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BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, 4, 1979, 289-295 289

Stresses in the Australian crust : evidence from

earthquakes and in-situ stress measurements
D. Denham, L. G. Alexander*, & G. Worotnicki*

Evidence from earthquake focal mechanisms, ill situ stress measurements, and surface
deformations indicate that the Australian continent is in a state of substantial horizontal com•
pression. Reliable focal mechanism determinations are now available from eight earthquakes
that have occurred in several parts of the continent since 1967. Each of these mechanisms
indicates that the faulting associated with the earthquakes was caused by compressive stress
acting close to horizontal. III situ measurements made in mines and tunnels, and close to the
surface in quarry floors or on rock outcrops, also indicate horizontal compressive stress in all
Near the epicentres of the 1968 Meckering and 1970 Calingiri earthquakes, shallow over•
coring measurements «10 m) were carried out to compare the ill situ observations with the
earthquake focal mechanisms and surface faulting. The measurements were made in competent
granite at seven locations along a 200 km north-south traverse. The results indicate a high
regional compressive stress acting about 77 °E of N. This agrees well with the 91 ° and
102 °E of N directions for the pressure axes obtained respectively from the earthquake focal
mechanisms. The highest stress (23 MPa) was measured at the site farthest north from the
Meckering epicentre. and the lowest stress was close to that epicentre where the maximum
principal stress was about 4 MPa.
During 1978 and 1979 several sites in NSW were tested at depths ranging from 3 to 9 m.
At each site the stress measured was compressive. In the eastern part of the State at
Buckley's Lake, Jindabyne, Milton, and Moruya the axes of maximum compression were
north-south, but in the west at Ardlethan, Mirrool. Berrigan, and Tocumwal the stresses are
close to east-west, agreeing with the earlier results at Broken Hill and Cobar. The highest
values of about 20 MPa were obtained in Silurian granite at Tocumwal.
The results give principal stress orientation in different directions for different regions of
the contin!'nt; it is therefore clear that simple models derived from plate tectonic concepts
cannot be applied directly to explain the high observed stresses or their directions.

Introduction Solomon & Sleep (1974), Solomon & others (1975),

Most of the stress release in the Earth's crust takes Richardson & others (1976), and Chapple & Tullis
place at the boundaries of the lithospheric plates, by (1977) analysed numerical models of worldwide plate
earthquakes and fault creep. The directions of the motions and driving force systems to try and predict
maximum compressive stresses at the boundaries, as the intraplate stress systems. However, although their
deduced from earthquakes and ground deformations, models fit some of the plates, no one model agrees well
are consistent with the concepts of plate tectonics. with all observations from the in situ stress and earth•
However, away from the plate boundaries, the quake focal mechanism results.
stresses are more difficult to analyse, because large This is probably because the intraplate stress consists
intraplate earthquakes occur infrequently and usually mainly of two parts: a stress remanent from that exist•
do not fit any overall pattern, and because the rates of ing during the formation and cratonisation of a
ground deformation are several orders of magnitude continent-which may decay by a process of viscous
smaller than those observed near the plate boundaries. creep; and a stress sustained by the present-day driving
Nevertheless, in recent years considerable progress has forces of plate tectonics. In some plates, such as the
been made in examining intraplate stress. This is mainly Nazca Plate, the second contribution will dominate,
because of an increase in the in situ measurements and the intraplate stresses can be explained easily. In
that have become available, and the increasing number other plates this is not the case and causes of the
of intraplate earthquakes for which reliable focal stresses are not obvious; the Australian plate fits into
mechanisms have now been determined. For example this category and it is examined here in the light of new
Sbar & Sykes (1973) have examined North America; data obtained recently from earthquakes, overcoring
Ahorner & Schneider (1974), Europe; Worotnicki & measurements, and ground deformations.
Denham (1976), Australia; Mendiguren & Richter The objective is to try and determine the stress
(1978), South America; and Richardson (1978) the patterns in the continent. These can then be used in
Nazca Plate. Sykes (1978) has made a valuable world• studies of earthquake risk, and in stability problems
wide review. Each study found compelling evidence for encountered in surface and underground excavations
considerable compressive intraplate stress; several of used in mining and civil engineering works.
the authors tried to relate the observed stresses to those
that would be expected from a simple plate-tectonic Evidence from earthquakes
model with pushing forces at the ridges, drag on the
base of the plate and along its sides (transform faults), Denham & others (in prep.) present focal mechanism
and pull at the subduction zones. solutions for six well-determined earthquakes. These are
plotted in Figure 1, with new solutions for tbe 1977
* csmo, Division of Applied Geomechanics, P.O. Box 54, BaIIiang earthquake (Smith & Denham, pers. comm.)
Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149. and the 1978 Halls Creek earthquake (Everingham &

