the most shots. A paltry “You throw something at him, he’ll mas-
payout didn’t impact Los Angeles Clippers point ter it. And if he doesn’t right away, he’ll
guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s desire to win. come back the next day and he wants to
do what he couldn’t complete the day
As another rookie took his place at the line, threat- prior.
ening to upset Gilgeous-Alexander’s path to victory, “He’s definitely ahead of the curve in
the Toronto native pulled out all the stops to make that mental aspect. He really wants to be
great and that is exciting.” 
his opponent crack. There was chirping and trash-talking, even Simplis connected with Gilgeous-Alex-
kisses blown in an effort to break concentration. Gilgeous- ander from the jump, saying that working
Alexander did what was necessary to come away on top. with the point guard has been one of the
best experiences he’s had in more than
“You put someone in front of him and why the Clippers selected him (via trade) 20 years working with players.
there’s a competition, he’s a different with the 11th pick in the 2018 draft. Fast “His work ethic is beyond his years,” he
[person],” says Olin Simplis, his trainer. forward three months to the League’s says. “His attention to detail is beyond his
“Something just switches inside of him. annual GM survey and it’s clear everyone years. He just absorbs everything. He has
That’s the thing that has stood out the else is beginning to see what the Clippers that professional mindset at an early age.
most for me. People don’t understand saw prior to draft night. Gilgeous-Alex- How to take care of his body, all the little
that about him yet.” ander was atop the list of responses for things that we asked him to do before
That competitive streak combined with “biggest steal of the draft,” garnering 27 he steps on the court he does. He’s got a
his rangy 6-6 frame, not to mention a sev- percent of the votes. bright future ahead of him.”
en-foot wingspan, is one of the reasons Gilgeous-Alexander began working Whether he’s driving the lane to

cram a thunderous dunk or getting a toast to the years of work and preparation he’s one of the most fierce competitors
steal, then going behind-the-back and that went into that moment. I’ve ever seen at this stage.”
Euro-stepping into a left-handed lay-up “It’s the best feeling I’ve felt so far Gilgeous-Alexander was one of 13 Ca-
or deftly intercepting a Chris Paul pass in my life,” Gilgeous-Alexander says of nadians on NBA rosters on opening night
to sprint to the hoop for another slam, being drafted. “It’s kind of hard to explain, of the 2018-19 season. It was only a few
you don’t have to watch for very long but it’s just a whirlwind of emotion that years ago that being selected as a lottery
to get excited about where Gilgeous- night. You’re in the best mood ever. You’re pick was a huge deal for basketball in
Alexander is going. happy you got drafted. You’re happy you Canada. As the game continues to grow
Combine his natural gifts of size and got this opportunity. It almost feels like north of the border, Gilgeous-Alexan-
quickness and a super-high basketball IQ, everyone’s birthday party.” der gives thanks to the Canadians who
along with a relentless work ethic and Since draft night, he has rewarded forged a path before him.
desire to be the best, and the potential is himself for all of that hard work by filling “At first there wasn’t too many kids
staggering. Gilgeous-Alexander’s ceiling out his wardrobe, buying shoes from Sole playing [basketball], it was still hockey,”
is the sky. Stage on Fairfax, while Balenciaga, Saint he says. “As I got older, basketball really
“[I want to] get better every day, with Laurent and Gucci have started to take started taking over. Now, I’d say guys play
every experience,” he says. “I feel like up space in his closet. basketball more than hockey for many
if I do that and give it my all, be smart A quick scroll through Gilgeous-Alex- reasons, other than it’s just a better
in how I treat my body, all of that, then ander’s Instagram—he recently finessed sport. The more we play it, the better
the accolades and awards that I want to himself into possession of the highly we’re getting, I think. We’re on the rise.
accomplish will take care coveted single name handle @shai, if you “It’s thanks to all of those guys that did
of itself. I want to attack were wondering—and it’s easy to see a it, like Steve [Nash], Rowan [Barrett], just
every day and get better 20-year-old living the dream in Los Ange- to name a few. Guys that went and played
from it.” les. Mitchell cautions against confusing Division I and put Canada on the map.”
Though he’s extremely Gilgeous-Alexander’s quick smile for a Plenty has changed in Gilgeous-
focused while in the gym, lack of focus. Alexander’s world in the three years that
he’s already found the “He’s a self-made guy,” Mitchell says. Mitchell has worked with him, but just


sweet spot of preparing for the future “Nothing has been given to him. He went as much has remained the same. He
while simultaneously enjoying the to the [Canadian] National Team to get still sends frequent texts asking how he
moment.  experience and he worked himself to can improve. Like a good Torontonian,
P R E V I O U S S P R E A D : K E V O R K D J A N S E Z I A N / G E T T Y I M A G E S ; L E F T: J O H N M C C O Y/ G E T T Y I M A G E S

Charlotte Hornets assistant coach where he was helping us. He went to he still reps Drake to the fullest—“He’s
Nate Mitchell has worked with Kentucky—he started the year on the the greatest, ever”—and, of course, he’s
Gilgeous-Alexander for the past three bench [and] midway through the season, looking forward to his first time suiting
summers. This year, the newly drafted he was a starter. Now he’s with the Clip- up in an NBA uniform in front of his
PG would make the hour drive from pers—he’s going to come off the bench family and friends when the Clippers play
nearby Hamilton, Ontario, to Toronto to and it wouldn’t surprise me in a year or the Raptors.
train with Mitchell. Like Simplis, Mitchell two if he’s their starting point guard. He “[He’s] always smiling,” Mitchell says.
speaks effusively about the 20-year-old’s just works so hard, coaches are going to “Always joking. Loves to dance. He’s just
desire to be great. trust him.” a good kid. Doesn’t mind seeing new
“He watches film so much,” Mitchell The juxtaposition between Gilgeous- things, trying new things. His mom has
says. “He watches games over and over, Alexander’s on-court drive and off-court been good with him in terms of him being
he always asks coaches opinions on how demeanor is something Simplis has also humble. He’s such a humble kid.
to get better. He’s a ball junkie, a big-time marveled over. During summer training “Anybody you could have wanted to
competitor. He’s never sped up—he plays sessions, video and camera crews would speak to about his getting better, they
at his speed.” sometimes come in to film. Whenever would all say the same thing—at the end
The NBA world is learning Gilgeous- Simplis would watch the playback or of the day, it’s Shai,” Mitchell continues.
Alexander’s game as the season goes on. look at photos from that day’s session, “He’s searching out what he needs to do.
It didn’t take long to be introduced to his he would be surprised to see how often Some guys need [you to call them and
vibrant personality, too. The rookie won both he and Gilgeous-Alexander were say], ‘Hey let’s go, let’s get better, let’s
draft night fashion MVP with a cham- captured laughing or smiling.  work hard today.’ He never needs that
pagne suit (and matching button down “When we work out, I’m very locked conversation. He’s a self-starter. Built-in
underneath it) adorned with turquoise flo- in,” Simplis says. “It’s borderline crazy motor. Super competitive.”
ral print and a turquoise tie. Gilgeous-Al- and there are so many pictures of us For everyone who flips to a Clippers
exander loves fashion almost as much smiling and laughing. Obviously, people game this season and finds their atten-
as he loves basketball, and names sitting see the photos and are like, Oh, they’re tion gravitating toward the point guard
front row at New York Fashion Week as posed, but no. I’m defending him, I’m with the endless wingspan, Simplis pres-
one of the things on his bucket list. The bumping him. We’re trash-talking, but ents a strong reason to keep watching.
champagne color choice was appropriate having a good time. It’s fun. The one thing “This kid reminds me of a 6-6 Chris
with draft night serving as the ultimate that stands out, for someone so young, Paul. He wants to win everything.” S

