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The Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi on Sunday,

December 2, 2018 launched its Golden Jubilee
Anniversary with a clarion call to the Catholic faithful
to arise and join hands to build the Church and the

Preaching the sermon, Most Rev. John Bonaventure

CSSp, Bishop of the Diocese, encouraged the Catholic
faithful in the Diocese to consider the Jubilee as “a
year of gratitude.” He asked members of the Diocese
to take advantage of this Jubilee to acknowledge the
contributions of predecessors – the bishops, as well as
priests, religious and lay faithful of blessed memory.
He then called on all the faithful to participate fully in
the Jubilee celebration.

Reflecting on God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning the year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25, Bishop
Kwofie encouraged all to regard the Golden Jubilee as a year of restoration, forgiveness and
redemption. He explained that jubilees and other festivities of the people of God were recognition of
the ownership of God who bestows his abundant gifts on humanity and calls us to share in His
holiness. Christian life is a call to holiness. Holiness, he said, is not something abstract but doing the
ordinary things in life with honesty and devotion. “We are all called to lead holy lives”

The Bishop also bemoaned the poor state of some church buildings in the outstations and thus
reminded the faithful that a decent Church is effective for evangelization but unfortunately many of
our churches are either in dilapidate state, uncompleted or abandoned during constructions. He also
called on individuals and societies to take advantage of the year of Jubilee and make contributions
towards the renovation or rehabilitation of such churches.

The theme for year-long Jubilee celebration is “Arise Catholic Faithful; Let Us Build Together.” As part
of the Launching, the Golden Jubilee Planning Committee was outdoored. The official Jubilee logo,
designed by Elizabeth Acquatey -Mensah was also unveiled by the Bishop. The Golden Jubilee logo
was designed by Ms Elizabeth Acquatey- Mensah of Martyrs of Uganda Parish, Beach Road and the
Jubilee song was also composed by Mr. Atta Yankey of St. Matthews Parish in Tarkwa.

Msgr. Francis Abuah-Quansah, Vicar General the Diocese and Chairman of the Golden Jubilee
Planning Committee urged all to join in the Jubilee celebration to make it a memorable one. He
mentioned that there are some ongoing projects in anticipation of the Golden Jubilee such as the
rehabilitation of the Egyam Grotto, the construction of the Children’s Hospital and Bishop’s

The Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi which was created on 20th November, 1969 by the Holy
See with Most Rev. Joseph Amihere Assuah as the first Bishop, with 14 parishes and 17 priests can
today boast of 167 priests, 67 parishes in 7 deaneries.
The Parish Youth Council of St. Matthew’s Parish, Tarkwa, on the 2nd December, 2018, organized the first of
its series of Capacity Building Seminars dubbed 'Impact for Change: The Role of the Catholic Youth'. The
project which runs from 2018 to 2020 aims at equipping the youth with the requisite knowledge needed for
the job market and also help them develop personally and professionally. It is also aimed at helping the
youth gain a deep understanding of the Catechism of the Church, as well as enable them create friendships
and networks among themselves.

The inaugural Seminar had Mr. George Mawuli Damien (HR for Goldfields Ghana) and Mr. Nicholas Tawiah
(President of the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission) as resource persons. They spoke on the topics
“Preparing for the Job Market in the Mining Industry; A must Know” and “Leadership: A servant leader
based on the Diocesan Synod” respectively. It was followed with a workshop for the over 200 participants.

Rev Frs. Anthony Nii Noi Dowuna (Parish Priest) and Anthony A.A. Ackerson (Parochial Vicar and Parish
Youth Chaplain), Mr. John Abu Baka (PPC Chairman) Mr. Chris Awutey and other senior members of the
Parish were also present to grace the occasion.


Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, Catholic Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese has
challenged Ghanaians not to view Religious affiliation as a cause to divide society but a source of di-
versity and great wealth to society.

Bishop Kwofie said this while addressing a Religious Symposium organized by the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints on the theme “Religious Freedom: Fostering Inter-Faith Unity for the Com-
munity Development” in Takoradi on 29th November, 2018.

