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HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack

Captain 74 74 0 Aggressor 21 21 0 Assault

Captain Cataphractii 126 95 31 Apothecary 55 55 0 Assualt Jump Pack
Captain Gravis 102 90 12 Cataphractii Terminator 30 26 4 Attack Bike
Captain Terminator 105 95 10 Cenobyte Servitors 2 2 0 Bike
Captain Bike 98 88 10 Centurion Assault 53 53 0 Inceptor
Captain Jump Pack 93 93 0 Chapter Ancient 72 72 0 Land Speeder
Chaplain 72 72 0 Chapter Champion 60 60 0 Scout Bike
Chaplain Terminator 100 90 10 Company Ancient 63 63 0 Land Speeder Tempest
Chaplain Jump Pack 90 90 0 Company Champion 40 40 0 Tarantula Sentry Gun
Libraian 88 88 0 Company Veteran 16 14 2 Tarantula Air Defence Batt
Libraian Terminator 120 102 18 Contemptor Dreadmought 98 88 10 Deathstorm Drop Pod
Libraian Jump Pack 112 112 0 Dreadnought 70 60 10
Lieutenants 60 60 0 Honor Guard 21 21 0 Heavy Support
Lieutenants Jump Pack 78 78 0 Ironclad Dreadnought 80 70 10 Centurion Devastaors
Primaris Captain 87 78 9 Primaris Ancient 69 69 0 Devastator
Primaris Chaplain 85 77 8 Primaris Apothecary 68 68 0 *Armorium Cherub
Primaris Libraian 93 93 0 Redemptor Dreadnought 140 105 35 Hellblaster
Primaris Lieutenants 70 70 0 Reiver 18 18 0 Hunter
Techmarine 45 45 0 Servitors 2 5 -3 Land Raider
Chaplain Venerable Dread 120 120 0 Sternguard Veterans 16 14 2 Land Raider Cursader
Damocles Command Rhin 120 120 0 Tartaros Terminator 26 23 3 Land Rainder Redeemer
Terminator Assault 26 23 3 Predator
Troops Old New Dif Terminator 26 23 3 Stalker
Crusader 13 13 0 Vanguard Veterans 16 14 2 Terhmarine Guner
*Neophyte 11 11 0 Vanguard Veterans Jump P 18 17 1 Thunderfire Cannon
Intercessor 18 17 1 Venerable Dreadnought 90 80 10 Vindicator
Scouts 11 11 0 Deimos Pattern Relic Pred 90 90 0 Whirlwind
Tactical 13 13 0 Relic Sicaran Battle Tank 155 155 0 Teminus Ultra
Relic Sicaran Venator Tan 170 170 0 Daimos Pattern Vindicator
Relic Sicaran Punisher Ass 155 155 0 Relic Land Raider Proteus
Relic Contemptor Dreadno 135 110 25 Land Raider Helios
Relic Deredeo Dreadnough 135 120 15 Land Raider Prometheus
Relic Javelin Attack Speed 110 110 0 Land Rainder Achilles
Relic Whirlwind Scorpius 175 175 0 Mortis Dreadnought
Siege Dreadnought
Contemptor Mortis Dreadn
Relic Leviathan Dreadnou
Whirlwind Hyperios
Rapier Carrier
Space Marine Gunners
Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Named Characters Old New Dif
13 13 0 Stormhawk Interceptor 85 85 0 Captain Lysander 150 130 20
16 15 1 Stormraven Gunship 192 192 0 Captain Sicarius 132 110 22
35 25 10 Stormtalon Gunship 110 110 0 Chaplain Cassius 98 85 13
25 21 4 Xiphon Interceptor 110 110 0 Chaplain Grimaldus 120 90 30
25 25 0 Storm Eagle Assault Gunsh 210 210 0 Chief Libraian Tigurius 130 115 15
70 50 20 Storm Eagle Assault Gunsh 253 253 0 The Emperor's Champion 75 75 0
23 21 2 Fire Raptor Assault Gunsh 280 280 0 High Marshal Helbrecht 170 150 20
95 95 0 Caestus Assault Ram 250 250 0 Kayvaan Shrike 150 150 0
20 20 0 Kor'sarro Khan 107 90 17
70 70 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Marneus Calgar 200 200 0
160 160 0 Drop Pod 83 63 20 Pedro Kantor 170 150 20
Land Speeder Storm 70 70 0 Roboute Guilliman 400 400 0
Old New Dif Razorback 70 70 0 Sergeant Chronus 40 30 10
80 40 40 Repulsor 210 185 25 Sergeant Telion 75 65 10
13 13 0 Rhino 70 70 0 Vulkan He'stan 154 135 19
5 5 0 Infernum Patter Razorback 70 70 0 Lord High Commander Car 200 200 0
18 18 0 Lucius Pattern Dreadnoug 80 80 0 Lugft Huron 215 215 0
90 80 10 Armenneus Valthex 140 140 0
239 200 39 Super Heavy Old New Dif Captain Corien Sumatris 145 145 0
244 200 44 Relic Spartan Assault Tank 320 320 0 Arch Centurion Carnax C 85 85 0
244 180 64 Relic Typhon Heavy Siege 720 720 0 Lord Asterion Moloc 200 200 0
90 90 0 Relic Cerberus Heavy Tank 680 680 0 Chaplain Ivanus Enkomi 95 95 0
75 75 0 Relic Fellblade Super Hea 740 740 0 Magister Sevrin Loth 140 140 0
26 26 0 Relic Falchion Super Heav 840 840 0 Tyberos the Red Wake 205 205 0
55 55 0 Relic Mastodon Super Heav 934 934 0 Chaplain Dreadnought Titu 170 170 0
125 125 0 Thunderhawk Assault Gun 1330 1330 0 Lieutenant Commander An 115 115 0
70 70 0 Thunderhawk Transporter 1000 1000 0 Captain Tarnus Vale 120 120 0
250 250 0 Sokar Pattern Stormbird 2000 2000 0 Lias Issodon 195 195 0
183 183 0 Malakim Phoros 205 205 0
264 225 39 Fortification Old New Dif Captain Mordaci Blaylock 135 135 0
252 215 37 Castellum Stronghold 550 550 0 Captain Pellas Mirsan 130 130 0
290 250 40 Brayarth Ashmantle 400 400 0
270 230 40 Harath Shen Master Apothe 75 75 0
75 75 0 Ahazra Redth 115 115 0
80 80 0 High Chaplain Thulsa Kan 190 190 0
106 88 18 Captain Silas Alberec 115 115 0
175 175 0 Knight Captain Elam Cour 120 120 0
90 90 0 Vaylund Cal 167 167 0
20 20 0 Captain Zhrukhal Androcle 110 110 0
10 10 0 Hecaton Aiakos 220 220 0
Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Continued
Absolvor Bolt Pistol 0 0 0 Grav-Pistol 8 8 0 Multi-Melta
Assault Bolter 10 10 0 Grav-Cannon & Amp 28 28 0 Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Assault Cannon 22 22 0 Grav-Gun 15 12 3 Plasma Blaster
Assault Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Grenade Harness 8 0 8 Plasma Cannon
Astares Grenade Launcher 11 6 5 Heavy Bolter 10 10 0 Plasma Cutter
Astartes Shotgun 0 0 0 Heavy Bolt Pistol 0 0 0 Plasma Exterminator
Auto Bolt Rifle 1 1 0 Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Plasma Gun
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 12 12 0 Heavy Onslaught Gatling 36 30 6 Plasma Incincerator
Bolt Carbine 0 0 0 Heavy Plasma Cannon 30 16 14 Plasma Pistol
Bolt Pistol 0 0 0 Heavy Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Predator Auto Cannon
Bolt Rifle 0 0 0 Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0 Reaper Autocannon
Boltgun 0 0 0 Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0 Reductor Pistol
Boltstorm Gauntlet 22 22 0 Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stub 6 6 0 Shock Grenades
Centurion Missile Launche 25 25 0 Icarus Rocket Pod 6 6 0 Skyhammer Missile Launc
Cerberus Launcher 5 0 5 Icarus Stormcannon 17 10 7 Skyspear Missile Launcer
Combi-Bolter 2 2 0 Ironhail Heavy Stubber 6 6 0 Sniper Rifle
Combi-Flamer 11 8 3 Kheres Patter Assault Can 25 25 0 Special Issue Boltgun
Combi-Grav 17 13 4 Krak Grenade 0 0 0 Stalker Bolt Rifle
Combi-Melta 19 15 4 Krakstorm Grenade Launc 4 4 0 Storm Bolter
Combi-Plasma 15 11 4 Las-Talon 40 40 0 Stormstrike Missile Launc
Cyclone Missile Launcher 50 38 12 Lazcannon 25 25 0 Thunderfire Cannon
Deathwind Launcher 5 5 0 Macro Plasma Incinerator 31 31 0 Twin Assault Cannon
Demolisher Cannon 0 0 0 Master Crafted Auto Bolt R 4 4 0 Twin Boltgun
Flamer 9 6 3 Master Crafted Boltgun 3 3 0 Twin Heavy Bolter
Flamestorm Cannon 30 30 0 Master Crafted Stalker Bol 5 5 0 Twin Heavy Plasma Canno
Flamestorm Guantlet 18 15 3 Melta Bombs 5 5 0 Twin Lazcannon
Frag Grenades 0 0 0 Meltagun 17 14 3 Twin Multi-Melta
Fragstorm Grenade Launch 4 4 0 Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Typhoon Missile Launcher
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
27 22 5 Wrist Mounted Grenade L 4 0 4 Heavy Neutron Pulse Arra 0 0
16 16 0 Volkite Charger 6 3 3 Helios Launcher 0 0
17 17 0 Whirlwind Castellan Laun 25 15 10 Hellfire Plasma Carrondae 40 40
21 16 5 Whirlwind Vengeance Lau 34 20 14 Hellstrike Battery 60 60
7 5 2 Castellum Air Defence Mis 18 18 Hyperios Launcher 30 30
17 17 0 Castellum Battle Cannon 50 55 -5 Infernus Cannon 45 45
13 11 2 Incarus Quad Lascannon 80 80 Judgement 0 0
15 15 0 Aiolos Missile Launcher 30 30 Kanes Plasma Pistol 0 0
7 5 2 Air Defence Missiles 0 0 Laser Destroyer 60 60
40 40 0 Anvillus Autocannon Batte 50 50 Laser Volley Cannon 0 0
18 10 8 Arachnus Heavy Lascannon 75 75 Magna Melta Cannon 70 70
0 0 0 Artificer Flamer 0 0 Malice 0 0
0 0 0 Black Spear Lasbeam 0 0 Masterwork Plasma Cutter 0 0
24 24 0 Bloodfire 0 0 Neutron Pulse Cannon 0 0
0 0 0 Burning Wrath 0 0 Phased Conversion Beame 0 0
4 2 2 Catechist 0 0 Plasma Blastgun 21 21
2 2 0 C Beam Cannon 30 30 Plasma Charger 0 0
2 0 2 Cyclonic Melta Lance 75 75 Plasma Destroyer 52 52
2 2 0 Deathstorm Cannon Array 0 0 Punisher Rotary Cannon 0 0
21 21 0 Deathstorm Missile Array 0 0 Purgator 0 0
0 0 0 Dreadfire Heavy Flamer 0 0 Quad Heavy Bolter 36 36
44 44 0 Dreadhammer Siege Cann 0 0 Quad Lascannon 80 80
2 2 0 Dreadnought Inferno Cann 35 35 Quad Launcher 45 45
17 17 0 Fellblade Accelerator Can 0 0 Relic Storm Bolter 0 0
34 24 10 Firefury Missile Battery 0 0 ROC Missile Launcher 0 0
50 40 10 Grav Flux Bombard 65 65 Scorpius Multi Launcher 40 40
54 40 14 Graviton Blaster 15 15 Siege Melta Array 0 0
50 38 12 Grenade Discharger 0 0 Skyreaper battery 42 42
Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif Continued
Spectre Pattern Boltgun 0 0 Chainfist 22 11 11 Cinder Edge
Storm Cannon Array 50 50 Chainsword 0 0 0 Crozius Arkanos
Tempest Salvo Launcher 10 10 Champion's Blade 0 0 0 Dreadfire Claw
Thunderhawk Heavy Cann 0 0 Combat Knife 0 0 0 Foe Ripper
Thundershock 0 0 Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0 Force Tulwar
Turbo Laser Destructor 0 0 Dreadnought Chainfist 46 / 56 38 / 48 8/8 Glaive of Lamentation
Twin Accelerator Autocan 0 0 Dreadnought Combat Weapo0 / 40 0 / 30 0 / 10 Goldenfang
Twin Avenger Bolt Cannon 0 0 Eviscerator 22 11 11 Hellslayer
Twin Hellstrike Launcher 48 48 Force Axe 10 10 0 Hunger
Twin Magna Melta 120 120 Force Stave 8 8 0 Indynbula Array
Twin Volcano Cannon 0 0 Force Sword 8 8 0 Leviathan Siege Claw
Vengeance Launcher 25 25 Lighting Claw Single/Pair 8 / 12 8 / 12 0 Leviathan Siege Drill
Xiphon Missile Battery 30 30 MasterCrafted Power Swo 10 6 4 Medusan Hammer
Power Axe 5 5 0 Power Sabre
Power Fist 12 9 3 Raptorclaw
Power Lance 4 4 0 Slake
Power Maul 4 4 0 Steelsliver
Power Sword 4 4 0 Stonefist
Redemptor Fist 0 0 0 Black Spear
Relic Blade 21 9 12 Blade of the Scorpion
Seismic Hammer 48 40 8 Ghost Razors
Servo-Arm 12 0 12 Lifetaker
Siege Drills 0 0 0 Magisters Axe
Thunder Hammer Characte 21 / 16 21 / 16 0 The Sword Excellus
Angels Teeth 0 0 Voidshard Power Blade
Blood Biter 0 0
Crushing Tracks 0 0
Caestus Ram 0 0
Old New Dif Other Wargear Old New Dif
0 0 Auto Launchers 0 0 0
0 0 Camo Cloak 3 3 0
0 0 Combat Shield 4 4 0
0 0 Grapnel Launcher 2 2 0
0 0 Grav-chute 2 2 0
0 0 Storm Shield Characters/O 15 / 5 10 / 2 5/3
0 0 Teleport Homers 0 0 0
0 0 Ironclad Assault Launcher 5 5 0
0 0 Atomantic Pavaise 35 35
0 0
55 / 65 ###
65 / 75 ###
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack
Captain 74 74 0 Aggressor 21 21 0 Assault
Captain Cataphractii 126 95 31 Cataphractii Terminator 30 26 4 Assualt Jump Pack
Captain Gravis 102 90 12 Company Ancient 63 63 0 Attack Bike
Captain Terminator 105 95 10 Company Champion 40 40 0 Bike
Captain Jump Pack 93 93 0 Company Veteran 16 14 2 Inceptor
Chaplain 72 72 0 Contemptor Dreadmought 98 88 10 Land Speeder
