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Troubleshooting system electronics


Contents 1
Abbreviations 2
System electronics components 2
Measure value ranges and nominal values 2
Accessing the configuration dialog 3
Functions of the configuration dialog controls 5
Basic service operations 7
Measuring voltages on the EK0014 7
Updating device configurations 7
Comparing the configuration parameters of a device and its configuration file 7
Restoring device configuration 7
Checking and controlling instrument functions 8
Checking instrument parameters 10
Activating the host logbook 14
Using Service Request 17
Measuring HV-supply control signals 19
Checking scanner connector 20
Optical indicators of instrument components 21
Plasma Generator 21
Scanner Controller 22
System controller EK0014 23
Over current protection circuit 24
HV-control & DMB-distribution board EK0612 25
Error message diagnosis 27
Error message box interpretation 33

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Troubleshooting system electronics


DMB DIN Measurement Bus

LED Light Emitting Diode
SAV Spark Analyzer Vision
OCP Over Current Protection
PG Plasma Generator
DS Diagnosis System
ROS Read-out System
SC Scanner Controller
HV High Voltage

System electronics components

This troubleshooting describes service procedures regarding the following electronic


• The system controller EK0014B2

• The scanner controller 77030114
• The HV-control & DMB-distribution board EK0612--
• The HV power supplies 77020080
• The HV distribution boards EK0701--
• The Plasma Generator 76020017
• The ignition board EK0606--

Measure value ranges and nominal values

Instrument temperature nominal value 25.0 °C

Instrument temperature sensor resistance range 1.5 – 2.4 kOhms
Optics temperature nominal value 17.0 °C
Optics temperature sensor resistance range 1.5 – 2.4 kOhms
Optics pressure range 650 – 1350 mbar
PG Main supply voltage range 22.0 – 26.0 V
PG Vdd supply voltage range 10.8 – 13.2 V
HV supply maximum current 9.60 mA

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Troubleshooting system electronics

Accessing the configuration dialog

Access to the configuration data is provided by the configuration dialog of the SAV software.
It can be found as follows:

• Choose Service in the System menu.

• Choose Setup Devices….

Fig. 1: Menu item Service Setup Devices…

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Now the Device Control Parameters dialog will be opened. In this dialog choose the Devices

Fig. 2: Device Control Parameters dialog

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Now you have access to the components configuration via the configuration dialog.

Fig. 3: Configuration dialog

Functions of the configuration dialog controls

IOController Tab Selects configuration access for the EK0014.

Source Tab Selects configuration access for the Plasma Generator.

Step Motor Tab Selects configuration access for the Scanner controller.

Configuration Tab Selects access to the device configuration.

Parameter Tab Selects access to the device parameters (if available).

Detect Config Detects the current HV-supply configuration of the instrument

for the diagnosis system.

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Write (Soft) Write configuration and parameters to the device selected by

the current property sheet. This setting is volatile, i.e. it is not
stored in the device and will be lost after power down.

Write (Hard) Write configuration and parameters to the device selected by

the current property sheet. This setting is non-volatile, i.e. it is
stored in the device and will be kept after power down.
Simultaneously the corresponding configuration file is rewritten
with the new configuration data.

Read Device Read out configuration and parameters of the device selected
by the current property sheet and displays it in the configuration
dialog. The origin of the currently displayed data is indicated by
the of device message behind the Function block drop down

Read File Read out configuration and parameters of the configuration file
selected by the current property sheet and displays it in the
configuration dialog. The origin of the currently displayed data
is indicated by the of file message behind the Function block
drop down list.

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Basic service operations

Measuring voltages on the EK0014

If a voltage is measured at a connector of the EK0014 (Abbreviation ST…) this has always to
be done between two pins of the connector! Thus measure between:

Pin 1 and 2: ST5, ST6, ST17…ST20.

Pin 1 and 3: ST3, ST4, ST7, ST8, ST9, ST10, ST29.

Do not refer measurements to common ground!

Updating device configurations

Several components of the LAB must be in-application-configured when they have been
• The system controller EK0014. The configuration data for this devices is saved in the file
SaiInst_IOController.cfg which is located in the
Spark Analyzer Vision\Config folder. The update is performed automatically, if a
difference between the configuration revision dates of the file and within the EK0014
memory is detected.
• The scanner controller. Its configuration data is saved in the file SaiInst_StepMotor.cfg.
The update is performed automatically, if the controller reports the
• The file SaiInst_Source3000.cfg contains configuration data for the Plasma Generator.
Since this device is always shipped pre-configured, an automatic update is not required.

