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Dept. of Civil Engineering

Reinforced Concrete Design II CIVE304

Problem 1
Design square tied column for axial load only: PD = 280 k, PL=500k, f’c=4000 psi, and
fy=60,000 psi. Initially assume g=4%. Include the design of ties and sketch the cross
section selected, including bar arrangements. Column assumed to be short, and form
sizes are available in 2-in. increments.

Problem 2
Design round spiral column for axial load only. PD=500 kN, PL=650 kN, f’c=35 MPa,
and fy=420 MPa. Initially assume g=0.03. Include the design of spiral and sketch the
selected cross-section with bar arrangements. The column is assumed to be short.
Form sizes are in 50-mm increments.

Problem 3
Repeat problem 1 using the Excel spreadsheets.

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