Chaplain Terminator 100 90 10 Death Company 17 17 0 Scout Bike
Chaplain Jump Pack 90 90 0 Death Company Dreadnou 90 80 10
Libraian 88 88 0 Death Company Jump Pac 20 20 0 Heavy Support
Libraian Dreadnought 130 110 20 Dreadnought 70 60 10 Baal Predator
Libraian Terminator 120 102 18 Furioso Dreadnought 80 70 10 Devastator
Libraian Jump Pack 112 112 0 Primaris Ancient 69 69 0 *Armorium Cherub
Lieutenants 60 60 0 Primaris Apothecary 68 68 0 Hellblaster
Lieutenants Jump Pack 78 78 0 Redemptor Dreadnought 140 105 35 Hunter
Primaris Captain 87 78 9 Reiver 18 18 0 Land Raider
Primaris Chaplain 85 77 8 Sanguinary Ancient 84 64 20 Land Raider Cursader
Primaris Libraian 93 93 0 Sanguinary Guard 20 20 0 Land Rainder Redeemer
Primaris Lieutenants 70 70 0 Sanguinary Novitiate 55 55 0 Predator
Sanguinary Priest 69 69 0 Servitors 2 5 -3 Stalker
Techmarine 45 45 0 Sternguard Veterans 16 14 2 Vindicator
Tartaros Terminator 26 23 3 Whirlwind
Troops Old New Dif Terminator Ancient 108 108 0
Intercessor 18 17 1 Terminator Assault 26 23 3
Scouts 11 11 0 Terminator 26 23 3
Tactical 13 13 0 Vanguard Veterans 16 14 2
Vanguard Veterans Jump P 18 17 1
Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
13 13 0 Stormhawk Interceptor 85 85 0 Absolvor Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
16 13 3 Stormraven Gunship 192 192 0 Angelus Boltgun 3 3 0
35 25 10 Stormtalon Gunship 110 110 0 Assault Bolter 10 10 0
25 21 4 Assault Cannon 22 22 0
25 25 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Assault Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0
70 50 20 Drop Pod 83 63 20 Astares Grenade Launcher 11 6 5
23 21 2 Land Speeder Storm 70 70 0 Astartes Shotgun 0 0 0
Razorback 70 70 0 Auto Bolt Rifle 1 1 0
Old New Dif Repulsor 210 185 25 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 12 12 0
100 90 10 Rhino 70 70 0 Bolt Carbine 0 0 0
13 13 0 Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
5 5 0 Named Characters Old New Dif Bolt Rifle 0 0 0
18 18 0 Astorath 143 105 38 Boltgun 0 0 0
90 80 10 Brother Corbulo 94 83 11 Boltstorm Gauntlet 22 22 0
239 200 39 Captain Tycho 95 85 10 Cerberus Launcher 5 0 5
244 200 44 Chief Libraian Mephiston 145 160 -15 Combi-Bolter 2 2 0
244 180 64 Commander Dante 215 175 40 Combi-Flamer 11 8 3
90 90 0 Gabriel Seth 135 135 0 Combi-Grav 17 13 4
75 75 0 Lemartes 129 100 29 Combi-Melta 19 15 4
125 125 0 The Sanguinor 170 150 20 Combi-Plasma 15 11 4
70 70 0 Tyho the Lost 70 70 0 Cyclone Missile Launcher 50 38 12
Deathwind Launcher 5 5 0
Demolisher Cannon 0 0 0
Flamer 9 6 3
Flamestorm Cannon 30 30 0
Flamestorm Guantlet 18 15 3
Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Continued
Frag Cannon 38 30 8 Macro Plasma Incinerator 31 31 0 Stormstrike Missile Launc
Frag Grenades 0 0 0 Master Crafted Auto Bolt R 4 4 0 Twin Assault Cannon
Fragstorm Grenade Launch 4 4 0 Master Crafted Boltgun 3 3 0 Twin Boltgun
Grav-Cannon & Amp 28 28 0 Master Crafted Stalker Bol 5 5 0 Twin Heavy Bolter
Grav-Gun 15 12 3 Melta Bombs 5 5 0 Twin Heavy Plasma Canno
Grav-Pistol 8 8 0 Meltagun 17 14 3 Twin Lazcannon
Grenade Harness 8 0 8 Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Twin Multi-Melta
Hand Flamer 1 1 0 Multi-Melta 27 22 5 Typhoon Missile Launcher
Heavy Bolt Pistol 0 0 0 Onslaught Gatling Cannon 16 16 0 Volkite Charger
Heavy Bolter 10 10 0 Plasma Blaster 17 17 0 Whirlwind Castellan Laun
Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Plasma Cannon 21 16 5 Whirlwind Vengeance Lau
Heavy Onslaught Gatling 36 30 6 Plasma Cutter 7 5 2 Wrist Mounted Grenade L
Heavy Plasma Cannon 30 16 14 Plasma Exterminator 17 17 0
Heavy Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Plasma Gun 13 11 2 Other Wargear
Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0 Plasma Incincerator 15 15 0 Auto Launchers
Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Auxiliary Grenade Launch
Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stub 6 6 0 Predator Auto Cannon 40 40 0 Camo Cloak
Icarus Rocket Pod 6 6 0 Reaper Autocannon 18 10 8 Combat Shield
Icarus Stormcannon 17 10 7 Reductor Pistol 0 0 0 Deathmask
Inferno Pistol 9 7 2 Shock Grenades 0 0 0 Grapnel Launcher
Ironhail Heavy Stubber 6 6 0 Skyhammer Missile Launc 24 24 0 Grav-chute
Kheres Patter Assault Can 25 25 0 Skyspear Missile Launcer 0 0 0 Magna-Grapple
Krak Grenade 0 0 0 Sniper Rifle 4 2 2 Storm Shield Characters/O
Krakstorm Grenade Launc 4 4 0 Special Issue Boltgun 2 2 0 Teleport Homers
Las-Talon 40 40 0 Stalker Bolt Rifle 2 0 2
Lazcannon 25 25 0 Storm Bolter 2 2 0
Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
21 21 0 Blood Talons 65 35 30
44 44 0 Chainfist 22 11 11
2 2 0 Chainsword 0 0 0
17 17 0 Combat Knife 0 0 0
34 24 10 Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0
50 40 10 Dreadnought Combat 40 30 10
54 40 14 Encarmine Axe 16 16 0
50 38 12 Encarmine Sword 12 12 0
6 3 3 Eviscerator 22 11 11
25 15 10 Force Axe 10 10 0
34 20 14 Force Stave 8 8 0
4 0 4 Force Sword 8 8 0
Furioso Fist Single/Pair 40 / 50 30 / 40 10 / 10
Old New Dif Furioso Force Halbred 0 0 0
0 0 0 Lighting Claw Single/Pair 8 / 12 8 / 12 0
1 0 1 MasterCrafted Power Swo 10 6 4
3 3 0 Power Axe 5 5 0
4 4 0 Power Fist 12 9 3
2 2 0 Power Maul 4 4 0
2 2 0 Power Sword 4 4 0
2 2 0 Redemptor Fist 0 0 0
5 5 0 Relic Blade 21 9 12
15 / 5 10 / 2 5/3 Servo-Arm 12 0 12
0 0 0 Thunder Hammer Characte 21 / 16 21 / 16 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack
Iron Priest 45 45 0 Aggressor 21 21 0 Cyberwolves
Primaris Battle Leader 70 70 0 Contemptor Dreadmought 98 88 10 Fenrisian Wolves
Primaris Rune Priest 93 93 0 Dreadnought 70 60 10 Inceptors
Primaris Wolf Lord 87 78 9 Great Company Ancient 63 63 0 Land Speeders
Primaris Wolf Priest 88 80 8 Great Company Champion 40 40 0 Skyclaws
Rune Priest 88 88 0 Primaris Ancient 69 69 0 Swiftclaw Attack Bike
Rune Priest Terminator 120 102 18 Redemptor Dreadnought 140 105 35 Swiftclaws
Rune Priest Jump Pack 112 112 0 Reiver 18 18 0 Thunderwolf Calvry
Wolf Guard Battle Leader 60 60 0 Servitors 2 5 -3 Wolf Guard Bike Leader
Wolf Guard Battle Leader 91 91 0 Venerable Dreadnought 90 80 10 Wolf Guard Sky Leader
Wolf Guard Battle Leader 104 104 0 Wolf Guard 15 14 1 Wolf Scout Bike
Wolf Guard Battle Leader 78 78 0 Wolf Guard Cataphractii T 30 26 4
Wolf Lord 74 74 0 Wolf Guard Pack Leader 16 16 0 Heavy Support
Wolf Lord Cataphractii 126 95 31 Wolf Guard Tartaros Termi 26 23 3 Hellblaster
Wolf Lord Gravis 102 90 12 Wolf Guard Terminators 26 23 3 Hunter
Wolf Lord Terminator 105 95 10 Wolf Guard Terminator Pa 26 26 0 Land Raider
Wolf Lord Thunderwolf 118 118 0 Wolf Guard Jump Pack 19 19 0 Land Raider Crusader
Wolf Lord Jump Pack 93 93 0 Wolf Scouts 11 11 0 Land Rainder Redeemer
Wolf Priest 75 75 0 Wulfen 28 28 0 Long Fangs
Wolf Priest Terminator 105 95 10 Wulfen Dreadnought 70 70 0 Predator
Wolf Priest Jump Pack 97 97 0 Stalker
Troops Old New Dif Whirlwind
Blood Claws 13 13 0 Wolf Guard Pack Leader
Grey Hunters 13 13 0 Wolf Guard Terminator
Intercessors 18 17 1
Wolf Guard Pack Leader 16 16 0
Wolf Guard Pack Leader T 26 26 0
Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
15 15 0 Stormfang Gunship 175 175 0 Absolvor Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
8 8 0 Stormhawk Interceptor 85 85 0 Assault Bolter 10 10 0
25 25 0 Stormwolf 165 165 0 Assault Cannon 22 22 0
70 50 20 Assasult Plasma Incinerato 17 17 0
16 15 1 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Astartes Grenade Launche 11 6 5
35 25 10 Drop Pod 83 63 20 Astartes Shotgun 0 0 0
23 21 2 Land Speeder Storm 70 70 0 Auto Bolt Rifle 1 1 0
40 40 0 Razorback 70 70 0 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 12 12 0
32 32 0 Repulsor 210 185 25 Bolt Carbine 0 0 0
19 19 0 Rhino 70 70 0 Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
31 31 0 Bolt Rifle 0 0 0
Named Characters Old New Dif Boltgun 0 0 0
Old New Dif Bjorn the Fell Handed 180 180 0 Boltstorm Gauntlet 22 22 0
18 18 0 Arjac Rockfist 145 145 0 Cerberus Launcher 5 0 5
90 80 10 Harald Deathwolf 125 125 0 Combi Bolter 2 2 0
239 200 39 Canis Wolfborn 188 188 0 Combi Flamer 11 8 3
244 200 44 Krom Dragongaze 90 90 0 Combi Melta 19 15 4
244 180 64 Logan Grimnar 170 170 0 Combi Plasma 15 11 4
14 14 0 Logan Grimnar Stormrider 190 190 0 Cyclone Missile Launcher 50 38 12
90 90 0 Luckas the Trickster 110 110 0 Deathwind Launcher 5 5 0
75 75 0 Murderfang 170 170 0 Demolisher Cannon 0 0 0
125 125 0 Njal Stormcaller 138 138 0 Flamer 9 6 3
70 70 0 Njal Stormcaller Terminato 153 153 0 Flamestorm Cannon 30 15 15
16 16 0 Ragnar Blackmane 141 141 0 Flamestorm Gauntlets 18 18 0
26 26 0 *Svangir and Ulfgir 8 8 0 Frag Grenades 0 0 0
Ulrik the Slayer 110 110 0 Fragstorm Grenade Launch 4 4 0
Grenade Harness 8 0 8
Heavy Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Other Wargear
Heavy Bolter 10 10 0 Plasma Cannon 21 16 5 Auto Launcher
Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Plasma Exterminator 17 17 0 Auxiliary Grenade Launch
Heavy Onslaught Gatling 36 30 6 Plasma Gun 13 11 2 Blizzard Shield
Heavy Plasma Cannon 30 16 14 Plasma Incinerator 15 15 0 Camo Cloak
Heacy Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Combat Shield
Helfrost Cannon 25 25 0 Predator Autocannon 40 40 0 Grapnel Launcher
Helfrost Destructor 0 0 0 Reaper Autocannon 18 10 8 Grav Chute
Helfrost Pistol 4 4 0 Shock Grenades 0 0 0 Psychic Hood
Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0 Skyhammer Missile Launc 24 24 0 Runic Armor
Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0 Skyspear Missile Launcher 0 0 0 Runic Terminator Armor
Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stub 6 6 0 Sniper Rifle 4 2 2 Storm Shield
Icaraus Rocket Pod 6 6 0 Stalker Bolt Rifle 2 0 2 Wolf Standard
Icarus Stormcannon 17 10 7 Stormbolter 2 2 0
Ironhail Heady Stubber 6 6 0 Stormfrag Auto Launcher 4 4 0
Kheres Patter Assault Can 25 25 0 Stormstrike Missile Launc 21 21 0
Krak Grenade 0 0 0 Twin Assasult Cannon 44 44 0
Krakstorm Grenade Launc 4 4 0 Twin Boltgun 2 2 0
Las Talon 40 40 0 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0
Lascannon 25 25 0 Twin Helfrost Cannon 30 30 0
Macro Plasma Incinerator 31 31 0 Twin Lazcannon 50 40 10
Master Crafted Auto Bolt R 4 4 0 Twin Multi-Melta 54 40 14
Master Crafted Boltgun 3 3 0 Typhoon Missile Launcher 50 38 12
Master Crafted Stalker Bol 5 5 0 Volkite Charger 6 3 3
Meltagun 17 14 3 Whirlwind Castellan Laun 25 15 10
Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Whirlwind Vengeance Lau 34 20 14
Multi Melta 27 22 5 Wrist Mounted Grenade L 4 0 4
Onslaught Gatling Cannon 16 16 0
Plasma Blaster 17 17 0
Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
0 0 0 Chainfist 22 11 11
1 0 1 Chainsword 0 0 0
15 15 0 Combat Knife 0 0 0
3 3 0 Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0
5 5 0 Crushing Teeth and Claws 0 0 0
2 2 0 Dreadnought Combat Wea 40 30 10
2 2 0 Fenrisian Great Axe 50 50 0
5 5 0 Frost Axe 10 10 0
7 7 0 Frost Claw 15 15 0
