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SPIRITUALLIFE Saturday, November 3, 2018


Lets talk turkey The Gift Goes On

The Jesus House is seeking Katie Harder and her family
donations of turkeys and other will be among the families and
holiday food items for its annual organizations that have a booth at
Thanksgiving food basket the holiday shopping event called
distribution to the needy. The Gift Goes On. 


ABOVE: Brandy Romine and Rhonda Hefton pose for a photo in a vacant house that HopeHouse OKC plans to renovate for a partnership project with ReMerge. [PHOTO BY CHRIS LANDSBERGER,
THE OKLAHOMAN] BELOW: A side view is shown of a house that HopeHouse OKC plans to renovate in partnership with ReMerge. [PHOTO BY CHRIS LANDSBERGER, THE OKLAHOMAN]

HopeHouse OKC wins money from

contest launched by ‘Fixer Upper’ star
he faith-based nonprofit (The show ended its five-season
HopeHouse OKC has big Carla
run at the end of the 2017-18 sea-
plans to fix up a house in Hinton son at the Gaineses’ request).
desperate need of a makeover.  chinton@ Hefton said she found out
The organization recently about the Chipstarter com-
connected with some folks who petition at the last minute but
know just what to do with a fixer decided to enter anyway. The
upper. metro-area woman wanted
HopeHouse recently received HopeHouse to get a much-
$25,000 to start its renova- ise for the contest was simple: needed boost in its efforts to
tion project after being named a People with a dream they were renovate a northeast Oklahoma
winner in the 2018 Chipstarter passionate about were invited to City house.
competition. The contest was film themselves discussing their With a project cost of
launched last year by Chip mission, their specific action $80,000, HopeHouse plans to
Gaines, one half of the famous plans to make it happen and how remodel the structure for use
power couple behind the hit much money they would need to as a home for pregnant inmates
HGTV show “Fixer Upper.” accomplish it. participating in the ReMerge jail-
According to the Chipstarter. Rhonda Hefton, a founding diversion program.
com website, Gaines came up board member of HopeHouse Hefton said she asked Brandy
with the idea for the competi- OKC, said she has been a fan of Romine, HopeHouse’s program
tion while working on his book the Gaineses and their renova-
“Capital Gaines.” The prem- tion reality show since it began. SEE CONTEST, 2D

After massacre, painstaking and painful care for the dead

BY ADAM GELLER traces of the 11 people the body until burial. In
The Associated Press killed in the deadliest a ritual known as tahara,
attack against Jews in the remains are carefully
PITTSBURGH — As the U.S. history. washed and placed in a
first funerals for the vic- “The Jewish law is that white shroud. Jewish law
tims of the Pittsburgh everything that belonged mandates that the burial
massacre began, two to the body needs to be take place as soon as pos-
rabbis and five other vol- buried, so we do our sible.
unteers approached the best,” one of the group’s But the scale of the
sawhorses cordoning off leaders, Rabbi Elisar violence wreaked by a
the Tree of Life syna- Admon, said Tuesday. gunman on Oct. 27 has
gogue, and an FBI agent The work is meticulous placed an extraordinary
led them into the crime and mentally taxing, car- responsibility on those
scene. Inside the des- ried out with implements dedicated to this work, all
ecrated temple, the men as ordinary as wipes and volunteers. The victims
donned white forensic paper towels. included one of their own,
coveralls, face masks and Judaism is very specific Jerry Rabinowitz, a doctor
gloves, and set to work. about death and how it who had worked with the
Judaism asks the living should be handled, what- group in the past to pre-
to take special care of the ever the circumstances. pare bodies for burial.
dead, and this group had When a loved one dies, Recovering and pre-
a last, sacred duty to ful- religious law requires paring a body for burial
fill: gather up every drop that representatives of A makeshift memorial stands Monday outside the Tree of Life synagogue in the aftermath
of blood and other bodily the living accompany SEE MASSACRE, 3D of a deadly shooting at the Pittsburgh house of worship. [AP PHOTO]

CONTACT The Oklahoman Features Department • Website: Vacation stops/subscription questions: 405-478-7171,
US P.O. Box 25125, Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Gift Goes On event to aid adoption fund


BETHANY — More than 100 children

have found families through the Karis
Adoption Fund, which provides funds
to Christian families adopting children
both domestically and internationally.
A holiday shopping event called The
Gift Goes On is a fundraiser for the spe-
cial fund. The 2018 event is set for 6 to
9 p.m. Tuesday at The Cube at Council
Road Baptist Church, 7903 NW 30.
Shoppers will be assisting the Karis
cause with every purchase because a
portion of the proceeds will go to the
adoption fund.
For the second year in a row, Katie
Harder will set up a booth at The Gift
Goes On. At her booth, called Miles to
Millie, she sells handmade items — like
body scrubs, candles and lip balms —
made by the Harder family.
Harder and her husband, Matt, and
their two sons are anxiously waiting
to hear about the arrival of their new
daughter from China.
“Millie is the name we have chosen
for her (their adopted daughter), and we
would travel as many miles as it takes to
meet her!” Harder said.
Karis has awarded the Harders a
matching grant toward their adoption
expenses. The Harder family’s Miles to Millie booth is shown at a previous The Gift Goes On holiday shopping event. [PHOTOS PROVIDED]
“My heart began yearning for a
daughter in April of 2017, and God made
it clear to me from the beginning that
it would be through adoption. But how
could two people working in education
afford an adoption? We believe that
adoption is a clear picture of the gospel,
and we have had complete faith that if
we answered the call to adopt, the Lord
would make a way for us financially,”
Katie Harder said.
About 40 vendors are participat-
ing in The Gift Goes On. They will be
selling clothing, jewelry, bath & body
products, hand lettering, decor, leather Holiday decor is among the items sold at
goods, photography, food gifts, coffee the Harder family’s Miles to Millie booth at
and more. A silent auction and a raffle The Gift Goes On holiday shopping event.
also will be held and food trucks will be
on hand. grants or no-interest loans for an adop-
Idea comes from Scripture Wilsie said $75,000 was raised
through The Gift Goes On last year. The
The Karis Adoption Fund began in Matt and Katie Harder are shown with their two sons. fundraising goal this year is $85,000.
2012 with support from Council Road There is a suggested $5 donation at the
Baptist. Carisa Wilsie, The Gift Goes from Scripture, which says that God has One adoption can cost a family up door for those who attend The Gift Goes
On and Karis Adoption Fund chair- given the church a mandate to take care to $50,000. Depending on the fam- On. For more information, go to www.
woman, said the fund’s premise comes of orphans. ily’s need, Karis gives grants, matching

