J 1afonr SDD

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Nishant Ranjan
Software Design Description
Devendra A M
Advanced Compliance Reporting
in S4/HANA - CDS Views for AR
Printing Of Last Official Documents
Number Range
CPro Title :

Version Status Date Reviewed/Approved at / by


Template Version: SDD 4..0b


Storage location for temporary versions of this architecture concept document:

Final version:
Argentina :- Printing of Latest Official Document Number Range

Read before using this template!

How to use this template

The purpose of a design doc is

(a) develop design concepts for the target component,
(b) enable review of the key concepts,
(c) support alignment between stakeholders,
(d) record trade-offs and reasons for major design decisions as needed.
(e) In addition, we use this document as a ‘Guide to the code’ when the implementation is done.

Consider these guidelines when using this template:

 Document only what is needed by reviewers and required for development of high quality software
 Less is better! Write short / concise and so that it is easy to understand. Focus on key design
challenges, not completeness (large documents are a waste and no one will read them!)
 Write for ease of understanding but don’t waste time on unnecessary polishing.
 ‘Pair Design’ recommended (= develop key concepts together with a colleague)
 Document design details & 'guide to the code' after the implementation. Only write what is not
contained in the code/system already
 A template is a template and not a form. Only fill what is needed and relevant.
 This template is a base template. We expect large development units to derive their own versions
that are specific to their environment / technology.

Some guidelines on reviews

 An Expert Review is mandatory only for chapter 2
 Differentiate between expert review (with few experts, deep review, issues & changes likely) and
light review / information rollout (many people, no/few issues expected).
 Expert Review Participants: only experts & directly affected people (provider and consumers)
o Design for team topic: review with dev team + stakeholders
o (Public) Interfaces / Cross-alignment: Providers and consumers
o Do a real meeting (not just mail / doc) to discuss the key design topics
o Try for no more than 7 people!
 Light Review Participants: There can be many participants. Can be mail / doc based, meetings to
discuss remaining issues are optional

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Argentina :- Printing of Latest Official Document Number Range

1 General Information ______________________________________________________ 4
1.1 Stakeholders and Roles ______________________________________________________ 4
1.2 References _________________________________________________________________ 4
1.3 IP Compliance and Patents ___________________________________________________ 5
2 Design _________________________________________________________________ 6
2.1 Key Requirements and Design Goals ___________________________________________ 6
 MRD ____________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 Context ____________________________________________________________________ 6
2.3 Major Building Blocks________________________________________________________ 7
2.4 Package/Development Component Concept _____________________________________ 7
3 Design Details Documentation _____________________________________________ 8
3.1 Document Selection Integration _______________________________________________ 9
3.2 Testability and Test Environment _____________________________________________ 10
3.3 Guide to the Implementation _________________________________________________ 10
3.4 CDS Design Questions ______________________________________________________ 11
3.5 Glossary __________________________________________________________________ 11
3.6 Customizing _______________________________________________________________ 11
3.7 Other _____________________________________________________________________ 11

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1 General Information
1.1 Stakeholders and Roles
Role Name
Author(s) Varsha Raikar
Architect Devendra A M
Product Owner Nishant Ranjan
Information Developer
Quality Responsible (QE/QPE) Soumadeep Das
IMS Representative
Test Developers
< other relevant roles>

1.2 References
Document Dat men
Title e Link ts
ACD \dwdf213.wdf.sap.corp\aci_lob_soh\49_Simplified_Suite\30_Workstreams\22_G
lobalization\Reporting Framework\ACD\s-

CDS Wiki http://help.sap.com/abapdocu_740/en/index.htm?file=abencds.htm

CDS https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki/display/SimplSuite/Modeling+with+Open+CDS+fo
analytics & r+Suite+VDM => analytics related and others
others http://scn.sap.com/community/abap/hana/content => scn
https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki/display/SimplSuite/Analytics => analytics
https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki/display/ngdb/Analytic+query+annotations =>

https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki//pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1622949909 =>
view types


Testing https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1617514695

CDS Cluster \\dwdf213.wdf.sap.corp\aci_lob_soh\49_Simplified_Suite\30_Workstreams\22_

docs on Globalization\Reporting Framework\CDS Cluster

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1.3 IP Compliance and Patents

You must always store architecture and design documents 'IP safe' (currently cPro) so that (if needed) SAP can
prove that a certain idea / concept was invented / designed at a certain point in time.

In addition, consider patents: Does your design extend the current state-of-the-art in any way? If you think so,
or even if you think it might, please go to the 'Patents@SAP' Wiki and follow the process described there. Not
only is it required of all employees to notify SAP if they make an invention, but participation in the SAP patent
program is rewarded in several ways (including money) – so by taking part in the SAP patent program, you can
help SAP protect its innovation and receive recognition along the way.

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Argentina :- Printing of Latest Official Document Number Range

2 Design
2.1 Key Requirements and Design Goals Commented [AMD1]: Explain about the required XMl
Commented [AMD2]: Mention the mapping of XML nodes
Due to Argentine legislation, information regarding the last issued official document number must be provided
to complete a customer’s tax declaration. For a chosen period, the report ‘Last issued official document
number (J_1AFONR) prints the last used official document number for self-issued official documents .
This information is displayed for every combination of document class, branch and printing characters
available in the system.