5 5 0 Frost Sword 7 7 0
15 / 10 / 5 10 / 2 5/3 Great Frost Axe 17 17 0
10 10 0 Great Wolf Claw 45 45 0
Lightning Claws 8 / 12 8 / 12 0
Master Crafted Power Swo 10 6 4
Power Axe 5 5 0
Power Fist 12 9 3
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Sword 4 4 0
Redemptor Fist 0 0 0
Runic Axe 12 12 0
Runic Stave 10 10 0
Runic Sword 10 10 0
Servo Arm 12 0 12
Teeth and Claws 0 0 0
Tempest Hammer 30 30 0
Thunder Hammer 21 / 16 21 / 16 0
True Claw 0 0 0
Wolf Claw 10 / 14 10 / 14 0
Wulfen Claws 0 0 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack
Chaplain 72 72 0 Aggressor 21 21 0 Assault Squad
Chaplain Jump Pack 90 90 0 Apothecary 55 55 0 Assault Squad Jump Pack
Interrogator Chaplain 85 80 5 Chapter Ancient 85 85 0 Inceptor Squad
Interrogator Chaplain Term 125 100 25 Company Ancient 63 63 0 Ravenwing Attack Bike
Interrogator Chaplain Jum 103 95 8 Company Champion 40 40 0 Ravenwing Bike
Librarian 88 88 0 Company Veterans 16 14 2 Ravenwing Black Knights
Librarian Terminator 120 102 18 Contemptor Dreadnought 98 88 10 Ravenwing Darkshroud
Librarian Jump Pack 112 112 0 Deathwing Ancient 103 103 0 Ravenwing Land Speeder
Lieutenants 60 60 0 Deathwing Apothecary 75 75 0 Ravenwing Land Speeder
Lieutenants Jump Pack 78 78 0 Deathwing Cataphractii 30 26 4 Scout Bike Squad
Master 74 74 0 Deathwing Champion 118 118 0
Master Cataphractii 126 95 31 Deathwing Knights 45 35 10 Heavy Support
Master Gravis 102 90 12 Deathwing Terminator 26 23 3 Devastator
Master Terminator 105 95 10 Deathwing Tartaros 26 23 3 *Armorium Cherub
Master Jump Pack 93 93 0 Dreadnought 70 60 10 Hellblaster
Primaris Chaplain 85 77 8 Primaris Ancient 69 69 0 Hunter
Primaris Librarian 93 93 0 Primaris Aothecary 68 68 0 Land Raider
Primaris Lieutenant 70 70 0 Ravenwing Ancient 112 112 0 Land Raider Crusader
Primaris Master 87 78 9 Ravenwing Apothecary 92 92 0 Land Rainder Redeemer
Ravenwing Talonmaster 123 123 0 Ravenwing Champion 106 106 0 Predator
Techmarine 45 45 0 Redemptor Dreadnought 140 105 35 Stalker
Reiver Squad 18 18 0 Vindicator
Troops Old New Dif Servitors 2 5 -3 Whirlwind
Intercessor 18 17 1 Venerable Dreadnought 90 80 10
Scout 11 11 0
Tactical 13 13 0
Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
13 13 0 Nephilim Jetfighter 123 123 0 Absolver Pistol 0 0 0
16 15 1 Ravenwing Dark Talon 180 180 0 Asault Bolter 10 10 0
25 25 0 Stormraven Gunship 192 192 0 Assault Cannon 22 22 0
36 25 11 Assault Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0
25 21 4 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Astartes Grenade Launche 11 6 5
46 38 8 Drop Pod 83 63 20 Astartes Shotgun 0 0 0
128 128 0 Land Speeder Storm 70 70 0 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 12 12 0
70 50 20 Razorback 70 70 0 Auto Bolt Rifle 1 1 0
122 122 0 Repulsor 210 185 25 Avenger Mega Bolter 35 35 0
23 21 2 Rhino 70 70 0 Blacksword Missile Launc 0 0 0
Bolt Carbine 0 0 0
Old New Dif Named Characters Old New Dif Bolt Pistol 0 0 0
13 13 0 Asmodai 130 130 0 Bolt Rifle 0 0 0
5 5 0 Azrael 180 180 0 Boltgun 0 0 0
18 18 0 Belial 150 150 0 Boltstorm Gauntlet 22 22 0
90 80 10 Ezekiel 135 135 0 Cerberus Launcher 5 0 5
239 200 39 Sammael Sablelaw 216 216 0 Combi Bolter 2 2 0
244 200 44 Sammael Covvex 183 183 0 Combi Flamer 11 8 3
244 180 64 Combi Grav 17 13 4
90 90 0 Combi Melta 19 15 4
75 75 0 Combi Plasma 15 11 4
125 125 0 Cyclone Missile Launcher 50 38 12
70 70 0 Deathwind Launcher 0 0 0
Demolisher Cannon 9 9 0
Flamer 9 6 3
Flamestorm Cannon 30 30 0
Flamestorm Gauntlet 18 15 3
Frag Grenades 0 0 0
Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Continued
Fragstorm Grenade Launch 4 4 0 Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Twin Multi Melta
Grav Pistol 8 8 0 Multi-Melta 27 22 5 Typhoon Missile Launcher
Grav Cannon Grav Amp 28 28 0 Onslaught Gatling Cannon 16 16 0 Volkite Charger
Grav Gun 15 12 3 Plasma Blaster 17 17 0 Whirlwind Castellan Laun
Grenade Harness 8 0 8 Plasma Cannon 21 16 5 Whirlwind Vengeance Lau
Heavy Bolter 10 10 0 Plasma Cutter 7 5 2 Wrist Mounted Grenade L
Heavy Bolt Pistol 0 0 0 Plasma Exterminator 17 17 0
Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Plasma Gun 13 11 2 Other Wargear
Heavy Onslaught Gatling 36 30 6 Plasma Incincerator 15 15 0 Auto Launchers
Heavy Plasma Cannon 30 16 14 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Auxiliary Grenade Launch
Heavy Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Plasma Storm Battery 0 0 0 Camo Cloak
Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0 Plasma Talon 0 0 0 Combat Shield
Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0 Predator Autocannon 40 40 0 Grapnel Launcher
Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stub 6 6 0 Ravenwing Grenade Launc 0 0 0 Grav Chute
Icarus Rocket Pod 6 6 0 Reaper Autocannon 18 10 8 Storm Shield
Icarus Stormcannon 17 10 7 Reductor Pistol 0 0 0 Watcher in the Dark
Ironhail Heavy Stubber 6 6 0 Rift Cannon 0 0 0
Kheres Patter Assault Can 25 25 0 Shock Grenade 0 0 0
Krak Grenade 0 0 0 Skyspear Missile Launcher 0 0 0
Krakstorm Grenade Launc 4 4 0 Sniper Rifle 4 2 2
Las-Talon 40 40 0 Stalker Bolt Rifle 2 0 2
Lazcannon 25 25 0 Storm Bolter 2 2 0
Macro Plasma Incinerator 31 31 0 Stormstrike Missile Launc 21 21 0
Master Crafted Auto Bolt R 4 4 0 Twin Assault Cannon 44 44 0
Master Crafted Boltgun 3 3 0 Twin Boltgun 2 2 0
Master Crafted Stalker Bol 5 5 0 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0
Melta Bombs 5 5 0 Twin Heavy Plasma Canno 34 24 10
Meltagun 17 14 3 Twin Lascannon 50 40 10
Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
54 40 14 Mace of Absolution 0 0 0
50 38 12 Blade of Caliban 0 0 0
6 3 3 Chainfist 22 11 11
25 15 10 Chainsword 0 0 0
34 20 14 Combat Knife 0 0 0
4 0 4 Corvus Hammer 0 0 0
Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0
Old New Dif Dreadnought Combat Wea 40 30 10
0 0 0 Eviscerator 22 11 11
1 0 1 Flail of the Unforgiven 0 0 0
3 3 0 Force Axe 10 10 0
4 4 0 Force Stave 8 8 0
2 2 0 Force Sword 8 8 0
2 2 0 Halbred of Caliban 0 0 0
15 / 5 10 / 2 5/3 Lightning Claw 8 / 12 8 / 12 0
5 5 0 Master Crafted Power Swo 10 6 4
Power Axe 5 5 0
Power Fist 12 9 3
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Sword 4 4 0
Redemptor Fist 0 0 0
Relic Blade 21 9 12
Servo Arm 12 0 12
Thunder Hammer 21 / 16 21 / 16 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Dedicated Transport
Chaplain 72 72 0 Aggressors 21 21 0 Drop Pod
Chaplain Terminator 100 90 10 Dreadnought 70 60 10 Razorback
Chaplain Jump Pack 90 90 0 Primaris Apothecary 68 68 0 Repulsor
Librarian 88 88 0 Redemptor Dreadnought 140 105 35 Rhino
Librarian Terminator 120 102 18 Reivers 18 18 0
Librarian Jump Pack 112 112 0 Terminators 31 23 8 Other Wargear
Primaris Chaplain 85 77 8 Vanguard Veterans 18 17 1 Auspex Array
Primaris Librarian 93 93 0 Venerable Dreadnought 90 80 10 Auto Launcher
Primaris Watch Captain 87 78 9 Auxiliary Grenade Launch
Watch Captain 74 74 0 Fast Attack Old New Dif Blackstar Cluster Launche
Watch Captain Terminator 105 95 10 Bikers 25 21 4 Combat Shield
Watch Captain Jump Pack 93 93 0 Inceptors 25 25 0 Deathwatch Teleport Home
Watch Master 130 130 0 Grapnel Launcher
Heavy Support Old New Dif Grav Chute
Troops Old New Dif Hellblasters 18 18 0 Infernum Halo Launcher
Veterans 16 14 2 Land Raider 239 200 39 Storm Shield
Bikers 25 21 4 Land Raider Cursader 244 200 44
Black Shields 16 16 0 Landraider Redeemer 244 180 64
Terminators 31 23 8
Vanguard Veterans 18 17 1 Flyer Old New Dif
Intercessors 18 17 1 Corvus Blackstar 150 135 15
Aggressors 21 21 0
Hellblasters 18 18 0 Named Characters Old New Dif
Inceptors 25 25 0 Watch Captain Artemis 130 130 0
Reivers 18 18 0
Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
83 63 20 Absolvor Bolt Pistol 1 0 1 Heavy Bolt Pistol 1 0 1
70 70 0 Assault Bolter 10 10 0 Heavy Bolter 10 10 0
210 185 25 Assault Cannon 22 22 0 Heavy Flamer 17 14 3
70 70 0 Assault Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0 Heavy Onslaught Gatling 36 30 6
Auto Bolt Rifle 2 2 0 Heavy Plasma Cannon 30 16 14
Old New Dif Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 12 12 0 Heavy Plasma Incinerator 17 17 0
5 5 0 Blackstar Rocket Launcher 15 15 0 Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0
0 0 0 Bolt Carbine 4 2 2 Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0
1 0 1 Bolt Pistol 1 0 1 Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stub 6 6 0
0 0 0 Bolt Rifle 1 1 0 Icarus Rocket Pod 6 6 0
4 4 0 Boltgun 1 1 0 Inferno Pistol 20 7 13
0 0 0 Combi Flamer 12 9 3 Infernus Heavy Bolter 20 20 0
2 2 0 Combi Grav 18 14 4 Ironhail Heavy Stubber 6 6 0
2 2 0 Combi Melta 20 16 4 Krak Grenades 0 0 0
5 5 0 Combi Plamsa 16 12 4 Krakstorm Grenade Launc 4 4 0
15 / 5 10 / 2 5/3 Cyclone Missile Launcher 50 38 12 Las Talon 40 40 0
Deathwatch Frag Cannon 25 25 0 Macro Plasma Incinerator 31 31 0
Deathwatch Shotgun 3 3 0 Master Crafted Auto Bolt R 6 6 0
Deathwind Launcher 5 5 0 Master Crafted Boltgun 5 5 0
Flamer 9 6 3 Master Crafted Stalker Bol 6 6 0
Flamestorm Cannon 30 30 0 Melta Bomb 5 5 0
Flamestorm Gauntlets 18 15 3 Meltagun 17 14 3
Frag Grenades 0 0 0 Missile Launcher 25 20 5
Fragstorm Grenade Launch 4 4 0 Multi Melta 27 22 5
Grav Gun 15 12 3 Onslaught Gatling Cannon 16 16 0
Grav Pistol 8 8 0 Plasma Exterminator 17 17 0
Hand Flamer 8 1 7 Plasma Gun 13 11 2
Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
Plasma Incinerator 15 15 0 Chainfist 22 11 11
Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Chainsword 0 0 0
Reductor Pistol 0 0 0 Combat Knife 0 0 0
Shock Grenades 0 0 0 Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0
Stalker Bolt Rifle 3 1 2 Dreadnought Combat Wea 40 30 10
Stalker Pattern Boltgun 4 4 0 Force Axe 10 10 0
Stormbolter 2/4 2/4 0 Force Stave 8 8 0
Stormstrike Missile Launc 21 21 0 Force Sword 8 8 0
Twin Assault Cannon 44 44 0 Guardian Spear 0 0 0
Twin Boltgun 4 4 0 Heavy Thunder Hammer 30 30 0
Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0 Lightning Claw 8 / 12 8 / 12 ###
Twin Lazcannon 50 40 10 Power Axe 5 5 0
Power Fist 12 9 3
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Sword 4 4 0
Redemptor Fist 0 0 0
Relic Blade 21 9 12
Thunder Hammer 21 / 16 21 / 16 0
Xenophase Blade 7 7 0
HQ Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
Shield Captain 110 100 10 Baltistus Grenade Launche 0 0 0
Shield Captain Terminator 130 110 20 Castellan Axe 14 14 0
Shield Captain Bike 150 150 0 Combi Bolter 2 2 0
Guardian Spear 12 12 0
Troops Old New Dif Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0
Custodian Guard 40 40 0 Hurricane Bolter 10 10 0
Kheres Patter Assault Can 25 25 0
Elite Old New Dif Multi Melta 27 27 0
Venerable Contemptor Dre 130 90 40 Salvo Launcher 25 15 10
Allarus Custodians 70 65 5 Sentinel Blade 9 7 2
Vexiluis Praetor 80 80 0 Storm Bolter 2 2 0
Vexilus Praetor Terminator 100 100 0 Twin HeavyBolter 17 17 0
Custodian Wardens 49 45 4 Twin Lascannon 50 50 0

