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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan

For Submission to the National Energy Board

Reference No. 0641194A02

Revision: 0
Date: 05-Nov-2008

Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 1


APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ 2

3. TESTING SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 2

4. SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 Public and Personnel Safety ......................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Protection of Property ................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Protection of the Environment....................................................................................................... 3
4.4 Notifications ................................................................................................................................... 3

5. TEST WATER WITHDRAWAL AND DISPOSAL ......................................................................... 4

5.1 Water Withdrawal .......................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Water Disposal .............................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Landowner Permission ................................................................................................................. 6

6. STRENGTH AND LEAK TEST ..................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Pipeline Specifications .................................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Test Pressure and Duration .......................................................................................................... 7

7. TEST SECTION PREPARATION ................................................................................................. 8

7.1 Burial ............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Testing Hours ................................................................................................................................ 8
7.3 Pipeline Test Heads Assemblies .................................................................................................. 8
7.4 Cleaning Pig Run for New Pipelines ............................................................................................. 8
7.5 Installation of Temperature Recorders.......................................................................................... 9

8. TEST PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 9

8.1 Filling with Water ........................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Pressurizing the Test Section ....................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Temperature Stabilization ............................................................................................................. 9
8.4 Squeezing the Test Section .......................................................................................................... 9
8.5 Yield Plotting ............................................................................................................................... 10
8.6 Temperature Reading Intervals during Hydrotesting .................................................................. 13
8.7 Test Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................................. 13

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9. TEST SECTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 13

9.1 Spread 9 Testing Sequence ....................................................................................................... 14
9.2 Spread 11 Testing Sequence ..................................................................................................... 14
9.3 Pre-tested Fabricated Assemblies .............................................................................................. 15
9.4 One Hour Pre-tests ..................................................................................................................... 15
9.5 Co-construction Testing Procedure ............................................................................................ 17

10. COLD WEATHER TESTING ...................................................................................................... 18

10.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 18
10.2 Testing With Heated Water ......................................................................................................... 19
10.3 Filling ........................................................................................................................................... 19
10.4 Dewatering .................................................................................................................................. 20

11. TEST INSTRUMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 20

11.1 Test Instruments ......................................................................................................................... 20
11.2 Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 20
11.3 Validation of Charts ..................................................................................................................... 21

12. PIPELINE DEPRESSURIZING, DEWATERING AND DEHYDRATION .................................... 21

12.1 Depressurizing of Test Section ................................................................................................... 21
12.2 Dewatering .................................................................................................................................. 21
12.3 Dehydration ................................................................................................................................. 22

13. HYDROTEST DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 22

13.1 List of Hydrotest Documents ....................................................................................................... 23
13.2 Submission of Test Documents .................................................................................................. 24

14. LEAK DETECTION ..................................................................................................................... 24

14.1 Leak Investigation and Repairs................................................................................................... 24
14.2 Methods of Leak Detection ......................................................................................................... 24
14.3 Leak Repair ................................................................................................................................. 25

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 26

APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... 27

APPENDIX B: LIST OF ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................. 29

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Table 1: Project Pipeline Specifications ............................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Strength Test (Four-Hour Duration) ....................................................................................... 7
Table 3: Leak Test (Duration Is Not Less Than Four Hours) ............................................................... 7
Table 4: Above-Ground One-Hour Pre-test Pressures ...................................................................... 16
Table 5: Project Watercourse Crossings (for One-Hour Pre-tests).................................................... 16
Table 6: Co-construction Watercourse Crossing Table (for Pre-test Check) ..................................... 17

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


1.1 Purpose

This Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan (this plan), prepared by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (Enbridge) for the
National Energy Board (NEB) outlines pressure testing requirements (using water) for the light sour (LSr)
pipeline portion of the Southern Lights Project (the project).

1.2 Project Description

The project pipeline is a new 508 mm OD (NPS 20) pipeline with an average annual capacity of
29,500 m /d (186,000 bbl/d) for LSr crude oil transportation. The Canadian portion of the export pipeline
has two main components:

 Construction of a new 508 mm OD (NPS 20) LSr crude export pipeline from Cromer, Manitoba to the
Canada-US border near Gretna, Manitoba, a distance of 288 km.

 Construction of three new pump stations at Cromer, Glenboro and Manitou (in Manitoba).

The project pipeline consists of two construction spreads:

1. Spread 9 extends for 155.5 km from Cromer Pump Station east to a location east of the Glenboro
Black Marsh and will be constructed by a contractor. This spread has seven test sections.

2. Spread 11 is a 132.3 km section extending east from the east end of Spread 9 to near the Canada-
United States (US) border, just beyond Gretna, Manitoba and will be constructed by a second
contractor. This spread has six test sections.

Pipeline contractors (contractors) will be responsible for the hydrostatic testing (hydrotesting) of test
sections of the project pipeline.

1.3 Terminology

Appendix A lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this plan.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline



This project complies with:

 Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR 99) under the National Energy Board Act

 Section 8 of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z662-07, which provides specifications for
pipeline pressure testing

 Section 4.9 of Enbridge’s engineering standard D06-101-2006, Pipe Design and Construction, Main
Line, which deals with pipeline testing

 Manitoba Water Stewardship (MWS) requirements

 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)/Canadian Energy Pipeline Association

(CEPA) Hydrostatic Test Water Management Guidelines (September 1996)


The project schedule proposes that the project pipeline be constructed in the fall of 2008 with the
construction for each spread starting in mid-to-late August, 2008. Section 10 describes the cold weather
hydrotesting procedure to be used if pipeline construction is delayed.


4.1 Public and Personnel Safety

Enbridge will designate a testing inspector who will be on site to supervise safety and technical
operations at all times during hydrotesting.

Enbridge will also designate a testing engineer who will be on site to oversee each hydrotest.

The contractor will:

 Comply with CSA Z662-07, Clause 8.17, Safety During Pressure Tests.

 Provide the testing inspector a detailed safety plan two weeks before start of the hydrotesting

 Take all necessary safety precautions during hydrotesting.

 Employ only qualified and experienced testing personnel.

 Remove all unauthorized personnel from the pipeline right-of-way (ROW) during hydrotesting.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Install warning signs before the start of each hydrotest.

 Install fences to prevent the public from entering the ROW during hydrotesting, as necessary.

 Patrol and inspect the ROW to keep the public away from the ROW during hydrotesting.

 Inspect test section for leaks at pressures less than 100% of the specified minimum yield strength

 Treat all hoardings as confined spaces and adhere to all required safety measures.

4.2 Protection of Property

This pipeline is located primarily in rural Manitoba, will be buried at a minimum depth of 0.9 m and will not
require special precautions for protection of property. In sensitive areas where specialty crops are grown,
the pipe will be buried under a minimum cover of 1.2 m. For pipe sections under highway and railway
crossings, heavy wall pipe will be buried at a minimum depth of 1.5 m (under highways) and 2.0 m (under
railways) to reduce stress levels caused by passing vehicles.

4.3 Protection of the Environment

The pipeline terrain is characterized primarily by level or gentle sloping ground, except for a few areas in
river and creek valleys.

The contractor will:

 Obtain test water from water bodies that are approved by MWS.

 Use screens and reduce flow as required to preserve the ecology of the source water.

 Laboratory test the input source, discharge water and the soil at all potential disposal sites to ensure
they meet MWS requirements.

 Report water releases as spills if they contravene MWS requirements, immediately upon discovery.

4.4 Notifications

Enbridge will:

 Notify the NEB at least seven days before the start of a pipeline hydrotest to allow NEB staff to be
present during the hydrotest.

 Notify all relevant groups.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


The contractor will take the following measures to comply with regulations set out by the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Fisheries Act when water is withdrawn from streams, rivers or lakes:

 observe water withdrawal flow limits

 install fish guard screens on water intakes to comply with the DFO’s Fresh Water End-of-Pipe Fish
Screen Guideline (March 1995)

 not alter, disrupt or destroy fish habitat

 not deposit any deleterious substances in water frequented by fish

5.1 Water Withdrawal

Enbridge has identified the Cromer station hydrotest water pond, Souris River and Lake Seven, located
about 3 km north of the project pipeline near LSr KP-172+600, as potential water sources for
hydrotesting. The water will be used for:

 hydrotesting Spread 9 and Spread 11

 pre-testing of various water crossing pipe sections
 mixing with the drill mud while drilling (e.g., during a horizontal directional drill under Souris River)
 creating counter-buoyancy in the water crossing pipe sections

5.1.1 Spr ead 9

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from the existing hydrotest water pond at Cromer station.

 Transfer the water from test section to test section.

 Dispose of the water from test section 9-6 and test section 9-7 (the eastern-most sections) into a
firewater pond (constructed by Enbridge) at Glenboro pump station or small amounts on the ground
following proper disposal procedures.

5.1.2 Spr ead 11

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from Lake Seven. The majority of Lake Seven is located at E/2-7-6-11 W4. Lake
Seven crosses at Mile 31N into NE6-6-11 W4.

 Use a fill line from Lake Seven to the test section break point (located at about KP-172+600) between
test section 11-1 and test section 11-2.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 4

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Transfer the water from test section to test section.

 Dispose of the water from test section 11-6 into the new firewater pond (constructed by Enbridge) at
Gretna station.

5.1.3 Souris River

The contractor will withdraw water from Souris River for the following activities:

 pre-testing the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) LSr pipeline section crossing Souris River by HDD method

 pre-testing the 914 mm OD (NPS 36) Alberta Clipper Expansion Project (ABC Project) pipeline
section crossing Souris River by HDD method

 mixing of the HDD drill mud

 creating counter-buoyancy in a pipe section if it is installed using the isolation method

The contractor will also:

 Withdraw water from the Souris River for the activities listed above.

 Discharge the pre-test water on the ground or contain it in tanks to fill pipe sections to achieve
counter-buoyancy. Water from the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) project pipeline section will be released to
the Gretna pond.

 Dispose of the drill mud following the proper disposal procedure as outlined in the Environmental
Protection Plan as filed with the NEB. All water withdrawal, treatment and disposal procedures will
comply with MWS guidelines.

5.2 Water Disposal

Regulatory authorities in Manitoba require water acquired from a watershed to be returned to the same
watershed. Enbridge has built water storage ponds at Glenboro station and Gretna station for fire fighting
purposes. Hydrotest water will be mechanically cleaned and stored in these ponds with no chemical

The water will be tested for contaminants, treated if necessary and filtered using temporary containment
during dewatering after hydrotesting.

No antifreeze chemicals, biocides, corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers or leak detection tracers will
be added to the hydrotest water. The only materials in the hydrotest water will be trace amounts of rust,
welding residue and residue from pipe manufacturing.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 5

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Hydrotest water will be sampled and tested at the following stages.

1. Baseline testing of source water as the hydrotest water is drawn from the source.
2. Intermediate sampling of the water during transfer into the last test section before it is released.

3. Release sampling to demonstrate the water meets release quality requirements. Quality requirements
include pH, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids
(TDS) measurements.

5.3 Landowner Permission

If land is negatively affected by water disposal or temporary land (not within the existing ROW) is required
to place the fill or dewatering lines, the contractor will:

 Obtain written permission from landowners and tenants.

 Send a copy of such authorization to the Enbridge construction manager before starting any testing.


6.1 Pipeline Specifications

Table 1 outlines the project pipeline specifications.

