The Borders Are Quiet, But For How Long?: Farm Conundrum: Return To Basics Merited

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The borders are quiet, but for how long?

A workable beginning is to hold DGMO-level talks to consolidate the ceasefire and take it to agreed rules of engagement.
Lt-Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (retd) Pakistan could not have sustained an be in the domain of infiltration.
escalated battle of attrition with India in Third, it should display a will to bring to

NDIA and Pakistan have decided to go LoC and IB exchanges. Yet, it had to dis- book those involved with the Mumbai
back to the 2003 unwritten announce- play bravado at the IB as it did at the end. terror attack of 26/11. This has become a
ment of the ceasefire at the Line of Con- That could have backfired badly had sticking point, but with recent admis-
trol (LoC) and abide by it. The LoC India decided not to accept the ceasefire sions of former Prime Minister Nawaz
between India and Pakistan and the Inter- and in fact escalate the exchanges. Sharif, it is a futile course which Pakistan
national Border (IB) in Jammu & Kashmir Those monitoring Pakistan's internal sit- has followed, defending the indefensible.
are witnessing peace after a long time, uation in the run-up to the elections in July India, as always, will be prepared to meet
although a major part was not afflicted by 2018 would have sensed that ground was Pakistan more than half way provided
the ceasefire violations. The Siachen and slowly being yielded. The Bajwa Doctrine there is sincerity displayed.
Kargil sectors have been quiet for as long as was couched in vagueness to give the bro- Thus, any vision of an immediate com-
one can remember in the last 15 years. The kering for peace a semblance of dignity. mencement of dialogue can only be pre-
LoC in the Kashmir segment too, although Back channel talks were in place and the mature, but the build-up towards that
continuing to witness efforts at infiltration, suspended Neemrana Dialogue was direction can be ensured, provided J&K
has seen only limited violations. brought to life. The National Security remains relatively free of violence.
It is primarily in the areas of the LoC and Advisers (NSAs) of both countries appear A workable start point is to hold DGMO
the IB south of the Pir Panjal range that to have been in touch more than the report- talks with a proper agenda either in New
exchanges of fire had become a norm and ed number of times, and for good measure. Delhi or Islamabad. These should be
many reasons can be ascribed to that. With The Indian decision on cessation of opera- used to flesh out the ceasefire and take it
the guns now silent, there are still misgiv- tions in the hinterland did not receive a bat- to mutually agreed rules of engagement
ings among many in India as there were in FOR BORDER TRUCE: Soldiers patrol near the LoC. TRIBUNE PHOTO: MOHAMMAD AMIN WAR (FILE) tering in Pakistani strategic circles as is the and installation of such measures which
the case of the decision to bring about a practice for most internal initiatives. will build confidence and trust. Lower-
Ramzan-based cessation of operations in vicinity of the area to which that terrorist implementation of ceasefire at the LoC A ceasefire at the LoC was on the cards. level communication links across the
the hinterland, now in place for a little over belonged. The question most Indians are and IB? If the 2003 ceasefire could partial- Pakistan will want this to be converted LoC in identified areas can help in put-
