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Musculoskeletal Tumors: How

to Use Anatomic, Functional, and
Reviews and Commentary 

Metabolic MR Techniques1

Laura M. Fayad, MD
Although the function of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
Michael A. Jacobs, PhD
in the evaluation of musculoskeletal tumors has traditionally
Xin Wang, PhD
been to help identify the extent of disease prior to treatment,
John A. Carrino, MD its role continues to evolve as new techniques emerge.
David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD Conventional pulse sequences remain heavily used and
useful, but with the advent of chemical shift imaging,
diffusion-weighted imaging, perfusion imaging and MR
Online CME spectroscopy, additional quantitative metrics have become
See available that may help expand the role of MR imaging to
include detection, characterization, and reliable assess-
Learning Objectives: ment of treatment response. This review discusses a mul-
After reading the article and taking the test, the reader will tiparametric approach to the evaluation of musculoskele-
be able to: tal tumors, with a focus on the utility and potential added
n List the additional information provided by diffusion- value of various pulse sequences in helping establish a di-
weighted and perfusion MR imaging and MR
spectroscopy for characterization of musculoskeltal agnosis, assess pretreatment extent, and evaluate a tumor
masses. in the posttreatment setting for recurrence and treatment
n Describe the ways in which diffusion-weighted response.
and dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and
MR spectroscopy can be used to assess treatment
response after neoadjuvant therapy prior to surgery of Supplemental material:
musculoskeletal masses. /suppl/doi:10.1148/radiol. 12111740/-/DC1
n List the pulse sequences that constitute a compre-​
hensive protocol for MR imaging of musculoskeletal
tumors. q
 RSNA, 2012

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 From the Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and
Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,
601 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21287 (L.M.F., M.A.J., X.W.,
J.A.C.); and Department of Radiology and Imaging Science,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md (D.A.B.).
Received September 19, 2011; revision requested October 26;
revision received December 8; accepted January 13, 2012;
final version accepted January 23. L.M.F. supported by the
AUR GE Radiology Research Academic Fellowship (2008),
SCBT-MR Young Investigator Award (2004), and the William
M. G. Gatewood Fellowship. Address correspondence to
L.M.F. (e-mail:

 RSNA, 2012

340  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

he role of magnetic resonance (MR) assessment of postsurgical residual or present in a growing tumor, such as
imaging in the evaluation of muscu- recurrent disease) (2–6). The advent changes in water content due to necrosis
loskeletal tumors continues to of chemical shift MR imaging (in-phase and hemorrhage or myxoid change or
evolve as newer pulse sequences and opposed-phase imaging), diffusion- changes in tumor oxygenation. There-
emerge. One of the most important roles weighted (DW) imaging, perfusion imag- fore, with treatment, changes in the T1
of MR imaging is in evaluating the ex- ing, and MR spectroscopy has advanced and T2 relaxation times in the tumor
tent of a musculoskeletal tumor for ac- the role of MR for characterizing le- compared with pretreatment levels are
curate treatment planning before sur- sions for malignancy and assessing le- naturally expected (8). In addition, differ-
gery. For this purpose, conventional MR sions after treatment. In this article, con- ences in basic tumor histologic character-
sequences are frequently entirely ade- ventional and advanced imaging pulse istics affect the appearance of musculo-
quate in defining the full extent of a sequences will be discussed as they re- skeletal tumors on T1- and T2-weighted
tumor, its relationship to the adjacent late to each of the roles MR imaging images. For example, lipomas will dem-
neurovascular bundle, and nearby joints plays in the assessment of musculoskel- onstrate signal intensity characteristics
(1). However, MR imaging may also be etal tumors. of fat, while myxoid tumors will gener-
used for the roles of detection, character- ally demonstrate signal intensity char-
ization, and assessment of a tumor after acteristics of fluid on nonenhanced T1-
Musculoskeletal Tumor Imaging and T2-weighted images. However, when
treatment (both after neoadjuvant ther-
Protocol Petterson et al (7) studied 54 sarcomas,
apy before surgery for the assessment of
treatment response and after surgery for No single imaging pulse sequence is suf- the T1 and T2 relaxation times were
ficient to provide all the information re- shown to be variable and nonspecific with
quired for the various roles MR imaging regard to histologic typing.
plays in the evaluation of musculoskel- Nevertheless, conventional T1-
nn For the detection of a musculo- etal lesions. Each pulse sequence, as weighted and fluid-sensitive MR se-
skeletal mass, whole-body imaging part of a comprehensive tumor imaging quences (fat-suppressed T2 weighted
has advanced the role of MR, and protocol (Table 1), may provide some or STIR) are of paramount importance
radiographically occult lesions— additional value for the assessment of a to the identification and delineation of
especially in the pelvis or spine— musculoskeletal lesion, whether for char- the extent of a musculoskeletal tumor.
may be detected by using MR. acterization, determination of extent, or In fact, for bone tumors, a nonen-
nn For the characterization of a posttreatment evaluation. Table 1 lists hanced true T1-weighted sequence is
musculoskeletal mass with MR, the sequences used at our institution; most important, because contrast be-
functional (diffusion-weighted the purpose of each is to provide ana- tween the marrow-replacing tumor
imaging, perfusion imaging), and tomic, functional, or metabolic informa- and the surrounding normal fatty
metabolic techniques (proton MR tion. The comprehensive protocol in its marrow is exquisitely optimized with
spectroscopy) may provide addi- entirety requires 60 minutes, 15 of which a T1-weighted sequence (Fig 1a) (9).
tional valuable information. are devoted to the performance of MR For soft-tissue tumors, given that skele-
spectroscopy. The techniques will be tal muscle is of intermediate signal in-
nn When evaluating for treatment
briefly described below in the order that tensity, contrast between tumor and sur-
response after neoadjuvant
they are performed for the tumor pro-
therapy and before surgery,
tocol at our institution. To decrease im-
contrast-enhanced static MR
aging time, if desired, only portions of
imaging is limited, because both Published online
the protocol may be performed, with
viable tumor and posttreatment 10.1148/radiol.12111740  Content codes:
the choice of sequences tailored to a
scar tissue enhance after con-
specific role that MR imaging needs to Radiology 2012; 265:340–356
trast agent administration.
fulfill for a given case.
nn To accurately determine the Abbreviations:
ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient
extent of a bone tumor before T1-weighted and Fluid-sensitive DW = diffusion weighted
surgery, a nonenhanced Sequences (Anatomic Techniques) STIR = short tau inversion recovery
T1-weighted MR image is Primary musculoskeletal tumors are a TWIST = time-resolved angiography with interleaved
essential. heterogeneous group of entities that have   stochastic trajectories
nn Chemical shift MR imaging, both variable signal intensity characteristics on Funding:
in phase and opposed phase, is a T1-weighted and fluid-sensitive images This research was supported by the National Institutes
fast imaging technique with (7). The T1 and T2 relaxation properties of Health (grants R01 CA118371, R01EB009367,
which a marrow-replacing tumor are not a consistently static feature of 2R01CA112163, NIH R01CA100184, P50CA103175,
5P30CA06973, P50CA88843, and U01CA140204).
can be identified and distin- tumors, because they are reflective of
D.A.B. is an employee of the National Institutes of Health.
guished from bone marrow changes in the tumor microenvironment
edema or hematopoietic marrow. due to many interacting factors that are Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012  n 341

