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Name CWID Subject Area

Crystal Sanchez 890861149 English
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Comprehension/ Literature I Context and Inferences Lord of the Flies 9 60
This class of 9th graders is composed of 30 students; there are a few more girls in the class than boys. The class includes a few English Learners who
are in the Bridging stage of their learning. The class is generally in an intermediate level of learning; it is not too advanced but not too far behind in
understanding and grasping the proper material. The class takes place right after lunchtime, so students are usually really rowdy when coming in to
learn, so it is best to harness their energy and focus immediately upon entering class. Having students discuss and share is really encouraged in the
beginning of class, since they are still eager to talk with friends. Eventually they wind down towards the end of the class session, so it is best at this
time to have them work individually on written assignments at the end. The classroom is located on the second floor of a building, overlooking the
school parking lot. Students may sometimes get distracted when they look out the window, which is why the teacher has chosen to place movie
and book posters over the windows, so that students’ attention may be drawn back to the class lesson. The class environment is really warm and
comfortable; students’ past work decorate the walls and certain bookshelves. There is also a reading nook in one corner of the class with two full
bookshelves, a reading lamp, and a cushioned chair. The classroom environment really encourages an interest and comfort in reading and writing.
CCSS Math, CCSS ELA & Literacy History/Social Studies, Science and
English Language Development Standards (ELD)
Technical Subjects, NGSS, and Content Standards
“Apply knowledge of language to understand
how language functions in different contexts, to
make effective choices for meaning or style,
and to comprehend more fully when reading or
listening.” CCR Anchor Standards. Gr.9-10. L3. “Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions,
sustaining conversations on a variety of age and
“Determine the meaning of words and phrases grade-appropriate academic topics by following
as they are used in the text, including turn-taking rules, asking and answering relevant,
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze on-topic questions, affirming others, and providing
the cumulative impact of specific word choices coherent and well-articulated comments and
on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language additional information.” Gr.9: P1. A1. Br.
evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a
formal or informal tone).” CCSS ELA & Literacy
History/ Social Studies. Gr.9-10. RL 4.
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
1. To apply previous experience and knowledge, and draw
connections and conclusions with the text, in order to
understand how language functions in various contexts. 1. Graphic Organizer Handout.
2. To collaborate in peer conversations and classify the meaning
of words and phrases, and determine how the figurative and 2. Peer Vocabulary Teaching.
connotative meanings contribute to the understanding of the
text. 3. Cloze Assessment.
3. To analyze context clues, arrange ideas, and synthesize
comprehension of the text by referring to vocabulary and
Type Purpose/Focus of Assessment Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
EL To draw inferences based on Students will be asked to draw Students will receive feedback The teacher will be informed as
students’ prior knowledge and inferences through the Graphic during the class discussion, as to how to model and introduce
on the video that was showed Organizer Handout. Students they hear from their peers and the concept of making
to them earlier in the class will be able to work individually as the teacher models and inferences. It is vital to see
session. on this assessment, and then guides them to the proper way what different, personal
be given the opportunity to of making inferences. experiences students bring to
discuss with the rest of the their learning, which then help
class how they came about them make conclusions. The
their conclusions. This assessment will allow the
teacher to see how the
discussion needs to be guided
assessment will include written
and also understand which
and oral aspects in class.
videos are more relevant to the
The assessment will allow the
teacher to see if working in a
Students will be able to
group is best for decision-
communicate, think critically, Students will receive feedback
To communicate and explain making skills that focus on
and collaborate with Peer through the group discussion.
students’ ideas and context and comprehension.
Vocabulary Teaching. They will They will be given the
connections to their peers, and Guiding the students as to how
share and discuss which opportunity to share their
PM to share and discuss which to choose certain “buzz-words”
vocabulary words strengthen chosen vocabulary words,
vocabulary words strengthen will also be very important.
their understanding of the which will then be submitted
their understanding of the The teacher will be able to
novel. Students will be able to to the teacher, who will then
novel. observe whether the students’
work in groups during this oral, take these into account.
choice of words enhances their
in-class assessment.
overall understanding of the
With this assessment, the
Because this assessment is
Students will demonstrate their teacher will be able to see how
To demonstrate an written, students will receive
comprehension of the text with students implemented what
understanding of context by feedback on how many words
a Cloze Assessment. They will they learned from making
making inferences and looking were correctly completed
be able to show their inferences and choosing
S to vocabulary cues. To show through the Cloze Assessment.
understanding of the novel’s vocabulary words. The teacher
that students fully comprehend They will receive points and a
ideas and concepts individually, will understand how students
the selected readings of the letter grade depending on how
and in a written, in-class are making context and
novel. many correct words have been
manner. comprehension connections to
filled in.
fill in the blanks.
Instructional Strategies
Quick Write. Students will begin the class session by drawing upon their prior knowledge and personal experience to answer a question written on
the whiteboard. By answering the question to the best of their ability, the teacher will be able to see how much students understand about a
certain topic. This strategy will also enable students to prepare their minds to focus on learning the new material.

Graphic Organizer Handout. Students will be able to synthesize their initial impressions and understanding of the class material by writing down
their ideas and conclusions of the topic. The strategy also allows students to become familiar with the text and its concepts.

Peer Vocabulary Teaching. With this strategy, students will be able to collaborate and discuss their ideas with their peers. Connotative and
figurative meanings of words will be studied and shared through the students since they are not only actively processing new vocabulary words, but
also exercising their critical thinking and decision-making skills in choosing certain words that enhance their understanding of the text.

