E-Magazine: How Can Sports Bring People Together?

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30/10/2018 e-magazine | ESO 2 | OOLZ

Name: _______________________ Date: 30/10/2018

Exercise: ESO2/e-magazine/April 2016

April 2016

How can sports bring people together?

On the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace we celebrate the way sports can
bring people together. This celebration takes place every year on 6 April, which is the same date
as the opening of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. Playing sports makes us fit
and healthy. It also teaches us how to work together as a team. It shows us that all team
members are important, because they need each other to win a game. Playing sports gives you
something to do in your spare time, and itʹs a great way to make new friends. But best of all,
playing sports is a way of communicating which everyone can understand. Teams and athletes
can play together even if they donʹt speak the same language. In sport, everyone follows the
same rules, and everyone is equal.

A cycling artist

Stephen Lund is from Canada, and heʹs an unusual artist. He rides his bike to make pictures on
his GPS tracker! Runners and cyclists often use GPS tracking apps to track their workouts. The
apps tell them how far they have gone and draw their route onto a map. In January 2015,
Stephen realized that he could use an app to make pictures. He celebrated the New Year by
cycling a route that spelled out ʹHappy 2015!ʹ. Stephen calls his pictures ʹGPS Doodlesʹ and he has
a special website for his art. He cycles about seventy kilometres a day to make his designs, and
he made seventy doodles last year. His designs include animals, dinosaurs and portraits of
famous people. Stephenʹs doodles are getting bigger and better. Search online for ʹGPS doodlesʹ
and check out Stephenʹs pictures.
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30/10/2018 e-magazine | ESO 2 | OOLZ

Make a solar system mobile

On 12 April 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made the first human space flight. He
travelled into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Now, 12 April is the International Day of Human
Space Flight. Why not celebrate by making a solar system mobile?

You need:

Polystyrene balls of different sizes

Paints in different colours
Some wooden or plastic sticks
Wool or string

1. Look online to see what sizes and colours the planets and the sun should be.
2. Paint the planets and the sun.
3. Glue (or tie) wool or string to each of the balls.
4. Hang the planets from the sticks using the wool or string with the sun in the centre.
5. You can make labels with the name of each planet and stick them onto them.

Comprehension check

Read the e-magazine and choose the correct answers.

1  The first modern Olympic Games opened on 6 April 1896.

True    False
2  People need to speak the same language to play sports together.
True    False
3  Stephen Lund creates his pictures by running.
True    False
4  Stephen only makes pictures of dinosaurs.
True    False

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30/10/2018 e-magazine | ESO 2 | OOLZ

5  You need balls of one size only to make the solar system mobile.
True    False
6  You should hang the sun in the centre of the solar system mobile.
True    False

Score: /6

© Oxford University Press 2018

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