pdp2 Ayesha h00323804

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PDP2 Ayesha H00323804

In the previous semester, my MST teacher was very critical about my teaching because I
asked her so in terms of self-improvements for the future! It was such a great thing that I
considered the positive change and turned the negative feedback into a goal that I want to
achieve better in the future. It was mostly the timings that I had not fully planned for
because, when the lesson is too short (45 mins) you should move fast or reduce the amo unt
of information being taught like I did this semester. Back then, I should’ve made my
teaching more student centered. Just like my teacher commented.

But according to what I really need to improve more is the learning of the TPR because i
pocked it as my research topic for this year and also the dynamics of the curriculum design.

So basically, TPR is Total Physical response. It’s a method that is used to teach teaching
language and it is connected according to the language connection to the physical
movement. the concept of Total Physical Response, which was developed by the scientist
James Asher. Its goal is aimed for students to help and encourage their movement as a
response to a verbal order on input, and according to James this will help to reduce
students’ stress levels and also to reduce their inhibition in addition of learning a new
language (Botts,2018).

Some of the characteristics or the important features of TPR is that it helps the VAK
learning which stands for Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles. It basically is
movement as in the literal definition “a method of teaching a foreign language in which the
teacher asks the students to do something in the foreign language, and they must react
with a body movement or action” (Cambridge,2018).

Some of the goals that I sat for myself was being able to know how the dynamics of the new
MoE curriculum is made and how does it work exactly. So, based on what I know a
curriculum is made for the students and teachers to best meet the teachin g expectations in
a period of time. (Rowland, 2018). I use the word ‘new’ because last year all schools used
to have the ADEC curriculum which was the one they are used to, but now with the MoE
taking over it is a whole new curriculum and new changes. I was a bit judgmental on both of
the curriculums but mostly I learnt that the MoE curriculum expectations are so high for
the students’ levels, I taught grade 3 and 4 math but for grade 3 curriculum it seemed as if
they were studying what grade 4 are taking but with less details. It has a very short periods
of time to move from one whole unit to another, so the teachers and I had to delay the
teaching of many units for the students’ comprehension sake.
Reference List;

Botts, V. (2018). Total Physical Response Activities & Games. Retrieved from Study.com:
Cambridge. (2018, October 3). total physical response. Retrieved from Dictionary Cambridge:
Council, B. (2014, 8). Total Physical Responce - TPR. Retrieved from British Council:
Rowland, M. (2018). Total Physical Response (TPR) . Retrieved from The Teacher Toolkit:

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