Practice Problems: Notation

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Practice Problems

Antennas and Propagation (AA. 2017-2018)

April 26, 2018.

A source is placed at the origin of

a reference system, Fig. 1, and radiates in free space at f0 = 3 GHz.
ŷ+ 3ẑ
The source consists of a p̂ = 2 directed electric dipole of length de = λ/50, excited by a magnetic
current Ie = 1 A. Find the explicit expressions of the total radiated electric and magnetic far fields.



Figure 1: Geometry of the Problem.

In the following pages you can find the solutions of the various problems included in this test. Through-
out this document, vectors are written in bold type. x̂, ŷ, ẑ represent the unit vectors in a cartesian
reference system; r̂, θ̂, φ̂ are the unit vectors in a spherical reference system.

The field radiated by an elementary electric dipole directed along the unitary vector p̂ is given by

e−jkr e−jkr  
E = −jkζ0 r̂ × (N × r̂) = −jkζ0 Nθ θ̂ + Nφ φ̂
4πr 4πr
e−jkr e−jkr  
H = −jk r̂ × N = −jk −Nφ θ̂ + Nθ φ̂
4πr 4πr
in which
N = Ie de p̂
and therefore
Nθ = Ie de p̂ · θ̂ Nφ = Ie de p̂ · φ̂
Recalling that
x̂ = sin θ cos φ r̂ + cos θ cos φ θ̂ − sin φ φ̂
Remember: you may not work on the exam with anyone else, ask anyone questions, or consult textbooks, notes or sites
on the Web for answers. You can consult only notes provided by the instructor during the assignment.

Antennas and Propagation (AA. 2017-2018): Practice Problems

ŷ = sin θ sin φ r̂ + cos θ sin φ θ̂ + cos φ φ̂

ẑ = cos θ r̂ − sin θ θ̂
one gets √ √
sin θ sin φ + 3 cos θ cos θ sin φ − 3 sin θ cos φ
p̂ = r̂ + θ̂ + φ̂
2 2 2
Therefore the electric dipole directed along p̂ and placed at the origin of the reference system radiates
the following field
" √ #
e−jkr cos θ sin φ − 3 sin θ cos φ
E = −jkζ0 Ie de θ̂ + φ̂
4πr 2 2
" √ #
e−jkr cos φ cos θ sin φ − 3 sin θ
H = −jk Ie de − θ̂ + φ̂
4πr 2 2
One could get the same result by considering the superposition of a de long y-directed electric

1 3
fed with a current Iy = 2 A, and a de long z-directed eletric dipole, fed with a current Iz = 2 A . The
y-directed dipole radiates the field

e−jkr Ie h i
E1 = −jkζ0 de cos θ sin φ θ̂ + cos φ φ̂
4πr 2
e−jkr Ie h i
H1 = −jk de − cos φ θ̂ + cos θ sin φ φ̂
4πr 2
The z-directed dipole radiates √
e−jkr 3Ie
E2 = jkζ0 de sin θ θ̂
4πr 2

e−jkr 3Ie
H2 = jk de sin θ φ̂
4πr 2
Therefore " √ #
e−jkr cos θ sin φ − 3 sin θ cos φ
E = E1 + E2 = −jkζ0 Ie de θ̂ + φ̂
4πr 2 2
" √ #
e−jkr cos φ cos θ sin φ − 3 sin θ
H = H1 + H2 = −jk Ie de − θ̂ + φ̂
4πr 2 2

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