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Table 1
Comprehensive 3-T MR Imaging Tumor Protocol
Pulse Sequence Utility* Relevant Parameters

T1 weighted Anatomic Repetition time msec/echo time msec, 790/15; section

  thickness, 5 mm; axial and sagittal planes
Fat-suppressed T2 weighted Anatomic 3600/70; section thickness, 5 mm; axial plane
STIR Anatomic 4000/19; section thickness, 6 mm; coronal plane
Chemical shift (in- and opposed-phase gradient Anatomic 170/2.5 and 5.6; section thickness, 6 mm; coronal or axial plane
  echo for bone lesions)
DW imaging with ADC mapping Functional 760/80; section thickness, 5 mm; b 5 50, 400, and 800 sec/mm2;
  axial plane
Proton MR spectroscopy Metabolic PRESS 2000/135; single voxel†
Unenhanced three-dimensional fat-suppressed T1 weighted Anatomic VIBE 4.6/1.4; flip angle, 9.5°; section thickness, 1 mm;
  (isotropic volumetric sequence) with reconstruction into other planes   coronal plane with axial and sagittal reconstructions
Time-resolved MR perfusion Functional TWIST 2.5/0.9; flip angle, 20°; field of view, 45 3 45 cm; usually
  coronal plane; temporal resolution, 10 sec for total of 5 min†
Delayed contrast agent–enhanced 3D fat-suppressed T1 weighted Anatomic VIBE 4.6/1.4; flip angle, 9.5°; section thickness, 1 mm; coronal
  (isotropic volumetric sequence) with reconstruction into other planes.   plane with axial and sagittal reconstructions
Subtraction images   Subtract unenhanced from contrast-enhanced images

Note.—ADC 5 apparent diffusion coefficient, PRESS 5 point-resolved spectroscopy, STIR 5 short tau inversion recovery, TWIST 5 time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories
(Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), VIBE 5 volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination.
* Refers to whether the sequence provides anatomic detail on tumor location and extent, functional information on tumor cellularity and effects on perfusion or diffusion in a tumor, or metabolic activity
through identification of metabolic markers of malignancy.

 Single voxel size for spectroscopy varies by lesion size with exclusion of adjacent muscle, bone, and fat.

Field of view varies by body part.

rounding normal skeletal muscle is often Figure 1 

not as pronounced on T1-weighted image
but is evident on fluid-sensitive im-
ages (Fig 2a, 2b). When producing
fluid-sensitive images, there is a choice
of whether to use a STIR or a fat-
suppressed T2-weighted sequence, and
although either of these pulse se-
quences is sufficient, STIR produces
more favorable contrast between fluid
and surrounding tissues (10,11). How-
ever, the introduction of the spectral
presaturation with inversion recovery,
or SPIR, technique with T2 weighting
may prove to be optimal (12).

Chemical Shift Imaging (Anatomic

Figure 1:  Osteosarcoma of the right femur in a 15-year-old girl. (a) Sagittal
Proton chemical shift MR imaging has T1-weighted MR image (370/10) shows complete replacement of normal fatty
been suggested as a valuable addition to a marrow signal intensity involving epiphysis and distal metadiaphysis of the right
standard MR imaging protocol for the femur. Images obtained with nonenhanced T1-weighted sequence best depict
study of the bone marrow in vivo (4,13– contrast between marrow-replacing tumor and normal fatty marrow for accu-
16). In the present article, chemical shift rately defining extent of the lesion. (b) Coronal fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR
imaging refers to in-phase and opposed- image (4000/66) shows perilesional bone marrow edema (short arrow), perios-
phased imaging (acquired with single or teal reaction (long arrows), and extension of tumor into adjacent soft tissues
separate sequences) (17), although it (arrowhead).