Cloze Assessment. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of context clues, new vocabulary, and inferences with this strategy. They will fully
synthesize all of their skills learned so far in the lesson, and will demonstrate their comprehension of how words fit together to develop coherent
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does
As students enter the class, their attention will be drawn by the
teacher to complete a Quick Write, in which the question will be Students will complete the Quick Write to the best of their ability,
placed on the board. After 5 minutes of writing, the teacher will and contribute to the class discussion when the teacher asks
then collect the work, and assess prior knowledge by asking about Great Britain to assess prior knowledge. Students will then
20 min. students what they know about Great Britain after the end of watch the Cold War video and begin to think about how this will
WWII. After the brief class discussion, the teacher will introduce relate to their upcoming reading. For the last 10 minutes of the
the Crash Course video on the Cold War. The Graphic Organizer Lesson Intro, students will be given the Graphic Organizer
Handout will then be given out to introduce students to Lord of Handout to work quietly on their own.
the Flies, before they actually delve into the text.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
30 min. For the first 5 minutes, the teacher will guide a class discussion Students will be asked to participate and give input to the class
revolving around the answers that students put down for their discussion. They will reflect on their answers and inferences
Graphic Organizer Handout. Then the teacher will separate the made during this activity. As they are separated into groups,
students into 5 groups of 6 and have them read pages 7-12 of students will then read quietly alongside their group members,
Lord of the Flies for the next 10 minutes, asking them to write writing down any vocabulary words that captures their interest.
down any words of interest during their reading. The last 15 After understanding how Peer Vocabulary Teaching works,
minutes the teacher will explain Peer Vocabulary Teaching and students will then work together with their peers to come up with
ask students to come up with a list of 10 vocabulary words that
a list of 10 “buzz-words” that help them understand the content.
help their reading comprehension.
Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
After their reading and discussion, the teacher will have groups
quickly share their choice of words and collect the list of 10
vocabulary words from each group, so that they may be placed
onto a word-wall at another time. These vocabulary words will be Students will choose one member of their group to share their list
explicitly addressed in another lesson. The teacher will then of vocabulary words. If a word continuously comes up from other
10 min. review and provide students with the Cloze Assessment to wrap groups, it becomes a “Golden buzz-word.” After sharing, students
up the class session. Since students have already done a Cloze review how to complete a Cloze Assessment and refer to their
Assessment previously, the teacher will only need to model it comprehension skills in order to complete this one.
briefly so that students remember how to complete it and also
ensure that students do not have their books open to complete
the activity.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia
The question for the Quick-Write, the Graphic Organizer, directions for the Peer Vocabulary Reading, and the Cloze Assessment are attached in
another document labeled “Lord of the Flies Handouts.”

Below is also included the YouTube link for the introductory Crash-Course video on the Cold War:

Co-Teaching Strategies

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Striving Readers will be able to
English Learners in the class will work and collaborate together
Advanced Students will be
be grouped up together with during the group discussions. Students with special needs will be
grouped up with English Learners
Advanced Students for the Peer They will not only have the given the opportunity to work and
so that they are able to develop
Vocabulary Reading, so that the opportunity to receive peer contribute to the class in a variety
tutoring skills. Since these
Advanced Students may guide the feedback, but they will also be of manners, depending on their
students are already doing really
English Learners directly for this able to help each other out in situation. There is class
well in the class, it would be best
activity. The activity will be certain reading comprehension discussion, group discussion, and
to have them guide and help those
broken down into smaller areas. Where one Striving Reader individual work being applied to
who struggle learning the
segments so that the students do excels, the other may be the lesson so that all students’
material. This builds trust and
not feel overwhelmed and are struggling, and so the group needs are being met at different
confidence for both English
able to work together at a good discussions will allow them to points in the lesson.
Learners and Advanced Students.
pace. work together and support each
other’s learning.
The lesson plan was prepared with the focus of students’ reading comprehension in mind. Seeing how students struggle with finding concepts and
principles in novels is something that was really motivating, and I thought the best way to have students develop their comprehension and
analytical skills was to have them be able to draw inferences based on context and vocabulary. By having the ability to make inferences, students
are not only demonstrating their ideas towards the text, but they are also engaging and interacting with the material. They are able to make
connections and relate to the overall content of the subject. I chose to start the class with a Quick-Write and video, so that students’ learning
process may be brought to focus, and so that they may also develop a genuine interest in the material. The Crash Course video was chosen in
particular because it is appealing to secondary students, and it is also educational; with the video, students are able to learn the historical context of
the novel, and better understand any arising themes and principles presented through the text. The Graphic Organizer Handout is meant to
prepare and introduce students to the text. By presenting them with a short excerpt of the novel, students’ interests are piqued since they are
drawing upon their own experience to figure out what is going on in the context of the story. The Peer Vocabulary Reading was chosen in particular
so that students would be able to collaborate with their peers and share ideas; their analytical, critical-thinking, and decision-making skills are
implemented through their discussions in choosing vocabulary words that help their comprehension of the text. With this strategy, students are
able to understand the text on their own terms because they are giving the freedom to choose how to learn the material and ideas. The Cloze
Assessment provides the opportunity for students to put together all that they have learned in the lesson so far: inferences based on personal
experience and ideas, and context clues that contribute to vocabulary. Overall, the lesson was formed with different types of students kept in mind;
while some work and learn best during class discussions, others excel with either group or individual work, which is why I chose to implement all
three types into this lesson.

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