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Number Properties 2


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parts to this Webinar

The Company Live Session Questions

NP2 Session

15 minutes 105 minutes 20 minutes

Only 6 %1 of people Score 720+
While GMAT Scores at Top B Schools keep on going up

Avg 732, +2 Points Avg 718, +5 Points Avg 732, +8 Points

A good percentage of those 6% use e-GMAT
Verified Reviews1,2 Success Stories (last 12 m3,4)

e-GMAT 1,230 e-GMAT 65

Magoosh 201 Magoosh 22
Veritas Prep 294 Veritas Prep 12
Manhattan Prep 390 Manhattan Prep 20

1. Verified reviews are reviews that GMAT Club has 3. Success Stories on GMAT Club’s Share GMAT
verified using official GMAT Score Report or Experience.
Memberships 4. Only success stories submitted in the last 12
2. Every review posted on GC since Oct 2015 is a months counted.
verified review.
“Our approach to GMAT Preparation”
What makes our students more successful?
Two Different Architectures of Learning

Book Based Approach Private Tutor Approach

Book based architecture Private Tutoring based

How do you ace the GMAT (720+)?

1. Create a path to 2. Learn all the concepts 3. Know how to apply

your goal these concepts

4. Attain a level of mastery

that is superior to others

720+ score
Book Based Approach
1. Study Plans No Personalized Study plans provided, Students have
to decide on their own study plans

1. Very Comprehensive learning

2. Learn Concepts 2. Burden of validation on student

3. Application of 1. Very limited focus on application.

concepts 2. Only the brightest are able to master application

4. Evaluation for 1. Only at the mock test level.

2. Onus completely on student
Private Tutoring Architecture
Creates a study plan, personalized to your strengths and
1. Study Plans weaknesses, ensuring that you attain the maximum score
improvement for the time you put in.

Gives your feedback on the concepts that you need

2. Learn Concepts to work on.

Ensures that you know how to apply concepts,

3. Application of explaining what you need to do at each step.

4. Evaluation for Evaluates your performance frequently, giving your

precise feedback on areas where you need to work
Mastery on
Key differences between the two approaches
Book Based Approach Private Tutor Approach

1. What is the most efficient path to get to my target Generic Study Plans Personalized
GMAT Score?

2. How do I evaluate whether I have truly learned a

Limited evaluation Tutor Evaluates

3. After I learn a concept, how do I figure out how to Little emphasis on
emphasis and
apply those concepts successfully. application

4. I have completed most of the learning but I am Student figures out Tutor defines the
still 50-60 points away from my target GMAT (guesses) the weak areas.
score. Which areas should I focus on? weakness
Two Different Architectures of Learning

Book Based Approach Private Tutor Approach

Book based architecture Private Tutoring based

Defining a path to your goal?


How do you score 720?

Target Verbal Score Target Quant Score

Verbal Driven Study Plan V42 Q47

Quant Driven Study Plan V38 Q50

3 different study plans:

Quant and verbal focused study plans for 760:
Personalized Target Quant and Verbal Abilities?
Target 720 (Q50, V38)

Target Quant Ability Scores (Q50) Target Verbal Ability Scores (V38)

Arithmetic: 93 Percentile SC: 93 Percentile

Algebra/Geo: 79 Percentile CR: 83 Percentile

RC: 58 Percentile
Your Personalized GMAT Preparation!!

Algebra Arithmetic
preparation preparation

Starting Level Target Level Starting Level Target Level

40 79 55


Private Tutoring Architecture
Creates a study plan, personalized to your strengths and
1. Study Plans weaknesses, ensuring that you attain the maximum score
improvement for the time you put in.

Gives your feedback on the concepts that you need

2. Learn Concepts to work on.

Ensures that you know how to apply concepts,

3. Application of explaining what you need to do at each step.

4. Evaluation for Evaluates your performance frequently, giving your

precise feedback on areas where you need to work
Mastery on

1. From
Detailed Video Solution of
each and every concept!
Students can apply
the learnings and
gauge their

Very Verbose. No
interactivity with the
student. Passive

1. from
Private Tutoring Architecture
Creates a study plan, personalized to your strengths and
1. Study Plans weaknesses, ensuring that you attain the maximum score
improvement for the time you put in.

