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Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197 – 204

Frontiers Review
Brain, breathing and breathlessness

A. Guz *
Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, London, W6 8RF, UK

Accepted 17 June 1997


This review attempts to summarize: (i) evidence on how man voluntarily or behaviourally (as in speech) alters
breathing; and (ii) evidence on how the breathlessness induced by CO2 inhalation, is perceived. The application of
new methods to study these problems, e.g. functional brain imaging and transcranial focal brain stimulation, is
summarized. Studies of patients with specific neurological lesions have shed considerable light in this area. The key
requirement for the ponto-medullary respiratory oscillator to be both ‘intact’ and ‘responsive’ for the perception of
CO2-induced air hunger is emphasized. We are ignorant as to how the voluntary/behavioural control system interacts
with the automatic system at any site above the final common pathway of the respiratory anterior horn cells in the
cervical and thoracic spinal cord. The opportunities for further work are outlined. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Brain; Higher centers; Perception; Control of breathing; Breathlessness; Mammals; Man; Speech;

1. The neurology of automatic breathing Automatic breathing originates in the ponto-

medullary respiratory oscillator from which a de-
The objective of this presentation is to review scending bulbo-spinal projection synapses with
recent experimental evidence in man on two sepa- the anterior horn cells in the cervical and thoracic
rate but related subjects: (i) mechanisms underly- spinal cord with projections to the respiratory
ing voluntary or behavioural control of breathing; muscles to cause rhythmic breathing. We now
and (ii) mechanisms underlying the sensation of know from studies in the isolated brain-stem/high
breathlessness. In order to understand the story, it cervical cord preparation from the guinea-pig that
is necessary to examine Fig. 1. the ponto-medullary respiratory oscillator gen-
* Tel.: +44 181 8467337; fax: + 44 181 8467326; e-mail: uinely oscillates automatically and can function without any peripheral feedback but only in the

0034-5687/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 3 4 - 5 6 8 7 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 5 0 - 9
198 A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204

presence of a normal PCO2 and pH, provided the Fig. 1 shows a descending cortico-spinal tract
preparation is kept well oxygenated. This auto- on the left side making synapses with the anterior
matic breathing is what we see in man asleep horn cells of the right diaphragm and intercostals.
(especially in the deep non-rapid-eye-movement Evidence for this tract has been obtained in ani-
(REM) state) or anaesthetized. Proprioceptive af- mals since 1958 (Colle and Massion, 1958;
ferent input from the lungs via the vagus nerve Aminoff and Sears, 1971; Planche, 1972) by stim-
with a synapse in the nucleus of the tractus soli- ulating the frontal lobes and recording an output
tarius can either inhibit or excite the respiratory
oscillator, but there is very little evidence that this
system, thoroughly studied over the last century
(Ullmann, 1970), controls breathing in man with
normal lungs and at rest. Vagal input does be-
come significant in driving breathing, particularly
respiratory frequency, when the lobes of the lungs
are the seat of either inflammation at alveolar
level, collapsed or water-logged. There is also
little evidence that afferent input from the di-
aphragm and intercostal muscles has any influ-
ence on breathing in normal humans at rest.
Afferent input from the carotid body (and to a
minimal extent, the aortic body) excited by hy-
poxia, hypercapnia or acidosis acts via synapses in
the nucleus of the tractus solitarius to excite or
inhibit the respiratory oscillator. Significant chem-
ical control of the oscillator is also exerted at the
medulla via its ventral surfaces or deep within its