The Bishop who spoke on “Freedom of Religion – A Fundamental Human Right” mentioned that no
one must be coerced or forced against his conscience in matters of religion or beliefs, since it also
constitute a violation of the dignity of the person. Thus, “discrimination in any form is an injustice
against the fundamental human right of the person.”

Although freedom is a natural right that belongs to every person, it is not permissiveness because
freedom is also a responsibility that ends where the other person’s freedom starts. Freedom then is a
right that belongs to everyone but also a duty in regard to others.

Bishop Kwofie also observed that sometimes under the dictates of certain ideologies, we become
fanatical. He therefore charged the participants at the Symposium not only to work at uniting all
Christians but forge a fruitful cooperation with people of other faith.

Rev. John Ernest Kwofie (Regional Chairman, National Peace Council) speaking on the sub topic
“Inter-Faith Tolerance for Peace and Development” reminded the gathering that issues regarding tol-
erance and peace must move away from mere rhetoric to the level of concrete actions. And to
achieve this, he proposed the following; equal rights, exposure to the needs of others, a demon-
strated interest in the other, building of understanding among each other and appreciating our
similarities and differences.

Rt. Rev. Alexander Kobina Asmah (Bishop, Sekondi Diocese of the Anglican Church) charged partici-
pants to see universalism as signified by the gathering as a call to solidarity with the human race and
not to see ourselves as opponents.

Sheik Dr. Ustaz Hassan (Regional Chief Imam) urged all the participants to show genuine care for
one another and pray God to consolidate and sustain the love and unity among all citizens.

The Symposium was chaired by Nana Kojo Yadee IV (Omanhene of Mpinstim). Also present was Rev.
Msgr. Francis Abuah-Quansah (Vicar-General, Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi) as well as a
delegation from the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, Muslim Community and the Network of

Members of the Sekondi-Takoradi District Council of The Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-
St. Anthony's Guild have paid a charitable visit to the Takoradi, Rev. Msgr. Francis Abuah-Quansah has called
St. Mary's Minor Seminary, Apowa in the Catholic on Christians and all people of goodwill to pay atten-
Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi. During the visit, they tion to the issues of poverty in their communities. This,
had interaction with the Seminarians and encour- he says will also mean addressing the issues of justice
aged them. They also presented assorted food items and peace as well as the general well being of the
to the Seminary. community at large.

Rev Fr. Emmanuel Conduah, Rector of the Seminary, He made the call when on behalf of the Bishop, Most
expressed his heartfelt gratitude to them for the visit. Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie CSSp, made two sepa-
He further reminded them that Seminary formation is rate donations to the Egyam Children’s Home and the
a shared responsibility and it involves these major Catholic Special School at Fijai. The donation forms
players - Parents, Parishoners, Priests and Formators. part of activities marking the celebration of the First
World Day of the Poor in the Diocese.
Brother Anthony Arthur, the District President and
leader of the Group charged the Seminarians to He further stated that in preaching compassion for the
cease every opportunity the Seminary is offering to- poor, the Church also encourages all Christians to
wards their formation. show concern for their plight especially the homeless,
the orphaned, the physically and mentally challenged.
The St. Mary's Seminary, Apowa was established in
1987 by the late Most Rev. Charles K. Sam due to The Cathedral Administrator, Very Rev. Fr. Ekow Kaitoo
large numbers of Seminarians in Amisano coupled also explained that the choice for the Egyam Children’s
with the limited space available for admissions. Home and Catholic Special School was to draw atten-
tion to their special situation and also to bring them
joy. He added that close to GHC 10,000.00 was spent
on provisions, toiletries and cash donations.

The Justice & Peace Commission of the Sekondi Takoradi Catholic Diocese met with the priests of
the diocese on 8th December, 2018.

In his address to the priest, Mr. Nick Tawiah, president of the Commission, highlighted the core man-
date of the commission. He mentioned that the Commission exists not just for conflict resolution but
also to explain the Church's social teachings.

The Commission at the various parishes has been able to undertake lots of projects, notably among
them is the Town Hall Meetings they have been organizing for the communities and MMDCs and
sanitation campaign.

