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Global Goals - IDU - Summative Assessment

Due Wednesday, December 13 at the end of third period 
Criterion A: Disciplinary Grounding
- demonstrate relevant disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. demonstrates limited i. demonstrates some i. demonstrates most i. demonstrates extensive

relevant disciplinary relevant disciplinary necessary disciplinary necessary disciplinary
grounding. grounding. grounding. grounding.

What I need to do…

● Mr Dan and Mr John will combine your InS and Design scores to give you an IDU Criteria A score.


● Please fill out the ​SELF ASSESSMENT​ below.

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation Teacher Grade and Explanation

I think I should get a 8 on my criterion A of IDU. Because I get a 8
on both Is and design.

Criterion C: Communicating 
- use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding effectively
- document sources using recognized conventions
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. communicates i. communicates i. communicates i. communicates

interdisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary
understanding with ​little understanding with understanding that is understanding that is
structure, clarity or some ​organization and generally ​organized, consistently ​well
coherence coherence, ​recognizing clear and coherent, structured, clear and
appropriate forms or beginning ​to use coherent, using selected
media selected forms or media forms or media
ii. lists ​sources. effectively effectively
ii. documents relevant ii. consistently
sources using a documents well-
recognized convention. chosen ​sources using a
recognized convention.

What I need to do…

Communicate your understanding of the Global Goals unit to the best of your ability.
● Organize information effectively.
● Add structure to your answers.
● Include outside media (not just words)...images from your journal...examples from your solution. Etc.

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation Teacher Grade and Explanation

I think I should get a 7 on my criterion C of IDU. Because I
communicate interdisciplinary understanding that is consistently
well structured, clear and coherent, using selected forms or media
consistently documents well- chosen sources using a recognized
Criterion B: Synthesizing 
- synthesize disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. establishes few and/or i. connects ​disciplinary i. synthesizes ​disciplinary i. synthesizes ​disciplinary

superficial ​connections knowledge to achieve knowledge to knowledge to
between disciplinary adequate demonstrate ​consistent, demonstrate ​consistent,
knowledge.. understanding. thorough thorough ​and ​insightful
interdisciplinary interdisciplinary
understanding. understanding.

What I need to do…

● Answer the questions below to the best of your ability.

● Look at the Grading Criteria (above) as a guide to complete the questions.

● Fill out the ​Self Assessment​ (below)

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation Teacher Grade and Explanation

I think I should get a 7 on Synthesizing because I answered the
question below fully and correctly.

What information did you bring from IS to Design? (use examples)

An example of information that I brought from IS to Design is we should always collected source from many different place, this
is a helpful information because this helps me to create my design solution.

What information did you bring from Design to IS? (use examples)

An example of information that I brought from Design to Is is how to develop a detailed design specifications, this is a helpful
information because this information explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research.

(paragraph frame: “An example of information that I brought from Design to IS is _____ .”)

What Skills did you bring from IS to Design? (use examples)

An example of the skill that I brought from IS to Design is the research skill. I used the research skill that I learn in Is to explain
how my research questions is relevant to understanding the statement of inquiry. I also create an action plan for investigating my
research question based on Is research skill.

(paragraph frame: “An example of the skills that I brought from IS to Design is _____ .”)

What Skills did you bring from Design to IS ? (use examples)

An example of the skill that I brought from design to Is is reflecting skill. I used my design reflecting skill to Develop a detailed design
brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

(paragraph frame: “An example of the skills that I brought from Design to IS is _____ .”)

What new understanding do you have after combining these two classes? (use examples)

After combining the two subjects I gained a deeper understanding of communicating skill, for example now I can communicates
interdisciplinary understanding that is generally organized, clear and coherent, beginning to use selected forms or media effectively. I
understand how to transform information from Is to design and then combining these knowledge together by using my communication

(paragraph frame: “After combining the two subjects I gained a deeper understanding of ____ . For example _____ .”)

Criterion D: Reflecting 
- reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary understanding
- evaluate the benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and ways of knowing in
specific situations.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. demonstrates ​limited i. demonstrates ​adequate i. Demonstrates i. demonstrates ​thorough

reflection on his or her reflection on his or her significant ​reflection on and ​nuanced ​reflection
development of development of his or her development on his or her
interdisciplinary interdisciplinary of interdisciplinary development of
understanding understanding understanding interdisciplinary
ii. describes superficially ii. describes some ii. explains ​the limitations understanding
the limitations ​or benefits ​and ​limitations and benefits of ii. evaluates thoroughly
benefits of disciplinary of disciplinary and disciplinary and and ​with sophistication
and interdisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary the limitations and
knowledge in specific knowledge in specific knowledge in specific benefits of disciplinary
situations. situations. situations. and interdisciplinary
knowledge and ​ways of
knowing ​in specific

What I need to do…

● Reflect on yourself as a learner in InS and Design classes and in the IDU (the combination of both subjects)

● Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of having IDUs

● Set goals for the future.