Table 1: Project Pipeline Specifications

Property Value
Pipeline size (NPS) 20
Pipeline outside diameter size(mm) 508
Pipeline class location 1
Line pipe wall thickness (mm) 6.35
Heavy wall pipe wall thickness (mm) 7.92
Railroad crossing pipe wall thickness (mm) 10.40
Corrosion allowance (mm) 0.0
Line pipe material grade Grade 483/550
Line pipe material manufacturing process Electric resistance welded (ERW)
Service Liquid, low vapour pressure (LVP), non-sour
Maximum operating pressure (kPa)/(psi) 9,653/1,400
Design code CSA Z662-07
Pipeline type Buried
Minimum cover (mainline) (m) 0.9
Minimum cover (road and railroad crossings) (m) 1.5 and 2.0
Coating system Fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) dual powder system (DPS)

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

6.2 Test Pressure and Duration

Hydrotesting is divided into two phases:

1. Strength Test phase. The strength test determines the strength of the steel.

2. Leak Test phase. The leak test, conducted after the strength test, verifies that the test section is leak-

Table 2 and Table 3 show minimum and maximum hydrotest pressure limits, per CSA Z662-07.

Table 2: Strength Test (Four Hour Duration)

CSA Z662-07 Class Location Minimum Test Pressure Limita Maximum Test Pressure Limitb
1 1.25 x MOP 110% SMYS
2 1.25 x MOP 110% SMYS
3 1.40 x MOP 110% SMYS
4 1.40 x MOP 110% SMYS
aMOP=maximum operating pressure
bSMYS=specified minimum yield strength

Table 3: Leak Test (Duration Is Not Less Than Four Hours)

CSA Z662-07 Class Location Minimum Test Pressure Limita Maximum Test Pressure Limitb
1 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
2 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
3 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
4 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
aMOP=maximum operating pressure
bSMYS=specified minimum yield strength

The strength test will start at a pressure between the minimum and maximum test pressure limits.

During the yield plot (see Section 8.5), the maximum test pressure is also limited to the 0.2% water
volume deviation on the pressure versus volume plot.

Per Table 8.1 of CSA Z662-07, the maximum leak test pressure at the lowest point of elevation along the
test section shall be the lesser of the qualification pressure and the pressure corresponding to 100% of
the SMYS of the pipe. The qualification pressure will be the lowest pressure achieved during the strength
test at the high point of the test section.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

The leak test will start after the depressurizing valve has been properly closed and checked for leaks.

Attachment 1 (see Appendix B) contains profile, length, volume and test pressures for each test section
and the specifications for each hydrotest.

Enbridge will validate the calculations based on actual field information before starting any hydrotest.


7.1 Burial

The contractor will install a minimum of 10 m of heavy wall pipe (with a wall thickness of 7.92 mm)
between a test section and the test heads as a safety precaution to the personnel working around the test
heads and to lower the stress level to 64% of the SMYS for exposed pipe ends during hydrotesting.

The contractor will backfill the test section except the ends where sufficient pipe to tie in the test heads
will be left exposed.

7.2 Testing Hours

The contractor will:

 Ensure that pressurizing and yield plotting (see Section 8.5) are completed during daylight hours,
unless otherwise directed by the testing inspector.

 Provide adequate lighting at both ends of the test section when warranted.

7.3 Pipeline Test Heads Assemblies

Two types of test heads are required during pipeline construction:

1. Conventional high-pressure test heads that are installed on two ends of a test section to be used
during hydrotesting.

2. Low-pressure test heads, also known as launchers and receivers, used for cleaning or caliper

Enbridge will supply each contractor with a minimum of six NPS 20 conventional high-pressure test
heads. The contractor will supply the launchers and receivers.

7.4 Cleaning Pig Run for New Pipelines

After a new pipeline is constructed, the contractor will run a cleaning pig through appropriate pipe
sections to remove internal debris.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

7.5 Installation of Temperature Recorders

Temperature recorders are installed to record temperatures along a test section to help determine the
correlation between the pressure and temperature of the test medium (e.g., water).

The contractor will install at least two dual pen temperature recorders at either end of the test section. For
test sections longer than 10 km, a third temperature recorder will be needed in the middle section.

The contractor will also install one single pen recorder near the test head to record the fill water
temperature. The temperature probe will be placed into a thermowell and threaded into the fill line.


8.1 Filling with Water

The contractor will:

 Install a pressure gauge on each test head before filling.

 Install all temperature recorders, including a thermowell in the fill line at the test head.
 Ensure that the fill water complies with the conditions and restrictions of water permits.
 Install a calibrated flow meter in the fill line to record the fill rate and volume entering test sections.
 Contain fuel and lubricant leaks from pumps.
 Install a squeegy pig to maintain an air-water interface.

8.2 Pressurizing the Test Section

When filling is complete, and with the testing inspector on site, the contractor will gradually increase the
test pressure to about 3,000 kPa and inspect the test heads for leaks. The test section will be stabilized
for a minimum of two hours to reduce the pressure and temperature fluctuations inside the test section
before using the squeeze pump.

8.3 Temperature Stabilization

This stabilization period of the hydrotest water will be determined by using a temperature-time plot and
may take longer than the estimated two hours. The medium will be stabilized when the plot becomes
sufficiently asymptotic or when the temperature of the test medium is at or near the temperature of the
ground along the test section. This can be determined from the temperature chart readings.

8.4 Squeezing the Test Section

Enbridge must check and revise, if necessary, the test pressure calculations before squeezing starts.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

The contractor will:

 Connect the squeeze pump to the test section once the test section water has stabilized and the
testing inspector and testing engineer are on site.

 Disconnect all fill line jumper connections between test sections before connecting the squeeze

 Validate the accuracy of the stroke counter of the squeeze pump by measuring the volume of one
piston displacement, multiplying it by the number of pistons on the pump, and verifying this volume by
pumping water into a barrel of known volume.

 Check the accuracy of the flow meter by pumping water into a barrel of known volume.

 Ensure connectors between the squeeze pump and the test head are rated in excess of the
maximum test pressure.

 Install a check valve in the squeeze line as near to the test head as practical. An ANSI Class 900
(PN 150) check valve is required for test pressures equal to or less than 15,500 kPa. An American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) Class 1,500 (PN 250) is required if the test pressure exceeds
15,500 kPa. The purpose of the check valve is to prevent the squeeze line from whipping if the
squeeze pump or piping between the pump and the test head fails.

 Stop the pump to investigate the problem if the squeeze line starts to hammer during pressurizing.

 Gradually pump additional volume of water into the test section to a pressure that is about 3,000 kPa
less than the yield plot start pressure, stop the pump and investigate the following:

o Check test heads at both ends for leaks. If a leak is found, tighten the leak using extreme caution.

o Check the static pressure at both ends of the test section. The difference between the pressure
head “h” calculated from the measured pressure at each end of the test section should equal the
surveyed elevation difference between the two ends. If a discrepancy is found, the surveyors
must do a high-low profile between the two ends of the test section before increasing the

8.5 Yield Plotting

A yield plot has to be drawn during hydrotesting when the test pressure at any point on the test section
produces a hoop stress exceeding 95% of the SMYS of the pipe (this exceeds the CSA Z662-07
requirement of 100% of the SMYS of the pipe).

Yield plots are not required for test sections less than 1,000 m in length (e.g., the Souris River hydrotest
under co-construction). In such a case, the pressure in the section shall be gradually brought up to the
test pressure and stabilized.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 10

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Yield plotting is divided into two phases: the slope establishment phase (see Section 8.5.1) and the yield
plot phase (see Section 8.5.2).

8.5.1 Slope Establishment Phase

After the squeeze pump is stopped at about 3,000 kPa less than the yield plot start pressure and the test
heads are checked for leaks, the pump is restarted with the intention that it will stop only after the yield
plotting is complete. The contractor must make sure that there is enough water in the squeeze tank to
complete the yield plot.

Before the pump is started, the contractor and the testing inspector must make sure that all pressure
gauges, pressure and temperature charts, flow meters, dead-weight and electronic pressure testers and
the outside thermometer are working properly. In addition, all cables and liquid lines need to be in good
working order.

The contractor will start the pump and set it at a rate to increase the pressure inside the test section
between 50 to 100 kPa per minute. This rate must be established quickly and maintained during the yield

The testing engineer will take readings of the volume of water required to raise the pressure inside the
test section by 100 kPa until the yield plot start pressure is reached and the pump is stopped. These
readings will establish the relationship or slope between the pressure and volume.

Once these readings are plotted by the testing engineer on graph paper, the slope establishment phase

8.5.2 Yield Plot Phase

While the pump is stopped, the contractor will once again check the test heads at the two ends of the test
section for leaks.

The testing engineer will extend the pressure-volume graph to predetermine the total volume of water that
will be needed to raise the pressure inside the test section from the yield plot start pressure up to the
strength test commencement (aim) pressure. The testing engineer will also draw the 0.2% volume of the
test section line parallel to the pressure-volume graph.

When the testing engineer is ready and all instruments are re-checked to ensure proper functioning, the
testing engineer will advise the contractor to start the pump at the same previous speed.

As the pressure increases inside the test section, the testing engineer will plot the actual volume of water
needed corresponding to the pressure rise on the graph and compare it with the predetermined expected
volume. In earlier stages of squeezing, the actual volumes will be close to the expected volumes.
However, as the pressure is increased the pipe will yield and expand and need more water for the same
pressure rise. As long as the water volume stays within the 0.2% limit, the yield plotting will continue.
Yield plotting will stop when the aim strength test pressure is reached or if the water volume reaches the

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

0.2% limit. If the plot reaches the 0.2% limit anywhere between the aim and minimum strength test
pressure, then the pump may be stopped and the strength test may begin. If the 0.2% limit is reached
before reaching the minimum strength test pressure, the pump will be stopped to investigate the cause,
which may be either over-yielding of the pipe or a leak in the test section.

Enbridge prefers to set the aim strength test pressures close to 110% of the SMYS and has set the aim
strength test pressures between 109 and 110% of the SMYS. Enbridge has reviewed the materials test
records (MTRs) of the manufactured pipe and concluded that the lowest yield strength of the pipe is
484 MPa (70,200 psi). Hence, the testing crew must ensure that the squeeze pump is stopped at the right
time and the pressure does not exceed 110% of the SMYS to avoid over-yielding of the pipe.

8.5.3 Strengt h Test

Once the aim strength test pressure is reached, the contractor will stop the pump, check all test heads
and instrument valves, fittings, and assemblies for leaks, and allow the test section to stabilize for about
an hour. If the pressure inside the test section drops, the contractor will increase the pressure to the aim
test pressure. The contractor may have to continue this process several times to stabilize the test section
and to make sure that there is no leak. Once satisfied, the contractor will disconnect the squeeze pump,
install bull plugs and a blind flange, and lock in the test pressure. The testing engineer will then declare
the test section to be “on-test.”

The pressure could fluctuate after the test section has been put “on-test”. To avoid pressure fluctuations,
the contractor needs to stabilize the test section with one or two pressure boosts before putting the test
section “on-test” again.

8. 5. 3 .1 T est P r es su r e Re ad in g I n t e rv a l s Du rin g St re n g t h T est

Once the aim strength test is reached, the testing inspector will take the pressure readings per the
following intervals and note the time, pressure and ambient temperature on a Pressure Log Sheet:

 every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes (this is to monitor the initial pressure drops and pressure
boost as required)

 every 10 minutes for the next 30 minutes (at this point, the test section will likely be stabilized)

 every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours

The intervals mentioned above are applicable to new pipeline facilities that are strength-tested for four

8.5.4 Leak Test

Table 9.1 in CSA Z662-07 stipulates that the maximum leak test pressure shall be the lesser of the
qualification pressure and the pressure corresponding to 100% of the SMYS of the pipe. The qualification
pressure will be the lowest pressure achieved during the strength test at the high point of the test section.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

In most cases, the test section will have to be dewatered and depressurized from the strength test
pressure to the maximum leak test pressure.