2. Anatomy and physiology underlying

voluntary/behavioural breathing

The schematic outline so far does not explain

how man can take a breath at will, nor how Fig. 1. Neurology of breathing. The figure is not drawn to
scale. R, right; L, left; GP, glossopharyngeal nerve; CB,
expiratory airflow can be perfectly controlled to
carotid body; AB, aortic body; V, vagus nerve; P, phrenic
produce phonation. It also does not explain how nerve; I, intercostal nerves; D, diaphragm; LM, leg muscle; pH
emotions can affect breathing. Most importantly, CO2, medullary chemosensitivity to H + and CO2; IN and EN,
it does not explain how breathing increases the inspiratory and expiratory neuronal pools constituting pon-
‘right amount’ during exercise where there would tomedullary respiratory oscillator; M, medulla; NTS, nucleus
of tractus solitarius; PRC, pontine respiratory complex. Two
appear to be no error signal to regulate breathing,
corticospinal tracts are shown. Right, descending tract crosses
in the absence of metabolic acidosis with more pyramidal decussation to synapse in anterior horn cells of left
severe exercise. Such failure to explain essentially L1 − 5 controlling leg movement. Dotted lines to medullary
error-free regulation of a bodily function such as respiratory oscillator symbolically represent irradiation from
the cardio-respiratory response to exercise is now impulse traffic in the corticospinal tract. Left: descending
clear after intensive investigation over the last 25 corticospinal track decussates to synapse on to anterior horn
cells of C3 − 5 and T1 − 12 controlling voluntary or behavioural
years (Somjen, 1992). As a result, concepts such as inspiration and expiration; dotted line to the medullary res-
‘central command’ in physiological studies or ‘feed piratory oscillator represents a probable input from this corti-
forward’ in bioengineering studies, have arisen. cospinal tract.
A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204 199

from the contralateral phrenic motoneurones with flow can be ‘marked’ by the use of isotopes that
a short latency. Evidence in humans was obtained accumulate in such regions, following the distri-
as long ago as 1936 by Foerster (1936); stimula- bution of blood flow; H15 2 O with a half life of 2.1
tion of the exposed motor cortex in humans dur- min, given intravenously is an effective ‘marker’.
ing neurosurgery under local anaesthesia localised Positrons are generated in a known configuration
a site anterior to the ‘chest’ area of Foerster’s that permits anatomical localization with an ap-
homunculus where stimulation resulted in a hic- propriate scanning system. Problems encountered
cup! More recently transcranial electrical stimula- include the requirement to normalize for any as-
tion at the vertex in conscious humans (Gandevia sociated changes in global blood flow. Success has
and Rothwell, 1987) elicited diaphragmatic con- depended on designing an experimental paradigm
tractions with compound action potentials occur- with appropriate controls, so that images of con-
ring 14 ms after stimulation. trasts (between experiment and control) can be
Further studies by our own group (Maskill et generated that eliminate factors including ‘noise’
al., 1991) with transcranial magnetic stimulation common to both.
using a coil with some focussing facility over one The studies to be summarized in this presenta-
motor cortex have shown that compound action tion have all been done in this way and have also
potentials recorded over the contralateral di- averaged the contrasts within a subject and across
aphragm were maximal when the centre of the subjects. Recently, with improved technology, it is
coil (where the highest magnetic flux was present) becoming possible to rely on single-subject stud-
was placed 2–3 cm anterior to the inter-auricular ies. It is difficult to be certain about the sensitivity
plane and 3 cm to one side of the midline. This is of the technique. Furthermore, because of the
approximately where Foerster found stimulation lack of good animal studies, it is impossible to be
effective. The compound action potential was pre- certain about any relationship between the num-
dominantly contralateral, although a small re- ber and firing rate distribution in any group of
sponse was seen on the ipsilateral side; ultrasonic motor or sensory neurones involved and the de-
imaging confirmed that the diaphragmatic twitch gree of ‘activation’ seen in a contrast.
occurred contralaterally and not ipsilaterally. This Our group (Colebatch et al., 1991) has used this
result raises the question of how the two di- technique to identify areas of neuronal activation
aphragms move together? Does the integration associated with volitional inspiration. Such areas
occur within the cervical cord or via the corpus were found: (i) bilaterally in the primary motor
callosum? Another question that can be asked is cortex—superolaterally (where Foerster, 1936
how the voluntary/behavioural system interacts (if and we, Maskill et al., 1991) had previously found
at all) with the automatic ponto-medullary oscilla- optimal sites of stimulation for the diaphragm);
tor? (ii) in the right premotor cortex and in the supple-
mentary motor area; and (iii) in the cerebellum.
These results are analogous to what has been
3. Imaging the brain to elucidate neuronal areas found with similar studies in voluntary limb
concerned with voluntary/behavioural breathing movement.
We have further defined areas of neuronal acti-
Positron emission tomography (PET) allows the vation with volitional expiration against a
non-invasive measurement of regional cerebral threshold load together with passive inspiration
blood flow and has been used to define areas of from a ventilator (Ramsay et al., 1993). Similar
increased neural activity associated with specific areas were activated, as was found in the study on
motor tasks in conscious humans. Regional blood volitional inspiration, with one notable addition:
flow increases when regional O2 consumption in- the right and left primary motor cortices showed
creases, particularly in association with local in- increases in regional cerebral blood flow over
creases in synaptic activity. This increase in blood large areas ventro-laterally well down towards the
200 A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204