Gives your feedback on the concepts that you need

2. Learn Concepts to work on.

Ensures that you know how to apply concepts,

3. Application of explaining what you need to do at each step.

4. Evaluation for Evaluates your performance frequently, giving your

precise feedback on areas where you need to work
Mastery on
Specific Application Files.. Feedback on your ability to
apply as well

“This is how every module whether in Quant or Verbal is

No application
coaching.. Just one
quiz with 5 questions.

1. From
“Why is this important”
Because your goal is to get to 79 percentile in Algebra


Starting Level Target Level

40 79

Private Tutoring Architecture
Creates a study plan, personalized to your strengths and
1. Study Plans weaknesses, ensuring that you attain the maximum score
improvement for the time you put in.

Gives your feedback on the concepts that you need

2. Learn Concepts to work on.

Ensures that you know how to apply concepts,

3. Application of explaining what you need to do at each step.

4. Evaluation for Evaluates your performance frequently, giving your

precise feedback on areas where you need to work
Mastery on
Scholaranium => Where to focus next…

Quadratic Inequalities


Functions Exponents

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Key differences between the two approaches
Book Based Approach Private Tutor Approach

1. What is the most efficient path to get to my target Generic Study Plans Personalized
GMAT Score?

2. How do I evaluate whether I have truly learned a

Limited evaluation Tutor Evaluates

3. After I learn a concept, how do I figure out how to Little emphasis on
emphasis and
apply those concepts successfully. application

4. I have completed most of the learning but I am Student figures out Tutor defines the
still 50-60 points away from my target GMAT (guesses) the weak areas.
score. Which areas should I focus on? weakness
Only 6 %1 of people Score 720+

And a good percentage of those 6% use e-GMAT

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3 parts to this Webinar

The Company Live Session Questions

Live Session

12 minutes 120 minutes 20 minutes

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Number Properties 2


Solve every NP question using a unified approach

3 parts to this Webinar

The Company Live Session Questions

NP2 ?
Live Session

12 minutes 120 minutes 20 minutes

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Purpose of the Session

Help you understand that the Key to acing GMAT Quant is

1. Sound understanding of basics
2. Structured approach to solving questions

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Progression of the Session

Warm Up PS PS – 700+ DS – 700+

<650 Level (650 – 700) 700+ 700+
#5 #3 #4 #3
Q1 – Q5 Q1 – Q3 Q4 – Q7 Q8 – Q10

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o Basic Questions on Divisibility and Remainders
o Feedback about current conceptual knowledge
o Solutions provided
o No detailed discussion of solutions!

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Warm Up – Q1

Z is a 3-digit number whose digits are consecutive numbers.

Select the correct statement.

Divisibility rule of 3:
Sum of digits should be divisible by 3

Sum of digits of number Z = (x) + (x+1) + (x+2)

A Z may be divisible by 3.
= 3x + 3
= 3(x+1)
B Z is always divisible by 3.
Always divisible by 3
C Z is not divisible by 3.
Choice B

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Warm Up – Q2
Z is a 4-digit number whose digits are consecutive numbers.
Select the correct statement.
Divisibility rule of 4:
Last 2 digits should be divisible by 4

A Z may be divisible by 4.
1. Z could be odd
B Z is always divisible by 4. • Example: 2345
C Z is not divisible by 4. 2. Z could be even
• the last 2 digits may be divisible by 4
• Example: 3456
• the last 2 digits may not be divisible by 4
• Example: 1234
Correct choice A

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Warm Up – Q3

What is the number closest to 823467897 that is a multiple of 8?

A 823467904 Divisibility rule of 8 :

Last 3 digits should be divisible by 8
B 823467898
• 823467897
C 823467896
• 897/8 gives remainder as 1
D 823467894
• Closest number to 823467897 that is divisible
by 8 is one ending with 896

Choice C

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Warm Up – Q4

If a number N leaves a remainder 3 when divided by 204, what is the remainder when N is divided by 4?

A 0 Concept:
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
N = 4p + r where r < 4
B 1 N = 204q + 3

Process Skill = Visualization

C 2

D 3 • 204q can be written as 4p as shown

• 204q = 4 x 51q
• i.e. p = 51q
• N = 204q + 3
• N = 4 x 51q + 3
• →r=3
Choice D
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Warm Up – Q5
If a number N leaves a remainder 6 when divided by 205, what is the remainder when N is divided by 5?