120· 130· 140·

• "

(" ( __'I
,, -,


. •
.... -.....
-, ...,,_oJ

\ , 20·
\ r"...;
,, I,,

,, ,,
,I ''
.... / ~, .... ,
, ........

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• __ e ---- ,

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•• •

o 500km
Near surface
• • -140·

o MPa 20 • > 5.99 PLATFORM COVERS
! , ,

Near surface- • 5.00-5.99 Mesozoic to Cainozoic

magnitude not known
• 4.00-4.99
~ In mines
[E[J Early to Mid Proterozoic
IT] Palaeozoic Fault
\.Z/ Direction at
pressure aXIs
2500 Bathymetric Contour
NB10-42-1A I 45.

Figure 1. Distribution of earthquakes greater than magnitude 4, 1873-1977; Earthquake focal mechanisms-lower focal
hemisphere displayed, black represents compression; in situ stress measurements made before 1976. <TV repre•
sents the vertical stress due to overburden.

Smith, 1979). Table 1 lists the focal parameters of the and hence correlate the earthquake fault planes with
earthquakes shown on Figure 1; also shown on this known faults. Possible exceptions are (1) in South Aus•
figure are epicentres of all known earthquakes with tralia, where diapiric intrusions in the Adelaide Geo•
magnitudes greater than 4 for the Australian region syncline may concentrate the stresses to more than
since 1873. twice the regional values, causing the zone of earth•
Although all Australian earthquakes for which focal quakes associated with the Geosyncline (see Campbell,
mechanisms are known result from compressive forces 1978); and (2) in Victoria. Recent work by Gibson &
acting close to horizontal, the directions of the pressure Cuthbertson (1979) suggests that Victoria is being com•
axes vary considerably and there is no predominant pressed northwestwards. Most earthquakes occurring
direction for the maximum pressure. It could be argued there are at depths less than 20 km; they appear to
that, because the relation between the axes of the define a series of northeast-southwest trending reverse
maximum and minimum principal stresses and the P faults that extend across the State. The focal mechanism
and T axes of the focal mechanisms may depend on of the 1977 Balliang earthquake supports this model.
the orientation of the planes of crustal weakness (such However, the large-scale faults suggested by the spatial
as pre-existing faults), there could be considerable distribution of the earthquakes are not evident at the
scatter in the directions of the pressure axes (see surface. They appear to be represented by a series of
McKenzie, 1969). However, evidence from North smaller, subparallel en echelon faults. So from surface
America (Sbar & Sykes, 1973), South America mapping alone it is difficult to identify the major
(Mendiguren & Richter, 1978) and the Meckering crustal faults.
region of Western Austraila (Denham & others, in From the evidence of earthquake focal mechanisms,
prep.) confirm that the P axes from focal mechanisms we are left with a picture in Australia of compressive
are usually aligned close to the direction of the maxi• forces acting close to horizontal but in several,
mum principal regional stress. apparently random directions. For example the 1978
Furthermore, since Australian earthquakes are not Halls Creek and the 1970 Canning Baisn earthquakes
associated with known major faults, it is impossible to give P axes almost at right angles to each other.
identify any zones of pre-existing weakness in the crust, Similarly the 1973 Picton and the 1977 Bowning earth-