342  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

should be noted that chemical shift imag- Figure 2 

ing is sometimes used to describe spec-
troscopic imaging as well. In-phase and
opposed-phase imaging are based on the
principle of separately detecting protons
that precess with very similar yet slightly
different frequencies—namely, those of
water and fat—to identify areas of fatty
marrow replacement. When the protons
of fat and water are located within the
same voxel and are imaged while in
phase, they will be responsible for addi-
tive signal intensity on the image; but
when they are imaged in opposed phase,
they will be responsible for a decrease in
signal intensity on the image. In bone
marrow, therefore, where there is abun-
dant fatty marrow, a marrow-replacing
tumor will demonstrate no evidence of
decreased signal intensity on the opposed-
phase image compared with the in-phase
image (Figs 3, 4). Conversely, in a process
where fatty marrow is not replaced (such
as edema or red marrow mixed with yel-
low marrow), there will be a decrease in
signal intensity on the opposed-phase im-
age as compared with the in-phase image.
There have been a number of reports
regarding the utility of distinguishing be-
nign and malignant marrow processes by
using chemical shift MR imaging, mainly
by distinguishing whether the processes
contain fat. According to Zajick et al (4),
a 20% decrease in signal intensity on the
Figure 2:  Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma in an 81-year-old woman. Images
opposed-phase images relative to that on
were obtained (a–f) before and (g–l) after chemotherapy. (a) Axial T1-weighted
the in-phase images is a reliable quantita-
MR image (466/16) shows lesion as fairly isointense to skeletal muscle with rela-
tive metric for distinguishing benign from
tively subtle loss of normal muscle architecture. (b) Axial fat-suppressed T2-
malignant bone marrow in the spine. weighted MR image (3380/60) shows lesion to better advantage with good
Other researchers have found similar re- contrast resolution between mass and surrounding muscle. (c) ADC map shows
sults (13,16), but caution should be used low signal intensity in the mass and a range of ADCs from 0.9–1.1 3 1023 mm2/
in interpreting these studies. The utility sec. (d) Proton MR spectroscopy (point-resolved spectroscopy, 2000/135) shows
of chemical shift imaging is likely more discrete choline peak at 3.2 ppm (arrow). (e) Axial contrast-enhanced MR image
important in distinguishing a true mar- obtained at perfusion imaging (TWIST, 3.4/1.2) 20 seconds after contrast agent
row-replacing tumor from an infiltrative administration shows avid early arterial enhancement in the lesion, in keeping
process such as bone marrow edema, he- with its malignant nature. (f) Coronal delayed contrast-enhanced MR image (volu-
matopoietic marrow, or other infiltrative metric interpolated breath-hold examination, 4.1/1.5) obtained by subtracting
lesions rather than for strictly distin- nonenhanced from contrast-enhanced images shows enhancement throughout
guishing benign and malignant bone tu- the mass. This sequence, in addition to the T1-weighted and fluid-sensitive se-
mors. Also, one should remember that quences, also provides a good anatomic image for evaluating the lesion and its
the voxel of interest must contain both relationship to adjacent structures. (Fig 2 continues.)
lipid and water; hence, a benign tumor
such as a lipoma may show no decrease
in signal intensity on the opposed-phase DW Imaging (Functional Technique) phologic changes are analyzed, DW im-
images as compared with that on the in- Unlike traditional T1-weighted, fluid- aging is a method of functional imag-
phase images, even though the neoplasm sensitive, and chemical shift imaging, ing (18,19). DW imaging measures the
is benign. with which signal intensity and mor- brownian motion of water at a micro-

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HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Figure 2 (continued)

Figure 2: (continued)  Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma in an 81-year-old woman. Images were obtained (a–f) before and (g–l) after chemotherapy. (g) Axial T1-
weighted MR image (466/16) shows that lesion remains subtle although decreased in size and of slightly altered signal intensity compared with its pretreatment
appearance, now having slightly increased signal intensity relative to that of skeletal muscle. (h) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR image (3380/60) again shows
interval decrease in size of the mass, now with more heterogeneous signal intensity, as compared with pretreatment image. Signal intensity changes after treatment
are often identified and are not contributory toward interpretation of whether tumor has undergone treatment-related necrosis. (i) ADC map shows increased signal
intensity with range of ADCs of 1.6–2.2 3 1023 mm2/sec., a substantial difference compared with pretreatment images, suggesting interval treatment-related ne-
crosis. (j) Proton MR spectroscopy (point-resolved spectroscopy, 2000/135) shows interval marked decrease in choline peak at 3.2 ppm (arrow), now very close to
baseline noise level, also indicating that treatment-related necrosis has occurred. (k) Coronal contrast-enhanced MR image obtained at perfusion imaging (TWIST,
3.4/1.2) 20 seconds after contrast agent administration shows little if any arterial enhancement in the lesion, a substantial difference compared with the pretreatment
image. (l) Coronal delayed contrast-enhanced MR image (volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination, 4.1/1.5), obtained by subtracting unenhanced from con-
trast-enhanced images, now shows evidence of heterogeneous enhancement in the lesion. Final histologic examination after surgical resection revealed 90% treat-
ment-related sclerosis, 5% necrosis, and 5% viable tumor. In this case, contrast enhancement represents, in part, treatment-related sclerosis (scar tissue) rather than
viable tumor, but these two entities are indistinguishable on delayed contrast-enhanced studies, underscoring the need for perfusion examination when attempting to
evaluate treatment response.

scopic level and is sensitive to changes in bral fractures for the presence of under- water mobility, as compared with areas
the microdiffusion of water within the lying malignancy (24–26) and the charac- where tumor cellularity is maintained
intracellular and extracellular spaces (20). terization of soft tissue masses as benign (eg, nonresponsive tumors) (46).
There is relatively unimpeded water mo- or malignant (18,27–32). DW imaging With a DW sequence, water diffusiv-
tion in free extracellular water compared has also been used for characterizing ity is measured by applying diffusion
with intracellular water (21). Hence, changes in the surgical bed in patients sensitizing gradients to T2-weighted se-
restricted diffusion of water is ob- examined for evaluation of the possibility quences; DW images are interpreted by
served in tumors and has been attrib- of recurrent tumor (23). Furthermore, measuring the signal intensity decrease,
uted to the increased cellularity that DW imaging is well suited to the study of which is proportional to the free motion
restricts water motion. As such, DW a sarcoma after neoadjuvant therapy to of water molecules, with qualitative and
imaging is a measure of cellularity or cel- determine whether treatment-related ne- quantitative analyses. For a qualitative
lular integrity (22,23). crosis has occurred in a tumor (19,22,33– analysis, viable malignant tissue shows
Whereas DW imaging has been stud- 45). Where cytotoxic edema develops little loss of signal intensity on DW im-
ied in the central nervous system more (eg, in areas of treatment-related necro- ages obtained with successively heavier
extensively, there are reports of its use in sis with changes to the dependent sodi- diffusion weighting, whereas benign tis-
the evaluation of musculoskeletal tumors, um-potassium pumps across the cell sues or malignant tissues that have un-
including the characterization of verte- membrane), there will be increased dergone necrosis lose their signal inten-