Sylvian fissure. It is of extraordinary interest that out language processing. Furthermore the areas
vocalization (or speech arrest) was obtained by activated are similar to the lateral areas defined by
Penfield and Rasmussen (1950) in these areas Penfield and Rasmussen (1950) and Ramsay et al.
when stimulating the exposed motor cortex in (1993).
conscious subjects during neurosurgery.
One cannot speak without control of expiratory
airflow together with appropriate regulation of 4. Is the motor cortex involved in breathing
the laryngeal aperture. The sophisticated nature control during exercise?
of this control in man has been demonstrated by
Draper et al. (1959) during a continuous utterance We still cannot agree on why breathing in-
(counting) when coordinated activity of expira- creases on exercise! The question takes us back to
tory and inspiratory muscles resulted in the pro- the proposal of Krogh and Lindhard (1913) that
duction of a constant subglottic pressure while the motor cortical activation to exercising muscles
thorax and lung were becoming smaller. There might induce increases in breathing via irradiation
has been a great deal of confusion about the areas of either brainstem respiratory centres (Fig. 1, see
of the brain involved in ‘speaking’, presumably dotted lines from right corticospinal tract to pon-
because the act of speaking demands simulta- tomedullary oscillator) or of cortical areas con-
neous control of respiratory, laryngeal and articu- trolling respiratory muscles. Could these cortical
latory systems, together with the involvement of areas, described in Section 3, be shown to be
language centres in the dominant hemisphere. Our active during exercise? Recently, we (Fink et al.,
group (Murphy et al., 1996) have designed a 1995) have been able to show, with modest leg
paradigm that minimizes language processing. exercise in normal adult subjects lying with their
Any such processing, if present, is common to all heads in a PET scanner, that there is indeed
the experimental conditions. The phrase ‘Buy evidence of activation in the left and right supero-
Bobby a Poppy’ has been continuously repeated lateral primary motor cortices in areas previously
in four ways while scanning the brain: (A) spoken shown to be associated with volitional breathing.
aloud, (B) mouthed silently, (C) vocalized without The activations are still present during the early
articulation (’ah-ahah-ah-ahah’ — vocalized to the post-exercise period when ventilation is still ele-
same rhythm), and (D) thought silently. Contrast- vated but declining. Such results have suggested
ing images from conditions (A) versus (C) and (B) motor cortical involvement in exercise-related hy-
versus (D) highlighted areas associated with artic- perpnoea. Is this one of the forms of irradia-
ulation alone, since control of breathing for tion—at cortical level—suggested by Krogh and
speech was common in the contrasts. Contrast of Lindhard (1913)? Or is this a learned response
images from conditions (A) versus (B) and (C) providing an appropriate amount of central com-
versus (D) highlighted areas associated with the mand?
control of breathing for speech and vocalization
since articulation was common in the contrasts.
Bilateral symmetrical activations were found lat- 5. The ‘Curse of Ondine’ and the ‘Locked-in
erally in the sensorimotor cortex to be concerned Syndrome’: clinical lessons
with articulation. Similar bilateral activations
were found in the sensorimotor and motor cor- These studies provide some physiological basis
tices concerned with control of breathing for for the voluntary/behavioural aspects of breathing
speech and vocalization. They were close to, but as opposed to the automatic ponto-medullary
distinct from, the areas activated with articula- breathing. Fig. 1 shows a dotted line from the left
tion. Broca’s area in the inferior frontal gyrus of corticospinal tract for volitional breathing which
the dominant hemisphere was never seen to be represents a probable input into the respiratory
activated. These findings emphasize the bilateral oscillator. Experiments in the cat (Orem and Net-
nature of the cerebral control of ‘speaking’ with- tick, 1986; Orem, 1988) suggest that voluntary or
A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204 201