A 1 Concept:
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
N = 5p + r where r < 5
B 2 N = 205q + 6
Process Skill = Visualization
C 3
Process Skill = Apply Constraints
D 6 • 205q can be written as 5p as shown
• 205q = 5 x 41q
• i.e. p = 41q
• →r=6

Choice A 6=5x1+1
• Thus r = 1

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o Ensure that you have 200% clarity in concepts
o If you scored less than 100% in these questions, then revise
recommended concepts from the course.
o GMAT Questions require much advanced level of application
Feedback of these concepts

o Thus, 200% clarity is required in your conceptual


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GMAT Style Questions
650 – 700 level
Problem Solving Questions

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If m is a positive integer, and m/30 = 8.2, what is the remainder when m is divided by 15?
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

m = 30 * 8.2
A 0 m = 15p + r where r < 15
m = (30 * 8) + (30 * 0.2)
B 0.2

C 6.0
Visualization m = 15 (2 * 8) + 6
D 8.2 • Thus r = 6

E 14.0 Choice C

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If m is a positive integer, and m/15 = 8.2, what is the remainder when m is divided by 30?
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

m = 15 * 8.2
A 0 m = 30p + r where r < 30
m = (15 * 8) + (15 * 0.2)
B 0.2

C 3.0
Visualization m = 15 * 2 (4) + 3
D 8.2 = 30 (4) + 3

• Thus r = 3
E 15.0
Choice C

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If m is a positive integer, and m/15 = 9.2, what is the remainder when m is divided by 30?
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

m = 15 * 9.2
A 0.2 m = 30p + r where r < 30
m = (15 * 9) + (15 * 0.2)
B 3.0

C 9.2
Visualization m = 15 * (8+1) + 3
D 15 = 15*8 + 15*1 + 3
= 15*2 *4 + 15*1 + 3
E 18
= 30 *4 + 15*1 + 3

Choice E = 30 *4 + 18 • Thus r = 18

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Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder Visualization

m = (30 * 8) + (30 * 0.2) m = 15p + r

m = 15 (2 * 8) + 6

650 – 700 Level PS Questions m = (15 * 8) + (15 * 0.2) m = 30p + r Progressively

increasing degree
m = 15 * 2 (4) + 3
of application
Overview of = 30 (4) + 3
• 200% clarity of concepts

Q1-Q3 m = (15 * 9) + (15 * 0.2) m = 30p + r

• Structured application

m = 15 * (8+1) + 3
= 15*8 + 15*1 + 3
= 15*2 *4 + 15*1 + 3
= 30 *4 + 15*1 + 3
= 30 *4 + 18

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GMAT Style Questions
700 + level
Problem Solving Questions

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So are you 200% confident with the concept?

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

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In the subsequent slides we will build upon

our understanding of this concept.

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Adding and Multiplying Remainders

1. What is the remainder when (31+ 43) is divided by 7? 2. What is the remainder when (31 x 43) is divided by 7?

Answer = 4 Answer = 3

What sequence of steps did you use to solve this? What sequence of steps did you use to solve this?

Sequence 1 Sequence 1
• 31 + 43 = 74 • 31 * 43 = 1333
74 1333
• • =3
7 R 7 R
Sequence 2 Sequence 2
31 31
• =3 • =3
7 R 7 R
43 43
• =1 • =1
7 R 7 R
• Add the two 3+1 = 4 • Multiply the two 3*1 = 3
Either is good. Clearly Sequence 2 is more efficient!
So use your judgment to see which one is better to use.
e.g. For larger numbers Sequence 2 may be more efficient.