two weeks. Their perception has to be asking - how far and for how long can Pak- ly succeed without any written agreement, into a serious political dialogue and its ting a lid on potentially explosive situa-
respected too because of historical back- istan be trusted, especially since the can the latest be expected to last some time diplomacy will aim at projecting itself as tions through local contacts.
stabbing by Pakistan. Yet, a case for peace announcement by the two DGMOs of India to allow peace initiatives to take shape? the promoter and initiator of peace. How- However, given the history of mistrust,
needs to be made and supported to amelio- and Pakistan makes no mention of Pak- India needs to be clear that Pakistan's ever, with the bitter record of Pakistan's India should remain circumspect and con-
rate the privations of the border people in istan's intent or otherwise of not allowing initiative (as it is being reported) is not out past deceit, the Indian government tinue all work at the LoC and IB to amelio-
the Jammu region. It will also allow stabil- its territory to be used for targeting India? of a newfound neighbourly love but borne would be at odds to reinitiate anything at rate the problems of the locally afflicted
isation of the hinterland to calm the envi- In as complex an issue as J&K and there out of compulsions. The compulsions are the political level unless certain condi- people. A constitutional body tasked with
ronment and reduce the vitriol which is is no gain trying to seek perfect solutions. many; they include the upcoming Finan- tions are met; it will take a fair amount of the welfare of border communities in con-
always associated with ongoing violence. There will be many imperfect proposals cial Action Task Force (FATF) review, time to create those conditions. flict-ridden zones could be a way towards
There is need to examine the ceasefire which will need to be progressively con- grey-listing of Pakistan to see whether it First, Pakistan's internal polity has to be giving continuity to efforts. Construction
and the cessation of operations in tandem verted to workable and acceptable ones. has fulfilled obligations to prevent terror outside the ambit of uncertainty; not before of family bunkers was also undertaken in
with each other. The latter because of the The trust deficit with Pakistan is so huge financing, the precarious condition of its late July 2018 will that happen, if at all. 2003, but the then ceasefire effectively led
latest very authoritative report by an intel- that, perhaps, a couple of generations with economy which has forced devaluation of Second, Pakistan has to come clean on to the shelving of the project. National
ligence agency which reveals that in the prevailing normalcy will probably lead to the Pakistan currency and borrowing of its support to terrorism by demonstrat- security cannot be mired in personal and
last three years, for every local terrorist any restoration. In this imperfect environ- $1 billion from China to bolster its forex ing a will to curb India-focused terror political interests. Everything there has a
neutralised in Kashmir, two have been pro- ment can India and Pakistan hope to reserve which has fallen from $18 billion related activities on its soil or in PoK. An long-term perspective, with little catering
duced through local recruitment from the restore some peace with steps such as to $10.5 billion. Given its financial stress, indicator of any seriousness in this will to a moment in time.