This pressure reduction may not be necessary if the pipe wall thickness and grade are such that the
maximum strength test pressure is already below the pressure corresponding to 100% of the SMYS.

8. 5. 4 .1 T est P r es su r e Re ad in g I n t e rv a l s Du rin g L e ak T es t

Once the strength test is complete and the leak test has commenced, the test inspector will take the
pressure readings per the following intervals and note the time, pressure and ambient temperature on a
Pressure Log Sheet:

 every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes (this is to monitor the initial pressure drops and pressure
boost as required)

 every 10 minutes for the next 30 minutes (at this point, the test section will likely be stabilized)

 every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours

The intervals mentioned above are applicable to new pipeline facilities that are leak-tested for a minimum
of four hours.

8.6 Temperature Reading Intervals during Hydrotesting

The contractor will check the temperature recorders at least every two hours during the test period. If a
recorder has stopped, the contractor will restart the chart recording without spinning it and note the
reason for the interruption on the chart.

8.7 Test Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance of a hydrostatic test will be based on the stabilization of the pressure during the leak test
phase because the strength test phase validates the strength of the material.

For new pipeline facilities the test is acceptable when the leak test pressure readings during the last two
hours are within 10 kPa of each other. The contractor will continue the leak test for longer than four hours
until this is achieved.


Enbridge selected seven test sections for Spread 9 and six test sections for Spread 11. Attachment 1
(see Appendix B) contains the approximate lengths and volumes of these 13 test sections, starting from
the west and extending east. Start points, end points and lengths of these sections may change during
construction as a result of contractor consultation.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9.1 Spread 9 Testing Sequence

The contractor will:

1. Fill section 9-1 and section 9-2 first from the water available in Cromer firewater pond. This will store
additional make-up water in the test sections.
2. Set the test bus between section 9-1 and section 9-2.
3. Test section 9-1 from its east end.
4. Connect section 9-2 to section 9-3.
5. Dewater section 9-1 into section 9-2 and section 9-3.
6. Test section 9-2 from its west end.
7. Connect section 9-3 and section 9-4.
8. Dewater section 9-2 into section 9-3 and section 9-4.
9. Move the test bus between section 9-3 and section 9-4.
10. Test section 9-3 from its east end.
11. Connect section 9-4 and section 9-5.
12. Dewater section 9-3 into section 9-4 and section 9-5.
13. Test section 9-4 from its west end.
14. Connect section 9-5 and section 9-6. The east end of section 9-6 will be at Glenboro pump station,
where Enbridge will construct a new firewater pond for test water retention.
15. Dewater section 9-4 into section 9-5 and section 9-6.
16. Move the test bus between section 9-5 and section 9-6.
17. Test section 9-5 from its east end.
18. Connect section 9-6 and section 9-7.
19. Dewater section 9-5 into section 9-6 and section 9-7.
20. Test section 9-6 from its west end.
21. Dewater section 9-6 into section 9-7 and the Glenboro firewater pond.
22. Move the test bus between section 9-6 and section 9-7.
23. Test section 9-7 from its east end.
24. Dewater section 9-7 into the Glenboro firewater pond (located at the west end of section 9-7).

9.2 Spread 11 Testing Sequence

The contractor will:

1. Fill section 11-1 and section 11-2 with the water available in Lake Seven through a fill line. This will
store additional make-up water in the test sections.
2. Set the test bus between section 11-1 and section 11-2.
3. Test section 11-1 from its east end.
4. Connect section 11-2 and section 11-3.
5. Dewater section 11-1 into section 11-2 and section 11-3.
6. Test section 11-2 from its west end.
7. Connect section 11-3 and section 11-4.
8. Dewater section 11-2 into section 11-3 and section 11-4.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9. Move the test bus between section 11-3 and section 11-4.
10. Test section 11-3 from its east end.
11. Connect section 11-4 and section 11-5.
12. Dewater section 11-3 into section 11-4 and section 11-5.
13. Test section 11-4 from its west end.
14. Connect section 11-5 and section 11-6.
15. Dewater section 11-4 into section 11-5 and section 11-6.
16. Move the test bus between section 11-5 and section 11-6.
17. Test section 11-5 from its east end.
18. Dewater section 11-5 into section 11-6 and the Gretna firewater pond.
19. Test section 11-6 from its west end.
20. Dewater section 11-6 into the Gretna firewater pond.

9.3 Pre-tested Fabricated Assemblies

All prefabricated assemblies (mainline block valves and loop end cross-over tie-ins) will be pre-tested at
the fabricators. They will be tested to a minimum of 1.4 times their design pressure as outlined in
Section 7 of Enbridge’s Operating and Maintenance Procedures Book 3, which will meet or exceed the
pipeline qualification pressure at each installation location. The assemblies will be cut into the pipeline
without further pressure testing once the mainline test is complete.

9.4 One Hour Pre-tests

As a precaution, it may be beneficial to pre-test a pipe section before installing it to cross high pressure
gas pipelines, highways, major rivers and other locations. Such pre-tests are done above-ground for one

Enbridge will identify such crossing locations. The contractor may also conduct these pre-tests if
crossings are not identified by Enbridge.

At a minimum, the contractor will pre-test all watercourse crossing pipe sections that will eventually be
coated with continuous concrete (i.e., gunnited). The minimum pre-test pressure will be the pressure that
will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 80% of the SMYS of the crossing pipe or 125% of the
crossing pipe section maximum operating pressure (MOP), whichever is less. The maximum pre-test
pressure will be the pressure which will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 90% of the SMYS of the
crossing pipe.

Table 4 contains above-ground one-hour pre-test pressures.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Table 4: Above-Ground One-Hour Pre-test Pressures

Description Pressure

(kPa) (psig)
Pipe section MOP 9,653 1,400
125% of MOP 12,066 1,750
Minimum test pressure, 80% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 6.35 mm WT, Grade 483) 9,660 1,401
Maximum test pressure, 90% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 6.35 mm WT, Grade 483) 10,868 1,576
Minimum test pressure, 80% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 7.92 mm WT, Grade 483) 12,048 1,747
Maximum test pressure, 90% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 7.92 mm WT, Grade 483) 13,554 1,966

Once in place, the contractor will re-test the crossing pipe as part of the pipeline hydrotest.
The contractor will submit documentation to Enbridge for the one hour pre-tests, including the pressure
log and charts marked with the date, location and name of the crossing, and a dimensioned sketch of the
Table 5 identifies the watercourse crossing pipe sections that are likely to be coated with continuous
concrete and will undergo one hour above-ground pre-tests.

Table 5: Project Watercourse Crossings (for One-Hour Pre-tests)

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT Test Pressure

Minimum Maximum
(kPa) (kPa)
1 972.30 SE15-9-27-1 W4 Unnamed creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
2 1073.40 SE22-7-17-1 W4 Souris River 7.92 12,048 13,554
3 1078.44 NW18-7-16-1 W4 Spring Brook 6.35 9,660 10,868
4 1086.90 SE13-7-16-1 W4 Oak Creek (1) 6.35 9,660 10,868
5 1109.31 SE31-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (2) 6.35 9,660 10,868
6 1110.30 SW32-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (3) 6.35 9,660 10,868
7 1120.11 NE18-6-12-1 W4 Cypress River (1) 6.35 9,660 10,868
8 1131.48 NE31-5-11-1 W4 Cypress River (2) 6.35 9,660 10,868
9 1186.23 SE19-3-6-1 W4 Thornhill Coulee 6.35 9,660 10,868
10 1196.60 SW6-3-5-1 W4 Deadhorse Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
11 1211.10 NW16-2-4-1 W4 Hespeler Creek 7.92 12,048 13,554
12 1227.41 NW25-1-3-1 W4 Buffalo Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
13 1231.60 N/2 20-1-2-1 W4 Drainage channel 6.35 9,660 10,868
14 1242.10 NW8-1-1-1 W4 Unnamed Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9.5 Co-construction Testing Procedure

Enbridge is also constructing a 914 mm OD (NPS 36) pipeline in the same ROW as the project pipeline
as part of its ABC Project. The ABC project pipeline extends from the Enbridge’s terminal facility at
Hardisty, Alberta though the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba to Superior, Wisconsin in the
United States (US). This new pipeline will transport heavy crude oil with an initial average capacity of
3 3
71,500 m /d (450,000 bbl/d), and an ultimate capacity of 127,000 m /d (800,000 bbl/d) when future pump
stations are operational.

The majority of the Manitoba portion of the ABC Project pipeline will be constructed in summer of 2009
and will parallel the project pipeline, which will be operating by that time. In a number of places, portions
of the ABC Project pipeline in Manitoba will be constructed with the project pipeline during fall of 2008.
These portions are called the co-construction areas in this plan.

There are about 29 km of co-construction areas that require both 914 mm OD (NPS 36) and 508 mm OD
(NPS 20) pipe sections to be constructed at the same time.

9.5.1 Watercour se Crossing Pipe Pr e-test

The contractor will pre-test all co-construction watercourse crossing 914 mm OD (NPS 36) pipe sections
that will eventually be coated with continuous concrete (i.e., gunnited). The minimum pre-test pressure
will be the pressure that will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 80% of the SMYS of the crossing
pipe or 125% of the MOP of the crossing pipe section, whichever is less. The maximum pre-test pressure
will be the pressure that will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 90% of the SMYS of the crossing

Table 6 shows above-ground one-hour pre-test pressures for 914 mm OD (NPS 36) x Grade 483 pipe

Table 6: Co-construction Watercourse Crossing Table (for One Hour Pre-test)

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT MOP Minimum Test Maximum Test
(mm) (kPa) Pressure Pressure
(kPa) (kPa)
1 972.30 SE15-9-27-1 W4 Unnamed creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
2 1073.40 SE22-7-17-1 W4 Souris River 15.88 8,217 10,271 15,099
3 1078.44 NW18-7-16-1 W4 Spring Brook 10.32 8,217 8,722 9,812
4 1086.90 SE13-7-16-1 W4 Oak Creek (1) 10.32 8,217 8,722 9,812
5 1109.31 SE31-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (2) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
6 1110.30 SW32-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (3) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
7 1120.11 NE18-6-12-1 W4 Cypress River (1) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
8 1131.48 NE31-5-11-1 W4 Cypress River (2) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
9 1186.23 SE19-3-6-1 W4 Thornhill Coulee 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT MOP Minimum Test Maximum Test
(mm) (kPa) Pressure Pressure
(kPa) (kPa)
10 1196.60 SW06-3-5-1 W4 Deadhorse Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
11 1211.10 NW16-2-4-1 W4 Hespeler Creek 11.4 8,716 9,635 10,839
12 1227.41 NW25-1-3-1 W4 Buffalo Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
13 1231.60 N1/2 20-1-2-1 W4 Drainage channel 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
14 1242.16 NW8-1-1-1 W4 Unnamed Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812


10.1 General Requirements

As a general rule, the contractor may use the following test mediums during winter depending on the pipe

 unheated or heated water for pipe sizes greater than 610 mm OD (NPS 24)

 heated water for pipe sizes between 203.2 mm OD (NPS 8) and 610 mm OD (NPS 24)

 water-methanol solution where permitted or heated water for pipe sizes between 114.3 mm OD
(NPS 4) to 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6)

Heated water will be used during winter testing of the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) project pipeline.

The contractor will:

 Reduce the amount of frozen backfill by not leaving the ditch open for an extended period of time.

 Adequately shelter and heat any open ditch required for tie-ins, test heads and other piping. Heat
sources must not be in direct contact with the pipe; the shelter must support the snow load and not be
affected by high winds. All open ditches must be kept free of standing water at all times.