behavioural influences are integrated within the are anatomically separate from the corticobulbar
brainstem areas that house the automatic ponto- pathways. Such patients give us the opportunity
medullary oscillator. In humans, evidence comes to study the function of the ‘isolated’ pon-
from clinical studies of patients with defined tomedullary oscillator and its intact bulbospinal
brainstem lesions (Plum and Leigh, 1981), or very tract to the muscles of breathing. Ventilatory
high cervical cord lesions (Lahuerta et al., 1992; sensitivity to inhaled carbon dioxide is normal
Severinghaus and Mitchell, 1962). The syndrome with associated breathlessness. However, if resting
of particular interest is that of ‘Ondine’s Curse’; PCO2 is lowered (with mechanical ventilation) by
these patients lack automatic breathing when as little as 1–3 mmHg, breathing ceases (Hey-
drowsy or asleep, but breathe apparently nor- wood et al., 1996). This occurs in intact humans
mally when awake and can breathe normally to during deep non-REM sleep (Datta et al., 1991).
command. Evidence strongly suggests that bulbo- It does not occur in intact humans awake, al-
spinal fibres run separately and more anterolater- though breathing becomes irregular in both rate
ally in the cord than the relevant corticospinal and depth while PCO2 returns to normal levels
fibres. There is, however, no evidence in humans (Corfield et al., 1995a). Do these findings imply
about integration of corticospinal control with that higher-centre (cortical) input into the brain-
bulbospinal control at the brainstem level. What stem oscillator is occurring normally when awake
happens to the pontomedullary respiratory oscil- at rest to keep breathing stable but irregular? Is
lator when a person takes a breath without chang- this the wakefulness ‘drive to breathe’ (Fink,
ing the arterial PCO2? 1961)?
The congenital Ondine’s curse syndrome has
now been well studied in children. These patients
have ineffective chemical regulation of breathing 6. The sensation of breathlessness; focus on ‘air
and either severely hypoventilate or do not hunger’ induced by CO2
breathe at all during sleep. Awake, the level of
spontaneous breathing is adequate and during An up-to-date review of this subject has been
steady-state moderate exercise — below the level published as a multi-author volume in 1996
of lactate accumulation — ventilation is raised ap- (Adams and Guz, 1996). It would not be appro-
propriately so that the prevailing level of PCO2 is priate to summarize this here. Breathlessness is
maintained (Shea et al., 1993b). We do not know not a uniform sensation, it has many different
why this happens! What is the meaning of needing qualities (Simon et al., 1990). I shall focus on the
to be awake to breathe? Are these children breath- sensation of ‘air hunger’ or the ‘urge to breathe’.
ing when awake, at rest or while exercising, with This sensation typically occurs in subjects given
their corticospinal tracts? carbon dioxide to breathe or made to exercise
Breathing at rest has a considerable degree of when breathing discomfort is further described by
variability from moment to moment. A lesion in such phrases as ‘could not breathe fast or deep
the ventral pons and lower midbrain involving enough’ or ‘could not get enough air’ or ‘suffocat-
motor tracts to the rest of the body will remove ing’. There would appear to be an enhanced res-
all voluntary control of muscle movement, except piratory drive normally manifested by an increase
for elevation of the eyes; this is the ‘locked-in in neural output to the muscles of breathing.
syndrome’ (Heywood et al., 1996; Munschauer et Increasing clinical evidence over the last few
al., 1990). Sensation is intact. Breathing is normal years suggests that it is not the neural output to
but very regular, maintaining a normal PCO2; vol- the muscles of breathing that is particularly rele-
untary effort to change breathing has no effect vant to the genesis of the air hunger sensation.
but emotion will disrupt breathing. Maintenance The key requirement would appear to be an intact
of emotional influences on breathing in the ab- brainstem automatic respiratory controller that
sence of voluntary control shows that emotional can respond to stimulation. The evidence is shown
(presumably limbic) pathways to the brainstem below.
202 A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204