344  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

sity with successively heavier diffusion Figure 3 

However, one of the best known pit-
falls of DW imaging is in relying on a
qualitative assessment of the signal in-
tensity in a tumor. It is well known that
the appearance of a tumor can be of
similar intensity to fluid (so-called T2
shine through) on T2-weighted images.
As such, it is essential to correlate qual-
itative findings with ADC maps, which
provide a quantitative assessment of
the diffusivity of the lesion. ADC quan-
tifies the combined effects of diffusion
and capillary perfusion and provides Figure 3:  Anatomic MR images in a 62-year-old
a measure of the flow and distance a man with metastatic disease show value of chemi-
water molecule moves in a tissue of in- cal shift imaging, as compared with delayed con-
terest. Hence, ADC is an established trast-enhanced imaging. (a) Axial
marker of tumor density or cellularity, gradient-recalled-echo in-phase (left: 10/4.4) and
such that a highly cellular region will opposed-phase (right: 10/2.2) MR images of the
have a low ADC (restricted water mo- pelvis are shown. There is low signal intensity
tion) and a poorly cellular region will throughout the pelvic bones on the in-phase image,
exhibit a high ADC (unrestricted water and it is difficult to distinguish normal hematopoietic
motion). ADC is calculated from tumor marrow in pelvic bones from tumor infiltrating
signal intensities acquired with different marrow on this image. Opposed-phase image
diffusion weightings (represented by b clearly shows there is no decrease in signal inten-
sity in right sacrum (short arrow) and left iliac bone
values). When visualizing an ADC map,
(long arrow), representing areas of metastatic
an area containing high ADCs will have
disease. Areas of signal drop-out (in left sacrum
increased signal intensity, whereas an
and right iliac bone) represent hematopoietic
area containing low ADCs will have cor- pecially when assessing for change after
marrow reconversion. (b) Axial static delayed con-
respondingly low signal intensity. Three treatment (18,23,39). trast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted image
diffusion weightings are used in our prac- (10/4.9) obtained 1 minute after injection again
tice: b values of 50, 400, and 800 sec/mm2, Proton MR Spectroscopy (Metabolic
shows tumor extent in pelvis (arrows), correlating
which help ensure an accurate ADC Technique) well with the opposed-phase image.
measurement. Proton MR spectroscopy is a means of
ADC mapping has been explored for molecular characterization of tumors
the differentiation of benign from ma- with MR, and, like DW imaging, carries
lignant lesions in the musculoskeletal the important advantage that it requires cell membranes that reflect cell mem-
system by exploiting potential differ- no intravenous contrast medium. Sig- brane turnover, a feature of malignancy.
ences in cellularity between benign and nals of water, lipid, and other metabo- Whereas proton MR spectroscopy has
malignant abnormalities (47). In addi- lites are acquired from a specific region been a more routine part of a tumor
tion, after any event that has caused a of interest with MR spectroscopy, and imaging protocol in the brain, it has re-
change in the amount of water within the metabolic “footprint” of that region cently been explored in the musculoskel-
a tissue, such as may be due to tumor is elucidated. Certain biochemicals that etal system (49–59).
growth, neovascularity, or tumor necro- have been established as markers of A description of MR spectroscopy
sis (19), changes in signal intensity on malignancy may be detected and pro- techniques along with their challenges
the DW images are naturally expected vide a noninvasive method to help dis- and limitations is beyond the scope of
(Fig 2c, 2i). In fact, in the brain, changes tinguish malignant from nonmalignant this article; however, the literature thus
on the DW images are visible before tissue. Results from previous studies far has supported the use of MR spec-
they can be seen on a T2-weighted im- have suggested that the metabolite cho- troscopy in the characterization of
age (48). Thus, although not fully estab- line, a composite spectral resonance musculoskeletal tumors for malignancy,
lished in the current literature at this consisting of free choline, phospho- preferably with quantitative rather than
time, there is a suggestion that DW im- choline, and glycerophosphocholine, is qualitative approaches to the assessment
aging with ADC mapping can impart elevated in malignant lesions. Choline- of choline content in a lesion (51,52,
valuable information when attempting containing compounds are constitu- 54,56–59). The authors of musculoskel-
to assess a musculoskeletal tumor, es- ents of the phospholipid metabolism of etal MR spectroscopy studies have been

Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012  n 345

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Figure 4 

Figure 4:  Anatomic MR images in a 40-year-old woman with back pain show added value of chemical shift imaging
in confirming neoplastic involvement of the marrow. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image (450/15) shows multiple sites
of abnormal signal intensity in the spine (short arrows) with fracture in the midthoracic spine (long arrow). (b) Sagittal
gradient-recalled-echo in-phase (left: 10/4.4) and opposed-phase (right: 10/2.2) MR images show obvious areas of
marrow-replacement, which were subsequently worked up and proved to be unsuspected metastatic breast cancer.
Marrow replacement is identified quantitatively as absence of a notable decrease in signal intensity on opposed-phase,
compared with in-phase, images—in this case, a decrease of less than 1%.

mostly qualitative in their assessment implemented at 3 T when possible, pri- are prescribed over a section or volume
of choline content, using choline peaks marily to enable optimal assessment of of interest and repeated several times
or qualitative ratios (51,52,57–59) rather metabolic content with MR spectroscopy. after intravenous contrast agent ad-
than absolutely quantitative measure- Figure 5 is an example of an indetermi- ministration, to exploit the contrast-
ments (53,56), a problem given that cho- nate soft-tissue mass assessed with MR enhancement properties of a tumor (81).
line is elevated in malignant as well as spectroscopy. A gadolinium-based contrast agent is
benign tumors (49–59). Because MR spec- usually injected intravenously at a rate
troscopic measurements are affected Perfusion MR Imaging (Functional of 2–5 mL/sec, and imaging takes place
by many imaging-related factors, qualita- Technique) with a temporal resolution of 5–30 sec-
tive imaging is limited in its reproducibility Perfusion imaging sequences are used for onds for approximately 3–7 minutes.
and its ability to provide a generalized providing insight into the vascularity of a The temporal resolution chosen for this
solution (54). Recent investigations at tumor and can be accomplished with a pulse sequence depends on the need
3 T (54,56) affirm the benefits of in- variety of pulse sequences, including DW for spatial resolution and field-of-view
creased signal available with 3-T MR sequences (31), unenhanced perfusion coverage; as greater spatial resolution or
and the feasibility of determining the sequences (60,61), and the most com- a larger volume of sections is desired,
absolute choline concentration at MR spec- monly implemented dynamic contrast- the temporal resolution will be reduced.
troscopy by using a water-referencing enhanced sequence (62–80). Perfusion In our practice, we choose to perform
method. These studies have shown that imaging with dynamic contrast-enhanced a highly time-resolved MR angiographic
choline concentrations are notably dif- MR imaging is the most popular tech- sequence known as TWIST (Fig 5).
ferent for benign and malignant muscu- nique at this time, since other techniques TWIST sequences use a spiral trajectory
loskeletal lesions, despite obvious limita- have not been well explored for musculo- that acquires k space from the center
tions with the water-referencing method skeletal tumors. to the periphery. TWIST relies on partial
(notably, unpredictable and variable water Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR im- k-space undersampling, with increased
content in a voxel of interest). Hence, aging is performed with fast (usually vol- sampling of the center of k space com-
in our practice, the tumor protocol is umetric) gradient-echo sequences that pared with the periphery of k space,

346  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Figure 5  to peak enhancement) (73,76,77,84).