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Rationale - Adding and Multiplying Remainders
1. What is the remainder when (31+ 43) is divided by 7? 2. What is the remainder when (31 x 43) is divided by 7?
Sequence 2 Sequence 2
31 31
• =3 • =3
7 R 7 R
43 43
• =1 • =1
7 R 7 R
• Add the two 3+1 = 4 • Multiply the two 3*1 = 3

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

31 = 7*4 + 3 43 = 7*6 + 1
31 = 7*4 + 3 43 = 7*6 + 1
So, (31 * 43) = (7*4 + 3) * (7*6 + 1)
So, (31 + 43) = (7*4 + 3) + (7*6 + 1)
Simplifying it:
Writing it in the form of our equation:
= 7*4*7*6 + 3*7*6 + 7*4*1 + 3*1
= 7(4+6) + (3+1)
Writing it in the form of our equation:
= 7(4+6) + 4
= 7(4*7*6 + 3*6 + 4*1 ) + (3*1)
Thus, we can simply add the remainders in this case. = 7(p) + 3
Thus, we can simply multiply the remainders in this case.

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What is the remainder when 243×385 is divided by 3 ?

A 0 • 24 is completely divisible by 3
• Thus, the expression is completely divisible by 3
• Thus, r = 0
B 1

C 2
Stick to your basics conceptual understanding!
D 3

E Cannot be calculated

Choice A

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What is the remainder when (25×38)3 is divided by 3 ?

A 0

B 1

C 2

D 3

E 4

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What is the remainder when (25×38)3 is divided by 3 ?
• Expression can be considered as shown
• (25x38) x (25x38) x (25x38)

• Thus, remainder for each term can be

A 0 calculated and then all remainders can be
B 1
• Also, remainder of like terms will be the same.

C 2 • So, answer =
25 38
• 𝑋
D 3 3 R 3 R
• (1 x 2)3
• 23
E 4 • 8
Apply Constraints • But r < 3
• Thus, 8 = 3*2 + 2
Choice C • Thus, remainder = 2

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Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

Calculations can be simplified extensively

700 Level PS Questions 31+43 31 43
→ = +
7 R 7 R 7 R
Overview of →
31 X 43
7 R 7 R 7 R
Q4-5 313 31 3
→ =
7 R 7 R


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Negative Remainders Positive remainder = Negative remainder + Divisor

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

Apply Constraints
r < divisor
But how about if we write the But before we mark the answer, we should
r≥0 divisibility equation as shown convert the –ve remainder back to +ve remainder.

2 R • 5=2*3–1+2- 2 add and subtract the divisor
• 5=2*3-1
These are =2*3- 2–1+2 rearrange terms
• 5=2*2+1
–ve = 2 (3 -1) – 1 + 2
remainders = 2 *2 + 1
3 R r=1
• 8=3*3 -1
• 8=3*2+2 • 8=3*3–1+3- 3 add and subtract the divisor
Sometimes for ease of =3*3- 3–1+3 rearrange terms
processing, we can consider = 3 (3 -1) – 1 + 3
–ve remainders as shown. Visualization = 3*2 + 2

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What is the remainder when (243×385)+ 177 is divided by 3 ?

24 3 x 38 5 +17 7
3 R

A -1 24 3 x 38 5 17 7
3 3 R
B 0
17 7
C 1 0 + 17 = 3*6 - 1 17 = 3*5 + 2
3 R
since 24 is divisible by 3
D 2
Easier processing with –ve remainder = (-1)7
= -1
E 3
= -1 + 3
Converting to +ve remainder
Choice D Thus, remainder = 0 + 2 = 2

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What is the remainder when (243×385)+ 177 is divided by 6 ?

24 3 x 38 5 +17 7
6 R

A -1 24 3 x 38 5 17 7
6 6 R
B 0
17 7
C 2 0 + 17 = 6*3 - 1 17 = 6*2 + 5
6 R
since 24 is divisible by 6
D 4
Easier processing with –ve remainder = (-1)7
= -1
E 5
= -1 + 6
Converting to +ve remainder
Choice E Thus, remainder = 0 + 5 = 5

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Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

Sometimes –ve remainders can simplify calculations

700+ PS Questions
→ Its ok to process –ve remainders

Overview of → But its important to convert –ve remainders to +ve remainders

Q6 - 7 → Positive remainder = Negative remainder + divisor


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GMAT Style Questions
700 + level
Data Sufficiency Questions

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What is the remainder when the positive integer p is divided by the positive integer m, where m>1?
I. p = (m+1)8
II. m=8

A Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Q8 – Solution
What is the remainder when a positive integer p is divided by a positive integer m, where m>1?
I. p = (m+1)8
II. m=8

Question Statement Analysis To find – p remainder m m>1

Statement 1 Analysis p = (m+1)8 p m+1 8 B
m m C
Answer can be found
m+1 8 Statement 1 is sufficient
m R
= (1)8
Statement 2 Analysis m=8 Answer cannot be found
Statement 2 is not sufficient
No information about p C

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If n is a positive integer, what is the remainder when 38𝑛 is divided by 13?