 Install a temperature recorder by means of a thermowell to monitor the temperature of water added to
the test section.

 Monitor the temperature of the circulated heated water at the discharge end.

 Monitor pipe and ground temperatures at several points along the test section.

 Fill the test section continuously.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

10.2 Testing With Heated Water

The contractor will:

 Supply heaters large enough (5,000 L/min) to inject warm water (10 to 35°C) in the test head.

 Fill instrumentation lines with antifreeze to purge air and water, preventing the line from freezing off.
One indication that freezing has occurred is that pressure begins to fluctuate. If freezing has
occurred, the lines must be cleared.

 Use calibrated digital test pressure gauges (with backups) instead of deadweight testers because
gauges eliminate the use of hydraulic hoses stretched from test head to test trailer. Even with
antifreeze-filled instrumentation lines, the water from the pipeline will bleed into the lines and, when
cold enough, will freeze and cause instrumentation malfunctions.

 Ensure that valves on the test head remain in the open position. If the heat supply fails, water trapped
between the closed valve and blind flange will freeze and burst the valve body.

10.3 Filling

Heated water is circulated through the test section to prevent the water from freezing during testing and
dewatering and to melt the frozen ground surrounding the pipe to create a heat sink.

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from the water source into the tanks, and heat and circulate the water in the tanks
before injecting the water in the test section. This process will provide a contingency volume of water
during line fill and allow removal of entrained air from the water suction source.

 Inject the heated water into one end of the test section and allow it to come out of the other end.

 Use a “hot slug” during initial line fill. This involves injecting the initial 20% of fill volume with 20 to
35°C water. This initial slug will heat pipe walls and the ground, reducing the heat loss of the
remaining line fill volume being injected.

 Continue the circulation for a minimum of two hours while maintaining a minimum discharge
temperature of 2°C.

 Record the following:

o accumulated volume of circulation water

o inlet and outlet water temperatures on charts or manually every 30 minutes

o time, temperature and water volume when changes to the inlet temperature are made

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 19

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

o pipe and ground temperatures at several points along the test section

o release the circulated water onto the surrounding land previously identified as acceptable to
appropriate companies, landowners and regulatory authorities, or into a water truck

o install an energy-absorbing diffuser on the discharge end to prevent erosion, bottom scour or
damage to vegetation

10.4 Dewatering

The contractor will:

 Have compressors in place to begin dewatering immediately after the hydrotest is complete to
prevent freezing of test water, which could result in equipment failure, line rupture or both.

 Take special care to drain valve bodies.


11.1 Test Instruments

The contractor will supply the following instruments for pressure testing:

 deadweight testers with weights measuring 5 kPa with a 0 to 18,000 kPa range

 electronic pressure gauges

 pressure chart recorders (0 to 18,000 kPa) to be installed close to the deadweight tester

 water flow meters to measure water fill rates and volumes

 temperature chart recorders (-30 to 60°C) accurate to 1°C

 single pen temperature chart recorders with a thermowell to measure fill water temperature (-20 to
50°C and accurate to 1°C)

 thermometers accurate to 1°C to measure fill water and ambient temperatures

 pressure gauges (0 to 18,000 kPa)

 pig locators

11.2 Calibration of Instruments

The contractor will validate the operation of the instruments before each hydrotest in the presence of the
testing inspector. For example, the temperature recorders will be verified at ambient temperature.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 20

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

All instruments will be properly calibrated before the start of the testing program and will come with valid
calibration certificates issued within the past 30 days. The testing inspector will review each calibration
certificate before the start of the testing program.

11.3 Validation of Charts

At the end of a hydrotest and after a chart is removed, the testing inspector will clearly write the following
information on the back of the chart and sign it.

1. Test number
2. Company tag number
3. Location of recorder (any reference point and chainage)
4. Time and date the chart was removed
5. Weather at time of removal
6. Explanation of any irregularities or interruptions on the chart



12.1 Depressurizing of Test Section

The testing inspector, after accepting the test, will witness the depressurizing of the test section and
ensure it is done with extreme caution and no vibration.

The contractor will:

 Depressurize the test section using an Enbridge-approved bleed-off assembly.

 Open and close the assembly slowly to protect the assembly from shock loading, and under no
circumstances fully open the valve to achieve depressurization.

 Connect the depressurizing piping into a tank or, if approved, point the depressurizing piping in a
direction to prevent damage to the ROW or adjacent property.

 Transfer the water into the adjacent test section once the pressure is reduced.

12.2 Dewatering

The contractor will (after depressurizing the test section):

 Dewater the test section either into the next test section or to the test water discharge point.

 Dispose the test water per the water permits and to locations described in this plan.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Install energy-absorbing diffuser(s) at the discharge end of the dewatering line to prevent erosion,
bottom scour and damage to vegetation.

 Propel, by means of air, a bi-directional pig or sphere inside the test section to remove water and,
wherever possible, probe the pigs or the spheres to verify their proper positions before and after each

 Securely support and tie down the dewatering line at the discharge end to prevent whipping of the

 Not use mechanical connections on dewatering lines.

 Conduct additional dewatering runs after the main runs to remove any left over water. These
dewatering runs would likely be discharged to a receiving tank because there would be a high
concentration of air entrainment.

12.3 Dehydration

Full pipeline dehydration is not required because the project pipeline will be used in oil service where
rigorous dew point control is not required.


Hydrotest documents will support Enbridge’s submissions to appropriate regulatory authorities and
provide a permanent record of the project pipeline system for future reference.

The construction manager will:

 Collect and sign all test documents (see Section 13.1 for a list of hydrotest documents) and courier
them to the project manager within three days of completing a hydrotest.

 Photocopy and file all test documents in the construction office as backups to the original documents.

 Explain anomalies in recorded data on the Pressure Log Sheet by describing conditions that existed
during the test.

 Provide a proper comparison between the “as-tested” and “as-installed” lengths, and whether the
as-built test head chainages are horizontal or contoured.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 22

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

13.1 List of Hydrotest Documents

The following lists project hydrotest documents.

1. hydrostatic test calculations (calculated test pressures)

2. hydrostatic test schematic and profile drawings showing:

o a scaled elevation profile of the test section

o preliminary locations of the test section

o cut point elevations with their preliminary chainages

o the testing inspector will identify any changes and the testing engineer will recalculate the test
pressures based on the revised information and issue a new Calculation Test Sheet.

3. a hydrostatic test field report

4. a yield plot log sheet

5. a yield plot graph (using graph paper)

6. a pressure log sheet

7. a pressure chart of an eight-hour test period

8. a graph of temperatures and pressure loss versus time

9. a fill water temperature chart

10. pipe and ground temperature charts

11. an “as-tested” line drawing of test

12. a red-marked hydrostatic testing schematic

13. certificates of calibration

If a pipeline test is repeated, the documentation must include all pipes and ground temperature charts
from the commencement of filling to the end of the successful test and all yield plot logs and graphs.
Unsuccessful test logs do not need to be sent in unless a leak or break has occurred.

One hour pre-test documents will include a pressure log marked with the date, location and name of the
crossing or assembly, and a dimensioned sketch.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

13.2 Submission of Test Documents

The Enbridge project manager will submit hydrostatic test documentation as required by the appropriate
regulations (e.g., leave-to-open [LTO] documents per NEB’s Onshore Pipeline Regulations).


14.1 Leak Investigation and Repairs

When it becomes apparent that there is a leak, the contractor will visually inspect the test section. If the
visual inspection does not reveal the leak location, the contractor will then advise the Enbridge
construction manager of further action.

If the defect in the line is as result of poor field welding or mechanical damage, such as a dent or buckle,
the defective area shall be removed and replaced with a pre-tested pipe pup. If the defect is in the
longitudinal or spiral weld, the entire joint of pipe shall be replaced.

Refer to Section 14.2 for details about methods of leak detection.

14.2 Methods of Leak Detection

It may be difficult to locate leaks when there is no surface indication of their locations, and in wet areas
where leaked water cannot be easily detected. An awareness of available leak detection methods will be
helpful in choosing the appropriate method for each case. The following lists leak detection methods.
 Barrier Pigs method
 Correlated Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Dyes method
 External Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Gas Tracers method
 Ground-looking Radar method
 Ice Plugging method
 Interpolated Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Odorants method
 Radioactive Tracers Method
 Sectioning method
 Smart Pigs methods
 Visual Leak Detection method

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 24

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

14.3 Leak Repair

14.3. 1 Dewatering

If the leak is at a high point and the section can be refilled from the low end without entrapping air, then
the section should only be dewatered enough to make sure that the location of the leak is dry. Otherwise,
the section should be totally dewatered.

14.3. 2 Minimum Lengt h of Replacement Pipe

It is Enbridge policy to replace an entire joint of pipe if the leak is in the pipe’s seam.

Minimum replacement lengths required by CSA Z662-07 are for pipe sizes:

 under 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6): 150 mm

 between 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6) and 610 mm OD (NPS 24): 2 x OD
 over 610 mm OD (NPS 24): 1220 mm

If a cut-out is within the above-mentioned distance from a weld, the weld will be cut out as well. The piece
that is cut out shall be sent to Enbridge with the leak location clearly marked and the name of the job
written on it to help ascertain the cause of the leak.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 25

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Canadian Energy Pipeline Association. Hydrostatic Test
Water Management Guidelines. September 1996.

Canadian Standards Association. CSA Z662-07 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems. June 2007.

Colt Engineering Corporation. Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Design Report. Rev. 0,
May 29, 2008.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada). Fresh Water End-of-Pipe Fish Screen Guideline. March

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada). Fisheries Act. August 31, 2008.

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Operating and Maintenance Procedures Book 3: Section 7. April 01, 2006.
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Pipe Design and Construction, Main Line. Engineering Standard D06-101-2006.
December 13, 2006.

National Energy Board. Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR 99). National Energy Board Act. 1999.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 26

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


This appendix lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this plan.

Term Spelled Out

% per cent
°C degrees Celsius
ABC Project Alberta Clipper Expansion Project
ANSI American National Standards Institute
bbl/d barrels per day
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CEPA Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
contractor, contractors pipeline contractor, pipeline contractors
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DPS dual powder system
E east
e.g. for example
EC electrical conductivity
EKP Enbridge kilometre post
Enbridge Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
ERW Electric resistance welded
FBE fusion-bonded epoxy
HDD horizontal directional drill
hydrotesting hydrostatic testing
i.e. that is
ID identification
km kilometres
kPa kilopascals
L litres
L/min litres per minute
LSr light sour
LTO leave-to-open
LVP low vapour pressure
m metres
m3/d cubic metres per day
min minute
mm millimetres

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 27

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Term Spelled Out

MOP maximum operating pressure
MPa megapascals
MTRs materials test records
MWS Manitoba Water Stewardship
N north
NE northeast
NEB National Energy Board
NPS nominal pipe size
NW northwest
OD outside diameter
OPR Onshore Pipeline Regulations
PN pressure nominal
psi pounds per square inch
psig pounds per square inch gauge
ROW right-of-way
S south
SAR sodium absorption ratio
SE southeast
SMYS specified minimum yield strength
SW southwest
TDS total dissolved solids
the project the light sour pipeline portion of the Southern Lights Project
this plan this Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
US United States
W west
WT wall thickness

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


This appendix lists attachments to this plan.