Distinguishing patterns of enhancement
that have been associated with benign
and malignant musculoskeletal lesions
(77,81,84,85), mainly by assessing
the first-pass kinetics. Malignant lesions
generally show early rapid enhance-
ment (Fig 2e) and higher slopes of ar-
terial enhancement compared with
benign lesions, although this pattern is
not entirely specific, as shown in Figure
5. The latter was echoed in a report by
van Rijswijk et al (77), in which 32 of
67 benign soft tissue-tumors showed
rapid arterial enhancement.
In addition to the analysis of time-
intensity curves and enhancement pat-
terns over time, pharmacokinetic mod-
eling approaches to quantifying tumor
blood flow, tumor microvasculature, and
capillary permeability have been inves-
tigated and were shown to be potentially
useful (64,86–88), although such an ap-
proach has been more extensively stud-
ied in other organ systems (89). Specif-
ically, by incorporating the fractional
volume of the extracellular extravascular
space (ve), the transfer constant char-
acterizing extravasation of gadolinium-
containing agents from the plasma
(Ktrans) and the transfer constant char-
acterizing reflux of gadopentetate
Figure 5:  Proton MR spectroscopy and functional imaging in a 61-year-old man with a soft-tissue mass. dimeglumine from the extravascular ex-
The patient was referred for biopsy due to suspicious imaging features. (a) Proton MR spectroscopic imaging
tracellular compartment into the plasma
(point-resolved spectroscopy, 2000/135) with single voxel (rectangular outline) in the heterogeneous mass
compartment (kep 5 Ktrans/ve) have
shown on coronal STIR and contrast-enhanced MR images shows no detectable choline peak. (b) Multiple
been proposed as useful quantitative
coronal MR images from a dynamic contrast-enhanced study obtained at 10, 30, 60 and 90 seconds after
injection (TWIST, 3.4/1.2) and time-intensity curve show the mass to be markedly heterogeneous with ag-
parameters for the assessment of tu-
gressive features, including arterial enhancement. However, the contrast enhancement patterns of benign mor perfusion (86).
and malignant lesions can overlap. In this case, negligible choline content at MR spectroscopy was consis- Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR im-
tent with the histologic diagnosis of benign degenerated cystic schwannoma, which was confirmed after aging with pharmacokinetic modeling
surgical resection. has been hampered by the fact that it
is relatively cumbersome and requires
postprocessing time; however, with the
which thereby accentuates image con- ment. Later, capillary permeability and advent of more advanced and accessi-
trast rather than fine detail, an advantage enhancement of the interstitial space ble postprocessing software, pharmaco-
when attempting to identify areas of con- account for the plateau, washout, or kinetic modeling may become a main-
trast enhancement compared with nonen- postarterial increase in enhancement. stream approach to the assessment of
hancing tissue within a tumor (82,83). Therefore, observation of the pattern of musculoskeletal tumors. In addition,
Analysis of a dynamic contrast- enhancement over time on a time-intensi- early in its introduction dynamic con-
enhanced MR imaging study has been ty curve provides insight into the vascu- trast-enhanced MR imaging had been
accomplished by using a variety of post- lar pharmacokinetics of a tumor that can performed as a single-section tech-
processing methods, typically with the be assessed qualitatively (with charac- nique, rather than as a volumetric ac-
creation of time-intensity curves from terization of the enhancement pattern) quisition (90). Single-section dynamic
a region of interest. At the first pass, or quantitatively (with calculation of vari- contrast-enhanced MR imaging pro-
tissue microvascularization and perfu- ous pharmacokinetic parameters such vides data regarding a single section
sion account for any early enhance- as the mean arterial slope or the time and only a portion of the tumor.

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HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Hence, because sarcomas tend to be ion, one of the most important roles terization of a musculoskeletal lesion,
heterogeneous and large, it has been for MR is in determining the extent of MR imaging by itself often lacks ade-
shown for single-section dynamic con- disease prior to treatment, (by using the quate specificity. On the basis of re-
trast-enhanced MR imaging that no anatomic sequences described earlier), sults from various studies (2,3,93,94),
significant correlation is present be- detection, characterization, and post- it is estimated that the ability of MR im-
tween perfusion parameters and total treatment assessment will be discussed. aging to characterize lesion histologic
tumor necrosis in patients who have un- Table 2 summarizes the role of MR in characteristics is quite low, often less
dergone chemotherapy (73). It is im- musculoskeletal tumor evaluation. than 50%. This is especially true when
perative, therefore, that the entire tu- lipomas and cysts are excluded from the
mor volume be analyzed with regard to Detection analysis (95). Delayed contrast-enhanced
perfusion dynamics. As such, a TWIST It is not uncommon for musculoskeletal MR imaging has been studied for the
sequence is used at our institution for lesions to be incidentally detected on characterization of lesions, mainly for
dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging imaging studies obtained for other rea- distinguishing benignity and malig-
with a 10-second resolution for 5 mi- sons. For the purpose of detection of a nancy, and has shown some promise
nutes. A composite image of the entire symptomatic lesion, MR imaging is not (85,96). Malignant lesions tend to show
imaged volume is constructed that shows typically a first-line test. A soft-tissue mass arterial phase enhancement, compared
the contrast-enhancement pattern of the commonly comes to light because of its with benign lesions. However, in one
tumor over time; from these latter data, palpable nature and is found either by the study, observers were able to improve
time-intensity curves may be produced patient or by the clinician at physical their ability to characterize lesions for
and analyzed. examination. For a bone lesion, bone malignancy to only 48% at best (77).
pain often prompts a visit to the clini- This is indeed unfortunate, because pa-
Delayed Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted cian, and a subsequent radiograph will tients with benign musculoskeletal masses
MR Imaging (Anatomic Technique) commonly enable detection of the ab- present to orthopedic clinics 100 times
Following the dynamic perfusion sequence, normality for the first time. For the ax- more frequently than do those with ma-
which yields lower spatial resolution and ial skeleton, however, in areas such as lignant lesions (97,98). Even at tertiary
greater time resolution, performance of a the sacrum and pelvic bones, lesions may care centers, which have centralized sar-
delayed contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed be radiographically occult and are not coma centers, at least half of biopsies
T1-weighted sequence, which produces uncommonly detected for the first time performed on musculoskeletal lesions
higher spatial resolution, is advised to at MR imaging. With the advent of whole- show a benign origin (99). The latter
obtain a contrast-enhanced anatomic body MR imaging, MR may become a underscores the inability of current im-
image (Fig 2f, 2l). This can be performed widespread first-line tool for the detec- aging techniques to enable a specific diag-
as a spoiled gradient-echo sequence tion of metastatic disease, and it is cur- nosis, although the decision regarding
or spin-echo type of sequence, typically rently performed at some centers (Fig 6). biopsy of a benign lesion is also based
with a 3–5 minute delay after contrast Whole-body imaging has been studied on factors unrelated to the imaging ap-
agent administration and completion of as an alternative to bone scintigraphy pearance, such as the clinical presenta-
the perfusion sequence. In our practice, for the detection of metastatic disease tion and anxiety level of the patient.
a gradient-echo sequence of isotropic to the skeleton. DW imaging has re- In a small number of pathologic con-
resolution is performed in the coronal cently been added to whole-body proto- ditions, the MR features of the lesion on
plane, and that data set is subsequently cols and has been shown to be equiva- conventional anatomic images are suffi-
reconstructed into the other two planes. lent to bone scintigraphy for the ciently specific to allow a histologic di-
Fat suppression is applied to augment purpose of staging (91,92), although, in agnosis. For example, simple lipomas
contrast between an enhancing tumor one study more lesions were detected are diagnosed by comparing the signal
and surrounding structures. In addi- with whole-body DW imaging than with intensity of the lesion on fat-suppressed
tion, subtraction images, which are con- scintigraphy (92). and non–fat-suppressed images. Cystic
structed by subtracting the unenhanced lesions, such as soft-tissue ganglia and
images from the contrast-enhanced im- Characterization synovial cysts or bone cysts, which may
ages, further maximize contrast between After detection of a musculoskeletal le- have variable internal signal intensity
an enhancing tumor and the surround- sion, the next step in the management on T1-weighted and fluid-sensitive im-
ing tissues. of the lesion is determination of ages, are diagnosed on the basis of a
whether the lesion is benign or malig- lack of contrast enhancement inter-
nant and, subsequently, whether it nally. As such, T1- and T2-weighted
Role of MR Imaging in Musculoskeletal should be referred for biopsy to deter- images are insufficient for diagnosing a
Tumor Evaluation mine its histologic characteristics. Al- cyst. In addition, caution is necessary for
MR is used for a variety of indications though the clinical features and findings apparent “cysts” that contain thick sep-
in the evaluation of musculoskeletal tu- from radiography and other imaging tations or focal nodularity, because
mors. Although, in the authors’ opin- tests certainly play a role in the charac- these features may indicate malignancy.