Farm conundrum: Return to basics merited

Gunbir Singh pose waste into manure, pollinate and ter, who has shaken his head in refusal. his additional effort. Bonds between eth-
Chairperson, WWF (Punjab) assist plant procreation. They are all but Hands folded, he goes back to the Shy- ical cultivators and consumers are being
vanquished. locks to adjust all that they can and come created, and must be encouraged by

UNJAB was the frontline state Systemic inputs invade the molecule of away with seeds, chemicals and a mount- debunking archaic laws that restrain
which took the burden of food the plant itself, making it inedible for the ed debt till the next harvest. direct interaction, and encourage mid-
security for the nation when it pest. With ample life cycles, these stay And then there is the Big Pharma, the dlemen to reap the margins. Families are
needed it most upon Indepen- potent and toxigenic even to the point main reapers of the farm economy, motivated to add value, to produce and
dence. Today, it has been all but snubbed when ingested by us all, to the detriment churning research for gain, in the name package, process and embellish. In a cou-
by the Niti Aayog. The Aayog curtly told of our health. And not to be forgotten are of scientific betterment of the peasantry. ple of years, farmers have begun packing
the state to stop worrying about food the seeds, genetically modified rather They modify genomes to make resistant units, expanded organic acreage, wives
security of the country, and do what it than the native tried and tested. crops, they churn out systemics and are baking cookies, brands of jaggery
could for its dwindling farm economy. Who is to advise restraint when all the super chemicals that fight superbugs emerging, and more preservative-free
This was as much a rude shock as it was cogs in the wheels of this well-oiled and pests, they pester the tiller to con- fruit preserving being showcased.
a reality check for a state that prided machine stand to gain? The lobbyists, sume more of stronger, more toxic The solutions are thus not impossible,
itself for its untiring contribution. By state revenue insurers, tax collectors, inputs, with promises of prosperity. Alas, nor are they needed to be imported, they
now, India has ample rainfed states ideal- traders. the sunk are given twigs to swim with, are within our scope, within sight of us
ly suited for the thirsty paddy crop as Just look at the marginalised farmer’s and nothing really changes for them. all. Let Sikkim be our model and the
well as many which are proficient in plight. He buys the seed he can get on They watch their health failing, they goal, let Denmark show Punjab the way.
wheat and other staples. credit. He uses whatever is advised by see their kith and kin suffer. They know Let's listen to the call of our own Subash
However, this puts Punjab in a tricky this master, whose sole endeavour is to the water is all but finished, they witness Palekars, who have advocated and show-
predicament. It has already sacrificed sell what yields him the most margins. the contamination of the elements, they cased the intellect of evergreen natural
its ecology to the so-called progressive The farmer does not even question the see the climate change; they know the cultivation. States are going whole hog
NEEDED: A golden harvest. TRIBUNE PHOTO: SARABJIT SINGH (FILE) farming advocated by the Green Revo- price that he pays, since it is what is on promises are hollow. The farmer sends for chemical curbs, native seeds and
lution. The state must decide its future offer to him without cash, to be adjusted his children to the city for work or to water savings. The world has started
There is need to course of action quickly. And that too for when the harvest is reaped. He coax- unsure shores overseas. Those that do changing and it's best we do so too. The
rekindle the pride of with coffers empty. es his progeny for help in tilling the land.
Seeing no visible returns, they make him
not fall to disease, take to the bottle or the
white stuff, or consume chemicals. Pes-
soil needs succour and opportunity to
revive; water populism must be replaced
the farmer as well as The Punjab farmer’s plight sell a piece of his beloved land to help simistic? Perhaps yes, but do take a walk by thrift, and a shift from thirsty to native
The farmer is at the receiving end. His them walk to greener pastures else- through the farms of Punjab, and see if cropping made. Nature must be given an
increase his income. productivity has stagnated, his land area where. He sows and waters and prays. there is room for joy. opportunity to show us the way.
This can happen only is limited, the returns on inputs (forget Rain, hail and storm, pest fungus and The farmer thus must return to the
investment) have dwindled. Deeply in locust, thieves and land sharks, he The way out 'kheti' of good karmas, in harmony with
if we make the change debt, he has even stopped looking for spends sleepless nights to watch the There is need for rekindling the pride of nature. In his effort to do better, and in
to natural inputs. Go answers, and all but resigned to fate.
Alas, the increasing barrage of chemi-
sapling grow. And then he reaps his pro-
duce, only to get a dime rather than the
the farmer as well as his income sources.
This can happen only if we make the
deference to the then demands of a
nation in dire need for more, kirt di kheti
for chemical curbs, cals every passing year wipes out farm- dollar. The prices have crashed, and there change to natural inputs. Natural pro- (farming by good intention and fair
native seeds and friendly beings, bacteria, fungi and
insects that assist aeration of roots,
is more supply than demand. Sore and
saddened, he ploughs the crop back, or
duce when put right before the consumer
is well appreciated. The farmer takes joy
effort) was all but forgotten. It is time that
a complete rethink is done and joy
water savings. enrich soil with body proteins, decom- dumps it on the road, back from the mas- in explaining his methodology as well as returns to this land.

on this day... 100 years ago quick crossword su do ku forecast

1 Whimper, 5
8 9
Lahore, Sunday, June 2, 1918.

Storage of Wheat.
Basis, 8
Untrustworthy, 9 5 7 3 4 Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

