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Arranged By :
Group 1

1. Charisa Eka Putri (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 007)

2. Hafifa Asiah Nur Annisa (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 017)
3. Hilda Hazarani (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 018)
4. Ine Hardiyanti (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 019)
5. Raihanah Fathindya Pratiwi (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 029)
6. Wulandari (P.O. 71. 24. 1. 18. 039)

Lecturer : Pratiwi Lestari, M.Pd.




Menstruation is a monthly activity for every woman. Some women usually disorders
during menstruation or commonly known as menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea).
Dysmenorrhea can interfere with activities for some women who experience it.
Dysmenorrhea can be caused by several factors, one of which is to consume foods and
drinks that can cause menstrual pain, such as: carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, cold
water, junk food, and fried foods. This is because some women do not know if these
foods and drinks can cause menstrual pain. This study used qualitative research
methods. The data collection technique used is observation by giving questionnaires to
the respondents. However, there are also foods and drinks that can reduce pain during
menstruation. The foods and drinks that can reduce menstrual pain are consuming
warm water, milk, and green vegetables. Another thing that can be done when
menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is adequate rest and compressing the lower abdomen
using warm water.

Keyword : Menstruation, Menstrual pain, Dysmenorrhea.


Menstrual period is a natural phenomenon which occurs throughout the

reproductive years of every woman. Most females experience certain degree of
pain and distress during their menstruation period . Dysmenorrhea is a
painful/cramping sensation in the lower abdomen often accompanied by other
biological symptoms including dizziness, fatigue, sweating, backache,
headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea all occurring just before or during the

Dysmenorrhea may be categorized into two types as primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as painful menses among females with
normal pelvic anatomy, frequently beginning during adolescence. It is observed
only in ovulatory cycles, frequently emerging within 6 to 12 months after
menarche with no pathology or organic basis. Secondary dysmenorrhea is a
menstrual pain associated with underlying pathology and its onset might be
years after menarche .

According to Ethiopian standard treatment guideline, dysmenorrhea occurs in

about 50% of menstruating women. Dysmenorrhea in some years following
menarche is usually primary, but the secondary characteristically occurs many
years after menarche.

Primary dysmenorrhea is extremely common, especially among adolescents. As

many as 90% of adolescent females and above 50% of menstruating women
worldwide report suffering from it, with 10–20% of them describing their hurt
as severe and distressing .

Dysmenorrhea is a cause of frequent short-term work and school absenteeism in

women of reproductive age. Approximately 10–15% of females experience
monthly menstrual pain severe enough to stop normal daily functions at work,
home, or school.

Even though primary dysmenorrhea is not a real threat of life but can affect the
quality of females' life and in case of severity it might lead to disability and
inefficiency. Moreover, dysmenorrhea can cause mental problems in some of
the females resulting in their loneliness and reduced participation in different
social activities.

Therefore we conducted this research in our environment to determine The

effect of food on dysminorrhea.

The current study aims to answer the following research questions :

1. What is the relation between food or drink and dysmenorrhea?

2. What foods affect dysmenorrhea?
3. What drinks affect dysmenorrhea?
4. How to relieve dysmenorrhea?


The research was conducted in November 2018, and was conducted on 6 people
in Palembang Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Level I and Level II as many
as 8 people. With an age range of 18-19 years. Samples were taken and based
on inclusion and exclusion criteria made by the researcher. This research
method is a qualitative method by distributing questionnaires to respondents.
The questionnaires we distributed were translated into Indonesian, so
respondents were easier to answer the questionnaire. The research instruments
used were questionnaires related to dysmenorrhea and food and beverages that
caused dysmenorrhea , in the form of multiple choice. Data collection was
divided into 2 stages, namely the preparation and implementation stages. The
preparation phase includes making questions for the questionnaire, determining
the sample based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, and determining the
research schedule. The implementation phase includes data collection, data
collection and checking. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires
to respondents.


Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea)

Amount Presentation
(Yes / No)
Dysmenorrhea 12 85%
Not Dysmenorrhea 2 15%
Total 14 100%

Table 1. The Respondent who have dysminorrhea and don’t have

Based on table 1, The respondent of this research is 14 collegians in grade 1

and 2 in Department of Healthy Palembang. There are 12 of 14 collegians that
having dysnemorrhea with the presentation 85% and there are 2 from 14
collegians that don’t have dysmenorrhea with presentation 12%. For the clear
one, we can see it in the table under it.