Los Angeles Lakers


A Great Day in Oakland
WORDS Max Resetar

P. 52
nior year of high school, the same school
that Kevin Durant starred at. He played so
well, averaging 25 points per game, that
he wanted to find even better competi-
tion. He spent his final year of high school
at Findlay Prep, a basketball factory that
has produced talents like Avery Bradley,
Tristan Thompson, Kelly Oubre and most
recently Bol Bol. Trier stuffed the stat
sheet again, pouring in 26 points a game.
Wherever he was playing, Trier was a
guaranteed bucket.
“At a really young age, I just knew how
to score the ball. It was just, like, really
easy for me,” he says matter-of-factly. “I
was just advanced in that area, under-
standing angles, understanding ways to
get my shot off, how to make a shot from
anywhere on the floor at any time.”
He continued to score at the Univer-
sity of Arizona as he began to rack up
individual achievements. He put up 18
points a game as a junior, leaving Tucson
with First-Team All-Pac-12 (2018) honors
and the Pac-12 Tournament MOP award
in 2017.
Yet he didn’t hear his name on June
21, 2018.
“I’ve been through adversity for rea-
sons I can’t control,” he says. “Obviously it
ALLONZO TRIER didn’t storm into the NBA the didn’t go the same path that we thought it
would but that’s how things happen in life
way you might’ve thought he would had you sometimes. I know I’m in a good place.”
Trier had gone from a nationally known
followed his hype-filled childhood. But he’s kept prospect to a draft night afterthought. But
he kept all of those receipts. After being
a level head and is becoming a strong piece of counted out, after going undrafted and
after balling out through Summer League
and the preseason, he’s proving to be ready
the Knicks’ increasingly bright future. for his moment under the bright lights.
He’s played in all eight Knicks games this
season as we went to press, scoring in

double figures in four of them and provid-
llonzo Trier had to think quickly. Knicks. Unfortunately you won’t be draft- ing high-energy signs of life to a struggling
He only had a moment to make a ed. You won’t hear your name called to- team with a potentially bright future.
life-changing decision during the night.’ We gave it thought and we turned “He’s actually handled the waves very
middle of the 2018 NBA Draft. The those other teams down and we accepted well,” Knicks head coach David Fizdale
35th pick had just passed and the the Knicks deal.” says. “If he has a bad game, his routine
Knicks were on the board. Right It was the latest fork-in-the-road for never changes. If he didn’t score a lot, he
before selecting Mitchell Robinson, execu- Trier. The 22-year-old has been in the comes in here with the same attitude, the
tives from the team made a phone call. spotlight since 2009, when The New York same work ethic, [being] the same good
“After the Knicks picked at 36, I kinda Times published a lengthy feature on teammate. He’s just focused in on trying
knew I was gonna go undrafted,” Trier him, detailing his early accomplishments to come in here every day and get better.”
remembers. “They had called right before and his already insane schedule. He was Seattle. Oklahoma City. Rockville, MD.

they made their pick. They had basically dominating his age group in Seattle at Henderson, NV. Tucson, AZ. It all led to
offered me the deal. I listened to a few that point in time, his long braids dancing opening night at Madison Square Garden,
teams call at, like, 41, 43, 46, and they in the wind whenever he’d carve up when Trier skyrocketed up to the rim
were all places that I didn’t feel were defenses. In the years that followed, Trier for a signature poster dunk, sending the
great fits. My agent told me ‘You can have would go on a basketball odyssey. He World’s Most Famous Arena into hysteria.
the option of hearing your name called to- would hoop in Oklahoma, moving there at “They tried to crucify me,” he wrote
night and you can go to a situation where the age of 14, playing his AAU ball with in an Instagram post after the first game
I don’t know what it’ll be like for you. Or the OKC Storm. He decided to relocate to of the season. “All the pain I had to go
you can be undrafted and go play with the Montrose Christian High School for his ju- through, they created a monster!” S


P. 54
Alex Squadron
S TA C Y R E V E R E / G E T T Y I M A G E S

Kings big man WILLIE CAULEY-STEIN’s career was heading in the wrong

direction, but a change in mindset and some renewed hunger has it looking

like the future is awfully bright for the 25-year-old 7-footer.

illie Cauley-Stein is laying in he began to confront that fact. Fueled by that encouraging finish and
his hotel bed in downtown So he hired a chef and a mental coach. an intensifying hunger to be “the guy,”
Philadelphia, unable to He took his training, both on and off the Willie had a busier summer than usual.
sleep. His mind is wander- court, to another level. “[Before] I wasn’t working like the people
ing. He’s allowing it to think “I’m doing it like they say the best do that are doing this are working. I was
big, to imagine things it it,” Cauley-Stein tells us. “I’m expecting lying to myself, thinking that I was,” he
hasn’t really before. nothing but the best. If I am doing what explains. “Until I started really doing
It’s mid-December of 2017 and the they say the best are doing, then I got to what they’re doing, for the last five to six
Kings are in town to play the Sixers. In get the best results and I got to believe months, I’m really doing some stuff that
less than 24 hours, Willie—Sacramento’s the best results are coming.” I never thought I would do before. It’s

starting center—will score 9 points and special, man. It’s really special.”
grab 6 rebounds in a 101-95 victory at the uring his three-year stint in the And it’s translated to an impressive
nearby Wells Fargo Center. NBA, Cauley-Stein—a 7-0 big man opening to the 2018-19 campaign. As
But right now, approaching 3 a.m., he’s with incredible athleticism and of this writing, Cauley-Stein is posting
awake and contemplating his future in unique quickness for his size—has career-highs in points (15.7), rebounds
the game of basketball. He’s resetting his provided a glimmer of hope about (8.2) and field-goal percentage (57), and
goals and pondering what it would be like the rebuild in Sacramento. But the Kings are surprisingly 6-4.
to be one of the NBA’s best players. He’s the former No. 6 overall pick out of “It’s special what this game can do
ready for it. Kentucky has also struggled with to you. If you do all the right things and
So he sends a text to his veteran consistency, commanding the paint in invest and put in the time and have a
teammate Vince Carter, an eight-time All- some games and disappearing in others. good work ethic, it’s beautiful what can
Star headed for the Hall of Fame. I’m tired That sleepless night in December dras- happen,” he says.
of being overlooked, he tells VC. What do I tically altered Willie’s mindset on the floor, The 25-year-old has different expec-
have to do to be “the guy?” helping him to end the 2017-18 season on tations for “what can happen” as the
It’s a moment that sent Willie on an en- a high note, averaging 16.9 points and 7.9 season progresses. He’s allowing himself
tirely new path, one that continues today. rebounds through the final nine outings. to think big, to imagine things he hasn’t
Vince outlined what it would require “Always in attack mode,” he says of his really before.
for Cauley-Stein to get there—the hours new approach. “Before it was just—some “I’m 100 times better than I was last
he would have to pour in and the men- games I’d be in attack mode, other games season. Mentally, physically. Like 100
tality he would have to embrace. While I’m wanting somebody to tell me to be times better. I don’t think I’m the same
his work ethic was already strong, Willie in attack mode. Or I’m thinking, Should person,” Willie says.
admits he had not been fully invested I be in attack mode? Or, Should I shoot “Before I was just playing this game,
before then. There were more steps he this ball? Like, watching myself play the now I’m invested in it. It’s not just a game
could take. Hearing from Carter, game instead of playing the game.” anymore.” S

With the I PROMISE SCHOOL, LeBron James

is leaving a mark on his hometown of Akron

that will be felt for generations to come.