I. n leaves no remainder when divided by 4.

II. √n is only divisible by 1 and itself.

A Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Q9 – Solution
If n is a positive integer, what is the remainder when 38𝑛 is divided by 13?
To find – n>0
I. n leaves no remainder when divided by 4. 13 R
II. √n is only divisible by 1 and itself.

Question Statement Analysis n2

13 R
38 = 13 * 3 - 1 38 = 13 * 2 + 12
= (−1) n Thus, we need to know the even-odd
nature of n to find the answer to the
Case 1 – n is odd Case 2 – n is even
question asked in the question
Remainder = -1 = -1 + 13 = 12 Remainder = +1 statement.
Statement 1 Analysis n = 4K + 0 C
= 4K Answer can be found
= even Statement 1 is sufficient
Statement 2 Analysis B
√n = prime number
n = prime number2 Answer cannot be found
even, odd, odd, … Statement 2 is not sufficient
= 22, 32, 52, 72… E

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What is the remainder when 4m is divided by 16, where m is a +ve integer greater than 1?

I. m leaves a remainder of 4 when divided by 3232.

II. m3 is divisible by 16.

A Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Q10 – Solution
What is the remainder when 4m is divided by 16, where m is a +ve integer greater than 1?
I. m leaves a remainder of 4 when divided by 3232
II. m3 is divisible by 16
4m m > 0 and integer
To find –
Question Statement Analysis 16 R

𝟒𝒎 = 𝟏𝟔𝒒 + 𝒓 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑞 ≥ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 0 ≤ 𝑟 ≤ 15 We need to find ‘r’

multiplying by 4 to bring it into the form needed.
Statement 1 Analysis 𝑚 = 32 𝑘 + 4
4𝑚 = 4(3232 𝑘 + 4)
4𝑚 = 4 × 32 × 3231 × 𝑘 + 4 × 4
4𝑚 = 4 × 4 × 8 × 3231 × 𝑘 + 4 × 4

4𝑚 = 16𝑝 + 16
4𝑚 = 16 𝑝 + 1 A
→ Remainder = 0 Answer can be found D
Statement 1 is sufficient E

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Q10 – Solution
What is the remainder when 4m is divided by 16, where m is a +ve integer greater than 1?
I. m leaves a remainder of 4 when divided by 3232
II. m3 is divisible by 16
4m m > 0 and integer
To find –
Question Statement Analysis 16 R

𝟒𝒎 = 𝟏𝟔𝒒 + 𝒓 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑞 ≥ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 0 ≤ 𝑟 ≤ 15 We need to find ‘r’

Statement 2 Analysis where
Let a>0
𝑚 = 2𝑎 × 𝑃1 𝑏 × 𝑃2 𝑐 . . . b, c . . . ≥ 0
cubing 𝑚= 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔
both sides
3𝑏 3𝑐 Divisible by 16 = 2𝟒
𝑚3 = 2𝟑𝒂 × 𝑃1 × 𝑃2 . . . 3𝑎 ≥ 4
4 𝟒𝑚 = 𝟒 × 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝑎 ≥
3 A
𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2 B
4𝑚 = 16q
Statement 2 is sufficient 𝒓=𝟎 E

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GMAT Quant can be MASTERED
You can improve from a low Quant score, if you
focus on learning!!

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GMAT 740
(Q51, V38)
Learn more

1. Failed in traps initially

2. Focused on solving
questions the right way
3. Changed his approach in
4. Scored Q51

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Leonardo GMAT 750 (Q49, V44) + Wharton admit
• Was unable to cross Q45 despite
working really hard.

What helped him Improve to Q49

• Methodical approach – to avoid
repeat mistakes
• Used analytics – Isolate weakness
• Selective Practice – Quant

Admitted to Stern, Tepper,

Video Debrief: and Wharton

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Q30(20p.) to Q45 (59p.)

