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An organ called the pancreas makes a hormone called insulin, which helps move sugar into your cells
and lower the amount in your blood. During pregnancy, the placenta -- the organ that feeds and delivers
oxygen to your baby -- releases hormones that help your baby grow. Some of these make it harder for
your body to make or use insulin. This is called insulin resistance.

Why You Get Gestational Diabetes

 You were overweight before you got pregnant; extra weight makes it harder for your body to use
 You gain weight very quickly during your pregnancy
 You have a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes
 Your blood sugar levels are high, but not high enough for you to be diagnosed with diabetes; this
is called prediabetes.
 You had gestational diabetes in a past pregnancy
 You are over age 25
 You gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
 You had a baby who was stillborn
 You have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
 You're African-American, American Indian, Hispanic, or Pacific Islander


Semasa kehamilan, plasenta - organ yang memberi makan dan menghantar oksigen kepada bayi -
melepaskan hormon yang membantu bayi anda membesar. Ia akan menjadikannya lebih sukar untuk
badan anda mengahsilkan insulin. Keadaan ini dipanggil ketahanan insulin dan boleh menyebabkan
kan penyakit kencing manis ketika hamil.
Bagaimana Anda Boleh Terdedah Dengan Diabetes Ketika Hamil

 Berat berlebihan sebelum kehamilan; berat berlebihan membuatkan badan anda lebih sukar
menghasilkan insulin
 Berat menaik secara mendadak setelah hamil
 Sejarah keluarga, samada ibu bapa, abang, kakak yang mempunyai diabetes Jenis 2
 Tahap gula yang tinggi tapi tidak terlalu tinggi untuk didiagnosis dengan diabetes; ia dipanggil
 Anda berumur lebih 25 tahun semasa kehamilan

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