WORDS Ryan Jones

P. 57
from lampposts, painted on the sidewalk
in front of the building, the signs let you
know this isn’t some ordinary elemen-
tary school. The signs offer a unifying
mantra—We Are Family—and a statement
of commitment, reinforcing the words
that are written right into the name of the
school: I Promise.
The signs are convincing, but then you
enter the building—straight in through
two sets of double doors and a right into
the main office—and there’s some-
thing else you can’t miss. It’s the staff
members greeting students with hugs,
asking the kids who stop in if they’ve
eaten breakfast this morning, sending
them back to class with a firm word of
encouragement: “I want you to be great
today.” This is when you know the place is
really different.
Unique, unprecedented, impactful,
game-changing: So much about the I
Promise School reflects the example
of the 33-year-old Akron native who
inspired it. Though it just opened in July,
I Promise is already fulfilling the vision
LeBron James had for the sort of place
that could have been life-altering for him
during his own tumultuous upbringing.
Born to a single mother in a difficult ur-
ban environment, LeBron faced instability
and financial uncertainty through much
of his youth, and famously missed more

than 80 days of school during fourth national media attention when I Promise “We know that a lot of kids’ behavior
grade. Statistically, he was one of those opened in late July—from every angle, and performance isn’t based on the school
kids who never should have made it, who the story was too compelling to pass or the kid,” Nicole Hassan says. “It’s based
seemed destined for a negative outcome. up. But we waited until October to make on what’s going on at home, with the
Now he’s helping create the sort of the trip so we could witness first-hand family.” Hassan, the liaison between Akron
opportunities for a new generation of kids the progress of this groundbreaking Public Schools and the LeBron James
that only he could have dreamed of. school. A collaboration with Akron Public Family Foundation, explains it was essen-
Michele Campbell, executive director Schools—and it’s important to note that tial that the school considered “barriers
of the LeBron James Family Foundation, it is a public school, not a charter—I to learning”—anything in the students’
says the inspiration for the I Promise Promise opened with about 250 third and home or family life that might get in the
School grew from LeBron’s desire to fourth graders, with plans to expand to way of being able to attend and excel in
“identify kids like him. He created this full first- through eighth-grade capacity the classroom. The solution: The school’s
because, through the uphill battles he by 2022. The school pulls from the most Family Resource Center and comprehen-
and his mom had growing up, there were academically at-risk populations across sive “wraparound” support.
people in this community who helped the city, with a focus on those reading For the students, this approach takes
them.” Now, Campbell says, “his ultimate below grade level. And that’s just the a number of forms: from breakfast and
goal is that this creates generational first sign of how I Promise represents lunch provided free in school to daily
change in Akron.” an entirely new approach to public “social emotional learning” sessions that
There was a deserving crush of education. help students develop skills that go be-




yond spelling and math. From the words also take ESL classes, vital as Akron’s a student dealing with domestic abuse
of the teachers and staff to the literal population becomes ever more diverse. needed a safe place earlier this fall, she
writing on the wall—the halls are covered There’s a food pantry, a partnership with sought out Miss Vikki. But even with that
with encouraging slogans and mantras— the local foodbank, for parents to pick up focus on families, McGee, like the rest of
students are constantly reminded of the groceries they might not otherwise be the staff, is a beacon of warmth for the
school’s Habits of Promise: Perseverance, able to afford. And then there’s Victoria students. During our visit in October, a
Perpetual Learner, Problem Solver, Part- McGee, who directs the school’s Family trio of girls happily walked into her office
ner and Perspective. Resource Center, and who ties in all the during a break, came over to her for hugs
But again, that’s only half the battle. facets of the I Promise approach as well and then made themselves at home.
The other half comes in the school’s as anyone. A vital resource for both students and
approach to everything outside the In her role, McGee oversees not only families, McGee is also something else: a
classroom: The I Promise Too program the food pantry and GED program, but close connection to LeBron. Her brother
offers on-site GED classes for parents also assists families with resources like in law is Willie McGee, LeBron’s close
whose students are enrolled, so that legal services and career placement. And friend and former AAU and high school
kids and their mothers or fathers are as with so many of the teachers and staff teammate, and now the athletic director
often in the building at the same time, at I Promise, the impact goes beyond job at their alma mater, St. Vincent-St. Mary
learning on different floors. Parents can description: When the family member of HS, just a half mile down the road from

I Promise. Vikki and her husband helped and pokes his head into classrooms, something… I’m telling you, this is beyond
raise Willie, and they’ve known LeBron checks out the food pantry, meets what he had to do.”
since he was about the age of the kids parents doing GED prep work, or checks It’s a reminder that, at this point in
she’s helping now. More than most, she out the “Happy Happy” room, where the LeBron’s career and public life, his impact
understands why all of this matters to school keeps a healthy stash of extra is increasingly difficult to measure. On
him so much—and she appreciates how clothes, particularly cold weather gear, the court, you can check the numbers
much “We Are Family” goes beyond an so no kid will ever have to do without. and the titles, and argue the GOAT debate
easy slogan. Taking it all in, Landy is clearly, powerful- however you see fit. But off the court,
“I think LeBron recognizes that it takes ly moved. from the example he’s setting for the next
a village to raise a child. Looking at all of When I ask him how this visit came to- generation of ballplayers to the chances
this holistically just really validates who gether, Landry echoes the perspective of he’s providing the kids following his path,
he is,” McGee says. “The students walking so many other young athletes on LeBron. the legacy is hard to fathom. I Promise
these halls, he was that student. So that “He’s an idol of mine,” the soft-spoken doesn’t happen without a public school

whole ‘We Are Family,’ that unity, that WR says. “I follow him on Instagram, and system eager to find new ways to help its
F O U N D AT I O N ; A L L I S O N FA R R A N D / N B A E V I A G E T T Y

togetherness, that whole mindset is what I’d seen that he opened a school. Then at neediest students, or without dozens of
you see here. You don’t necessarily have the opening, he had a picture in the main dedicated educators committed to those
to be blood to be family.” foyer, and it just blew my mind—that an kids inside the classroom and out. But it’s

Jarvis Landry is learning this first athlete took this step, to change so many never even a dream without that kid from
hand. Our October visit to I Promise coin- lives. I just wanted to be a part of it in any Akron—and that’s true no matter how far
cides with a surprise appearance by the way I could.” he is from home.
Cleveland Browns’ fifth-year receiver, the Landry grew up a world away in small- “His love for Akron, no matter where
latest in a line of special guests—Justin town Louisiana, but he had no trouble he works, is seen through these children,
Timberlake came through a few weeks relating to LeBron’s motivation through and through this lifetime commitment
earlier—who have visited the school since memories of his own childhood. “Going to making change here,” Campbell
it opened. The appeal for the students through the building, I was just thinking says. “When LeBron had his first game
is obvious—as if having LeBron as their how much this could’ve helped me when this season, we were all in purple and
primary benefactor isn’t cool enough—but I was a kid,” Landry says. “And then think- gold. We’re here to support him. You’ll
with Landry, it’s clear this isn’t only about ing, what if something like this was in my find nothing but love and support for
putting smiles on kids’ faces. You can see community? As an athlete, we usually him here. He’ll always be committed to
it on his face as he walks the hallways just think of giving our time. But this is his hometown.” S

the windy city welcomes winter
Even the basketball

players aren’t

safe as violence

continues to hit



Here, a former

P. 62
WORDS Rus Bradburd
coach looks back

and wonders if

things will ever get any better.