Fast Attack Old New Dif Other Wargear Old New Dif
Vertus Praetors 80 80 0 Storm Shield 15 10 5
Storm Shield 10 10 0
Heavy Support Old New Dif Vexilla Defensor 20 20 0
Venerable Land Raider 283 217 66 Vexilla Imperius 50 50 0
Vexilla Magnifica 30 30 0
Named Characters Old New Dif
Captain General Trajann Va 250 185 65 Melee Weapons Old New Dif
Dreadnought Close Comba 40 40 0
Interceptor Lance 0 0 0
Misericodia 4 4 0
HQ Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Grand Master 160 130 30 Stormhawk Interceptor 85 85 0 Assault Cannon
Grand Master Dreadknight 190 170 20 Stormraven Gunship 192 192 0 Bolt Pistol
Brother Captain 150 110 40 Stormtalon Gunship 110 110 0 Boltgun
Librarian 157 113 44 Combi Flamer
Techmarine 91 55 36 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Combo Melta
Chaplain 144 105 39 Razorback 70 70 0 Combi Plasma
Brotherhood Champion 113 90 23 Rhino 70 70 0 Flamer
Vortimer Pattern Razorback 0 Flamestorm Cannon
Troops Old New Dif Frag Grenade
Terminator 41 39 2 Named Characters Old New Dif Gatling Psilencer
Strike 19 19 0 Lord Kaldor Draigo 240 180 60 Heavy Bolter
Grand Master Voldus 190 153 37 Heavy Flamer
Elite Old New Dif Castellan Crowe 125 80 45 Heavy Incinerator
Apothecary 90 75 15 Brother Captain Stern 157 105 52 Heavy Plasma Cannon
Brotherhood Ancient 128 90 38 Heavy Psycannon
Paladin 53 47 6 Other Wargear Old New Dif Hunter Killer Missile
Paladin Ancient 140 98 42 Dreadknight Teleporter 10 10 Hurricane Bolter
Purifier 26 19 7 Icarus Stormcannon
Dreadnought 87 65 22 Super Heavy Old New Dif Incinerator
Venerable Dreadnought 110 85 25 Thunderhawk Assault Gunship 0 Incinerator Terminator
Servitors 2 5 -3 Krak Grenade
Doomglaive Pattern Dreadnought 0 Melee Weapons Old New Dif
Crozius Arcanum 0 0 0
Fast Attack Old New Dif Dreadfist 25 / 35 25 / 35 0
Interceptor 23 21 2 Dreadnought Combat Wea 40 30 10
Nemesis Daemon Greatha 15 15 0
Heavy Support Old New Dif Nemesis Daemon Hammer 13 13 0
Purgation 19 19 0 Nemesis Falchion 0 0 0
Nemesis Dreadknight 130 130 0 Nemesis Force Halbred 0 0 0
Land Raider 239 200 39 Nemesis Force Sword 0 0 0
Land Raider Crusader 244 200 44 Nemesis Greatsword 10 10 0
Land Raider Redeemer 244 180 64 Nemesis Warding Stave 0 0 0
Vortimer Pattern Land Raider Redeemer 0 Power Axe 5 5 0
Servo Arm 12 0 12
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
22 22 0 Las talon 40 40 0
0 0 0 Lascannon 25 25 0
0 0 0 Missile Launcher 25 20 5
11 8 3 Multi Melta 27 22 5
19 15 4 Plasma Cannon 21 16 5
15 11 4 Plasma Cutter 7 5 2
9 6 3 Psilencer 4 4 0
30 30 0 Psilencer Terminator 10 8 2
0 0 0 Psycannon 14 7 7
20 20 0 Psycannon Terminator 20 11 9
10 10 0 Psyk Out Grenade 0 0 0
17 14 3 Skyhammer Missile Launc 24 24 0
40 19 21 Storm Bolter 2 2 0
30 16 14 Stormstrike Missile Launc 21 21 0
30 24 6 Twin Assault Cannon 44 44 0
6 6 0 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0
10 10 0 Twin Heavy Plasma Canno 60 24 36
22 10 12 Twin Lascannon 50 40 10
14 9 5 Twin Multi Melta 54 40 14
20 13 7 Typhoon Missile Launcher 50 38 12
0 0 0
HQ Old New Dif Heavy Support Old New Dif
Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex 100 100 Land Raider Prometheus 0
Inquisitor Lord Solomon L 65 65
HQ Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 Dedicated Tra Old New Dif
0 0
0 0
Sororitas Repressor 0
Troops Old New Dif
0 Named Charac Old New Dif
0 0
Elite Old New Dif 0
0 0
0 Other Wargea Old New Dif
0 0
0 Super Heavy Old New Dif
0 0
0 Melee Weapon Old New Dif
Fast Attack Old New Dif 0
0 0
Heavy Support Old New Dif 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Ranged Weapo Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
HQ Old New Dif Fast Attack Old New Dif Named Characters
Company Commander 30 30 0 Hellhounds 73 73 0 Colonel Iron Hand Straken
Tank Commander 167 142 25 Scout Sentinels 35 30 5 Colour Sergeant Kell
Lord Commisar 30 30 0 Armored Sentinels 40 30 10 Commissar Yarrick
Tempestor Prime 40 40 0 Lord Castellan Creed
Primaris Psyker 38 38 0 Heavy Support Old New Dif Nork Deddog
Heavy Weapons Squad 6 6 0 Sergeant Harker
Troops Old New Dif Basilisks 100 100 0 Sly Marbo
Infantry Squad 4 4 0 Wyverns 95 95 0 Knight Commander Pask
Conscripts 4 4 0 Hydra 100 85 15
Militarum Tempestus Scio 9 9 0 Manticore 135 125 10 Melee Weapons
Deathstrike 155 125 30 Adamantium Tracks
Elite Old New Dif Leman Russ Battle Tank 122 122 0 Bullgryn Maul
Master of Ordinance 30 30 0 Chainsword
Platoon Commander 20 20 0 Flyer Old New Dif Force Stave
Command Squad 6 6 0 Valkyries 110 100 10 Huge Knife
Special Weapons Squad 4 4 0 Omnissian Axe
Veterans 6 5 1 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Power Fist
Militarum Tempestus Com 9 9 0 Chimera 75 60 15 Power Sword
Ministorum Priest 35 35 0 Taurox 50 50 0 Sentinel Chainsaw
Crusaders 11 11 0 Taurox Prime 80 80 0 Telepathica Stave
Tech Priest Enginseer 30 30 0 Servo Arm
Servitors 2 5 -3 Super Heavy Old New Dif Wyrdvane Stave
Commissar 15 15 0 Baneblade 390 390 0
Officer of the Fleet 25 20 5 Banehammer 390 370 20
Wyrdvane Psykers 8 7 1 Banesword 390 370 20
Astropath 30 25 5 Doomhammer 420 400 20
Ogryn Bodyguard 55 45 10 Hellhammer 410 410 0
Ogryns 30 24 6 Shadowsword 390 410 -20
Bullgryns 35 35 0 Stormlord 430 410 20
Ratlings 7 7 0 Stormsword 390 370 20
Old New Dif Ranged Weapon Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
75 75 0 Artillery Barrage 0 0 0 Lascannon 20 20 0
50 40 10 Autocannon 12 10 2 Lasgun 0 0 0
130 100 30 Autogun 0 0 0 Hot Shot Lasgun 1 0 1
70 55 15 Baneblade Cannon 0 0 0 Hot Shot Laspistol 1 0 1
80 60 20 Battle Cannon 22 22 0 Hot Shot Volley Gun 7 7 0
50 50 0 Bolt Pistol 1 1 0 Lasgun Array 0 0 0
65 55 10 Boltgun 1 1 0 Laspistol 0 0 0
177 177 0 Chem Cannon 15 7 8 Magma Cannon 0 0 0
Deathstrike Missile 0 0 0 Melta Cannon 20 20 0
Old New Dif Demolisher Cannon 40 20 20 Meltagun 12 10 2
0 0 0 Earthshaker Cannon 0 0 0 Meltagun 17 14 3
7 7 0 Eradicator Nova Cannon 25 15 10 Missile Launcher 20 15 5
0 0 0 Executioner Plasma Canno 20 15 5 Mortar 5 5 0
8 8 0 Exterminator Autocannon 25 17 8 Multi Laser 10 5 5
0 0 0 Flamer 7 6 1 Multi Melta 20 20 0
0 0 0 Frag Bomb 0 0 0 Multiple Rocker Pod 11 8 3
8 8 0 Frag Grenades 0 0 0 Plasma Cannon 15 10 5
4 4 0 Grenade Launcher 5 3 2 Plasma Gun 7 11 -4
2 2 0 Grenadier Gauntlet 10 5 5 Plasma Gun 13 13 0
6 6 0 Heavy Bolter 8 8 0 Plasma Pistol 5 5 0
12 0 12 Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Punisher Gattling Cannon 20 20 0
0 0 0 Heavy Stubber 4 2 2 Quake Cannon 0 0 0
Hellhammer Cannon 0 0 0 Sniper Rifle 2 2 0
Hellstrike Missiles 20 12 8 Storm Bolter 2 2 0
Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0 Storm Eagle Rockets 0 0 0
Hydra Quad Autocannon 0 0 0 Stormsword Siege Cannon 0 0 0
Inferno Cannon 20 20 0 Taurox Battle Cannon 28 18 10
Krak Grenades 0 0 0 Taurox Gatling Cannon 20 20 0
Continued Old New Dif
Taurox Missile Launcher 50 30 20
Tremor Cannon 0 0 0
Twin Heavy Bolter 14 14 0
Twin Heavy Flamer 30 28 2
Vanquisher Battle Cannon 20 15 5
Volcano Cannon 0 0 0
Vulcan Mega Bolter 0 0 0
Wyvern Quad Stormshard 0 0 0