Mr. Tawiah however bemoaned the lack of funds to run the activities and projects of the Commis-
sion. He therefore appealed with the priests for a special annual collection to aid the Commission’s
On Saturday, 8th December 2018, the
Management and Staff of Quality Insur-
ance Company met Priests and some
Catechists from Sekondi-Takoradi Dio-
cese to brief them about the Flexipay ap-
plication software.

The new application software is meant to

provide convenience for parishioners,
benefactors and philanthropists who
want to contribute towards the develop-
ment of their dioceses and parishes. The
insurance company is doing this in con-
junction with First Atlantic Bank who
holds the money in trust and then trans-
fers it to the parish or diocesan account.

On his part, Most Rev John Bonaventure Kwofie CSSp, Bishop of Sekondi Takoradi Catholic Diocese
thanked the Insurance Company for the novel idea and called on the priests and catechists to help
sell the products of the Insurance Company since it is owned by the Catholic Church. He also
charged the Insurance Company to ensure the best of services to their clients.

The FlexiPay app is available for download on Google playstore



Parishoners of St. Ignatius Catholic

Church at 2BN, Apremdo recently
visited the MRS Hospital at the
barracks and The Kwesiminstim
Poly Clinic as part of activities to
celebrate this year's Laity Week.
They used the occasion to interact
with the patients, wish them
speedy recovery and made dona-
tion to them.
The Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese, Most Rev. John Bonaventure
Kwofie CSSp has called on the priests, religious and the faithful of the diocese to be
“pastorally responsible” by preaching and living the gospel values in and out of the season.

He made this clarion call during the climax of 2018 Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Our
Lady of Fatima Grotto, Nawule. He used the occasion to speak about the Golden Jubilee of
the diocese which was recently launched at St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral, Sekondi.

He further intimated that the “Jubilee year is a year of freedom, mercy, forgiveness, justice,
restoration and redemption. As Christians, we cannot celebrate the Jubilee year if we are
not internally free. This is because freedom is a key that opens the door to real and joyful
celebration. Being free means living our lives reconciled with God, our neighbor and in-
deed ourselves.” He also underscored the need for Christians to reconcile with one an-
other as God has reconciled Himself with us through Jesus Christ His Son. The jubilee is
also a time for renewal, in which we renew our commitment to God and the Church.

Bishop Kwofie also called on Catholics to give a face lift to the Churches we have in our
parishes and stations. According to him the visible structure of the church is one of the ef-
fective signs of evangelization. The Church is the dwelling place of God and therefore we
need to make churches look good and befitting for worship. He informed the pilgrims that
as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebration a number of projects have been initiated includ-
ing the expansion of Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto in Egyam, and Our Lady of Fatima Grotto
in Nawule.

The Gospels tells us about the last words of Jesus. Thus we can say that the three things
Jesus bequeathed His Church in His last words are the following; His permanent presence
with the Church according to Mathew 28:18-19, the power of the Holy Spirit operative in
His Church according to Luke 24:49 and Shepherds who will take care of the sheep accord-
ing to John 21:15-17.

The Tufuhene of Nawule, Nana Bonya praised the Church for citing such a pilgrimage cen-
ter in the community which has become not only a prayer center but also a tourist center
and prayed that the Lord will continue to bless the church to complete other projects initi-
ated especially the new church building. The MP for Jomoro and Deputy Minister for Chief-
taincy and Religious Affairs, Hon. Essien also used the occasion to laud the Church for her
many roles and asked that the Church should continue to partner the government in
bringing relief to the people.
St. Augustine Senior High School, Bogoso, in the Catholic
Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi, emerged the winner of the
National Science Olympiad competition.

Following up on St. Peter’s SHS that won the National

Science and Mathematics Quiz last July, St. Augustine SHS,
Bogoso, has also made the Catholic population proud by
emerging winners in yet another national academic
competition the Ghana Science Olympiad.

The Competition, organized for Secondary Education

Improvement Program (SEIP) Schools had 125 schools
participating, took place at Gomoa Fetteh on 18th to
22nd November, 2018. St. Augustine’s SHS was
represented by Michael Nyame and Suleiman Sulaima.