Shawn Harrington
leagues, rec centers and tournaments had acted with astonishing courage. Also,
across the West Side. Often I was the only years earlier, he had appeared in a few
white person in the building. scenes of the landmark documentary
I met Shawn Harrington in 1992, and Hoop Dreams. Finally, he was a former
he was the primary reason I returned to college basketball star who had earned
the neighborhood when I started coaching his degree. The diploma meant that he
at New Mexico State. He had been a had choices and did not have to return
stand-out at city powerhouse Marshall, to the West Side. He came back mostly
and I recruited him to play for our 1995- because he had fathered a child—the girl
96 team. The story gets murky here, but whose life he would one day save.
Shawn played one great season for us The tale of Shawn’s heroism spread
before transferring. through the city, and while so many
A few years after that, I quit coaching shootings are forgotten, or not even
altogether. Shawn and I lost touch for 20 reported, his quickly became a sort of
years. I was living not only in a different true “urban legend.” The hole in the
state back then, but also a different headrest, the unharmed teenager with
world, strolling the halls of academia, shattered glass in her hair, screaming
lulled by the university life, isolated from until he calmed her and told her not to
my old hoops connections—and the West panic—“We’re fine, call your mom and tell
Side of Chicago. her you’re OK, then call 911”—all the time
That changed five years ago on with a bullet lodged in his back.
January 30, 2014, when Shawn and his Shawn’s troubles were just beginning.
daughter were on their 7:30 a.m. com- Ninety days after the shooting his
mute to school. paychecks stopped because he couldn’t
Shawn was working as an assistant perform the “educational support” duties
coach and educational support person at he had been hired to do, working with
THE SCHOOL YEAR is well under way, Marshall; his daughter attended nearby special education kids. Marshall has no
and I’m back teaching at New Mexico Westinghouse High School. While waiting elevator, so following students from class
State University. But I can’t stop thinking for a stoplight to change, shots ripped to class and monitoring their progress
about my summer in Chicago. And Mar- through the windows of their rental car— was impossible. His healthcare vanished
shall High School. And Shawn Harrington. his own vehicle had been stolen a few soon after his paychecks, and despite the
As a boy, I attended Chicago public days earlier. Shawn pushed his daughter fundraisers I and others helped organize,
schools for 11 years, and then stayed down and blanketed her with his body his medical bills were piling up. A single
put for college. Chicago is also where a second before a bullet pierced her rehab session cost $850, and Medicaid
my wife and I have spent the past 10 headrest. Another bullet hit Shawn in the would not kick in for two years. It all
summers, to duck the heat of the South- spine. He instantly lost feeling in his legs, made my head spin.
west and visit some of my old haunts. and now he’s confined to a wheelchair. So I did what I have been doing since
Our tiny apartment is in what we call The shooting was a case of mistaken I left coaching. I decided to write a book.
“leafy Ravenswood,” an idyllic North Side identity, but it received plenty of media Remember, I’m an academic now, and
neighborhood where the biggest hassle is attention for a few reasons. First, Shawn writing a book to shine a light on a topic is
that the bistros on Lincoln Avenue are
too pricey.
Four years ago I began spending Tim Triplett with his Marshall teammates
a lot of time in a very different part
of Chicago, the West Side. What I’ve
witnessed there since 2014 is what
now keeps me up at night. Let me see
if I can explain.
In the 1980s and ’90s I also passed
countless hours on the West Side,
convincing black teenagers to travel
1,500 miles to play college basket-
ball. I was a college assistant coach,
a basketball recruiter, and this urban
enclave was fertile recruiting ground
for sleepers—young men who would
not be going on to play at Kansas or
Duke but could rank among the best
players in our conference. Our teams
were well stocked with Chicago kids.
In my 14 seasons coaching at UTEP
and New Mexico State, I was a reg-
ular at high school games, summer

what we are supposed to do. I contin- Several months after Satterfield was story already, right? Yet this collective
ued to advocate for Shawn, calling on shot and paralyzed, another Marshall tragedy, this Marshall-specific epidemic,
everyone I knew to help with donations, hoops alum—Shawn Holloway—was was becoming a story in itself. Eventually
or seeking an introduction to someone killed. Although he had already graduated the New York Times picked up on it. Soon
who could help him land a job he could and his playing career had been sporadic, after that, Chicago native Bryant Gumbel
perform—where he might again thrive. his murder rocked the school. came home to interview Shawn for a
I started scribbling notes, paying more Next came Tim Triplett. He had once segment on HBO’s Real Sports. Gumbel’s
attention to the news, and, for the last scored 50 points in single game—against piece was called “The Hooper’s Pass,”
four summers, looking closer at the West Marshall. But the whole school celebrat- about the long-extinct safety that ballers
Side community, only this time, not for ed when he transferred to Marshall for could once claim.
basketball prospects. his senior year. He was admired for his In October of 2016, less than three

bubbling charisma and charm, and he years after Shawn and five other Marshall
ou might already know about was good enough that he likely would alums had been shot, Edward Bryant was
Marshall’s iconic status in the have earned a full scholarship after two murdered. The difference this time was
Chicago basketball scene, and years playing at a junior college—just as that Edward Bryant was a current Mar-
not just because of Hoop Dreams. Shawn Harrington had once done. But shall player, a genuine Division I prospect
The Commandos have a long in the spring of 2015, Triplett, then a at 6-5. That shooting—before the first
record of great, undersized, redshirt college freshman, was murdered game of his junior year—also claimed the
over-achieving teams. They also have at lunch time on the West Side. life of his twin brother Edwin, a Marshall
Dorothy Gaters, perhaps the best high- A few months later, Marshall alum football player.
school basketball coach in America. She Marcus Patrick was killed on Augusta, the Another alum was killed six months
coaches the girls, and she’s won more same street where Shawn was shot. later. James King had been Marshall’s
than 1,000 games. What makes Marshall Next, a former player named Keyon undersized senior center the year Shawn
unique is that it’s practically one single Boyd, whose nickname at Marshall had Harrington was shot. This one really
program. The boys’ and girls’ teams share been “Smiley,” was murdered in the shook Shawn, as he had worked with
everything except locker rooms: offensive middle of the day. King in class for three-and-a-half years.
sets, gym times, scouting reports and That made five former Marshall He was laid back, an old soul, and like
zone presses. And pride. And they win. basketball players, all of whom had Shawn, King had been shot in a case of
But that doesn’t protect them from the graduated, shot on the West Side over the mistaken identity.
stupefying violence in the streets around course of two years. Four of them were In an all-too-common story in Chicago,
the school. dead, and one of them would likely never nobody was arrested for any of the seven
After Shawn was paralyzed, a stag- walk again. And, of course, there was player shootings. (Martin Satterfield
gering string of events unfurled over the their coach, Shawn Harrington, who was declined to cooperate with the police
next four years in the mostly apathetic still struggling with rehab. Each killing investigation.)
city of Chicago. Just a few short months rattled Shawn, re-traumatized him. He Four years after they shot Shawn, two
after Shawn survived, a former Marshall stopped going to the funerals. young men were sentenced to 59 years
player named Martin Satterfield was The Chicago Tribune and Chicago each. Truth-in-sentencing laws in Illinois
shot six times, including twice in the face. Sun-Times cover gun violence, but the dictate that they’ll be in their mid-70s
Satterfield lived, but like Shawn, he’s now shootings are so common that they’re before they see a day of freedom.
in a wheelchair. difficult to track—Wait, I’ve read this By then I had piles of notes and a