Comparing the configuration parameters of a device and its configuration file

• Actuate the Read File button to display the contents of the configuration file.
• Actuate the Read Device button to display the contents of the device.
• Repeat by turns for a complete comparison.

Restoring device configuration

• Actuate the Read File button.

• Actuate the Write (Hard) button.
• Actuate the Read Device button to confirm your action.

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Checking and controlling instrument functions

Instrument functions can be checked and controlled in the Spectrometer property sheet of
the Device Control Parameters dialog.

Fig. 4: Spectrometer property sheet

The Settings section provides direct access to the argon valve unit 75160198. Valves can be
opened and closed by selecting the checkboxes and actuating the Apply button:
• Constant Flow: Controls and displays the state of the constant flow valve (Y6).
• Analytical Flow: Controls and displays the state of the analytical flow valves for the UV
light path (Y7) and the LWL light path (Y5).
• Shutter: Controls and displays the state of the shutter valves for the UV light path (Y4)
and the LWL light path (Y2).
• Mask: Controls and displays the state of the mask valve (Y3).

The System states section monitors several instrument components:

• Argon: Green indicator displays that the instruments argon supply is sufficient.
• Clamp: Green indicator displays that the sample clamp is properly applied to a sample.
• Door: Green indicator displays that the front door to the spark stand is closed.
• Source: Green indicator display that the Plasma Generator is switched on.

The Firmware section displays the installed controller boards of the ROS and their firmware
version numbers.

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The Optic state section displays the current temperature of the optics in °C.

The Scanner section provides direct access to the Scanner Controller:

• Current Position: Displays the current step position of the scanner motor.
• Target Position: A new position for the scanner to move to can be entered here.
• Move To Ref. Pos.: Starts a reference move of the scanner to detect the 0 position.
• Move To Pos.: Starts a scanner move towards the specified target position.

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Checking instrument parameters

The Parameter property sheet of the configuration dialog can be used to check several
instrument parameters. For each reading, push the Read Device button.

Fig. 5: Parameter property sheet

• EK0014 (Item: IOController):

Suitable firmware version: 2.04 (or higher)

o Function block Controller 1 (FB 0)

Optics temperature control
Block Value
2 Nominal value (Set point) of the optics temperature [0.01 °C]
3 Proportional amplification (Kr)
4 Relative reset time (Tn/T)
5 Actual value of the optics temperature [0.01 °C]
6 Measure value of the optics pressure [mbar]
7 Set value for the optics cooling system [0.1 %]

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o Function block Controller 2 (FB 1)

Instrument temperature control
Block No. Value
2 Nominal value (Set point) of the instrument temperature [0.01 °C]
3 Proportional amplification (Kr)
4 Relative reset time (Tn/T)
5 Actual value of the instrument temperature [0.01 °C]
7 Set value for the instrument fan [0.1 %]

o Function block Valve Control (FB 3)

Argon valve unit control / Digital input monitor
Block No. Value
2 Valve set parameter:
02 hex = Analytical flow on
04 hex = Shutter open
08 hex = Mask open
5 Valve output state:
02 hex = Analytical flow on
04 hex = Shutter open
08 hex = Mask open
6 Digital inputs state:
04 hex = Overcurrent protection ready
10 hex = Front door closed
20 hex = Argon pressure sufficient
80 hex = Source on

o Function block Sampler (FB 4)

HV-supply voltage and current monitoring
Block No. Value
2 HV-supply 1 actual voltage [0.1 V]
3 HV-supply 1 actual current [µA]
4 HV-supply 1A actual voltage [0.1 V]
5 HV-supply 1A actual current [µA]
6 HV-supply 2 actual voltage [0.1 V]
7 HV-supply 2 actual current [µA]

o Function block Instruction list 1..5 (FB 5..9)

Constant flow control
Block No. Value
2 01 hex = Constant flow enable
7 01 hex = Constant flow on

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o Function block Analog output control (FB 14)

HV-supply control
Block No. Value
6 HV-supply 1 nominal value [0.1 V]
7 HV-supply 2 nominal value [0.1 V]

• Plasma Generator (Item: Source):

Suitable firmware version: 6.08 (or higher)

o Function block Configuration block 0 (FB 512)

Supply voltages and heat sink temperature
Block No. Value
2 Main supply voltage [mV]
3 Vdd supply voltage [mV]
4 Vcc supply voltage [mV]
5 Heat sink temperature [0.01 °C]

o Function block Configuration block 1 (FB 513)