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HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Table 2
MR Applications in Musculoskeletal Tumor Evaluation
Application and Technique Utility

   NonenhancedT1-weighted and fluid-sensitive imaging Identification of skeletal lesion
   Whole-body imaging Detection of multiple lesions or metastatic disease
   Chemical shift Imaging Distinguish marrow edema or red marrow from tumor
  Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging Distinguish cyst from solid mass
   Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging Distinguish malignant from benign lesions on basis of contrast-enhancement patterns
  DW imaging Distinguish malignant from benign lesions on basis of ADCs
  MR spectroscopy Distinguish malignant from benign lesions on basis of choline content
Determination of extent
  Nonenhanced T1-weighted imaging Use contrast difference between lesion and normal tissue to delineate extent
After neoadjuvant therapy
   Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging Viable tumor identified with rapid arterial enhancement
  DW imaging Viable tumor identified on basis of low ADC
  MR spectroscopy Identify viable tumor on basis of elevated choline content
After surgery
   Nonenhanced T1-weighted fluid-sensitive imaging Recurrent disease identified on basis of architectural distortion
  Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging Recurrent disease identified on basis of masslike enhancement
   Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging Recurrent disease identified on basis of rapid arterial enhancement
  DW imaging  Recurrent disease identified on basis of low ADCs
  MR spectroscopy Recurrent disease identified on basis of elevated choline content

Necrotic regions within a tumor and sions overlap, although malignant le- faction, and enhance early and rapidly
hematomas will also demonstrate cys- sions are generally more likely to have a in the arterial phase (Fig 2). Because of
tic features. True cysts must have thin heterogeneous appearance (100). the latter property, dynamic contrast-
rims and simple septations without ir- Second, intravenous contrast mate- enhanced MR imaging is a favored tech-
regularity or nodularity. For entities rial allows the simple differentiation of nique to be used in the routine char-
such as simple cysts and lipomas, the a cyst from a solid lesion in both the acterization of musculoskeletal tumors
use of functional and metabolic tech- skeleton and the soft tissues. If the lesion but is not performed at all institutions
niques is not necessary. fails to enhance after contrast agent ad- (77,85,96,101,102). The administration
However, a lesion is commonly iden- ministration, it is deemed a cyst; if the of intravenous contrast material is also
tified at MR imaging but has features lesion enhances with contrast agent ad- useful for directing biopsies toward
on the anatomic images that lack suffi- ministration, it is regarded as a solid areas of contrast enhancement rather
cient specificity for enabling a diagno- lesion. Once again, as with conventional than areas of necrosis.
sis. In such cases, there are some general unenhanced anatomic imaging, there Third, as already discussed, chemi-
trends to keep in mind with regard to is much overlap between enhancement cal shift imaging is useful for differen-
imaging characteristics on anatomic, func­ characteristics of benign and malignant tiating a true marrow-replacing tumor
tional, and metabolic images. First, with lesions, although there are some general from bone marrow edema, hemato-
conventional unenhanced T1-weight- rules to apply. Malignant lesions usually poietic marrow, or other infiltrative pro-
ed and fluid-sensitive sequences, the enhance heterogeneously with contrast cesses in the skeleton (4,13–16).
MR features of benign and malignant le- enhancement, show evidence of lique- Chemical shift imaging is most helpful

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HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