Dunce, 10 Extinct,
NEXT to the United States of America, India probably ranks as the
largest wheat-producing country, the production of this grain in
11 Gaiety, 12
Gather, 15
6 9 5 Chandigarh 41
New Delhi 42
Russia having diminished considerably since the war. Yet the eleva- Amnesia, 17 Defoe,
tor storage system, which exists in almost all wheat-growing coun- 19 Hole-and-
corner, 20 Crypt,
5 2 Amritsar 42 27
tries in the West, is scarcely known in India. The first Indian eleva- Bathinda 45 26
tor, having a capacity of 5,000 tons of grain, is now being constructed
at Lyallpur, but this facility owing to its location will be for the ben-
21 Mastery.
1 4 6 8 Jalandhar
efit of wheat merchants not of co-operative banks or wheat cultiva-
tors particularly, who will still be in need of some safe and facile
1 Wound, 2
Intentionally, 3
3 4 Patiala
41 29

means of storage. What the latter require are inexpensive godowns Prudent, 4 Rather, Ambala 40 28
protected from the attacks of weevil during the damp months and 5 Boost, 6 Sit on
the fence, 7
4 1 9 Bhiwani 44 29
secured against all other kinds of risk. The Agricultural Engineer to Hisar 45 29
the local Government is devising model godowns, and we trust that
he will help to solve this difficulty as economically as possible.
Shyster, 11
Graphic, 13 8 1 9 7 Karnal
Cautious Lines. Tandem, 16 Slant,
18 Early.
2 8 Dharamsala 33 22
THE Anglo-Indian Press is never happy unless it can so whittle down Manali 24 09
any proposed reforms as to make them cease to be reforms. This is
the game in which certain Anglo-Indian journals are now engaged in
Yesterday’s solution calendar Nahan 35 23
ACROSS 20 An equestrian (5) 5 Lessening of intensity (3-2) Shimla 27 17
respect of the policy on local self-government just enunciated by the 6 9 7 2 4 3 1 5 8 June 2, 2018 Saturday
Solan 33 19
1 To resolve (6) 22 Became ice (5) 6 Advice (7) ■ Vikrami Samvat 2075
Government of India. We have already dwelt upon its merits and 4 Hackneyed expression (6) 23 By one's own efforts (7) 7 Consider (6) 5 2 4 9 1 8 7 3 6 ■ Shaka Samvat 1940 JAMMU & KASHMIR
defects and have shown that it falls far short of what the situation 9 Composer of The Four 24 Probable (6) 8 Destroy at early stage (3,2,3,3) 3 1 8 6 7 5 9 4 2 ■ Jyeshtha Shaka 12 Jammu 42 29
■ Jyeshtha Parvishte 20
demands and the country has been expecting. The same views have 7 5 6 3 9 4 2 8 1 Hijari 1439 Leh 26 10
Seasons (7) 25 Remain attached (6) 14 Interconnected system (7) ■
been expressed by every other Indian paper that counts. But even the 2 8 3 5 6 1 4 9 7 ■ Krishan Paksha Tithi 4, Srinagar 32 13
inadequate reforms promised in the resolution are too much for the
10 Jeer at (5) 15 U.S. university (7) up to 4.18 am
9 4 1 8 2 7 3 6 5 Shukla Yog up to 7.54 pm UTTARAKHAND
Anglo-Indian journals. One of them asks the Government to insist 11 A concealed complication (5) DOWN 16 Wretched (6) ■
■ Purvashadha Nakshatra Dehradun 34 25
12 Deadlock (7) 1 Contrivance (6) 17 Old cause of quarrel (6) 4 3 2 7 5 6 8 1 9 up to 8.51 am
upon the evolution of suitable conditions for the creation of an ideal Moon enters Capricorn sign
Mussoorie 23 16
electorate as a condition precedent to the grant of reforms. 13 Concisely expressed (2,1,8) 2 Wish for eagerly (5) 19 Perfect (5) 8 6 9 1 3 2 5 7 4 ■
at 3.37 pm Nainital 25 16
18 Abnormally large (7) 3 A marine mammal (7) 21 Evade (5) 1 7 5 4 8 9 6 2 3 ■ Shri Ganesh Chaturthi Vart TEMPERATURE IN OC

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