Diagnostic parameters
Block No. Value
2 Status controller inputs:
01 hex = PWM Error
02 hex = Fiber mode enabled
04 hex = Interlock closed
3 Status controller outputs:
01 hex = Source OK
02 hex = Power ON
4 Internal controller status:
01 hex = Source running
02 hex = Arc mode

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• Scanner Controller (Item: Step Motor):

Suitable firmware version: 1.55

o Function block Scanner axis 0 (FB 0)

Block No. Value

2 Last target position [Steps]
3 Current position [Steps]
4 Motor status:
00 hex = Motor is moving
01 hex = Motor on position
FF hex = Device is not configured
5 End switch status:
05 hex = End switch (B1) hit
02 hex = Reference switch (B2) hit
6 Error code:
00 hex = No error
50 hex = End / Reference switch not found
51 hex = Scanner not referenced
60 hex = Illegal position parameter received
97 hex = Synchronization error during scan
9F hex = Device is not configured

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Troubleshooting system electronics

Activating the host logbook

The host communication logbook file KernelLog.asc, located in the

Spark Analyzer Vision\Output\Logfiles folder, monitors the data communication between the
SAV software and the instrument kernel device IKD; it can be quiet useful in several cases of
instrument trouble shooting. It can be activated (and deactivated) by the following procedure:

• Open the Common Fileselect dialog by double clicking the Config Edit icon in the Config

Fig. 6: SAV Config view

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• Select the SaiInst_Devices.cfg file from the list of existing files.

Fig. 7: Common Fileselect Dialog

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• Find the HostLogMode entry and set it for your purpose:

Fig. 8: General System Configuration dialog

Select 0 to deactivate the host logbook;

Selecting 1...100 activates the host logbook with the specified maximum number of
parameters logged with each command or response.

• Push Apply and close the dialog with the OK button.

• Initialize the SAV.

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Using Service Request

The SAV software provides a new tool for collecting instrument data to request service
support from SPECTROs Service headquarter.

Select Export Diagnosis Data from the System  Service menu. The software collects all
logbooks specified in the SpvDS_Settings.cfg configuration file within a cab file, which then
can be sent to SPECTRO via e-mail. The file name and path is:
Spark Analyzer Vision\Output\Export\

Fig. 9: Menu item Export Diagnosis Data…

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The Logbook specification can be altered by editing the SpvDS_Settings.cfg file in the
General System Configuration dialog (Config edit):

Select the SERVICE REQUEST folder and edit the file filters shown in the list.

Fig. 10: Service request file filter list

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Troubleshooting system electronics

Measuring HV-supply control signals

Attention: Before working on the HV-supply, make sure there is no dangerous high
voltage remaining! Use the HV-supply switch to power down the units!

The control signals should be measured directly at the D-SUB socket of the HV-supply by
means of a suitable adapter and a DC voltmeter. The pin assignment is as follows:

Pin 1: PWR_0V (GND)

Pin 2: V_IMON
Pin 3: Not connected
Pin 4: Not connected
Pin 5: PWR_+ (24V)
Pin 6: VSET_0V (GND)
Pin 7: V_VMON
Pin 8: V_VSET
Pin 9: Not connected

Control signal Range & function

V_VSET 0…5V = 0…-1250 V;
Nominal voltage input.
V_VMON 0…5V = 0…-1250 V;
Actual voltage output.
V_IMON 0…5V = 0…9,600 mA;
Actual current output.

Pin assignment of the HV-supply socket (9 pin D-SUB male):

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Checking scanner connector

Attention: Never remove or attach electrical connection from scanner motor to

controller without powering down the scanner controller!

The pin assignment of the D-SUB socket M0 is as follows:

Pin 1: Motor driver 1A

Pin 2: Motor driver 1B
Pin 3: Motor driver 2A
Pin 4: Motor driver 2B
Pin 5: GND
Pin 6: Reference switch B2 signal
Pin 7: +5V supply for switches
Pin 8: Not connected
Pin 9: End switch B1 signal

Control signal Range & function

End switch B1 0 V = end switch hit
5 V = end switch open
Coarse adjustment for scanner position
Reference switch B2 0 V = reference switch hit
5 V = reference switch open
Precision adjustment for scanner position

Pin assignment of the scanner motor socket M0 (9 pin D-SUB female):

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Optical indicators of instrument components

Plasma Generator

Fig. 11: Plasma generator indicators

• LED 1: Valve OK LED

o On: Interlock circuit closed, PG is ready.
o Off: Interlock circuit open, PG interlocked.

• LED 2: Source OK LED

o On: PG is ready for spark generation.
o Off: An error has occurred, PG disabled.

• LED 3: Power ON LED

o On: PG is generating sparks.
o Off: PG is standing by.