Magnitude Poles oj Axis oj Axis oj

Location Depth (Richter nodal planes compression tension Null axis
and date Lat.oS Long.oE km scale) trend plunge trend plunge trend plunge trend plunge
Meckering 31.58 117.00 5 6.9 308 45 271 13 020 50 169 36
14 Oct. 68 062 22
Calingiri 31.11 116.47 5.9 067 40 282 16 023 39 172 46
10 Mar. 70 362 14
Lake Mackay 22.05 126.61 15 6.7 046 20 218 24 058 64 310 07
24 Mar. 70 218 27
Simpson Desert 24.74 136.92 7 6.2 323 26 181 01 271 39 090 50
28 Aug. 72 318 27
* Picton 34.17 150.32 21 5.5 265 36 064 06 323 65 157 24
29 Mar. 73 040 44
Bowning 34.66 148.89 20 4.8 107 20 151 10 059 20 263 68
4 July 77 015 08
Halls Creek 19.55 126.56 17 6.2 292 40 324 06 226 54 59 35
6 May78 173 30
Balliang 37.87 144.26 17 5.0 309 80 308 25 129 75 40 00
2 Dec. 77 129 20
Table 1. Earthquake focal mechanism solutions for the A ustraHan continent.
* Mills & Fitch (1977) give another solution for the Picton earthquake, based on surface waves. The parameters are similar to
those listed in this table, which were obtained from body waves.

quakes which took place in the same region give stress obtained from the overcoring results with those
axes in different directions. There can be no doubt, from the earthquake focal mechanisms from the
however, that compressive forces are dominant in the Meckering and Calingiri earthquakes, and the surface
continental crust. faulting.
The Meckering earthquake is probably the best docu•
Evidence from in situ stress measurements mented of all Australian earthquakes. It took place on
Since 1957 over 1500 measurements of in situ stress 14 October 1968 and had a Richter magnitude of 6.9.
have been made at more than 50 localities in Australia The arcuate (concave to the east) north-south faulting
(see Worotnicki & Denham, 1976). Early results were produced a scarp 37 km ling with a maximum surface
obtained by flat jacks, but from 1963 most stress displacement of about 2 m (Everingham, 1968).
measurements have used borehole-overcoring methods;
these involve installing a gauge in a small pilot hole in
solid rock, and then monitoring the change in shape
of the hole when it is overcored by a larger (88 to
150 mm) diameter core barrel. The oyer coring relieves
the stresses in the rock surrounding the gauge-thus
enabling the change in shape of the pilot hole to be
measured, and the stresses in the rock to be computed.
Measurements have been carried out mostly in mines
and tunnels, at depths ranging from 1.5 m to 1.5 km.
The reliable results obtained before 1976 are sum•
marised in Figure 1. In 1976 CSIRO and BMR started
a systematic program of measuring regional stress
throughout the continent; several sites have been tested
using shallow « 10 m) holes drilled from the surface.
The site requirements for the shallow overcoring
tests are at present quite restrictive, calling for
unweathered competent rocks either cropping out or
lying close to the surface in regions of low relief. For
the measurements to be meaningful the rocks must be
well bonded to the crust and not mechanically
decoupled by joints, faults, or weathered material.
Furthermore, to obtain reliable observations in regions
of low stress, careful corrections must be made for
temperature and pore pressure effects. These correc•
tions can be as large as 3 MPa (Denham & others, in
Most of the useful results from the recent overcoring
program have been obtained from the Meckering region
of Western Australia and the southern New South
Wales part of the Lachlan Fold Belt.
Meckering region
A detailed account of the Meckering measurements
is given in Denham & others (in prep.). The objective
was to measure the in situ stress near the epicentre of Figure 2. Meckering fault scarp, showing reverse-angle
a large earthquake, and to compare the directions of faulting.

that occur at shallow depth are therefore of similar

magnitude to the stress drops calculated from the earth•
quakes using surface waves (Fitch & others, 1973).
Lachlan Fold Belt
31 " During 1978 and 1979 overcoring measurements
were made in the southern New South Wales part of
the Lachlan Fold Belt. Figure 4 shows the sites and
summarises the reults. A full description of the 1978
measurements is given in Denham & others (1979).
(Permian· Most of the Lachlan Fold Belt was formed in the
Cretaceous )
Palaeozoic (570-225 m.y.) by a process of continental
accretion and cratonisation in an interactive zone
between the Australian Proterozoic continent and the
palaeo-Pacific Plate. The Belt currently consists mainly
of a series of volcanics, granites and deformed (and in
several areas partly metamorphosed) sediments. The
deformations are associated with four main orogenies,
starting in the Ordovician (450 m. y.) and continuing
. • 32' until the Carboniferous (300 m.y.). The main struc•
tural trends are approximately north-south .
The stress patterns at the time of cratonisation will
probably have changed following uplift, rifting, and
• 5 -5.99 seafloor spreading along the eastern coastline to form
• > 5.99
the Tasman Sea (80-60 m.y.), and rifting along the
southern coastline associated with the seafloor spread•
ing between Australia and Antarctica (---55 m.y. to the
.. ~
present). Since the opening of the marginal seas around
the continent there has been substantial volcanic