Jesus House seeks

donations for
Thanksgiving baskets

The Jesus House has had

a busy year commemorat-
ing its 45th year serving
Oklahoma City’s homeless
and those battling addic-
Now, the charity is seek-
Men pray in a room in the back of a truck. The mobile mosque is equipped with four air ing donations for its annual
conditioners. [PHOTO BY JAPAN NEWS-YOMIURI] Thanksgiving food basket

Mobile mosque
“Last year we were able
to give away more than
1,500 food baskets that

takes ‘omotenashi’
fed more than 6,000 peo-
ple,” said Mike Bateman,
the nonprofit’s executive A woman thanks as volunteer as she accepts a sack of gro-
director. “We’re hoping ceries at the 2017 Thanksgiving food basket distribution at

hospitality everywhere this year to give out 2,500

food baskets to those low-
income families in our
community. The grace of
the Jesus House, 1335 W Sheridan. [PHOTOS BY JIM BECKEL, THE

broth, turkey or chicken 60369 Oklahoma City, OK

BY JAPAN NEWS-YOMIURI places of worship for Islam — one of the God and the love and gen- gravy mixes, instant 73146.
three major religions in the world,” said erosity of the Oklahoma mashed potatoes, canned Food baskets will be dis-
URAYASU, JAPAN — A “mobile mosque” Yasuharu Inoue, head of the Tokyo- City community make it cranberries or cranberry tributed starting at 8 a.m.
was unveiled in Japan’s Chiba Prefec- based committee. “I’m a Buddhist, but I possible for us to reach so sauce, canned yams and Nov. 19 and 20. Distribu-
ture, in late September, with Muslim wanted to create an environment where many in need and make the canned vegetables. Dessert tion will continue both
residents of the Kanto region coming to everyone can say their prayers at ease.” holidays special for every- mixes and pie fillings also days until the designated
say their prayers. Capable of being sent The mosque is expected to be leased to one.” are appreciated. supplies are exhausted.
anywhere, this mosque on wheels was event organizers and dispatched to loca- Also, Jesus house fed 300 Donations may be Those wanting a food bas-
created with an eye on the 2020 Tokyo tions that don’t have sufficient rooms additional needy Oklaho- dropped off from 7 a.m. ket need to provide a state-
Olympics and Paralympics, as well as for prayer, such as gyms, stadiums and mans at the 2017 Commu- to 7 p.m. seven days a issued ID and proof of resi-
other international events that will be tourist facilities. nity Thanksgiving Meal at week at the Jesus House, dence such as a utility bill.
held in Japan. “There were very few places for wor- its facility. 1335 W Sheridan. To For more information,
The mosque looks like an ordinary ship for Muslims and they had to avoid The organization is make a monetary dona- contact Alfreda Doon-
truck, about 39 feet long and about 8 people’s attention when I came to Japan seeking donations of the tion, write “Thanksgiv- keene at 232-7164 or
feet wide when it drives on the road. 30 years ago,” said Sandha Saleem, a following items: frozen ing food baskets” in the visit Jesus House online
Within several minutes of parking, the visitor to the mosque who is from Paki- turkeys or hams, boxed check’s memo line and mail at www.jesushouseokc.
sides expand to the right and left, ren- stan and currently living in Adachi stuffing mix, chicken to Jesus House at P.O. Box org.
dering the truck about six meters wide. Ward, Tokyo. “The number of prayer
The vehicle has now become an approxi- rooms has gradually increased in Japan, Workers
mately 157-square-foot prayer room but even today, there aren’t many. So add more
that can accommodate more than 50 mobile mosques like this will make Mus- turkeys
people at once. lims visiting Japan feel at home,” he said to the
The prayer room has four air condi- after prayers at the mosque. selection
tioners. It’s also equipped with water Since the completion of the mobile at the 2017
tanks and outdoor faucets so the faithful mosque was announced to the press Thanksgiv-
can wash before making their prayers. in July, the executive committee has ing food
A Tokyo-based event organizing com- received inquiries from more than 45 basket
pany and others came up with the idea for countries, and some event organizers distribu-
the mosque, in a bid to provide omote- are considering using it at international tion at
nashi Japanese hospitality for Muslims. events. the Jesus
It was created by the executive commit- “The mobile mosque is seen as very House in
tee for the mobile mosque project. unique to Japan. Surprisingly, it’s get- Oklahoma
“Infrastructure is being improved ting a lot of attention from Islamic coun- City.
to accommodate visitors to Japan of tries, where there are many mosques,”
various nationalities, cultures and reli- Inoue said. The committee has set out to
gions. However, the nation is short of create a second mobile mosque.

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