No. Description
1 Profile, length, volume and test pressures for each spread

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline




Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0


Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan

For Submission to the National Energy Board

Reference No. 0641194A02

Revision: 0
Date: 05-Nov-2008

Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 1


APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ 2

3. TESTING SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 2

4. SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 Public and Personnel Safety ......................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Protection of Property ................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Protection of the Environment....................................................................................................... 3
4.4 Notifications ................................................................................................................................... 3

5. TEST WATER WITHDRAWAL AND DISPOSAL ......................................................................... 4

5.1 Water Withdrawal .......................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Water Disposal .............................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Landowner Permission ................................................................................................................. 6

6. STRENGTH AND LEAK TEST ..................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Pipeline Specifications .................................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Test Pressure and Duration .......................................................................................................... 7

7. TEST SECTION PREPARATION ................................................................................................. 8

7.1 Burial ............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Testing Hours ................................................................................................................................ 8
7.3 Pipeline Test Heads Assemblies .................................................................................................. 8
7.4 Cleaning Pig Run for New Pipelines ............................................................................................. 8
7.5 Installation of Temperature Recorders.......................................................................................... 9

8. TEST PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 9

8.1 Filling with Water ........................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Pressurizing the Test Section ....................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Temperature Stabilization ............................................................................................................. 9
8.4 Squeezing the Test Section .......................................................................................................... 9
8.5 Yield Plotting ............................................................................................................................... 10
8.6 Temperature Reading Intervals during Hydrotesting .................................................................. 13
8.7 Test Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................................. 13

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9. TEST SECTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 13

9.1 Spread 9 Testing Sequence ....................................................................................................... 14
9.2 Spread 11 Testing Sequence ..................................................................................................... 14
9.3 Pre-tested Fabricated Assemblies .............................................................................................. 15
9.4 One Hour Pre-tests ..................................................................................................................... 15
9.5 Co-construction Testing Procedure ............................................................................................ 17

10. COLD WEATHER TESTING ...................................................................................................... 18

10.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 18
10.2 Testing With Heated Water ......................................................................................................... 19
10.3 Filling ........................................................................................................................................... 19
10.4 Dewatering .................................................................................................................................. 20

11. TEST INSTRUMENTATION ....................................................................................................... 20

11.1 Test Instruments ......................................................................................................................... 20
11.2 Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................... 20
11.3 Validation of Charts ..................................................................................................................... 21

12. PIPELINE DEPRESSURIZING, DEWATERING AND DEHYDRATION .................................... 21

12.1 Depressurizing of Test Section ................................................................................................... 21
12.2 Dewatering .................................................................................................................................. 21
12.3 Dehydration ................................................................................................................................. 22

13. HYDROTEST DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 22

13.1 List of Hydrotest Documents ....................................................................................................... 23
13.2 Submission of Test Documents .................................................................................................. 24

14. LEAK DETECTION ..................................................................................................................... 24

14.1 Leak Investigation and Repairs................................................................................................... 24
14.2 Methods of Leak Detection ......................................................................................................... 24
14.3 Leak Repair ................................................................................................................................. 25

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 26

APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... 27

APPENDIX B: LIST OF ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................. 29

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Table 1: Project Pipeline Specifications ............................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Strength Test (Four-Hour Duration) ....................................................................................... 7
Table 3: Leak Test (Duration Is Not Less Than Four Hours) ............................................................... 7
Table 4: Above-Ground One-Hour Pre-test Pressures ...................................................................... 16
Table 5: Project Watercourse Crossings (for One-Hour Pre-tests).................................................... 16
Table 6: Co-construction Watercourse Crossing Table (for Pre-test Check) ..................................... 17

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


1.1 Purpose

This Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan (this plan), prepared by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (Enbridge) for the
National Energy Board (NEB) outlines pressure testing requirements (using water) for the light sour (LSr)
pipeline portion of the Southern Lights Project (the project).

1.2 Project Description

The project pipeline is a new 508 mm OD (NPS 20) pipeline with an average annual capacity of
29,500 m /d (186,000 bbl/d) for LSr crude oil transportation. The Canadian portion of the export pipeline
has two main components:

 Construction of a new 508 mm OD (NPS 20) LSr crude export pipeline from Cromer, Manitoba to the
Canada-US border near Gretna, Manitoba, a distance of 288 km.

 Construction of three new pump stations at Cromer, Glenboro and Manitou (in Manitoba).

The project pipeline consists of two construction spreads:

1. Spread 9 extends for 155.5 km from Cromer Pump Station east to a location east of the Glenboro
Black Marsh and will be constructed by a contractor. This spread has seven test sections.

2. Spread 11 is a 132.3 km section extending east from the east end of Spread 9 to near the Canada-
United States (US) border, just beyond Gretna, Manitoba and will be constructed by a second
contractor. This spread has six test sections.

Pipeline contractors (contractors) will be responsible for the hydrostatic testing (hydrotesting) of test
sections of the project pipeline.

1.3 Terminology

Appendix A lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this plan.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline



This project complies with:

 Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR 99) under the National Energy Board Act

 Section 8 of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z662-07, which provides specifications for
pipeline pressure testing

 Section 4.9 of Enbridge’s engineering standard D06-101-2006, Pipe Design and Construction, Main
Line, which deals with pipeline testing

 Manitoba Water Stewardship (MWS) requirements

 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)/Canadian Energy Pipeline Association

(CEPA) Hydrostatic Test Water Management Guidelines (September 1996)


The project schedule proposes that the project pipeline be constructed in the fall of 2008 with the
construction for each spread starting in mid-to-late August, 2008. Section 10 describes the cold weather
hydrotesting procedure to be used if pipeline construction is delayed.


4.1 Public and Personnel Safety

Enbridge will designate a testing inspector who will be on site to supervise safety and technical
operations at all times during hydrotesting.

Enbridge will also designate a testing engineer who will be on site to oversee each hydrotest.

The contractor will:

 Comply with CSA Z662-07, Clause 8.17, Safety During Pressure Tests.

 Provide the testing inspector a detailed safety plan two weeks before start of the hydrotesting

 Take all necessary safety precautions during hydrotesting.

 Employ only qualified and experienced testing personnel.

 Remove all unauthorized personnel from the pipeline right-of-way (ROW) during hydrotesting.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Install warning signs before the start of each hydrotest.

 Install fences to prevent the public from entering the ROW during hydrotesting, as necessary.

 Patrol and inspect the ROW to keep the public away from the ROW during hydrotesting.

 Inspect test section for leaks at pressures less than 100% of the specified minimum yield strength

 Treat all hoardings as confined spaces and adhere to all required safety measures.

4.2 Protection of Property

This pipeline is located primarily in rural Manitoba, will be buried at a minimum depth of 0.9 m and will not
require special precautions for protection of property. In sensitive areas where specialty crops are grown,
the pipe will be buried under a minimum cover of 1.2 m. For pipe sections under highway and railway
crossings, heavy wall pipe will be buried at a minimum depth of 1.5 m (under highways) and 2.0 m (under
railways) to reduce stress levels caused by passing vehicles.

4.3 Protection of the Environment

The pipeline terrain is characterized primarily by level or gentle sloping ground, except for a few areas in
river and creek valleys.

The contractor will:

 Obtain test water from water bodies that are approved by MWS.

 Use screens and reduce flow as required to preserve the ecology of the source water.

 Laboratory test the input source, discharge water and the soil at all potential disposal sites to ensure
they meet MWS requirements.

 Report water releases as spills if they contravene MWS requirements, immediately upon discovery.

4.4 Notifications

Enbridge will:

 Notify the NEB at least seven days before the start of a pipeline hydrotest to allow NEB staff to be
present during the hydrotest.

 Notify all relevant groups.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


The contractor will take the following measures to comply with regulations set out by the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Fisheries Act when water is withdrawn from streams, rivers or lakes:

 observe water withdrawal flow limits

 install fish guard screens on water intakes to comply with the DFO’s Fresh Water End-of-Pipe Fish
Screen Guideline (March 1995)

 not alter, disrupt or destroy fish habitat

 not deposit any deleterious substances in water frequented by fish

5.1 Water Withdrawal

Enbridge has identified the Cromer station hydrotest water pond, Souris River and Lake Seven, located
about 3 km north of the project pipeline near LSr KP-172+600, as potential water sources for
hydrotesting. The water will be used for:

 hydrotesting Spread 9 and Spread 11

 pre-testing of various water crossing pipe sections
 mixing with the drill mud while drilling (e.g., during a horizontal directional drill under Souris River)
 creating counter-buoyancy in the water crossing pipe sections

5.1.1 Spr ead 9

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from the existing hydrotest water pond at Cromer station.

 Transfer the water from test section to test section.

 Dispose of the water from test section 9-6 and test section 9-7 (the eastern-most sections) into a
firewater pond (constructed by Enbridge) at Glenboro pump station or small amounts on the ground
following proper disposal procedures.

5.1.2 Spr ead 11

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from Lake Seven. The majority of Lake Seven is located at E/2-7-6-11 W4. Lake
Seven crosses at Mile 31N into NE6-6-11 W4.

 Use a fill line from Lake Seven to the test section break point (located at about KP-172+600) between
test section 11-1 and test section 11-2.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 4

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Transfer the water from test section to test section.

 Dispose of the water from test section 11-6 into the new firewater pond (constructed by Enbridge) at
Gretna station.

5.1.3 Souris River

The contractor will withdraw water from Souris River for the following activities:

 pre-testing the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) LSr pipeline section crossing Souris River by HDD method

 pre-testing the 914 mm OD (NPS 36) Alberta Clipper Expansion Project (ABC Project) pipeline
section crossing Souris River by HDD method

 mixing of the HDD drill mud

 creating counter-buoyancy in a pipe section if it is installed using the isolation method

The contractor will also:

 Withdraw water from the Souris River for the activities listed above.

 Discharge the pre-test water on the ground or contain it in tanks to fill pipe sections to achieve
counter-buoyancy. Water from the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) project pipeline section will be released to
the Gretna pond.

 Dispose of the drill mud following the proper disposal procedure as outlined in the Environmental
Protection Plan as filed with the NEB. All water withdrawal, treatment and disposal procedures will
comply with MWS guidelines.

5.2 Water Disposal

Regulatory authorities in Manitoba require water acquired from a watershed to be returned to the same
watershed. Enbridge has built water storage ponds at Glenboro station and Gretna station for fire fighting
purposes. Hydrotest water will be mechanically cleaned and stored in these ponds with no chemical

The water will be tested for contaminants, treated if necessary and filtered using temporary containment
during dewatering after hydrotesting.

No antifreeze chemicals, biocides, corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers or leak detection tracers will
be added to the hydrotest water. The only materials in the hydrotest water will be trace amounts of rust,
welding residue and residue from pipe manufacturing.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 5

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Hydrotest water will be sampled and tested at the following stages.

1. Baseline testing of source water as the hydrotest water is drawn from the source.
2. Intermediate sampling of the water during transfer into the last test section before it is released.

3. Release sampling to demonstrate the water meets release quality requirements. Quality requirements
include pH, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids
(TDS) measurements.

5.3 Landowner Permission

If land is negatively affected by water disposal or temporary land (not within the existing ROW) is required
to place the fill or dewatering lines, the contractor will:

 Obtain written permission from landowners and tenants.

 Send a copy of such authorization to the Enbridge construction manager before starting any testing.


6.1 Pipeline Specifications

Table 1 outlines the project pipeline specifications.

Table 1: Project Pipeline Specifications

Property Value
Pipeline size (NPS) 20
Pipeline outside diameter size(mm) 508
Pipeline class location 1
Line pipe wall thickness (mm) 6.35
Heavy wall pipe wall thickness (mm) 7.92
Railroad crossing pipe wall thickness (mm) 10.40
Corrosion allowance (mm) 0.0
Line pipe material grade Grade 483/550
Line pipe material manufacturing process Electric resistance welded (ERW)
Service Liquid, low vapour pressure (LVP), non-sour
Maximum operating pressure (kPa)/(psi) 9,653/1,400
Design code CSA Z662-07
Pipeline type Buried
Minimum cover (mainline) (m) 0.9
Minimum cover (road and railroad crossings) (m) 1.5 and 2.0
Coating system Fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) dual powder system (DPS)

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 6

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

6.2 Test Pressure and Duration

Hydrotesting is divided into two phases:

1. Strength Test phase. The strength test determines the strength of the steel.

2. Leak Test phase. The leak test, conducted after the strength test, verifies that the test section is leak-

Table 2 and Table 3 show minimum and maximum hydrotest pressure limits, per CSA Z662-07.