~ actIvIty and uplift through the Tertiary to the
Near surfar:e
MP. 5
The earthquake activity in the Lachlan Fold Belt is
currently rather diffuse and occurs in a broad zone
H50/ B10- 17A
which parallels the coast. There are no major linea•
Figure 3. Stress measurements near Meckering; the earth· tions, but several localised clusters. Examples are the
quake distribution before 1978 and the fault Dalton-Gunning zone about 50 km north of Canberra,
scarps from the CaIingiri and Meckering earth· and near Lake Talbingo. The Talbingo earthquakes
quakes are also shown. were triggered by the filling of the Dam in 1971
(Timmel & Simpson, 1974) and provide evidence of
Figure 2 shows a section of the scarp indicating the tectonic stress in the crust. No focal mechanisms were
thrust nature of the faulting. Many smaller earth· determined for any of these earthquakes, but the
quakes have subsequently taken place in the region, the mechanisms from the 1973 Picton and the 1977 Bown•
largest being those at Calingiri on 10 March 1970 ing earthquakes both indicate a compressive regime
which had a Richter magnitude of 5.9 and Cadoux on in the Lachlan.
2 June 1979 which had a magnitude of about 6.2. The The sites for overcoring tests were restricted by the
Calingiri earthquake produced a fault scarp about criteria described earlier, but eight sites have so far been
3.5 km long with a maximum surface displacement of tested successfully (Table 2). The stresses observed fall
about 0.3 m (Everingham & Parkes, 1971). The into two main patterns. In the western region, at
Cadoux earthquake also produced a fault scarp; about Ardlethan, Mirrool, Berrigan, and Tocumwal the maxi•
12 km long and with a maximum surface displacement mum principal stresses tend to be approximately east•
of about 0.5 m (Gregson, pers. comm., 1979). west, agreeing with the earlier results from Cobar and
Broken Hill (see Fig. 1). In the east results from
Shallow overcoring measurements (3-10 m) were Buckley's Lake, Jindabyne, Milton and Moruya give a
made at seven sites in competent granite along a predominantly north-south direction for the maximum
200 km north-south traverse in the southwest corner principal stresses.
of the Archaean Yilgarn Block. The results are sum• The greatest stresses were observed at Tocumwal,
marised in Figure 3, which is adapted from Denham & where the results were similar to those obtained at
others (in prep.). At most sites three measurements
Berrigan on a different nearby batholith. Both these sets
were made at different depths and the magnitudes and
of measurements were in competent, high modulus
directions shown are the average result from each site.
rock sited in flat country. Additional confirmatory
Apart from the result at site 5 the observations indicate evidence of the Tocumwal results is provided by a
a marked east-west trending maximum principal stress. pop-up in the quarry floor (Fig. 5) which was caused
When the in situ stresses are averaged the resulting by compressive forces acting close to east-west.
regional maximum principal stress acts at about
N 77 °E, which is similar to the P axes from the
Meckering and Calingiri earthquakes, of N 91°Eand Discussion
N 102°E respectively. The highest principal stress, of There is now good evidence from several parts of
23 MPa, was measured at the site farthest north from the continent that compressive stresses are present
Meckering (....-'90 km) and the lowest stress (-4 MPa) throughout the upper crust. However, the simple models
was measured near the epicentre. The maximum stresses derived from standard plate-tectonic concepts that

144' 146' 148' 150'
143' 152'

... ..
.. .
.. . ...
:. :
.-.'. .. •.....
•.., • ~Picton
1.97l •
.. ..
. ........
MIRROOL • • • '-" •
. . ...



. I.. .. Strt: . .. . 1.,

· \..- -,- -.1 •
... \~~"~... .

Bownmg 1977
• --~; !..... . . •
"- ,
I .-.r:.~

• ( . , CANBERRA
V/"~ ..,.;.
C',,- _••• 1\1' .... " ,;.~ ACT
.. .. .