Having Dysmenorrhea in one period

How Long Amount Presentation

1 Day 7 50%
>1 Day 4 29%
>1 Hour 1 7%
Don’t have menstrual
2 12%
Total 14 100%

Table 2. The Collegians having Dysminorrhea in one period

From this research we get the conclusion if there are 7 collegians that having
menstrual pain just one day with the presentation 50%. There are 4 collegians
that having menstrual pain more than 1 day with presentation 29% and more
than one hour with the presentation is 7% and don’t have menstrual pain it is
14%. See the table to make clear.

Reduce Menstrual Pain and The Factor to having menstrual pain

Food Amount Presentation

Cold Water 7 50%
Junk Food 6 42%
Coffeen or Tea 2 12%
Minuman Bersoda 2 12%
Total 17 116%

Table 3. The Factor to having menstrual pain

Food Amount Presentation

Warm water 7 50%
Milk 4 28%
Egg 3 21%
Spinach 1 7%
Sleep or Take a rest 9 78%
Compress Their
5 35%
Total 17 219%

Table 4. Reduce Menstrual Pain

Based on table 3 and 4, We get the result from the data if there are 7 of them
consume cold water in their period and the others consume junk food, coffee,
tea, and carbonated drink. It is why they get menstrual pain in their period.
From the research, the respondent sometimes consume more then one food that
can caused the dysminorrhea. To reduce the menstrual pain most menstruating
women will do many activities such as consume warm water, eating spinach,
egg, and milk. From the research we can know if the women who have
menstrual pain can reduce it with sleep, take a rest and compress their stomach
with warm water.


Definitely every woman will experience menstruation, before that happens

to you, most of you may already know what menstruation is. Menstruation is
the process in a women of discharging blood and other materials from the lining
of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until
menopause( except during pregnancy ). To make it into simple
sentence,menstruation is when blood and tissue from your uterus comes out of
your vagina, and it usually happens every month. The age of coming the
menstruation start from 10 years old ( according to the level of fertility ). When
the women get period most of them feel pain, this pain usually happens on the
first day of period for one hour or more. When period our body will be more
sensitive because the increasing of progesteron and estrogen hormone. The pain
will be felt on the below of our stomatch or we can say that our uterus which is
work to spread out the blood of period. Cause of pain when period are happen
with a lot of factors, there are: soft drink, tea/coffee, cold water and eat fast

food( junkfood). Why the pain will happen when we consume that kind of
foods and drinks? Because consuming fizzy drink/soft drink are prohibitted
when we are on period, the caffeine content can make the symptoms of period
are getting bad. Tea contains a substance which called tanin, tanin can disturb
the absorption of iron ( fe ) then the formation of new red blood will disturb
too. If it is happens, it can improve the higher risk of anemia. But actually
consuming tea while period is not really prohibited if only for one or two cups
but we should not consume it together with vegetable, meat and etc which
contain iron ( fe ). As like as tea, coffee has negative impact during period.
Reporting from page, researchers say, "Drinking too much
coffee during menstruation can cause dehydration. Coffee contains caffeine
which is a diuretic. Consumption can often want to urinate which then worsens
headaches. The active substance contained in coffee is also feared interfere with
blood flow, increase anxiety, and increase pain levels during menstruation and
before menstruation. " . "Caffeine can increase stomach acid and can have a
negative effect on sensitive intestines," said professional chef and healthy living
expert, Jennifer Iserloh. If we consume a cold water when period it can increase
the potention of cramp, cause the infection, make our body fat, and increase a
brittle bones. Just like fast food/fried food, it also can cause pain when we
period because fast food is really bad for woman who get the period. Although
it tastes good, that kind of food contain a higher salt which is can give the
problem of bloated become worse. Excess salt can make flatulence. Iserloh
recommends that you consume 2,300 mg of salt every day, equivalent to 1
teaspoon of salt. "The best way to reduce salt is not to eat junk food containing
three to four spoons of salt for one meal," Iserloh explained again. Food with a
higher fat can increase the level of estrogen hormone in our body, so that is can
cause cramp and pain in uterus. The pain of menstruation also can disturb our
daily activities. Mineral water very important for our body, because if we
consume much mineral water during the menstrual cycles and it will minimize
the cramps and the pain that are associated with menstrual cycles. Not only
when we get menstruation, in everyday of our life we must consume mineral
water approximately 1,5 liter – 2 liter or more per day. We have to make sure
the water is pure and free from chemicals, bacteria and germs. It will be made
posibble to drink filtered water or reputed companies. Consume hot water can
minimize pain of menstruation and it can launch the blood from vagina during
menstruation. According to Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media
health expert in the journal Food and Nutrition Science, during menstruation,
you must feel pain and cramps, and warm water can help reduce the pain.
Warm water can relax the abdominal muscles and relieve menstrual pain. Some
study prove if milk can minimize the pain of menstrual. One of them, the study
of 2010 who published in “ Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research ”
found, the woman who always consume milk felt menstruation pain lower than
them who didn’t consume milk. As quoted from the book of “BUKA FAKTA!
101 MITOS KESEHATAN ” by Nutrifood Research Center. That study said,
calcium and magnesium contained in milk can minimize menstrual pain.