Table 2: Strength Test (Four Hour Duration)

CSA Z662-07 Class Location Minimum Test Pressure Limita Maximum Test Pressure Limitb
1 1.25 x MOP 110% SMYS
2 1.25 x MOP 110% SMYS
3 1.40 x MOP 110% SMYS
4 1.40 x MOP 110% SMYS
aMOP=maximum operating pressure
bSMYS=specified minimum yield strength

Table 3: Leak Test (Duration Is Not Less Than Four Hours)

CSA Z662-07 Class Location Minimum Test Pressure Limita Maximum Test Pressure Limitb
1 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
2 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
3 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
4 1.10 x MOP 100% SMYS
aMOP=maximum operating pressure
bSMYS=specified minimum yield strength

The strength test will start at a pressure between the minimum and maximum test pressure limits.

During the yield plot (see Section 8.5), the maximum test pressure is also limited to the 0.2% water
volume deviation on the pressure versus volume plot.

Per Table 8.1 of CSA Z662-07, the maximum leak test pressure at the lowest point of elevation along the
test section shall be the lesser of the qualification pressure and the pressure corresponding to 100% of
the SMYS of the pipe. The qualification pressure will be the lowest pressure achieved during the strength
test at the high point of the test section.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 7

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

The leak test will start after the depressurizing valve has been properly closed and checked for leaks.

Attachment 1 (see Appendix B) contains profile, length, volume and test pressures for each test section
and the specifications for each hydrotest.

Enbridge will validate the calculations based on actual field information before starting any hydrotest.


7.1 Burial

The contractor will install a minimum of 10 m of heavy wall pipe (with a wall thickness of 7.92 mm)
between a test section and the test heads as a safety precaution to the personnel working around the test
heads and to lower the stress level to 64% of the SMYS for exposed pipe ends during hydrotesting.

The contractor will backfill the test section except the ends where sufficient pipe to tie in the test heads
will be left exposed.

7.2 Testing Hours

The contractor will:

 Ensure that pressurizing and yield plotting (see Section 8.5) are completed during daylight hours,
unless otherwise directed by the testing inspector.

 Provide adequate lighting at both ends of the test section when warranted.

7.3 Pipeline Test Heads Assemblies

Two types of test heads are required during pipeline construction:

1. Conventional high-pressure test heads that are installed on two ends of a test section to be used
during hydrotesting.

2. Low-pressure test heads, also known as launchers and receivers, used for cleaning or caliper

Enbridge will supply each contractor with a minimum of six NPS 20 conventional high-pressure test
heads. The contractor will supply the launchers and receivers.

7.4 Cleaning Pig Run for New Pipelines

After a new pipeline is constructed, the contractor will run a cleaning pig through appropriate pipe
sections to remove internal debris.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 8

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

7.5 Installation of Temperature Recorders

Temperature recorders are installed to record temperatures along a test section to help determine the
correlation between the pressure and temperature of the test medium (e.g., water).

The contractor will install at least two dual pen temperature recorders at either end of the test section. For
test sections longer than 10 km, a third temperature recorder will be needed in the middle section.

The contractor will also install one single pen recorder near the test head to record the fill water
temperature. The temperature probe will be placed into a thermowell and threaded into the fill line.


8.1 Filling with Water

The contractor will:

 Install a pressure gauge on each test head before filling.

 Install all temperature recorders, including a thermowell in the fill line at the test head.
 Ensure that the fill water complies with the conditions and restrictions of water permits.
 Install a calibrated flow meter in the fill line to record the fill rate and volume entering test sections.
 Contain fuel and lubricant leaks from pumps.
 Install a squeegy pig to maintain an air-water interface.

8.2 Pressurizing the Test Section

When filling is complete, and with the testing inspector on site, the contractor will gradually increase the
test pressure to about 3,000 kPa and inspect the test heads for leaks. The test section will be stabilized
for a minimum of two hours to reduce the pressure and temperature fluctuations inside the test section
before using the squeeze pump.

8.3 Temperature Stabilization

This stabilization period of the hydrotest water will be determined by using a temperature-time plot and
may take longer than the estimated two hours. The medium will be stabilized when the plot becomes
sufficiently asymptotic or when the temperature of the test medium is at or near the temperature of the
ground along the test section. This can be determined from the temperature chart readings.

8.4 Squeezing the Test Section

Enbridge must check and revise, if necessary, the test pressure calculations before squeezing starts.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 9

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

The contractor will:

 Connect the squeeze pump to the test section once the test section water has stabilized and the
testing inspector and testing engineer are on site.

 Disconnect all fill line jumper connections between test sections before connecting the squeeze

 Validate the accuracy of the stroke counter of the squeeze pump by measuring the volume of one
piston displacement, multiplying it by the number of pistons on the pump, and verifying this volume by
pumping water into a barrel of known volume.

 Check the accuracy of the flow meter by pumping water into a barrel of known volume.

 Ensure connectors between the squeeze pump and the test head are rated in excess of the
maximum test pressure.

 Install a check valve in the squeeze line as near to the test head as practical. An ANSI Class 900
(PN 150) check valve is required for test pressures equal to or less than 15,500 kPa. An American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) Class 1,500 (PN 250) is required if the test pressure exceeds
15,500 kPa. The purpose of the check valve is to prevent the squeeze line from whipping if the
squeeze pump or piping between the pump and the test head fails.

 Stop the pump to investigate the problem if the squeeze line starts to hammer during pressurizing.

 Gradually pump additional volume of water into the test section to a pressure that is about 3,000 kPa
less than the yield plot start pressure, stop the pump and investigate the following:

o Check test heads at both ends for leaks. If a leak is found, tighten the leak using extreme caution.

o Check the static pressure at both ends of the test section. The difference between the pressure
head “h” calculated from the measured pressure at each end of the test section should equal the
surveyed elevation difference between the two ends. If a discrepancy is found, the surveyors
must do a high-low profile between the two ends of the test section before increasing the

8.5 Yield Plotting

A yield plot has to be drawn during hydrotesting when the test pressure at any point on the test section
produces a hoop stress exceeding 95% of the SMYS of the pipe (this exceeds the CSA Z662-07
requirement of 100% of the SMYS of the pipe).

Yield plots are not required for test sections less than 1,000 m in length (e.g., the Souris River hydrotest
under co-construction). In such a case, the pressure in the section shall be gradually brought up to the
test pressure and stabilized.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 10

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Yield plotting is divided into two phases: the slope establishment phase (see Section 8.5.1) and the yield
plot phase (see Section 8.5.2).

8.5.1 Slope Establishment Phase

After the squeeze pump is stopped at about 3,000 kPa less than the yield plot start pressure and the test
heads are checked for leaks, the pump is restarted with the intention that it will stop only after the yield
plotting is complete. The contractor must make sure that there is enough water in the squeeze tank to
complete the yield plot.

Before the pump is started, the contractor and the testing inspector must make sure that all pressure
gauges, pressure and temperature charts, flow meters, dead-weight and electronic pressure testers and
the outside thermometer are working properly. In addition, all cables and liquid lines need to be in good
working order.

The contractor will start the pump and set it at a rate to increase the pressure inside the test section
between 50 to 100 kPa per minute. This rate must be established quickly and maintained during the yield

The testing engineer will take readings of the volume of water required to raise the pressure inside the
test section by 100 kPa until the yield plot start pressure is reached and the pump is stopped. These
readings will establish the relationship or slope between the pressure and volume.

Once these readings are plotted by the testing engineer on graph paper, the slope establishment phase

8.5.2 Yield Plot Phase

While the pump is stopped, the contractor will once again check the test heads at the two ends of the test
section for leaks.

The testing engineer will extend the pressure-volume graph to predetermine the total volume of water that
will be needed to raise the pressure inside the test section from the yield plot start pressure up to the
strength test commencement (aim) pressure. The testing engineer will also draw the 0.2% volume of the
test section line parallel to the pressure-volume graph.

When the testing engineer is ready and all instruments are re-checked to ensure proper functioning, the
testing engineer will advise the contractor to start the pump at the same previous speed.

As the pressure increases inside the test section, the testing engineer will plot the actual volume of water
needed corresponding to the pressure rise on the graph and compare it with the predetermined expected
volume. In earlier stages of squeezing, the actual volumes will be close to the expected volumes.
However, as the pressure is increased the pipe will yield and expand and need more water for the same
pressure rise. As long as the water volume stays within the 0.2% limit, the yield plotting will continue.
Yield plotting will stop when the aim strength test pressure is reached or if the water volume reaches the

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

0.2% limit. If the plot reaches the 0.2% limit anywhere between the aim and minimum strength test
pressure, then the pump may be stopped and the strength test may begin. If the 0.2% limit is reached
before reaching the minimum strength test pressure, the pump will be stopped to investigate the cause,
which may be either over-yielding of the pipe or a leak in the test section.

Enbridge prefers to set the aim strength test pressures close to 110% of the SMYS and has set the aim
strength test pressures between 109 and 110% of the SMYS. Enbridge has reviewed the materials test
records (MTRs) of the manufactured pipe and concluded that the lowest yield strength of the pipe is
484 MPa (70,200 psi). Hence, the testing crew must ensure that the squeeze pump is stopped at the right
time and the pressure does not exceed 110% of the SMYS to avoid over-yielding of the pipe.

8.5.3 Strengt h Test

Once the aim strength test pressure is reached, the contractor will stop the pump, check all test heads
and instrument valves, fittings, and assemblies for leaks, and allow the test section to stabilize for about
an hour. If the pressure inside the test section drops, the contractor will increase the pressure to the aim
test pressure. The contractor may have to continue this process several times to stabilize the test section
and to make sure that there is no leak. Once satisfied, the contractor will disconnect the squeeze pump,
install bull plugs and a blind flange, and lock in the test pressure. The testing engineer will then declare
the test section to be “on-test.”

The pressure could fluctuate after the test section has been put “on-test”. To avoid pressure fluctuations,
the contractor needs to stabilize the test section with one or two pressure boosts before putting the test
section “on-test” again.

8. 5. 3 .1 T est P r es su r e Re ad in g I n t e rv a l s Du rin g St re n g t h T est

Once the aim strength test is reached, the testing inspector will take the pressure readings per the
following intervals and note the time, pressure and ambient temperature on a Pressure Log Sheet:

 every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes (this is to monitor the initial pressure drops and pressure
boost as required)

 every 10 minutes for the next 30 minutes (at this point, the test section will likely be stabilized)

 every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours

The intervals mentioned above are applicable to new pipeline facilities that are strength-tested for four

8.5.4 Leak Test

Table 9.1 in CSA Z662-07 stipulates that the maximum leak test pressure shall be the lesser of the
qualification pressure and the pressure corresponding to 100% of the SMYS of the pipe. The qualification
pressure will be the lowest pressure achieved during the strength test at the high point of the test section.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 12

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

In most cases, the test section will have to be dewatered and depressurized from the strength test
pressure to the maximum leak test pressure.

This pressure reduction may not be necessary if the pipe wall thickness and grade are such that the
maximum strength test pressure is already below the pressure corresponding to 100% of the SMYS.