1. Totally curarized unsedated subjects have not yet been demonstrated. A recent PET study
been mechanically ventilated while end-tidal (alve- (Corfield et al., 1995b) has now identified areas of
olar) PCO2 has been varied by changing the in- probable neuronal activation extending from the
spired PCO2 (Banzett et al., 1990). When the upper brainstem, up through the midbrain, hypo-
end-tidal PCO2 was raised from a median of 35 thalamus and thalamus in humans, while breath-
mmHg, at which the subjects were comfortable, to less as a result of elevated end-tidal PCO2 raised
a median of 44 mmHg, all reported severe air from 40 to 50 mmHg. In addition, activation of
hunger. The subjects reported no fundamental the limbic system (cingulate gyrus, parahippocam-
difference in the sensation during paralysis or, as pus, hippocampus, fusiform gyrus and insula) was
a control, before paralysis. Both experiment and present; this may be relevant to the unpleasant-
control were done while ventilation was kept con- ness of the air hunger sensation. Activation of the
stant with a mechanical ventilator. limbic system, particularly the anterior cingulate
2. Ventilator-dependent quadriplegics with the gyrus, has been noted when heat pain becomes so
lesion as high as C1 − 2 could sense the typical ‘air intense as to be unpleasant (Talbot et al., 1991).
hunger’ when the end-tidal carbon dioxide was
raised as in the paralysis study above (Banzett et
al., 1989). Here, the brainstem respiratory oscilla- 7. Focus on sensations induced from the lung
tor is presumably intact, but its activity, at rest or
when stimulated, cannot be transmitted via the There is clear need to scan the brain for activa-
bulbospinal fibres to the anterior horn cells of the tions that are likely to occur with afferent vagal
respiratory musculature. input from the lungs. This could include a study
3. Children with the congenital central hy- of the ‘raw’ sensation in the chest provoked by
poventilation syndrome (curse of Ondine, see Sec- irritating the airways and also the sensation that
tion 5) neither have a ventilatory response to may be evoked by activation of c-fibres from the
hypercapnia nor experience any air hunger sensa- lung, as is likely to occur in pulmonary oedema.
tion (Shea et al., 1993a,b). It should be noted that The difficulties of doing such studies would ap-
the entire brain, including the sensory cortex, is pear to be immense, but were they to be accom-
experiencing hypercapnia, but there are no res- plished, richly rewarding.
piratory sensations. These children can also vol-
untarily hold their breath for an inordinate length
of time without any apparent urge to breathe. 8. Conclusion
4. A patient with the locked-in syndrome (Hey-
wood et al., 1996) with intact and regular auto- We are at a very early stage in trying to under-
matic breathing, has a normal ventilatory stand how higher brain centres can control
response to the inhalation of carbon dioxide with breathing and experience breathlessness in hu-
the normal associated air hunger. The sensory mans. New methods have now made these studies
pathways are intact. possible.

Although this clinical evidence is weighty, it is

essential to ask how the activation of an intact Acknowledgements
pontomedullary respiratory oscillator can be
sensed. Recent work in the cat (Chen et al., 1992) I am deeply grateful to my colleagues in the
has shown respiratory-associated firing of both Department of Medicine at Charing Cross and
midbrain, hypothalamic and thalamic neurons re- Westminster Medical School (especially Professor
lated to respiratory drive and entirely dependent Lewis Adams) and also to my colleagues at the
on an intact connection with the medulla. There MRC Cycloctron Unit, Royal Postgraduate Med-
may, therefore, be an afferent pathway from the ical School, London, for their close interaction
oscillator up to the sensory cortex, but this has with me over many years. Thanks are also ex-
A. Guz / Respiration Physiology 109 (1997) 197–204 203

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