O P E N I N G S P R E A D : J O H N J . K I M / C H I C A G O T R I B U N E / T N S V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S ; P R E V I O U S S P R E A D F R O M L E F T: W O R S O M R O B I N S O N , J O H N J . K I M / C H I C A G O T R I B U N E / T N S V I A G E T T Y I M A G E S ; T H I S P A G E : S C O T T
A memorial for the Bryant twins

headful of confusion and sorrow. My ed- the ones connected to Marshall High thus, less violence. As the total shootings
itor had made it clear that the book was School basketball—continued. have gone up, the number of arrests—and
to focus on Shawn Harrington. But with This past July, Cedric Williams the ages of shooters and victims—have
each shooting—particularly the killing became the seventh murdered Marshall decreased.
of Tim Triplett—the book, like the West basketball player. Meanwhile, I’m pretty comfy back in
Side, seemed to spin out of control. Still, In August, yet another Marshall New Mexico. I don’t even lock my house,
the manuscript was due in September of football player was murdered—after a let alone my car. That’s the danger of
2017. I weighed heartbreaking tragedy basketball game on August 16, outside academia, the trap. Maybe you live in a
after tragedy and tried to figure out how the “Golden Dome” fieldhouse in Garfield place where you can ignore the violence,
much space to devote to each young man. Park. Shawn grew up playing there; it’s too. At the university, everything becomes
Finally, there was a bit of an upturn, the closest city park to Marshall. Today, theoretical, rhetorical, and that becomes
if not a “happy ending.” Arne Duncan, there’s even a spring youth tournament a sort of cushy sedative. We’re thinking,
the former United States Secretary of there named in his honor. But that night, writing and talking about it, and that’s
Education and CEO of the Chicago Public after the Marshall frosh-soph played, enough.
Schools, was able to get Shawn’s job at a scuffle broke out among some fans. Two years ago, Shawn had the idea to
Marshall repurposed so that he would That’s when a boy pulled out a gun and start a West Side basketball tournament
not have to travel beyond the first floor. shot Kenwon Parker in the chest, killing called “Hoops for Peace Chicago.” Players
The lack of elevator would no longer be him. Kenwon had simply been watching get a free book, and if they’re old enough,
an issue. his friends play basketball. He was 16. they can register to vote and be organ
Shawn began to work sporadically Another kid was killed, too. He was 14. donors. It all started as a theory, but now
as a Restorative Justice Counselor, Police could not legally hold the al- it is tangible.
interacting with troubled kids and leged shooter for long. He was just 13. Shawn gets it. He gets it in a way that

students affected by gun violence. He few professors do. I’m trying to get it,
has not been able to return to coaching hicago’s West Side residents though, and if I don’t spend too much time
at Marshall—the gym is on the second don’t wish for summer like most in university meetings, maybe I’ll have
floor—but this was a new generation of of America. When warm weather a chance. I’ll keep in touch with Shawn
kids, anyway. The players who had creeps into the neighborhood, Harrington again this school year. Even
waited anxiously for their popular more people mill about on the the least successful coaches hold out
assistant coach to return had all street, and a dreadful sense that hope each winter that, no matter how
graduated. Shawn began to focus on things could go horribly wrong at any sec- remote, this could be the beginning of a

his youth team, a crew of preteens ond rolls in like bad weather from Lake better season. S
he’s worked with since they were in Michigan. It is only in October, when the
third grade. weather cools, that people can imagine
The book was published in May, but the quieter winter season on the horizon. Rus Bradburd’s most recent book is
even an academic knows that merely Instead, some West Side residents actu- All the Dreams We’ve Dreamed: A Story
writing a story, or appearing at book- ally look forward to snow and ice because of Hoops and Handguns on Chicago’s
stores, does not fix things. The killings— it will mean fewer people outside, and West Side.

WORDS Donnell Suggs

P. 68
VERNON MAXWELL was known for

his…let’s call it fierceness. But what

can’t be ignored is that the Houston

Rockets legend and two-time NBA

champion was one hell of a hooper.

man once known as “Mad Max” isn’t very mad these days—
in fact, he’s quite happy, especially on the course. “I think
golf has settled me down,” says Vernon Maxwell, who ad-
mitted to playing “up to four times a week” during a phone
interview. The guy who once ran into the stands in San Antonio to get
in touch with a particularly rowdy fan now finds other ways to deal
with stress. “[Golf], that’s my relaxation. It’s what I enjoy doing.”
From 1988 to 2001 Maxwell enjoyed was 1986-87, his junior year, when the and Rumeal Robinson. Maxwell once
playing basketball for 10 NBA teams Gators made the Sweet 16. Maxwell’s again shined amongst the stars, finishing
while garnering a reputation for team-leading 21.7 points per game, plus the game with 23 points and 10 assists.
confrontation and, above all else, strong play from senior point guard It was a no-brainer that a team with a
winning. Everywhere he played the team Andrew Moten and the addition of the first-round selection in the 1988 NBA
was made better by his presence, if late Dwayne Schintzius, a McDonald’s draft would pick the top off-guard in the
not in the locker room then definitely All-American, all contributed to powering SEC, the player most responsible for
on the court. Florida to their first-ever Tournament bringing big-time basketball to the
A Gainesville, FL, native, Maxwell was appearance and a first round matchup University of Florida, right? Wrong.
destined to play for legendary former NC with Valvano and Sloan’s former Maxwell was drafted 47th in the second
State and then University of Florida employer, NC State. The Pack didn’t round by the Nuggets, who immediately
coach Norm Sloan and the Gators. An stand a chance. The unheralded but sent him to San Antonio, three spots
all-state, All-American caliber recruit higher seeded Gators (the Gators were a ahead of current Golden State Warriors
coming out of Buchholz High School, 6-seed, the Wolfpack an 11) won the coach Steve Kerr and after the likes of
Maxwell had his choice of high-level game, 82-70, behind Maxwell’s 28 points. Temple’s Tim Perry, Jeff Grayer, Derrick
programs but those schools would have Then-future NBA players Vinny Del Chievous, Randolph Keys and Orlando
had to be within driving distance to land Negro, Chucky Brown and Charles Graham. A 6-8 power forward from
the 6-4 guard. Even some of the game’s Shackleford couldn’t do anything to stop Auburn University at Montgomery, an
best collegiate coaches couldn’t get Maxwell on the biggest stage. “Vernon N.A.I.A. school, Graham was drafted by
the versatile scorer away from his was our go-to guy,” says Moten, currently the Miami Heat with the 40th pick—even
momma’s cooking. the head basketball coach at West the home team wouldn’t take a chance
“I probably made my decision when I Gadsden High School in his hometown of on a player that admittedly had “kind of
got on my first ever flight to Raleigh Quincy, FL. A four-year starting point had a bad attitude.”
[North Carolina],” Maxwell says. He had guard at Florida who was one year ahead Moten agrees, “Vernon was definitely
been en route to visiting the reigning of Maxwell, Moten echoes what many supposed to be a first-round pick,” he
NCAA champion NC State Wolfpack and former teammates say about Mad Max: says. It’s been said that Maxwell probably
their enigmatic head coach Jim Valvano. “He was one of the best teammates you would have been better off playing his
Valvano was only 37 years old when he could have on a basketball court. You college ball away from where he grew
led the Cinderella “Cardiac Pack” to the knew he had your back.” up, as his drop on the draft board suppos-
NCAA title in 1983 and even before that The Gators moved on to blow out the edly had to do with minor scrapes with
was regarded as one of the nation’s best No. 3 seed Purdue Boilermakers 85-66. the law. “Sometimes people say one
recruiters. “The flight was probably an Coached by Gene Keady, the 25-5 thing about a kid and the next thing you
hour and a half, but it felt like forever,” Boilermakers were the 1987 Big-10 know the player starts slipping,” says
Maxwell says. champs and had lost just four games up Moten, himself an All-SEC First Team
Valvano and the Pack didn’t close the to that point. The Sweet 16 would match selection the year before who was
deal. NC State’s loss was Florida’s gain. the Gators up with eventual runner-up drafted in the fourth round of the ’87
During his four years in Gainesville, and second seeded Syracuse. The 87-81 draft by the New Jersey Nets.
Maxwell helped what was then just loss still bothers Maxwell to this day—he Maxwell not only made the Spurs but
a mediocre program—having failed believes his team was just as good or started 36 games while averaging 11.7
to ever make the NCAA Tournament— better than an Orangemen side loaded points, 3.8 assists and a steal per game.
turn into a force to be reckoned with with NBA talents like Derrick Coleman, He split time at shooting guard with
in the SEC. During his freshman and Rony Seikaly and Sherman Douglas. “We Willie Anderson and Johnny Dawkins for
sophomore years, that trend of March- definitely underachieved,” Maxwell says. a 21-win Spurs team under current SMU
less basketball continued despite “We had a lot of characters on that team, head coach Larry Brown before he was
Maxwell averaging 13.3 points per game but we were really good.” traded to Houston during his second
as freshman and a team-high 19.6 during His senior season would end with a season. For the next five and half
his sophomore stint. loss in the second round to a Michigan seasons, Maxwell was the starter for
The breakout season that brought team with eventual NBA players Glen what would ultimately be some of the
Maxwell and the Gators into public view Rice, Gary Grant, Loy Vaught, Terry Mills best and worst years of his career.