Explained Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Drdr Budi Iman Santoso
SpOG, milk does contain calcium, magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12. All of
these nutrients seem to be known to reduce the risk of menstrual pain that is
often experienced by women. To prevent the pain of period we can consuming
milk with low fat. Because fat can make a pain worse. Green vegetables such as
kale, spinach, broccoli are rich of mineral magnesium and anti cramp. "Foods
that are rich in magnesium such as peanuts, tofu and peanuts are thought to
reduce bloating while menstruating," said Thomas. Thomas also recommends
eating foods that contain vitamins. Vitamin E obtained from avocados or egg
yolks can help eliminate some of the symptoms of PMS. Vitamin C and zinc
can maintain healthy eggs and the reproductive system. Other that, green
vegetable contain vitamin A, C, B6 and E, Potassium-Nutritional that can
minimize menstruation pain. Egg is a superfood for woman, eating egg when
menstruation can replace the lost blood. Because the benefits of egg 90% there
in yellow part of it with calcium and iron ( fe ). While the white part of it 50%
contains high protein. Iron ( fe ) can maintain our immune system. During we
get pain of menstruation, we always want to sleep or get rest to minimize the
Get rest in here, we can do stretching or abdominal stretching exercise.
Abdominal stretching exercises are carried out during dysmenorrhea to increase
muscle strength, endurance and muscle flexibility ( Thermacare, 2010 ), can
improve fitness, optimize capture power, improve fitness, optimize capture
power, improve mental and physical relaxation, increase the development of
body awareness, reduce muscle tension ( cramps ), reduce muscle pain, and
reduce pain during menstruation ( Alter, 2008 ), to reduce muscle tension,
improv blood circulation, reduce anxiety, feeling depressed, and fatigue,
improve mental alertness, reduce the risk of injury, simplify work, integrate
thoughts into the body, and make feelings better ( Anderson, 2010 ).


After doing the research, we can conclude that: 14 people we did research,
they all knew what menstruation was. During menstruation, many women
experience menstrual pain and pain during menstruation can occur for 1 hour, 1
day more than 1 day. During menstruation, your body will feel more sensitive
because the hormone and estrogen hormone progression will increase and the
area that is usually painful during menstruation is mostly in the lower abdomen.
Because that's where the uterus or genetalia is, we work to expel blood during
menstruation. There are many facts that usually cause pain during menstruation,
namely: drinking soft drinks, tea / coffee, cold water and fast food or fried


Alter, M.J. 2008. Sport Stretch. Florida: Florida International University.

Anderson, B. 2010. Stretching in the Office ( Cetakan 1 ) ( Penerjemah,

Ratih Ramelan ). Jakarta: PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta.

Nutrifood Research Center. (2014).

Purnama, Dea. 2015. Pantangan Makanan Saat Haid.

Razzak, K.K.A., Ayoub, N.M., Thaleb, A.A.A., Obeidat, B.A. (2010).

Influence of Dietary Intake of Dairy Products on Dysmenorrhea.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 36(2): 381-382,

Thermacare. 2010. Abdominal Stretching Exercises for Menstrual Pain.

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