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DESIGN​ Criterion B: developing ideas

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. Lists some basic ​design i. Lists some ​design i. Develops ​design i. Develops detailed​ design
specifications for the design of specifications, which relate to specifications, which ​outline specifications, which ​explain
a solution the success criteria for the the success criteria for the the success criteria for the
ii. Presents one ​design, which design of a solution. design of a solution. design of a solution based on
can be interpreted by others. ii. Presents a few​ feasible ii. Develops a range of ​feasible the analysis of the research.
iii. Creates​ incomplete planning designs, using an appropriate design ideas, using an ii. Develops a range of​ feasible
drawings/diagrams. medium(s) ​or​ annotation, appropriate medium(s) ​and design ideas, using an
which can be interpreted by annotation, appropriate medium(s) ​and
others. which can be interpreted by detailed ​annotation, which
iii. Justifies ​the selection of the others. can be ​correctly​ interpreted
chosen design with reference iii. Presents ​the chosen design by others.
to the design specification. and​ justifies ​its selection with iii. Presents ​the chosen design
iv. Creates​ planning reference to the design and ​justifies fully and
drawings/diagrams or ​lists specification. critically​ its selection with
requirements for the creation iv. Develops accurate​ planning detailed​ reference to the
of the chosen solution. drawings/diagrams and ​lists design specification.
requirements for the creation iv. Develops accurate​ ​and
of the chosen solution. detailed​ planning
drawings/diagrams and
outlines​ requirements for the
creation of the chosen


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. Communicates information i. Communicates information i. Communicates information i. Communicates information

and ideas in a ​limited way​, and ideas ​satisfactorily​ by and ideas ​accurately​ by using and ideas ​effectively​ and
using a style that is ​limited​ in using a style that is a style that is ​mostly accurately​ by using a style
its appropriateness to the somewhat​ appropriate to the appropriate to the audience that is ​completely a
​ ppropriate
audience and purpose. audience and purpose. and purpose. to the audience and purpose.
ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and
ideas according to the ideas in a way that is ideas in a way that is ​mostly ideas in a way that is
specified format in a ​limited somewhat​ appropriate to the appropriate to the specified completely​ appropriate to the
way​. specified format. format. specified format.
iii. Documents sources of iii. Sometimes​ documents iii. Often​ documents sources of iii. Consistently​ documents
information in a ​limited way​. sources of information using a information using a recognized sources of information using a
recognized convention. convention. recognized convention.
What I need to do…

● Develop a Design Specification:

○ Style: Make goal in a step
○ Structure: my goal, function, material will be useful for
○ Sources: Citation for source

● Develop Design Ideas:

○ style: Make nice picture
○ Structure: My picture is about...
○ sources: source where i take my picture

● Presents the Chosen Design:

○ style: My structure will help
○ Structure: Make a list for step to make final design
○ sources: Form web

● Develop Planning Drawings/Diagrams:

○ Style: Make easy to understand
○ structure: Put a picture wi
○ sources: APA

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation:4 Teacher Grade and Explanation

I list some design specification
I present a few design Tiger. I am impressed. This is great work! You have quickly picked up on
I justify all the section DESIGN class. You have created a good outline of Design Specifications
I create, planning and drawing diagram (5). Your design ideas are clear but unannotated (4). You have justified
the selection of your final idea (6). And you have created a list of steps
with pictures and requirements (5)

672 - ​Great work Tiger. You accurately communicate information in a

style that is mostly appropriate. There are a couple instances where you
do not use academic language though.
Your work is very well organized and you did a great job citing your
Develop design specification
A machine that can recycle plastic
● I will make 1 machine this year and tell how much it would cost time and money
● Tell that why should we use machine
● Show a website that help build a machine
● An example of people using the machine

Recycle plastic, bottle, etc…, with machine

1.Do nothing 2.Recycle some plastic with 3.Recycle a lot plastic with 4.Recycle all plastic in school, and
machine machine other school

Explain the information about the machine

1.Explain only 1 machine 2.Explain 1 machine with function 3.Explain 1 machine with function 4.Explain 2 machine with function
and how to make and how to make it

The complete of work

1.Didn’t make any machine 2.Didn’t make any machine but 3.Start making a machine but not 4.Finish making 1 machine with
and done nothing explain something done with some explanation explanation, function, and step to

How well do my machine are doing

1.The machine is really bad, can’t 2.Only work sometime and not 3.Work almost all the time 4.The machine work perfectly and
even work 1 time perfectly nothing happen.

