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- Front page (ASA University logo, Title of your research, then your name, exam roll, session)

... - 2nd page (Declaration – where you have to write these words - I certify that this research does not
incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any
university; and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any material previously published
or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text.
- 3rd page – table of content
- 4th page – list of tables [if have any]
- 5th page – list of figures [if have any]
- 6th page – list of chat [if have any]
- 7th page – Acknowledgement
- 8th page – abstract
- 9th page – abbreviation
- Then you start your Chapter 1 then next chapter and so on.
- After all the chapters – Appendix [ where you have to give your questionnaire]
- Then References [be consistent- either Cambridge/ APA/ Harvard ]
- Font – Times roman
- Font size -12 (if you use quote and make it indent then font size will be 11 and no line space. IF you use
footnote – font size will be 10)
- Line space [1.15 or 1.5 BUT be consistent]
- As you have to hard bound – therefore issue of Margin is important- Left side 4.5 CM, Top, Bottom and Right
side 2CM
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Justification
1.3 Objective of the Research Paper
1.4 Research Question (s)
1.4.1 Main Question
1.4.2 Sub Questions
1.5 Field Work and Research Methods
1.5.1 Research Area
1.5.2 Primary Data
1.5.3 Secondary Data
1.5.4 Basic Technique: Semi-structured Questionnaire/??
1.5.5 Complementary Techniques: Case Studies and Unstructured Interviews/??
1.5.6 Research Process
1.5.7 Data Processing
1.5.8 Limitations
1.6 Layout of the Chapters
Chapter 2
Literature Review – if you want you can use ‘Theory’
Chapter 3
Data analysis – based on primary and secondary data
Chapter 4
Conclusion [part one- findings and Part two – recommendations ]
NOTE : There can be more than 4-5-6 chapters – it depends!

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