8. 5. 4 .1 T est P r es su r e Re ad in g I n t e rv a l s Du rin g L e ak T es t

Once the strength test is complete and the leak test has commenced, the test inspector will take the
pressure readings per the following intervals and note the time, pressure and ambient temperature on a
Pressure Log Sheet:

 every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes (this is to monitor the initial pressure drops and pressure
boost as required)

 every 10 minutes for the next 30 minutes (at this point, the test section will likely be stabilized)

 every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours

The intervals mentioned above are applicable to new pipeline facilities that are leak-tested for a minimum
of four hours.

8.6 Temperature Reading Intervals during Hydrotesting

The contractor will check the temperature recorders at least every two hours during the test period. If a
recorder has stopped, the contractor will restart the chart recording without spinning it and note the
reason for the interruption on the chart.

8.7 Test Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance of a hydrostatic test will be based on the stabilization of the pressure during the leak test
phase because the strength test phase validates the strength of the material.

For new pipeline facilities the test is acceptable when the leak test pressure readings during the last two
hours are within 10 kPa of each other. The contractor will continue the leak test for longer than four hours
until this is achieved.


Enbridge selected seven test sections for Spread 9 and six test sections for Spread 11. Attachment 1
(see Appendix B) contains the approximate lengths and volumes of these 13 test sections, starting from
the west and extending east. Start points, end points and lengths of these sections may change during
construction as a result of contractor consultation.

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 13

Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9.1 Spread 9 Testing Sequence

The contractor will:

1. Fill section 9-1 and section 9-2 first from the water available in Cromer firewater pond. This will store
additional make-up water in the test sections.
2. Set the test bus between section 9-1 and section 9-2.
3. Test section 9-1 from its east end.
4. Connect section 9-2 to section 9-3.
5. Dewater section 9-1 into section 9-2 and section 9-3.
6. Test section 9-2 from its west end.
7. Connect section 9-3 and section 9-4.
8. Dewater section 9-2 into section 9-3 and section 9-4.
9. Move the test bus between section 9-3 and section 9-4.
10. Test section 9-3 from its east end.
11. Connect section 9-4 and section 9-5.
12. Dewater section 9-3 into section 9-4 and section 9-5.
13. Test section 9-4 from its west end.
14. Connect section 9-5 and section 9-6. The east end of section 9-6 will be at Glenboro pump station,
where Enbridge will construct a new firewater pond for test water retention.
15. Dewater section 9-4 into section 9-5 and section 9-6.
16. Move the test bus between section 9-5 and section 9-6.
17. Test section 9-5 from its east end.
18. Connect section 9-6 and section 9-7.
19. Dewater section 9-5 into section 9-6 and section 9-7.
20. Test section 9-6 from its west end.
21. Dewater section 9-6 into section 9-7 and the Glenboro firewater pond.
22. Move the test bus between section 9-6 and section 9-7.
23. Test section 9-7 from its east end.
24. Dewater section 9-7 into the Glenboro firewater pond (located at the west end of section 9-7).

9.2 Spread 11 Testing Sequence

The contractor will:

1. Fill section 11-1 and section 11-2 with the water available in Lake Seven through a fill line. This will
store additional make-up water in the test sections.
2. Set the test bus between section 11-1 and section 11-2.
3. Test section 11-1 from its east end.
4. Connect section 11-2 and section 11-3.
5. Dewater section 11-1 into section 11-2 and section 11-3.
6. Test section 11-2 from its west end.
7. Connect section 11-3 and section 11-4.
8. Dewater section 11-2 into section 11-3 and section 11-4.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9. Move the test bus between section 11-3 and section 11-4.
10. Test section 11-3 from its east end.
11. Connect section 11-4 and section 11-5.
12. Dewater section 11-3 into section 11-4 and section 11-5.
13. Test section 11-4 from its west end.
14. Connect section 11-5 and section 11-6.
15. Dewater section 11-4 into section 11-5 and section 11-6.
16. Move the test bus between section 11-5 and section 11-6.
17. Test section 11-5 from its east end.
18. Dewater section 11-5 into section 11-6 and the Gretna firewater pond.
19. Test section 11-6 from its west end.
20. Dewater section 11-6 into the Gretna firewater pond.

9.3 Pre-tested Fabricated Assemblies

All prefabricated assemblies (mainline block valves and loop end cross-over tie-ins) will be pre-tested at
the fabricators. They will be tested to a minimum of 1.4 times their design pressure as outlined in
Section 7 of Enbridge’s Operating and Maintenance Procedures Book 3, which will meet or exceed the
pipeline qualification pressure at each installation location. The assemblies will be cut into the pipeline
without further pressure testing once the mainline test is complete.

9.4 One Hour Pre-tests

As a precaution, it may be beneficial to pre-test a pipe section before installing it to cross high pressure
gas pipelines, highways, major rivers and other locations. Such pre-tests are done above-ground for one

Enbridge will identify such crossing locations. The contractor may also conduct these pre-tests if
crossings are not identified by Enbridge.

At a minimum, the contractor will pre-test all watercourse crossing pipe sections that will eventually be
coated with continuous concrete (i.e., gunnited). The minimum pre-test pressure will be the pressure that
will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 80% of the SMYS of the crossing pipe or 125% of the
crossing pipe section maximum operating pressure (MOP), whichever is less. The maximum pre-test
pressure will be the pressure which will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 90% of the SMYS of the
crossing pipe.

Table 4 contains above-ground one-hour pre-test pressures.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Table 4: Above-Ground One-Hour Pre-test Pressures

Description Pressure

(kPa) (psig)
Pipe section MOP 9,653 1,400
125% of MOP 12,066 1,750
Minimum test pressure, 80% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 6.35 mm WT, Grade 483) 9,660 1,401
Maximum test pressure, 90% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 6.35 mm WT, Grade 483) 10,868 1,576
Minimum test pressure, 80% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 7.92 mm WT, Grade 483) 12,048 1,747
Maximum test pressure, 90% SMYS (508 mm OD [NPS 20], 7.92 mm WT, Grade 483) 13,554 1,966

Once in place, the contractor will re-test the crossing pipe as part of the pipeline hydrotest.
The contractor will submit documentation to Enbridge for the one hour pre-tests, including the pressure
log and charts marked with the date, location and name of the crossing, and a dimensioned sketch of the
Table 5 identifies the watercourse crossing pipe sections that are likely to be coated with continuous
concrete and will undergo one hour above-ground pre-tests.

Table 5: Project Watercourse Crossings (for One-Hour Pre-tests)

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT Test Pressure

Minimum Maximum
(kPa) (kPa)
1 972.30 SE15-9-27-1 W4 Unnamed creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
2 1073.40 SE22-7-17-1 W4 Souris River 7.92 12,048 13,554
3 1078.44 NW18-7-16-1 W4 Spring Brook 6.35 9,660 10,868
4 1086.90 SE13-7-16-1 W4 Oak Creek (1) 6.35 9,660 10,868
5 1109.31 SE31-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (2) 6.35 9,660 10,868
6 1110.30 SW32-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (3) 6.35 9,660 10,868
7 1120.11 NE18-6-12-1 W4 Cypress River (1) 6.35 9,660 10,868
8 1131.48 NE31-5-11-1 W4 Cypress River (2) 6.35 9,660 10,868
9 1186.23 SE19-3-6-1 W4 Thornhill Coulee 6.35 9,660 10,868
10 1196.60 SW6-3-5-1 W4 Deadhorse Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
11 1211.10 NW16-2-4-1 W4 Hespeler Creek 7.92 12,048 13,554
12 1227.41 NW25-1-3-1 W4 Buffalo Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868
13 1231.60 N/2 20-1-2-1 W4 Drainage channel 6.35 9,660 10,868
14 1242.10 NW8-1-1-1 W4 Unnamed Creek 6.35 9,660 10,868

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

9.5 Co-construction Testing Procedure

Enbridge is also constructing a 914 mm OD (NPS 36) pipeline in the same ROW as the project pipeline
as part of its ABC Project. The ABC project pipeline extends from the Enbridge’s terminal facility at
Hardisty, Alberta though the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba to Superior, Wisconsin in the
United States (US). This new pipeline will transport heavy crude oil with an initial average capacity of
3 3
71,500 m /d (450,000 bbl/d), and an ultimate capacity of 127,000 m /d (800,000 bbl/d) when future pump
stations are operational.

The majority of the Manitoba portion of the ABC Project pipeline will be constructed in summer of 2009
and will parallel the project pipeline, which will be operating by that time. In a number of places, portions
of the ABC Project pipeline in Manitoba will be constructed with the project pipeline during fall of 2008.
These portions are called the co-construction areas in this plan.

There are about 29 km of co-construction areas that require both 914 mm OD (NPS 36) and 508 mm OD
(NPS 20) pipe sections to be constructed at the same time.

9.5.1 Watercour se Crossing Pipe Pr e-test

The contractor will pre-test all co-construction watercourse crossing 914 mm OD (NPS 36) pipe sections
that will eventually be coated with continuous concrete (i.e., gunnited). The minimum pre-test pressure
will be the pressure that will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 80% of the SMYS of the crossing
pipe or 125% of the MOP of the crossing pipe section, whichever is less. The maximum pre-test pressure
will be the pressure that will generate a hoop stress corresponding to 90% of the SMYS of the crossing

Table 6 shows above-ground one-hour pre-test pressures for 914 mm OD (NPS 36) x Grade 483 pipe

Table 6: Co-construction Watercourse Crossing Table (for One Hour Pre-test)

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT MOP Minimum Test Maximum Test
(mm) (kPa) Pressure Pressure
(kPa) (kPa)
1 972.30 SE15-9-27-1 W4 Unnamed creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
2 1073.40 SE22-7-17-1 W4 Souris River 15.88 8,217 10,271 15,099
3 1078.44 NW18-7-16-1 W4 Spring Brook 10.32 8,217 8,722 9,812
4 1086.90 SE13-7-16-1 W4 Oak Creek (1) 10.32 8,217 8,722 9,812
5 1109.31 SE31-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (2) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
6 1110.30 SW32-6-13-1 W4 Oak Creek (3) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
7 1120.11 NE18-6-12-1 W4 Cypress River (1) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
8 1131.48 NE31-5-11-1 W4 Cypress River (2) 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812
9 1186.23 SE19-3-6-1 W4 Thornhill Coulee 10.32 7,711 8,722 9,812

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

ID EKP Legal Location Name Pipe WT MOP Minimum Test Maximum Test
(mm) (kPa) Pressure Pressure
(kPa) (kPa)
10 1196.60 SW06-3-5-1 W4 Deadhorse Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
11 1211.10 NW16-2-4-1 W4 Hespeler Creek 11.4 8,716 9,635 10,839
12 1227.41 NW25-1-3-1 W4 Buffalo Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
13 1231.60 N1/2 20-1-2-1 W4 Drainage channel 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812
14 1242.16 NW8-1-1-1 W4 Unnamed Creek 10.32 8,716 8,722 9,812


10.1 General Requirements

As a general rule, the contractor may use the following test mediums during winter depending on the pipe

 unheated or heated water for pipe sizes greater than 610 mm OD (NPS 24)

 heated water for pipe sizes between 203.2 mm OD (NPS 8) and 610 mm OD (NPS 24)

 water-methanol solution where permitted or heated water for pipe sizes between 114.3 mm OD
(NPS 4) to 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6)

Heated water will be used during winter testing of the 508 mm OD (NPS 20) project pipeline.

The contractor will:

 Reduce the amount of frozen backfill by not leaving the ditch open for an extended period of time.

 Adequately shelter and heat any open ditch required for tie-ins, test heads and other piping. Heat
sources must not be in direct contact with the pipe; the shelter must support the snow load and not be
affected by high winds. All open ditches must be kept free of standing water at all times.