Figure 6  number of authors have used DW imag- specificity for identifying those benign
ing to distinguish benign and malignant lesions that are metabolically active (with
entities (27,30,31,104). For example, detectable choline levels).
Namimomoto et al (29) showed that
leiomyomas could be distinguished Determination of Extent of Disease
from leiomyosarcomas on the basis of Following characterization of a muscu-
ADCs, with an ADC of less than 1 3 1023 loskeletal tumor as malignant, an impor-
mm2/sec as a threshold for defining ma- tant role that MR plays in evaluating
lignancy, although this work refers to musculoskeletal lesions is in the identi-
soft-tissue tumors in the gynecologic fication of the extent of the tumor prior
system. Some authors have studied the to surgery. This role is, in fact, easily
differentiation of different histologic fea- accomplished with conventional T1-
tures of primary malignant lesions (32) weighted and fluid-sensitive sequences.
and some have suggested that bone For bone tumors, as discussed by Vogler
masses showing poor contrast enhance- and Murphy (105) in 1988, a true T1-
ment and prolonged T2 can be evaluated weighted sequence is one of the most
with quantitative DW imaging (27). important sequences needed to help eval-
Caution should be exercised, however, uate the bone marrow. Because adult
when using DW imaging for charac- marrow is heavily composed of fat, nor-
terization, because an overlap in the mal marrow will be of increased signal
diffusion properties has been identified intensity on T1-weighted images. A tu-
within benign and malignant soft-tis- mor is very simply identified by its com-
sue tumors (18) and in particular, be- plete replacement of normal fatty marrow
nign and malignant myxoid lesions (Fig 1a) which is darker than skeletal
(28). In general, the lower the ADC in muscle. It is quite important to ensure
a lesion, the higher the likelihood of that a true T1 weighted sequence is per-
malignancy. It should also be remem- formed rather than an intermediate-
bered that in a large or heterogeneous weighted image, which will contain con-
mass, multiple regions of interest tributions from both T1 and T2
should be analyzed within the mass to relaxation properties of the lesion and
search for areas of lowest ADC (high will not optimize contrast between the
cellularity). lesion and normal marrow. In patients
Finally, MR spectroscopy is an emerg- with hematopoietic marrow reconver-
ing technique that has recently been sion, as is often seen with smokers,
applied to the characterization of mus- obese patients, and those with anemia, it
culoskeletal tumors. A systematic review is helpful to have criteria for distin-
of the literature in which a pooled anal­ guishing hematopoietic marrow from
ysis of 122 untreated musculoskeletal tumor infiltration. Hematopoietic mar-
lesions reported in the literature was row is typically ill defined and of higher
analyzed reveals that using the pres- signal intensity than adjacent skeletal
ence of detectable choline within a lesion muscle on a true T1-weighted image.
Figure 6:  Metastatic breast cancer in has a sensitivity of 88% and specificity When there is dense hematopoietic
53-year-old woman evaluated with whole- of 68% for malignancy (51,52,54,56– marrow reconversion and it is unclear
body MR imaging. Coronal whole-body 59), while the use of a quantitative ap- whether a tumor is present in the mar-
fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR image proach to MR spectroscopy results row, a second simple and quick imag-
(5000/87) shows several sites of metastatic (measurement of choline concentra- ing technique, chemical shift imaging,
disease in the left iliac and acetabular bones tion) carried a specificity between should be performed, which often pro-
(short arrows) and liver (long arrows). 90% and 100%, depending on the vides valuable information, as shown
threshold concentration that was used in Figure 3. Chemical shift imaging is a
for differentiating benign from malig- (54,56). At this time, the utility of MR fairly reliable means of distinguishing a
nant fractures in the spine (Fig 4) and spectroscopy lies with its high negative marrow-replacing lesion from a non–
can similarly be used in the extremities predictive value: If no choline is de- marrow-replacing region and carries a
for differentiating stress fractures from tectable in a tumor, it is likely to be sensitivity of 85%–95% and specificity
pathologic fractures (103). benign. And, as various quantitative of 80%–95% for this purpose (4,13,16).
Fourth, DW imaging has been used methods are validated, MR spectros- One of the main pitfalls of using chemi-
for the purpose of characterization. A copy may prove to yield additional cal shift imaging is that it often has a low

350  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

signal-to-noise ratio as a two-dimensional comas, the relationship between histo- A static contrast-enhanced exami-
gradient echo sequence. Hence, it is best logic necrosis and outcome has been nation does not provide adequate detail
used in combination with a T1-weight- well established, with necrosis greater regarding the percentage of necrosis
ed spin-echo sequence, which provides than 90%–95% required for a good pa- in a tumor after treatment. Although the
a greater signal-to-noise ratio and ana- tient outcome (106,107). For soft-tissue static contrast-enhanced study appears
tomic detail. sarcomas, the relationship of histologic to show nonenhancement in many pa-
With regard to bone tumors, fluid- tumor necrosis to patient outcome has tients who have not responded to treat-
sensitive sequences with fat-suppressed not been as well explored, although ment, the static study can be misleading,
T2-weighted imaging or STIR imaging Eilber and colleagues (108,109) have because it has been observed that sar-
help define periarticular bone marrow shown a good outcome in patients with comas show pathologic treatment re-
edema, periosteal reaction, and exten- 95% necrosis. sponse in the form of hyaline fibrosis,
sion into the surrounding soft tissues Unfortunately, histologic necrosis can necrosis, and granulation tissue (112).
(Fig 1b). This is important for defining only be determined after surgery. As As such, differentiation of viable tumor
how aggressive the lesion is, rather than such, it would be beneficial to have a from fibrosis and granulation tissue can
defining its extent, in our opinion. As al- presurgical measure of response with im- be difficult on static contrast-enhanced
ready discussed, for soft-tissue tumors aging. Predicting treatment response images, given that fibrosis and granula-
the fluid-sensitive sequences frequently prior to surgery could result in an alter- tion tissue usually also enhance with
allow the lesion to become more con- ation of the chemotherapy regimen for intravenous contrast agent administra-
spicuous. the patient, a change in the timing of tion. Erlemann et al (65) echoed this con-
For soft-tissue tumors or those with surgery and possibly the extent of sur- cern and showed that static MR imag-
soft-tissue extension, contrast material gery. Currently, response is measured ing is of little value in the determination
is routinely administered, although pri- by using RECIST (Response Evaluation of treatment response. As described
marily for characterization purposes (to Criteria In Solid Tumors, which simply earlier, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR
help distinguish cystic from solid soft- use the longest dimension of the lesion as imaging is a technique that exploits the
tissue lesions) rather than for defining a quantitative metric), the Choi criteria contrast enhancement pattern in a tu-
the extent. With unenhanced imaging, (which incorporates density and longest mor over time. With dynamic contrast-
encasement of the neurovascular bun- dimension of the lesion as quantitative enhanced MR imaging, the differentia-
dle can be identified, although vascular mea­sures), and the recently proposed tion of rapidly enhancing viable tumor
patency is best assessed with contrast- but not fully explored PERCIST (PET from slowly enhancing inflammation
enhanced techniques or angiography Response Criteria in Solid Tumors, and fibrosis is possible. In our practice,
sequences. which incorporate positron emission we perform the time-resolved TWIST
tomographic imaging results into the sequence, which provides a volumetric
prediction of response) (110,111). view of contrast enhancement over time
Posttreatment Assessment With conventional MR imaging, size in the entire tumor. With this sequence,
There are two settings in which MR and signal intensity changes are most a qualitative analysis of the images will
imaging is utilized in the assessment of commonly used to predict treatment demonstrate the presence or absence of
primary musculoskeletal tumors follow- response but have not been shown to viable tumor on the early arterial phase
ing treatment. First, after neoadjuvant be reliable for determining the effects contrast-enhanced images; a quantita-
chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy of treatment (112). The limitations of tive analysis can also be performed and
(before surgery), MR imaging is used conventional pulse sequences are related pharmacokinetic parameters deter-
to define the extent of the lesion after to the multiple scenarios that can occur mined, although in our practice this
treatment and to help determine treat- after neoadjuvant therapy: A mass can may not done routinely due to con-
ment response. Second, MR imaging is remain stable in size due to nonresponse straints on time and practicality.
used after surgery to distinguish post- or it may increase in size due to non- Another technique that has been ex-
operative fibrosis and inflammation from response; alternatively, it may increase plored for determining treatment re-
residual or recurrent tumor. in size due to hemorrhage or it may de- sponse is DW imaging. The analysis of
crease in size due to response. Hence, DW imaging data for this application
Prediction of Treatment Response signal intensity and size changes can be should not be qualitative but rather rely
Following Neoadjuvant Therapy highly variable and are not a robust on quantitative changes between the
The percentage of tumor necrosis seen measure of whether treatment necrosis pretreatment and posttreatment images
at histologic examination (after surgical has occurred (50). Therefore, for the with measurement of the ADCs. Several
resection) has been shown to be the prediction of treatment response, intra- reports have addressed the utility of DW
most reliable factor in predicting treat- venous contrast material is universally imaging in the assessment of treatment
ment response (and ultimately patient given and, as discussed above, may be response and have shown that ADCs
survival and risk of local recurrence) in administered for a static or dynamic ex- correlate well with response in primary
patients with sarcoma. For bone sar- amination. bone sarcomas in human patients

