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Diego Lara

Ximena Aguilera

Biology SL

October 28, 2018

Lab Report

We will experimented with one of the many senses human beings have, the sense of

smelling. It consists on testing if the smelling sense sensibility is different on men and

women, we varied different materials for the people we tested on, we made them smell

different things that had very different tones of smell. In the course of the experiment our

experimentation group said that the results would not vary on gender and thought that the

way people perceive different smells. The sense of smelling has one very important organ

the nose, the nose allows different odors to penetrate from the outside and the olfactory

receptors in the nostrils perceive and differentiate various odors. The purpose of this

experiment is to find out if gender applies to smelling capacity and to achieve this we will

be be needing rubbing alcohol, sunscreen, cream and jalapenos. Our hypothesis states that a

person’s gender (Men or Women) is related with how people’s sense of smelling differs.

How can smelling sense vary depending on gender?


We experimented with men and women, we covered the persons eyes with a piece

of cloth and we approached the different smelling materials for them to try to identify each

one of them, we got results based on how many smells each one of them identified and

guessed it correctly. Our dependent variable in this experiment were the different smells we

used for the people to smell, and our independent variable is the gender of the person that is

smelling the material. We used the same amount of every material for each of the

individuals being tested this with the purpose of making the experiment precise, we used

twelve subjects to experiment with, six were man and six were woman, all of them are

around 17 to 18 years old. We made them smell each material and asked them to make a

guess on what was that they were smelling then we we repeated the process of smelling on
each subject at least twice so the experiment is accurate in result. To find out the sensitivity

each individual we observed the individual’s reaction to the material they were smelling, in

order to achieve this we continued to repeat the experiment several times on different

subjects both man and woman. Some smelling material were stronger than others and many

of the individuals were not able to recognize very common smelling material which told us

that the experiment, we decided to test me to see if the result could be ambiguous or

accurate depending on the individual’s sense of smelling, when the sunscreen smell

approached my nose I was not able to recognize, I found this very curious because

sunscreen is a very common thing I tend to use very often so we said that it depends a lot

on the individual.


 Rubbing Alcohol

 VapoRub

 Hands Cream

 Sunscreen

 Coffee

 Spoon

 Cloth

 Pencil

 Pen

 Notebook

After we finished the experiment we concluded that gender does/ does not play a

role the smelling sense rate of a human being. The experiment was rather accurate because

every individual tested was used the same amount of material for each one of them and we

got results to back up our hypothesis. It is good to say that the experiment was a success

because we acquired the answers to all of our questions.

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