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Comparative Business Operations of Ali Baba and

BUS 685 - International Business.
Section - 1

Prepared for:
Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan

Prepared by:
Nazmin Sultana Nima 152 1771 660
Sarah Reza Khan 152 1679 060
Muhammad Zubair Latifullah 152 1849 060
Md. Mukit Alam 141 1613 060

Date of Submission: 18th December, 2016


December 18, 2016

Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan

Department of Political Science & Sociology
Dean, SHSS
North South University

Subject: Report on Comparative Business Operations of Ali Baba and

Dear Sir,

It is indeed a great pleasure for us as the student of MBA program to be able to hand
over the result of our hardship of the Report on Comparative Business Operations of
Ali Baba and This Term Paper is the result of the knowledge which has
been acquired from the respective course BUS-685 and the kind hearted supervision
of our honorable instructor Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan. We tried our level best
for preparing this Report. Hope you will appreciate our hard work and excuse the
minor errors.

Thanking you for your sincere observation and humbly provide our respect to you to
consider our hard work because all of us gave our hundred percent for making this
report come together.

We, fervently hope your cooperation.

Sincerely Yours,

Nazmin Sultana Nima 152 1771 660

Sarah Reza Khan 152 1679 060
Muhammad Zubair Latifullah 152 1849 060
Md. Mukit Alam 141 1613 060

With the completion of our report entitled “Comparative Business Operations

of Ali Baba and”. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude
and a word of thanks to the Almighty Allah and our great inspiration Professor Dr.
Abdur Rob Khan who inspired us to think beyond and to always look for better

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and
deep regard to our Honorable faculty Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, for his
exemplary guidance, precious feedback and constant encouragement throughout the
duration of the Report on Comparative Business Operations of Ali Baba and His valuable suggestions were of immense help throughout our project
work. His perceptive and continuous criticism kept us working to make this project
in a much better way. Working under him was an extremely knowledgeable
experience for us.

We would also like to give our sincere gratitude to all the friends and group members
who passed sleepless night and worked hard to make this thesis a success, without
which this research would be incomplete.

And last but not the least who acted the best way to support us to flourish this term
paper in an wonderful manner is our family members. Supporting us in all means
during preparing our valuable report. Thanking all for their devoted positive support
toward us during this journey.
Table of Content

Content Page No.

Introduction: Online Platform 1
Comparative Profile of Amazon and Alibaba 2
Comparative Business Strategies and Practices 3
Comparative Market Segmentation and Market Share 4
Volume of Sales and Profitability 5
Learning Lessons 6
Conclusion 7
Reference 8

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