Other Wargear Old New Dif

Augu Array 10 5 5
Brute Shield 0 0 0
Bullgryn Plate 5 5 0
Dozer Blade 5 5 0
Medi Pack 10 5 5
Platoon Standard 5 5 0
Regimental Standard 5 5 0
Stormshield 0 0 0
Slabshield 0 0 0
Tempestus Command Rod 5 5 0
Track Guards 10 10 0
Vox Caster 5 5 0
HQ Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued
Tech Priest Dominus 115 80 35 Arc Pistol 3 3 0 Plasma Caliver
Tech Priest Enginseer 35 30 5 Arc Rifle 4 4 0 Plasma Cannon
Avenger Gatling Cannon 75 75 0 Plasma Culverin
Troops Old New Dif Cognis Flamer 10 7 3 Radium Carbine
Skitarii Rangers 7 7 0 Cognis Heavy Stubber 5 2 3 Radium Jessail
Skitarii Vanguard 8 8 0 Electrostatic Gauntlets 0 0 0 Radium Pistol
Kataphron Breachers 30 20 10 Eradication Beamer 25 30 -5 Rapid Fire Battle Cannon
Kataphron Destroyers 30 15 15 Eradication Ray 10 10 0 Solar Atomiser
Flechette Blaster 2 2 0 Stormspear Rocket Pod
Elite Old New Dif Galvanic Rifle 0 0 0 Stubcarbine
Servitors 4 5 -1 Gamma Pistolr 10 10 0 Thermal Cannon
Cybernetica Datasmith 22 22 0 Heavy Arc Rifle 6 6 0 Torsion Cannon
Sicarian Ruststalkers 15 10 5 Heavy Bolter 10 10 0 Transuranic Arquebus
Sicarian Infiltrators 16 12 4 Heavy Grav Cannon 30 30 0 Twin Cognis Autocannon
Fulgurite Electro Priests 16 16 0 Heavy Flamer 17 14 3 Twin Cognis Lascannon
Corpuscarii Electro Priests 14 14 0 Heavy Phosphor Blaster 15 15 0 Twin Heavy Phosphor Blas
Heavy Stubber 4 2 2 Twin Icarus Autocannon
Fast Attack Old New Dif Icarus Array 40 40 0 Volkite Blaster
Sydonian Dragoons 59 59 0 Incendine Combustor 21 15 6
Ironstrikder Ballistarii 50 40 10 Ironstorm Missile Pod 16 16 0
Laspistol 0 0 0
Heavy Support Old New Dif Macrostubber 2 2 0
Kastelan Robots 65 65 0 Meltagun 17 14 3
Onager Dunecrawler 90 70 20 Multi Melta 27 22 5
Neutron Laser 45 45 0
Named Characters Old New Dif Phosphor Blast Pistol 3 3 0
Belisarius Cawl 240 190 50 Phosphor Blaster 6 6 0
Phosphor Serpenta 4 4 0
Superheavy Old New Dif
Knight Errant 285 285 0
Knight Paladin 285 285 0
Knight Warden 285 285 0
Knight Gallant 285 285 0
Knight Crusader 285 285 0
Old New Dif Other Wargear Old New Dif
14 11 3 Broad Spectrum Date Teth 0 0 0
21 16 5 Enhance Date Tether 5 5 0
27 27 0 Omnispex 7 7 0
0 0 0 Smoke Launcher 0 0 0
4 4 0
0 0 0 Melee Weapons Old New Dif
100 100 0 Arc Claw 4 4 0
0 0 0 Arc Maul 5 5 0
45 45 0 Arc Scourge 0 0 0
2 2 0 Chordclaw 3 3 0
76 76 0 Electroleech Stave 0 0 0
20 20 0 Electroleech Guantlet 0 0 0
25 15 10 Hydraulic Claw 8 5 3
25 20 5 Kastelan Fists 35 25 10
45 40 5 Mechadendrite Hive 0 0 0
30 30 0 Omnissian Axe 0 0 0
30 20 10 Power Fist 12 9 3
8 8 0 Power Sword 4 4
Reaper Chainsword 30 30 0
Servo Arm 12 0 12
Taser Goad 4 4 0
Taser Lance 9 9 0
Thunderstrike Gauntlet 35 35 0
Titanic Feet 0 0 0
Transonic Blades 7 4 3
Transonic Razor 2 2 0
Super Heavy Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
Amiger Helverin 170 170 0 Armiger Autocannon 0 0 0
Armiger Warglaive 160 160 0 Avenger Gatling Cannon 75 75 0
Knight Castellan 510 510 0 Conflagration Cannon 0 0 0
Knight Crusader 285 285 0 Heavy Flamer 17 14 3
Knight Errant 285 285 0 Heavy Stubber 4 2 2
Knight Gallant 285 285 0 Ironstorm Missile Pod 16 16 0
Knight Paladin 285 285 0 Las Impulsor 0 0 0
Knight Preceptor 385 385 0 Meltagun 17 14 3
Knight Valiant 500 500 0 Multi Laser 10 5 5
Knight Warden 285 285 0 Plasma Decimator 0 0 0
Rapid Fire Battle Cannon 100 100 0
Named Character Old New Dif Shield Breaker Missile 12 12 0
Sacristan Forgeshrine 80 80 0 Stormspear Rocket Pod 45 45 0
Thermal Cannon 76 76 0
Named Character Old New Dif Thermal Spear 0 0 0
Canis Rex 450 450 0 Thundercoil Harpoon 0 0 0
Twin Icarus Autocannon 30 20 10
Melee Weapons Old New Dif Twin Meltagun 0 0 0
Reaper Chain Cleaver 0 0 0 Twin Siegebreaker Cannon 35 35 0
Reaper Chainsword 30 30 0 Volcano Lance 0 0 0
Thunderstrike Gauntlet 35 35 0
Titanic Feet 0 0 0
HQ Old New Dif Fast Attack Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Daemon Prince 146 146 0 Chaos Bikers 23 21 2 Autocannon
Daemon Prince Wings 170 170 0 Chaos Spawn 33 25 8 Autogun
Chaos Lord 74 74 0 Raptors 17 15 2 Autopistol
Chaos Lord Terminator 105 95 10 Warp Talons 15 12 3 Baleflamer
Chaos Lord Jump Pack 93 93 0 Battle Cannon
Sorcerer 90 90 0 Heavy Support Old New Dif Blastmaster
Sorcerer Terminator 120 102 18 Havocs 13 13 0 Blight Launcher
Sorcerer Jump Pack 112 112 0 Obliterators 65 65 0 Bolt Pistol
Dark Apostle 72 72 0 Chaos Land Raider 239 200 39 Boltgun
Exalted Champion 70 70 0 Defiler 140 120 20 Combi Bolter
Warpsmith 45 35 10 Forgefiend 119 100 19 Combi Flamer
Maulterfiend 140 120 20 Combi Melta
Troops Old New Dif Chaos Vindicator 125 125 0 Combi Plasma
Chaos Space Marine 13 13 0 Chaos Predator 90 90 0 Daemongore Cannon
Chaos Cultist 4 5 -1 Demolisher Cannon
Bloodletters 7 7 0 Flyer Old New Dif Doom Siren
Pink Horrors 7 7 0 Heldrake 138 120 18 Extoplasma Cannon
Blue Horrors 5 5 0 Flamer
Brimstone Horrors 3 3 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Fleshmetal Guns
Plaguebearers 7 7 0 Chaos Rhino 70 70 0 Gorestorm Cannon
Daemonettes 7 6 1 Hades Autocannon
Super Heavy Old New Dif Hades Gatling Cannon
Elite Old New Dif Khorne Lord of Skulls 380 380 0 Havoc Launcher
Fallen 14 14 0 Heavy Bolter
Khorne Berserkers 16 16 0 Named Characters Old New Dif Heavy Flamer
Rubric Marines 18 16 2 Abaddon the Despolier 240 240 0 Heavy Stubber
Plague Marines 17 16 1 Fabius Bile 109 90 19 Helbrute Plasma Cannon
Noise Marines 15 15 0 Kharn the Betrayer 160 120 40 Ichor Cannon
Chosen 16 14 2 Lucius the Eternal 115 85 30
Mutilators 42 35 7 Cypher 110 80 30
Chaos Terminators 31 28 3 Huron Blackheart 125 105 20
Possessed 22 20 2
Helbrute 72 60 12
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Other Wargear Old New Dif
15 10 5 Inferno Bolt Pistol 1 0 1 Blight Grenades 0 0 0
0 0 0 Inferno Boltgun 2 2 0 Daemonic Icon 15 15 0
0 0 0 Lascannon 25 25 0 Frag Grenades 0 0 0
30 30 0 Magma Cutter 16 16 0 Instrument of Chaos 10 10 0
0 0 0 Meltagun 17 14 3 Krak Grenades 0 0 0
20 20 0 Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Icon of Despair 10 10 0
10 10 0 Multi Melta 27 22 5 Icon of Excess 10 10 0
0 0 0 Plague Belcher 10 7 3 Icon of Flame 5 5 0
0 0 0 Plague Spewer 19 15 4 Icon of Vengeance 5 5 0
2 2 0 Plasma Gun 13 11 2 Icon of Wrath 10 10 0
11 8 3 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2
19 15 4 Predator Autocannon 40 40 0 Melee Weapons Old New Dif
15 11 4 Reaper Autocannon 15 10 5 Brutal Assault Weapon 0 0 0
71 71 0 Shotgun 0 0 0 Bubotic Axe 5 5 0
0 0 0 Skullhurler 98 98 0 Chainaxe 1 1 0
10 8 2 Sonic Blaster 4 4 0 Chainfist 14 11 3
26 20 6 Soulreaper Cannon 15 10 5 Chainsword 0 0 0
9 6 3 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0 Daemon Jaws 8 8 0
0 0 0 Twin Heavy Flamer 34 28 6 Daemonic Axe 10 10 0
74 74 0 Twin Lascannon 50 40 10 Defiler Claws 0 0 0
25 20 5 Warp Bolter 3 3 0 Defiler Scourge 12 12 0
184 184 0 Warpflame Pistol 7 3 4 Flail of Corruption 10 10 0
11 6 5 Warpflamer 15 10 5 Fleshmetal Weapons 0 0 0
10 10 0 Force Axe 10 10
17 14 3 Force Stave 8 8 0
4 2 2 Force Sword 8 8 0
30 16 14 Great Cleaver of Khorne 0 0 0
58 58 0 Great Plague Cleaver 15 15 0
Helbrute Fist 40 / 50 30 /40 10 / 10
Continued Old New Dif
Helbrute Hammer 52 30 22
Heldrake Claws 17 17 0
Hellforged Sword 10 10 0
Hideous Mutations 0 0 0
Horrifiying Mutations 0 0 0
Lasher Tendrils 12 12 0
Lightning Claws 8 / 12 8 / 12 ###
Mace of Contagion 7 7 0
Malefic Talons 0 / 10 0 / 10 0
Maulerfiend Fists 0 0 0
Mechatendrils 0 0 0
Plague Knight 0 0 0
Plague Sword 1 1 0
Power Axe 5 5 0
Power Fist 12 9 3