 Install a temperature recorder by means of a thermowell to monitor the temperature of water added to
the test section.

 Monitor the temperature of the circulated heated water at the discharge end.

 Monitor pipe and ground temperatures at several points along the test section.

 Fill the test section continuously.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

10.2 Testing With Heated Water

The contractor will:

 Supply heaters large enough (5,000 L/min) to inject warm water (10 to 35°C) in the test head.

 Fill instrumentation lines with antifreeze to purge air and water, preventing the line from freezing off.
One indication that freezing has occurred is that pressure begins to fluctuate. If freezing has
occurred, the lines must be cleared.

 Use calibrated digital test pressure gauges (with backups) instead of deadweight testers because
gauges eliminate the use of hydraulic hoses stretched from test head to test trailer. Even with
antifreeze-filled instrumentation lines, the water from the pipeline will bleed into the lines and, when
cold enough, will freeze and cause instrumentation malfunctions.

 Ensure that valves on the test head remain in the open position. If the heat supply fails, water trapped
between the closed valve and blind flange will freeze and burst the valve body.

10.3 Filling

Heated water is circulated through the test section to prevent the water from freezing during testing and
dewatering and to melt the frozen ground surrounding the pipe to create a heat sink.

The contractor will:

 Withdraw water from the water source into the tanks, and heat and circulate the water in the tanks
before injecting the water in the test section. This process will provide a contingency volume of water
during line fill and allow removal of entrained air from the water suction source.

 Inject the heated water into one end of the test section and allow it to come out of the other end.

 Use a “hot slug” during initial line fill. This involves injecting the initial 20% of fill volume with 20 to
35°C water. This initial slug will heat pipe walls and the ground, reducing the heat loss of the
remaining line fill volume being injected.

 Continue the circulation for a minimum of two hours while maintaining a minimum discharge
temperature of 2°C.

 Record the following:

o accumulated volume of circulation water

o inlet and outlet water temperatures on charts or manually every 30 minutes

o time, temperature and water volume when changes to the inlet temperature are made

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

o pipe and ground temperatures at several points along the test section

o release the circulated water onto the surrounding land previously identified as acceptable to
appropriate companies, landowners and regulatory authorities, or into a water truck

o install an energy-absorbing diffuser on the discharge end to prevent erosion, bottom scour or
damage to vegetation

10.4 Dewatering

The contractor will:

 Have compressors in place to begin dewatering immediately after the hydrotest is complete to
prevent freezing of test water, which could result in equipment failure, line rupture or both.

 Take special care to drain valve bodies.


11.1 Test Instruments

The contractor will supply the following instruments for pressure testing:

 deadweight testers with weights measuring 5 kPa with a 0 to 18,000 kPa range

 electronic pressure gauges

 pressure chart recorders (0 to 18,000 kPa) to be installed close to the deadweight tester

 water flow meters to measure water fill rates and volumes

 temperature chart recorders (-30 to 60°C) accurate to 1°C

 single pen temperature chart recorders with a thermowell to measure fill water temperature (-20 to
50°C and accurate to 1°C)

 thermometers accurate to 1°C to measure fill water and ambient temperatures

 pressure gauges (0 to 18,000 kPa)

 pig locators

11.2 Calibration of Instruments

The contractor will validate the operation of the instruments before each hydrotest in the presence of the
testing inspector. For example, the temperature recorders will be verified at ambient temperature.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

All instruments will be properly calibrated before the start of the testing program and will come with valid
calibration certificates issued within the past 30 days. The testing inspector will review each calibration
certificate before the start of the testing program.

11.3 Validation of Charts

At the end of a hydrotest and after a chart is removed, the testing inspector will clearly write the following
information on the back of the chart and sign it.

1. Test number
2. Company tag number
3. Location of recorder (any reference point and chainage)
4. Time and date the chart was removed
5. Weather at time of removal
6. Explanation of any irregularities or interruptions on the chart



12.1 Depressurizing of Test Section

The testing inspector, after accepting the test, will witness the depressurizing of the test section and
ensure it is done with extreme caution and no vibration.

The contractor will:

 Depressurize the test section using an Enbridge-approved bleed-off assembly.

 Open and close the assembly slowly to protect the assembly from shock loading, and under no
circumstances fully open the valve to achieve depressurization.

 Connect the depressurizing piping into a tank or, if approved, point the depressurizing piping in a
direction to prevent damage to the ROW or adjacent property.

 Transfer the water into the adjacent test section once the pressure is reduced.

12.2 Dewatering

The contractor will (after depressurizing the test section):

 Dewater the test section either into the next test section or to the test water discharge point.

 Dispose the test water per the water permits and to locations described in this plan.

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

 Install energy-absorbing diffuser(s) at the discharge end of the dewatering line to prevent erosion,
bottom scour and damage to vegetation.

 Propel, by means of air, a bi-directional pig or sphere inside the test section to remove water and,
wherever possible, probe the pigs or the spheres to verify their proper positions before and after each

 Securely support and tie down the dewatering line at the discharge end to prevent whipping of the

 Not use mechanical connections on dewatering lines.

 Conduct additional dewatering runs after the main runs to remove any left over water. These
dewatering runs would likely be discharged to a receiving tank because there would be a high
concentration of air entrainment.

12.3 Dehydration

Full pipeline dehydration is not required because the project pipeline will be used in oil service where
rigorous dew point control is not required.


Hydrotest documents will support Enbridge’s submissions to appropriate regulatory authorities and
provide a permanent record of the project pipeline system for future reference.

The construction manager will:

 Collect and sign all test documents (see Section 13.1 for a list of hydrotest documents) and courier
them to the project manager within three days of completing a hydrotest.

 Photocopy and file all test documents in the construction office as backups to the original documents.

 Explain anomalies in recorded data on the Pressure Log Sheet by describing conditions that existed
during the test.

 Provide a proper comparison between the “as-tested” and “as-installed” lengths, and whether the
as-built test head chainages are horizontal or contoured.

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

13.1 List of Hydrotest Documents

The following lists project hydrotest documents.

1. hydrostatic test calculations (calculated test pressures)

2. hydrostatic test schematic and profile drawings showing:

o a scaled elevation profile of the test section

o preliminary locations of the test section

o cut point elevations with their preliminary chainages

o the testing inspector will identify any changes and the testing engineer will recalculate the test
pressures based on the revised information and issue a new Calculation Test Sheet.

3. a hydrostatic test field report

4. a yield plot log sheet

5. a yield plot graph (using graph paper)

6. a pressure log sheet

7. a pressure chart of an eight-hour test period

8. a graph of temperatures and pressure loss versus time

9. a fill water temperature chart

10. pipe and ground temperature charts

11. an “as-tested” line drawing of test

12. a red-marked hydrostatic testing schematic

13. certificates of calibration

If a pipeline test is repeated, the documentation must include all pipes and ground temperature charts
from the commencement of filling to the end of the successful test and all yield plot logs and graphs.
Unsuccessful test logs do not need to be sent in unless a leak or break has occurred.

One hour pre-test documents will include a pressure log marked with the date, location and name of the
crossing or assembly, and a dimensioned sketch.

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

13.2 Submission of Test Documents

The Enbridge project manager will submit hydrostatic test documentation as required by the appropriate
regulations (e.g., leave-to-open [LTO] documents per NEB’s Onshore Pipeline Regulations).


14.1 Leak Investigation and Repairs

When it becomes apparent that there is a leak, the contractor will visually inspect the test section. If the
visual inspection does not reveal the leak location, the contractor will then advise the Enbridge
construction manager of further action.

If the defect in the line is as result of poor field welding or mechanical damage, such as a dent or buckle,
the defective area shall be removed and replaced with a pre-tested pipe pup. If the defect is in the
longitudinal or spiral weld, the entire joint of pipe shall be replaced.

Refer to Section 14.2 for details about methods of leak detection.

14.2 Methods of Leak Detection

It may be difficult to locate leaks when there is no surface indication of their locations, and in wet areas
where leaked water cannot be easily detected. An awareness of available leak detection methods will be
helpful in choosing the appropriate method for each case. The following lists leak detection methods.
 Barrier Pigs method
 Correlated Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Dyes method
 External Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Gas Tracers method
 Ground-looking Radar method
 Ice Plugging method
 Interpolated Acoustic Emission Detector method
 Odorants method
 Radioactive Tracers Method
 Sectioning method
 Smart Pigs methods
 Visual Leak Detection method

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

14.3 Leak Repair

14.3. 1 Dewatering

If the leak is at a high point and the section can be refilled from the low end without entrapping air, then
the section should only be dewatered enough to make sure that the location of the leak is dry. Otherwise,
the section should be totally dewatered.

14.3. 2 Minimum Lengt h of Replacement Pipe

It is Enbridge policy to replace an entire joint of pipe if the leak is in the pipe’s seam.

Minimum replacement lengths required by CSA Z662-07 are for pipe sizes:

 under 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6): 150 mm

 between 168.3 mm OD (NPS 6) and 610 mm OD (NPS 24): 2 x OD
 over 610 mm OD (NPS 24): 1220 mm

If a cut-out is within the above-mentioned distance from a weld, the weld will be cut out as well. The piece
that is cut out shall be sent to Enbridge with the leak location clearly marked and the name of the job
written on it to help ascertain the cause of the leak.

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Canadian Energy Pipeline Association. Hydrostatic Test
Water Management Guidelines. September 1996.

Canadian Standards Association. CSA Z662-07 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems. June 2007.

Colt Engineering Corporation. Horizontal Directional Drilling Crossing Design Report. Rev. 0,
May 29, 2008.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada). Fresh Water End-of-Pipe Fish Screen Guideline. March

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada). Fisheries Act. August 31, 2008.

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Operating and Maintenance Procedures Book 3: Section 7. April 01, 2006.
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Pipe Design and Construction, Main Line. Engineering Standard D06-101-2006.
December 13, 2006.

National Energy Board. Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR 99). National Energy Board Act. 1999.

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


This appendix lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this plan.

Term Spelled Out

% per cent
°C degrees Celsius
ABC Project Alberta Clipper Expansion Project
ANSI American National Standards Institute
bbl/d barrels per day
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CEPA Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
contractor, contractors pipeline contractor, pipeline contractors
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DPS dual powder system
E east
e.g. for example
EC electrical conductivity
EKP Enbridge kilometre post
Enbridge Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
ERW Electric resistance welded
FBE fusion-bonded epoxy
HDD horizontal directional drill
hydrotesting hydrostatic testing
i.e. that is
ID identification
km kilometres
kPa kilopascals
L litres
L/min litres per minute
LSr light sour
LTO leave-to-open
LVP low vapour pressure
m metres
m3/d cubic metres per day
min minute
mm millimetres

Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0 Page 27

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline

Term Spelled Out

MOP maximum operating pressure
MPa megapascals
MTRs materials test records
MWS Manitoba Water Stewardship
N north
NE northeast
NEB National Energy Board
NPS nominal pipe size
NW northwest
OD outside diameter
OPR Onshore Pipeline Regulations
PN pressure nominal
psi pounds per square inch
psig pounds per square inch gauge
ROW right-of-way
S south
SAR sodium absorption ratio
SE southeast
SMYS specified minimum yield strength
SW southwest
TDS total dissolved solids
the project the light sour pipeline portion of the Southern Lights Project
this plan this Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
US United States
W west
WT wall thickness

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline


This appendix lists attachments to this plan.

No. Description
1 Profile, length, volume and test pressures for each spread

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Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Plan
For Submission to the National Energy Board
Southern Lights Project – LSr Pipeline




Ref. No.: 0641194A02 Date Issued: 05-Nov-2008 Rev.: 0

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