He peaked at 17.2 ppg during the positivity didn’t last long. The Rockets Houston in the early ’90s, though he did
’91-92 season. Maxwell’s 51-point game had traded for Hall of Fame guard Clyde average double digits in four of the
in January of 1991 against Cleveland Drexler, which cut into Maxwell’s post-Houston seasons.
was a clear demonstration of his ability minutes. During the first game of that The glory days of ’94 gone and his
to dominate. He played on the famous postseason, in a game against Utah, career over, Maxwell retired and moved
“Clutch City” Rocket teams of ’93-94 and Rockets coach Rudy Tomjanovich put to the Charlotte area, played golf and
’94-95, becoming close friends with NBA Max in the game to attempt a game-win- removed himself from any NBA circles,
veteran guards Mario Ellie and Sam ning or game-tying shot with 2.4 seconds keeping up with close friends but making
Cassell and winning a pair of champion- remaining. Maxwell had played 16 no overtures to join college or profes-
ships in the process. “I knew how much it minutes in the game and shot 1-7 from sional coaching staffs. When we speak,
meant to the city, to the fans,” Maxwell the field, scoring 3 points, and by his own He still sounds like he’s ready to get back
says. “To bring the first professional admission didn’t feel respected by his into the game in some way, though the
championship to the city was big.” coach. Maxwell missed the forced League has yet to help him gain entry.
“He was one of the fiercest competi- three-point attempt and famously “I’m getting my résumé together,”
tors I have ever played with or against,” stormed off the court. He never wore a Maxwell says from his home in Houston.
Ellie says. Rocket uniform again. The veteran guard is interested in getting
“[Maxwell] was an ultra-competitor,” “That was the worst decision of my into coaching like his buddies Ellie and
Cassell says. “Some of the other 2-guards life,” Maxwell says. “I’ve run it through Cassell, who both spent years in the NBA
in the League were taller or stronger, but my mind a thousand times. All I had to do as assistants. “Hopefully I can start at
he never backed down and he wasn’t was sit there. There was a whole lot of the bottom of some organization and
afraid to mix it up with anybody.” As a series left to play.” work my way up.”
rookie fresh out of Florida State in 1993, “We were all hurt, especially Sam Ellie thinks Max can certainly bring
Cassell wasn’t sure what he was getting and I, because we were tight,” Ellie says. something to a team but understands
into as a first round pick joining a team “We lost one of our soldiers. [He] was why the opportunity didn’t immediately
with an already established backcourt in one of the best teammates I have ever present itself. “Once you’re out of the
Maxwell and veteran point guard Kenny had in my life.” League [as a player] you have to keep in
Smith. Maxwell, then a five-year veteran, “[He] thought he was disrespected,” contact with people and Vernon didn’t do
could have given the Cassell says. “I told him this wasn’t our that. He has a wealth of basketball
rookie the cold shoulder, series, but he just didn’t understand. We knowledge and I know he’d be a fantastic
but he did the opposite. won the championship the year before coach.”
“My first year in the with him as the starter and he just “Vernon did a lot of winning compared
League he took me under couldn’t understand the present situation to a lot of guys,” Cassell says. However
his wing,” Cassell adds. with him coming off the bench.” the reputation of the man who at one



“He gave me my toughness.” Maxwell, who was on a “leave of time was universally called “Mad Max”
For better or worse, toughness was absence” as the Rockets won the 1995 for good reason—go search for a video of

P R E V I O U S S P R E A D : N AT H A N I E L S . B U T L E R ; R I G H T: A N D R E W D .
Mad Max’s most visible quality. That NBA championship, would sign the his fight with Michael Jordan on
toughness was on display for all to see following offseason with Philadelphia to YouTube—may hinder his opportunities.
when the Rockets were up against a play for John Lucas and the 76ers on “Perception is everything in the league,”
potential sweep during the 1994 Western what would ultimately be an 18-win Cassell says. “Vernon is a great guy, but
Conference semifinals playing in Phoenix team. The Rockets would go on to win perception is everything.”
after blowing consecutive 20-point leads 48 games that season before losing to Maxwell agrees. “When it comes to

in Games 1 and 2. Maxwell’s 31 second- Seattle in the second round of the coaching you have to climb that ladder.
half points sealed a Game 3 win and playoffs. The old saying was true: You I don’t know if it’s because of my past. I’m
helped lead to an eventual seven-game couldn’t live with him or without him. just waiting for that opportunity to
series win for the Rockets. In Game 7 of The Rockets would fail to return to the happen for me.”
the ’94 Finals, Max’s 21 points—only NBA Finals without Maxwell on the On March 19, 2015, the Rockets
Hakeem Olajuwon (25 points) and Knicks roster. He didn’t fare much better, celebrated both championship teams and
PG Derek Harper (23 points) scored more moving on to San Antonio following his every member was invited back to
that night—and game clinching three- one season in the City of Brotherly Houston. “Not-so Mad Max” made an
pointer over the outstretched arms of Love—and from there he bounced around appearance and was once again a Rocket,
Knicks guard John Starks solidified his the NBA, playing for Orlando, Charlotte, if only for a day.
position as a Rockets legend. Sacramento, Seattle, Philly (again) and “When [he] came back for the reunion
It appeared that things couldn’t get Dallas before hanging up his jersey in everyone welcomed him with open arms,”
much better for Maxwell as the Rockets 2001. He never again topped the scoring Ellie says. “Everybody loves Vernon.”
approached the 1995 playoffs, but that numbers he put up during his years in You can’t be mad at that. S

Lewis and
New Jersey natives SCOTTIE LEWIS and BRYAN ANTOINE have risen up the HS ranks
and become two of the best and most exciting up-and-coming guards in the country—and they’ve
done so alongside one another every step of the way.