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HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

(36,39,80,113) and in animal models Figure 7 

(35,40,43). In soft-tissue sarcomas
(18,22,45), ADC changes have been
shown to correlate with tumor volume
(22) and treatment response (18,45)
(Fig 2).
One of the challenges in sarcoma
imaging is the need to image the entire
lesion. Often, an average ADC from a
large tumor is used to show whether
posttreatment necrosis has occurred,
but this may mask substantial changes
in portions of the tumor; Oka et al (39)
showed that minimum ADC correlates
with response better than average ADC
does. At this time, an ADC threshold
for differentiating a treatment responder
from a nonresponder has not been rig-
idly determined, but it is likely that a
change in posttreatment from pretreat-
ment ADCs signifies some measure of
Finally, MR spectroscopy has been
used in other organ systems to assess
treatment response (114–117) but re-
quires further study in the musculoskel-
etal system. MR spectroscopy may be
Figure 7:  67-year-old woman with recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma. The
used to assess posttreatment levels of
advantages of functional techniques over anatomic imaging are highlighted. (a) Axial
metabolite markers of malignancy, fat-suppressed T2 weighted image (TR/TE 3560/64) shows a relatively low to interme-
compared with their pretreatment diate signal area of signal abnormality in the surgical bed (rectangle) with surrounding
levels, to gauge whether treatment-re- postoperative inflammation. (b) Axial T1 weighted image (TR/TE 580/20) shows archi-
lated necrosis has occurred (Fig 2). tectural distortion suspicious for a recurrent mass. (c) ADC map shows a low signal
When choline levels decline to undetect- intensity region with ADC value of 0.4, highly suspicious for recurrent tumor. (d) Finally,
able levels in a tumor, it is likely that a contrast-enhanced coronal view from a DCE-MR imaging study (shown here at 20
substantial necrosis has occurred (55). seconds) shows the neovascularity of the recurrent tumor to best advantage.

Assessment of Postsurgical Site for

Recurrent or Residual Disease with a recurrent tumor, which is not well for recurrent or residual disease. As is
After surgery, the goal of MR imaging is seen on fluid-sensitive images (Fig 7b). the case with remaining viable tumor
to assess the surgical site for the pos- Hence, when a recurrent tumor is pre- after neoadjuvant therapy, recurrent
sibility of recurrent or residual tumor. sent, it can be fairly obvious on non- or residual viable tumor after surgery
Unfortunately, postoperative inflamma- enhanced images. However, smaller or is sought in our practice on a dynamic
tion and fibrosis are present in the sur- more subtle recurrences require con- contrast-enhanced MR imaging study.
gical bed and may share many of the trast material administration. In addi- Recurrent or residual tumor generally
same characteristics as tumor on con- tion, postoperative inflammation or enhances early and rapidly, while post-
ventional MR images, because they can fibrosis can appear masslike. As such, treatment inflammation and fibrosis en-
occasionally appear masslike (5). As intravenous contrast material is rou- hance gradually over time (Fig 7c). DW
such, it has been shown that only in the tinely administered to help detect re- imaging has also been studied for the
absence of abnormal T2-weighted sig- currence in the surgical bed when non- purpose of distinguishing different tis-
nal intensity can one comfortably rule enhanced T2-weighted images show sue types in the surgical bed, includ-
out the presence of recurrent tumor signal intensity abnormalities (119). At ing edema, hygromas, and recurrent tu-
(118,119), although, uncommonly, a sar- our institution, a dynamic contrast- mors (23). Often, in our experience, a
coma recurrence may be of low signal enhanced MR imaging study, as well as recurrent tumor is identified by using an
intensity on T2-weighted images. A T1- a delayed contrast-enhanced T1-weighted anatomic image or a dynamic contrast-
weighted study is also useful for show- study, is routinely acquired for the pur- enhanced MR study. The DW image
ing architectural distortion associated pose of assessing the postsurgical site then provides additional characterization

352  n  Radiology: Volume 265: Number 2—November 2012

HOW I DO IT: Anatomic, Functional, and Metabolic MR of Musculoskeletal Tumors Fayad et al

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