• LED 4: DMB communication indicator.

o Blinking: Communication is running.
o Off: Communication is interrupted.
o On: Communication has stopped, PG assumed safe mode.

• Trigger Out: Generates the trigger signal for the ROS and the SC.
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Scanner Controller

Fig. 12: Scanner controller indicators

• LED 1: DMB communication indicator.

o Blinking: Communication is running.
o On: Communication has stopped for more then 5 seconds.

• LED 2: Power supply indication. Constantly shining when system is on.

• Trigger In: Trigger signal input from PG.

• Trigger Out: Trigger signal output to ROS.

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System controller EK0014

Fig. 13: EK0014 indicators

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• LED 1: Power supply indication. Constantly shining when system is on.

• LED 2: DMB communication indicator.

o Blinking: Communication is running.
o Off (for less then 10 seconds): Communication has stopped.
o On: Communication has stopped for more then 10 seconds.

• LED 3: Over current protection (OCP) indicator.

o On: Normal operation.
o Off: Over current protection tripped. Cycle power to reset.

Over current protection circuit

The connectors ST17...20, ST7…10, ST21…23, ST3, ST4 & ST29 are protected against
over current. A short circuit or an overload on one of these connectors will trip the protection
and switch off all of them. Cycling supply power of the EK0014 after removing the defect will
reset the protection.

Fig. 14: EK0014 connectors

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HV-control & DMB-distribution board EK0612

Fig. 15: EK0612 indicators

• U1: DMB supply voltage indicator.

o On: DMB supply is working.
o Off: DMB supply failure.

• MASTER: DMB master station (EK0011) data transfer.

o Blinking: DMB master is transmitting data.
o Off: DMB master station is not initialized or disconnected.

• SLAVES: DMB slave stations (EK0014, PG, SC) data transfer.

o Blinking: DMB slave stations are transmitting data.
o Off: DMB slave stations are not responding.

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Ignition board EK0606

Fig. 16: EK0606 indicators

• LED 1: On = No dummy load

• LED 2: On = Interlock circuit closed

• LED 3: On = No serial resistor

• LED 4: On = Spark stand door is closed

• LED 5: On = +24V and +15V supply are present

• LED 6: On = 16V ignition supply is present

• K2: Interlock relay

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Troubleshooting system electronics

Error message diagnosis

The following pages present a number of error states displayed by the Diagnosis System.
The Instrument view of the Diagnosis System displays error states by colouring the
components concerned red. Pointing at the component with the mouse will then open a tool
tip, giving more detailed information.

Fig. 17: Diagnosis system side view

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Fig. 18: Diagnosis system front view

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Troubleshooting system electronics

• Instrument

Error Interpretation To do
Door is opened Protective door switch at spark Close the door;
stand is open. check the door switch and the wiring;
check EK0014 OCP.
Instrument Possible temperature sensor Check instrument internal
temperature malfunction. temperature;
> 50°C check sensor resistance value.
Instrument Possible temperature sensor Check instrument internal
temperature malfunction. temperature;
< -20°C check sensor resistance value.
Temperature High room temperature; Check room temperature;
deviates possible malfunction of the check instrument fan and wiring.
heavily from instrument fan.
nominal value.

• Component EK_0014

Error Interpretation To do
Device state: EK0014 reports illegal Check firmware version, older
0x0060 parameters. versions can not handle several
parameters introduced in the LAVM10.
Device state: EK0014 is not configured. Change revision date in the
0x009F SaiInst_IOController.cfg file; Save file
and initialize the software.
Device state: OCP of the EK0014 is tripped. Power down the instrument;
0x0098 remove all connections to the EK0014;
power up the instrument again;
check OCP LED: If off, replace
replace connections one by one,
watch the OCP LED: if it extinguishes,
check the last connection for electrical
deficiencies e. g. short circuit.
Device state: EK0014 power supply failure or Check EK0014 power supply;
Not connected lost DMB connection. check EK0014 DMB connection;
check EK0014 article code: should be

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• Component Plasma generator