ITH THE NUMBER OF Lewis, a 6-5 guard, committed to the to ESPN, he’s the highest-rated recruit
elite high school programs Florida Gators after also holding offers to commit to the Wildcats since Corey
and AAU club teams multi- from the likes of Kentucky, Arizona and Fisher, a member of the Class of 2007, did
plying exponentially every Kansas, among the dozens of other schol- so over a decade ago.
year, high school recruits arships on the table. He ultimately chose The duo helped lead Ranney to a 28-5
now have options upon options regarding Gainesville over Lexington. record last season while reaching the
where to play and who to play with. As Antoine, also a 6-5 guard, committed Non-Public A championship, winning
a result, highly rated prospects annually to Villanova in September after listing the Shore Conference Tournament and
switching teams during the winter or Duke, Florida, Kentucky and Kansas sectional playoff title (both achievements
summer months has become the norm. among his other final options. According were a first in school history) and finishing
Yet for a pair of five-star senior guards out
of New Jersey, this trend has had no im-
pact on their journeys. Scottie Lewis and
Bryan Antoine are the longest tenured
star duo in high school hoops.
“Absolutely! Of all time!” says Lewis
when asked if he’s part of the best duo
in basketball. “We’ve lasted the longest.
Can’t no one say they’ve been together
longer. It’s like seven years now.”
Starring at the Ranney School, located
just a few miles off the Jersey Shore in
Monmouth County, the pair has brought
into the national spotlight a program that
wasn’t on anyone’s hoops radar prior to
their arrival.
Just recently, both blue chippers,
ranked among the top 15 recruits in the
Class of 2019, announced their college
decisions—signaling an end to their
historic run sharing the court together at
Ranney and with the Team Rio program
during AAU season.


ranked second in the state.
The Antoine-Lewis tag team show
hasn’t just garnered attention for the re-
sults on the court. The jovial pair has also “WE’VE LASTED THE LONGEST.
figured out how to stay in the moment and
enjoy the experience they’ve created. CAN’T NO ONE SAY THEY’VE BEEN
“Every game, we try to approach it as
serious as possible, but the moment the


ball tips off and Scottie takes the ball
down the lane and dunks on somebody
and everyone turns around hyped and
screaming—that point is a balance of be- — L E W I S
ing serious and having fun,” Antoine says.
“I think that’s when it’s really going to
hit us—when we have that first practice
and Bryan is not there and I’m not there 25 recruits in the Class of 2018. everything, while Antoine is more of the
for him,” Lewis says of the pair’s inevi- Despite being a dynamic one-two soft-spoken assassin and the primary ball
table split. “But we’ve been to so many punch on the national stage for the past handler and scorer. While Antoine has
camps [where] we haven’t been on the few years and displaying an indestructible more of a laid-back, glass is half full men-
same team and we’ve practiced with new chemistry on and off the hardwood— tality, Lewis admits losing isn’t something
guys and faces, so I think that has kind of which is even more evident when at he deals with well.
prepared us for that next level and being times they finish each other sentences Antoine averaged 21.1 points, 3.4
used to not having each other there.” during our sit-down interview—the two rebounds, 2.2 assists, 2.5 steals and 0.8
Antoine and Lewis are just the latest hold vastly contrasting personalities and blocks per game last season. Throughout
names on a long list of Jersey natives approaches to the game. his career at Ranney, he’s averaged over
putting on for the Garden State on the Lewis sees himself as more of the 20 points (20.7) per, piling up 1,745 points
national level in recent years. Just last vocal leader and spends most of the time in 84 games.
season, NJ was home to three of the top playing off the ball and doing a little bit of Although today he is touted as one

74 S L A M O N L I N E . C O M

Antoine is heading into a Villanova pro-

gram that has won the National Champi-
onship twice in the past three seasons and
has become the clear-cut top program in
the legendary Big East Conference. Yet he
isn’t approaching his college goals in the
same manner we’ve come to expect for
players of his stature.
“For achievements for next year, mine
are a little more different than winning a
national championship,” Antoine says. “I
have the pleasure to be coached by Jay
Wright and the stuff that he’s done to his
players over the course of three-to-four
years—they’ve turned out to be a finished
product [that] he envisioned when he first
started recruiting them. So I’d say my
achievement for next year is to just soak
up everything he has to tell me and learn
from everything he has to teach me. I feel
like if I listen to him and I pay attention
to what he’s saying then hopefully if the
whole team does the same we could
probably end up winning a national cham-
But before they take over college
hoops on their own, they still have one
more season together in which to add
accolades and historic feats to their
résumés. The two have already left their
of the elite scorers in America, at one rebounds, 4.2 assists, 1.4 steals and 0.9 prints on a community that up to this
point in Antoine’s life, it was the diamond blocks last season. point hasn’t been known for elite hoops
and not the hardwood that appeared to be A two-sport athlete, Lewis is also part talent. And it’s that kind of effect that the
his calling. of the track and field team at Ranney, duo hopes to have on an even larger scale
“When I was 4, I started playing bas- where he says he’s run the 100 meters at moving forward.
ketball, but when I moved to New Jersey a personal-best 10.6 seconds—which he “I think we’ve been a lot more driven
[from Florida] I don’t know why but I says is the school record. He also runs the than motivated,” Lewis says. “I saw a
started finding baseball so intriguing,” 200m, this year started running the 400 quote one time that said, ‘Never be moti-
Antoine says. “For like three or four years, and also does the high jump. vated but always be driven.’ Because an
that’s all I did. I trained. I played every po- Lewis’ goal heading into college is the artist is always motivated—it could take
sition but I was mainly first base because same as most kids in his position: to win a them one year [to] do a painting, but that
I was a tall kid and had a long reach. But I National Championship. motivation only lasts however so long,
ended up picking up basketball and every- Heading into November, Florida had and when you’re driven that’s skin-deep,
thing blew up from there.” the fourth-best recruiting class for next that’s in your heart and mind, and so that’s
Lewis has also surpassed 1,000 season, according to ESPN. The Gators something that lasts forever. I think we’ve
career points at Ranney but is known for have already secured commitments from been more driven than anything to be able
filling up the stat sheet beyond just the three top-40 prospects and are looking to to express and use our platform and voice
points column, averaging 16.4 points, 5.5 add more. to affect people near us and far.” S
No Weakness
When he was just 13, University of Louisville commit and highly ranked
big man AIDAN IGIEHON moved from Ireland to New York to pursue his
hoop dreams. So far, the journey has been pretty damn incredible.

T W A S J U N E O F 2 0 1 4 , and cially once he arrived in the US, wasn’t as of comes really easy for me.”
13-year-old Aidan Igiehon packed bad as expected. Known for his sturdy build and power-
his bags, said goodbye to his mother “Honestly, my athleticism is God given,” ful drives to the rim, Igiehon has embraced
and boarded a flight across the says the explosive center, currently ranked the “Irish Hulk” moniker, especially now
Atlantic Ocean to New York City. among America’s top 40 seniors. “I could that it has become a part of his daily
The Clondalkin, West Dublin, native had always run and jump. I always had a routine.
left behind his local Moyle Park College natural feel [for] the transition of the “That’s kinda what I’m known by now.
friends and instead enrolled It’s so funny how you pretty
at Lawrence Woodmere Acad- much get a nickname and
emy—over 3,100 miles away that’s what you’re known by,”
in Long Island. Despite having Igiehon says. “I remember I
just started hooping the year walked into a barbershop and
prior, the promising physical they were like, Wait, you’re the
attributes (he was already 6-4 Irish Hulk! And I was like, Nah,
when he moved to the States) I’m Aidan, it’s me. And they’re
and visible high-ceiling poten- like, No, you’re the Irish Hulk. I
tial was enough to prompt a saw your video!”
hoop dreams relocation. In mid-October, Igiehon
It would only take a couple committed to Louisville after
of years before the now 6-10 also considering Kentucky,
five-star recruit rose to nation- Oregon and St. John’s. As of
al stardom and began piling early November, Louisville’s
up scholarship offers from 2019 recruiting class is ranked
the nation’s top basketball among college basketball’s
programs. top five. The Cardinals have
In retrospect, Igiehon actu- already secured commitments
ally sees starting basketball from five top-100 recruits in
“late” as his advantage. the senior class. For Igiehon,
“I started playing bas- though, his decision came
ketball when I was 13 years down to the experience he had
old—super late! As late as can on his official visit down in the
be,” Igiehon says. “[But] I think Derby City—both on and off
it served me well. I was eager the court.
to learn. I was behind. I came “They made me feel like
here and people were years I was there already,” Igiehon
ahead of me. What happened recalls. “I came in straight
was, I kind of kept this tunnel to the center court and the
vision and just kept working spotlight was just on me. And
and working, and when I [you hear], ‘Coming in at 207
stopped and looked to the side, pounds, Aidan!’ So you’re just
I was like, Damn, I’ve caught like, whoa! And, you know,
up and I’ve passed people! the Yum Center is huge. It’s
[Because] my love for the game was new, I game because when I first came here, the like 20,000 seats. So you’re just looking
wasn’t bored.” game was so much faster than how it [around] as a kid, like, whoa! They put on
Another advantage? Being physically was [back home]. But the way I adapted— the uniform and did a photo shoot. And I’m
gifted. There’s a reason his nickname is I adapted within a couple of months. A feeling good. Let me tell you, Jeff Ruby’s
“The Irish Hulk.” It is his natural physique lot of taller guys that are my age and [Steakhouse]—Coach [Chris] Mack took us
as well as his experience as a former 6-10, 6-11—they can’t really run that well. for the official visit dinner—that sealed the
soccer player that he says are the main Not a lot of them. I think it’s easy—I used deal for me. That was like the best steak I
reasons why the transition to hoops, espe- to play soccer so I’m nimble. That kind ever had.” S