● Fill out the ​Self Assessment​ (below)

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation Teacher Grade and Explanation

I think I should get a 6 on this because I ​demonstrates
significant reflection on his or her development of
interdisciplinary understanding
iii. explains ​the limitations and benefits of disciplinary and
interdisciplinary knowledge in specific situations.

Reflecting on yourself (strand 1) 
What was your biggest SUCCESS in Design?

My biggest success in Design was getting a 8 on all of the criterions. I think this is a success for me because I get a grade that
I am happy with . An example of this are my criterion A summative.

What was your biggest CHALLENGE in Design?

My biggest challenge in Design was trying to lessen the amount of work that I do while also getting the grades that I Want.
because I spend too much time working on my design at the risk of hurting your other studies and your life balance.

What was your biggest SUCCESS in Individuals and Societies?

My biggest success in Is is boing work on times. An example for this is I finished the work for Is during class and never left
them as home work.

  What was your biggest CHALLENGE in Individuals and Societies?

My biggest challenge in Is is citing source in APA form. Because APA citation is harder than other forms of citations, so I think
I should practice citing source more often.
(paragraph frame: “My biggest success/challenge in Individuals and Societies was _____ because _____ . An example of this is ______ .”)
What was your biggest SUCCESS in the Interdisciplinary Unit?

My biggest success in the IDU was disciplinary grounding because I demonstrates extensive necessary disciplinary
grounding, and I think I can get a 8 for that.

What was your biggest CHALLENGE in Interdisciplinary Unit?

My biggest challenge in the IDU was reflecting my work, because I don’t know what should I write in this form. An example of
this is I can not make self write so fast when I am writing this form.
(paragraph frame: “My biggest success/challenge in the IDU was _____ because _____ . An example of this is ______ .”) 

Reflecting on The Interdisciplinary Unit (strand 2) 

Statement Global citizens seek to solve problems equitably through an innovative use of resources.

How did combining InS and Design help you understand the Statement of Inquiry better? (use examples)

1: Me and my classmates had compiled a 2: We used our innovation skill to find a good 3: We state the global concepts for this unit
formative assessment based on the statement solution to our goals. during Is class.
of inquiry.

What are the strengths of studying things as Interdisciplinary Units? (use examples)

A strength of studying things interdisciplinarily is transforming. An example of this is combing and communicating information
form both of the class.
(paragraph frame: “A strength of studying things interdisciplinarily is _____ . An example of this is ______ .”)

What are the weaknesses of studying things as Interdisciplinary Units? (use examples)

A weakness of studying things interdisciplinarily is we can not learn a lot professional knowledge of one specific class when we are in
interdisciplinarily unit . An example of this is we have less Is vocabulary than what we usually do on Is class. When we are in the
interdisciplinarily unit.
(paragraph frame: “A weakness of studying things interdisciplinarily is _____ . An example of this is ______ .”)

Goal Setting for the End of the Unit  
(Will show up on your Report card) 

What is your SMART goal for the next unit of ​DESIGN​?

SPECIFIC Get a 8 on my criterion D summatives.

(what is your goal?)

MEASURABLE The scores on my report card.

(what does success look like?)

ATTAINABLE i. Describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution.
(what are the steps to success?) ii. Critically evaluates the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product
iii. Explains how the solution could be improved.
iv. Explains the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

RELEVANT Because I want to have a good score and I think is always good to have a well reflecting skill.
(why is this an important goal?)

(when will you achieve it?)

By friday I will Get a 8 on my criterion D summatives by Describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to
measure the success of the solution.Critically evaluates the success of the solution against the design specification based on
authentic product testing.Explains how the solution could be improved. Finally Explains the impact of the solution on the client/target
audience. I chose this goal because I want to have a good score and I think is always good to have a well reflecting skill. The success
will look like the scores on my report card.

(paragraph frame: “By ​(timely)​ I will ​(specific)​ by ​(attainable)​ . I chose this goal because ​(relevant)​. Success will look like ​(measurable)​.”)

What is your SMART goal for the next unit of ​INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES​?
SPECIFIC I want to get a 7 on my criterion B summatives.
(what is your goal?)

MEASURABLE The scores on my report card.

(what does success look like?)
ATTAINABLE i. Formulate a clear and focused research question and justify its relevance.
(what are the steps to success?) ii. Formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question.
iii. Use research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information.
iv. Evaluate the process and results of the investigation.

RELEVANT Because I am kind of unsure how to do a proper investigating report.

(why is this an important goal?)

TIMELY This a year

(when will you achieve it?)

By this a year I will get a 7 on my criterion B summatives by Formulate a clear and focused research question and justify its relevance.
Formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question.Use research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied
and relevant information. Evaluate the process and results of the investigation. I chose this goal because I am kind of unsure how to do
a proper investigating report. The success will look like the scores on my report card.

(paragraph frame: “By ​(timely)​ I will ​(specific)​ by ​(attainable)​ . I chose this goal because ​(relevant)​. Success will look like ​(measurable)​.”)

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