Requirement :-
Assignation of number ranges and numbering groups for self-issued document types.

The period of time where the report looks for the documents have a initial and a final date in the screen :

The Final date is obligatory field, because is the searching limit.

The Initial date field is not obligatory. When it is not filled, the report looks for the documents in all the
historical data until the final date, this can be high-time consumer.
When the first date is filled the report looks in the interval of time-recommended.

2.2 Context
By utilizing the capabilities of ABAP CDS, we enable code push down. The vision is to make a
“CDS Views” public interface that caters to Official Number Range
report requirements.

The ABAP CDS Views architecture for statutory reporting is based on the following

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Figure 1: Architecture Context of CDS Views

2.3 Major Building Block

SRF Run Time App
SRF Design App

2.4 Package/Development Component Concept

GLO_FIN_IS_VAT_AR for CDS views Commented [AMD3]: Create a new package with
appropriate name <GLO-FIN-IS-*-TR->
Super Package: GLO_FIN_IS

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3 Design Details Documentation

The screenshot below shows a consolidated view of the CDS views that are created.

Fig1: CDS Views for C_AR_STRPLatestRefDocLogQuery

View Name and Join Information:

1. C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogQuery
Selects from the view C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogCube

2. C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogCube
Selects from the view P_AR_LatestRefDoc

3. P_AR_LatestRefDoc
Selects from the view P_AR_BranchPrintChar

4. P_AR_BranchPrintChar (Existing Table : - J_1APRTCHR)

Selects from the view I_BRANCH

5. P_AR_BranchPrintCharOfRefDoc
Selects from the view P_AR_LengthOfRefDoc

6. P_AR_LengthOfRefDoc
Selects from the view I_ACCOUNTINGDOCUMENT
JOINS : Inner Join to P_AR_DocTypeClass

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3.1 Document Selection Integration

3.1.1 ACR Pre-Implementation Details:

The report will have company code and reporting date as the selection fields. It’ll be executed for a single
company code and for a date range of reporting date.

3.1.2 ACR Implementation Details:

Query Definition:
CDS View Name: C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogQuery

ECC Report Name : - J_1AFONR

Following attributes needs to be derived from ACR system fields:

1) Sequential Number for every row

3.1.3 SET Content:

a) Reporting Entity
Rep Entity Reporting Entity Name
AR_RPG_ENT Argentina Reporting Entity Commented [AMD4]: Change it to TR_RPG_ENT

b) Assign Reporting Categories to Reporting Entity

Report Category Id Report Category Name

c) Periodicity of Report Category

From To Is Adhoc Offset Time FY Notify Tax Calendar
Unit Variant
01.01.2018 31.12.9999 - 30 Months 10 -

3.1.4 File Mapping Details:

Mapping Excel for


3.1.5 Changes in customization from ERP to ACR Enablement:

3.1.6 BRF+ Details Commented [AMD5]: Explain the need for BRF+


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3.2 Testability and Test Environment

3.3 Guide to the Implementation

Following are the CDS Views created to enable TR_VAT B-Forms reporting:
1. C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogQuery
Selects from table C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogCube

3.3.1 New important entity – P_AR_LengthOfRefDoc

This will be a Private view on top of I_AccountingDocument which is a core view on
BKPF. The core view has several associations modelled and exposed. Association to
Accounting Document type, Reference document type, Business transaction type
being the prominent ones. This view will fetch the Reference document number and
identify the length of it.

3.3.2 New important entity – P_AR_BranchPrintCharOfRefDoc

This will be a Private view on top of P_AR_LengthOfRefDoc. This view is used to
filter only those Reference Document whose length is either 13 or 14. Also identify
the branch number, Character and the Official Document Number.

3.3.3 New important entity – P_AR_BranchPrintChar

This will be a Private view on top of I_Branch . Also having Cross join with
I_AR_PrintCharacter. This view will get all the business place associated with the
specific company code and also make the combination with the set of printing
character corresponding to the same company code.

3.3.4 New Important entity – P_AR_LatestRefDoc

This will be a Private view which will select from P_AR_BranchPrintChar and having left outer join
with P_AR_BranchPrintCharOfRefDoc . In this view we will concat the Branch, PrintCharacter and
Reference document number. Also will cast the Official Document Number from Numeric to Integer.

3.3.5 New Important entity – I_AR_PRINTCHARACTER

This will be Public Basic view on top of J_1APRTCHR . In this view we will get all
the argentina specific printing characters.

3.3.6 New important entity – C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogCube

This will be a consumption view on top of P_AR_BranchPrintChar which will contain
the combination of the branch , printing characters and the official document
number. Also it will give the number range for the corresponding company code and
the current period. Also will find the maximum of the official document number for the
every combination of the Branch , PrintCharacter, Document Number.

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3.3.7 New important entity – C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogQuery

This will be analytical query view on top of consumption view
C_AR_StRpLatestRefDocLogCube which will give the maximum of Official Document

3.4 CDS Design Questions:

3.5 Glossary
Term Abbreviation Definition
Ba Ba Purchase related information that needs to
be reported
Bs Bs sales related information that needs to be

3.6 Customizing

3.7 Other

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