Error Interpretation To do
Device state: Interlock circuit of the PG is Apply sample clamp;
Interlocked open. close spark stand door;
check interlock switch at spark stand
check PG interlock wiring and
check interlock relay on EK0606
Device state: PG is switched off or DMB Check SOURCE switch;
Not connected connection is lost. check PG power supply;
check PG DMB connection;
check EK0014 OCP;
check EK0014 power supply;
Unit is off! Source ON signal on EK0014 Switch on PG;
ST7 is missing. check Source ON wiring;
check EK0014 OCP;
Device state: Illegal source parameters Check method for illegal measure
0x0060 condition settings.
Device state: PG supply voltage error Check voltage readings:
0x0271 Main supply voltage deviation:
Check main 24V power supply,
possibly readjust.
Vdd supply voltage deviation:
Replace PG.
Device state: PG heat sink over-temperature Check heat sink temperature, possibly
0x0094 cool down PG;
If temperature exceeds 200°C replace
Device state: Spark or ignition failure Check sample and clamp for sufficient
0x0099 electrical contact; check electrical
connections and wiring of spark stand;
check EK0606, possibly replace.
Device state: Interlock relay malfunction on Check interlock relay (K2) on EK0606;
0x0072 EK0606 possibly replace EK0606
Device state: Spark electrode short circuit Check spark stand for short circuits;
0x0098 check control connection between PG
and EK0606 for wire fracture.

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Troubleshooting system electronics

• Component Optics

Error Interpretation To do
Temperature Possible temperature sensor Check optics temperature;
> 60°C malfunction or wire fracture. check sensor resistance value;
check sensor wiring.
Temperature Possible temperature sensor Check optics temperature;
< -80°C malfunction or short circuit in check sensor resistance value;
wiring. check sensor wiring.
Temperature Optics still cooling down; Check cooling system.
deviates possible malfunction of the
heavily from cooling system.
nominal value.
Pressure Possible pressure sensor Check optics pressure;
< 660 mbar malfunction or wire fracture; remove plug from the sensor and
possible EK0612 malfunction. check sensor power supply;
check sensor wiring;
check HV-supply switch;
check EK0612 power supply;
check wiring between EK0014 and
check sensor function.
Pressure Possible pressure sensor Check optics pressure;
> 1340 mbar malfunction; remove wiring between EK0014 and
possible EK0612 malfunction. EK0612 and see if pressure changes:
if so, replace EK0612;
check sensor function.

• Component Argon supply

Error Interpretation To do
Argon pressure Argon pressure switch is open. Check argon supply;
is too low check pressure switch and wiring;
check EK0014 OCP.

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Troubleshooting system electronics

• Component HV-supply

Error Interpretation To do
All voltages low Possible component 24V power Check HV-supply switch;
supply failure. check EK0612 power supply;
check 24V power wiring.
Single voltage Possible HV-supply Remove plug from the HV-supply
low malfunction, control wire concerned, check PWR_+ and
fracture or HV short circuit. V_VSET-signal;
Connect the plug and check
Check HV wiring and EK0701
Single current Possible HV-wire or control Check HV and control wiring
low wire fracture.
Single current Possible HV wire short circuit Check HV wiring and EK0701
at maximum

• Component Step motor

Error Interpretation To do
Device state: SC power supply failure or lost Check power supply wiring;
Not connected DMB connection. check DMB connection;
ensure jumpers are in the correct
Device state: Scanner did not reach end Check stepper connector and wiring;
0x0050 switch check scanner for mechanical failures.

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Troubleshooting system electronics

Error message box interpretation

The following pages present a number of error message boxes and give hints for possible

• Check component EK_0014 in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;

• Search for entry “IDE_ILLEGAL_PARAM” in the host logbook; locate the device that
caused the error;
• Error caused by PG: Check method for illegal measure conditions;
• Error caused by EK0014: Check firmware version;
• Error caused by SC: Check device configuration.

• Check component EK_0014 in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

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• Check component Plasma Generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;
• Check component EK_0014 in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

• Check component EK_0014 in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;

• Check component Step motor in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;
• Check error code parameter of the SC;
• Search for entry “IDE_STEP_OVERFLOW” in host logbook; if found, check connection
between scanner and controller, check scanner for mechanical failures.

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• Check component Instrument in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

• Check component Argon supply in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

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• Check component Plasma generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

• Check component Plasma generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

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• Check component Plasma generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

• Check component Plasma generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

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Troubleshooting system electronics

• Check component Plasma generator in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions.

• Check component EK_0014 in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;

• Search for entry “IDE_ILLEGAL_PARAM” in the host logbook; locate the device that
caused the error;
• Error caused by PG: Check method for illegal measure conditions;
• Error caused by EK0014: Check firmware version;
• Error caused by Stepper Controller: Check device configuration.

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• Check component Step motor in DS and refer to the error diagnosis instructions;
• Check wiring between Scanner and controller.

• Check trigger light signal at the EK0011;

• Check trigger output of PG;
• Check trigger output on SC;

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Troubleshooting system electronics

• Check DS for unconnected devices.

• Check DS for unconnected devices.

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