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Scourge 43 35 8
Power Sword 4 4 0
HQ Old New Dif Fast Attack Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Daemon Prince of Nurgle 146 146 0 Myphitic Blight Haulers 85 75 10 Autogun
Daemon Prince of N 170 170 0 Chaos Spawn 33 25 8 Autopistol
Lord of Contagion 100 95 5 Plague Drones 34 40 -6 Battle Cannon
Chaos Lord 74 74 0 Bile Spurt
Chaos Lord Terminator 105 95 10 Heavy Support Old New Dif Blight Grenades
Sorcerer 90 90 0 Chaos Land Raider 239 200 39 Blight Launcher
Sorcerer Terminator 120 102 18 Plagueburst Crawler 100 100 0 Bolt Pistol
Malignant Plaguecaster 85 85 0 Defiler 140 120 20 Boltgun
Chaos Predator 90 90 0 Combi Bolter
Troops Old New Dif Combi Flamer
Plague Marine 17 16 1 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Combi Melta
Chaos Cultists 4 5 -1 Chaos Rhino 70 70 0 Combi Plasma
Poxwalkers 6 6 0 Entropy Cannon
Plaguebearers 7 7 0 Named Characters Old New Dif Flamer
Nurglings 18 18 0 Typhus 175 175 0 Havoc Launcher
Mortarion 470 470 0 Heavy Bight Launcher
Elite Old New Dif Heavy Bolter
Noxious Blightbringer 58 50 8 Heavy Flamer
Foul Blightspawn 77 77 0 Heavy Slugger
Biologus Putrifier 74 60 14 Heavy Stubber
Plague Surgeon 59 54 5 Helbrute Plasma Cannon
Tallyman 55 50 5 Hyper Blight Grenades
Deathshroud Terminators 35 35 0 Injector Pistol
Blightlord Terminators 38 34 4 Krak Grenades
Helbrute 72 60 12 Lascannon
Beasts of Nurlge 38 34 4 Meltagun
Possessed 22 20 2 Missile Launcher
Foetid Bloat Drone 99 99 0 Multi Melta
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
0 0 0 Plague Belcher 10 7 3 Balesword 6 6 0
0 0 0 Plagueburst Mortar 0 0 0 Brutal Assault Weapon 0 0 0
0 0 0 Plague Spewer 19 15 4 Bubonic Axe 5 5 0
5 0 5 Plaguespitter 17 17 0 Chainaxe 1 1 0
0 0 0 Plague Sprayer 0 0 0 Chainfist 22 11 11
10 10 0 Plaguespurt Gauntlet 8 0 8 Chainsword 0 0 0
0 0 0 Plasma Gun 13 11 2 Corrupted Staff 0 0 0
0 0 0 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Cursed Plague Bell 0 0 0
2 2 0 Predator Autocannon 40 40 0 Daemonic Axe 10 10 0
11 8 3 Reaper Autocannon 15 10 5 Defiler Claw 0 0 0
19 15 4 Rothail Volley Gun 12 12 0 Defiler Scourge 12 12 0
15 11 4 Shotgun 0 0 0 Flail of Corruption 10 10
20 15 5 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0 Fleshmower 12 12 0
9 6 3 Twin Heavy Flamer 34 28 6 Force Axe 10 10 0
11 6 5 Twin Lascannon 50 40 10 Force Stave 8 8 0
35 35 0 Force Sword 8 8 0
10 10 0 Other Wargear Old New Dif Gnashing Maw 0 0 0
17 14 3 Daemonic Icon 15 15 0 Great Plague Cleaver 15 15 0
6 6 0 Icon of Despair 10 10 0 Helbrute Fist 40 / 50 30 / 40 10 / 10
4 2 2 Instrument of Chaos 10 10 0 Helbrute Hammer 52 30 22
30 16 14 Hellforged Sword 10 10 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
25 25 0
17 14 3
25 20 5
27 22 5
Continued Old New Dif
Hideous Mutations 0 0 0
Horrifying Mutation 0 0 0
Improvised Weapons 0 0 0
Lightning Claws 8 / 12 8 / 12 ###
Mace of Contagion 7 7 0
Malefic Talons 0 / 10 0 / 10
Manreaper 17 17 0
Plague Knife 0 0 0
Plague Probe 25 25 0
Plaguesword 1 1 0
Plaguereaper 30 20 10
Power Axe 5 5 0
Power Fist 12 9 3
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Scourge 43 35 8
Power Sword 4 4 0
HQ Old New Dif Heavy Support Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Daemon Prince of Tzeentc 146 146 0 Chaos Land Raider 239 200 39 Autogun
Daemon Prince of Tzeentc 170 170 0 Chaos Predator 90 90 0 Autopistol
Exalted Sorcerer 112 112 0 Chaos Vindicator 125 125 0 Baleflamer
Exalted Sorcerer Disc of T 132 132 0 Defiler 140 120 20 Battle Cannon
Sorcerer 95 90 5 Forgefield 119 100 19 Combi Bolter
Sorcerer Terminator 120 102 18 Maulerfield 140 120 20 Combi Flamer
Mutalith Vortex Beast 150 125 25 Combi Melta
Troops Old New Dif Demolisher Cannon
Chaos Cultists 4 5 -1 Flyer Old New Dif Ectoplasma Cannon
Rubric Marines 18 16 2 Heldrake 138 120 18 Fatecaster Greatbow
Tzaangors 7 7 0 Flamer
Blue Horror 5 5 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Frag Grenade
Brimstone Horror 3 3 0 Chaos Rhino 70 70 0 Hades Autocannon
Pink Horror 7 7 0 Havoc Launcher
Named Characters Old New Dif Heavy Bolter
Elite Old New Dif Ahriman 131 131 0 Heavy Flamer
Helbrute 72 60 12 Ahriman Disc of Tzeentch 166 166 0 Heavy Stubber
Scarab Occult Terminators 33 30 3 Magnus the Red 445 445 0 Heavy Warpflamer
Tzaango Shaman 82 82 0 Helbrute Plasma Cannon
Flamer 28 25 3 Hellfyre Missile Rack
Inferno Bolt Pistol
Fast Attack Old New Dif Inferno Boltgun
Chaos Spawn 33 25 8 Inferno Combi Bolter
Tzaangor Enlightened 15 15 0 Krak Grenades
Screamer 31 28 3 Lascannon
Magma Cutter
Missile Launcher
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
0 0 0 Multi Melta 27 22 5 Betentacled Maw 0 0 0
0 0 0 Plasma Pistol 7 5 2 Brutal Assault Weapon 0 0 0
30 30 0 Predator Autocannon 40 40 0 Chainsword 0 0 0
0 0 0 Reaper Autocannon 15 10 5 Daemon Jaws 8 8 0
2 2 0 Shotgun 0 0 0 Daemonic Axe 10 10 0
11 8 3 Soulreaper Cannon 15 10 5 Defiler Claws 0 0 0
19 15 4 Twin Heavy Bolter 17 17 0 Defiler Scourge 12 12 0
0 0 0 Twin Heavy Flamer 34 28 6 Divining Spear 1 1 0
26 20 6 Twin Lascannon 50 40 10 Enormous Claws 0 0 0
2 2 0 Warpflame Pistol 7 3 4 Force Stave 8 8 0
9 6 3 Warpflamer 15 10 5 Force Sword 8 8 0
0 0 0 Helbrute Fist 40 / 50 30 / 40 10 / 10
25 20 5 Other Wargear Old New Dif Helbrute Hammer 52 30 22
11 6 5 Brayhorn 10 10 0 Heldrake Claws 17 17 0
10 10 0 Daemonic Icon 15 15 0 Hellforged Sword 10 10 0
17 14 3 Familiar 9 9 0 Hideous Mutations 0 0 0
4 2 2 Icon of Flame 5 5 0 Lasher Tendrils 12 12 0
23 17 6 Instrument of Chaos 10 10 0 Malefic Talons 0 / 10 0 / 10 0
30 16 14 Maulerfiend Fists 0 0 0
22 15 7 Power Scourge 43 35 8
1 0 1 Power Sword 4 4 0
2 2 0 Tzaangor Blades 0 0 0
3 3 0
0 0 0
25 25 0
16 16 0
25 20 5
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Other Wargear
Bloodmaster 56 56 0 Beasts of Nurgle 34 34 0 Chanting Horrors
Bloodthirster Insensate Ra 340 260 80 Bloodcrushers 47 47 0 Daemonic Icon
Bloodthirster Unfettered F 340 240 100 Exalted Flamer 90 70 20 Instrument of Chaos
Blood Throne 105 105 0 Fiends of Slaanesh 46 42 4 Rod of Sorcery
Changecaster 78 65 13 Flamers 28 25 3 Staff of Change
Fateskimmer 150 130 20
Fluxmaster 99 85 14 Fast Attack Old New Dif Melee Weapons
Great Unclean One BileSw 325 275 50 Furies 10 8 2 Daemonic Axe
Greay Unclean One Bileswo 325 285 40 Flesh Hounds 15 15 0 Hellforged Sword
Great Unclean One Doomsd 320 295 25 Gore Hounds 24 24 0 Malefic Talons
Great Unclean One Doomsd 320 305 15 Hellflayer 93 70 23
Herald of Slaanesh 66 60 6 Plague Drones 34 40 -6 Fortification
Keeper of Secrets 223 165 58 Screamer 31 28 3 Ferculent Gnarlmaws
Lord of Change 320 270 50 Seekers 19 15 4
Lord of Change Baleful S 330 275 55
Poxbringer 70 70 0 Heavy Support Old New Dif
Skullmaster 100 90 10 Burning Chariot 120 110 10
Sloppity Bilepiper 60 60 0 Exalted Seeker Chariot 100 80 20
Spoilpox Scrivner 75 95 -20 Seeker Chariot 70 50 20
Wrath of Khorne Bloodthir 340 240 100 Skull Cannon 100 90 10
Daemon Prince 146 146 0 Soul Grinder 235 180 55
Daemon Prince Wings 170 170 0 0
Named Characters Old New Dif
Troops Old New Dif Belakor 280 240 40
Bloodletters 7 7 0 The Bluescribes 86 75 11
Daemonettes 7 6 1 The Changling 100 100 0
Blue Horrors 5 5 0 Epidemius 100 100 0
Brimstone Horrors 3 3 0 Horticulous Slimux 165 165 0
Pink Horrors 7 7 0 Kairos Fateweaver 370 285 85
Nurglings 18 18 0 Karanak 70 70 0
Plaguebearers 7 7 0 The Masque of Slaanesh 78 65 13
Rotigus 330 285 45
Skarbrand 360 330 30
Skulltaker 84 84 0
Old New Dif
5 5 0
15 15 0
10 10 0
10 10 0
5 5 0