• ' ....... ~-~

.....' .
.'--~"""""~'_ r-~-J'-.- -~;...

........ WINDY CR'EEKI. •
a 36'
• I

... .. :. ..
.....• .
•• '- .......

. '-

Balliang 1977

... ·.
~:. .. 38'

, ..
• Iw


~rection of pressure axis Near surface

o MPa 10

< 5.00
In mlnes O'v
• 5.00-5.99
• > 5.99
o 200km

Figure 4. Stress measurements in the Lachlan Fold Belt.

predict a consistent direction for stress throughout the two main possibilities. The first is that the earthquakes
whole continent do not apply, Within specific regions, occur along pre-existing zones of weakness in the crust.
such as the southwest Yilgarn Block and central New These zones would then determine the attitudes of the
South Wales, the evidence from earthquake focal fault planes and hence the true regional stress pattern
mechanisms, overcoring measurements, and ground would not be revealed-as suggested by McKenzie
deformations all give consistent results, However, the (1969); the second possibility is that the stress field in
boundaries of these specific regions are difficult to the crust is distorted by lateral inhomogeneities. These
define, and stress directions can change abruptly from would be expected at craton boundaries, and at the
region to region, For example, the 1973 Picton and edges of similar large crustal features.
1977 Bowning earthquakes which were close together, The results of the overcoring measurements are
gave pressure axes almost at right angles to each other, reasonably consistent. However, the data are scattered
although both mechanisms indicated that compressive thinly, and the problem remains of ascertaining whether
forces close to horizontal caused the earthquakes. or not the rock tested is properly coupled to the crust.
Similarly, the 1970 Canning Basin and the 1978 Halls It is therefore important that more overcoring
Creek earthquakes show thrust fault solutions, but with measurements are taken. This may involve testing at
pressure axes in different directions, greater depths than the current maximum of about
The reasons for the apparent inconsistencies in the 10m. Because of the deep weathering present through•
directions of the pressure axes obtained from the earth• out most of the continent, it is often difficult to find
quakes are not evident. However, there seem to be competent, coupled rock near the surface.

depth principal stresses bearing E Mean Values E of N, of
Site m "1 MPa "2 of "1 GPa "1 "2 average "1
Cretaceous 4.9 18.0 6.0 15.5 69
monzonite 8.3 18.7 6.5 26.5 63 16.9 5.7 12
35.41 °S, 150.36*E 8.9 13.9 4.5 173.5 59
Silurian 3.7 4.6 4.0 8 54 4.6 4.0 8
35.91 oS, 150.12°E
Berrigan 3.5 11.4 5.6 74 49 11 .8 7.6 77
Silurian 3.8 12.1 9.5 80 53
35.68°S, 145.82°E
Tocumwal 6.7 17.0 12.2 79 47 17.6 11.4 76
Silurian 8.3 18.1 10.7 73 47
35.76°S, 145.63°E
Ardlethan 9.2 0.6 -1.2 130 53
Silurian 6.2 3.5 2.1 100 44 4.2 1.5 102
granite 9.3 7.5 2.5 106 47
34.20 0 S, 146.80 0 E 10.0 5.4 2.6 70 50
Buckley's 4.2 3.0 2.4 32 73 3.0 2.4
Lake 6.2 1.7 1.5 132 72 2
Silurian 9.2 4.4 3.4 23 74
36.46°S, 148.95 °E
Jindabyne 4.3 9.3 7.1 6 64 9.1 7.1
Silurian 6.2 9.1 7.5 165 62
tonalite 8.7 9.0 6.6 17 62
36.43 °S, 148.62°E
Mirrool 4.8 6.2 4.7 81 44 5.9 4.3
Silurian 6.4 8.3 6.7 81 44 81
granite 9.2 3.2 1.6 80 43
34.37 °S, 147.07°E

Table 2. Shallow overcoring results in Lachlan Fold Belt.

"1 & " 2 are the major and minor principal stresses in the horizontal plane.

We thank G . Blows, A. Buckland and R. H. Thomp•
son of CSIRO for detailed site selection and testing;
L. Hodgins and N . Lodwick of BMR for carrying out
the drilling; R. Smith for providing pre-publication data
for the Balliang earthquake; and J. Mifsud for drafting
the figures.

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