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Know Me
KYRIE IRVING is using his fifth
Nike signature sneaker to tell
some amazing stories—and get
a whole lot of buckets.

yrie Irving is all about story- Kreme. He even created a pair of Kyrie 4s
telling. He uses his sneakers called “Power is Female,” in celebration of
as platforms to share his story, strong women. They dominated the WNBA
as well as the stories of others. footwear scene all summer.
He’s hit the court in numerous “Before, I was just trying to get a shoe
PEs throughout the years, harkening back out,” Irving says, via Nike. “I was just trying
to his time shooting in the driveway with to have something that looks hot, looks
his father, or eating cereal while watching good. Now I’m trying to have something
Grease, or grabbing donuts from Krispy that is driven from who I am. In that, I’m ette with all-new technology. He started
just a normal person with a vision. I want at the base, creating the all-new Nike Air
to have everyone be included in it. Zoom Turbo bag. It’s designed to work
“With the colorways and the stories in concert with the 5’s curved outsole, a

T H I S PA G E : C O U R T E S Y O F N I K E ; M A G L E Y: S TA C E Y R E V E R E / G E T T Y
these relay, I’m trying to be more honest. composition that’s been part of the Kyrie
Whether people pass judgment on the line for years. That curved outsole aids the

I M AG E S ; T U C K E R : B I I L L B A P T I S T/ N B A E V I A G E T T Y I M AG E S
stories or not, it’s going to happen. The ever-shifty Irving in using his feet, stop-
importance is making these relatable. ping, starting, darting all around the floor.
And at times, I want to support others in “In the Kyrie 5, it is distributed across
sharing their stories. People sometimes the entire forefoot footbed, working with
feel like they’re alone or they feel like they his quick-change-of-direction style of
can’t connect to anyone. I want to come in play,” Nethongkome says about the new
and bridge that gap for them—that’s part Air bag. “When he’s banking, cutting, or
of the great potential of this whole thing.” attacking in drastic degrees, his foot will
Irving’s going to use the Kyrie 5 to engage the Air Zoom Turbo unit providing
continue to share moments from his past. responsiveness at all directions.”
The 5 has lots of room for creativity, an Nethongkome’s team was able to
area where Irving thrives. He and his team shape the airbag to the curved outsole
at Nike have pushed the boundaries of col- by using a new engineering process that
orways for the past few years. Now that “creates flexibility in the Air unit via a
the rules restricting sneakers are gone, series of welded channels,” according to
the Celtics star has room to play. the Swoosh. A new containment system
Ben Nethongkome, Senior Footwear and a new traction pattern round out the
Designer at Nike Basketball and the lead 5’s functionality. The silhouette is out now.
mind behind the 5, packed the new silhou- —Max Resetar

Heat of the
The man responsible for
keeping track of
kicks collection explains
the process.

nthony Nila, the Houston Rockets’
equipment manager, is laughing
about working with PJ Tucker.
“In my office, just from last year,
[Tucker] said it’s well over $100K
of tennis shoes,” Nila says. “It’s hard to imag-
ine. I’m like, ‘Tuck, you can buy a house. You
could buy a car.’ It’s definitely crazy.”
Nila’s been with the Rockets since 1994.
When the Comets started dominating the
WNBA, he worked with Sheryl Swoopes, a

Way Too Fly

Nike athlete. Tracy McGrady also had a sig-
nature deal when he was in H-Town. But Nila
says he’s never seen anybody with the feets
like Tucker.
PUMA is back in hoops, and their first moves “When he first came I thought it was just
a joke that he was bringing his own [shoes],”
have proven that they’re dead serious about becoming a Nila says. “I would put an order in with Nike
legit player in the space once again. and he didn’t wear any of them. All of a

sudden, he comes in with three pairs each
UMA Hoops came through with a right hook a few days before the day and some of them, the cost… I’m just like,
2018 NBA Draft. Deandre Ayton and Marvin Bagley III led the way as there’s no way shoes could cost this much.”
the brand found its way back into the basketball space, becoming After Tucker played in 106 different pairs
their first endorsers. Before Terry Rozier, DeMarcus Cousins and Rudy last season, Nila’s prepared for the ride this
Gay were among the others to ride the wave, PUMA introduced their year. He ordered two separate sneaker bags
new basketball silhouette at an event in Brooklyn, right before last summer’s just for Tucker’s collection. He also has
draft. A blazing-bright orange treatment was unveiled. It covered the Clyde James Harden, Carmelo Anthony and Chris
Court Disrupt, PUMA’s first basketball sneaker in 20 years. Paul—each with their own signature kicks—on
The sneaker is an updated version of the PUMA Clyde, the signature model the squad. And even though the restrictions
that Walt “Clyde” Frazier made famous in 1973. This new adaptation, according on colorways have been lifted by the
to Max Staiger, Category Manager for Basketball at PUMA, was heavily influ- NBA, Nila says it’s still business as
enced by the shoe that came out 45 years ago. usual for him.
“The old Clyde, we really took the design aesthetics,” Staiger says. “We “The procedure, it’s about the
really used it as a foundation and a starting point, from a look and feel. Then same,” he says. “I just put in
we asked ourselves what technologies do we have in the toolbox.” an order but I can’t order
That arsenal included a knit upper and a knit collar, a rubber cupsole and a anything with funky colors.
new foam material made up of NRGY beads. Like, James Ennis, he’s
“NRGY beads is actually our hybrid foam,” Staiger says. “It’s a proprietary like, ‘Man, I’m not gonna
combination of these beads and a larger foam compound. If you combine them wear anything you’re
together, it gives you great energy return. gonna give me.’ I said,
“We encapsulated the NRGY foam in this full-rubber cupsole which actual- ‘This is what Nike gives
ly relates directly to the design aesthetic from the Clyde,” Staiger continues. you. If you wanna get
“It gives you great lateral support and fantastic traction. But then it’s encap- something, you’ve
sulated in this rubber. Very strategically placed technology.” gotta do like PJ.’”
The brazen introductory colorway set the pace for PUMA Hoops. They’re —MR
not trying to just fit in. Staiger emphasizes how much they’re looking to
establish themselves as “a culturally led initiative,” and not just a basketball
brand. That mentality is going to influence all of their moves going forward,
including how they design their kicks. —MR


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