Old New Dif

10 10 0
10 10 0
0 / 10 0 / 10 0

Old New Dif

85 85 0
HQ Old New Dif Heavy Support Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Broodlord 162 115 47 Exocrine 216 170 46 Acid Spray
Hive Tyrant 143 143 0 Tyrannofex 181 151 30 Barbed Strangler
Hive Tyrant Wings 190 190 0 Biovores 50 50 0 Bio Electric Pulse
Tyranid Prime 100 70 30 Toxicrene 157 140 17 Bio Electric Pulse Contain
Tervigon 225 180 45 Carnifexes 67 67 0 Bio Plasma
Neurothrope 70 90 -20 Screamer Killers 90 90 0 Bio Plasmic Cannon
Thornbacks 70 70 0 Bio Plasmic Scream
Troops Old New Dif Mawloc 104 104 0 Choking Spores
Tyranid Warriors 20 20 0 Trygon 108 108 0 Deathspitter
Genestealers 10 10 0 Trygon Prime 138 138 0 Deathspitter Slimer Maggo
Termagants 4 4 0 Devourer
Hormagaunts 5 5 0 Flyer Old New Dif Devourer Brainleach Wor
Ripper Swarms 11 11 0 Harpy 121 105 16 Drool Cannon
Hive Crone 153 135 18 Flamespurt
Elite Old New Dif Flesh Hooks
Tyrant Guard 35 35 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Fleshborer
Hive Guard 18 18 0 Tyrannocyte 98 75 23 Fleshborer Hive
Lictor 41 30 11 Grasping Tongue
Zoanthropes 40 40 0 Named Characters Old New Dif Heavy Venom Cannon
Maleceptor 162 150 12 Deathleaper 90 60 30 Impaler Cannon
Venomthropes 30 30 0 Old One Eye 200 200 0 Massive Toxic Lashes
Pyrovores 38 25 13 The Red Terror 75 50 25 Rupture Cannon
Haruspex 198 170 28 The Swarmlord 300 250 50 Shockcannon
Spine Banks
Fast Attack Old New Dif Fortification Old New Dif Spinefists Ravener Tyranid
Gargoyles 6 6 0 Sporocyst 79 79 0 Spinefists Termagant
Raveners 23 23 0 Spinemaws
Mucolid Spores 20 20 0
Spore Mines 10 10 0
Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
25 25 0 Spore Mine Launcher 0 0 0 Acid Maw 0 0 0
10 10 0 Spore Node 0 0 0 Biostatic Rattle 0 0 0
0 0 0 Stinger Salvo 8 8 0 Blinding Venom 0 0 0
0 0 0 Stranglethorn Cannon 25 15 10 Bone Mace 2 2 0
9 9 0 Tentaclids 0 0 0 Boneswords 2 2 0
0 0 0 Toxic Lashes 0 0 0 Claws and Teeth 0 0 0
0 0 0 Venom Cannon 20 12 8 Crushing Claws 12 12 0
0 0 0 Distensible Jaws 0 0 0
5 5 0 Biomorph Weapons Old New Dif Grasping Talons 0 0 0
7 7 0 Adrenal Glands 5 5 0 Lash Whip Bonesword 2 2 0
4 4 0 Adrenal Glands 1 1 0 Lash Whip Monstrous Bon 15 15 0
7 7 0 Chitin Thorns 5 5 0 Massive Crushing Claws 20 20 0
0 0 0 Enhanced Sense 10 10 0 Massive Scything Talons 10 10 0
0 0 0 Extended Carapace 2 2 0 Massive Scything Talons 60 40 20
2 2 0 Spore Cysts 10 10 0 Massive Toxic Lashes 0 0 0
0 0 0 Toxin Sacs Hormagaunt 2 2 0 Monstrous Acid Maw 10 10 0
15 15 0 Toxin Sacs Hive Guard Ma 1 1 0 Monstrous Boneswords 20 20 0
0 0 0 Toxin Sacs Trygon Trygon 8 8 0 Monstrous Crushing Claws 12 12 0
25 18 7 Toxin Sacs Carnifex Genes 4 4 0 Monstrous Rending Claws 0 0 0
30 30 0 Tusks 8 8 0 Monstrous Scything Talons 14 14 0
0 0 0 Monstrous Scything Talons 15 15 0
49 49 0 Monstrous Scything Talons 15 15 0
21 21 0 Monstrous Scything Talons 20 20 0
2 2 0
1 1 0
0 0 0
2 2 0
Continued Old New Dif
Powerful Limbs 0 0 0
Prehensile Pincer Tail 0 0 0
Ravenous Maw 0 0 0
Rending Claws 2 2 0
Shovelling Claws 0 0 0
Scything Claws 0 0 0
Scything Wings 0 0 0
Thresher Scythe 7 7 0
Toxic Lashes 0 0 0
Toxinspike 1 1 0
Wicked Spur 0 0 0
HQ Old New Dif Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weapons
Catacomb Command Barg 138 124 14 Doom Scythe 205 150 55 Death Ray
Cryptek 70 70 0 Night Scythe 160 135 25 Doomsday Cannon
Destroyer Lord 110 110 0 Gauss Blaster
Lord 73 65 8 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Gauss Cannon
Overlord 84 84 0 Ghost Ark 160 145 15 Gauss Flayer
Gauss Flayer Array
Troops Old New Dif Named Characters Old New Dif Gauss Flux Arc
Immortals 8 8 0 Anrakyr the Traveller 167 167 0 Heat Ray
Necron Warriors 12 11 1 Ctan Shard of the Deceiver 225 225 0 Heavy Gauss Cannon
Ctan Shard of the Nightbri 210 180 30 Particle Beamer
Elite Old New Dif Illuminor Szeras 143 120 23 Particle Caster
Flayed Ones 17 17 0 Imotekh the Stormlord 200 160 40 Particle Shredder
Triarch Praetorians 22 16 6 Nemesor Zahndrekh 180 150 30 Particle Whip
Triarch Stalker 117 85 32 Orikan the Diviner 115 115 0 Rod of Covenant
Deathmarks 19 17 2 Trazynthe Infinite 100 90 10 Staff of Light
Lychguard 19 19 0 Vargard Obyron 140 125 15 Synaptic Disintegrator
Tesla Cannon
Fast Attack Old New Dif Named Characters Old New Dif Tesla Carbine
Canoptek Scarabs 13 13 0 Obelisk 426 380 46 Tesla Destructor
Canoptk Wraiths 55 48 7 Tesseract Vault 496 566 -70 Tesla Sphere
Destroyers 30 30 0 Tansdimensional Beamer
Tomb Blades 14 14 0 Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon
Twin Tesla Destructor
Heavy Support Old New Dif
Annihilation Barge 133 100 33
Canoptek Spyders 65 65 0
Doomsday Ark 193 160 33
Heavy Destroyers 30 30 0
Monolith 381 320 61
Transcendent Ctan 225 200 25
Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
0 0 0 Automaton Claws 0 0 0
0 0 0 Crackling Tendrils 0 0 0
9 7 2 Feeder Mandibles 0 0 0
20 20 0 Flayer Claws 0 0 0
0 0 0 Hyperphase Sword 3 3 0
0 0 0 Massive Forelimbs 0 0 0
0 0 0 Vicious Claws 0 0 0
54 40 14 Voidblade 6 6 0
27 20 7 Voidscythe 20 20 0
10 10 0 Warscythe 11 9 2
4 4 0 Whip Coils 9 9 0
41 30 11
0 0 0 Other Wargear Old New Dif
10 10 0 Dispersion Shield 12 6 6
10 10 0 Chronometron 15 15 0
0 0 0 Canoptek Cloak 5 5 0
13 13 0 Fabricator Claw Array 5 5 0
9 7 2 Gloom Prism 5 5 0
0 0 0 Nebuloscope 2 2 0
0 0 0 Phylactery 10 10 0
14 14 0 Resurrection Orb 35 35 0
54 40 14 Shadowloom 5 5 0
0 0 0 Shieldvanes 3 3 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Flyer
Farseer 110 110 0 Howling Banshees 9 9 0 Crimson Hunter
Farseer Skuyrunner 130 130 0 Striking Scorpions 13 10 3 Crimson Hunter Exarch
Warlock Conclave 45 45 0 Fire Dragons 7 10 -3 Hemlock Wraithfighter
Warlock Conclave Skyrunn 60 60 0 Wraithblades 29 29 0 Nightwing
Warlock 55 55 0 Wraithguard 23 23 0 Phoenix
Warlock Skyrunner 65 65 0 Shadow Spectres 8 8 0
Autarch 65 65 0 Shadow Spectre Exarch 12 12 0 Dedicated Transport
Autarch Swooping Hawk 85 85 0 Wave Serpent
Autarch Skyrunner 95 95 0 Fast Attack Old New Dif
Avatar of Khaine 250 220 30 Windriders 18 16 2 Super Heavy
Spiritseer 65 65 0 Vypers 50 40 10 Wratihknight
Wraithseer 125 100 25 Swooping Hawks 6 6 0 Scorpion
Warp Spiders 10 10 0 Cobra
Troops Old New Dif Shining Spears 18 24 -6 Vampire Raider
Guardian Defenders 8 8 0 Wasp Assault Walker 65 55 10 Vampire Hunter
Heavy Weapon Platform 5 5 0 Hornet 85 60 25 Skathach Wraithknight
Storm Guardiands 7 6 1 Corsair Cloud Dancer Ban 20 20 0 Revenant Titan
Dire Avengers 8 8 0 Corsair Cloud Dancer Band 25 25 0 Phantom Titan
Rangers 12 12 0
Corsair Reaver Band 7 7 0 Heavy Support Old New Dif Named Characters
Corsair Reaver Band Felar 12 12 0 War Walkers 50 40 10 Eldrad Ulthran
Corsair Skyreaver Band 10 10 0 Wraithlord 103 85 18 Prince Yriel
Corsair Skyreaver Band Fe 15 15 0 Support Weapon 30 25 5 Asurmen
Dark Reapers 12 12 0 Baharroth
Falcon 125 110 15 Fuegan
Night Spinner 135 110 25 Jain Zar
Fire Prism 155 155 0 Karandras
Warp Hunter 285 175 110 Maugan Ra
Lynx 325 325 0 Illic Nightspear
Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
120 120 0 Aeldari Missile Launcher 25 20 5 Shuriken Catapuilt 0 0 0
135 135 0 Avenger Shuriken Catapult 4 3 1 Shuriken Pistol 0 0 0
200 200 0 Bright Lance 20 20 0 Singing Spear 5 5 0
76 76 0 D Cannon 45 45 0 Star Lance 10 10 0
183 183 0 D Sythe 22 20 2 Starcannon 15 13 2
Death Spinner 8 6 2 Suncannon 118 60 58
Old New Dif Doomweaver 0 0 0 Tempest Launcher 27 27 0
107 120 -13 Dragons Breath Flamer 17 14 3 Twin Aeldari Missile Laun 50 40 10
Firepike 20 17 3 Twin Bright Lance 40 40 0
Old New Dif Flamer 9 6 3 Twin Scatter Laser 17 12 5
402 315 87 Fusion Gun 17 14 3 Twin Shuriken Cannon 17 17 0
700 700 0 Fusion Pistol 9 7 2 Twin Shuriken Catapult 5 2 3
550 550 0 Hawks Talon 10 10 0 Twin Starcannon 28 24 4
850 850 0 Heavy D Scythe 0 0 0 Vibro Cannon 30 15 15
1500 1500 0 Heavy Wraithcannon 50 50 0 Wraithcannon 17 15 2
520 420 100 Lasblaster 7 7 0 Prism Rifle 25 20 5
2000 2000 0 Laser Lance 8 8 0 Prism Blaster 30 25 5
2370 2370 0 Melta Bomb 0 0 0 Haywire Launcher 17 17 0
Plasma Grenade 0 0 0 Sunburst Grenades 0 0 0
Old New Dif Prism Cannon 0 0 0 Hornet Pulse Laser 30 25 5
150 135 15 Pulse Laser 0 0 0 D Flail 0 0 0
100 70 30 Ranger Long Rifle 0 0 0 Lynx Pulsar 0 0 0
175 175 0 Reaper Launcher 22 22 0 Sonic Lance 60 60 0
110 110 0 Scatter Laser 10 7 3 Twin Scorpion Pulsar 0 0 0
150 140 10 Scropions Claw 12 9 3 D Impaler 0 0 0
140 115 25 Shadow Weaver 25 12 13 Phoenix Pulse Laser 0 0 0
150 125 25 Shuriken Cannon 10 10 0 Phoenix Missile Array 0 0 0
140 140 0
80 80 0
160 160 0
Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapo Old New Dif Other Wargea Old New Dif
Nightfire Missile Array 0 0 0 Aeldari Blade 0 0 0 Banshee Mask 0 0 0
Twin Pulse Laser 0 0 0 Biting Blade 8 5 3 Crystal Target 5 5 0
Twin Vampire Pulsar 0 0 0 Chainsword 0 0 0 Forceshield 6 6 0
Inferno Lance 60 60 0 Diresword 4 4 0 Mandiblasters 0 0 0
Deathshroud Cannon 45 45 0 Executioner 7 7 0 Scattershield 20 30 -10
Pulsar 0 0 0 Ghostaxe 10 10 0 Shimmershield 20 10 10
Cloudburst Missile Launch 0 0 0 Ghostglaive 10 10 0 Spirit Stones 10 10 0
Brace of Pistols 2 2 0 Ghostswords 6 6 0 Star Engines 10 10 0
Dissonance Pistol 5 5 0 Mirrorswords 4 4 0 Vectores Engin 10 10 0
Dissonance Cannon 20 20 0 Paragon Sabre 8 8 0
Dark Lance 20 20 0 Power Glaive 4 4 0
Splinter Cannon 15 15 0 Power Sword 4 4 0
Spear of Starlight 0 0 0 Powerblades 4 4 0
Dire Pulsar 0 0 0 Scorpion Chai 1 1 0
D Bombard 0 0 0 Star Glaive 6 6 0
Voidstorm Missile Launche 0 0 0 Titanic Feet 0 0 0
Shardcarbine 0 0 0 Titanic Ghostg 30 30 0
Blaster 15 15 0 Titanic Wraith 0 0 0
Shredder 8 8 0 Witchblade 0 0 0
Witch Staff 0 0 0
Wraithbone Fis 0 0 0
Wraithguard Fi 0 0 0
Ghostspear 0 0 0
Titanic Stride 0 0 0
Void Sabre 10 10 0
Spear of Twili 0 0 0
Wraith Glaive 0 0 0
Spar Glaive 0 0 0
HQ Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif
Troupe Master 70 70 0 Fusion Pistol 9 7 2
Shadowseer 125 125 0 Hallucinogen Grenade Lau 0 0 0
Haywire Cannon 15 15 0
Troops Old New Dif Neuro Disruptor 10 10 0
Troupe 13 13 0 Prismatic Cannon 20 20 0
Plasma Grenades 0 0 0
Elite Old New Dif Shrieker Cannon 0 0 0
Death Jester 45 45 0 Shuriken Cannon 10 10 0
Solitaire 84 84 0 Shuriken Pistol 0 0 0
Star Bolas 0 0 0
Fast Attack Old New Dif
Skyweavers 30 30 0 Melee Weapons Old New Dif
Harlequins Blade 0 0 0
Heavy Support Old New Dif Harlequins Caress 7 7 0
Voidweaver 68 68 0 Harlequins Embrace 6 6 0
Harlequins Kiss 7 7 0
Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Mistave 0 0 0
Starweaver 79 79 0 Power Sword 4 4 0
Zephyrglaive 6 6 0
Fortification Old New Dif
Webway Gate 120 120 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 Heavy Suppor Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Troops Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weap Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Dedicated Tra Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Named Charac Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapo Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 Other Wargea Old New Dif 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
HQ Old New Dif Heavy Support Old New Dif Drones
Cadre Fireblade 39 39 0 XV88 Broadside Battlesuit 60 35 25 MV62 Command Link Dro
Commander XV8 72 72 0 TX7 Hammerhead Gunshi 100 100 0 MV33 Grav Inhibitor Dron
Commander XV85 76 76 0 TX78 Sky Ray Gunship 100 80 20 MV36 Gaurdian Drone
Commander XV86 90 90 0 MV1 Gun Drone
Etheral 45 45 0 Flyer Old New Dif MV17 Interceptor Drone
Etheral Hover Drone 50 50 0 AX3 Razorshark Strike Fig 72 72 0 MV7 Marker Drone
AX39 Sun Shark Bomber 90 90 0 MV8 Missile Drone
Troops Old New Dif MV31 Pulse Accelerator D
Breacher Team 7 7 0 Dedicated Transport Old New Dif MB3 Recon Drone
DS8 Tactical Support Turre 0 0 0 TY7 Devilfish 80 70 10 MV4 Shield Drone
Kroot Carnivores 5 5 0 MV52 Shield Drone
Strike Team 7 7 0 Named Characters Old New Dif MV84 Shielded Missile Dr
DS8 Tactical Support Turre 0 0 0 Longstrike 137 137 0 MV71 Sniper Drone
Aunshi 60 60 0 MV5 Stealth Drone
Elite Old New Dif Aunva 85 85 0
XV8 Crisis Battlesuits 42 27 15 Etheral Guard 5 5 0 Melee Weapons
XV8 Crisis Bodyguards 45 30 15 Commander Farsight 151 125 26 Equalizers
Firesight Marksman 21 21 0 Commander Shadowsun 167 110 57 Honor Blade
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit 82 70 12 Darkstrider 45 45 0 Kroot Rifle
Krootox Riders 34 34 0 The Eight 1120 1120 0 Krootox Fists
Kroot Shaper 31 31 0 Ripping Fangs
XV104 Riptide Battlesuit 185 185 0 Super Heavy Old New Dif Ritual Blade
XV25 Stealth Battlesuit 20 20 0 KV128 Stormsurge 180 180 0