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Guillermo Gonzalez - 710 (Q38 to Q50 improvement)
• Had a starting score of Q38 (38

Improvement to Q50 (87 Percentile)

• Focused on learning
• Obtained accurate estimate of
ability in each area
• Followed a process to track

Received Interview invite (and possibly admission) from

Video Debrief: Wharton. At Q38, Wharton (Quant focused school) seemed a
distant dream

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To ace GMAT Quant …
Focus on Learning and adopting
good habits….

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• Ensure that you have 200% clarity in the concepts

• Ensure that you solve questions in a step by step fashion

• Become an active reader of question statement

Concluding • Trust the test maker – He will not throw anything at you that you
cannot solve.
• Believe in your skills – You have everything in your arsenal to solve
any such problems

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1. Review ALL Number Properties Concepts in the Free
1. Prime Numbers

2. Divisibility

3. Remainders

Next Steps 2. Solve Practice Questions in the Shared PDF - 2

3. Solve Number Properties questions in Scholaranium - 59

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Questions for your Practice!!

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If n is an integer and n4 is completely divisible by 32, 27 and 25, then n must be divisible by which of the
I. 6
II. 8
III. 20


B I and II

C I and III

D II and III

E I, II and III

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Q1 - Solution
If n is an integer and n4 is completely divisible by 32, 27 and 25, then n must be divisible by which of the
I. 6
II. 8 Given: Let 𝑛 = 2𝑚 × 3𝑛 × 5𝑝 × 𝑃4 𝑞 . . . m, n, p are non-negative integers
III. 20 Find: Need to find: m, n, p
Approach and Working:
So, 𝑛4 = 2𝟒𝒎 × 3𝟒𝒏 × 5𝟒𝒑 × 𝑃4 4𝑞 . . .
B I and II
32 = 25 27 = 33 25 = 52

4𝑚 ≥ 5 4𝑛 ≥ 3 4𝑝 ≥ 2
C I and III 5 3 2
𝑚 ≥ 𝑛 ≥ 𝑝 ≥
4 4 4
𝑛𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 1 𝑝𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 1
D II and III 𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2

So, 𝑛 = 2𝑎 × 3𝑏 × 5𝑐 × 𝑃4 𝑞 . . . where a , b, c, q ≥ 0
E I, II and III
Infer: n has minimum two 2s, one 3 and one 5.
Choice C Thus, n must be divisible by 6 and 20 but not 8

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Is 10n K + T divisible by 18, where n, K and T are positive integers and K>1?

I. (10mK + T) is divisible by 27, where m is a positive integer

II. T is prime and a factor of 4

A Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Q2 – Solution
Is 10n K + T divisible by 18, where n, K and T are positive integers and K>1?
I. (10mK + T) is divisible by 27, where m is a positive integer
II. T is prime and a factor of 4
Any number x is divisible by 18 if :
Question Statement Analysis To find –10n K + T divisibility by 18 A. x is divisible by 2 only
B. x is divisible by 9 only
C. x is divisible by both 2 and 9
Is 10n K + T divisible by 18 ?

Is 10n K + T divisible by 2 ? Is 10n K + T divisible by 9 ?

Is 10n K + T even? Is (9+1)n K + T divisible by 9?

10n K will
always end Is 1nK + T is divisible by 9
with zero
Is units digit of T even? Is K + T divisible by 9?

If answer to both questions is YES, then 10n K + T is divisible by 18

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Q2 – Solution
Is 10n K + T divisible by 18, where n, K and T are positive integers and K>1?
I. (10mK + T) is divisible by 27, where m is a positive integer
II. T is prime and a factor of 4
To find – 1. Units Digits of T even
Question Statement Analysis 2. IS T + 9 divisible by 9?

Statement 1 Analysis Statement 2 Analysis

10mK + T is divisible by 27 T = prime factor of 4 A

T=2 Answer cannot be found
Statement 2 is not sufficient
10mK + T is divisible by 9 D
T is even
Answer cannot be found E
Statement 1 is not sufficient
1mK + T is divisible by 9 Combining Both Statements
A Statement 1 Statement 2 A
C K + T is divisible by 9 T is even C
K + T is divisible by 9
No information about units digit of T!!
Combining both Statements : Sufficient

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