To the staff and students of St. Augustine’s, Bogoso, I

offer the felicitations of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’
Conference for the wonderful performance and diligence. LATE REV. MSGR. ANDREAS GHANSAH
By taking first place in a national competition of this kind,
you have taken your place among the academically It is with deep sorrow that we announce the
renowned schools in the country and have added another death of our brother, Rev. Msgr. Andreas
bright page to the history of Catholic education in the Ghansah. He was called to eternity on Tuesday,
country. We all share in your joy and urge you to continue December, 11, 2018 after a protracted illness. He
to brighten the corner where you are. was 83 years old.

Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp Requiem Mass will be held at Our Lady, Star of
Bishop of Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese and the Sea Cathedral, Takoradi, at 10:00 am on
Episcopal Chairman of Catholic Education Friday, January 4, 2019 followed by the Rites of
Committal and Internment at the Clergy and
Religious Cemetery, Apowa.

The following shall precede the Mass:

Reception and Viewing of the body 6:00 am

Office of the Dead 9:00 am
Closing of the Casket 9:30 am

Please join us in commending the soul of our

brother to the Almighty God; and keep the
bereaved family in your prayers.

Michael and Sulaima with Mr. Michael Nsowa,

Chairman of GES Council.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2018, several Clergy

and lay faithful attended the Requiem Mass of
Rev Fr. Francis Andoh at the Star of the Sea Ca-
thedral, Takoradi.

Very Rev. Fr. Ekow Kaitoo, the Cathedral Adminis-

trator who gave the homily eulogized Fr. Andoh
as a man of humility and meekness. He men-
tioned that Fr. Andoh's life of charity and selfless-
ness should be a lesson to all. He also recounted
Fr. Andoh’s battling with ill heath in his final years
and how his zeal for pastoral work never waned
even during that period. He further called on
priests and the laity to emulate the example of Fr.

The Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese,

Most Rev John Bonaventure Kwofie CSSp, who
was the principal celebrant used the occasion to
thank all those who supported and cared for Fr.

Also present at the funeral Mass were Most Rev.

Matthias Nketsiah, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape
Coast; Very Rev Frs. John Agyekum and Owusu
Sekyere, Vicar Generals for the Obuasi and Ko-
nongo Dioceses respectively, Fr. John, Chancellor
of Wiawso Diocese; Fr. Laast, Former Provincial
Superior of the Spiritans; Fr. Francis Arthur, Rector
of St. Paul's Seminary - Sowotuom as well as
priests, family and friends of Fr. Andoh.

Rev Fr. Francis Andoh was born on 31st August

1958 at Manso-Amenfi to Mr. J.B. Andoh and
Madam Mary Andoh all of blessed memory. He
was ordained to the Ministerial Priesthood on
30th July 1989 by Most Rev. Charles Kweku Sam
D.D. of blessed memory. He passed away on 2nd
October 2018 in Takoradi.

The Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-

Takoradi on Saturday, 22nd Septem-
ber 2018, paid her last respect and
final farewell to Mr. Robert Peter
Biney. The Burial Mass was presided
over by the Most Rev John Bonaven-
ture Kwofie, CSSp, the bishop of the
diocese and concelebrated by about
twenty-five priests from the diocese.

In his homily, the bishop thanked

God for the life of Mr. Biney and ex-
pressed his gratitude to the family
and the Diocesan Laity Council for
demonstrating a great love for a
man who generously served his
church. He prayed God to console
the family and the entire diocese for
such a loss.

He eulogized Mr. Biney as a man who made great contributions to the church. Accord-
ing to the bishop, Mr. Biney proposed that a committee be set to go round the par-
ishes in the diocese to collect old religious items to be refurbished for use in places
that may have need of them.

He also contributed to the success of the first diocesan synod in 2015 and also spear-
headed the implementation of the Synodal Acts.

The funeral which took place at the St. Matthew Catholic Church, Tarkwa was attended
by a number religious women, ministers from other churches, the National Chairman
of the Laity Council and the leadership of the Diocesan Laity Council.

Mr. Biney was born on 28th April, 1946 and died on 5th August 2018. Prior to his de-
mise, Mr. Biney was the chairman of the Diocesan Laity Council.

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