Fast Attack Old New Dif Fortification Old New Dif

Kroot Hounds 4 4 0 Tidewall Droneport 70 70 0
Pathfinder Team 5 5 0 Tidewall Gunrig 70 70 0
TX4 Piranhas 38 30 8 Tidewall Shieldline 70 70 0
Tactical Drones Tidewall Defence Platform 70 70 0
Vespid Stingwings 14 14 0
Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
6 6 0 Airbursting Fragmentation 8 8 0 Pulse Bomb 0 0 0
8 8 0 Burst Cannon 8 8 0 Pulse Carbine 0 0 0
8 8 0 Cluster Rocket System 25 25 0 Pulse Driver Cannon 97 50 47
12 10 2 Cyclic Ion Blaster 18 18 0 Pulse Pistol 1 1 0
15 15 0 Cyclic Ion Raker 39 3 36 Pulse Rifle 0 0 0
10 10 0 Destroyer Missile 10 10 0 Quad Ion Turret 45 30 15
20 20 0 Flamer 9 6 3 Rail Rifle 17 12 5
8 8 0 Fusion Blaster 21 18 3 Railgun 38 30 8
12 12 0 Fusion Collider 35 30 5 Seeker Missile 5 5 0
10 10 0 Heavy Burst Cannon 35 35 0 Smart Missile System 15 15 0
11 11 0 Heavy Rail Rifle 35 35 0 Supremacy Railgun 50 50 0
25 25 0 High Output Burst Cannon 20 16 4
18 18 0 High Yield Missile Pod 25 25 0 Support System Old New Dif
10 10 0 Ion Accelerator 65 50 15 Advanced Targeting Syste 18 18 0
Ion Cannon 35 35 0 Advanced Targeting Syste 12 6 6
Old New Dif Ion Rifle 7 7 0 Counterfire Defence Syst 10 10 0
1 1 0 Kroot Gun 0 0 0 XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Batt 15 10 5
0 0 0 Kroot Rifle 0 0 0 Drone Controller 5 5 0
0 0 0 Longshot Pulse Rifle 0 0 0 Early Warning Override 10 10 0
0 0 0 Markerlight 3 3 0 Early Warning Override 5 5 0
0 0 0 Missile Pod 24 15 9 Homing Beacon 20 20 0
0 0 0 Neutron Blaster 0 0 0 Multi Trackor 10 10 0
Photon Grenades 0 0 0 Shield Generator 40 40 0
Plasma Rifle 11 8 3 Shield Generator 8 8 0
Pulse Blastcannon 43 43 0 Target Lock 12 12 0
Pulse Blaster 0 0 0 Target Lock 6 6 0
Velocity Tracker 10 10 0
Velocity Tracker 2 2 0
HQ Old New Dif Elite Old New Dif Fast Attack Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 Heavy Suppor Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Troops Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Flyer Old New Dif Ranged Weap Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Dedicated Tra Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Named Charac Old New Dif 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
Continued Old New Dif Continued Old New Dif Melee Weapo Old New Dif
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 Other Wargea Old New Dif 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
HQ Old New Dif Ranged Weapons Old New Dif Continued
Patriarch 150 150 0 Autocannon 15 10 5 Multi Melta
Magus 73 73 0 Autogun 0 0 0 Needle Pistol
Primus 71 71 0 Autopistol 0 0 0 Plasma Cannon
Acolyte Iconward 53 53 0 Battle Cannon 22 22 0 Seismic Cannon
Abominant 80 80 0 Blasting Charge 0 0 0 Shotgun
Bolt Pistol 1 1 0 Storm Bolter
Troops Old New Dif Cache of Demolition Char 12 12 0 Twin Autocannon
Acolyte Hybrids 11 11 0 Clearance Incinerator 22 22 0 Vanquisher Battle Cannon
Neophyte Hybrids 5 5 0 Demolition Charges 10 10 0 Web Pistol
Eradicator Nova Cannon 25 15 10 Webber
Elite Old New Dif Exterminator Autocannon 25 17 8
Hybrid Metamorphs 13 13 0 Flamer 7 6 1 Other Wargear
Aberrants 17 17 0 Grenade Launcher 5 5 0 Cult Icon
Purestrain Genestealers 15 15 0 Hand Flamer 8 8 0
Heavy Bolter 8 8 0
Fast Attack Old New Dif Heavy Flamer 19 14 5
Cult Scout Sentinels 35 35 0 Heavy Mining Lazer 25 25 0
Cult Armored Sentinels 40 40 0 Heavy Seismic Cannon 15 15 0
Heavy Stubber 8 2 6
Heavy Support Old New Dif Hunter Killer Missile 9 9 0
Cult Leman Russ 132 132 0 Lascannon 20 20 0
Goliath Rockgrinder 94 94 0 Lasgun 0 0 0
Lasgun Array 0 0 0
Dedicated Transport Old New Dif Laspistol 0 0 0
Goliath Truck 66 66 0 Mining Laser 14 14 0
Cult Chimera 75 75 0 Missile Launcher 20 15 5
Mortar 5 5 0
Multilazer 10 5 5
Old New Dif Melee Weapons Old New Dif
20 15 5 Bonesword 5 5 0
0 0 0 Chainsword 0 0 0
15 10 5 Cultist Knife 0 0 0
10 10 0 Drilldozer Blade 0 0 0
0 0 0 Force Stave 0 0 0
6 6 0 Heavy Rock Cutter 23 23 0
33 33 0 Heavy Rock Drill 30 30 0
20 15 5 Heavy Rock Saw 14 14 0
3 3 0 Lash Whip and Bonesword 7 7 0
5 5 0 Metamorph Claw 6 6 0
Metamorph Talon 5 5 0
Old New Dif Metamorph Whip 2 2 0
20 20 0 Monstrous Rending Claws 0 0 0
Power Hammer 16 16 0
Power Maul 4 4 0
Power Pick 10 10 0
Purestrain Talons 0 0 0
Rending Claws 0 0 0
Sentinel Chainsaw 2 2 0
Toxin Injector Claw 0 0 0
Units Old New Dif
Callidus Assassin 80 70 10
Culexus Assassin 85 85 0
Eversor Assassin 70 70 0
Vindicare Assassin 90 80 10
Units Old New Dif
Prosecutors 12 10 2
Vigilators 11 10 1
Witchseekers 11 10 1

Transport Old New Dif

Null Maiden Rhino 70 70

Ranged Weapons Old New Dif

Boltgun 0 0 0
Flamer 9 6 3
Hunter Killer Missile 6 6 0
Psyk Out Grenades 0 0 0
Storm Bolter 2 2 0

Melee Weapons Old New Dif

Executioner Greatblade 8 5 3

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