○ my goal- ​My goal is to make a recycle machine in school and recycle as much plastic as possible

○ function- ​The machine that we need is for recycle plastic

The first step is to blend the plastic with shredder machine, and then you can do whatever you want with 3 other machine, each machine
don’t have the same function.

○ Material​-plastic would be useful for recycle and make new stuff out of it.
Steel, metal, hopper, etc.. will be useful for building machine.
Steel cutter, protection for making machine
Electronics for the machine to work because it need to heat the plastic and then the plastic will be changing their shape from flakes
Develop a design idea
So my idea or my plan is to make 1 machine, or the main machine for
recycling the plastic.Shredder machine is the machine I’m going to
make, it’s function is to make a plastic turn into a small flakes. Tell the
time that it will take and how much money do this machine cause for one
I will make other machine but using the same method of the work,
plan, time, and stuff that I needed. So another design idea for me
that I’m thinking was making 2 machine but it would be too hard
and take too long. And the other one is for making a large solid
object, which is called compression machine.
So I can make another machine called compression machine, it
will heated the plastic inside of the oven and then “it will be slowly
pressed into a mold with a carjack” . This machine is very good for
making huge solid object, the oven itself is also a great machine
for prototyping and making plastic tests with.
My last idea was making a machine and make 3D design, after that I will
present to Mr.Luis and make a decision where should we put the
machine and what the machine is for. If we do that maybe Mr.Luis can
make my idea more easier to make the machine.
Present the chosen design

So my chosen design for my plan is to make 1 machine, or the main

machine for recycling the plastic.Shredder machine is the machine I’m
going to make, it’s function is to make a plastic turn into a small flakes.
1.The time it will cause

2. Money, for the stuff I need to make my machine

3. The machine need to be able to work perfectly fine.

4. For now, I can’t make like shaped plastic from machine because I
need other machine to make the plastic that I recycle become useful.

5. I will explain my machine function, the step it took me, and how it
Recycle plastic, bottle, etc…, with machine

1.Do nothing 2.Recycle some plastic with 3.Recycle a lot plastic with 4.Recycle all plastic in school, and
machine machine other school
We can’t really give the answer to this question because I haven’t start to make a machine so I can’t give answer to this question for now, but probably
in future we can answer to this question.

Explain the information about the machine

1.Explain only 1 machine 2.Explain 1 machine with function 3.Explain 1 machine with function 4.Explain 2 machine with function
and how to make and how to make it
I explain 2 machine with function of it and how to make, we can see in my design idea that i have put about shredder machine and compression
machine. But I didn’t show the step how to make because that not my chosen design.

The complete of work

1.Didn’t make any machine 2.Didn’t make any machine but 3.Start making a machine but not 4.Finish making 1 machine with
and done nothing explain something done with some explanation explanation, function, and step to
This question is the same as the first one because we haven’t start to make a machine yet, but I don’t that am I going to finish making my machine
because I really need a lot of stuff and it will cause me a lot of money to do it.
How well do my machine are doing

1.The machine is really bad, can’t 2.Only work sometime and not 3.Work almost all the time 4.The machine work perfectly and
even work 1 time perfectly nothing happen.
Same answer as the first one and the third one, we can’t answer the question that asking about machine because we didn’t make it yet, or maybe it too
hard that I can’t even make it

Develop planning, drawing diagram

Picture Definition Time Materials

This machine can turn a 1 week, more or less. Metal chopstick, saw blade, hard
paper box, big sharpener, gun for
plastic into pieces
melting iron, maybe cutter, tape,
super glue

1. Prepare all materials before making the machine
2. After getting the material, start cutting the box first
3.You put the metal chopstick into the tale of the sharpener with the gun that use to melt iron
4. Then we put we stick the saw blade into metal chopstick with by melt the iron and stick it
5.Then we stick the 4th step to the box that we prepared
6. Then we try it out
For messed up, or doesn’t work
1. If the saw blade can’t cut the plastic, then we need to make it more sharp
2.If because of the metal sharpener didn’t stick to the box, I will super glue and use tape to wrap around 5-6 times
Prepared the material

Put the chopstick with saw blade

Stick the chopstick blade with sharpener tale

Then we stick all together

Then we try the machine

APA: ​Features. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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